Dream interpretation of excitement. “Why do you dream about being excited? If you see Excited in a dream, what does it mean? Psychological aspects of erection of the male penis in a dream

09.07.2019 Health

This dream suggests that there is no person nearby whom you can rely on. All the problems that arise in front of you have to be solved on your own. Loneliness has long become a constant companion of a person in modern world. The gap separating people becomes an insurmountable obstacle to achieving agreement and normal relations. It seems as if everyone speaks different languages. The loss of the meaning of existence and one's individuality inevitably brings, according to many scientists, the end of human civilization.

Despite this seemingly catastrophic state of affairs, not all is lost. For example, Carl Jung, Freud's student and founder analytical psychology, argued that there was a way out of the situation in which a person had the misfortune to find himself. It lies in the fact that everyone strives to become a full-fledged person. And this is only possible if a person strives for self-knowledge, because we often, turning our gaze to knowledge of reality, forget about our internal self-improvement and knowledge. Dreams, according to psychoanalysts, precisely contribute to these positive cognitive aspirations.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Excite someone

You feel that something is missing in your life, and this puts pressure on you and brings a feeling of uncertainty. Perhaps those feelings that are hidden in your soul are eager to manifest themselves fully. But, unfortunately, they have not yet found fields for implementation. In the words of psychoanalysis, your libido is looking for an object to which it could transfer the psychic energy that overwhelms it.

If you had a dream that you are exciting someone, the obvious fact is that you are trying to attract a certain person, to make him much closer to you than he is now. The melancholy of not being able to be near this person places a heavy burden on the unconscious, so it is no coincidence that in a state of sleep it breaks into consciousness, disturbing peace and irritating the mind, which does not want to know about the presence of libido. Nevertheless, he has to follow his inner voice, and this, in our opinion, is a positive fact of human existence.

The irresponsibility of libidinal impulses, reflected in dreams, requires compensation or a full-fledged reaction on the part of consciousness in order to bring the psyche to a position where all its components will not cross each other’s boundaries. Only in this case can a person be considered mentally healthy, and the interpretation of dreams plays an important role in achieving mental health.

Interpretation of dreams from

Orgasm is highest degree satisfaction of a person, which develops during the period of the end of sexual intercourse. An orgasm in a dream can be considered nocturnal emission. In men, it is manifested by involuntary ejaculation (ejaculation), which is usually provoked by erotic dreams or fantasies. Women who experience orgasm during sleep are characterized by the release of secretions from the Bartholin (genital) glands. Orgasm during sleep during pregnancy is observed both in the early stages and in the last trimester, and is a completely physiological phenomenon.

Unintentional ejaculation during sleep

According to statistics conducted based on a survey by scientists at Kinsey University, 37% of women experienced orgasm in their dreams, while males encountered this situation in 83% of cases. It is worth noting that from total number 100% of men and 70% of women had erotic dreams, during which 18% of the total number of respondents experienced orgasm for the first time in a dream.

Nocturnal emissions in women

Nocturnal female emissions are the secretion of secretions from the gonads and the achievement of orgasm, as a result of which the muscles of the uterus and vagina contract. In girls, this condition occurs upon reaching puberty and the onset of menstruation. This process is considered physiological and is a sign of normal sexual development of a woman.

The following factors may contribute to this condition:

  1. Erotic dreams. Dreams of such content in females are no less a significant reason for achieving orgasm than in males. Long-term sexual abstinence. Not having sex for a long period of time can lead to hyperexcitability, which goes to the subconscious level and leads to orgasm.
  2. Dissatisfaction with partner. The consequence of a female orgasm in a dream may be its absence during sex with a man.
  3. Masturbation. Young girls who engage in self-satisfaction before bed most often experience this state as a result of erotic fantasies.

Orgasm in a dream can happen as a result of erotic dreams

Most young girls experience orgasm during sleep during ovulation (the release of an egg) and the first day of their period. Scientists say that to this day they cannot find a connection between these processes.

Nocturnal emissions during pregnancy can occur at different periods. Some women experience it in their dreams early(9-12 weeks), others feel this pleasure in the last trimester of pregnancy or just before giving birth.

The reasons for the development of this condition during pregnancy:

  • fetal pressure on the muscles and receptors of the genital organs;
  • long-term abstinence from sex;
  • increased levels of sex hormones.

A pregnant girl should be wary of wet dreams only if they lead to pain in the lower abdomen.

This condition, which occurs in pregnant girls with pregnancy complications (hypertonicity of the uterus), often leads to the development of premature labor. In this case, a pregnant woman may give birth earlier than her due date.

Orgasm during sleep during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes

A pathological emission in women is considered to be one that causes the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • memory impairment;
  • irritability;
  • decreased appetite;
  • insomnia.

If the above complaints occur, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, since frequent orgasms during sleep in girls can cause anorgasmia (the inability to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse). In severe cases, deep neurosis can occur.

Treatment of pathological female emissions involves the use of sedatives and possibly hypnotherapy. Consultations with a sex therapist and neuropsychiatrist are also indicated.

Male nocturnal emissions

Nocturnal emission in men is called involuntary erection and ejaculation during sleep. Orgasm during sleep among representatives of the stronger sex is considered a physiological process and contributes to the normal functioning of the gonads. Periodic evacuation of sperm prevents its stagnation in the testicles and seminiferous tubules. This prevents the development of diseases of the genital organs of a stagnant nature.

Why do men ejaculate in their sleep? This is served by:

  1. Reaching reproductive age. The onset of puberty in boys occurs, on average, at 12-16 years of age. One of the signs of reproductive age is uncontrollable orgasm during sleep. This promotes normal maturation of the genital organs. The absence of a wet dream in a boy under 18 years of age (in the absence of sexual activity) is an abnormal process that requires consultation with a doctor. Young men experience orgasm during sleep 1-2 times in 7 days; with age, this phenomenon becomes less and less common. By the age of 30, you can usually experience up to 2-3 orgasms per month.
  2. Erotic dreams. Erotic dreams are no less significant reasons for nocturnal orgasms. At the same time, a man in a dream can make love not with his wife, but with a completely different woman. Orgasm after such dreams usually causes some anxiety in males. But this phenomenon in this case is the norm, since the cause here is most often sexual arousal on the eve of sleep, for example, after watching erotic films or the emergence of libido.

Ejaculation can occur due to strong arousal during erotic sleep

The appearance of anxiety and shame in adolescents can be a consequence of a wet dream. The reason for such experiences is usually ignorance of male physiology. In this case, parents of teenagers need to explain to them the entire mechanism of development of this condition.

Pathological emission is uncontrolled ejaculation more than 3-4 times a week.

A man in such a situation needs to understand that this is not normal and he needs the help of a specialist. Also indications for seeing a doctor are:

  • streaks of blood in semen;
  • headache and fatigue;
  • sexual dysfunction.

Most often, frequent nocturnal emissions are a symptom of a disease. They may be:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area;

Inflammation of the genitourinary system can cause frequent nocturnal emissions

  • phimosis;
  • tumors of the genital organs;
  • pathological processes in the brain or spinal cord.

Wet dreams that bother a man more than once a night can lead to decreased libido, weak erection, and ultimately, infertility.

Human sleep tends to have a cyclical characteristic. When dreaming, a person's eyeballs begin to move uncontrollably - this type of dream is called paradoxical. Such dreams occur one and a half to two hours after going to bed. A person falls asleep, and after one hour and thirty minutes sleep tends to move to the next strengthening level.

Causes of the eruption

After this period of time, the dream stops, and the erection in the dream occurs in a new way, in circular periods. In individuals of the stronger sex who are in the period of paradoxical dreams, the erectile function, and during the entire sleep cycle it does not weaken for a minute. That representative of the stronger half of society, who very rarely engages in sexual intercourse, dreams of sexual intercourse at night.

In addition, a strong erection of the penis can often accompany men after they wake up, this is called a morning erection. The man begins to think that the reason for this phenomenon is an erotic dream or a full bladder. But medical practice shows that everything is much more complicated, putting forward its own assumptions about why men have a phallus at night.

Psychological aspects of erection of the male penis in a dream

Erectile function is inextricably linked with pathogens, during the activity of which the cavernous body of the genital organ is filled with arterial plasma. By this time, blocking the venous outflows can provide stable increases, as well as a nightly stone riser. Signals that the penis is beginning to erect are different kinds origin, but there is no guarantee that this is not a pathology.

During reflex arousal, erectile function is activated due to the fact that direct stimulation of the erect phallus begins. Any caresses, a fleeting touch - these actions can activate a nerve ending, as a result of which certain signals are sent to the brain that the penis is excited, to which it begins to respond with a natural pulsation, which is transmitted through the blood vessels and it stands.

All processes take place subconsciously while the guy is sleeping and last until he wakes up. The psychological factors that cause the penis to stand tense at night are directly related to the performance of the central nervous system of a man’s brain.

Any fantasy, thought, stimulating word, contemplation, that is, peculiar shocks with erotic overtones can lead the male reproductive system to activate the excitation centers of the head center, as a result of which chains of hormonal and also neurogenic changes occur, which leads to sleep becoming excited.

Causes of sexual arousal at night

To date, medical workers have not identified exact reasons night male erection, as well as the one that is transferred to the day. However, there are a number of assumptions.

One of these versions is bladder overflow. During the period of filling the urea, it increases in volume, thus activating pressure on the prostate. As a result, erections occur both at night and during the day.

For many men, it is most convenient to think this way, since this explanation is the most down-to-earth, it has even been relevant for a long period of time, and has only recently become refuted. This is probably simply the reason for the increase in penis size, as well as improved elasticity.

There is also a theory of physiological testing of the functioning of the genitourinary system. According to it, an erection is triggered by the male body, as a test for the correct functioning of the main male mechanisms - the prostate gland, as well as the phallus. That is, during sleep, the entire body system and individual organs are independently tested.

The occurrence of erotic dreams occurs infrequently, because not every day the strong half of society can have a dream of an intimate nature.

Preventive measures to avoid sexual dysfunctions in men

Doctor's recommendations

The human body tends to be one of the most perfect systems invented by nature, since it is able to protect itself, as well as ensure its vitality. IN in this case everything was thought out and justified before us.

In order for the sexual organ to function normally, it must constantly renew its amount of arterial plasma, as well as circulate oxygen. And since a similar phenomenon is activated during penis arousal, doctors strongly recommend maintaining a regular sexual life, which is called the best preventive measure in relation to many pathological phenomena occurring in the area of ​​the urethra.

Pathological phenomena that can affect potency at night

Much more difficult is solving problems with the disappearance of morning or night erectile arousal, when they are caused by various pathologies. The first factor with which doctors associate such diseases is stagnation of pelvic blood, as well as a problem with blood vessels.

In addition, the following negative diseases can affect night potency:

Reasons for this phenomenon
  • the phenomenon of diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases in the thyroid system;
  • hormonal imbalances, especially those related to the production of the hormone testosterone;
  • traumatic injuries to the spinal cord;
  • damage to the spine, displacement of its individual parts;
  • genital injuries, consequences of surgery;
  • frequent administration of medications to the penis area;
  • It is almost impossible to cure the problems described above on your own.

Therefore, an in-depth analysis of the condition of the man’s body is mandatory, as well as drug therapy prescribed by a specialist.

This dream suggests that there is no person nearby whom you can rely on. All the problems that arise in front of you have to be solved on your own. Loneliness has long become a constant companion of a person in the modern world. The gap separating people becomes an insurmountable obstacle to achieving agreement and normal relations. It seems as if everyone speaks different languages. The loss of the meaning of existence and one's individuality inevitably brings, according to many scientists, the end of human civilization.

Despite this seemingly catastrophic state of affairs, not all is lost. For example, Carl Jung, a student of Freud and the founder of analytical psychology, argued that there is a way out of the situation in which a person had the misfortune to find himself. It lies in the fact that everyone strives to become a full-fledged person. And this is only possible if a person strives for self-knowledge, because we often, turning our gaze to knowledge of reality, forget about our internal self-improvement and knowledge. Dreams, according to psychoanalysts, precisely contribute to these positive cognitive aspirations.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Excite someone

You feel that something is missing in your life, and this puts pressure on you and brings a feeling of uncertainty. Perhaps those feelings that are hidden in your soul are eager to manifest themselves fully. But, unfortunately, they have not yet found fields for implementation. In the words of psychoanalysis, your libido is looking for an object to which it could transfer the psychic energy that overwhelms it.

If you had a dream that you are exciting someone, the obvious fact is that you are trying to attract a certain person, to make him much closer to you than he is now. The melancholy of not being able to be near this person places a heavy burden on the unconscious, so it is no coincidence that in a state of sleep it breaks into consciousness, disturbing peace and irritating the mind, which does not want to know about the presence of libido. Nevertheless, he has to follow his inner voice, and this, in our opinion, is a positive fact of human existence.

The irresponsibility of libidinal impulses, reflected in dreams, requires compensation or a full-fledged reaction on the part of consciousness in order to bring the psyche to a position where all its components will not cross each other’s boundaries. Only in this case can a person be considered mentally healthy, and the interpretation of dreams plays an important role in achieving mental health.

Interpretation of dreams from

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about being excited in a dream according to 2 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Get excited” symbol from 2 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Erotic dream book

Get horny yourself - this dream indicates that there is no person nearby whom you can rely on. All the problems that confront you have to be solved on your own. Loneliness has long become a constant companion of a person in the modern world. The gap separating people becomes an insurmountable obstacle to achieving agreement and normal relations. It seems as if everyone speaks different languages. The loss of the meaning of existence and one's individuality inevitably brings, according to many scientists, the end of human civilization. Despite this seemingly catastrophic state of affairs, not all is lost. For example, Carl Jung, a student of Freud and the founder of analytical psychology, argued that there is a way out of the situation in which a person had the misfortune to find himself. It lies in the fact that everyone strives to become a full-fledged person. And this is only possible if a person strives for self-knowledge, because we often, turning our gaze to knowledge of reality, forget about our internal self-improvement and knowledge. Dreams, according to psychoanalysts, precisely contribute to these positive cognitive aspirations.

excite someone- you feel that something is missing in your life, and this puts pressure on you, brings a feeling of uncertainty. Perhaps those feelings that are hidden in your soul are eager to manifest themselves fully. But, unfortunately, they have not yet found fields for implementation. In the words of psychoanalysis, your libido is looking for an object to which it could transfer the psychic energy that overwhelms it.

If you had a dream that you excite someone- the fact is obvious that you are trying to attract a certain person, to make him much closer to you than he is now. The melancholy of not being able to be near this person places a heavy burden on the unconscious, so it is no coincidence that in a state of sleep it breaks into consciousness, disturbing peace and irritating the mind, which does not want to know about the presence of libido. Nevertheless, he has to follow his inner voice, and this, in our opinion, is a positive fact of human existence. The irresponsibility of libidinal impulses, reflected in dreams, requires compensation or a full-fledged reaction on the part of consciousness in order to bring the psyche to a position where all its components will not cross each other’s boundaries. Only in this case can a person be considered mentally healthy, and the interpretation of dreams plays an important role in achieving mental health.

Video: Why do you dream about getting excited?

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    From Monday to Tuesday I had this dream: As if a guy (just a guy who is not my boyfriend) and I were in a dark room, he was sitting on a chair and holding my hand in his hand, looking at it lovingly, I was standing behind him and I melt from his touch, then I decide to touch him too and run the fingertips of my half (right) hand over his shoulder and he instantly gets excited. What could this be for? After all, in reality we are just classmates who once didn’t work out love relationship. P.S.: We were completely naked.

    I really miss my dead husband, in a dream I tricked myself out of the house and ran to him on a date. It was dark, although I looked at the clock, the time was about 14: We met, lay on the bed, he said that he wanted to grow his hair , I tried to dissuade him. In the dream, I really liked him, he was handsome and calm, then we kissed on the lips and I experienced strong excitement and so did he. But I pushed him away. We were at his house (where we lived together) everything was very good - he had two children, his mother was there and he was happy. I always wanted to take him out of the house and talk about my love for him and that I miss him very much... then I succeeded and I woke up... what does this mean ? I remember the time after the kiss, because I looked at the clock - it was almost 16: a few minutes to go. It was dark as if at night, he was next to me all the time and hugged my waist or shoulders...

    I remember the dream very vaguely. One of my friends came with whom I actively communicated half a year ago. In this communication there was no flirting, advances, etc. I was not particularly attracted to her. But I dreamed that I was lying in bed as usual in the morning and reading various articles on the Internet. Doorbell. For some reason, without much thought and embarrassment, I went to open the door in my underpants. She stood on the floor in standard clothes. (T-shirt, jeans) She said that she had come to get a book (corny isn’t it?) Again, for some reason, not surprised, I went into the room, gave her the book and sat down on the sofa to continue reading. However, she was in no hurry to leave. She sat down next to me and approached me, looking into the screen with the question “what are you reading?” I haven't had a girlfriend for a long time and I immediately became horny. However, I tried not to show it. ………(something else was happening but I forgot)…….. Then, as if by accident, she dropped the book and bent down to pick it up, accordingly, I, who was already on edge, threw her onto the sofa…….. Well, then it’s easy to guess what ..

    I dreamed of a man with whom I was once, relatively recently, in love. He liked me too, but not as much as I liked him. We played together in a music group, although we knew each other before. Now we keep in touch with the whole group, although I left it a long time ago. We rarely communicate with this guy, positively, but as friends.
    I had a dream that I was in a cafe (where this guy works in reality) and the whole group (in which I played) was sitting there. we communicate, sit on the floor, laugh sweetly. And then this guy kind of asked me to give him a massage. (in reality, I’ve often done this before, he has a sensitive back) I climbed on top of him for some reason. that is, I sat on him when he was lying, we looked at each other, I began to massage his neck and he began to have an erection, he began to moan and press me to him, and then I vaguely remember everything. But, as if there was sexual intercourse, it was as if we were wearing clothes.
    He had dreams like this before. But rarely, as if with a certain periodicity.

    Good evening. From Thursday to Friday I had a dream in which I saw my husband in an excited state, naked in a dream in some room. He was lying on the bed alone. On the other bed lay my naked mother. I woke up sharply with a start and began to cry. I don’t understand what kind of dream is it and what is it for?

    I was excited and for some reason I came from the street in just a white shirt and white panties (although it was winter outside in a dream), and there was some kind of unknown man and when I saw me, I realized that he seemed to be excited, and then I felt excited too, and began to seduce this man with all sorts of poses (for example: I leaned my back towards him while standing, something like this) and so it continued until I woke up, all this time I I felt excited (pleasant, naturally). Can you explain why this is?

    I kissed my idol, whom I hadn’t remembered for a long time... it was such a spectacular kiss with pure feelings, as if I really missed him and loved him very much...... he shared my feelings... then I really wanted him... he too...

    Good evening) I dreamed... how my husband and I were in some apartment... but there was his father's half-brother... his father's mistress and her daughter... my husband and I tried to lock ourselves in the room... I was very excited but then They all come in so festive and say it’s like they’re leaving for a birthday party. Well, we closed.. and stopped) Then I find myself on the street completely naked and trying to cover up, I wasn’t smart.. there were a lot of guys and girls who were looking at me.. soon a woman came out and gave her a towel)

    There was nothing at all in this dream, it was dark and I realized this only when I woke up after this dream. But after this dream, I had another dream about how I proposed sex to a friend, she agreed, and we kissed and she stuck her tongue in my mouth. This sounds very strange, sorry but it seems nonsense to me.