Carolina meaning of the name character and fate. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Carolina

18.07.2019 Career and Work

According to its energy the name Caroline It’s like a foggy mirror that you can look into endlessly. She has a huge pride, devoid of any activity, and in real life this deprives Caroline of the self-confidence that she has in her dreams. Only with very close people Caroline is able to open up completely, and often only because she considers her loved ones an integral part of her life. Only with them she is cheerful, active, but perhaps too carried away by herself and her own emotions. But Caroline’s hands just aren’t in the mood for housekeeping.

Secrets of communication. Caroline's indecisiveness and certain detachment often provide her with minor roles in life. In most cases, she is in dire need of someone’s patronage and can, as they say, melt, feeling a balanced, self-confident strength in someone. In general, conflicts with her rarely become too harsh, and you can calm her down with basic sympathy for her.

Astrological characteristics. Zodiac sign: Virgo. Planet: Moon. Favorable colors: brown. Name colors: silver. Talisman stone: jasper, morion.

Meaning of the name Carolina

Origin of the name Caroline. Name Caroline German, English, Catholic.

Name synonyms Caroline. Carol, Charlotte, Caroline, Carlotta, Charlotte, Carla, Charleza, Carlita, Caroline, Carlin, Caroline, Karol, Carlota.

Short form of name Caroline. Karolinka, Karolya, Kalya, Cora, Lina, Linochka, Linusya, Lininya, Nana, Kalo, Lotte, Lola, Shari, Lo, Lota, Lita, Carey, Carrie, Laina, Carly, Karo, Lolita, Lily.

Name Caroline translated from ancient German means “queen”. Caroline- this is the female form male name Karl, originally meaning "man". The meaning of “king” in this name comes from Charlemagne.

The name Charlotte is a related name to Caroline, as it is also derived from the name Charles, the French version of the name Charles. In the English version of the name Carl, the name Charles corresponds, from which the female name Charlene, Sherlyn, Cheryl was formed. And in some languages ​​the name Charlotte is identical to the name Caroline.

The diminutives Kora, Lina, Lola, Lolita, Lita and Nana are also independent names. The titles Carrie and Carol (Caryl) are also often used as independent names.

In childhood Caroline very curious and insatiable, loves to read. Her incessant chatter needs to be carefully monitored if you don't want to end up with an astronomical phone bill or unwanted gossip about your family. Caroline has a penchant for learning languages ​​and it is important to encourage her creativity. A sense of order and discipline is not her strong point.

Caroline becomes emotional with age. She is a mixture of child and woman - dependent and adventurous, charming and modest, sensual and shy. Over time, she gets a taste of power. She has excellent intuition, she may find herself in in the right place and at the right time.

Caroline enjoys socializing and has charm and charm. She sleeps and sees herself as the center of attention of a meeting or the public, she knows that her presence enlivens any company. Although Caroline needs emotional security, she hates monotony and enjoys adventure and novelty. Finally, life is just a game for her. Caroline- a wonderful woman with a good sense of humor, a housewife and a wonderful, kind mother.

Caroline prefers professions where intuition, psychology and diplomacy are the most important part of the job (managers, diplomats, actresses, models).

Caroline's birthday

Famous people named Caroline

  • Caroline Bonaparte (sister of Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • Caroline Grimaldi (Princess of Monaco)
  • Caroline von Günderode (German writer (1780–1806))
  • Caroline Neuber (German actress (1697–1760))
  • Caroline Pavlova (nee Janisch, Russian poetess, translator (1807–1893))
  • Caroline Unger or Carlotta Unger-Sabatier (Austrian opera and chamber singer (1803–1877))
  • Caroline Kurkova (top model)
  • Caroline Costner (Italian women's singles figure skater, three-time European champion (2007, 2008, 2010), silver medalist at the 2008 World Championships, silver medalist at the 2011 European Championships. She is the first Italian to win a medal at the World Junior Championships (bronze 2003), and the first Italian woman to become European champion.)
  • Caroline Otero, or Beautiful Otero (French singer and dancer of Spanish (Galician) origin, star and symbol of the Belle Epoque)
  • Caroline Herrera (Venezuelan-American designer, fashion designer and entrepreneur)
  • Caroline Svetla (famous Czech writer)
  • Caroline Wozniacki (Danish tennis player of Polish origin)
  • Caroline Coronado (Spanish poet)

There are several versions of the origin of the name Carolina. According to the first of them, the origin and meaning of the name Caroline goes back to ancient Germany. According to this hypothesis, the name is translated as “queen”.

The origin of the name Caroline, according to another version, is associated with the male name Karl, which is translated as “man” or “person”. A little later, the interpretation of the male name changed, namely, after the reign of Charlemagne, it was given the meaning “king”. Therefore, we can assume that the meaning of the name Caroline acquired “queen” for precisely this reason. Other sources claim that the name Carolina means “courageous.”

The name Carolina, previously widespread in European countries, is gradually losing its popularity over time. Most often this name is given to girls in England, but its sound is slightly modified in Caroline, as well as in France. This “royal” name can often be found in Russia, but its owners are deprived of such a holiday as name day, since Caroline is not in the Orthodox calendar.


The meaning of the name Carolina for a girl is manifested in a bright character from childhood. Parents can call their daughter Kari or Carol for short. The child grows up very active and needs communication, which he loves very much. The girl has distinguishing feature- she is able to find mutual language with everyone: with peers, with older children, and with adults. From an early age, a child learns the secrets of charm, learns to make eyes and show off in front of people. According to the meaning of the name, Caroline has no health problems. This girl is very strong and rarely gets sick. Despite her activity and narcissism, she has an easy-going character. She will not show her whims to her parents. Carey is almost always in a good mood. She likes to spend time with friends outside, but she dreams of becoming an adult as soon as possible.

Carolina's name for a girl gives her the desire to constantly be like her mother. Being just a baby, she tries to get a manicure, paints her nails with felt-tip pens or paints, often puts on her mother’s clothes and shoes, and can take her cosmetics without permission. Carolina - the meaning of the name endowed the girl with curiosity. She will read books with interest, learn new facts from educational programs, and constantly ask adults many questions. From early childhood, you can detect a predisposition in a child to learn foreign languages. It is important for parents to properly implement this ability, and if the girl herself enjoys this activity, then in the future, perseverance in her character will help her make a good career in this industry and achieve success.

The girl Caroline, which means the name “royal”, is very creative, she has had good taste since childhood. Her creative abilities can be manifested in drawing. This talent can also be developed in her from childhood. But in her studies the girl does not shine with her success. She simply does not like to study, since it is difficult for her to sit in one place for a long time, she is constantly distracted by something. But, nevertheless, she still manages to get good grades at school and have a pretty good academic record. A good memory and a persistent character help her in this, which she uses only if she herself is interested in something.

She is also helped by the fact that the girl is often the favorite of teachers. Growing up, Caroline understands the power of her charm and how she can influence people. Therefore, often a girl endowed with natural beauty and charm turns out to be the most popular among her peers. Over time, this does not have the best effect on her self-esteem, increasing it. Therefore, when reaching adolescence, Caroline often becomes a little narcissistic.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Carolina and her character open all doors and career horizons for this girl. She is able to conquer any industry and achieve recognition in it. In any business that she chooses, she makes every effort to become the best in it and realize herself. Carolina prefers creative professions, as she really wants to realize her creative potential.

Karolina Kurkova (model from the Czech Republic)

Excellent charisma and appearance combined with creative abilities will help her become an excellent actress, singer, choreographer, florist, artist or publisher. She can also try to become a clothing designer, art critic, seamstress, ceramist, if she tries to delve into these areas headlong. The owner of an unusual name is often interested in art. She is drawn to everything unusual and creative, so she can engage in music, dancing, painting in her life and turn her hobby into a career. Caroline has a special love for literature. She not only enjoys reading books with ecstasy, but also writing poems, songs, stories and plays herself.

Carolina, whose name gives her business acumen, is constantly trying to improve herself and educate herself. Therefore, she is an excellent employee and is able to realize herself to a greater extent as a performer. If you give her a specific task, she will complete it efficiently, accurately and accurately. This ability is valued in industries where employees are required to be conscientious and diligent. Opening personal business can also bring success to the “queen” with a high probability.

This girl is able to organize work, find good specialists and employees, and also establish contacts with partners. She usually has good friendly relationships in the team. It is in the team that she finds her best friend. Her natural restlessness forces a woman to constantly move forward.

Personal life

A girl named Carolina is never deprived of male attention. More from youth she learns to flirt and flirt. It often happens that Caroline herself falls in love, but her feelings cool off very quickly. The name Carolina, the meaning of the name and the fate of its owner is such that a girl truly falls in love only after 25 years. It was at this age that thoughts about starting a family begin to occur to her.

In personal life, the fact that the name Carolina means a dreamy person who often soars in the clouds, building castles in the air, is also important. As a young girl, she can often fall in love with actors, singers or other famous personalities, and becomes a fan of the object of her adoration. She watches all his films, listens to his album, notes and interviews. She can carry such love throughout her life, but this will not stop her from building strong relationships.

Like most girls, Caroline does not dream of marriage. She is not interested in the stamp in her passport, so usually the girl does not go down the aisle early. She carefully chooses a man and is looking for someone who can take care of her constantly. It is very important for her to find a kindred spirit of a dreamer, like herself, who can become support and support for her. A girl needs a husband who can reason soberly and sensibly, but at the same time combine the qualities of a romantic. This woman will have a successful union with a man several years older. He must be wealthy and look respectable. If he can demonstrate to her an understanding of herself, then she will turn into a submissive and domestic life partner who will provide her spouse with coziness, comfort and warmth.


By the nature of the name, Caroline is a nature that combines emotionality, tenderness, sensuality, sophistication, aristocratic manners with modesty, indecisiveness, shyness, some secrecy and detachment. Often a girl named Carolina is a real dreamer. She lives in her dreams and dreams. At the same time, it is worth knowing what the name Carolina means: she has a very kind nature, which rarely participates in conflicts; this is absolutely not her element. She shows sensitivity towards others and empathy. If she has outbursts of anger, it is easy to calm her down with banal sympathy.

Despite the fact that the personality has many positive characteristics, activity and determination - this is definitely not about Carolina. Yes, she is sociable, loyal and humane, but when making decisions she will doubt and hesitate for a long time. Another gift of a woman can be called a well-developed sixth sense. Sometimes these abilities are on the verge of precognition. Often the girl herself notices how she accidentally ends up in the right place at the right time. Interesting feature This personality is her unusual sociability. A girl can truly open up only to close people, so this trait becomes inaccessible to ordinary acquaintances. Because of her natural modesty, Caroline always tries to keep personal life without exposing it to others.

Favorable astrology for the name:

  • zodiac constellation – Virgo, Aries;
  • patron planet - Moon;
  • talisman stone – jasper, morion;
  • favorable color – brown;
  • lucky plant - iris, forget-me-not;
  • totem animal – cat;
  • a good day of the week is Friday.


For Caroline, the fate of the name may be connected with Alexander, Andrey, Artyom, Boris, Valery, Vladlen, Gleb, Dmitry, Gordon, Egor, Igor, Kirill, Lev, Leonid, Nikita, Nikolay, Makar, Robert, Ostap, Fedor, Trofim, Taras.

Unfavorable compatibility female name Caroline with Anton, Arthur, Vladimir, Vladislav, Georgy, Denis, Ivan, Naum, Oleg, Platon, Stanislav, Stepan, Philip, Yaroslav, Jan, Yuri.

Linguists claim that the name Caroline comes from the male name Karl. The name Karl is an ancient Germanic name and translated means “man” or “man”. However, the meaning of the name Charles underwent a change after the reign of Charlemagne. The now accepted meaning of the name Charles is “king”. It turns out that according to this version The meaning of the name Caroline is "queen". This is how one person can leave a mark on history for centuries.

The name Caroline has many related names. So the name Charlotte, for example, comes from the masculine French name Charles, which is the French form of Charles. Another related name according to a similar principle is the name Charles and its feminine forms.

Meaning of the name Carolina for a girl

Girls with this name grow up joyful and inquisitive. Caroline is very sweet as a child and loves to flirt from an early age. At the same time, the girl is unusually serious, which many adults notice. The girl is drawn to everything feminine, but masculine things are of no interest to her. She clearly divides games into “male” and “female”. The girl tries in every possible way to be like her mother. She paints her nails with felt-tip pens and paints, and can take cosmetics without asking. In a word, Caroline strives in every possible way to become an adult.

Carolina does not like to study, although she can get fairly good grades. For Carolina, studying is usually a burden. A girl often has the life position of “successfully getting married.” With this approach, Caroline has a rather slim chance of getting a decent education. She can grow up to look like the heroine of Krylov's fable - a dragonfly. Chance for a good education may be lost forever. At the same time, the girl has good creative abilities and they should be developed. She usually draws well and basically has good taste. Carolina usually enjoys going to the drawing club, and she might even go to art school.

The girl is in good health. Caroline has a high vitality and can quickly recuperate. Carolina rarely gets sick, which only makes her parents happy. She needs to be careful with her health, especially as a teenager. In pursuit of a beautiful hairstyle, you should not go without a hat in the cold.

Short name Caroline

Diminutive pet names

Karolinka, Karolinochka, Karolinushka, Linochka, Linusya, Linushka.

Name Caroline in English

IN English language The name Caroline is spelled Carolina.

Name Carolina for international passport- KAROLINA.

Translation of the name Caroline into other languages

in Armenian - Caroline
in Belarusian - Karalina
in Hungarian - Caroline
in Greek - Καρολίνα
in Spanish - Caroline
in Italian - Caroline
in Chinese - 卡羅琳
in Korean - 카롤리나
in Latin - Caroline
in German - Caroline
in Polish - Karolina
in Romanian - Caroline
in Serbian - Carolina
in Ukrainian - Karolina
in French - Caroline
in Czech - Caroline

Church name Caroline(V Orthodox faith) not specified, i.e. absent from the calendar. This means that at baptism Caroline will receive church name different from the mundane.

Characteristics of the name Carolina

If we characterize Caroline, it is worth noting her dreaminess and indecisiveness. She has her head in the clouds and is often completely divorced from reality. Caroline's manners are very refined. She kind of looks like royalty. Caroline is a defenseless person and she definitely needs the protection of someone stronger. Caroline often has an older friend who protects her from life’s adversities. Sometimes Caroline's mother can become such a friend. Her husband will subsequently take on this role.

Caroline's work is usually associated with her creative abilities. Carolina, like many other creative people, cannot work without inspiration. This imposes certain restrictions on the choice of profession. For Carolina, professions such as an artist, florist, or interior designer can be successful. She has excellent taste and knows how to approach clients.

Family is usually the ultimate dream for Caroline. For Caroline, a family idyll is something worth working for. Carolina's marriage fulfills her childhood dream. She believes that being a wife is the highest embodiment of femininity. Caroline is a wonderful housewife and a very caring wife. She knows how to create an indescribable atmosphere of comfort at home. Carolina is also a wonderful mother and devotes a lot of time to her children.

The mystery of the name Caroline

Caroline's secret can be called her skeptical attitude towards emancipation. She will never understand women who work and build their careers. Caroline's lack of desire to get married may be especially puzzling.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Crimson.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Rose.

Stone- Diamond.

Little Caroline is a very curious little girl. Her parents only have time to buy her books - this child simply cannot live without books. As soon as Caroline starts reading, she even falls asleep with a book: encyclopedias, volumes of poems, fairy tales and children's detective stories - she is interested in absolutely everything that exists in printed form in hard or soft cover. Carolina also talks a lot and generally likes to talk with her friends on the phone. Therefore, parents should pay closer attention to their chatterbox, otherwise at the end of the month they could end up with a hefty phone bill.

Caroline has a special talent - foreign languages ​​come quite easily to her. Parents should remember this. If mom and dad spare no effort and money, little Caroline will be able to master several foreign languages ​​as a child and continue to study them more deeply in adulthood. The main thing is to instill a love for languages, and everything else will go like clockwork. Caroline is a creative person, but praise is very important to her. If mom and dad and relatives do not praise the bearer of the name for the results of her creativity, the girl will quickly lose interest in what she does - even if she does it much more talented and better than everyone else.

Caroline is an undisciplined person. There is always creative chaos in her house, which she does not want to get rid of and which does not bother her one bit. The older the bearer of this name gets, the more emotions will bubble up in her soul. Emotional outbursts are the prerogative of adult Caroline. This girl is not used to hiding her emotions. She may not always say what she thinks, but her feelings never hide anything: by Caroline’s reaction you can understand whether she likes what is happening or annoys her, inspires or depresses her.

The bearer of this Scandinavian and certainly sublime name always loves to be in the spotlight. Even at a work meeting. Even if the boss scolds her or scolds her for not doing something. But to tell the truth, it is absolutely impossible to scold this charming person. She is so charismatic, she has such a powerful charm that only a notorious boor would turn his tongue towards this young lady. And Carolina skillfully uses this.

Mom from Carolina turns out to be wonderful - gentle and loving. As a wife, Caroline is very economical and devoted. But you won’t get order in the house from her. But for the sake of such a woman, a man must be ready to do a lot - and not just clean up the family hearth.

What does the name Caroline mean?
This name translated means queen or crowned.

Origin of the name Caroline:
This is undoubtedly an ancient Germanic name.

Character conveyed by the name Caroline:

Having received such a truly “royal” name, of course, any woman from birth becomes a happy owner of excellent aristocratic manners, she is always sophisticated and proud, incredibly emotional and charming. However, we must admit that at the same time she is always quite modest and even shy. From her very birth, her intuition can be so seriously developed that it can, to some extent, be called the gift of prediction and foresight; she always clearly knows exactly where she should be and exactly at what time.

But Carolina's weakness is communication with different people, sometimes she can simply chat uncontrollably, and at the same time she manages not to participate at all in intrigues, as well as some transmission of gossip and discussions of someone’s actions, in addition, she does not at all impose her weighty opinion on anyone.

In her actions and actions, as a rule, Caroline is extremely slow, but when making important decisions, she is plagued by doubts and is often overcome by some kind of mental struggle. The only exception may be the love sphere; here, believe me, Caroline always acts extremely impulsively, “on a whim,” and at the same time quite often gets burned. So Caroline’s very first marriage is not always uncontrollably happy, but when she enters into her family union for the second time, she, of course, takes into account all the serious mistakes of the past. In addition, truly burning jealousy is always one of the main negative character traits of young Carolina. She never forgives betrayal and, of course, betrayal.

Carolina always just adores beautiful clothes, and she really has great taste, she absolutely loves to “change different images”, always very boldly experimenting not only with the style of clothing, but even with her hairstyles. She is a dreamer by nature, so she almost constantly dreams about a certain prince on a white horse and the same extraordinary fairy-tale life into which her beautiful chosen one can take her. Sometimes, having torn herself away from this sinful earth in her dreams and daydreams, it can be really, extremely difficult for her to return to the existing reality.

Caroline can be somewhat childish, and this, as a rule, greatly interferes with her Everyday life to achieve any serious success, she is always very passionate about herself, as well as her own vivid emotions, she simply has no time to do any other things. But discipline and a certain sense of order are generally not the most developed or advanced traits of her nature. She practically cannot stand the slightest monotony, she is often drawn to everything new, always looking for adventure and at least some bright events.