Gray goose dream. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a goose?

21.07.2019 Relationship

One of the worst nightmares of childhood was probably village geese, and when thinking about them, old sayings come to mind: “Water off a duck’s back,” “Geese saved Rome,” and many others. In order to understand and correctly interpret what geese dream about, you need to try hard and remember what else happened in the dream. Everything is important: circumstances, behavior and appearance poultry, the dreamer's mood, and so on. But, as a rule, geese in a dream bring changes for the better and good news, and to make sure of this, you should look into the dream book. Geese , in different dream books of the world, may have somewhat contradictory meanings.

What will a flock of geese tell you?

What several geese may dream about is interpreted in two ways by the Modern Dream Book: on the one hand, it is a sign of a great acquisition in the form of a new friend who will remain with the dreamer for life, and on the other, evil gossip. If the sleeper himself believes that intrigues are being woven against him, it is worth turning to an influential comrade, because only his help can really influence the unpleasant situation.

Hosse's dream book is sure: the image of a flock of geese in a dream is a symbol of the integrity and unity of the family.

The French dream book interprets several geese as empty talk and unpleasant gossip. The exception is if the owner of the flock is the dreamer, this means complete control over the information environment of the sleeper’s life. The dream book promises such a person universal respect and high social status.

Interpretation, depending on the day of the week

There is an opinion that what geese dream about may depend on the day of the week on which the dream occurred.

From Monday to Tuesday, see geese in a dream to extremely unpleasant changes. The dreamer is destined to get confused in solving problems, go astray, and as a result receive a complete loss of trust from loved ones. In this case, you should focus on the task at hand and not get distracted by trifles. It's time to set priorities and not give up on your own moral component, no matter what.

If a person happened to see geese in a dream on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, he needs to prepare for a choice. The choice will be made between solving your own problems and the problems of your loved ones. It is recommended to unobtrusively convey to relatives that the dreamer’s life is now important and there are things that cannot be postponed.

Gender of the dreamer who saw geese in a dream

Also, the interpretation of a dream can be influenced by the gender of the sleeper.

  • What a girl who dreamed of geese should prepare for is a quick meeting with her chosen one. However, he was more likely chosen by his parents than by the young lady herself.
  • If an unmarried woman dreamed of geese on the eve of her wedding, then she should wish her patience. It will help you live with your husband for long and happy years, despite the dissimilarity of characters and different outlooks on life.
  • The dream book recommends that a man who is in a couple, but not yet married, come to his senses and postpone the wedding until better times. The beloved, according to the dream book, is unlikely to be suitable for the role of a wife, since her personal qualities leave much to be desired. Sometimes love does not make the obvious clear: the person next to you is not only stupid, but also inclined to gossip and discuss those who are more fortunate and successful.
  • For a married man, what dreams of geese mean can be interpreted as the need to love and trust his wife, who at least deserves it. There won’t be a second one like this, the dream book says.
  • The esoteric dream book claims that what lovers dream of about geese is evidence of the correctness of their choice of their soulmate.
  • For everyone else, seeing geese in a dream means a quarrel with friends.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus believes that men who dreamed of little geese chicks will experience a rise in their careers and great financial satisfaction. For women, such a dream promises a long-awaited pregnancy.

Special circumstances in a dream that influence interpretation

Miller's dream book interprets in a special way what dreams of a goose grazing in a meadow mean. The psychologist believes that this is a sign of a change from a black stripe to a white one.

If a goose was wounded in a dream, and the parent had a dream, this is a terrible sign warning of a huge danger hanging over his child. It is worth immediately protecting the child from any outside interference in his life and exercising maximum control.

Noisy, screaming geese are a sign of misfortune. The louder the cackling, the greater the trouble.

Hosse's dream book also answers the question of what to prepare for if you dreamed of cackling geese. In his opinion, these are misfortunes and bad news about a loved one, perhaps the fact of betrayal or the breakdown of a friend’s marriage will surface.

What you dream of flying on a wild goose is a real revolution. The dreamer will soon experience stunning changes. And this will touch every area of ​​life in the best sense. For women, such a plot promises a successful marriage and wealth.

Flying geese in a man's dream - to a meeting with a passionate and beautiful girl, who will definitely become a mistress, regardless of the marital status of the sleeping person. The only exception will be the rare case when a man remains faithful to his wife.

Interpretation of sleep, depending on the color of the birds

A black goose visiting the dreamer in a dream symbolizes great experiences and anxieties.

Gray is a sign of complete emotional evenness, bordering on death. This is similar to emotional impotence or a feeling of complete disappointment and unwillingness to live. Complete depression.

What a white goose means in a dream depends on the gender and age of the dreamer. For unmarried people, such a dream foreshadows the meeting of a rich, wealthy partner. For babies and children, a white goose in a dream will bring a long-awaited meeting with beloved relatives, uncles and aunts. For married ladies, such a dream foreshadows the most interesting workplace, the search for which will not take long.

Behavior of geese in a dream

  • Selling geese in a dream means losses in financial issue, buy - vice versa.
  • Flying geese mean big failures, while swans in flight, on the contrary, mean happiness and great news.
  • The most terrible story from real life, when geese chase a sleeping person and bite him - this dream speaks of betrayal, or of great disappointment in a loved one.
  • If the bird still managed to bite the dreamer, it’s time to take care of your health and devote time to it; it is possible that it will soon worsen
  • Aggressive geese in a dream, according to many dream books, mean the sleeper’s susceptibility to painful criticism. During such a period of emotional instability, it is better to spend more time at home and not engage in conflicts and verbal altercations.
  • Feed the geese - good sign- some dream books say. Gustav Miller is confident that such a plot in a dream promises a speedy improvement in the financial sector, and Hosse’s dream book foretells the dreamer finding true friends.
  • Catching a goose in a dream means catching luck by the tail. The person will soon win. It can be either a lottery or a victory for a place among competitors.
  • A dead bird, according to Miller’s dream book, means disappointment in loved ones.
  • The English dream book believes that a dead goose is a sign of misfortune.
  • Also, what you might dream about killing a goose depends on certain circumstances. If the dreamer himself did not kill the bird, this promises him a generous inheritance. If you do it yourself, then this inheritance is eagerly awaited from the dreamer.

As a rule, dreams in which geese were present are considered an excellent omen of well-being, but sometimes such visions can inspire feelings of fear, since in some cases the dream prophesies troubles and illnesses. Therefore, it is better to immediately find out what geese dream about in order to avoid future problems.

Interpretation in different dream books

According to many dream books, seeing a goose in a dream means for the dreamer that he will soon have to deal with a lot of intrigue and gossip.

However, some publications insist that sleeping with this bird is considered a good sign:

  1. A modern dream interpreter indicates that after dreams the dreamer may meet a soul mate. Getting to know each other will be important, as the person will become your best friend and support in difficult times.
  2. Tsvetkov said that domestic geese, which walked freely around the yard in a dream, portend an unexpected and huge profit. When the dreamer plucked a bird in his dreams, then the visions warn of possible grief from the events taking place. If in a dream the sleeping person was selling a goose, the vision foreshadows large financial losses. One dreams of killing a bird on the eve of the news of a large inheritance. The process of cooking in a frying pan is a harbinger of a visit from guests.
  3. Miller's dream book believes that annoying sounds of birds are seen in dreams on the eve of a serious misfortune. Moreover, if they swam across a body of water, then there is no need to worry, since luck will soon return to the person. It was especially good when they wandered through the grass, because then the dream predicts a prosperous year. Dead geese, according to Miller, represent the dreamer's dissatisfaction. In the case where they were wounded, the dream promises long-term sadness. If the birds are alive and eat well from the hands of their owners, the vision foreshadows a profitable material acquisition.
  4. Hasse believed that dreams in which this type of bird appeared should be interpreted only by considering all the circumstances that arose. Geese flying in the sky can sometimes foreshadow the receipt of long-awaited news of acquittal and justice. When the dreamer carefully plucked a carcass in a dream, the vision prophesies the collapse of all hopes. Moreover, if a person killed a bird on his own, the dream foretells him a comfortable life in abundance.
  5. IN Esoteric dream book It is said that dreams always have several meanings. We need to build on the outcome of events. If the birds flew peacefully overhead, then the vision hints at the presence of bitterness and longing for lost opportunities. When a person killed and plucked a domestic bird in order to fry it soon, then in real life the dreamer may make an inappropriate purchase, as well as lose an inheritance.

The appearance of geese in a dream, in most cases, is considered a very good sign. But in order to correctly decipher night dreams and understand how they are related to reality, you need to remember the smallest details sleep.

Geese in dreams are a versatile symbol. And the interpretation of night dreams can affect a wide variety of areas of human life. Therefore, each dream is deciphered individually, taking into account information obtained from various dream books and your own intuition, which will indicate the connection between the dream and events in real life.

Why do you dream of white geese?

The most common question is, why do you dream of white geese? If you dreamed of such birds peacefully grazing in a meadow, then this portends a lot happy events in life. And if they are huge and fat, then such events will concern mainly the personal sphere.

Geese flapping their wings are also a good omen. This indicates that in the near future there will be a meeting with a person whom you will be very happy about.

In addition, white birds in a dream can be interpreted as follows:

    Calm and quiet geese foreshadow a festive event in the near future; A hissing white goose is a harbinger of an unexpected reward for work; If a bird drinks water in a dream, then difficulties should be expected in real life; If there is one gray feather on the plumage of a white bird, then this portends the emergence of jealousy and distrust of your partner; When you dream of geese in a puddle, this indicates that in reality it was accepted correct solution;A dead bird foreshadows the embodiment of brilliant ideas.

Geese in the village

According to interpretation different dream books, if, according to the plot of the dream, white geese are in the village, then this foreshadows betrayal. But if a bird appears in a city in a night’s dreams, then this foreshadows the dreamer’s meeting with a very interesting person. Dreaming of white geese in the house always portends guests, but depending on where they are, the dream can be interpreted more accurately. If you dreamed about birds:
    In the kitchen, then these will be long-awaited guests with whom you can have a pleasant time; In the living room, then you should expect uninvited guests who you just need to endure; In the corridor, then you can expect a visit from an enemy with whom you are unlikely to communicate in home environment.

Wild geese seen in a dream are interpreted differently. And to understand why these birds dream, remember all the nuances of the dream. So, if you dreamed that a flock of birds was flying to warmer climes, then this indicates that you really dream of a new high-paying job. But if in night dreams birds fly from the south, then this warns of the envy of distant relatives. If you dream of wild geese swimming between ice floes, then this indicates your excessive inflexibility and perseverance. These character traits prevent you from finding mutual language with other people. If a flock of geese swims on a summer lake, then this portends fun and joy. Other dream plots with wild geese can be interpreted as follows:
    If a bird walks through the forest, then in reality they will make you a tempting offer that will be very difficult to refuse; When, according to the plot of the dream, a fox caught a goose, then for a sick person this is a sign of recovery; When a flock of wild geese flew over a pond in a dream, this foreshadows a significant event in real life; If the goose seen in night dreams is in a cage, then this symbolizes your desire to take care of your loved one; When you saw a sleeping bird in a dream, this foreshadows spending time outside the city in a good company of friends. If you dreamed of a wounded bird, then this is a symbol of sadness and sadness. This may be related to the child in some way.
It is considered a good sign to dream about dirty and thin wild birds. This indicates that you are truly loved by a decent and reliable person. And if you dreamed of clean and well-fed geese, then this indicates unrequited love.

Flying on a goose - dream book

A good sign is a fairy-tale dream in which you are flying on a goose. This portends a dizzying rise in real life. A rapid rise up the career ladder and, perhaps, well-deserved fame awaits you. For a woman, such a dream can portend a successful marriage.

Why do you dream of hissing geese?

If you dreamed of geese hissing at you, then in reality you should take care of your health. You may be asymptomatically developing some serious pathologies that may require long-term treatment in the future. Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:
    If you stroke birds, this may portend changes in love relationships. When in a dream you happened to run away from geese, then in real life you will urgently need to look for ways to strengthen unreliable relationships. If you buy a bird at the market, it symbolizes your wealth and prosperity. When, according to the plot of your dream, you have to slaughter a goose, then in reality you will be offered a good, well-paid job. If you dream that you are plucking a bird, then you should be in the mood for a romantic date or a pleasant walk.

Catch a goose

An excellent omen is a dream in which you managed to catch a goose. This indicates that a win awaits you in life, and it will not necessarily be a lottery win. Such a dream can also portend victory over competitors.

Little goslings - the meaning of sleep

Many people are interested in the question, why do little goslings dream? Such a dream is interpreted by most dream books as the fact that in real life the dreamer will commit several rash actions that will subsequently bring positive results. According to interpretations modern dream book, such night dreams can also foreshadow changes in life. Most likely, they will be associated with meeting an extraordinary person. Many little goslings different color symbolize, according to Miller’s dream book, wealth and prosperity. This means that during this period of life the dreamer should not worry about his future.

If you saw geese in the middle of the week, you will make a mistake at work. You may lose the trust of your colleagues, or you will have to make the right decision with your loved one. Dream books will tell you what else a vision means.

Why do you dream of geese according to Miller’s dream book?

Geese cackle loudly, and this makes you nervous - unfortunately. Geese on the water - a dream of happy changes in life. Geese nibbling grass means great luck. Drive the geese home - you will be promoted.

If you eat goose meat, there will be differences with your work colleagues. A killed goose means loss of relatives, displeasure. A person who loves saw a goose in a dream is faithful to his relationship.

Why do you dream of geese according to Vanga’s dream book?

Geese are a harbinger of well-being and prosperity.

Why do you dream of geese according to Freud's dream book?

A flying goose means a new acquaintance.

Why do you dream of geese according to Aesop’s dream book?

Geese peck food from your hand - you will achieve everything you have planned in life. Geese with goslings swimming on a pond - to the well-being of the family. If you dine with goose meat, your enemy will discredit you, and it will take you a long time to correct and even restore your reputation.

Geese cackle loudly when they see you - they warn you of danger, be careful. A goose rushes and nibbles - promises a meeting with a person who is unfriendly to you.

Why do you dream of geese according to the 21st century dream book?

Goose - fortunately.

Feed the geese - to wealth, in family life calmness.

Caught a goose - for a quick wedding.

Selling a goose means poverty.

Lost geese - to ruin.

If you slaughter a goose, expect a gift.

If you pluck a goose, you will be disappointed in something.

Eating goose meat means wealth and fun.

They counted how many geese were in the flock - to some news.

Why do you dream of geese according to a dream book for the whole family?

If you saw geese in a dream, you will need the help of a faithful person, due to a reservation from your enemies.

Geese rush - towards an enemy who is trying to annoy you in any way.

If you try to run away from this bird, you will be disappointed in your friend.

Why do you dream of geese according to the dream book of Apostle Simon the Canonite?

Seeing geese means happiness in family life.

Hearing the cackling of geese is a sign of misfortune, litigation, and gossip.

Geese are flying - you will receive news, an apology.

If you pluck a goose, you will be disappointed in something.

If you slaughter a goose, you will receive a profit or an inheritance.

Eat goose meat - prosperity.

Cooking goose meat - visit.

Buying a goose is a rash act.

Geese feathers - get the news.

Small goslings - to the disease of the children.

Geese - you are revered.

Catching a goose means a quarrel with your significant other.

Why do you dream of geese according to the Esoteric dream book?

Geese fly - to the blues, sadness.

Roast a goose - take care of your health.

Plucking the feathers of a goose means buying unnecessary things.

Killed a goose - for profit or inheritance.

Why do you dream of geese according to the Ukrainian dream book?

Goose and pillow - for the arrival of guests.

Geese cackle - to the slander of the “good” neighbors.

Eating goose dishes means wealth.

Goose - you will be fooled.

Why do you dream of geese according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

Make the goose angry - at work you will be slandered in front of your colleagues.

If you kill a goose, you will quarrel with your family.

Someone kills a bird in front of your eyes - you will be in family quarrel your friend.

If you pluck feathers from a bird, they will write a complaint against you.

Someone else plucking feathers means not good news.

Eating goose meat means ruin.

Watching someone else eat means damage to the family budget is expected.

Geese scream loudly, but you don’t see them - an unfair complaint will be filed against you.

Cooking a dish from goose means a little trouble.

Stealing a goose means great wealth.

One of the relatives steals a goose - this means a small income.

Steals from friends - you will be deceived in money.

Buying a goose means useless purchases.

If you sell a goose, you will be offered a highly paid job.

Why else do you dream about a goose?

  • White goose

Snow white goose - good luck, prosperity in the family.

  • Why do you dream of a flock of geese, a lot of geese

A lot of geese symbolizes that you are honored and respected.

  • Why do you dream about a goose plucking and attacking?

A goose nibbles and attacks - a meeting with an arrogant person from whom you expect trouble.

Why do you dream about geese? The image of this poultry in night vision in most dream books represents positive changes in the dreamer’s life. For a more accurate explanation of your dreams, pay attention to the following details.

  • Feather coloring.
  • Poultry behavior.
  • The company in which you saw a goose (for example, a dream in which a goose appears together with a duck).
  • The actions you take.

Why do you dream about a goose? Some dream books see this bird as a symbol of well-being. Others - communication with important person holding a high position.

If in a night vision you meet a whole flock of live geese, expect honors and respect from others. The image of a young goose in sweet dreams foretells the dreamer success in scientific activity. Why do couples in love dream of geese? This vision shows that you value each other. This is very important in today's world, try to preserve this feeling and pay more attention to your soul mate.

The white color of the bird is a symbol of enrichment. Maybe at work you will be given a bonus that you did not expect at all. For a girl who is not married, a white bird promises the appearance of a wealthy and status man in her life. And the child is foreshadowed by the arrival of close relatives.

Why do you dream about gray geese? The gray bird represents your life. Maybe you lack emotions and impressions. Everything is in your hands, you have the power to fill your life with bright colors!

As the dream book says, feeding a bird in a dream means being happy in family life. Catching a bird means marriage. Most likely, this clarification applies to the male half of humanity, since women, as we know, get married.

A dream in which birds pinch green leaves has a pleasant interpretation. Such a vision promises the dreamer great success. Be sure to take advantage of this, because such a chance does not come often and not to everyone.

If, immersed in the arms of Morpheus, you feed the bird from your hands, then in reality you will certainly achieve your goal. True, it is worth keeping in mind that to achieve it it is better to use patience and prudence, rather than perseverance and physical strength.

What happened in the dream?

As the dream book says, watching one of your family members steal a goose means receiving a small financial reward. From the point of view of the dream book, stealing poultry yourself is much more profitable, because in this case you will get a big profit.

If in night vision you bought a goose, then in reality you will make an expensive purchase, which, in principle, you will not really need. Think carefully before purchasing anything. Perhaps you will find a more suitable use for your funds.

If in a dream you had to call poultry to one place, then be prepared to move up the career ladder. Perhaps you will be offered a new interesting project or promoted. Also, such a dream may foreshadow the acquisition of property.

What does a dream in which you count the number of poultry promise? You will receive news soon. Also, news is promised by wild geese flying in the sky. But if you dreamed of geese that you tease, then you have a date with a friend.

Oddly enough, a dream in which you kill poultry is a good sign. Such a vision promises the dreamer the presentation of a gift or the receipt of an impressive inheritance. If in your dream you cut off the head of a bird, then in real life peace and tranquility await you.

For people who celebrate their birthday in May or summer, a dream in which they feast on perfectly roasted goose represents the enjoyment of life. To see the process of preparing a dish in a dream, to put the casserole dish in the oven, means that you will have to welcome guests. But if your name day falls from January to April inclusive, then eating the meat of this bird in a dream means health.

What if you dream not of the birds themselves, but of them? In general, eggs symbolize freshness, a new idea and untapped potential. Goose eggs promise the dreamer financial gain and profit. It is quite possible career. For example, getting a higher position.

To see a dream in which a goose and a duck are traveling in pairs means meeting a female person. A representative of the fair half of humanity will have good character traits.

Goose cackling has a double meaning. Some dream books explain this vision by the onset of stability in business sphere and receiving material benefits. There are also publications that see this phenomenon as a sign of the onset of some kind of trouble.

A dream in which you had to see floating birds is auspicious sign. He says that your life will soon change. It is worth noting that the wind of change will be positive.

As the dream book says, the appearance in night vision of an aggressive bird that has bitten or pinched you symbolizes an ill-wisher. Be more careful when communicating with others, and the machinations of your opponents will not bring results.