Why dream of smoked mackerel fish. I dreamed of smoked fish - deciphering the dream in great detail

28.08.2019 This is interesting

When starting to interpret any dream, you should first determine the main element of the plot around which the whole action took place. Such an element gives a general direction to unraveling. However, the details and details of the dream are no less important - they can sometimes completely change the essence of the interpretation.

What if mackerel is dreaming?

Accordingly, trying to figure out, for example, what a mackerel is dreaming of in a fishing net, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the interpretation of the meaning of this fish. By the way, the meaning of fish in a dream is quite diverse. It can mean spiritual rebirth, fertility, good luck, as well as a "slippery" unreliable business. In addition, it has importance, whether the fish was fresh, or already asleep, or maybe cooked in some way. Best Option for a man he will see a fresh big mackerel on his fishing rod or in a net and take it in his hands. This promises success in business.

A man may dream of a fish already asleep, that is, caught, but not so fresh. In this case, the success or receipt of a sum of money is still in question. Also, success is doubtful if the fish manages to slip out of the hands and swim back into the water.

For a woman, a dream about fish, including, if it is mackerel, in the first place can mean pregnancy. This is especially likely in cases where a woman has caught her, or holds a live mackerel in her hands, or receives a fresh fish from a man.

Also interesting is the dream when a woman is offered a choice of fresh live fish, and she chooses mackerel. This will most likely mean that a girl will be born.

If a woman releases a fish from her hands or the fish is asleep or stale, this may portend certain problems during pregnancy.

What portends?

There may also be various options for the conditions in which men catch mackerel, the type of mackerel itself, as well as the feelings and sensations of the one who sees the dream in the course of the plot. Catching mackerel outside the sea and the seashore, that is, not where it tends to be, most likely predicts an unusual set of circumstances in the life of the sleeper, which will lead to good luck and profit.

However, a dream is considered a negative option in which mackerel is caught in winter and it lies on ice. This may indicate the futility of undertakings, it is not for nothing that there is a saying "beats like a fish on ice."

A dream also has a bad meaning, in which the mackerel has deteriorated, is rotten, and the sleeper even feels bad smell. Such a dream can be interpreted as disappointment, a collapse of hopes, and even monetary losses. Although if the one who has a dream sees this from the outside and does not experience negative emotions, perhaps troubles will pass by.

Even if for some reason the meaning of sleep seemed negative, its effect can be “neutralized” to a certain extent. To do this, repeat the following three times: “Go away my dream to where the last night went forever.”

To understand why mackerel is dreaming, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream. Dream Interpretations speak of a variety of interpretations of sleep - any fish can mean spiritual growth, well-being, fertility, and the "slipperiness" of partners' intentions. Seeing live fish in a dream is a great sign, but when cooked, it can bring many unexpected surprises.

Mackerel in Miller's dream book

Carefully consider accompanying symbols in a dream, for example:

  • mackerel in clean water- to success in society;
  • in a dirty one - expect intrigues from loved ones;
  • smoked - to illegal actions against you;
  • salty - to adventures and risk;
  • without a head - to the troubles coming from the authorities.

Miller's dream book warns: to see a mackerel without a head means to suffer nitpicking from management. If she dreamed completely in a cut form, be sure that your successes will be noticed, but not as soon as we would like.

A fish without a head is like a person without a good mentor and true friend. To dream of mackerel on the shelves of a store in a smoked or salted form - to everyone's attention to your person. Smoked - it means that the reputation will deteriorate, dreamed of salty - be prepared for adventures and scams.

Symbol of wealth and fertility

A living mackerel is dreamed of by a woman who is completely ready to become a mother. To receive it in a dream from the hands of a man or to catch it yourself - to pregnancy and a successful childbirth later. If a woman or a man dreams of a rotten fish, you should immediately pay attention to the state of health. An unpleasant smell is interpreted by dream books as losses, a lot of negative emotions and worries for no reason.

Throw away and later find it in the toilet, in a landfill, in the gutter - to the collapse of hopes and plans. The one who flushed it down the toilet with water will have to fail the event and make a profit less than expected. And, on the contrary, dream books promise high incomes for those who succeed in fishing in any available reservoir.

How to reach the goal

If you dreamed of a fish entangled in a net, be prepared for profitable financial offers. Off the hook - to the appearance of an heir, the acquisition of real estate and other glorious gifts of fate.

There is a mackerel in a dream - to the fulfillment of desires. Modern dream books they say: the tastier, bigger and fatter you choose a dish and start eating, the faster your plan will come true. If you dreamed that you had to be content with small pieces from the table, then insignificant dreams would come true.

Cooking mackerel in a dream on your own - to good earnings with a conscientious attitude to work. If you dream that you had to gut it, be careful - someone wants to illegally take possession of your finances or persuade you to unseemly acts, offenses. Dream Interpretations warn: mackerel beating on ice - to vain actions. During such periods, it is better to lay low and not start new business.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • To an unexpected pregnancy, if a woman sees a dream; man - an intimate relationship with a very insidious woman.

What is the dream of Smoked Fish in a dream from a dream book?

Why dream of smoked fish? A dream promises disappointments and difficulties, the larger the fish seen, the more serious they will be. It is possible to exert psychological influence on you in an attempt to impose your will.

Think with your head and do as you see fit, without succumbing to manipulation from the outside. You see a lot of smoked fish - difficulties may arise at work and in the material environment.

Who dreamed of smoked fish? What type of smoked fish was in your dream? What did you do with smoked fish in a dream?

Who dreamed of smoked fish?

Woman dreaming of smoked fish

See in a dream smoked fish- for a woman, a dream means that you need to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the house and take a break. A large amount of work that has fallen on you has taken too much energy.

The girl dreamed of smoked fish

The dream of smoked fish for a woman is a warning. It is necessary to closely monitor the state of health. Do not ignore ailments, consult a doctor at the first sign of illness.

A man sees smoked fish in a dream

Smoked fish dreams of a man for an affair or an incredible romance. Passion and attraction will not spare even married people - there is a high probability of cheating on your wife. Don't lose your head.

What type of smoked fish was in your dream?

Dreamed of smoked mackerel

Dream Interpretation interprets smoked mackerel as an unexpected visit. Most likely, an old acquaintance, or maybe one of your distant relatives, will decide to visit you.

Dreaming of smoked red fish

I dreamed of a red smoked fish - beware of conflicts. Soon a quarrel may occur, which will gradually develop into a big scandal. It is better to extinguish the heating situation in advance.

What did you do with smoked fish in a dream?

A woman eats smoked fish in a dream

Why dream of eating smoked fish? For a woman, this dream promises disappointment in her partner and doubts. Most likely, the former ardor is gradually fading away. There is a possibility of cheating.

Buy smoked fish in a dream

Buying smoked fish in a dream is a good sign. You will be able to make a profit, a significant income from assets, without making any special efforts and diligence. Fortune smiles on you.


Why dream of eating smoked fish?

It should be noted that a dream in which one dreams of eating smoked fish is not so common. In this case, how to interpret this dream? The most come to the rescue the best dream books, which contain the most accurate and truthful interpretations of the aforementioned dream plot.

An interesting fact is that the dream in which this plot occurs has several meanings.

According to one of them, what dreams of eating smoked fish is directly related to the upcoming changes in the career issue. So, a dream foreshadows that soon there will be a chance to advance in the working field, and very influential people will be involved in this.

They will help not only to take a higher position and receive an increased material salary, but also significantly strengthen the authority in the team. You can also be sure that these people will try to ensure a good reputation for their protégé.

A logical question arises as to why they need all this? The answer is simple: only commercial interest. This is a way to increase profits, as well as the way to the prosperity of the business. Well, everyone saves himself and his selfish interests!

It is very important to pay attention to the state of the fish that you have to eat in a dream. So, a fresh and large fish indicates that financially it will be possible to grab a fairly large jackpot. If the fish is small or, worse, rotten, then for special success in money matters not worth counting.

Another common meaning of this dream suggests that after a while the life of this person may suddenly and very seriously change. For example, as if from nowhere, a large inheritance will appear, about which absolutely no one, even close relatives, knew.

True, it is worth noting that on the way to big money, some difficulties may arise. These may be problems related to the reliability of documents or their validity. In a word, it will not do without bureaucratic delays.

It is also possible that the distance will become an obstacle to a certain extent. However, all these difficulties will be completely solvable, and therefore there is no need to be afraid of them or give in to them. Anyone who finds the strength to fight will certainly be rewarded by fate in full. It's worth considering, isn't it?

But few people know that there is another meaning of this dream. It concerns personal relationships.

So, a dream in which one dreams of eating smoked fish means that quite serious disagreements with the other half can be expected in the near future. This means that the period is temporary, but it must be endured with dignity. This will significantly affect the future of relations.

So, there may be distrust on the part of the partner. This will greatly hurt the feelings of the other person in the couple. He will be offended, it is possible that he will even begin to somehow take revenge. In any case, this problem should by no means be left unresolved.

And all because over time it can become a ticking time bomb. Therefore, you need to discard your pride and seek a compromise with a person dear to your heart, if this is the case, of course. However, there is also the opposite way.

You can also pay attention to additional details in a dream. They will help to interpret the plot more accurately. For example, if you dreamed that smoked fish was eaten with someone, then you can safely say that a quarrel will break out with this person in the near future.

Now the most accurate and truthful interpretation of sleep with smoked fish has become known. It is this meaning that should help to understand what the this dream. And if you connect fantasy and imaginative thinking, then you can comprehend the real basics of interpreting dreams.



The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Mackerel if a woman sees a dream- to an unexpected pregnancy; man- intimate relationship with a very insidious woman.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Catching mackerel in a dream- a sure sign that in the near future you will make a trip.

If you dream that you eat mackerel- someone will come to visit you.


Mackerel big smoked afraid

Dream Interpretation Big smoked mackerel to be afraid had a dream, what is the big smoked mackerel dreaming of being afraid of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to be afraid of big smoked mackerel in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mackerel

Dream Interpretation - Smoked lard

Dream Interpretation - Smoked ham

Dream Interpretation - Mackerel

Dream Interpretation - Barrel

To dream of a barrel filled with something is a sign of profit, success in business and wealth. An empty barrel in a dream portends damage in business, loss and disappointment. Such a dream portends a change for the worse in your life. If you do not catch yourself in time, you will find yourself below the poverty line. A leaky barrel in a dream portends losses and the futility of your efforts. The dream predicts that you will not be able to get rich soon and you will work all your life to make ends meet. However, if in a dream you manage to close a hole in a barrel, detect a leak or establish the cause of a leak, then you will be able to overcome all obstacles to success, identify your weaknesses and fulfill your intentions. If in a dream you see a lot of barrels, then you will be happy and prosperous. family life. If numbers are written on the barrels, then you will be lucky in a risky business or in a game of chance. See interpretation: hole, crack, glue, connect, numbers.

A dream in which you find yourself in a closed barrel promises you a lot of trouble. Your situation will seem hopeless to you. Try to get out of it in a dream - and happiness will smile at you in life. Seeing barrels roll is a sign that you will soon have a long journey. Seeing in a dream how a cooper makes barrels and puts iron hoops on them is a sign of failure. If he asks you to help in a dream and you immediately agree, then your situation will be hopeless. If the barrel in your dream is filled with water, then a happy family life awaits you. A barrel of wine or other liquor in a dream means that you should take better care of your children if you don't want anything to happen to them. Washing barrels in a dream is a sign of the end of a complicated business, and a broken barrel in a dream portends the collapse of hopes and the failure of plans. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you needlessly rely on the help of another person, because he will never help you in difficult times and you yourself will have to do all the rough and thankless work. See interpretation: drinks, warehouse.

If you dream that a barrel is rolling on you, then beware of the machinations of enemies or envious people. Such a dream usually warns of danger, and after it you need to be extremely careful with the people around you. If in a dream the barrel broke out and rolled, then the dream warns you that you will break loose and give free rein to your feelings, which will greatly harm yourself and ruin your relationship with a person who is not indifferent to you.

Dream Interpretation - Barrel

The barrel is a symbol of a woman or female genital organs.

If a man fills a barrel, then he is proud of his sexual health.

If a woman fills a barrel, then she seeks sexual contact with her beloved man and wants to have children from him.

An empty or broken barrel speaks of dissatisfaction with your sexual partner and a desire to break up with him.

If you wash or clean the barrel, then you are very picky about your sexual contacts and prefer to always protect yourself.

If you are watching someone fill a barrel, then you are not satisfied with your sex life.

If a man fills a barrel, and you can’t fill it in any way, then he is afraid of being sexually incompetent. If a woman sees this dream, then she is a sexually insatiable and unsatisfied woman who dreams of sex with several men at the same time.

Dream Interpretation - Barrel

A harbinger of an early reward for your efforts and diligence.

To see a lot of barrels, to be in it, to drink from it - to fun.

Roll a lot of barrels into your barn, cellar - to a rich and reliable future awaiting you.

A barrel without a bottom - your illusions have no practical value.

A barrel with a hole - to vain chores, unsuccessful work.

Roll a barrel in front of you - a profitable job awaits you.

The barrel will burst, the hoops will dry out and fall - to tears.

A tub filled with wine is a big income, water - you are slowly but surely moving forward.

The tub is dreaming - it can warn you that you are leading the wrong lifestyle.

The bottom of a deep barrel - the most favorable time has come for you. You will be able to succeed in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation - Barrel

Barrel - empty barrel - big trouble; filled - wealth, full of holes - to have material damage; to see a lot of barrels - wealth in your family; see the numbers on the barrels - you will have good luck in the lottery.

Dream Interpretation - Smoked ham

To pain in the liver.

Dream Interpretation - Barrel

A dreaming barrel, if it is filled with some kind of liquid, portends complete well-being and abundance in the house, while an empty barrel - to trouble, but only for a while, then everything will go on as usual.

An old, abandoned barrel lying somewhere in the backyard - to conflicts with family (children, husband, etc.).

Seeing barrels of wine in a dream in an old cellar means in reality indulging in fun, extravagance and generally liberating yourself, getting rid of the complexes that were holding you back.


Smoked mackerel

Dream Interpretation Smoked mackerel had a dream, why smoked mackerel in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Smoked Mackerel in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mackerel

If you dream that you are fishing, then a trip awaits you.

If you eat mackerel - wait for the guests.

Catching a mackerel in a dream is a sure sign that you will make a trip in the near future.

If you dream that you are eating mackerel, someone will come to visit you.

Dream Interpretation - Smoked lard

There is smoked lard in a dream - to problems with weight.

Dream Interpretation - Smoked ham

Seeing smoked bacon in a dream - to prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Mackerel

To an unexpected pregnancy, if a woman sees a dream.

Man - an intimate relationship with a very insidious woman.

Dream Interpretation - Smoked ham

To pain in the liver.


Bought big smoked mackerel

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Dream Interpretation - Train Compartment

Invitation; the onset of a new, important period of life, the transition from one state, level (service, creative, material) to another. See add. R. Transport (train).

Dream Interpretation - Swim (in a lake, river, sea)

Relief from illness and anxiety.

Imagine yourself splashing happily in clean, fresh, clear water.

Dream Interpretation - Big

A large and high door - wealth and nobility.

A large and high door, gate - portends wealth and nobility.

Big river with clean and clear water- is a harbinger of great happiness.

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness.

A big fish beats, jumps - portends fame, glory.

A large tree suddenly breaks - portends trouble, misfortune.

Are you going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being.

Climbing a big tree - fame, fame, luck, happiness.

Big basin - adding stocks, great happiness.

Basin, large bowl - portends an increase in supplies, great happiness.

A large temple of ancestors - happiness and good luck in all matters.

IN great hall there is a coffin - portends joy and peace.

Climbing a big tree - fame, fame, luck, happiness.

Seeing large and wide city walls is a great wealth and a lot of joy.

You see large and wide city walls - great wealth and much joy.

Driving along the high road and falling into a hole is a loss of wealth.

Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

A big rat runs through - portends a joyful event.

A big rat runs through - a joyful event.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

If you are going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being.

The person gives you a big bucket - benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Thumb

See your own in a dream thumb- to happiness and wealth.

A woman sees her thumb - to the birth of a child.

The merchant sees his thumb - to a good profit.

Seeing a wound on your thumb is a big disaster.

If the thief sees a wound on his thumb - to arrest and sentence.

The patient sees a wound on the thumb - for long-term treatment.

Seeing a thumb in paint is a symbol of big debts and unpleasant conversations.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

In clean water, it means success in the enterprise and health, and in muddy water, it marks the death of one of the relatives and friends.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

In pure water - health and success.

In muddy - a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Bathe in a holy spring

Dream Interpretation - Buy an expensive fur coat

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Buy a bed in a dream for the deceased

Bad sleep; portends death




saw the missing smoked mackerel in the fridge


Hello Tatiana!!!
I bought 2 fatty pieces of smoked mackerel in the store. Unrealistic dimensions, reality does not happen. In general, a very rich store, I stood choosing all night. But dead fish there was not, only ready-made and all kinds of seafood.


In a dream, I dreamed of a package of chopped salted mackerel, I wanted to treat the guy, broke it and it was a little bloody.


Mom came and started eating smoked mackerel and bream, and I have salted mackerel in my hands, like a herring, and I take pieces of meat and eat!!! It tasted normal!!! Thanks in advance


Hello Tatiana. I have dreams all the time. Sometimes they repeat, rarely - prophetic. I always want to know the meaning of sleep, because. it's just that dreams don't come true. Today's dream is this: I wanted to buy a part of a large smoked mackerel in the market, I already chose it for my brother, lives in Tallinn and, as it were, came to visit me and was there. But for some reason the saleswoman did not want to sell me, she began to weigh another woman. And I have already prepared the money. But I still couldn't buy it. And nearby, loaders began to carry trays of meat to a nearby store. I thought maybe I could buy meat then, but I didn’t go. So I didn't buy anything. Thank you in advance.


I swim with a guy in the sea with dirty water, and in my hands I have a mackerel and we swim ashore and my fish disappears, then I see a kitten


from Saturday to Sunday, I dreamed that my husband and I were standing in the store and I asked him to buy me fish! There are 3 different fish in front of the house and I choose mackerel. He buys and we bring it home, we don’t eat, but I just pour water and lay down her there. why this dream. please help. many thanks in advance! email [email protected]


I only remember the end - the seller is a man, 1 mackerel and a salmon backbone in a bucket, and I accept riba. gives (gives without money)


Hello! My name is Alena. I dreamed that I was eating smoked mackerel, and then I went to the store, and when I left the store, they brought some big box, and there were a lot of fish, some were sealed.


Hello, I had a dream about how some man brought me smoked mackerel from the store and I cut off a large piece and ate it so I really wanted this fish


At first, I dreamed of a mackerel slave (which I actually salted), she was headless with an orange tint, and then I dreamed that I was doing a pregnancy test and it showed two stripes, but at least my mother-in-law noticed them and told my husband I didn’t tell them about her


In a dream, I let in a lodger of Caucasian nationality and he brought a large bag of smoked mackerel without a head, I didn’t eat it.


I remember in a dream I was looking for a bag with things, I was in the building and thought that it was on the 3rd floor, but for some reason they didn’t let me in there, either access was closed to it, or the stairs were completely destroyed. In order to still pick up my things, they gave me smoked mackerel without heads, a package of 3-4. At the end of the dream, I found my bag with things and got to the 3rd floor


It’s very vague, but I remember that I’m looking into a very wide and deep vessel, shaped like a toilet bowl. It has crystal clear water, and in the middle there is a large mackerel, it seemed that it was smoked, but I wondered in a dream, or maybe alive. Then I only remember that I dreamed of a lot of different fish, of different sizes.


young people brought a box of smoked mackerel to my house, and small shoes with signatures lay on the fish. They said it was charity.


I passed by a couple and they had a catch, they caught a huge mackerel, it was cut into three pieces. I admired the fish and the girl decided to brag about her teeth. I took out a tooth that was similar in size to a bag. She held it with both hands and I checked it for strength, scratched it with some kind of stamotological instrument. The tooth did not look like a fish, rather a human one looks like a wisdom tooth.


it lies on a plate fat, I take it in my hands, then I think then we will sing, otherwise there will be a smell


I was offered to buy smoked mackerel in my former job, I asked a classmate if she also wanted to buy this fish, she agreed to take one, but I took three things and intended to take one more


ate smoked mackerel at a friend’s evening, then she collected it from all the tables


i dreamed that I sold smoked mackerel, separating it from the skin in pieces, I sold it to a man


before my occupation was concerts, creative life. and in a dream, I again found myself at a previous job in the same building of the house of creativity. everyone is running around, getting ready for the next concert, and I, in a position (as now), walk joyfully, slowly and tell my friend “let's go have a bite, there is still time, no one will notice.” we go to the dining room (actually it is not in the building). self-service. we approach the distributor, there are several pieces of either fried or boiled (I don’t remember) mackerel. I just thought that I would take it, a friend stands in front of me and asks for a piece of fish. she puts it down and she suddenly asks for another one. I was a little upset, because there was only one head left. Well, I think I'll take it. some women with plates fly in from different directions, climb out of line and ask for her, I began to swear with them and sort things out about culture, about the fact that I was the first, etc. then woke up


i came to the farm to get a job, but there wasn’t such a free specialty, and when I leave, I see a large pile of mackerel without heads, fresh-frozen Kamaz, like it broke down and dumped it, I really wanted to, and I begged and, like, stole three pieces into my bag


Good afternoon. “I have food foil in my hands. On it lies a baked mackerel with a head. The look and smell of fish is pleasant. Alya and I are trying the fish. We like. Then the daughter breaks off her head and gently lays it aside. The second part is a small pile of fine coal mixed with snow, and I wash some laundry in this mess. Opposite the silent former mother-in-law sits on a stool. To my right I see a large mountain of quality green bell peppers.


I saw in a dream a lot of fresh mackerel. Then they cut one of them up and showed that it was good, but for some reason it became very large. I folded it like an envelope and put it in a bag. And then I saw tails from herring half a package.

Are you haunted by a dream in which you held, bought or ate smoked fish? Why is this yummy dreaming? What does the dream book say about such "gastronomic" dreams?

  1. Opinion of Vanga's dream book. The world famous seer believes bad dream in which you eat such fish, regardless of its taste. Vanga warns: there is a person in your circle who is ready to put "spokes in the wheels" with your important plans or business.
  2. What does Dr. Miller think? He interprets the most unusual of the "fish" dreams, in which a person cut off smoked carcasses from a tree. This means that the dreamer has an amazing and unplanned, but definitely joyful event ahead.
  3. Smoked fish through the eyes of Freud. The master of the analysis of the unconscious believes that people who in reality have sexual difficulties that prevent them from relaxing at the most necessary moment can see smoked fish. Understand yourself, because your partner suffers because of your “throwing”.
  4. Pastor Loff considers both smoked and dried fish to be a sign of an upcoming trip to distant lands where you can make a fortune.
  5. But the medium Hasse was of a different opinion. For him, an appetizingly smoky fish carcass is a symbol of good luck. He advises people who saw her in a dream not to be shy and visit a casino, or buy a lottery ticket - you may hit a big jackpot.

Deciphering sleep in detail

Generally speaking, this good dream. Ancient myths consider the fish to be an image of wisdom (because it is silent), as well as the creation of life (due to being born in water, without which there would be no life at all). But in order to fully understand what smoked fish is dreaming of for you, you need to remember all the small details of the dream.

Man or woman?

  • For a young girl, such a dream may turn out to be a warning: take care of yourself, do not ignore minor ailments. With their help, the body can signal the onset of a serious illness, which is easier and cheaper to cure now than during an exacerbation.
  • Such a girl's dream may have another interpretation: an upcoming successful marriage. The groom will be prosperous and self-sufficient.
  • For women, smoked fish in a dream means: it's time to take a break from household chores. You have spent a lot of energy on work or family, and you should not “drain” yourself further, but replenish it.
  • If a woman sees a very large fish (especially mackerel), two unscheduled stripes on a pregnancy test may await her.
  • Smoked fish dreamed of a pregnant woman? Congratulations: you are waiting for an easy, quick birth.
  • A fish hints to a man: you will meet a certain charming person, which can end in a pleasant affair or a passionate romance. For an unmarried guy, this can be a very good dream. But for a married or in serious relationship- a warning: try not to break firewood, it will quickly disappear, but because of it you can lose your spouse.
  • If a man sees his pregnant wife feeding such fish, it means that he and his beloved will finally be able to have a baby.

The type of fish is very important!

  • Red fish means an impending quarrel or a serious conflict. As soon as the situation in the family or team begins to heat up, do not aggravate it, otherwise the situation will turn into a protracted scandal. By the way, if your friend or relative was in a dream with a fish, be careful: he will be drawn into a “bad war”.
  • Also, salmon fish can mean a pleasant surprise waiting for you in the near future.
  • Salmon: you may start having problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mackerel is a symbol of an unplanned visit. Do you love guests? So this is a good dream for you! By the way, sometimes this dream is also interpreted as follows: you can make a mistake and commit an offense.
  • Carp: chores, but pleasant - associated with getting "profits".
  • Sudak: your financial situation will improve.
  • Sturgeon: a romance awaits you, but short-lived.
  • Crucian: illness or loss.
  • Capelin, especially small, but in in large numbers A: You have a lot of trouble ahead of you.
  • Flounder, especially large ones: you may start to have skin problems.
  • Pike or perch symbolize your competitors. But if the fish was headless, or you ate it, then in real life you can easily cope with your “sworn friends”.

Taste of fish delicacies

  • If the carcasses were overdried, the dream recommends taking a philosophical approach to your life.
  • Was the taste too salty? This dream can have two meanings. First, you will soon be reminded of the person you loved in the past. Second: resentment or disappointment awaits you ahead.
  • Was the fish rotten? Gossip is spread around you, which can even ruin your relationship with your boss or other patron.
  • Was the taste good? Positive changes await you.

What did you do in your dream?

  • Smoke fish (alone or paired with your beloved / spouse) - your life will be harmonious, filled with many joys.
  • If you ate fish, but did not remember its taste, the interpretation of the dream is the same: guests will come to you soon.
  • Have you seen yourself in the fish row at the market, where you chose smoked fish? You may be surrounded by falsehood and deceit.
  • However, if you still bought it, the dream becomes good and portends a stable position (in the family, at work and / or in society), as well as material well-being.
  • As for shopping in the supermarket, there is a different interpretation: your subconscious mind speaks of loneliness that you yourself have chosen.
  • Did you dream of a merchant trying to sell smoked fish "with a smell"? Bad business: competitors will not let you get real profit from your business.

In general, as any dream book says, smoked fish is not disturbing and not horrible dream. Yes, sometimes the interpretation is associated with troubles, but always from the category of those that can be overcome on their own. So do not be afraid, and you will be all on the shoulder!

They always tried to interpret dreams in which any fish dreamed, remembering the smallest details, details of what kind of fish it was according to the method of preparation, its type, where it lives: in the sea or in the river. Everything played a role in the explanation of "fish" dreams. Therefore, when analyzing such visions in a dream, one must continue to be as attentive in order to achieve an accurate prediction of what smoked fish dreams of.

In most cases, seeing something related to fish in a dream is a favorable sign.

Not in all dreams, the inhabitants of reservoirs are a negative prediction. In most cases, seeing something related to fish in a dream is a favorable sign.

  • For example, the dream book of the predictor and astrologer Nostradamus about the use fish dishes in food in a dream says that in reality the dreamer will receive unexpected news of pleasant content.
  • In Pastor Loff's dream book, not only smoked, but also salty and dried fish means travel exotic countries for making money.

But in most cases, aquatic inhabitants with a tail, even with a head, even without it, dream of those who have strong rivals. Dreams are forced to warn of those moments when enemies will become more active. Dreams are trying to help their owners, they are trying to tell that they are under the threat of losing material wealth, friends, and the disposition of their superiors. Basically, a fried or smoked fish is a symbol of blessings that do not fall like manna from heaven from heaven, but are obtained only by their own labor.

Fish in a dream book (video)

Why dream of smoked fish for a woman, girl, man

  • If a woman dreamed of a sturgeon, then a very stormy romance is approaching, but, unfortunately, it will quickly come to its finale.
  • When both a man and a woman dreamed of smoked sardines, such a dream says that there will be minor circumstances that will lead to misunderstanding, and as a result, misunderstandings will be born.
  • If in a dream a woman eats smoked fish as food, the mistress of this vision will soon begin to fade feelings of love for her soul mate, and then the spouses may disperse.
  • A golden fish, as if from a fairy tale, dreams of a girl and a woman to the appearance of interesting proposals.
  • The catfish brings bad news, and the pike promises that dangers will soon arise on the path of life.
  • Herring - to problems in everything.

If a woman dreamed of a sturgeon, then a very stormy romance is approaching, but, unfortunately, it will quickly come to its finale.

A whale dreams of great achievements and success in life.

Different types of fish and their interpretation

No one will dispute the fact that absolutely any kind of chordate creatures is smoked in life. In a dream, this is also quite a possible and common phenomenon.

  • If smoked fish is represented by appetizing red salmon, such a dream portends that some kind of surprise awaits the dreamers.
  • I dreamed of smoked flounder - we should expect very soon, in one form or another, a disease of the skin.
  • Smoked crucian carp appeared in a dream - it means that there will be a loss, it can also portend a mild, mild illness, such as a cold or a headache.
  • If you had a dream where smoked carp dominates, then this may indicate problems with finances.
  • If in a dream smoked fish is in very large quantities, then such a vision warns its owner that a rather dangerous enemy may be surrounded. Therefore, you should carefully look at your friends, work colleagues and just acquaintances.

If smoked fish is represented by red appetizing salmon, such a dream portends that some kind of surprise awaits the dreamers.

Advice - do not scatter money and be careful in dubious transactions.

Seeing fish heads in a dream

If you dream that an aquatic predator without a head is lying on the table, some kind of project is planned, and the owner of the dream is full of doubts and worries about this.

I dreamed of a tree with smoked products instead of fruits - Miller's dream book interprets that in real life a real miracle awaits the dreamer. Although in a dream you can’t call it otherwise than a miraculous phenomenon either.

If you dream that an aquatic predator without a head lies on the table, some kind of project is planned.

The fish head is a sign that requires a careful approach to its explanation. Absolutely everything is important here, even the sensations that the sleeping person experienced when such a not very pleasant picture appeared.

  1. If you dreamed of a fish head with blood - to monetary losses.
  2. Head big fish- something good: a promotion, a useful acquaintance, a reward.
  3. Small fish heads - the partner is not satisfied with something.
  4. If a living fish is dreaming, then things are nearing a successful conclusion, and soon there will be an important acquaintance in the dreamer's life.
  5. But sometimes you can see, from the category of fiction, the head of a fish, and the face of a person. This is also a dream that the environment consists of the most different people, many of them are completely uninteresting to the dreamer.
  6. It is best if the fish is dreaming headless - this is a sign that no rivals and rivals can cope with those who see this.

Tip: dreaming fish head you must remember in detail, when interpreting these little things to use. This sign is warning and predicting the near future.

Buy smoked fish in a dream

Whatever purchases people don’t have to make in reality, so in their dreams they often have to visit supermarkets.

  1. Making a purchase in a dream with the aim of acquiring smoked fish is a harbinger of a life filled with prosperity and great prosperity.
  2. If you had to buy smoked fish in the market, this is a warning to the dreamer or dreamer that in real life someone will soon deceive him or her.
  3. I dreamed of a supermarket, and the dreamer buys fish in it with different kind smoked meats - the owner of the dream decided to be a loner in this life.

Making a purchase in a dream with the aim of acquiring smoked fish is a harbinger of a life filled with prosperity and great prosperity

Sometimes it is important to know as much as possible about a dreaming fish.

  • A freshly caught fish dreams of telling the dreamer that you can safely take on any business - there will be enough strength.
  • The fish that has been fried can be accepted with joy: the news will be joyful and pleasant.
  • A vision with frozen fish - it's time to check your health, as problems begin that are best eliminated at the very beginning of their appearance.
  • But if the dreamer does not pay due attention to his well-being, he will see rotten fish in a dream - this is interpreted as an already existing disease.

It is worth taking a closer look and trying to remember which particular fish they bought in a dream.

Why dream of smoked mackerel, capelin

Human fantasy is so rich that sometimes dreams are completely unpredictable. For example, with the same dreams that a man and a woman had, their interpretations will be absolutely opposite.

  1. A girl dreamed of a smoked mackerel - this portends the birth of a child, and it will be in reality an unplanned mistress of sleep.
  2. And such a dream tells a man that a rather cunning woman will meet on his way.
  3. If a huge pile of fish is seen, and this is capelin, then chores are expected.

In many dreams, mackerel appears as a noble fish, therefore, it predicts only pleasant events.

Why do fish dream (video)

Smoked fish in dreams is always interpreted in different ways. The value is influenced by the color of the fish, and how it was acquired. Much depends on who is dreaming - a man or a woman.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dream interpretation mackerel

Why dream of mackerel if in real life you are far from such a delicacy? To get an understanding of the symbol you see, you will have to pay attention to every detail. night dreams no matter how difficult it may seem.

In various dream interpreters, you can find wording that contradicts each other, and therefore it is so important to analyze several options.

Where to begin?

Dreamed of spicy fish

As the dream book predicts, mackerel is not a random symbol, and therefore it is so important to understand the reason for its appearance. The fish that you managed to see reflects your constant desire for spiritual development, well-being and stability, but negative formulations should also be noted. Your business partners may not be what you imagined, and they are willing to go to great lengths for their own benefit.

What do the experts think?

According to a popular dream book, the fish is alive - auspicious sign, which cannot be said about the cooked version. You will expect unexpected surprises from different sides, and therefore it is so important to listen to the recommendations.

Miller version

After reading the works from the presented interpreter of dreams, you can see the depth of consideration of the symbol seen. If a mackerel fish swims in clear water, then in real life success in all endeavors awaits.

It is better to immediately take advantage of the opportunity that has opened up, otherwise you will regret it. To see fish in dirty and muddy water - people have appeared in your environment, weaving intrigues behind their backs. If you have begun to suspect someone, then you cannot share your suspicions, otherwise important information will be leaked.

Miller classified the fish he saw according to the degree of its preparation:

Seeing smoked fish in a dream

  • smoked - to commit illegal acts against the sleeping person;
  • salty - your adventurous spirit can lead to big problems;
  • without a head and entrails - to possible troubles associated with leadership.

The dream interpreter warns that your excessive efforts can be regarded ambiguously, and therefore you can forget about a well-deserved promotion.

Modern dream book

Why dream smoked mackerel? Such a plot predicts the fulfillment of cherished desires. However, you must understand that the desired things are the result of hard work, which is often hushed up.

When you dream of smoking fish, you will have to pay attention to its fat content: the more it flows out of it, the faster the practical implementation of the plan. Dreams are dreamed in which not a single piece is taken - a symbol of pettiness and insignificance. Most likely, your dreams are not as ambitious as you might think at first glance, and therefore it is important to reconsider your outlook on life.

Seeing live fish in a dream

What was it?

The fish that happened to be seen in a dream must be deciphered in accordance with the state in which it was.


If a woman dreams of a living mackerel, then such a dream reflects her complete readiness for motherhood. As a rule, an already pregnant woman has such a dream, and to make sure of this, she can do a test.

To receive a live fish in a dream from someone or to catch it on a bait is a favorable combination of circumstances, and for young women such a dream is a prediction of an impending pregnancy and easy childbirth.


When you dreamed about the image of a rotten fish, then it's time to pay attention to your health. Thus, the subconscious is trying to tell the dreamer that not all processes in the body are proceeding normally.

Dreamed of a spoiled dish

The female dream book describes the unpleasant smell emanating from mackerel as a harbinger of losses and the onset of negative experiences. To solve such a problem, you need to learn how to find the root of the problem, and not eliminate the consequences.

To see a rotting fish delicacy - your life lacks a wise and faithful friend who could help in solving a difficult task.


Salted mackerel on the counter of the store reflects the general attention to your person. Dream interpreters do not advise rejoicing ahead of time, as the wave of popularity will quickly subside, and you must understand whether it is needed.

Seeing in a dream how fish are smoked

Smell salted mackerel- to the appearance of dubious adventures and scams, and therefore it is better to stay away from them. Dubious privileges, in fact, will become a trap.

Dreaming about how someone smokes a fish is a symbol of a damaged reputation, and therefore you must think over every word in advance so that it is not used against yourself.

What was forgotten?

If you decide to give up a dubious treat and get rid of it, but then suddenly find it in your refrigerator, your hopes and plans will not come true. Throw mackerel down the toilet - to the failure of the planned event or a decrease in income. Dream Interpretations write that successful fishing means a rapid increase in wealth, and this will make you happy.

Cook mackerel yourself - you have formed a conscientious attitude to work, and this is reflected in the level of earnings. You manage to do what many refuse, and get much more.

Cutting off the head and getting the insides - to the appearance of people who want to illegally take away financial assets. Attackers are ready to commit an offense, and therefore you must be prepared for this in advance. Dream interpreters are advised to go underground for a while and start a new business. Perhaps it will bring much greater profits and opportunities.

To see a mackerel that cannot get out of the net - to the receipt of profitable financial offers. Take the fish off the hook - you are destined to acquire beautiful real estate and pass it on as an inheritance.

Your mark.