People who gave birth on the 6th lunar day. How to calculate the lunar day? Work and money matters

The moon is our only satellite. And scientists have long agreed that it has a certain effect on humans and on our entire planet. But at the same time, astrologers are also sure that the celestial body, being at a certain stage of its growth, affects personal qualities of people. And today, on the pages of “Popular about Health”, we will try to clarify what the 6 lunar day gives us, what is its characteristic as a person’s birthday.

The sixth lunar day is considered by astrologers to be passive and feminine. It is also characterized as the time of connection with cosmic energy. This day allows you to acquire intuitive information that contributes to the implementation of your plans and sowing the very grain that will germinate with the desired results.

Accordingly, people who were born on the sixth lunar day are conductors, they are able to transform cosmic energy. It is believed that they often live a very long time, and with a certain development they can become preachers.

People of the sixth lunar day have a high destiny, which means that they can perform some vital task important for the whole world. But at the same time they face many difficulties in everyday life.

They have difficulty waiting, as well as trying to balance the inside and the outside. There may be pride. It can be difficult for such people to show humility, to adequately perceive various advice or comments. In addition, they may not be objective enough to evaluate their activities.

People of the sixth lunar day have a unique ability to transform cosmic energies into words. With due diligence and proper development, they can grow into excellent speakers, become a good storyteller or teacher.

However, it is important for them to carefully control their speech and pay attention to what others say to them. People who are not too different high level spiritual development, one must learn to understand the connection between the word and cosmic energy. Responsibility for such education is primarily borne by parents, as well as teachers involved in the upbringing of the child.

People who were born on the sixth lunar day can become wonderful thinkers or philosophers. Many of them show a gift for predicting the future and for working with various unusual psychic phenomena. But, of course, for this you need to work very hard, devote time and effort to meditation, mental cleansing and breathing exercises.

People of the sixth lunar day are highly sensitive to smells, they can feel the smallest shades. They also quite often have a strong, clear and beautiful voice, which gives them the opportunity to develop themselves creatively.

Birth on the sixth lunar day gives a person a chance to live to a ripe old age and maintain a clear mind.

Birthday fell on the 6th lunar day. People born on the 6th lunar day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. They can often be long-livers, preachers.

It is difficult for such people every 20th lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

On this day, people of high destiny are born, with some important life task for the world as a whole, but endless difficulties await them in everyday life. Holy fool, Mother Teresa, etc. - this is the ultimate version of the lifestyle written in the family of those born on this day.

Poorly manages passivity in business (waiting is not their strong point), balancing the internal and external. Difficulties with the manifestation of heroism, pride. It is difficult to get what you deserve, to show humility, to adequately perceive comments and advice, to objectively evaluate yourself and your activities.

A child born on this day will be long-lived. IN best case, conductors of cosmic energies can be born: people who know how to transform these forces in a word. They can become good speakers, storytellers, teachers. But people of the 6th l.d. should, in turn, always be attentive to what they say and what they are told. If a person has a low spiritual level of development, he should be helped to realize the connection between the word and cosmic energies. First of all, parents and teachers who bring up a child in childhood are responsible for this.

People born on the 6th lunar day are the original conductors of cosmic energy - both mental and verbal. They should also be especially attentive to their own thoughts and words, since their word has a powerful charge. Such people often become thinkers, philosophers, psychics. They are given to predict the future, work with classified information, experience unusual mental phenomena. The chance to develop extrasensory abilities in these people will increase many times if they work on themselves, engage in mental purification, meditation, and breathing exercises. As a rule, these people are very sensitive to smells, able to capture the subtlest shades and nuances. Such people usually know how to work with the word, with the energy of the word. They should be very careful about what and to whom they say - this will help them avoid many troubles in life. Such people often have a strong, clear and beautiful voice, they make good singers, actors, musicians. People on the 6th lunar day usually live to a ripe old age and maintain excellent health and clarity of mind.

A person was born in the first quarter of the lunar cycle. Morning of the month - "Artemis". I came to know this world, get acquainted with it, solve tactical problems and make tactical plans, decide, look around and start all life processes, relationships.

Born in the 1st quarter - "small children" preschool age and their life task, the purpose for which they were born is the same as that of babies - to get to know this world, learn to communicate, take care of themselves and "behave in people."

Those born in the first quarter of the lunar cycle are the eternal "preschool children", people of a virgin soul that has not yet acquired great experience. They, like children under three years old, know little, but they learn and absorb information more easily than others. They sleep a lot and physically and spiritually it is difficult for them to wake up, they need rest more than others. Because every day they, like small children, receive more impressions from life than "adults".

It’s like everything is new to them, they take everything at face value, it’s easier for them to open up to the world and other people.

They draw strength from the Earth, like babies from their mother, they, like babies, need physical care, comfort, warmth. Having become adults, our “babies” continue to be fed from the Earth, they are given strength by trips to nature, they are helped more than others by all sorts of rituals like “lean against a birch”. In a word, remember the kids, and everything will become clear to you.

Those born in the 1st phase are allowed a lot and more than others are forgiven, because they have not yet reached that degree of "adulthood" that imposes great responsibility.

The quality of life of those born in the first quarter, as well as the quality of life of children, practically in everything depends on the "parents" - on the environment in which they live. If loved ones take good care of them, then their whole life can turn out to be a continuous "happy and carefree childhood." If you are not lucky with the environment, it is the hardest to cope with the difficulties of all - life in the “childhood of a homeless child” mode is perhaps the most difficult of all options. To improve the quality of your life. Those born in the first quarter just need to find good caring "parents".

The best partners and life companions for people of the first phase of the moon are people born in the third moon phase. Those same "caring parents" are most often found among those born in the 3rd quarter, born "adults", whose task is precisely to live an adult life, work, raise children, take care of their parents, etc.

Closer to the transition to the second quarter, 6-8 lunar days are people of difficult fate: our baby “goes to school” with all the ensuing consequences for him.

Which famous people were born on the 6th lunar day? On this day, such famous people were born as:

  • Stanislav Sadalsky - actor (birthday August 8, 1951)

Symbol- crane, clouds.
stones- hyacinth, citrine.

Today is the most positive and successful day in the first quarter. Almost everything will work out for you, life will sparkle with new colors. It is better to spend the day passively, without taking active actions, without overloading yourself with worries. The moon does not require large energy costs from you, so you can dispose of your powers at your own discretion. Would you like to visit the gym or swimming pool? Please. Prefer to read a book quietly in an armchair? Also good. Today, all your actions are favorable if they do not violate cosmic and human laws and do not spoil karma. Those who go against the law, the moon does not favor. Therefore, the sixth lunar day is unfavorable for criminals. Detectives and police will easily be able to catch them.

Today, intuition is aggravated, so you should listen to your inner voice. On the sixth lunar day, our ancestors divined from the clouds. A good sign is if the clouds in the sky are rare, white and light. When the sky is clear or, conversely, completely covered with clouds, this was considered a sign of a violation of harmony in nature. Today sounds and smells become symbolic. Hearing a melodic ringing is good. The human sense of smell is sharpened, so surround yourself with pleasant aromas. You can go out into nature and relax.

Emotionally, you need to remain balanced and calm. Dissatisfaction with yourself and your life will lead to adverse consequences. You should accept things as they are. It is good to work with anti-aging procedures, meditate, concentrate on breathing. All the information received will need to be filtered, since its flows are huge today.

Health and Nutrition. You can arrange a small feast, alcohol is allowed. Smoking is not recommended, as today the bronchi, airways and upper parts of the lungs are the most vulnerable. In addition, a smoker pollutes the air, which can cause trouble, because it is precisely today that the element of Air rules over the world. Take care of your throat, do not drink too cold drinks, be careful with ice cream.

The day is good for a massage using aromatic oils. It is useful to use anti-aging masks, scrubs. You can cut your hair, but it is not recommended to remove teeth. The risk of catching a cold increases, but any illness that occurs today will pass quickly and without complications. If on the sixth lunar day you have a cough or a sore throat, then this is a sign that you do not follow cosmic laws, that you should work on yourself and better manage the energy given to you.

Love and relationships. A very good day for any kind of communication. With the opposite sex, you will be successful, the authorities will listen to you. Today, people around you are most receptive to the flow of information, so they will listen carefully to you and understand not only what you say, but also what you mean.

In married life and love affairs, everything will work out. On this day, you can enter into a marriage that will give spouses stability and homeliness. Marriages entered into on the sixth lunar day are the most successful and rarely end in divorce. Also, the day is good for procreation. Conceived on the sixth lunar day, a child will always strive for his ideals and be in harmony with nature.

Work and creativity. The day is favorable for group operations. You can start some small things, big ones should be started later. A good day to resolve any business issues - financial, partnership, real estate issues. If you are planning a job change, you can do it today. You can also take a short trip or travel, move to a new place of residence.

The Moon favors all creative people today. Studying, science is very useful. Art and any kind of scientific disciplines will bring the greatest pleasure. Don't forget to filter the received information. Today it is useful to distribute debts, but you should not borrow, otherwise you will not know peace later, and possibly quarrel with the donor.

Born on this day has a chance, if not to become famous, then to leave behind a tangible mark. He is a dreamer and dreamer, very freedom-loving, he cannot stand when they put pressure on him. Such people are priceless, they have a rich inner world, they can change their partner and forever leave a mark on his soul. People born on the sixth lunar day usually have a long and fruitful life.

Details of the 6 lunar day in relation to various fields of activity - a classic interpretation

sphere of life better days
undertakings- norm when is the best time?
communication- Great when is the best time?
business- Fine when is the best time?
monetary transactions- Fine when is the best time?
communication with superiors, taxes- Fine when is the best time?
job change- norm when is the best time?
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)- norm when is the best time?
creation- Great when is the best time?
the science- Great when is the best time?
art- Fine when is the best time?
training (exams)- Great when is the best time?
trips- norm when is the best time?
rest- norm when is the best time?
feast- norm when is the best time?
alcohol- norm when is the best time?

Symbolic correspondence: 1st - 12th degrees of Gemini.
Action: tenderness.
Titles: Prana, rainbow, crane.
Precedes the first quarter of the moon.
The symbol is clouds, a crane, the sacred prophetic bird Ivik (Greek). The crane symbolizes the passive feminine principle.
The period of absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Prophecy, thought transmission, work with the word, pranayama. It is also recommended to work with smells, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana takes place. The day of finding grace, love. Reminds me of forgiveness. People born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy.
In ancient times, this day was used to read by the clouds. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds, it means that the world is devoid of harmony. It is good to see the clouds, to hear the melodious ringing.
Mystical influence: The period of absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Prophecy, thought transmission, pranayama.
Social impact: happy, fortunate for scientific research day.
Household influence: Good group work. There are stolen and missing things. Dreams come true, but it's better not to tell anyone about them.
Medical influence: The sick recover quickly. It is recommended to work with the bronchi, upper respiratory tract. The day is good for rejuvenation.
In the medical aspect, attention should be paid to the bronchi, upper respiratory tract; treat disease well respiratory tract.
Impact on born: People born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. Often centenarians, preachers.
Effect on conception: Long life dreamer and traveler is provided for those born on this day. He will look for an ideal, love freedom, understand nature. It is good if conception occurs in nature.
Stones - hyacinth, citrine.
Signatures: Hyacinth, citrine.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

First sextile. The period is very favorable, it allows a person to show his abilities in a variety of fields. Luck increases, the ability to materialize ideas, as well as opportunities for expanding contacts, new thoughts and plans that allow you to make many positive changes in your destiny. Intuition and the gift of foresight are strengthened, social and scientific activity, however, one should be more restrained in contacts, since the manifestation of tactlessness or excessive pressure can slow down the effectiveness of actions.

"Birthdays" of the Moon by Albert the Great

The day is happy for many things. Success in learning. Losses are found; those who are ill get up soon; beginners in it have time to learn. Dreams must be kept secret. Children are durable.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

Symbol - "Crane". On this day, there is a process of absorption and assimilation of cosmic energy with the word. Mental cleansing, meditation and breathing exercises are recommended.
It is favorable to enjoy smells, kindle incense. If you heard bell ringing or ringing in the ears, it is very good sign, then you are coping with the going flows of energy. On such a day, it is good to do rejuvenation procedures. Especially if it coincides with the position of the Moon in Pisces or Virgo - it will be a perfect day. It is good to do sound therapy as it cleanses and energizes the organs. On the 6th lunar day, cosmic energy comes with the word, so it is favorable to pronounce sounds that are useful to you. And to get rid of excess weight, it is necessary that this day coincide with the position of the Moon in Libra.
There are no special contraindications, you just have to be careful. Another non-traditional energy center is associated with the 6th lunar day - the emotional one. It is located between the chest and throat, where the cross usually hangs. The upper respiratory tract and blood plasma are associated with this day. Favorable procedures for cleansing the respiratory tract. If you use the energy of the 6th lunar day incorrectly, this can lead to a violation of the blood formula and asthma.
People born on the 6th lunar day, as a rule, are the original conductors of cosmic energy in the word. They also need to be careful about what they say.

You can and should do, eat:
- Breathing exercises
- Mental cleansing
- Rejuvenation procedures
- Remove spots, wrinkles from the face
- Show independence
It is impossible to do or it is necessary to refrain, do not eat:

Horoscope for 2019- it's professional personal horoscope for the current year by date of birth. You can choose one of three semantic text interpretations according to your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of planetary aspects, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problem situations and stimulate action, while harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue color- describes the conjunctions of the planets, which can be both tense and harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view a horoscope for a year for the past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast horoscope.

Horoscope Tarot- This zodiac horoscope, combining the accuracy of modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation from an astrological point of view, but after analyzing the life path of many great and famous people, astrologers were able to solve the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in the horoscope of a person's birth. Make a free tarot horoscope and " secret knowledge"will open: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and what sacred meaning your life path has.

love horoscope allows you to answer how people fit each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. Aspects of the sexual compatibility of partners may appear in the texts or information may not be at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine the sexual compatibility of partners - these are Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator that this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth- it's free accurate horoscope with a psychological portrait, an astrological description of a person’s personality, in terms of the location at the time of the birth of our planets solar system. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thus lay the foundation of your destiny. More full version- An individual horoscope will also tell you what zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name " Natal chart”is the key to understanding your destiny and destiny.