23rd lunar day. Lunar day forecast

13.06.2019 Career and Work

22 lunar day- day of wisdom and knowledge. The moon today enhances mental abilities, so during this period it is useful to educate yourself and learn new things about the world.

Affairs. This is an unfavorable time for new projects. During this period, energies change direction, which makes all endeavors vulnerable and risky. It is advisable to devote time to rethinking your life plans and set a specific deadline for their implementation.

Job. The day is suitable for doing routine work. You should not develop violent activity. Do not contact unnecessarily with colleagues and superiors - this is an unfavorable time for communication. Spend the day quietly and measuredly. It is recommended to go through the accumulated current affairs and plan work for the near future. This is a bad time to change your occupation.

Housework. It is recommended to put off bulky chores around the house. Better to do a little cleaning. It is advisable to do this not alone, but to involve relatives. This way you can do all the work twice as fast and fill your home with the comfort of family energy.

Money. Neutral time for money manipulation. It is advisable not to operate with large sums or invest in risky projects. Minor expenses and borrowing of small amounts are allowed. If it is not possible to refuse large-scale payments, check each figure and assess the risks.

Love, relationships. It's better to spend the day alone. The energy of this period is aimed at rethinking and increasing knowledge. Therefore, the date may not go well. Serious quarrels are possible. It is better to postpone the meeting with your loved one to a more favorable period. Moderation should be observed in sex.

Communication. Unfavorable time for any communication. Contacts with others will be pleasant and conflict-free only in the case of mutual learning (lessons, master classes). The best option for spending the day is self-study and contemplation of the world around you.

Trips. The day is not suitable for any kind of travel. You should not go on a business trip or vacation during this period, since there is a high probability of meeting dishonest people on the road or getting into an unexpected situation. If the trip has already begun, it is better to wait until that day and continue at a more favorable time.

Haircut and hair care. The 22nd lunar day is an ambiguous day for visiting a hairdresser. A haircut will make you feel better, but may cause you to gain extra pounds. It is better to dye your hair in natural color- this will attract good luck in money. It is not advisable to change your hairstyle radically.

Beauty and health. The 22nd day of the lunar calendar is a neutral time for a visit to a beauty salon or a cosmetologist. During this period, you need to take care of yourself and take measures to avoid getting sick. Moderate exercise stress will have a beneficial effect on health. Feasting and drinking alcohol are not contraindicated.

General forecast

The symbol is a key, a “scroll (book)”, an elephant Ganesha (the son of Shiva, the patron of knowledge, wisdom) with a broken tusk, a white elephant and a golden key that reveals secret knowledge, a scroll with writing. These symbols denote wisdom achieved by experience, the inviolability of the laws of nature, secret knowledge, world law, and the information field. An elephant with a broken tusk (Elephant Ganesha) is a symbol of knowledge that comes through bitter experience, past trials, from which one can emerge wise and strong.

Day of wisdom, secret knowledge, world law and inviolability. During this day, goals are achieved. It is also good for learning crafts, various sciences and getting to know your roots. It is useful to meditate on this day; you can find out the future, show generosity, teach others, and pass on your experience. It is advised to eat a lot on this lunar day.

During this period you can also renew yourself creatively and spiritually. During this period, your colleagues and partners will show altruism and selflessness, and they will also be honest with you. Sexual capabilities increase, and the sense of justice intensifies. Relationships with partners will improve, intuition will increase. It’s also good to make an offer on these lunar days, try to achieve agreement or success for something.

Love and relationships. It is not for nothing that the twenty-second lunar day is considered the day of wisdom and insight. Today, love can reveal something new to you about yourself, about the world, about other people. Not a single meeting of this day will be in vain; there will definitely be some meaning in everything. But remember that the twenty-second lunar day is considered the wrong time to start any business, especially serious ones that have implications for you. great importance. Therefore, it is not worthwhile, today, to enter into marriages and start life together. It promises a fun and pleasant vacation - traveling together.

Housework. It is easy to cope with any chores around the house. A favorable day for selecting and sorting planting material, as well as for harvesting for future use.

Business and money. On the twenty-second lunar day, business trips and travel work out very well. A good day for work, there is a great opportunity to solve all the assigned tasks. But this day is unfavorable for trading. A very successful day for writers, especially poets. In addition to art, unexpected discoveries are possible in scientific fields today. Also a good day for philosophers, scientists and research. On this day they can make a discovery that is of great importance for the practice of life. Nice day for state registration and discoveries private school or educational courses. Cutting and sewing courses, a soft toy or jigsaw class open on this day will be a success. A great day for the development of crafts and folk crafts. In addition, this is a good day for communication and negotiations, because people today are not prone to lies, subterfuge and pretense. On the contrary, they are ready to share their thoughts and help you unselfishly. On this day you can make various proposals and seek agreement.

Dreams. In terms of dreams, the day has many faces. Dreams can be simply empty, which make no sense to solve, and those that will show you where to move, in which direction to change. Since this lunar day Ganesha is the God of knowledge, who helps overcome obstacles, through sleep you can solve problems, receive revelations, and new information, new knowledge. On this day, before going to bed, you can tune in to revelations in a dream or knowledge, you can make a wish, ask a question. But don’t forget to write everything down when you wake up to extract the correct information.

Health. Diseases that begin on these lunar days can be dangerous; they can drag on or be severe, risking life. They can bring fears and complexes to a person. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the lumbosacral region, the lower part of the spine; today you cannot load them and perform medical manipulations on these areas. Not the best day for intense physical activities, it’s better not to make any sudden movements today. It is recommended to follow a diet, eat more plant foods, and you can even eat more of them today, loading your stomach.

  • The beginning of the 22nd lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 27 at 00:13
  • February 26 at 01:49
  • March 28 at 02:56
  • April 27 at 03:01
  • May 26 at 01:55
  • June 25 at 00:53
  • July 23 at 23:28
  • August 22 at 22:22
  • September 20 at 21:13
  • October 19 at 20:28
  • November 17 at 20:21
  • December 17 at 22:11
22nd lunar day in other years


A haircut will attract you to the possibility of acquiring property, but you may gain weight or gain excess weight.


People born on the 22nd lunar day have access to many secrets and are bearers of wisdom. The task of birth is to increase spiritual knowledge and bring it to people, to become a defender of traditions. Long-lived. In old age they have a clear mind. They often become philosophers.
Tip: Avoid laziness and passivity.

Bathing in the sauna

Try steaming according to your grandfather’s old recipes. A day for bath fortune-telling.


Dreams that occur on the 22nd lunar day come true within a few days. Dreams reveal the future, new knowledge, and messages about what to do. These dreams, if understood correctly, will help solve many problems.

Guardian stones

Amber, blue agate.

Conceiving a child

A child conceived on the 22nd lunar day will become a sage and seer. He will know a lot, in childhood he will not have problems with learning, he will be able to perceive the latest information at any age. He will never stop learning. He will be a man of constancy and unshakable principles. He is friendly and accommodating, diplomatic, and when it comes to issues of fundamental importance to him, he is adamant and even stubborn. A person conceived on this day will often be asked for help, advice and tips. This is the best day for the birth of future astrologers. They will often turn to him for help.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

This aroma has the ability to quickly restore peace of mind after severe stress, serious troubles, grief and loss. Elixir against fear. Eliminates anxiety, fatigue and insomnia. Marjoram eliminates will paralysis. It saturates a person’s energy field with optimism, confidently moving forward and achieving goals calmly and quickly.


The twenty-second lunar day is a favorable time for marriage, but the wedding must include a large and plentiful feast, with unusual dishes and treats.

A family created during this period will be strong, and there will be fewer obstacles on its way than other families, but they will have to develop spiritually all the time, because as soon as the spouses become bogged down in materialism to the detriment of spiritual advancement, such a union will immediately fall apart. Therefore, getting married on this lunar day is recommended only for those who have completely devoted their lives to spiritual quest.


The twenty-second lunar day is a favorable period for all types of purchases, but especially for the purchase of sweets and alcoholic beverages, in particular good wines and cognacs. The day is also suitable for purchasing goods that are in one way or another related to the holiday - air balloons, fireworks, wrapping paper, music CDs, stereos, garlands, etc. In addition, now is a good time to buy everything related to spirituality and mysticism, sacred objects, rosaries, figurines of gods.


symbol: wheel
stones: ruby, red opal, blue agate
body parts: lymph

Fortune telling, comprehension of secret knowledge, making protective amulets, any work of the waning moon. On this lunar day, it is dangerous to put on amulets and talismans those symbols whose meaning you do not know.

Ask the oracle questions regarding the material side of life - wealth, career, etc. Also devote this time to studying ancient magical treatises and books, studying the Holy Scriptures, mastering new techniques and expanding your knowledge in the field of magic.

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The twenty-second lunar day is a time of wisdom and spiritual search. Today we are reaching the finish line and trying to complete things, deal with problems, and achieve inner harmony.

  • Element 22 lunar day Tree. The tree symbolizes life, growth and development, it patronizes families, and gives us peace and warmth. Even small branches of linden, fir or birch will protect us from negativity and help us overcome all obstacles.
  • The main symbol of the 22nd lunar day is the Elephant named Ganesha. This is the god of wisdom, strength and power, he patronizes businessmen and makes us rich. Another symbol of the day is the Book - a repository of knowledge and a storehouse of wisdom. The third symbol of today is the Golden Key - it promises financial success, moreover, with the help of the right key we can open any door.
  • Let's choose clothes in black, red or scarlet tones and the day will be successful - these are the colors that will become lucky for the 22nd lunar day. Black color symbolizes mystery, and is often associated with infinity, Red color gives us sensuality and passion, and Scarlet helps with fatigue.
  • The fantastic and magnificent Four will be the number of luck for the whole day. Mercury, the patron of the number Four, will also help us - the messenger of the gods will awaken our talents and strengthen our intuition.
  • Let's find Blue Agate and protect ourselves from negative external influences, and if we come across Blue Sapphire, then with it we will become kind and calm. But the 22nd lunar day also has talisman stones. Jasper will protect against the evil eye, Jade will enhance sexuality, and Amber will make us successful in business and in love. But it is important to choose one talisman - we don’t need a handful of magic stones.
  • Let's move together in the Southeast direction and become lucky. True, wandering around all day with a compass is tiring, and business may call us both west and north. But we are able to improve our path, and the Moon has already prepared several simple and effective amulets. An oblong gray pebble will become a helper in any direction, and a yellow thread, four centimeters in size, will turn into a magical ball that will roll straight to happiness.
  • The gray genius and dream thief Ergiba will become our guardian angel for the whole day. He gives good luck in art, and does not deprive politicians and scientists of attention.

Characteristics of the 22nd lunar day

Today, insights happen every minute - it is important to concentrate and catch our wave, then we will be able to show off our talents. On the twenty-second lunar day, it is recommended to walk and communicate more; you need, as they say, to show yourself and look at people.

It is undesirable to be lazy and idle, because these days are filled with good chances and opportunities. Inspiration flies in the air, and on day 22 the inner voice endlessly whispers useful things.

Information is everywhere, you just need to know how to use it. Smart books will help someone, someone will gain knowledge from communicating with literate people, and someone will gain intelligence if they go on a trip.

Today the green light is on for good deeds, but it is better to drive away anger, envy and other negative things right away. Bad people on the 22nd lunar day, they strangely turn into good-natured people, and even energy vampires give out rather than take away energy (and at the same time, they do not feel tired and empty).

Of course, the twenty-second lunar day has its own difficulties - the capricious Muse does not visit everyone, and many will suffer from the fact that poems are not written and paintings are not painted. In this case, the Moon advises you to stop and think - maybe you need to try yourself in a new activity, and even ordinary physical labor will distract you from temporary difficulties, and “your brain will fall into place.”

Today it is important not only to receive, but also to transfer knowledge - we share experience, and are not afraid of being branded as bores. It is useful to do charity work, but without excessive glitz and chic - good deeds do not need to be advertised (they will notice us anyway, and they will definitely thank us, even if not right away).

Pluses in karma on day 22 pour in non-stop, but even one negative thought can cancel out all efforts, and we will return to where we started. Therefore, we learn to control ourselves and work on the spiritual world twice as much as usual. With a snap of fingers, no one will turn into angels, but the world has been around for a long time, and people know thousands of ways to combat sadness and depression.

Fortune telling, conjuring or meditating today is useful for both seasoned magicians and beginners. The main thing here is not to rush, and listen to the prompts of your intuition. If you want to spread the cards, it means that fate decided to give a hint through aces and jacks, and if your hand reaches out to the book to point a finger at some page, it means that the answer to the question that interests us is located there.

On the twenty-second lunar day, any intellectual activity is welcomed - even those of us who could not learn the multiplication tables and remember the spelling rules will feel a strange craving for knowledge. Someone can shine at chess, and others can figure out a complex theorem in five minutes.

In order to please the symbol of the day, the Elephant, you don’t have to run to the zoo and communicate with him directly - elephants in cages are not going to share their wisdom. Let's find an image of an elephant and admire it until our eyes get tired.

Let's remember how Elephants bathe and arrange for ourselves water procedures– on the 22nd lunar day it is useful to visit a bathhouse, sauna, or simply swim in a pond. Water today has a special energy, and we will definitely feel the influence of this element.

The day is also favorable for homework, but if everything falls out of hand, then it is better not to test the Moon and Brownie, but to leave household chores and do something else. By the way, today you can learn to cook, and people who were not able to fry fried eggs will be able to cook pies and make rolls no worse than in a restaurant.

It is undesirable to brag on the twenty-second lunar day - the Moon does not like arrogance, and will only help modest geniuses.

Haircut on the 22nd lunar day

Today we can go wild, and it's hairdressing day open doors– masters are ready to cut their own hair, just so as not to sit idle.

Hair cut on the twenty-second lunar day will grow slowly, but this is not a problem, unless, of course, we participate in a competition for the longest braid. We get a haircut and become healthy, especially the haircut affects the respiratory system. But there is also a minus: if you cut your hair, you will gain excess weight - strange, but true.

Short haircuts are not in fashion on the 22nd day, but long hair in price - fortunately, there are a great variety of hairstyles for such hair. Today, ladies can cut their hair however they want, as long as the hairstyle is to their liking. A cascade with side bangs will not only make us younger, but will also attract new acquaintances into life, and a graduated long bob will improve our financial situation.

Bangs above the eyebrows, of course, make you look younger, but today it’s better to cover up your eyes - we’ll see everything we need with long bangs, Luna will try.

The situation with coloring is simple - the more natural the color, the more better life. Ideally, if we don’t use chemicals at all, but use regular henna or basma (you can’t go anywhere without them). But if the situation on the twenty-second lunar day is such that we need to paint ourselves red, or green color, let's appease the Moon with the following words: “Luna, moon, you are beautiful and sweet. I apply dye to my hair and ask you to take care.”

But still, we know the limit - white bangs, a red nape and green tips are already too much.

For those who are accustomed to braiding their hair every morning, today the green light is on - the braids will attract the necessary energy and improve your life in no time. The familiar Russian braid will look elegant and stylish on blonde hair, but brunettes can do a French braid. On the 22nd lunar day, red-haired beauties are having fun as best they can - for the charming foxes, the Moon has prepared a Fishtail, a Spiral braid, and even a Danish braid.

Excesses are harmful any day, but this rule does not apply to people who cannot live without delights and experiments. And if a lady feels great when she has a “Garden of Eden” or “Flying Ship” hairstyle on her head, then the Moon will help to find harmony.

On the twenty-second day, adult women can put a strict bun on their heads and decorate it with silver hairpins. And young ladies will look great with a hairstyle that combines romance and seriousness - a couple of stray strands from a high tower, and the trick, as they say, is in the bag. Speaking of hats, on the twenty-second day a hat with wide soft brims will add mystery.

The stars don’t talk about the veil at all, but it’s important not to overdo it, and not to go shopping for bread with your face covered - the old ladies in the store won’t understand, and the guard will be nervous.

On the 22nd lunar day, it is useful to comb your hair - ideally, we should comb our curls four times a day. The first time we comb our hair and say: “The hair is strong and healthy,” during the second combing we whisper: “The hair is silky and soft.” The third time you need to whisper to the comb: “Away with dandruff, away with the split ends,” and during the fourth combing the main phrase sounds: “Hair by hair, I take care of my hair – strong, strong, silky, be healthy, grow quickly.”

And if we decide to pamper our hair, then on the twenty-second lunar day we need to moisten the curls with a decoction of magic herbs - today a collection of chamomile, dandelion, meadowsweet and fireweed will help us: “Four herbs, four times strong. Contact the hair, try to strengthen it. All problems go away, my hair gets healthier.”

We'll wake up the next morning and probably won't recognize ourselves in the mirror - our hair will look as if ten famous masters had been working on it all night.

Also read: Lunar haircut calendar

Beauty on the 22nd lunar day

Symbol of the day The elephant loves water - let's follow his example and begin to fight dryness and moisturize our skin. Of course, we won’t jump headfirst into the pool, and we won’t pretend to be little mermaids - there are more gentle ways.

First, let's cleanse the skin of the face and décolleté with berry lotion - the best berry for the twenty-second lunar day will be strawberries, but you can also use raspberries and strawberries. Mash the berries, dilute with cold boiled water, and add four drops of glycerin. The skin is happy, and we are happy and beautiful.

All that remains is to call the manicurist and find out if there is a free hour for us. In order to leave the house, on the 22nd lunar day we don’t even have to put on makeup - after a meeting with lotion and mask we will look better, but if we feel discomfort without makeup, we can stand for five minutes in front of the mirror.

Let's line your eyes, tint your lips, and go ahead - make your nails beautiful. True, the Moon does not advise cutting your nails on the twenty-second lunar day, but if we have already been invited to a ball, then, of course, we cannot do without a manicure.

Let's use Japanese technology - on the 22nd lunar day this is an ideal option. But the choice of varnish and design is ours - imagination and money, and then exquisite patterns or abstract pictures appear on the nails.

Today we can depict animals on our nails - cats, or even elephants look great next to each other, and if we add golden shades of varnish, the manicure will seem delicate and airy. Floral motifs are always in trend, but on the twenty-second lunar day you can make a small exception and paint stripes on the nails of your little fingers - leopard print fingers will attract good luck and improve your financial situation.

With pedicure everything is simple and clear – naturalness, restraint and accuracy. In addition, don’t forget about hydration – heels and toes love water treatments. Let's find oak bark and fill it with water - and after this bath, our toenails will shine with pleasure, without needing any varnish.

It is not advisable to remove hair today - legs, armpits and other parts of the body will survive if we postpone the appointment with a razor or wax to another day.

The stars also do not recommend piercing our ears on the twenty-second day - if at a social event we flaunt ear-clips, no one will say a word. But those ladies who did not listen to heavenly recommendations will have a hard time, because pierced ears will feel uncomfortable, they may even fester - and what beauty is there in swollen earlobes?

If there are holes for earrings, then Luna advises choosing elegant and beautiful jewelry. Carnations suit any outfit and go perfectly with an evening dress or a denim jacket. But you should be careful when choosing long earrings - the twenty-second lunar day does not tolerate vulgarity. Rings in the ears should be discreet and elegant, and pendants should be in harmony with the rest of the jewelry.

An ideal option for your ears would be gold key earrings - the symbol of the day. The key will help you achieve success and attract all the components of happiness into your life.

And so we walked along the catwalk, gained fans, but the time is approaching midnight, and we need to have time to take a magical bath to consolidate the result.

Today we will use the secret of the famous Frenchwoman Ninon de Lenclos, and before bathing we will rub our body with candied honey, walnut oil and sea salt. Let's walk for five minutes, and then the bath will fill up, in which it will shine and shimmer magic water: “Pour the water, pour it, your magic is strong. I’ll take a swim and be as beautiful as the beautiful Moon.” We carefully immerse ourselves in the water and become younger every minute - ten minutes of swimming is enough, because we don’t need to turn into babies.

Wedding on the 22nd lunar day

The bride looks like a little red riding hood, and the groom devours her with his eyes - of course, because the beloved followed the star’s advice and dressed up in the lucky color of the day. The guests generally dressed up like clowns, but on the twenty-second lunar day, the more unusual the better.

Today weddings can be organized by chefs, artists, directors, and writers, but the main condition for everyone is no banality. The table should be bursting with dishes, but the main thing is to worry about dessert - it is advisable to purchase cakes, pastries and sweets in large quantities. Alcoholic drinks, of course, are not prohibited, but it will be better if guests limit themselves to drinking wine and champagne - vodka and cognac can be given to the waiters.

The 22nd lunar day is good for ceremonies that are held in the fresh air, and the Moon will shine equally brightly in both winter and summer.

Today you can not only get married, but also celebrate an anniversary. The conditions are the same - chic, brilliance, scope and beauty. Guests on the twenty-second lunar day are chosen carefully. It is undesirable to invite people who cause negativity to the holiday - let them have fun in the kitchen, stealing flowers from the cake and catching crab sticks from salad.

On the 22nd lunar day, a couple can safely go on a trip, elopement right after marriage. The trip will be fun and unusual, and the husband and wife will not be able to get enough of each other. Storks fly to the newlyweds immediately, without stopping, and the spouses’ babies are born beautiful and strong - just a sight for sore eyes.

If a guy and a girl didn’t manage to get married on the twenty-second lunar day, it doesn’t matter - today lovers can look for an apartment, or improve their existing housing. Luna will appreciate a creative approach, and even if the house looks like a wax museum or an art gallery, it will be comfortable and cozy.

The day is not very suitable for a wedding ceremony, and couples who decide to visit church are better off staying home on the 22nd lunar day. Indeed, you can’t have fun in a church, and the words Chic and Swagger are inappropriate here. But if the date is set, the guests are invited, and the doors to the church are welcomingly open, nothing bad will happen - good angels will bless this union, and the Moon will illuminate the path of the young for many years.

In general, let's get married and get married - the twenty-second day will be the beginning of a new and happy family life.

Birthday on the 22nd lunar day

When the “twenty-second” are born, something incredible happens in the world - lightning flashes everywhere, stars rain down from the sky, and the Moon timidly peeks out from behind the clouds. It is better not to look into the eyes of the “twenty-second babies” - they are wise and impenetrable, like magic mirrors.

“Twenty-seconds” know the truth from the moment of birth, which is why they look at their parents condescendingly - it is useless to babysit with them, because if they cry, it is only because they are not supposed to talk due to their age.

“Twenty-second children” are silent, waiting to speak out and tell the world about their destiny. At two years old they can easily memorize Pushkin’s poems, three years of age they quote Nietzsche, and in the first grade they easily retell War and Peace.

Teachers are afraid of the “twenty-second”, because they have an answer to almost any question, moreover, they constantly complement the teachers’ stories, and at the same time look somewhere in the sky - for sure, there is an angel sitting there who is giving hints.

The “twenty-second” prefer to communicate with wise elders who have lived their lives and can tell them something new. Despite the oddities, the “twenty-second” easily make friends, and their friends include kindergarteners, students, financial magnates, and beggars from train stations.

By the time they graduate from school, the “twenty-seconds” have so many useful connections that they can easily get a job. In any activity, the “twenty-second creatures” achieve instant results, because the guys never sit still and try to solve problems, not paying attention to competitors.

The “twenty-second” is lucky in love, because they can hypnotize any person. However, the “twenty-second people” rarely use the witchcraft gift; usually they look with their mysterious eyes, and the fans immediately pile up.

“Twenty-second” cannot be called good family men, and they do not understand economic issues - they have a goal: to make all of humanity happy, and housework distracts them from their noble mission.

But relatives always support the “twenty-second”, because relatives understand that such people are rarely born, and if you save the world, you need to do it every minute. This is what the “twenty-second” do: today they build a church, tomorrow they fly to help endangered animals, and a week later they collect money to restore a toy factory.

The “twenty-second lunar creatures” make excellent bosses, because all employees – from a programmer to an accountant – will follow them into fire and water. But the trouble is, the “twenty-second” are not careerists, and they do not think at all about material wealth, the main thing is that the people around them are happy, rich, and healthy.

If the “twenty-second” do not develop spiritually, they begin to languish, and may even engage in activities that contradict their principles; fortunately, this happens extremely rarely.

The health of the “twenty-second” is excellent, but they can go to bed due to the usual flu - for some reason mysterious creatures think that this illness was sent from heaven for some innocent offense.

Despite their wisdom, the “twenty-second” are very naive in ordinary, everyday situations - they are easy to deceive and fool their brains. "Twenty-second moon people“they will quickly see through the scammer, but once they are disappointed, they can fall into deep depression.

“Twenty-seconds” often become prophets or healers. They will not grow old in splendid isolation, and when these creatures celebrate their centenary, guests from all over the world flock to the holiday to look into the unusual eyes of the birthday people and wish them health.

Dreams on the 22nd lunar day

There lived a pink elephant in a clearing, and at night it appeared in our dreams - the wise elephant Ganesha does not wear a skin of frivolous colors, but for the sake of the twenty-second day he can change his habits. Today our dreams are vivid, and we can calmly go to bed and quietly fall asleep - good angels have surrounded the bedroom and will not let harmful demons in.

If we don’t believe in the power of good spirits, we can protect ourselves with the help of everyday magic. Let's hang magic keys on the dream catcher - the symbols of the day will protect you from sad thoughts, and if we leave the window open, we will hear the music of the wind (an excellent background for positive pictures).

On the 22nd night we can receive revelations, or gain wisdom - we will look closely at all the clues that the Moon gives.

The twenty-second dream can become prophetic - there is no need to unravel the plot, you just need to wait for the situation to repeat itself in real life. It’s great if we liked the dream, but what if we saw a nightmare? Don’t panic, because we are the masters of the subconscious, and besides, there are useful words that need to be said loudly after waking up: “The twenty-second night has passed, and the bad dream has taken away.” And you shouldn’t take unpleasant dreams seriously - perhaps these are jokes from devils who cannot live a single night without pranks.

Tonight, a great dream will be one in which we read a book. Everything will be as written, but to be sure, we can wander through the lunar library and choose a book with a fairy-tale plot.

Before going to bed, we counted sheep, but at night for some reason we saw elephants - not surprising, because Ganesha decided to make us happy with a visit. If in a dream we ride on the symbol of the day, and the Elephant joyfully gallops through emerald fields and swims across blue rivers, it means that in reality everything will work out perfectly, and we will deal with a long-standing problem.

If the elephants are angry, such a dream tells you: it’s time to improve relations with relatives, and this needs to be done as soon as possible.

If at 22 moonlit dream we walk among the trees, climb a hundred-year-old oak tree, or hide from the sun under the crown of a spruce tree, which means that in real life we ​​are waiting for good news and pleasant changes - the element of the day Tree has penetrated the subconscious and revealed all the secrets.

It’s not a very good dream in which we burn trees, or carry firewood, placing it next to the stove - this story will be seen by people who are afraid of change, but “putting off life” is a thankless task, and we need to wake up and step in the right direction. And you can practice in your sleep - let’s do an unusual act, because at night we are allowed a lot.

Let's declare our love, earn money, communicate with a business person - who knows, suddenly the Moon will appreciate our sleepy determination, and tomorrow the dream will be in hand.

At night, not only elephants can visit us to see the moon gulls - we are preparing for a meeting with fairy-tale characters. Angels come to creative people in dreams, and it is important to listen to everything that the messengers of good say. But a demon, a goblin or Baba Yaga will come to impressionable children, and you need to be able to come to an agreement with the evil spirits - they are not afraid of the sign of the cross, but they are afraid of good deeds. Let's treat them to sleepy gingerbread, or have a party with nectar instead of alcohol - but not a single devil can resist.

The signs of fate are easy to unravel, and on the 22nd night even “inexperienced night viewers” ​​can cope with this matter. Clues may lie under your feet - look at the stones, they are multi-colored today. White pebbles dream of victory over competitors, gray boulders are seen by those who are worthy of promotion, but the Moon sends black and gloomy stones to tell about secret admirers.

Let's mix the pebbles in a dream, and real life will become just as cheerful, kind and colorful.

Business sphere of the 22nd lunar day: business, work, finance

The rich give away their billions to the poor, and representatives of the middle class collect things around the house and run to their neighbors to buy unnecessary toys to give to people in need - the twenty-second lunar day is ideal for charity. In addition, this will please the deity of wealth Ganesha, who will be favorable to those who generously and selflessly help others.

Today it’s a good idea to communicate with our mentors and teachers, in general, with those thanks to whom we achieved success. The moon promises that all undertakings on the twenty-second day will be successful, it is only important not to stop and boldly overcome obstacles.

We are not afraid of the little things of everyday life on the twenty-second day, because a creative approach makes any work enjoyable. Moving to another job is also welcome - it’s easy to find the key to the heart of a new boss, the main thing is to show off your professional talents. Colleagues will turn out to be pleasant and smart people, and we will only be perplexed - why did we wait so long for this wonderful position?

Money on the 22nd lunar day must be treated with reverence and care - even if we are involved in charity, it is advisable to put the remaining bills in a beautiful box and tie it with a scarlet ribbon: “Money is my friends, I am with you every day. You lie down, don’t be sad, just increase more often.”

It’s better to put the box in the eastern corner of the apartment - let it sit for at least a couple of hours, and only then you can use it. Shopping on the twenty-second lunar day is carried out on a grand scale, and we often buy completely unnecessary things - it doesn’t matter, because after shopping you can drop by an orphanage or a nursing home and donate an “extra” TV or computer.

On the 22nd lunar day, students hug and sing a song: “Freebie, freebie, I don’t have enough knowledge. Increase your intelligence, fill your record book.” Students can change words - the essence remains the same, and the day is ideal for gaining knowledge. Lazy people today wander through museums and exhibitions, and notorious loafers and slackers attack the library in a friendly crowd. Well, on the twenty-second lunar day, teachers only have time to give grades and grades.

But for those who do not believe in the Moon’s benevolence and go to the exam as if it were an execution, the stars advise to protect themselves with the help of a simple student ritual. You need to take a handful of salt and place it in a basin filled with a liter of water. Throw a five-ruble coin there and wait until the salt dissolves. Take out the coin, wipe it dry, and, of course, put it in your shoe - yes, any exam, even in higher mathematics, will pass with an A, or at least a B.

The twenty-second lunar day is favorable for any financial transactions, but the stars do not advise taking loans - the money will be spent quickly, and it will be difficult to return it. If you really feel the need, it’s better to re-borrow from friends - today no self-respecting person will charge us interest. This also has its own subtleties - it is undesirable to transfer money from hand to hand after six in the evening, otherwise it will be spent at incredible speed and quickly evaporate, as if an elephant had licked it off with its tongue.

Whether or not to sign important documents on the 22nd day is our business, but the Moon prefers to help those who take their responsibilities responsibly. The main thing here is the fine print and a reliable partner, and everything else will work out without us.

On the twenty-second evening, let's remember the “golden cleaning” and clear the apartment of dust and dirt, opening the way to wealth and prosperity. Today, in a bucket of magic water there will be four gold rings, or four new rubles - it makes no difference, it is important to believe in the power of money magic.

Health on the 22nd lunar day

Despite all the delights of this day, today is a dangerous and difficult time for the body. Therefore, the particle “Not” is present everywhere: We don’t strain, we don’t overload, we don’t overeat. Again, our dream of two sticks of smoked sausage and a kilogram of cheese remained just a dream - we will have to chew cucumbers, dipping them into liquid oatmeal.

Well, what about healthy and tasty vegetables and fruits? On the 22nd lunar day, red apples and yellow pears roll to our aid, followed by green peas and orange persimmons - with these colorful friends, no diet is scary. In addition, today you can enjoy chicken - although without the skin, but the cat (or the neighbor's cockroaches) will be happy.

We won’t torture ourselves with hunger either, and if a plate of burgundy borscht is placed on the table in front of our noses, with village sour cream floating in it, and a piece of pork proudly peeking out from the center, a slice of bread generously spread with mustard and fresh butter is placed next to it... Let’s forget. about restrictions, and we will become lucky, at least for half an hour.

For smokers, everything is much more complicated than for food lovers - quit smoking, don’t quit, but your hands reach for cigarettes every minute. We will have to fight, because the twenty-second lunar day for active action has just arrived.

Smashing kiosks that sell cigarettes and running around the city with anti-tobacco slogans is probably pointless - for these exploits you won’t get a pat on the head or a free smoking patch.

It’s better to use magic - many sorcerers have been smoking their magic pipes for decades, and are also addicted to tobacco, and they know exactly how to get rid of the bad habit.

You need to take four cigarettes ( lucky number day), and shake the tobacco onto red paper (lucky color for this day). Ruthlessly crumple up this tobacco leaf, set it on fire, and while the poor brown babies are trying to escape, you must say loudly: “Tobacco smoke, fly away, and don’t visit me. I don’t want to smoke, I’ll knock four times. One – healthy complexion. Two – saving money. Three – nerves are fine. Four – life has become smooth.” When the tobacco and paper burns, you need to knock four times on a handful of ash and scatter it in the wind.

Well, that's it, you can save money for tasty and healthy foods- You won’t want to smoke anymore.

But you will want sports records, but the Moon will not tolerate this on its 22nd day - there is danger at every step. Today the hip joints are especially vulnerable - let's lie on the grass and watch how other athletes train. Our beautiful figure and it's not going anywhere.

Beautiful teeth won’t run away either, because today the kindest Aibolit will be dentists. The procedures will be painless, and we will be able to smile with all thirty-two teeth within an hour after visiting the dentist.

But it’s better not to go to the eye doctors on the twenty-second lunar day - we, of course, will be able to see the vision table, and we will read the letters even in the very bottom row. But for some reason the doctor will remain dissatisfied and prescribe some unpleasant drops - why risk it in vain?!

The therapists today are kind and caring – just a moment’s notice, they’ll put a bib on us and feed us hospital soup. Let’s not relax - these doctors have one task on the 22nd lunar day: to recruit as many patients as possible, because everyone has urgently improved their health and does not want to be checked and go to the hospital.

Today it is advisable to avoid going to doctors from the beauty industry - they will do everything correctly, but within a day the new nose will irritate, and plump lips will look like dumplings with cherries.

By the way, about irritation - on the twenty-second lunar day, of course, there are few reasons for psychosis, but it is better to be on the safe side in advance and brew useful and soothing herbs. Thyme, mint, chamomile and oregano are four herbs that have more benefits than a barrel of pharmaceutical valerian.

Bottom line

Insight came to us, inspiration also came, and today we have gained so much knowledge that it will be enough for four years to come. The most happy people On the twenty-second lunar day, those who sat in the library until the evening, or those who meditated under the trees all day are considered.

Wouldn't ordinary mortals be so lucky? Of course, the Moon will support us all, because the main thing is peace of mind and a friendly attitude - and our activities are not particularly important today.

True, if we spent the whole day sorting things out and quarreling with colleagues and household members, then the good Elephant Ganesha will not get the magic Key and will not open the door behind which the magic Books lie - evil people None of the symbols of this day will help.

If there is no opportunity to read, study, or gain experience, we’ll just get on the bus and go into nature. Let’s go out into an open field, put our face to the sky and our body to the wind, and say: “Universe, help, protect me from troubles and misfortunes. Tell me the right path to happiness."

That's it, the message has been accepted, and in heaven they are already considering our dreams and thinking about how to quickly fulfill them, if, of course, we talked with the Cosmos sincerely and openly.

If today we go out into the garden and plant a tree there, it will certainly become ours Happy Tree. The main thing is to visit him more often, and every 22 lunar day to come and tell him how the month went, what good things we did, what we did wrong, who we offended. But you need to communicate not only with trees - on the twenty-second lunar day you need to make peace with enemies, improve relationships with colleagues, and have a heart-to-heart talk with relatives.

Of course, many will want peace with their neighbors, but this is not always realistic. But today we can try it - let’s take our neighbors to the dacha, and let them also plant one magic tree. Perhaps this garden will become a Paradise, and good luck will settle there forever.

The main thing for the twenty-second lunar day is sincere intentions, and then the tempting snake will never get into our happy garden. And we will become smart, wise and good people, just don’t rush to become arrogant, the Moon really doesn’t like that.

The 22nd lunar day is called the “Golden Key” - the day of gaining wisdom and secret knowledge.
But today it is not sacred texts, prayers and spells that have power, but images. Our practices of attracting money will be connected precisely with them.

The 22nd lunar day is also a day of fortune telling, but you need to tell fortunes again with the help of images - paintings, drawings, symbols - through meditation on them, for example, using the Book of Changes, Tarot cards, horoscope, runes. So, if you want to penetrate the secrets of the future, turn to the symbols: today you will be able to read information, and it will be as accurate as information about the future can be accurate; after all, there is no clearly defined future; there are always several options for the development of events, although one or two of them are the most likely.

I leave fortune telling to your discretion, and I myself will tell you how to attract money with the help of sacred symbols.

Runic rituals for money on the 22nd lunar day

Runes are ancient symbols that, when drawn or visualized, release different kinds energy. Thanks to this property, runes are very easy to use - anyone, even someone not versed in magic, can do it. In ancient times, runes were scratched into birch bark, carved into bone and wood, and carried with them as talismans. They were engraved on weapons, which was supposed to ensure a well-aimed shot or throw, applied to cups and bowls to protect themselves from poisons, and they were used to decorate things and houses to protect against theft and other misfortunes.

You should not think that runes have some mysterious power in themselves. Like others magical symbols, they are just a tool. The power of runes lies not in them themselves, but in the person who uses them. If you simply draw a rune of wealth on your wallet, no changes in your money affairs will follow for the simple reason that you have not imbued it with the energy of your money dream. For the rune to “work”, it requires focused effort on your part. . You need to draw runes by fully concentrating on your money desire and visualizing it. I will give three runes associated with material well-being.


Multipurpose rune. Brings good luck and success in all endeavors. Vunyo is associated with the art of intention. This rune of dreams come true. It is not without reason that the second meaning of Vunyo is joy. This is the joy of achievement, getting what you want, fulfilling your dreams. You just need to be precise in your desires, because exactly what a person wants comes true. Often Vunyo is the joy of an unexpected gift, good luck, a happy occasion. Vunyo gives you an upbeat mood. The color of the rune is gold. Rune of cloudless happiness, lightness. The Vunyo effect is a streak of good luck, a correctly caught flow of positive events, pleasant coincidences, luck. Vunyo is the rune of Odin. She helps to fulfill any, even the most incredible,

magical wishes. The main thing is to really want it.

Wealth – OTAL

Brings material well-being, helps to get rich. The rune can be drawn on a bank card, wallet, wallet, banknotes. The main meaning of this rune is inheritance, both spiritual and material. The rune symbolizes clan, family, homeland, home, property and traditions. Sometimes the Othal rune is defined as the rune of parting of paths; this implies the separation necessary to preserve property in any sense of the word.

Property – FEHU

Symbolizes material values. The use of this rune helps you obtain the property you need. For example, if you dream of new apartment, this rune, as the personification of an apartment, can be used in rituals.
The ways you can use runes are limited only by your imagination. Runes can be visualized during the preparation of magical dishes and even depicted on food: when you eat such dishes, a charge of energy, enhanced by the rune and your visualization, will return to you. You can mentally imagine them in a glass of water, and then drink it, draw it on paper, depict essential oil on the body, banknotes, wallet and bank cards, scratch on candles (when you light such a candle, it will release and direct the energy you put into the rune to the goal). Here are a couple of examples of using runes to improve your finances.

Short runic spell

Using cinnamon, patchouli, or orange essential oil, draw a wealth rune on the largest banknote you have. When you draw the rune, visualize yourself under a shower of money. Draw as if you were praying, put all your emotions into this simple action: I need money, I need it like air! Then put the banknote in your wallet and try not to spend it for as long as possible. Whenever your gaze falls on a banknote, visualize the rune drawn on it to give it a new charge of energy. You'll see, the rune will soon begin to attract money to you!

Runic rite

  • You will need:
  • paper,
  • ground cinnamon
  • or essential oil representing abundance (cinnamon, orange, patchouli - the most affordable), green candle,
  • metal bowl.

1. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a rune on it in the center that matches your desire.

2. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on the image or smear the leaf with any essential oil that represents abundance.

3. Fold the piece of paper and, holding it in your hand, visualize your desire.

4. Light a green candle and hold the edge of the leaf to the flame, and when it starts to burn, throw it into a bowl to burn out. Keep visualizing!

5. If the paper does not burn completely, set it on fire again, and repeat the ritual itself on the 25th lunar day.

Coding of water with symbols-conductors of cosmic energy

We will talk about Reiki symbols. With their help, we will encode water, which, as you remember, represents the energy of abundance. Reiki is a system of healing the body, soul and destiny with life energy through the laying on of hands and the use of sacred symbols. It is believed that only those who have received initiation from a Master are ready for the meaningful use of Reiki symbols. This is a misconception, as I have been convinced of many times. Reiki symbols are available to everyone, regardless of whether a person has undergone initiation or not.

If you look at a symbol, and it evokes in you some associations or sensations that are difficult to describe in words, touches certain strings in your consciousness, then it will “unpack” its deep meaning and its energies for you. Just don’t analyze symbols from an ordinary, logical point of view. When contacting them, the subconscious is involved in the work, which operates exclusively in the language of symbols and images, incomprehensible to the conscious mind.

To make sure that the symbols cause a reaction in the subconscious, meditate on the image of one of them (the symbols are given below): for a few minutes - look at it, try to feel it. I assure you, it will resonate with you, energy will flow, albeit not meaningful, but quite noticeable. So you can safely use these symbols, even without being initiated into Reiki.

Reiki symbols focus the cosmic energy that surrounds each of us and direct it in the direction you set. These are unique energy keys to gigantic energy resources, activation of internal strength, counteracting unhappy, aggressive circumstances and attracting positive circumstances. The symbols themselves cannot do anything, but when they combine with your energy, they activate the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the listed possibilities. Traditionally, Reiki symbols are visualized or drawn in the air with the hand. But the latter is real only for those who have undergone initiation. Therefore, you will imagine them mentally and transfer them to the supercarrier of information - the water that you drink afterwards.

Reiki Symbols for Water Encoding


Cho-Ku-Rei. 22 lunar day

Cho-Ku-Rei. This symbol is the key of cosmic fire and magical power. He opens our inner doors for the convergence of cosmic energy, its penetration into us and help in everything we ask for.

Sei He Ki

Sei Hi Ki. 22 lunar day

Sei Hi Ki. A symbol of harmony, poise, balance, the key to the Absolute; associated with emotions. It makes it possible to transform an energetically weak, neurotic and exhausted person with everyday problems into a strong person with powerful energy and a balanced psyche. The symbol is used to eliminate all emotional problems, obsessive negative attitudes that attract unhappy events to us, with its help you will remove all internal obstacles that prevent you from living in abundance.


22 lunar day. Symbol of Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. Each of us faces trials along the path of life when all our strength, all our skills, all our will are required, when every drop of energy counts. In such cases, the help of this symbol will be invaluable - it builds energy bridges between the past, present and future, transforms a person’s life path into a single flow of energy.


Symbol of Halu. 22 lunar day

Halu. This sign means faith, beauty, Divine love and harmony. With its help, you can turn to God with any request, relieve the evil eye, irritation, stress. If you imagine some people while drinking water charged with this symbol, your relationship with them will improve.


Symbol of Ram. 22 lunar day

Frame. A sign of happiness and strength. Used for self-realization, increasing wealth, fulfilling desires, removing fear and guilt.


Java. This symbol is associated with the two hemispheres of the brain, which connect to make decisions. Logic supported by intuition is the key to success in any business. Java dissolves the illusions that flood our consciousness, allowing us to get out of the unsteady quagmire of speculation, doubt and dreams onto the solid ground of reality. Charging water with this sign is useful before making important decisions.

Angel wings

"Angel wings". A symbol of realizing inner potential. Can be used for any purpose.


Shanti. 22 lunar day

Shanti. A symbol that helps achieve the best of all possible results. This sign recommends charging water before starting important tasks.

Zen Kai Jo

Zen Kai Jo. The power of this symbol is such that we can use it to turn to God and ask Him for transformation and improvement of our life situation. The sign is very good for success in business and career.

Sens Tan

Sens Tan. This symbol gives success at all levels of life. This means success in a career, business, and reasonable decisions and right actions.

Tse Ne Dong

Tse Ne Dong. The sign promotes development creativity and intelligence.

Choose the symbol that suits your specific situation. Different symbols are different aspects of cosmic energy.

1. Place a vessel with clean water(it is advisable to use melt water) and look at it, imagining the symbol in the water.

2. If the symbol is complex, place a glass on it - yes, right on its image (pre-drawn or printed), this method of charging water is also acceptable. Two to three minutes of meditation on a symbol, provided that you are not distracted by anything extraneous, is enough.

3. Drink water in small sips, drawing an image of your money dream in your head.

On the 22nd lunar day we are especially sensitive to images. Practices of the day - runic rituals and coding of water with Reiki symbols. If you have time, do both. The lunar month is coming to an end, but we are still full of energy that we can invest in our money dream.

The 22nd lunar day is a day of gaining knowledge, a day of working with origins, turning to your roots, a favorable period for rethinking your past experience and summing up.

Symbol of the day - elephant Ganesha¹ (patron of knowledge, wisdom) with a broken tusk, scroll (book) and golden key

What is remarkable about the 22nd lunar day?

The 22nd lunar day is a period of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual search, transmission of sacred teachings, favorable for almost any action if they are carried out sincerely and aimed at creation.

On the contrary, any planned negative action is doomed to failure. This is due to the fact that the deity Ganesha, who rules this period, is the lord of demons (ganas), hence his name - Ganapati, which literally means “lord of the ganas”.

The twenty-second lunar day is also very favorable for travel, pilgrimage, trips out of town and business trips, taking vows and taking oaths. This is a very harmonious time, this is the golden mean between the spiritual and material worlds.

Today, as well as possible, you can combine creativity and royalties. IN Indian tradition Ganesha is also considered the patron saint of poets. Therefore, they can simply count on a flurry of inspiration, as they say, just have time to write it down.

This day is also successful for people of science. Today they will definitely come to a non-standard solution to the problem they face. The main thing is to focus all your attention on the task and... “Eureka!”

Astrologers believe that on the twenty-second lunar day it is good to transfer knowledge, learn from the experience of mentors, engage in self-education, attend lectures and go to libraries. Today you have a chance to learn more than in the entire lunar month. You just need to not relax, not be lazy, but firmly move towards your intended goal.

Your intellectual abilities are fully activated during this lunar period and thirst for new knowledge. If you spend it in passivity, laziness and meaningless pastime, for example, watching TV or playing cards, then the energy of the Moon will be turned against you and over time you will begin to notice that every day your memory is deteriorating and your abilities are decreasing.

This is due to the fact that you did not train your mental abilities in time, and they, having not received the proper load during this lunar period, simply began to atrophy, since the body was given an order to curtail the activity of this part of your being.

Even if you don’t learn anything new every day, today be sure to make a heroic effort and read at least one scientific book, learn at least one poem, do at least something that will increase your intellectual level.

According to the Vedic lunar calendar, this is a period of wisdom, the study of secret knowledge and its use. It is recommended to find out the future (not on maps). It is useful to meditate on magical and astrological symbolism.

It’s good to focus on pictures, on yantras (these are images of sacred sounds on paper, on sand). Teach others, pass on experience, prepare students, show generosity, or simply accumulate knowledge.

Social Impact of the Day

Household influence

Medical influence

Diseases are dangerous and often fatal. Patients understand what is happening to them and experience fear.

It is necessary to be especially attentive to the hip girdle, sacrum, and lower part of the spine. It is better not to make sudden movements. Since the elephant eats a lot of plant foods, it is recommended to eat a lot and load the stomach.

Impact on those born

On the twenty-second day of the Moon, guardians of knowledge and wisdom are born. The brain works several times more productively than in people born on other days. Spiritually rich, fair, but impartial, even cynics. They are very conservative, but they learn with passion and luck. They easily comprehend the meaning of things and are capable of any science.

However, the number of births on this day is less than on others, sometimes 3 times.

Stones– blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber.

The 22nd lunar day is the best time for businessmen, since Ganesha is not only the deity of removing obstacles, but also the deity of wealth. If Ganesha is properly propitiated, he will bestow wealth, luxury, success and fame on a person.

During this period, it is very useful to visit your mentor, a person who is an authority for you, and listen to his opinion on your pressing problems. You will definitely learn something new, you will see some nuance that you had not noticed before, but that is slowing you down.

It would be useful to work with books and other information media, sort through archives, correspondence, check accounting books, and so on. Any activity with text today will yield positive results.

It should also be remembered that during this period, affairs related to charity bring fantastic results. The more you give to spiritual societies and communities today, the more will come back to you later. The main thing is that your contribution is sincere and devoid of selfish goals.

Is it worth getting married on this day?

The 22nd lunar day is a favorable time for marriage, but the wedding must include a large and plentiful feast, with unusual dishes and treats.

A family created during this period will be strong, there will be fewer obstacles on its way, but they will have to develop spiritually all the time, because as soon as the spouses become bogged down in materialism to the detriment of spiritual advancement, such a union will immediately fall apart.

Therefore, getting married on this lunar day is recommended only for those who have completely devoted their lives to spiritual quest.

How does the 22nd lunar day affect health?

The most vulnerable during this period are the hip joints, thighs, sacrum and lower spine. You should be very careful not to injure them. For example, if you lift weights, try not to do exercises today that put a lot of stress on these areas, rather work other muscle groups.

On the 22nd lunar day, it is recommended to begin a treatment cycle, a new wellness program. This is also a favorable period for theoretical studies, for studying the psychological and physiological foundations of a particular sport or health system.

Sex on the twenty-second day must necessarily end with a hearty and festive dinner, and preferably in the same place where you indulged in love games. But eating before sex is not recommended.

Firstly, it is simply harmful, and, secondly, as many esoteric teachings claim, the place where lovers had sex becomes sacred, since it generates great amount energy, harmonization of feminine and masculine energies occurs and angels flock to the holiday of love.

Therefore, dinner after lovemaking will become a joint meal not only for the couple in love, but also for angels and deities. Thus, ordinary food consumption will turn into a sacrament of ritual.

What do dreams talk about on this day?

Since Ganesha is the god who removes obstacles, all dreams on the twenty-second day indicate obstacles and obstacles standing in the way of life.

With the correct analysis of the prediction received in a dream, a person can finally solve many of his problems, eliminate energy blocks and discover what is actually holding him back from the realization of his divine essence.

The main thing is not to fall into the trap of your “ego” when interpreting predictions and not to replace the truth with what you want. And of course, Ganesha, being the patron of sacred knowledge, often sends revelations to people in their dreams on the twenty-second day.

Esotericism of the twenty-second day of the moon

Almost all mystical schools devote the twenty-second lunar day to studying scriptures, since Ganesha is the patron god of sages, poets and all sacred texts.

One of the widespread Indian legends says that the great epic Mahabharata² was composed by the sage Vyasa and written down by Ganesha, who used his own tusk as a pen.

Here is how it was. After the sage Vyasa had already composed his therefore, he thought about how to convey it to his disciples. After reflection, he came to the conclusion that there is no one on earth who would be worthy to do this without distorting a single word. Then Brahma appeared before him and advised the sage to turn to the elephant-headed god Ganesha. Vyasa did so.

Ganesha agreed to the proposal to write down the poem composed by Vyasa, but for his part put forward one indispensable condition, which is the following - he will take dictation only if the sage does not pause for a second in his presentation, otherwise Ganesha will immediately stand up and will leave.

After thinking a little, Vyasa agreed, but also set a condition before God that he should not write anything without understanding the meaning of what he was writing about. That's what they decided on. Work was in full swing.

Sage Vyasa had to invent many twists and turns in the epic narrative of the Mahabharata, making its presentation very mysterious and incomprehensible, so that the speed of Ganesha's pen would slow down and Vyasa would have time to think about the continuation of the story.

The 22nd lunar day is the day of wisdom and knowledge. It is useful to spend it in thought, and this is also the most favorable period for starting to study astrology.

On this day it is favorable to meditate on yantras⁴. Symbolic images act directly on a person’s subconscious, bypassing conscious perception. The symbols encrypt the fundamentals of the world order and the laws of world development. free >>>

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Ganesha, or Ganapati, is the god of wisdom and prosperity in Hinduism. One of the most famous and revered gods of the Hindu pantheon throughout the world (Wikipedia).

“Mahabharata” is an ancient Indian epic. One of the largest literary works in the world, the Mahabharata is a complex but organic complex of epic narratives, short stories, fables, parables, legends, lyric-didactic dialogues, and didactic discussions of theological, political, and legal nature (Wikipedia).

³ Brahma, mouth. also Brahma is the god of creation in Hinduism. Along with Vishnu and Shiva, he is one of the gods of the Trimurti (Wikipedia).

⁴ Yantra is a graphic representation of the energy of deities in Eastern religions (