How to get a brownie in a new apartment. How to appease, feed and make friends with a brownie? Animals - cat, dog and brownie in the house: how are they connected? Brownie and pets

25.07.2019 Society and culture

In ancient times, people attributed mythological meaning to all actions. For each event, a different god was chosen to help or bring trouble. There lived a spirit in the forest that protected the forest; there were guardians of rivers and lakes. Human housing was not left without attention. A brownie lived in it. They treated this creature with respect. According to ancient beliefs, the brownie had great power; he could not only protect the house and owners, but also cause harm.

The brownie protects the house and owners

If something went missing in the house, people knew that it was a brownie who was either playing, or angry, or showing with a gesture that they had taken his place. When changing housing, the guards were taken with them. How to pick up a brownie when moving to a new home is explained folk signs. It was important to appease the guard.

Explanation of signs

The sign of calling the guardian of your home with you has come to us since ancient times. Older generations believed that the cat has a direct connection with the brownie. When moving to a new apartment, the cat was the first to be brought in and its behavior was monitored. She needed to choose a place for the house elf. It was not recommended to place a bed, a table for eating, or organize workplace. All actions will not be joyful.

You should inform the guards in advance of your intention to leave the walls of your previous home. You can do this out loud or mentally to yourself.

Be sure to inform that you intend to take the house elf with you to the new hearth and that he should also pack his things. He needs to be appeased. If you do not perform such a ceremony, he will not go with you. It will be an unpleasant moment, because the new owner of the house may bring his own guard.

Before leaving the house, say: “Come with us.” The guard will find out how to do this himself. The main thing is to protect the new hearth.

Methods and actions Folk signs explain how to take a brownie with you to a new apartment. The creature needs to be appeased. You can say it out loud or to yourself simple words

  • Old shoes. The shoes are placed in the middle of the house next to your shoes; you need to say: “The brownie is the housewife, the owner is the father, get into the sleigh, come with us.”
  • Conduct a ritual for all members of the brownie family. Everyone is invited to move.

Ritual with old shoes

There are situations when moving to a new apartment is associated with unforeseen situations: fire, natural disasters, house collapse. The guardian of the home also needs to be taken away. The owner must return to the ruins, take old shoes with him, and walk around the ruins three times. The third time the shoe gets heavier. This will mean that the old man is ready to move to a new home.

In ancient times, people believed that people should be invited to a new home on their birthday. It's the tenth of February. You should also pay attention to the days of the week; Thursday, Friday, and Sunday are recommended. The moon must be full.

Ritual of invitation

In ancient times, such a creature was treated with complete respect. When moving into a new building, you should definitely get a brownie. To do this, you should appease him and invite him to your place. During the ritual, assistance was provided by the correct appeals in the form of spells and poems:

  • “Master, sir! Let’s go to a new house, to a rich yard, to life, to life, to wealth!”
  • “Breadwinner, breadwinner, come to the new house and listen to the owners.” These words must be said the moment you are in a new room.
  • “The owner is the priest, the sir is the brownie. Love me, yes, perhaps. Take care of my property, take care of my cattle. Take my treat." Place bread and sweets in dark corners of your home. The guard must be appeased.

The custom of letting a cat into a new home first

In ancient times, there were many customs associated with the keeper of the hearth. On the day when people moved into the apartment, before midnight they opened the window, threw a white towel over the windowsill and said:

“Uncle brownie, master-father, come to our rich yard for happiness, health, joy, wealth.”

A few hours later the towel was taken away. They laid it on the table and put treats on top, saying: “Eat for the health of you and our family, grandfather-neighbor.” So they tried to bring him into a new home and appease him. Older generations believed that it was necessary to call a guard into the house. A cat or rooster was first allowed into the new apartment. The new hearth was protected more strongly, without evil spirits, evil spirits.

Who is the boss in the house? Of course, brownie. This inhabitant of the human home is truly its guardian spirit, guardian and protector. A family that gets a good house helper will never leave him in his old place when moving to a new one. apartment. Eat different ways take brownie with myself.

If you decide to move to a new place and want to take it with you


On the eve of the move, make a bed

front door

old home towel. Kneeling in front of him, politely invite


move to a new place of residence with you. Next, fold the towel four times. When you arrive at your new home, place it again at the entrance

and say: “Happy housewarming to you, master!”

Brownies are friends


It is believed that if there is a cat in the house, the brownie will definitely move to a new habitat along with the animals.

Another way: on

a rope

he attaches a bast shoe, rushes behind the stove, and the one who abandoned it invites the brownie to go with him to a new home. Of course, this option is more suitable for houses with a stove, and there are only a few of them left now. You can replace the bast shoe with a broom, felt boot, or bag, simply placing them in the middle


and inviting


to a new place. After the invitation, you should take an item (felt boots,

etc.), on which the brownie moves, under

and go to a new home.

Next method: last, outgoing

from old

at home (better if it’s the housewife) sweeps away litter in the corners

Then he wraps it in a cloth. Then she invites


with you to a new place. Litter (it is believed that this is belongings


) is picked up and placed in the new place in the farthest and darkest corner along with a crust of bread.

Helpful advice

A well-fed brownie, satisfied with its neat and non-drinking owners, is an excellent assistant in many matters. He will help with the housework, and he will point out the unkind person who has entered the house. So, for example, if your guest’s food falls out of his hands back onto his plate or he breaks something, this is a sign from the brownie that this guest is planning something bad against the owners, and you need to be on your guard with him.

The brownie will help you find lost item. You just need to stand in the middle of the room and ask the owner to indicate what is missing.

It is important to “feed” the brownie from time to time. To do this, he needs to leave porridge with butter, some milk, cookies or bread once a month. Food is left in the kitchen in the evening. They try not to go to the kitchen at night.

  • how to pick up a brownie when moving


How to take a brownie to a new apartment

I’ll honestly say that Domovoy is my favorite character from Slavic traditions, legends and rituals. This is not another domestic creature - a kikimora, which I am afraid of and cannot imagine how one can invite it into the house, and even establish any kind of relationship with it. However, what am I? Neither the brownie nor the kikimora appear in the house by invitation; they are either there or they are not there.

Now you have moved into a new house. And, let’s say, for the first time you became interested in those legendary creatures who will live with you in the same energy space. Let's get acquainted, shall we? Let's start with the brownie.
Oh, this is a wonderful male character. The real owner, they called him that - Father, Father, Master. If the housewife likes the brownie, he can come at night, in a dream, and tell her his name. Or the owner. An official acquaintance will strengthen the house and from now on it will be a full cup - the hostess and the brownie will work harmoniously and live happily. The brownie is assigned certain functions: assistance in energetically cleaning the space (the brownie removes all rubbish and small debris, major troubles should be cleaned up by the housewife), looking after children and entertaining them in case of emergency, supervising pets (previously - livestock), timely “signaling” that a person has come to the house with unkind thoughts and wishes harm to the owners (according to legend, the brownie reads thoughts), in this case, such a person in the house with the “fed” brownie will have everything fall out of his hands, at first, for example, small crumbs during tea drinking, and then, if the hostess does not understand, the cup may break. Also, a brownie, especially a seasoned one, is able to protect the entire house from everyday troubles - pull your leg if pipes suddenly leak, hint that you left the iron on, and so on.

How to make friends with a brownie?

The easiest way, of course, is at the entrance. The brownie, if the previous owners did not take him away with a special ceremony, turns into a kind of real estate of the house and cannot leave on his own, so you hold the cards. When entering a new house, say hello to the brownie, bow to him and take out the prepared treats: red wine, bread and salt. Spread it on a white towel or napkin and leave it with the words “Master-father, accept our treat for our housewarming.” It is best to leave treats for the brownie in one place, in the kitchen, on the windowsill near the “stove” - that is, the stove. You can pick it up the next morning, but, of course, you cannot throw it away - you need to give the bread to the birds, pour the salt on the ground, and pour the wine into running water. Difficult? Listen further, there's more to come. The next evening, you need to feed the Master-Father again and read the plot (talk, in general):

Come into my little house,
Eat some bread
Listen to the new owner.
Eat, help yourself, don’t be offended by me,
Save happiness, guard the house,
Kick out the strangers.

It is advisable to cross yourself after this and go to sleep. But in modern realities, this is all, of course, optional. Don’t forget to feed the brownie, leaving food there, on the windowsill: an apple, milk. Bread, salt, cottage cheese - all this is what the brownie “eats”. You should deal with the food in the same way as with the previous treat - give it to nature.
On the second day we read the following conspiracy:

Sweet little brother,
Perhaps to my new home,
You won't feel cramped in it,
Help yourself to something sweet
Stay with me.
Don't be offended by me, guard the house,
Kick out the strangers.

And we’re already feeding the brownie something tasty and sweet: candy or, even better. Baked pie.
Finally, the last day, third:

Gray-haired matchmaker!
Eat well
Listen to me.
Help in the house so that they can live richly and well,
So that you gain fat every day and don’t fast,
So that you are full and drunk, and have fun.
Invite happiness and good luck, welcome money,
Don't let strangers in, save our happiness.

The treat on this day will be special: meat or fish is required. In general, it’s more satisfying, the man not only enters into his rights and takes on responsibilities!

But you can quarrel with a brownie if you don’t pay attention to him. The first sign that you have forgotten about him is when she starts playing with you - pulling things. In this case, you probably know a simple tongue twister: “Brownie, play and play and give it back!” after which do not forget to feed the brownie. On the first day of every month, cook porridge for the brownie (then give it to the birds) and leave it in the corner where you immediately treated him, and don’t forget to contact the brownie with requests for help and gratitude. Maintain communication in general. And then you probably won’t quarrel.

If you got an apartment without a brownie, you will feel it (if, of course, you want to). Don’t worry - over time he will definitely show up, and in order to lure him (or prevent an existing brownie from getting bored) - throw a little garbage behind the stove.

How to move a brownie if you don’t want to leave him in your old apartment?

I’m traveling with my brownie, I’ll tell you honestly: it’s very difficult to bother with taming a new brownie; it’s much easier to take an old friend with you. Moreover, our relationship with him is straight soul to soul. So, in order to take the Host-Father with you just before departure, spread out a white towel and say:

“Master-father, take your belongings, let’s go live together, we’ll be friends as before.”

Then fold the towel in four and pack it in your bosom. When you arrive at your new home, spread this towel on the threshold and say, “Happy housewarming to you!”

I move my brownie in a broom, it’s more familiar and convenient for me, especially since we moved with him so often, you can’t get enough towels. But transporting a brownie in his “bed” is possible only with very good contact.

By the way, don’t worry: the brownie of the new place and your brownie, whom you moved, will not start a scandal, but will simply and quietly go their separate ways. If you have a large household, the two of them can stay with you.

You may not believe in this reality, ignore it and be a very reasonable housewife, but pay attention to your children: they are drawn to such fairy tales that live right here, under the same roof with them. And if you don’t know how to entertain a child and how to decorate his childhood life, meet the brownie. And introduce the baby. Even within the framework of kitchen magic and jokes.

Kristina Vyazovskaya

Beliefs about spirits protecting homes from harm arose in Rus' a very long time ago. The first mentions date back to the 14th-15th centuries, but the word “Brownie” itself, characterizing the domestic spirit, appeared somewhat later in the 17th-18th centuries. Our Russian ancestors believed that the brownie was present in every home and invisibly protected its inhabitants from troubles, diseases, failures and evil spirits. The modern demonological dictionary lists 46 other names for brownie used in ancient times. Here are some of them:

  • Khlevnik
  • Dodrozhsh
  • Breadwinner
  • Father
  • Stable
  • Neighbor

The modern definition of a brownie sounds somewhat different.

Brownie The energy structure of any room or other enclosed space.

It is believed that a brownie can be present not only in the house, but also in the bathhouse, car and even the yard.

Origin of the brownie

There is no clear opinion about the origin of the brownie. Christianity believes that a brownie is a negative spirit that should not be present in a room. It’s as if brownies are the ancestors of a clan, cursed by God for a certain period of time and forced to serve their descendants each time taking the guise of the previous deceased owner of the home.

To the question how to appease a brownie, any Russian priest Orthodox Church He will tell you that not everything is in order at home and that the apartment needs to be blessed. The ancient Slavs, being pagans, thought differently and revered their brownies. It was believed that the brownie was the spirit that replaced pagan god Rod, or Churu, whose memory is preserved in the exclamation-amulet “Chur, me!” Modern man sometimes he uses this exclamation, having absolutely no idea what Chur he is calling.

A brownie can be incarnated in completely different guises. To some he appeared as a small, clumsy man, to others he appeared as a small but rather strong old man, to others he appeared as a big fluffy cat. Some are sure that appearance the brownie changes depending on how he is better accept a member of the household, but if he appeared in the guise of one of the family members, then this is not good. A person will either get sick or die.

Communication with the brownie

The brownie doesn’t particularly like to communicate, but if he wants to protect his household from trouble or warn about something, he can make strange, causeless sounds (knocks), if the danger is great, he can go over and call it, then the person will hear it like the rustling of leaves or the howling of the wind, although It will be absolutely calm outside the window.

His warnings are not limited to just auditory manifestations. It is not uncommon for a brownie to pinch or strangle its owners in their sleep. This has not yet led to death, but it is not pleasant. If at the moment of suffocation they wake up and, pulling themselves together, ask the brownie whether his behavior is for good or for worse, then there is a chance of learning valuable information about their near future.

Some are sure that the brownie needs to be appeased, since a good relationship with him can have a very favorable effect on the life of the owner of the house.

The brownie is an energetic entity that loves a clean aura in the apartment. He sees all the energy garbage scattered around the house, stepping into which he gets dirty, which greatly upsets him and puts him in a bad mood.

If a person does not eliminate the reasons that irritate the brownie, he may leave the house forever. If, on the contrary, the house is clean and tidy, both energetically and spiritually, then the brownie will happily help its owner.

It can warn about a fire, or remind you of forgotten things, help you find something or wake you up for work in the morning. If he comes to the house bad person, then the brownie will do everything to drive him out. The guest may, as if by accident, break the dishes and spill the contents of the glass on the tablecloth. The owner can also unexpectedly drop something from his hands. This brownie warns and tries to protect you. To achieve such favor from a brownie, you need to establish contact with him.

How to make friends with a brownie

There are two proven ways to appease a brownie. At midnight on the third day of the full moon, in a clean apartment, you need to stand in the center of the room with a lit candle and bow to all four sides, then say:

Master, let's go to my house, to the rich courtyard, to live, to be, to wealth!

The second way to make friends with a brownie is quite simple and does not require repetition. It is enough to choose the end of any week and at midnight from Sunday to Monday in the kitchen, put on the edge of the table a crust of rye bread thickly sprinkled with salt with a piece of meat or boiled potatoes and read three times:

The owner, dear, invisible to the eyes! Accept the treat, I offer it with respect. Protect us with your strength and zeal, so as not to be flooded with water, so as not to be scorched by fire, so as not to lose our wealth.

In the morning, come to the kitchen before everyone else in your household and eat this treat yourself.

How else to appease the brownie and make friends with him? This is done simply. Make a sacrifice to him. On the night of January 28, his favorite treat is placed in the oven on the most beautiful plate in the form of a crust of rye bread sprinkled with salt with two spoons of buckwheat porridge and left until the morning. You clean it all up and throw it away.

Brownies love it when people remember them, leave them treats, thank them for their help with the housework, give them small shiny things and new coins, say hello (by the way, you have to talk to the brownie out loud, it is believed that he cannot read thoughts) and respectfully address “Master” "

They don’t like house quarrels, screaming, obscene language, drinking, scandals and whistling, and they also don’t like it when hot spices, knives, spoons and forks are left in the kitchen at night. They prevent them from clearing the house of negative energy.

Brownie and pets

Brownies pay no less attention to their pets than people do. Many people have probably noticed that some people don’t have pets at home. They either run away or die. This happens because of the brownie. The brownie does not allow the animal to sleep, eat, or move around the house in peace. This can often be seen if the animal bristles for no reason or periodically runs from place to place.

If the brownie opposite the pet takes a liking to it, then he cares for it and cherishes it. This is most often noticeable in cats. Some have clean, smooth fur, as if someone is taking care of it (except for the cat itself, of course). Occasionally you can see a picture of a cat following something invisible with its gaze or behaving as if someone were standing nearby. She can even roll over on her back and wave her paws in the air, this tickles her from the brownie.

In order to accurately determine whether the brownie likes the new pet or not, you need to:

  1. Match the animal to the owner's color. If he is dark-haired, get a black cat, and if he is blond, get a white cat.
  2. Before purchasing an animal, place a piece of heavily salted bread on the back of a chair or the wooden arm of a chair. If a piece disappears or falls during the night, the brownie agrees with your choice.
  3. When brought into the house, the animal should be led through a sheepskin coat with the sheepskin facing up. This way the brownie will quickly recognize your new inhabitant of the home.

How to have a brownie in an apartment

Brownies are completely different characters. Some are strict and important, others are cheerful and mischievous, and there are also angry and hostile ones.

Sometimes it happens that a prankish brownie steals small things. It would seem that a minute ago she was lying here before my eyes, and then suddenly she disappeared. In such cases, you need to go to the corner of the room and say:

Brownie, brownie, play and give it back.

If something is not found, you can scold him:

Such a grown-up grandfather is the one who plays pranks. Oh no no no!.

He will feel ashamed, and he will definitely return the “loss.”

As you know, new houses do not contain brownies at first, and if you lived well in your previous apartment, it makes sense to take your brownie. To do this, use the following ritual. Before leaving the apartment, take an empty bag, sack, or use a broom or old shoe, stand in the center of the room and say:

My master, come with me.

Or the night before moving, give him a treat in the form of a slice of rye bread with a mug of milk and say the words:

Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you.

The next morning, you need to put an awl or a piece of coal in a sack or bag, invite the brownie once again to move with you in the manner described above, and carefully transfer the brownie.

How to get rid of a brownie

There are times when people want to get rid of a brownie because of his ill will or even aggression. And sometimes because of his dirty tricks, such as tangling hair, which sometimes cannot be untangled except for a haircut, breaking dishes and casting shadows that cannot be removed, no matter how much I wash the ceilings and walls. To do this, use the following techniques.

Brownies really don’t like to be scolded, so first you can try to scold the spirit, and the stronger and more detailed the expressions, the better. He especially doesn't like being called a devil. If it doesn't help, try the next option. You take a broom and begin to sweep it in all corners, saying: “I’m sweeping you up, you alien, harmful brownie, I’m driving you out.” Do this throughout the week except Friday.

If this does not help, there is the most cruel old way. You open the front door. Say: “Get out!” and stick the awl into the threshold. The brownie experiences unbearable pain and leaves the house. Nevertheless, according to ancient beliefs, it is highly not recommended to drive out brownies, so it is preferable to come to an agreement with him, since living without him is bad.

Now you know, how to appease a brownie, how to get rid of it, what it looks like and what it does in your home.

Do you believe in the existence of brownies?

The brownie, as a rule, always lives in your home, but if you have moved to a new place, to a new house, it may turn out that you will be alone for some time. Over time, the brownie will definitely appear in your house, but this process can take quite a long time, so it is better to invite him into the house yourself.

The best option is to call the brownie the first time you visit a new home, but often at this moment we are too busy to pay attention to it or remember about it. What to do if you have been living in a new place for several days and want to invite a brownie to your home, and then establish a relationship with him?

Ways to attract a brownie to your home

The first method of attracting a brownie to the house is the most mystical and suggests that all actions should be carried out at night, namely at midnight. To do this, place a glass of milk on the table at the appointed time (you can also have another drink, but milk is the most revered dish among brownies) and a piece of bread (cookies or candy). Do not use old, expired products, because you want to attract the brownie, not offend or offend him. Put on the table the food that you wouldn’t refuse yourself. Ultimately, the brownie will adopt your qualities, and it’s worth starting the relationship on good notes.

After you have laid out the food on the table at midnight, say the following: “My master, come to my home, be always with me, this is your home. Breadwinner-father, come to my new house to eat bread and drink milk, and we won’t know sadness and grief. Amen,” leave it for three days. The words can be anything, it is important that they come from the heart, in a friendly way. After three days, as a sign of respect, eat and drink what you left on the table for the brownie, if, of course, there is anything left of it. A brownie can eat food physically, or maybe only the spiritual component.

The second way to attract a brownie to your home is slightly different from the above. On a new moon (when the Moon is not in the sky), place a plate of treats during dinner. Or better yet, two: pour milk into one, and into the second a little bit of everything that is on your table that evening. In the old days, treats were left near the stove; in modern times, the role of the stove is played by the stove, where the brownie settles (unless he chooses another corner). Having placed the treat, say: “Have a bite, grandpa, as much as you want, and live with me.” Speak sincerely, with your soul, then the brownie will accept your treat and settle in your house.

How to attract a brownie if you change your place of residence?

If you are moving from one place to another, then it is better to take the brownie with you, since he will not go with you without an invitation, and having an old and faithful friend in your new home is a guarantee of comfort and tranquility. A few days before departure, the brownie may begin to ask, knock, make noise and otherwise attract your attention. When leaving, call the brownie with you, ask him to go with you to a new home, offer to climb into the bag or into your bag. After this, the brownie will calm down and stop bothering you, since now he can safely go to a new home and continue to help you.

It’s quite easy to understand that a brownie has settled in your house. You will feel much more pleasant and comfortable, the atmosphere of the house will change, the walls will literally delight you. This is an incomparable feeling when you experience pleasure and peace while being at home, and guests will come to you more often.

First of all, you should make sure that there really is no spirit. After all, if you call another brownie “in addition” to him, then the first one will definitely be offended and give his owners a “sweet” life. The second entity is also unlikely to want to put up with such a neighborhood. Signs of the absence of a brownie are clearly visible:

  1. The house is always quiet (noise coming from people, animals and household appliances is not taken into account). If there is no spirit, then no one will sort through the cutlery, check the cereals, look under the carpets, play with the cat, or simply walk around their property at night.
  2. Cockroaches, mice and other unwanted animals often appear in the home. A good brownie makes sure that no one else appears on his territory. But when there is no one to drive out the unpleasant tenants, they move into the house without hindrance.
  3. Cats and dogs most time to be sad. Household spirits are friendly towards their owners' pets. And while people watch TV, cook, sleep, brownies play with cats and dogs. These animals have a need for energy exchange with the entities of the subtle world: without such contact, pets feel incomplete, insecure, and unhappy.
  4. People are not attached to their home, they are not drawn there even good relations together. The brownie arranges the home in a way that is unnoticed by humans (persuades indoor flowers to grow, blows away dust, chases away spiders, etc.) As a result, the house always shines with warmth and makes one want to be in it.
  5. Food and things remain in place. Sometimes spirits like to play pranks by biting off a piece of the owner’s bread, spilling sugar, or hiding jewelry. If this never happens, then you can be sure that the brownie does not live near people.

To double-check in the evening, you should put a saucer of milk on the windowsill and say: “Brownie-brownie, if you are my neighbor, show yourself to me, give me a sign, and if you remain silent, then don’t be angry that I’ll call your brother!” The treat must be changed every morning for three days: the spirit living in the house will definitely manifest itself (by noise, loss of personal belongings, sudden appearance in front of the owner). If nothing happens, you can safely get a new hearth keeper.

Also read: How to drive away a brownie

How to call a brownie into your home with treats

Brownies, like people, prefer to choose places to live where they will be as comfortable as possible. A person’s task is to show a potential “neighbor” that he is welcome here and is ready to provide all conditions. The ritual takes seven days and must begin on the new moon. For each time you will need:

  • a saucer filled with sweetened milk;
  • sweet bun;
  • several white feathers;
  • colored beads or buttons.

It is necessary to allocate a quiet place where the brownie can come. These spirits like to settle under the radiator, behind the stove, in the corner behind the cabinet. In the evening, you need to line the selected area with feathers and carefully sprinkle them with beads/buttons. There you need to put a bowl of milk and a bun. Then you should pronounce the conspiracy to call the brownie:

“Brownie-brownie, your soft bed is waiting for you, ringing and shiny toys are waiting for you, come to our house - don’t be shy; We will feed you sweetly and treat you often, so that you will be content and happy.”

The treat should be left overnight. In the morning, the milk should be poured under a young birch tree (or other living tree), and the bun should be left nearby. It’s good if some animal eats it: it means at least one brownie heard the call. The ritual must be repeated six more times. The spirit's sleeping place should not be dismantled, but during each ritual it is recommended to decorate it a little. After a week, a brownie will definitely settle in the house. Sometimes this happens earlier: then the owners will discover that the treat set out for the night has been tasted by someone, and the feather “bed” is slightly tousled. In this case, the calls should be stopped.

Also read: How to move a brownie to a new home

How to call a brownie to your apartment using a doll

The method is quite labor-intensive, but correct. It is preferable to start inviting a brownie during the full moon, but this condition is advisory in nature.

You will need:

  • a doll made with your own hands (it is better to use rags from old, but clean clothes of the apartment inhabitants as the material);
  • a wooden cradle built by the owner (you can simply cut a small hole in a log);
  • dry grass.

You need to find a quiet place in the apartment, put a cradle there and put the doll there. Line the bottom of the bed with dry grass. Then you need to say:

“Brownie-brownie, little baby is waiting for you, doesn’t want to sleep without you, she’s shedding bitter tears, tossing and turning in the cradle, stretching his arms. Come to us, little brownie, look after the baby and our apartment, and in return we will feed and water you and give you gifts.”

The plot should be read every morning and evening until the new brownie gives a sign that he has arrived. Usually the spirit immediately begins its immediate duties, creating noise and moving things in the process. The doll cannot be touched, as it is under the care of the brownie. Before moving it anywhere, they say:

“We do good, we do no harm.”

How to invite a brownie to your house by luring him away from other people

If your neighbors or acquaintances’ house is always nice and cozy, it means that a responsible and kind brownie lives there. It can be taken away. The main condition is not to regret what you have done (the slightest bit of repentance will lead to the spirit returning to the original owners). You should cast a spell in the evening on the waning moon. You will need an old, cleaned shoe from the owner of the house. Shoes need to speak:

“There’s an abandoned shoe. Whose shoe? No one's. Take it, my good brownie, a nobody’s shoe for yourself. Live in it, collect wealth, sleep and rest. And where you wake up, there is your new home.”

Next, you need to go to the house of the people you plan to “rob.” It is advisable to arrive there an hour or two before dawn. The shoe should be left near the victims' front door (if possible, then in the home itself). Shoes must be camouflaged - they should not be thrown away, mistaking them for lining or garbage. A couple of hours before dark you need to go back for the boot and bring it to your place. The brownie sleeping there will also involuntarily move.

At first, the spirit may be angry with the new owners. Therefore, it is recommended to cajole him in every possible way: put milk with sugar on the windowsill, lay out cute trinkets throughout the house (colored ribbons, buttons, bright brooches, coins, etc.) Gradually, the brownie adapts to the conditions and comes to terms with the change of place of residence.

How to call a brownie to a new house when moving

When moving to a new home, you need to invite a brownie with you: these entities suffer greatly when they are abandoned, and can even become angry with all people because of this.

You will need:

  • wicker basket;
  • a piece of beautiful fabric;
  • little things that the brownie likes (boxes, jewelry, coins, beads, etc.)

It’s better to start a week before your expected departure. It is necessary to line the basket with cloth, put things there that attract the brownie, and place it near the exit. Then every day you should say several times:

“Brownie-brownie, come with us to a new house, you will manage there, keep order, drink milk, eat sweets, joke with us, live and live with us, acquire all sorts of good things.”

Immediately before moving, it is recommended to read the plot seven times. Usually people feel that the brownie has decided to go with them. If the spirit does not keep up with the owners, he will definitely report this with the help of a jammed door, suddenly heavy things and other obstacles to exit. In this case, you should wait a few minutes, repeat the spell again, and only then leave the room.

It is not difficult to call a brownie to your home. Often spirits themselves look for empty homes and move into them. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the success of the ritual: it will definitely succeed. The main thing is to make friends with the newcomer, not forgetting to regularly thank him for his help, treat him with milk and sweets, and pamper him with small gifts.