What is a bad omen? Good omens

25.06.2019 Jurisprudence

Many people believe in omens, consider them signs of fate and warnings from all sorts of troubles. Belief in omens is a very common phenomenon; it exists among many nationalities, and as a result, the collection of good and bad omens is replenished with new instances.

We all wish happiness for ourselves and our loved ones, we try to notice everything that can bring good luck and success, we surround ourselves with objects that, judging by the signs, should make us happy. And often our faith in good signs acts on us like self-hypnosis and we really achieve more in our lives.

But with bad omens the situation is a little more complicated. It’s good if a bad omen calls us to be more attentive and cautious, but it’s bad if the expectation of an unpleasant event turns into phobias.

So let's look at some bad omens.

Mirror and signs associated with it

Since ancient times, the mirror was considered a mystical object and was considered a gateway between two worlds. That is why, after the death of a person, mirrors were covered with cloth so that the soul of the dead person would not get lost. If someone was seriously ill, the mirrors were also covered or removed altogether, as if not allowing the mirror to take away the energy of the patient.

Another sign associated with the mirror is the prohibition of looking into it with a candle in your hands - you can see a creature from the other world. A broken mirror is considered a bad omen. If it is cracked, expect difficulties or illnesses; if it breaks, it’s bad luck. Many people believe that all troubles can be avoided; the main thing is not to end up in shards, but rather to get rid of the damaged item altogether.

If something itches

Another common sign is that a certain part of the body itches. Everyone knows the statement, if it itches left hand- you should wait for money, the right one - to meet an old friend or a new acquaintance. The itching of the right eye means joy, the left eye means tears. In order to avoid tears, you need to rub both eyes at the same time.

Itchy ears mean a change in the weather; according to another belief, the right ear means praise, the left ear means gossip or swearing.

Signs of the year, day, month

These are signs associated with certain time frames. For our ancestors, such signs were mainly associated with forecasts of productivity, aridity, rainfall, etc. All these signs have survived to this day and are actively used by both older people and young people.

Signs of summer:

  • saw a clear sunset - expect clear, sunny weather the next day.
  • Cumulus clouds high in the sky - to a thunderstorm.
  • if there is abundant dew in the meadow, the day will be hot; the absence of dew indicates a rainy day.

Signs of winter:

  • a cold winter indicates a hot summer.
  • snow fell early - it must be early spring.
  • snowless winter - to a dry summer, heavy snowfalls at the beginning of winter promise heavy rains at the beginning of summer.
  • cold February is a harbinger of hot August.

Signs of the day:

There are a variety of popular superstitions, but it so happens that the human consciousness for the most part believes in bad omens. Indeed, of the most common and well-known folk signs, there are literally only a few good ones. As for the bad ones, there are a great many of them. And this is connected, first of all, with people’s fear of superstitions and prejudices.

One of the worst signs is a bird flying into a house or apartment. Our ancestors claimed that birds live in the souls of dead people, which means that if a bird flies into a house, it brings bad news. If this happens, you need to release the bird as quickly as possible. It is better not to spend one night in the house.

Don’t let someone else finish your piece, as he can “eat” all your strength. It is also better not to allow yourself to drink after yourself, so that others do not know your thoughts.

Folk omens -> Bad omens


Grigory Kazachenok 2019.03.29 20:15

I set myself a goal. Every Friday the 13th I get up on my left foot and fulfill all the bad omens that I know. I facepalm when I hear something like: “Show on yourself - Bad sign. Spit three times over your left shoulder."🚾


Anya 2019.03.29 20:19

With a bag full of garbage, I met my daughter’s sudden matchmakers in my hallway.⛔


Marina 2019.03.29 20:21

what if a dove flew by and touched the hair of a walking person?


Karina 2019.03.29 20:24

damn... I haven't finished reading everything about birds already


Karina 2019.03.29 20:24

bad omens. a bird flew into the house. bring soil from the cemetery on your shoes.♊

Our site is dedicated to folk knowledge. But not only herbs had healing powers. Today I will start telling you about folk signs and superstitions. I will add information piece by piece. I'm still working and don't have much time left for the site. If you want to add something, you can add it in the comments, and if you want, I can insert your information with the author’s name into the article.

Folk signs and superstitions, I have long wanted to tell you about some of them. Over many centuries it has accumulated a large number of will also accept superstitions. I can’t tell you everything; firstly, it’s impossible to know everything, and secondly, we don’t need everything. We only know what is typical for our region. There are indeed some subtleties on some points, and that’s where I want to start.

Folk signs and superstitions.

How to hang a horseshoe.

How to hang a horseshoe. All of you have probably heard that A horseshoe is a symbol of prosperity and protection from evil forces and evil spirits, and was considered good luck to find. It is still very relevant both before and now. The only difference is that they used to find horseshoes on the road, but now they mostly buy souvenir horseshoes. Horseshoes were usually placed either above or near the entrance. It was believed that a horseshoe should hang above the entrance with its horns down. Mostly they were hung inside the house. Thus, she did not let evil spirits into the house. And if a horseshoe hung near the entrance to the house, then they hung it with its horns up. And if you look at the horseshoe, it resembles a bowl. People used to say that “a horseshoe will bring a full cup of goodness,” meaning prosperity and abundance of material goods. And if they hung a horseshoe on the barn, then they wanted all the animals to be found in abundance in the barn, i.e. They believed in the power of horseshoes to make livestock fertile.

How to wear a pin.

In almost every village there lived a grandmother who was a healer, or less often a healer. They treated not only physical diseases. And they treated not only with herbs, but also with various spells and actions incomprehensible to us. One of these actions was a pin pinned to the chest. They used to talk, but now we wear them just like that. And our protection from it depended on how it was pinned. evil people. For example, if a pin hung with its head up, it was believed that this would protect us from the evil eye. It was as if we were gouging out our eyes with this pin. If the pin hangs head down, then this protected from an evil tongue, from various slander. We seemed to be stabbing the tongues of those people who would like to slander us. Now pins are very widely represented by our jewelers, both in their pure form and in the form of various brooches. It is not necessary to wear the pin strictly vertically; you can also wear it horizontally with a slight tilt in the direction you want.

Folk signs and superstitions have been known for a long time, but not all of us understand their meaning. I remember as a child, my mother often said: don’t eat off the knife, don’t come back halfway, don’t give anything over the threshold... you just can’t do this and that’s all, that’s what my mother said. And so I have always been very interested, why not... Today I want to talk about the most common signs and superstitions and tell the reasons for the emergence of all these signs. All signs, whether good or bad, originate from ancient times, when humanity did not yet have the scientific knowledge to correctly interpret them. Centuries have passed since then, and folk signs and superstitions have become very deeply rooted in human consciousness. You can’t do this or that... but you can’t explain why, not everyone can, what is the reason for this?

Among the most common folk signs and superstitions, there are more bad ones than good ones. This is due to people’s fear of certain objects, dates, prejudices, and superstitions.

It is believed, for example, that dishes beat for good luck! Under no circumstances should you scold your children or get upset yourself if you break even your favorite cup or plate, because our most favorite dishes accumulate negative energy and if it breaks, then you need to get rid of it. Do not store broken, broken or chipped dishes in the house; you can no longer pour tea or put food into such dishes; it is better to throw them away immediately.

The most common folk signs and superstitions.

  • A fork or spoon fell - a visit from a woman.
  • A knife fell - a visit from a man.
  • An empty bottle on the table means lack of money.
  • Sweeping crumbs off the table with your hand means there will be no wealth.
  • Over-salted food is a sign of falling in love.
  • A thing dressed inside out means: to be beaten.
  • Giving sharp objects means trouble and quarrel(if the gift contains something sharp, you need to take a coin for it).
  • Laughing too long leads to tears.
  • To stitch yourself up - there will be no memory(if you still have to do this, you need to bite the thread and not talk while you are sewing something on yourself).

The salt spilled.

I remember when I was a child, my mother often said that if you spill salt, there will be a scandal in the family. Where did this sign come from? Previously, in Rus', salt was considered a symbol of prosperity, salt was highly valued, not everyone could afford to buy salt, so that not every home had salt. Guests were greeted with “bread and salt,” and if a guest spilled salt, it was considered disrespect for the hosts, which led to a quarrel between them... The agreements that were concluded between tribal leaders were also sealed with salt, from one dish each leader took a little salt into his mouth, so Thus, if you spilled salt, it was considered to be hostility... Honestly, I’ll tell you what you believe in, this is what happens, because you believe that if the salt was spilled, then there will be a quarrel and you are already on edge waiting for this quarrel.

Why can't we celebrate 40 years?

The answer to this question is extremely simple, because the number forty is associated with funeral traditions, it coincides with the memorial day for death and is considered fatal in almost all religions. It is believed that if you celebrate your fortieth birthday, it is the same as welcoming own death. However, according to this logic, it turns out that it is also not recommended to celebrate a child’s 9th birthday, but there is nowhere to talk about this.

Why can't you eat from a knife?

Well, firstly, because you can cut yourself. Some people believe that if you eat from a knife you will become evil, others believe that if you eat from a knife you will have to undergo surgery, some people believe that licking food from a knife can cause heart disease... Where did this sign come from? Well, firstly, since ancient times, a knife has been the most common murder weapon, and bringing a knife closer to a person negatively affected his biofield. Secondly, negative, negative energy is concentrated at the tip of the knife; when the knife is brought to the body, the human energy field is disrupted. It is believed that as a result of this, a person’s mood deteriorates, a feeling of apathy and malaise arises.

And in the Caucasus, mountaineers eat from a knife, and there it is considered a sign of courage.

They say you won't be lucky if a black cat crosses your road...

remember the song? Another sign is that it is considered bad luck if a black cat crosses the road. Where did this sign come from? In the Middle Ages, during the Inquisition, people believed that a black cat could turn into an evil witch or sorcerer. There is another version, the witch received from evil spirits a domestic spirit as a servant, which accompanied her everywhere, it could be a cat, a crow, a goat... And people also believed that evil witches prepared their mysterious potion using the brain of a black cat. As a result, the black cat began to be considered a symbol of failure among the people.

Sit down on the path.

Why do people sit down before leaving home when they are going on a trip? They most often sit on a bag, backpack or suitcase. There is a logical explanation for this. Going to long journey We are always very nervous, packing things, we have a lot of questions spinning in our heads, what to take, what to put out... and we also need to turn off the lights, turn off the water, not forget the documents..., we are nervous, worried. Sitting down on the path is a reason to sit down, relax, think about whether you forgot something important and calmly leave home. There is another option: while a person sits “on his suitcases” for a few minutes, he can think about whether he should even go on this trip or not...

Why can’t anything be passed across the threshold?

It is believed that it is best to either give the item away, for example, in the house or leave the house and under no circumstances pass it over the threshold. Where did this superstition come from? The thing is that in ancient times the ashes of the dead were kept under the threshold of houses; passing something over the threshold meant disturbing the dead ancestors, it was considered extremely dangerous. For the same reason, you cannot sit on the threshold of a house; it is believed that the threshold is the border between two worlds, the world of the living and the dead.

Why can't you return home halfway?

This probably happens to everyone, you leave home on business, and then you remember that you forgot something, you return home... The sign that you cannot return halfway is associated with the threshold, that is, the border between worlds. The man did not fulfill what he had planned, returned home, and still not satisfied, and the spirits of his ancestors were supposedly waiting for him on the threshold. Well, what to do if you still need to return home? When you enter the house, look in the mirror; looking in the mirror doubles your energy and strength.

Why can't you give a watch?

What is it for? They say that giving a watch is a sign of separation. Once they gave me a watch for my birthday, after that we really didn’t communicate with this person, not because we quarreled, but because we went to different cities and somehow didn’t even talk on the phone... This superstition arose in China, a gift in in the form of a clock is an invitation to a funeral. In our country, it is believed that if you give a watch, then mutual grievances and even quarrels may arise between people, since the clock hands are sharp, which can cause disagreements between people. You can avoid failure by giving a coin for the watch, so it turns out that you bought the watch.

Friday the 13th.

Sometimes Friday the 13th is called “Black Friday”. This superstition dates back to Old Testament, it is believed that on this day Cain killed his brother Abel. Also, there were 13 participants in the Last Supper, and the betrayal of Judas is mentioned in chapter 13 of the Gospel. Over time, many troubles and misfortunes began to be attributed to the number 13. Some hospitals, for example, do not have a 13th ward, and some hotels do not have a 13th floor.

Why is it forbidden to borrow money or give any things from home after sunset?

This is considered a bad omen, there will be no return... It is also believed that the sunset symbolizes the time of the kingdom of darkness, as well as dark forces, and dark forces want to quarrel people and make them enemies. After sunset, it was not even allowed to start cutting a new loaf of bread, that is, to start a new business. You also cannot throw garbage out of the house in the evening, they say there will be no money in the house, that is, you are taking wealth and material goods out of the house. You need to take out the trash before sunset.

Why can't you pick up objects at crossroads?

The crossroads has long been considered a mystical place where parallel worlds intersect. At the crossroads there is a lot of magical rituals which are aimed at bad deeds. It is believed that if you transfer your illness or, for example, bad luck into some object or coins, and throw away the object or coins at a crossroads, you can get rid of illness and bad luck forever. In order not to take on other people's troubles, failures, illnesses, you do not need to pick up anything at the crossroads. Remember, the more valuable and expensive the thing you find there, the stronger the trouble that is transferred to it.

Knock on wood.

Where did this tradition of knocking on wood three times and spitting three times over your left shoulder come from? Some people even knock on the head three times. The answer is simple, so that we don’t jinx it, or we don’t jinx ourselves if we boast about something. We inherited this sign from our ancestors, since even in ancient times people believed that if you touch a wooden surface, it means touching Christ, who was crucified on a wooden cross, thus we ask for protection from evil forces. This superstition arose precisely because of the custom of giving refuge to a fugitive criminal in the church. Whoever touched the church gates considered himself saved, and from that moment on the church took the person under its protection. It is very good to knock or touch an oak, since the oak has long been a symbol of the clan, the oak can ward off troubles that you yourself sometimes cause with your boasting... Of all the trees, only aspen is considered a cursed tree, since according to legend it was on the aspen that Judas hanged himself, aspen is extremely rarely used in crafts and construction. Why knock 3 times? Because 3 sacred number for all Christians. Why do you need to spit over your left shoulder? According to legends, an angel sits on our right shoulder and shows us the right path, and on the other sits a “devil” and pushes us to do all sorts of stupid things, and by spitting three times, like the sign of the cross, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we give so to speak "rebuff" evil spirits so that evil spirits cannot harm us. That is why it is customary to knock and spit over the shoulder in order to drive out evil spirits.

Folk signs and superstitions to attract money to the house.

  • In order to attract money into the house, the broom in the house should stand up with the whisk, not the handle.
  • To make money, eat a small piece of bread with salt before and after lunch; it is also believed that this brings good luck.
  • If you decide to borrow money, then it is best to do this on the waxing moon, and give it back on the waning one.
  • Always take money with your left hand and give it with your right.
  • To attract money to the house, you can lend money in the morning.
  • In your wallet, keep paper bills facing you.
  • Banknotes of different denominations should be placed together in a wallet, and not mixed up.
  • You cannot keep crumpled bills in your wallet; the money must lie flat.
  • The table should always be covered with a beautiful tablecloth. Put money under the tablecloth, so there will always be money in the house and there will be prosperity.
  • Money “loves counting”, so to attract money, count it more often.
  • After the guests leave, shake the tablecloth outside so that the money can be found.
  • If you want to give a beggar a coin, then do not give the coins that you received in change when buying bread or salt.
  • To attract money into the house, place a coin in each corner and do not touch them.
  • To attract money to the house, you need to put a coin in the front door under the rug.
  • And in order for big money to come to you, be sure to carry a banknote with you, do not spend it and do not exchange it for anyone, just always carry it with you, this bill will attract other money.

Of course it will, there are a lot of superstitions and prejudices. I believe that if you believe in something very strongly or think, for example, about something bad, then it will definitely happen. We ourselves attract everything good or bad into our lives. You need to believe that nothing bad will happen to you and it will be so. Well, you decide for yourself whether to believe in omens or not...

Many of us believe that all signs and superstitions are a relic of the past. However, we are still afraid of black cats on the roads and broken mirrors. Let's look at the most famous signs and their meanings. Probably after this you will be able to answer the question: is it worth believing in omens?

Why can't we celebrate 40 years?

The origins of this sign stretch back to the times of Kievan Rus. In ancient times, it was customary to check a buried person after forty days for incorruptibility. In this regard, the number 40 was included in daily life with special mystical meaning. And if you believe esotericists, then 40 is the number of death and corresponds to the “Death” card in Tarot fortune telling. It is believed that if a person celebrates his fortieth birthday, he will attract trouble to himself.

Why can't you give a watch?

Give a watch - Bad sign. This superstition came to us from Ancient China. Residents of this country still believe that the gift of a watch is an invitation to their funeral, and they will count down the minutes until the death of the person who gave such a gift.

Why can't you take out the trash from your house in the evening?

According to popular belief, those who take out the trash from the house after sunset will become victims of gossip and gossip. The meaning of this sign and its origin are unknown. There is an opinion that people who took out the trash in the dark were hiding something. Curious neighbors saw everything and began to speculate about the contents of the trash can: after all, it’s not without reason that people take out trash in the dark!

Why do dishes break?

Many people believe that broken dishes are a bad omen. However, it is not. The ancient Chinese believed that if, for example, a cup broke, it meant that it had accumulated a lot of negative energy and broke because it could no longer withstand the pressure of negative emotions. Broken dishes must be collected immediately and thrown away from the house.

Why is my left palm itching?

People say that if your left palm itches, then this is a sign of monetary gain. If your right palm itches, then, on the contrary, you will have to give money. It is believed that the left palm is the taking one, and the right one is the giving one. So if you want to attract money, then scratch your left palm more often, then the profit itself will come to you.

Sprinkling salt - to a quarrel?

There is a popular saying that says: spill salt - expect a quarrel. This ancient sign arose at a time when salt was considered a delicacy. It was brought to the table only on holidays, as it was very expensive. If someone spilled salt, he was severely scolded for it and could even be beaten.

Breaking a mirror means grief?

The origin and meaning of this sign came to us from the ancient teachings of feng shui. A mirror, according to Chinese wisdom, is an indicator of the atmosphere in the house. If it breaks, it means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house. It is believed that if you break a mirror, you will face seven years of bad luck. This consequence can be avoided if you do not look at the fragments, quickly collect them and throw them away from the house.

Is wearing clothes inside out a sign of trouble?

It is believed that wearing clothes inside out will attract trouble. In ancient times, holy fools wore their clothes inside out. Therefore, the meaning of this sign is completely justified: clothes inside out are a sign of an unlucky, sick and poor person.

Why can't you eat from a knife?

According to this popular belief, eating from a knife means being charged with negative energy. Since ancient times, knives were intended for hunting and war, so if you decide to eat from a knife, it will make you aggressive, angry and irritable.

Why can't you take pictures of people sleeping?

The meaning of this sign is still not fully understood. Many argue that it is impossible to photograph people sleeping only because in a dream a person’s soul leaves his body, and in this case the picture will show him without a soul, which can harm him.

The origin of these signs is associated with ancient beliefs, which currently have virtually no justification. But that's no reason not to believe folk signs! Trust only good superstitions, then they will bring you good luck and happiness! We are waiting for your comments on the topic and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.02.2014 15:23

There is a superstition according to which you should not celebrate your fortieth birthday. What is this sign connected with and should you believe it? Esotericists believe...

There are countless superstitions; they have accumulated since ancient times and still circulate among people, helping in life, and sometimes giving hope for quick happiness.

All beliefs are divided into good and bad. For some, bad omens help them to be more careful and avoid troubles, while others don’t believe in them at all. And believing in good omens is not only pleasant, but also very useful - after all, what a person believes in will certainly come true in his life!

It is impossible to count all the existing good and bad signs; the list will be too long. But there are basic, most common and relevant for modern people.

Many are already outdated and unimportant for us, for example, meeting a cab with three horses on the way, or something like that. Modern good omens were born in ancient times, but have adapted and survived to this day.

Why not get to know them so you can be aware of what's coming happy events, and even “attract” them into your own life?

Natural phenomena will indicate the future

Signs that promise good events are very common and are associated with nature - plants, natural phenomena and the animal world. These phenomena do not depend on a person in any way, and are often signs and can hint at what lies ahead.

  • Seeing a beautiful multi-colored rainbow is lucky. And a double rainbow - to great, double happiness! This is not only a beautiful and breathtaking sight, but also one of the most beautiful signs that nature gives us. A particularly happy and rare occurrence is to see a rainbow in winter.
  • If you have ants in your apartment, don’t rush to get angry, it’s very good sign. Now money will literally flow into your home as if by magic, and poverty will have to be forgotten. True, this is only if you don’t get rid of the ants, so decide for yourself. By the way, these “guests” will leave by the end of the summer.

  • And another guest, a dove - a messenger of imminent good news. Wherever he flies to you, on a balcony or window, or even more so if he has built a nest nearby, you should expect very favorable changes and happy news.
  • If the same pigeon or another bird stains your clothes, marks your car, or hits you directly on your body, rejoice, it means money! The sign works, as everyone who has found themselves in such a situation claims.
  • And if you see a spider in the house, this is good. Do not kill him under any circumstances, he will protect your home not only from flies, but also from evil, troubles and negative energies. Let him live - and you will live well.

What does the body say?

A lot of signs are connected specifically with parts of the human body. Among them we can highlight the best ones, which portend joy.

1. If your left palm itches, you will receive money soon, this is a common and true sign! It is worth scratching your palm for a reason, but certainly on your pocket and towards yourself. Then the money will not keep you waiting and will appear on your hands!

2. If a girl suddenly has a pimple on her nose, this is a reason not to be upset, but to be happy. Superstition says that someone has fallen in love with a young lady! Another pimple on the nose can portend joyful changes and pleasant surprise.

3. Suddenly sneezing before eating, at the table - to very long-awaited and good news, which you will soon receive and will be very happy about.

4. Anyone who has a whole scattering of moles on his body will definitely have a lot of happiness in life - this is what the belief says. If you have a lot of moles on your arms, back or chest, know that life will be filled with happy events, and there are many joyful surprises ahead.

5. A young lady whose left breast is itchy can rejoice - her chosen one remembers her with love, misses and yearns for his beloved.

6. The nose itches is a familiar sign to everyone, to great fun in a drunken company.

7. And if it itches in the area of ​​the right eyebrow, this promises a romantic date. Both for the girl and for young man this is a good omen.

8. Another belief that promises fun and celebration is a ringing in the right ear.

Everyday phenomena will predict a lot of good things

1. It’s a good sign to accidentally spill sugar. This means that love will come to you. And for a family man, it has its own meaning: if you scattered sugar, there will be wealth and peace in the family. Moreover, the more sugar is scattered, the more money you should expect.

2. If a girl was sewing something and pricked her finger, it means that they will soon praise her and say flattering words about her.

3. It is very unpleasant, of course, if a fly falls into your food or into a glass of drink. But this is a good omen - it means that you will soon receive an unexpected and pleasant gift!

4. If a spoon or, say, a fork falls from the table, a guest will come to the house, but if a knife falls, expect a visit nice man. If you do not want visits, you can avoid them - to do this, you need to lightly knock on the table with the device that fell.

5. And an apple falling from the table promises a joyful and romantic date with a person dear to your heart! For a married lady, a fallen apple can portend peace and harmony with her husband.

If you believe only in the best omens, this is correct, they will certainly come true, and your sincere and strong faith in quick happiness and good changes will certainly attract all this into real life.

Expect only the best events, and believe that they are waiting for you ahead! Author: Vasilina Serova