Signs for the bad. Good and bad omens

25.06.2019 Food and drink

Not all troubles are accidental. Often Fate itself sends us a warning. Our ancestors have accumulated many interpretations of bad omens that help avoid failure.

Signs and superstitions have come to us from our ancestors. Life experience, observation and a close connection with nature helped them correctly interpret the signs of Fate. Folk signs can promise happiness, or they can warn of future negative events. Use this knowledge to benefit yourself and the people around you.

Butterfly or bird in the house

If a butterfly flies into an open window or door, it is a harbinger of an imminent illness in one of the household, an exacerbation of a receding illness, and even a sad outcome. The insect must be caught using a jar or other vessel and moved away from the house.

According to the superstition, a bird that has entered a home is the soul of a deceased person and warns relatives of impending troubles. They should light a candle for repose in the church and visit the grave to thank them for the warning and ask for help and protection.

Return and forgotten items

When a man hurried and left the house, forgetting the right thing, the sign warns that difficulties will arise along the way. These may include unwanted meetings, transport delays, and troubles at work. Take the forgotten item and be sure to look in the mirror “on the path”, showing the reflection a fig or tongue.

Congratulations in advance

If you forget and congratulate a person on his birthday in advance, this promises trouble not only for the birthday person, but also for you. It is believed that you are interfering with the course of Fate. This sign is also connected with the fact that no one knows their life path and the time allotted to us on this earth. Therefore, your mistake may lead to illness and difficulties. After such an unfortunate oversight, it is worth praying for the health of the birthday boy.

Frozen clock

If the watch stops running on your wrist, keep an eye on your finances and try not to spend money on this day. Also, you should not lend money - difficulties may arise in terms of money, as well as in relations with the person who asked you for the required amount. In such cases, you should use money talismans.

If the clock in the house stops, it means trouble. Troubles related to the clock may mean that your time is up and everything that you did not have time to do will be difficult for you. Keep an eye on your timekeeping devices and don't let them stop.

Donated sharp objects

If you were given knives or forks, this foreshadows many conflicts and quarrels in the future. In order to get rid of future negativity, wrap the sharp ends with a soft cloth and hide the objects for a while.

Whining and howling dog

A prolonged dog howl, which turns into frightened squeals and whines, was considered by our ancestors to be a close harbinger of death. If there was a seriously ill person in the house in which the dog was howling, the relatives mentally prepared for the worst.

crow cawing

If a crow flies to your window and starts cawing, expect trouble. It is necessary to drive away the bird with the words “mind me, mind you” and be sure to pray for protection. Crows cawing at the window of a sick person foreshadow a protracted recovery and deterioration in well-being.

broken wheel

Previously, if a cart's wheel broke, people preferred to cancel the trip. This sign warned of difficulties on the road and the failure of the planned event. If you find yourself in such a situation, try to reconsider your plans and refrain from what you have planned. If this is not possible, use amulets and charms that bring good luck.

Broken mirror

Perhaps one of the most common signs along with spilled salt. A broken mirror portends troubles, serious conflicts, divorce of spouses, as well as serious illnesses. It is necessary to sweep away the fragments and not look at them. Place them in an opaque bag and carefully discard them.

Discarded bread

If you accidentally throw out or drop bread, this promises poverty and lack of money. Our ancestors took products seriously, because they are all the result of their hard work. Fallen bread should be picked up, shaken off and fed to the birds so as not to waste the goods.

Things inside out

This sign threatens serious conflicts and even assault. Sloppiness and neglect are signs of an absent-minded and discourteous person. Therefore, if you were in a hurry and put the item on incorrectly, change your clothes and pin a pin to the inside. It will save you from possible troubles.

Many signs make our life easier and attract prosperity into it. Use this knowledge to always be fully equipped. Try to avoid negative emotions and make it a rule to see the positive sides of events. Fate doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Overcome difficulties - they temper and make us stronger. Live in peace and don't forget to press the buttons and

Good and bad omens

All folk signs and superstitions- their roots go back to ancient times. Our Slavic ancestors represented the world as being in a constant struggle between good and evil. Each of these sides alternately gained the upper hand over the other, and in the nature or destiny of man, favorable or unfavorable events occurred accordingly. Trying to grasp the patterns of these events, people developed bad and good omens and superstitions.
Bad omens are associated with the inheritance of the faith of our ancestors - in evil spirits, which were embodied in brownies, devils, witches, goblins and similar mystical creatures that harmed people or could even get the better of them. For example, in ancient times it was common among people superstition that if a cow is milked with purple blood, it means that a witch or other may have drunk her milk devilry. It was also believed that the brownie strangled people at night by sitting on their chest.

Good omens were associated primarily with the actions of good light forces - which helped people and protected them from more fallen evil spirits. These signs associated with various life situations. For example, if a boy is born like his mother, and a girl is like his father, then they will be happy in life. It was also previously believed that the more moles a person has, the happier he will be - although modern interpretation moles have contradictory meanings. Meeting a woman on the way carrying full buckets (no matter what they are filled with) is considered superstition- a sure sign of luck. Bad omens don't be afraid, but good omens should not be neglected, because what a person believes in most strongly has more success in coming true.

Superstitions will accept

If your right palm itches omens- to profit, the left - to loss, - but in general, by the palm of your hand you can recognize not only signs and superstitions a and .
- when the elbow itches - to grief,
- if a fly gets into a drink or a plate of food by superstition- this is for a gift,
- when you accidentally spit on yourself, there will be a new thing,
- if the neck itches - to feasts or beatings,
- however, when the back of the head itches, it means sadness,
- itching in the leg - to the good news,
- if the bridge of the nose itches, they say to the deceased,
- the right eyebrow itches - for a date with a friend, if the left one - with a hypocrite,
- the left eye itches - to tears, the right - to look at the sweetheart,
- when the cheeks itch or burn with a great flame - to tears,
- if there is a ringing in the right ear, it is good omen to good news, but if there is a ringing in the left ear - to bad news,
- when your ears itch - to all sorts of insignificant news,
- soles itch - for travel, for the road,
- if the right ear burns, they say the truth about him, but when left ear burns - they tell lies,
- bite your tongue - someone scolds,
- if two people yawn at the same time, it means they should drink vodka together.

Folk signs of superstition - for the weather

Folk signs about the weather although they have lost relevance in modern world, however, they are often intensively guided and believe in signs in Rus'. Over the course of many centuries, our previous ancestors collected truly invaluable material, including on folk superstitions o weather. That's probably why they got the name.

Contradictory signs and superstitions

Interpretations of signs and superstitions. It is worth noting the fact that the most interesting thing about interpretation of superstitions is that there are discrepancies, and there is practically no universal signs and superstitions, which would be the same in all countries and peoples.
In fact, the opposite is true. Each nation has its own superstitions and signs, which in other countries can mean something different, and often completely the opposite. This is shown by the inconsistency of folk signs and superstitions presented below.

Let's consider this fact using the example of superstitions associated with cats. :

Black cats bring good luck and prosperity - an English belief.
-On Friday, the 13th, owners are required to wear bells on all black cats when they are allowed outside - this is Indiana state law.
-A black cat on the porch means prosperity in the house - a Scottish omen.
-Beware of people who don't like cats - Irish sign.
-A house without a cat or dog is the house of a miser - Portuguese belief.
-A cat gives life, well-being and health, it does this every day and ensures a calm old age. - Inscription on ancient graves.
-If there is a black cat at home, there will be no shortage of lovers in it - Old English superstition.
-If there is a black cat on the ship, without a single white hair, then the voyage will be successful. - Sailors' belief.
-If a black cat sneezes not far from the bride - happiness for the young - English belief.
-During a thunderstorm, you must definitely throw the black cat out of the house, otherwise it will attract lightning to itself. - Russian popular belief
-Capricorn from December 22 to January 20. Talisman: black cat, devil - this is how a modern book on astrology called “Stars and Fates” deciphers it.
-Although black cats are believed to bring bad luck, a stray cat, especially if it is black, is sure to herald good luck.
-If a black cat comes to your door, let him in and be kind to him.

Such inconsistency in interpretation one or another will accept indicates that all this is nothing more than ordinary human superstitions and prejudices, or remnants of the past. After all, the fear of superstitions that we believe in is nothing more than a form of worship.

Folk signs of superstition - regarding dreams

A folk sign says: You can’t tell your family before sunrise horrible dream, otherwise it will definitely come true.

If you had a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.”

It's a bad omen when
See in a dream death- this is one of the bad omens; however, when you dream of death, you should not ignore such a dream...

If you dreamed of a dead person, this means that he is asking for the repose of his soul. You need to light a candle in the church and give it for the repose. There is also an opinion that dreams of the dead also mean bad weather, rain, blizzards.

When a dead person in a dream calls for you (to follow you) or says: “I’ll pick you up,” then this is a very bad omen.

It is also not a very good omen to dream when Seeing blood in a dream is a warning; A popular sign about such a dream says: that you should beware of competitors, as well as new ones...

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

A sign when it can have many meanings and usually Seeing teeth in a dream- this is most likely not a good omen about which there is a lot of superstition...

A dream I had on a holiday, may be completed no later than half of the next day. They say: “A holiday nap is until lunch,” but on Friday it is “valid” all day.

Who cries in a dream, - he will laugh in reality.

If you dreamed that you are getting married, or then it could be Bad sign. You should go to church just in case - light a candle and say a prayer.

To not remember dreams, - when you wake up, you need to hold yourself by the crown.

Positive signs in most cases are when. Seeing a fish means starting to move, otherwise you will miss your chance. Dream, in which you saw three fish, is a good omen.

If Small child laughs in his sleep, then at this time the angels are playing with him. It would be a sin to wake him up or disturb him at this moment.

A sign can be interpreted differently. There are usually plenty of folk superstitions about this, but the meaning of the sign depends on the specific details of the dream.

When I crossed the road black cat , they say it’s a bad omen, and the route should be changed. A cat in a dream says that you will have no luck that day.

Stepping in shit is considered a good omen, - this is about money. The sign has the same meaning if shit is found on any objects you use, for example, bird shit on a car.

If in a dream, this is also a good omen. Seeing shit in a dream in its different variations can be both a good and a bad omen.

If a rat crossed the road- you should be careful in business, this sign says that unfamiliar ill-wishers are hanging around you.

The rat, according to various signs, has bad value, and when or mish, you shouldn’t expect anything good. Seeing a rat or even a small teddy bear in a dream means the appearance of new enemies, what does a rat mean?...

Lose a ring or breaking a ring is a completely bad omen, unpleasant surprises await you.

A sign when it makes a person wary. When you dream of a ring, it is a sign that changes are coming in real life.

Water and if water is accidentally poured on you, is a good omen, but it is desirable that it be clean.

Water in dreams can be both a good omen and vice versa, when When in a dream water- attention should be paid to the condition of the water, since depending on pure water or dirty, the meaning of the sign is interpreted.

When a bird knocked on the window- this sign indicates upcoming news, often the arrival of unexpected guests.

When this is usually a good omen. If you dream of a bird, most likely you are lucky; dreams with birds are good.

The existence of folk signs and superstitions has lasted since the beginning of mankind. And they accompany us throughout our lives. Their origins go back to the distant depths of antiquity. This was helped by the absolute and undeniable meanings that generally accepted signs and superstitions about life have. Existing in the most various forms and manifestations, often folk signs and signals contain an accurate reflection of the essence of the processes that happen to us almost every day.

Interpretation may vary

Folk signs and superstitions about life are human observations that have been passed on from mouth to mouth for several millennia. Very often situations occur when the interpretation of the same symbols and signs among representatives of different nations is completely different from each other. For example, a Russian person perceives a black cat that crosses the road as a very negative omen, while an Egyptian, regardless of color, perceives this animal as a sign of impending good luck.

Signs played an important role

In ancient times, generally accepted signs and superstitions about life accompanied people not only in personal life, but also when making decisions at the state level. There were often cases when the outcome of a war was determined only by which foot the leader got up from in the morning. Folk signs and superstitions are considered to be those that have already gone out of use, but continue to influence our actions.

Very often, various signs perfectly reflect the true essence of what is happening to a person. But it is necessary to remember that folk signs and superstitions about life also contain a large number of false assumptions and misconceptions, giving an explanation for almost any sacrament in the form of a manifestation of forces of a supernatural, mystical nature. That is why we should not perceive the various signs encountered at every step as exclusively correct explanations of the events that happen to us. This may just be parting words for making an internal decision.

What could be the signs?

Exists great amount folk signs and superstitions, but it just so happens that in most cases a person remembers and attaches greater importance to bad omens. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most famous and popular beliefs, to a significant extent, do not promise us anything good. Good folk signs and superstitions come across much less often.

Generally accepted signs regarding our lives are associated with the daily manifestation of everyday activities, important events that occur regularly. We should consider in more detail those folk signs and superstitions that may be associated with our daily activities.

Beliefs that can accompany people in everyday life

The bad ones are not noticed by many at the present stage. And this happens until something happens. This is due to the fact that we simply ignore superstitions. Of all the signs, many talk about failures in business or endeavors. And it was they who attracted more attention, since a negative result in solving problems is always stored in memory. In addition, there are many more bad signs.

The most well-known negative superstitions include the one that states that if a black cat crosses your path, then nothing good can happen after that. And if a plate breaks, then you have to wait for happiness. But such a sign will speak of good things only if everything happens by chance.

Popular superstitions

Some signs should be highlighted.

  1. If you leave the slippers you wear at home in a crossed position, you are inviting disaster.
  2. Soggy salt portends bad weather.
  3. Sweeping dust from your own home means sweeping good fortune from your family.
  4. Under no circumstances should you place a hat on the table, as this will lead to lack of money.
  5. It is not a good sign to exchange glasses during a meal.
  6. Misfortune is foreshadowed by porridge running out of the pan.
  7. To prevent misfortune from befalling you, you must return the knife that was taken for the purpose of cutting an apple or other fruit. This must be done “with a smile.”
  8. A change in weather is indicated by creaking and crackling furniture in the house.
  9. What other signs and superstitions are there about life? A mirror that fell and broke has a negative meaning. This indicates the imminent death of a loved one.
  10. Passing salt to someone at the table during a meal portends a quarrel with this person. To prevent this, you need to laugh when passing this product.
  11. If you are returning a previously taken bucket, basket, bag, plate, jar, you need to put something in them. These items should not be given away empty. Then you too will have more.
  12. It is believed that laughter at the table encourages the demon to shit in the food.
  13. Uneaten food and unfinished drink are considered abandoned evils.
  14. Leaving the keys on the table means there is no money in the house.
  15. If you put on your left sleeve first in your clothes, expect trouble.

What are the birds trying to tell us?

There are signs and superstitions about birds. Even in ancient times, many peoples used birds in mystical rituals, casting spells or simply telling fortunes. The bird symbolized the human soul. And such an association has remained. Today there are not only good superstitions, but also superstitions about life. Birds play the leading role in them. And it is worth noting that some signs have been scientifically substantiated.

Among the verified observations, one should highlight the belief regarding swallows that fly low. This indicates that it will rain soon. The veracity of this sign is very easy to explain. Before the rains there is a decrease atmospheric pressure. Accordingly, the insects that swallows catch begin to fly very low.

A large number of folk signs are associated with crows, chickens and sparrows. For example, there is a belief that if all the hens start clucking at once, a quarrel will occur in the family. If a chicken starts crowing like a rooster, then we should expect trouble.

A hero of both bad and good luck is a tit. If she suddenly flies into the window or knocks on it, expect trouble. There are other interpretations that explain the behavior of the bird. Her arrival suggests that good things should be expected soon. This is due to the fact that the tit is considered by some people to be a representative of the forces of light. And in folk legends it is often equated with the Blue Bird, which symbolizes happiness.

Several signs with birds

What other signs and superstitions are worth highlighting? Birds often make people nervous with their behavior. Here are some examples of superstitions:

  1. If a bird flies into a house through a window and immediately flies out, this indicates that a message will arrive soon. In some beliefs, this symbolizes that someone will die soon.
  2. A stork made a nest on a pipe? This is for wealth and happiness.
  3. If a bird flies into the chimney of a fireplace, it means someone's death.
  4. The raven cawing above the house speaks of illness.
  5. If a bird lands on a window, the owner of the house will face material costs.
  6. If a woodpecker starts knocking on the roof of a house, then you should expect trouble.
  7. If a bird dies in a cage on the morning of the wedding day, the marriage will be unhappy.
  8. If a stork begins to move away from a certain place before the allotted time, then a misfortune will occur in that area.
  9. When a bird hovers over or around a house, it indicates that someone will soon become ill.
  10. The three-time cawing of a crow flying over the house speaks of death.
  11. Flight bird of prey around the house symbolizes betrayal.
  12. When a swallow, having built its nest, leaves it, disaster will occur.
  13. An unexpected change in flight direction indicates approaching danger.
  14. If the rooster starts walking pompously at the door and crowing, then you need to wait for a stranger to come visit.
  15. Good luck will be indicated by the flight of a bird towards you. If they fly away from you, this is a bad omen.

Maybe the birds aren't trying to warn us?

If you analyze the behavior of birds and understand it, then it does not have any signs. They can be affected by weather, predatory animals, or lack of food. Good and bad omens and superstitions in in this case do not play any role. Birds may knock on the window if it is cold. They are attracted to food and light. Don’t think that the tit is calling you for trouble, it’s just hungry.

Is it possible to protect yourself from bad omens?

If you are interested in signs, then take into account not only their interpretation. We must also take care of how to protect ourselves from the consequences if the belief is bad. For example, if you return home halfway, this indicates bad events that will happen in the future. To correct this situation, you need to look in the mirror before leaving again. This way you can protect yourself.

Has the salt crumbled? This is a bad omen. According to interpretations, such carelessness in actions will lead to a quarrel. But this can also be avoided. You just have to laugh, and the promised disagreements and disagreements will not happen. And if they do happen, it will not be the fault of the salt. Did a bird fly into the window? This is also a bad omen. Try to let her out of the house as quickly as possible. And you should try to spend a few nights, for example, with friends.

What can insects talk about?

Signs can be associated not only with weather, clothing, money and things. Animals or birds may be affected. But insects don’t stay away either. Some superstitions in which spiders and flies play the leading roles should be cited:

  1. If you killed the firefly, then your love was killed. Or a loved one may even die.
  2. What else do signs and superstitions say about life? A spider, or rather its fall onto your face from the ceiling, promises pleasant consequences.
  3. If a white spider nests above your bed, expect happiness. If it is black, the consequences will not be very pleasant.
  4. A fly falling into a glass from which you are about to drink or is already doing so is a sign of success in business.
  5. The descent of a small spider in front of the eyes - to a message, a letter.
  6. Ants in the house symbolize happiness.
  7. What other signs and superstitions about life can you identify? Flies getting into food promise a gift.
  8. If you find a spider on a dress, then you should expect profit.
  9. Killed ladybug? Expect trouble. Killed a beetle? The result will be exactly the same. Killed a spider? 40 sins will be forgiven and misfortune should await.
  10. Is there a bug flying around the house? This speaks of trouble.
  11. You should expect bad news if you saw a spider and got scared. And if you didn’t scare me, everything will be fine.

You shouldn't always look for double meaning in what you see

Signs and superstitions do not have an unambiguous interpretation. And people have quite contradictory attitudes towards them. Some are convinced that these are just prejudices and are not worth attention. Others believe in omens whether they are good or bad. You choose how to relate to superstitions. Sometimes they can come true. But sometimes you should not look for any signs in them, since they can be explained quite simply.

Signs have been in demand among people since ancient times. There are a large number of different classifications of beliefs, but ultimately they can all be divided into negative and positive. Often people ignore signs of fate only because they are afraid to believe in bad things. But, fortunately, not all superstitions are different bad interpretation, various good omens are known that interpret the acquisition of happiness, profit, love, health, and family well-being.

List of popular good omens

We bring to your attention a list of positive interpretations:

You need to remember that signs and superstitions will only work in a situation if you believe in them. For ardent skeptics, they are unlikely to attract both good and bad events into life. And which side to be on is only your personal right.

If we judge objectively, then there are many more good signs than bad ones. Plus this number is updated regularly. Despite technical and scientific progress, no one can cancel the belief in ancient superstitions, carefully developed by our distant ancestors and carefully preserved for a long period of time. Plus, seeing the positive, bright side of everything is much more beneficial and much more productive for life than destroying yourself with negative emotions.

There are a variety of folk superstitions, but it so happened that human consciousness mostly believes in bad omens. Indeed, of the most common and well-known folk signs, there are literally only a few good ones. As for the bad ones, there are a great many of them. And this is connected, first of all, with people’s fear of superstitions and prejudices.

One of the worst signs is a bird flying into a house or apartment. Our ancestors claimed that birds live in the souls of dead people, which means that if a bird flies into a house, it brings bad news. If this happens, you need to release the bird as quickly as possible. It is better not to spend one night in the house.

Don’t let someone else finish your piece, as he can “eat” all your strength. It is also better not to allow yourself to drink after yourself, so that others do not know your thoughts.

Folk omens -> Bad omens


Grigory Kazachenok 2019.03.29 20:15

I set myself a goal. Every Friday the 13th I get up on my left foot and fulfill all the bad omens that I know. I facepalm when I hear something like: “Showing yourself is a bad omen. Spit three times over your left shoulder.”🚾


Anya 2019.03.29 20:19

With a bag full of garbage, I met my daughter’s sudden matchmakers in my hallway.⛔


Marina 2019.03.29 20:21

what if a dove flew by and touched the hair of a walking person?


Karina 2019.03.29 20:24

damn... I haven't finished reading everything about birds already


Karina 2019.03.29 20:24

bad omens. a bird flew into the house. bring soil from the cemetery on your shoes.♊