Seeing lilies of the valley in a dream. Lilies of the valley interpretation of the dream book

17.07.2019 Education

Seeing lilies of the valley - your loved one will not tolerate betrayal from you;
collect lilies of the valley - soon a child will be born in your family or in the family of your friends;
for a pregnant woman - the birth of a strong baby;
lilies of the valley stand in a vase in your home - fleeting joy, which will be replaced by great sadness;
to feel the sharp aroma of lilies of the valley - receiving pleasant news or some good news from friends.
Also see Flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bouquet of flowers in a dream means mutual love and appreciation.

Receiving a bouquet of flowers from someone predicts constancy in love.

Seeing a bouquet in a dream is a sign of a bad acquaintance that will not bring you any good; if in a dream you are making a bouquet, then you will receive news if you remember what flowers it was made from.

A dream in which you throw a bouquet at the wall with all your might means that you are in for a waste of time and money. Such a dream also foretells you that your desire will not come true due to your fault.

If you are presented with a bouquet in a dream, then you should take a closer look at your surroundings or specifically at the person who presented you with flowers, because he or they are hiding their true intentions and trying to flatter you.

Although sometimes such a dream predicts that you will spend many pleasant minutes in the company of a person dear to your heart and will get great pleasure from it.

If young man dreams that at a wedding he presents a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his bride, then soon he will receive the sad news of his death close relative or other bereavement.

A withered or faded bouquet in your dream predicts disagreements in your family or with your spouse, betrayal and disappointment in love.

A bouquet of glass flowers warns you that your happiness is at risk and you need to take some important steps if you do not want to lose your loved one. If in a dream you dream of many colorful bouquets, then pleasant meetings with friends await you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Lily of the valley is a spring flower, a symbol of renewal, purity and innocence. What could be more wonderful than receiving a gift in reality from loved one a bouquet of these cute flowers? But let’s figure it out why lilies of the valley are seen in dreams.

As explains Modern dream book, lily of the valley is a harbinger of good news, positive changes in the dreamer’s life. For people who have recently been married, such a dream promises the fidelity of the spouse and speaks of the partner’s inability to commit adultery for the sake of fleeting pleasure. For girls, such a bouquet promises a pleasant gift from a loved one, for a man - light romantic flirting. But for married woman collecting lilies of the valley and tying them into bouquets means a long-awaited pregnancy.

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to pay attention Special attention on what the flowers looked like and whether they were tied in bunches. It is worth taking into account the gender of the dreamer, as well as the day of the week when this dream occurred. The modern dream book advises to consider in detail the circumstances under which you dreamed of lilies of the valley.

Seeing lilies of the valley hiding in is a sign of seeking your happiness. For a girl, such a dream promises a meeting with her betrothed; for a man, the dream promises an improved relationship with his wife.

If you dreamed of lilies of the valley growing in a sunny meadow, happiness and inner harmony await you. Perhaps you are so tired of the hustle and bustle that you should think about taking a vacation for a few days. If at the same time you were sitting in a clearing and inhaling the aroma, pleasant news or gifts from a close friend await you.

Flowers are piled in a huge pile - to announce the news of a wedding or a big holiday.

  • For an unmarried girl, sitting on top of such a pile means an early wedding and pregnancy.
  • For a married woman - to the birth of a healthy, strong baby.
  • Also, a dream can be a harbinger of multiple pregnancy.

If the lilies of the valley withered and withered in a dream, you are a frivolous person who is too quickly disappointed in your partners because of trifles. Reconsider your attitude towards others, and perhaps very soon you will meet your “soul mate”. Throwing away dried flowers means a new romantic adventure awaits you.

In a dream, the lily of the valley has an unusual color - much to your surprise.

  • For a man, a dream promises news that will shake him to the core.
  • A girl receives an unexpected marriage proposal from a man she had never paid attention to before.
  • For a woman, a dream means a subconscious desire to radically change her appearance.

For people born in spring and summer, dreams about lilies of the valley can predict an imminent wedding. Born in autumn- good news. For winter birthday people, sleep promises peace of mind.

Interpretation of sleep by various dream books

According to the Small Dream Book, seeing lilies of the valley in a dream in reality can mean a desire for loneliness and solitude. Think about relaxing in nature, give yourself the opportunity to relax and enjoy the silence. Inhaling the aroma of flowers means falling madly in love. Collecting means adding to the family.

Longo's Dream Interpretation - you have to go through a difficult test, thanks to which new opportunities will open up for you. Dreamed lily of the valley unmarried girl, means that she will have to choose between two promising suitors. For a man, a dream predicts a happy family life with the only chosen one.

Grishina's dream book speaks of the kind attitude of people around you. You have practically no envious people or spiteful critics who want to gossip behind your back. Walking on dried lilies of the valley means breaking up old, unpromising relationships.

Why do you dream of lily of the valley, according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim? Know that you have one true and faithful friend who will never leave you in trouble. flowers in the garden - to making new acquaintances. Water - they are waiting for you serious relationship with a person who has long been secretly in love with you.

Love dream book. Dreaming of yourself with lilies of the valley on your head means finding lost happiness. Placing a bouquet in - to a fleeting romance. Dropping flowers on the floor means breaking up with an annoying admirer. Collecting armfuls of lilies of the valley - fans consider you sexually attractive and openly tell you about it.

According to Dream Interpretation XXI centuries, the lily of the valley is a symbol of your lover's innocence. For a man, a dream predicts a relationship with a young girl who will turn his head. The dream warns an unmarried person about imminent marriage. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Almost all people dream when they fall asleep. Some of them are remembered after waking up and the dreamer often does not know whether this is a good sign or one that promises trouble. For example, not everyone knows what lilies of the valley seen in a dream mean.

Why do you dream of lilies of the valley - Miller’s dream book

Lilies of the valley in a dream indicate a loved one’s tendency to cheat. Collecting lilies of the valley in a dream means the appearance in the near future of a baby in the dreamer’s family or his close circle. For pregnant women, lilies of the valley in a dream mean the birth of a healthy child. Lilies of the valley standing in a vase indicate a short-term feeling of joy, which will be replaced by longer-term sadness and disappointment.

Why do you dream of lily of the valley - Longo's dream book

Lily of the valley flowers in a dream warn of troubles, sad events that will happen in the near future and the dreamer will feel like a lonely person.

I dreamed about lilies of the valley in a dream - a big family dream book

The aroma of lilies of the valley is a harbinger of a cold or minor illness. Picking or eating lily of the valley flowers is a risk of serious poisoning. In addition, such a dream warns that there are hypocritical people in the dreamer’s immediate environment. For lovers, the dream indicates betrayal. Withered lilies of the valley mean cooling of feelings between lovers.

Why do you dream of lilies of the valley - Freud's dream book

If an innocent girl saw lilies of the valley in a dream, this symbolizes her fears about the upcoming loss of virginity. Lilies of the valley in a dream of an adult woman indicate her desire for sexual contact and frequent changes of partners.

A woman picking lilies of the valley means her desire for self-satisfaction. If the dreamer gives these flowers to someone, she wants intimacy. A dream in which a large clearing of lilies of the valley is trampled down indicates that the dreamer only wants to use the body of her sexual partner and is only interested in her own sensations.

Trampled flowers indicate a disordered sex life and a lack of equality between partners.

Why else do you dream of lilies of the valley?

  • Seeing lilies of the valley blooming in a dream indicates the acquisition of a long-desired item.
  • Giving a bouquet of lilies of the valley means changing your attitude towards a person for the better, looking at him with different eyes.
  • The smell of lilies of the valley promises not entirely pleasant news from loved ones.
  • Dry lilies of the valley indicate excessive demands on people around you and life, which makes the dreamer nervous and irritable.
  • A presented bouquet of lilies of the valley promises a good relationship and mutual understanding between lovers.

Dream interpretation of lilies of the valley

Flowers in real life are usually brought to people positive emotions. They are pleasing to the eye, create a pleasant aroma, and are usually given as a sign of love, friendship, and gratitude. Flowers act as a sign of attention; they are presented at different holidays. Is there anything negative about these beautiful creations of God? What if flowers appear to us in a dream? Why do you dream of lilies of the valley, for example?

White flowers in a dream

Interpreters attribute purity, purity, and kindness to these spring flowers. But is this dream so positive? Or does each dream book put forward its own individual prediction?

To thoroughly understand everything, more accurate data from sleep is needed.

The most popular dream book predictions

Although lilies of the valley often promise tender feelings, they can also predict troubles and worries. It all depends on the nature of the dream.

But the dream book says with complete confidence that there is a person in the dreamer’s life for whom he has strong feelings.

Fragrant flowers in a dream symbolize honesty

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dream of a lily of the valley, the other half is completely honest with you. Do you suspect her of something? Are evil tongues bringing false rumors to you? You can be sure that the person sincerely loves you and doesn’t need anyone else.

In general, a lily of the valley in a dream speaks of spiritual purity and good thoughts.

When a flower has withered, this is your internal state. You are irritable and angry with the people around you. This only happens because you are too demanding of them.

This dream book shares the interpretation of this symbol depending on who the dreamer is:

  • For women, the dream promises a rich admirer, a new relationship;
  • after such dreams, a man will enjoy success with the fair half of humanity.

Love dream book

Why might you dream of inhaling the scent of lilies of the valley? You will get tired of work, everyday troubles, and other problems, and you will want to go far away. The desire will be so strong that the interpreter advises taking at least a temporary break and going to the village, to the country, or at least to a nearby forest.

The dream book also sees in lilies of the valley a hint that a bright feeling will soon settle in your heart - you will love with all your soul.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

What does he think? this dream book If lilies of the valley appeared in dreams, then the dreamer will soon acutely feel his loneliness. This will happen due to a sad and sad event. You should take this as a given, since such moments periodically occur in the life of every person.

Watching these beautiful flowers bloom means you will be presented with an expensive gift; it will be something that you have long wanted, but could not afford.

Giving a bouquet to someone means you will become seriously interested in a person who was treated with obvious contempt not so long ago.

What will cause this? The person will act in such a way that you will radically change your opinion towards him.

Give a fragrant bouquet Inhaling the aroma of flowers means guests will come to you, but in the process of communication you will learn unpleasant information about your friend.

You were hoping for help from this person, but now it turns out that he was lying to you.

Miller's Dream Book Did you dream about lilies of the valley?

Picking flowers means a new addition is expected in your family; perhaps you will soon find out about your pregnancy or the pregnancy of your sister or another relative.

Already know about your pregnancy? Then lilies of the valley guarantee the birth of a healthy baby.

Miller viewed these flowers negatively if they were in a vase in your dream. This means that joy will visit you, but it will be quite short-lived, followed by sadness and apathy.

Some interpretations of other dream books

Often in online resources you can find short references to what lilies of the valley can mean in dreams. Some of them are the most common. So, these flowers are dreamed of:

  • to a mild cold;
  • to the loss of a loved one, funeral;
  • to the emergence of a new feeling, hope for reciprocity.

The dreamer's actions

Picking flowers in a dream

The dream book believes that there is one important detail: how exactly did you collect a bouquet of lilies of the valley. If you did it while standing, then your relationship with your other half promises to be long-term . Perhaps this is even the love of a lifetime.

Bend over to pick a flower - some obstacles will constantly arise on the way to your happiness. But if you are patient, this period will soon end.

You pick flowers while squatting - you will soon get married or get married, this is exactly what he considers this action dream book

When a girl receives a bouquet of these flowers from her boyfriend in a dream, he is ready to offer his hand and heart to you.

For single ladies, such a vision promises a quick acquaintance with a pleasant young man.

A man sees a girl giving flowers? Soon he will meet the one with whom he will be ready to live his whole life.

Planting lilies of the valley means you will soon achieve material well-being. For a girl, such a dream promises a profitable marriage, for a man - a kind and faithful friend in life, which will inspire him to conquer new heights.

Throwing away wilted flowers means parting with your loved one.. You may also become very disappointed in something that was important to you.

Your mark:

Lily of the valley - clearly hints: you will have an irresistible desire to escape from all your problems and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is possible that you are on the verge of falling in love.

Collect lilies of the valley- to family joys. Your children will be beautiful, healthy, smart and obedient.

Love dream book

A dream in which you inhale the scent of lilies of the valley- foretells you that you will decide to spit on all matters and problems and rush away from them wherever your eyes look. Preferably closer to nature. In addition, the dream says that such a crazy desire is caused by the fact that you are on the verge of falling in love.

Maly Velesov dream book

Lily of the valley (primrose)- disease.

Russian dream book

Lily of the valley - troubles and misunderstandings in love relationships

Dream Interpreter

Lily of the valley (flower) seen in a dream- the dream book interprets it as innocence.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Lily of the Valley?

Seeing lilies of the valley in a dream- means that your loved one will not tolerate betrayal from you.

If you dream that you are collecting lilies of the valley- soon a child will be born in your family or in the family of your friends. This is a dream for a pregnant woman- promises the birth of a strong baby.

If you see lilies of the valley in a vase in your home- fleeting joy awaits you, which will be replaced by great sadness.

Feel the pungent aroma of lilies of the valley in a dream- portends receiving pleasant news or some good news from friends.

Seeing fragrant, fresh lilies of the valley in a dream- a sign that you will receive a long-awaited gift from a loved one or make your cherished dream come true.

If you pick or throw away wilted lilies of the valley- you are facing separation from a loved one, a loved one or disappointment in something dear and important to you.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Lily of the valley - a reflection of the desire to have children (also the ability to conceive)

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Lily of the Valley dream in a dream?

Seeing a lily of the valley in a dream- means the innocence of the one with whom you entered into any relationship.

Lily of the valley - symbolizes good feelings, affection.

See dry lily of the valley- means that you demand too much from life and from people, and therefore are often irritated and dissatisfied.

Seeing a lily of the valley in a dream- also means nostalgia for an old love, for a girl - meeting a new young man, for a man - success in the field of love.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Lily of the valley flowers seen in a dream- mean that soon a sad event will happen in your life that will make you feel lonely. Well, sooner or later such things happen in the lives of each of us. But loneliness is often beneficial. Try to enjoy communicating with yourself, and then you won’t even notice it, everything will pass as if it never happened.

Seeing lilies of the valley bloom in a dream- soon you will receive as a gift some thing that you have dreamed of for a long time, but did not have the opportunity to buy.

Giving someone lilies of the valley in a dream- soon you will become interested in a person about whom you have always thought with irony and even slight contempt, perceiving this person as nothing more than an obstacle on the way to something important to you. Most likely, this person will commit an act that will become for you an example of courage and openness, such rare qualities in our time.

If in a dream you smelled lilies of the valley- this means that soon someone will pay you a visit, but, unfortunately, as a result of this visit you will learn something unpleasant for you. Perhaps we are talking about the fate of one of your old acquaintances, on whom you had certain hopes.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Lilies of the valley - new career opportunities.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Lily of the valley - good feelings, affection.

Dry lily of the valley - you demand too much from life and from others and therefore you are always irritated and dissatisfied.

Dream book for a bitch

Lily of the valley is a slight ailment; you need to rest well to regain your strength.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Lily of the valley seen in a dream- a sign of tender feelings, which, nevertheless, can cause you some problems and worries.

Pluck lilies of the valley, collecting them in a bouquet- most often is a harbinger of an imminent love date.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a lily of the valley flower- to nervous overload, to heart neurosis and more serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To dream of a bouquet of lilies of the valley given to you by your loved one- to a tender relationship with a loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Pluck lilies of the valley in a dream and hear their delicate smell- acquaintance with a gentle, innocent girl for a young man.