Who can help a military veteran get an apartment. Combat veterans will be given subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing

27.09.2018 State

The provision of housing to WWII veterans is provided for not only by federal legislation, but also by the regulatory framework of regional authorities.

The main legislative act that establishes the obligation of the Russian state to provide housing to WWII veterans is the Law “On Veterans”. This law specifies the grounds and procedure for providing housing to WWII veterans, as well as a list of citizens who are subject to the above legislative act.

Provision of housing to WWII veterans is carried out directly on site permanent residence WWII veterans. Housing is distributed on the basis not only of federal legislation, but also in accordance with the regulatory framework of regional authorities. Thus, local legislative acts establish standards by which a person is considered to be in need of state or municipal housing. These standards are necessarily applied when considering the issue of providing housing to WWII veterans. Thus, in order to receive housing from the state or municipality, a WWII veteran needs to submit an appropriate application to the municipality for the provision of housing to a WWII veteran, and officially confirm his status.

Housing is provided to WWII veterans free of charge. It is established by law that the concept of “WWII Veterans” includes not only those Russian citizens who directly fought to save their Motherland from fascism. The concept of “WWII Veterans”, within the framework of the above law, also includes those who in every possible way contributed to the victory of the troops and Soviet citizens in the War. Therefore, it is fair that the legislation included in the above category of citizens: 1) Direct active participants in the Soviet army and their widows; 2) Participants in partisan army detachments outside the territory of the Soviet state; 3) Participants of the Second World War, who were officially awarded medals for the defense of the city of Leningrad”; 4) Citizens with disabilities since childhood who received corresponding injuries or illnesses as a result of the blockade of the city of Leningrad by the Nazis. These citizens may apply to them the legally established rules on the provision of housing to WWII veterans.

It is worth saying that the provision of housing to WWII veterans is not automatic. This right for WWII veterans and categories of persons belonging to them can arise only after their personal written appeal to the relevant state and municipal bodies and institutions. In addition, in order to provide housing to WWII veterans, veterans had until 2005 to register with the relevant body that decides on the distribution of living space as citizens who require state or municipal housing. Despite numerous instructions from the president to quickly provide housing to WWII veterans, this problem has not yet been completely resolved. Many veterans and persons classified as such have not yet been provided with state or municipal housing. This is explained by the fact that many people who are subject to the legislation on WWII veterans were registered as people in need of housing only after 2005. Therefore, it became impossible for the state to implement the rule regarding their immediate provision of housing to WWII veterans. In this situation, the general rules for providing living space apply to veterans and people equivalent to them. The procedure for providing housing to WWII veterans is established by the local legislation of the region where the WWII veteran lives. This procedure consists of the need for WWII veterans to provide the established package of documents to the municipality. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War need to document their lack of real estate, the fact of registration in a given area for a certain amount of time, the fact of their need for state or municipal housing.

The provision of housing to WWII veterans is carried out by the state and municipalities in several ways: 1) WWII veterans may be offered state or municipal housing for immediate occupancy. 2) WWII veterans may be offered money to purchase housing on their own. The money is provided in the form of a certificate. This certificate can only be used for its intended purpose. The only difficulty in implementing a certificate received from the state is implementing the certificate within its term. This period can be set regional authorities on one's own. As a rule, it lasts no more than six months. Thus, during this period you need to find suitable housing and buy it using the money from the certificate received by the WWII veteran. In order for a WWII veteran to be considered provided with housing within the framework of the legislation on veterans, the right to an apartment purchased using an issued certificate must be registered in the name of a WWII veteran. The right established by law to provide housing to WWII veterans can be exercised only once in their life. That is, if, after providing housing to a WWII veteran, he sold or donated this housing, having lost his living space, then it is impossible to apply again to provide housing to WWII veterans.

Providing housing to WWII veterans under a certificate is not always beneficial for the person. Firstly, the amount you can count on when buying a home using a certificate is insufficient. Therefore, you have to add your own or borrowed money to the purchase of an apartment. Secondly, not all housing can be purchased using a certificate. There are requirements for housing established by law, and these requirements must be met. Housing purchased under the certificate must be of a size such that the veteran’s family will not fall under the definition of those in need of living space. And this housing must have signs of suitability for living in it. So, buy housing from construction company, at the stage of construction of a multi-storey building it is impossible. Thus, you will have to look for an apartment on the secondary market, at an expensive market price.

Therefore, many WWII veterans are forced to refuse to resolve their problem with the help of a certificate for the provision of housing to WWII veterans. Many WWII veterans were unable to collect all the documents to realize the possibility of obtaining state or municipal housing. Therefore, if until now there remains actual problem related to the mandatory provision of housing to WWII veterans, then this problem is best solved with the help of a lawyer. This will help save time and nerves when the state carries out its fundamental function of providing housing to WWII veterans.

Editor: Igor Reshetov

Many war veterans live in old and dilapidated premises. You should know that all combat veterans recognized as low-income have the right to stand in line to receive improved housing conditions. To do this, you need to go through a series of simple procedures.

War veterans are rarely provided with housing. Instead, a certain amount of money is transferred to their account, for which they can purchase housing on their own anywhere Russian Federation. The amount of funds issued will depend on the cost of one square meter of housing in the region where the person in need lives. Now registration for obtaining an apartment is carried out according to a simplified procedure. The rights of veterans are regulated by the Federal Law “On Veterans”.

It is necessary to confirm the fact that the war participant needs an apartment. He can only get it if his own housing is too small, dilapidated or in disrepair. If this is the case, he should contact the administration at his place of registration with a copy of his passport. All other documents must be completed by municipal employees - the veteran does not need to collect any certificates. He will be asked to write a statement. A representative of a war participant can also submit an application.

You will have to wait, the received application will be considered. If it is approved, government officials will issue a certificate and provide a grant. The municipality can also provide an apartment on social rental terms. Subsequently, it can be privatized. But more often, war participants receive a subsidy and purchase apartments on their own. But even in this case, you won’t be able to get the money right away. It is necessary to wait for the transfer of funds from the Federal budget when distributing the allocated apartments. When everything is ready, the administration will notify the veteran about the transfer Money

to his account, with which he can purchase housing in any city or village in the Russian Federation. He will be asked to come for a certificate and a subsidy agreement.

After purchasing an apartment, you should draw up a transfer and acceptance certificate and register a purchase and sale agreement. A participant in the war must contact the Federal Office of the State Registration Center and provide a number of required documents, a list of which can be viewed on the website rosreestr.ru. He will be asked to write an application and pay state fee. In a month, the veteran will receive a certificate of ownership of housing.

The law prohibits intentionally worsening living conditions. There were situations when relatives of a war participant wanted to receive public housing for free. They were selling his apartment and deliberately worsening his living conditions. Such actions are very easy to trace, so you should only apply legally. If illegal actions are detected, you can register again only after five years.

The right to obtain an apartment can be used only once. If a war participant received an apartment from the state, and then sold it, re-registered it, donated it, etc. – it will no longer be possible to register to improve your living conditions again.

amendments were introduced, which came into force on October 16, 2012. According to these amendments, combat veterans will be given subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing. It will be provided as a one-time payment, that is, a one-time cash payment (subsidy) can be received only once and can only be spent on the construction or purchase of housing. . Also, disabled combatants, as well as military personnel and private and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system who have become disabled due to injury, concussion or injury received in the performance of duties have full rights to this subsidy. military service(official duties). The category of persons entitled to a one-time cash payment (subsidy) for the construction and purchase of housing also included family members of deceased (deceased) disabled combat veterans and combat veterans, family members of military personnel, private and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Department services, institutions and bodies of the penal system and state security bodies who died in the performance of military service (official duties), family members of military personnel who died in captivity, recognized in the prescribed manner as missing in combat areas. The money will be allocated only to those in need of improved housing conditions who registered before January 1, 2005. The amount of payment is determined based on the total housing area of ​​18 square meters. m and the average market value of 1 sq. m of total housing area per subject of the Federation. Payment is made upon a written application from the citizen.

According to federal authorities, as of January 1, 2012, the number of combat veterans and disabled veterans, as well as members of their families who were registered before January 1, 2005, in need of improved housing conditions was 45,380 people. Currently, such social support measures already apply to participants of the Great Patriotic War. The most interesting thing is that all WWII veterans, regardless of the date of housing registration, should have been provided with housing by May 1, 2010. But this program, which was initiated by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2009, collapsed like House of cards and many veterans did not live to see their steel-strong houses and apartments. In mid-December 2011, Vladimir Putin, then still prime minister, emphasized that this was the fault of the Ministry of Defense, since it, in turn, poorly kept records of those in need of apartments. According to the government’s grandiose plans, the issue of providing housing to WWII veterans should be completely resolved before 2013. It is worth noting that as of January 1, 2012, more than forty thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War remained in the queue.

Moscow has approved the procedure for providing housing to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. It is noteworthy that this was done after the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, which means that work to improve the living conditions of the families of front-line soldiers is not limited to the anniversary.

We are talking about the Moscow government decree No. 437-PP dated May 26, 2010 “On the specifics of the procedure and conditions for the provision of residential premises or one-time cash payments for the construction or purchase of residential premises to citizens entitled to the specified measures of social support using federal subvention funds.” Today, at the request of “KR”, this document is being commented on by the head of the Housing Policy Directorate of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow, Evgeniy Evstigneev, and the main developer of the document, Deputy Head of the Housing Market Monitoring Department of the Housing Policy Directorate of the department, Olga Brykova.

Everything in one document

The new resolution is aimed at codifying (translating onto paper) the procedure for providing housing for participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, which has already taken shape in the city and was prescribed in a number of legal acts.

Changes made to federal legislation at the end of 2009 - beginning of 2010 provided for the opportunity for this category of people on the waiting list to receive not only an apartment, as was done before, but also money as a subvention, which is allocated to Moscow from the federal budget. Therefore, it was decided to develop a single document at the city level, which would record all the ways provided by law to improve the living conditions of Moscow veterans.

Thus, now those of them who register have two options - a free apartment under a social rental agreement from the city’s housing stock, or a one-time cash payment for the construction or purchase of residential premises from the treasury of the Federation.

Only for improvement

Funds are divided into two streams. If Moscow provides a person on the waiting list with a free apartment from its housing stock, then the subsidy is transferred to the city budget. When a veteran expresses a desire to independently purchase housing with the help of a federal payment, the money is transferred to his personal blocked trust account. The payment certificate is valid for six months.

Payments from the federal budget can be spent exclusively on improving living conditions. The Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow will control the expenditure of these funds, check the title documents for the purchased housing: so that the purchased apartment is free, not under arrest, pledge, and not encumbered by anyone else's rights. In order for the person on the waiting list to purchase housing that meets sanitary and technical rules and regulations, as well as standards in accordance with Art. 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Moscow City Law No. 29 “On ensuring the right of city residents to residential premises.” So that the purchased housing is no smaller than the registration standard for registering citizens as needy: at least 10 square meters. meters in a separate apartment and 15 in a communal apartment.

Buy where you want

The payment amount is determined by the formula: 36 sq. meters multiplied by the average market value of one sq. meters of total housing area per region Russian Federation – the city of Moscow, determined by the Ministry regional development. This cost should change every quarter, but Last year stands at the same level - 73,800 rubles.

The amount turns out to be a little more than 2.6 million rubles. This is the money that a registered veteran can receive free of charge from the state to improve their living conditions. If they cover the cost of purchasing housing, great; if not, the person on the waiting list will have to add their own funds.

This mechanism allows you to purchase housing where the veteran himself wants - not necessarily in Moscow or the immediate Moscow region, but in any region of Russia. You can rent a house in the village or even by the sea. The amount is quite sufficient to buy a one-room apartment in the Moscow region. And the further from the capital, the footage of housing will increase. Indeed, in the capital the estimated average market value of sq. m. meters of total area determined to calculate the amount of payment is much larger than anywhere else. For example, in St. Petersburg it is 44,300 rubles, Yaroslavl - 30,100, Kursk region - 22,700. So we can say that Muscovites are in the most advantageous position.

Is it possible to privatize?

Housing purchased by those on the waiting list on the market is registered as their property. A citizen can exchange, sell, or bequeath an apartment. This option, from the point of view of further disposal of property, is simpler.

Is it possible to privatize apartments provided by the city under a social rental agreement? – veterans often ask. There are no obstacles here. Unless, of course, the person has used this right before. And you need to remember: the privatization period ends on March 1, 2013.

Once in a lifetime

Here is another important circumstance. Federal legislation establishes that improvement of housing conditions at the expense of city or federal budgets since December 2009 is provided once in a lifetime.

It may turn out like this. A war veteran will buy a one-room apartment with the help of a federal payment, register his grandchildren to live with him, and they will have children. It will become crowded and the elderly person will have to be registered again. And he will be accepted in turn - if all the necessary conditions for this are present. But according to the federal law, a veteran who has used the opportunity of one-time assistance - receiving an apartment from the Moscow housing stock, or payments from the federal budget, can be registered only on a general basis.

Today, in the capital, there are no Great Patriotic War veterans in need of housing - everyone is provided for. Moscow has always taken on increased obligations in relation to this priority category of people on the waiting list. Before the release of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2008 No. 714, more than 13 thousand families were provided with housing over ten years. By the beginning of June 2010, as part of the implementation of this decree, another 1,058 families of defenders of the Fatherland received apartments.

Without delay or delay

All veterans who register are provided with housing without delay or delay, and those on the waiting list are immediately offered options. If he agrees, the documents are processed, and within two to three weeks, while the decision passes through the prefecture, he will be able to sign an agreement for a new apartment.