The results of the State Duma elections are the Party of Growth. Elections to regional authorities

31.07.2019 Relationship

Some note that the turnout is below the levels usual for Russia, however, political scientists say that our country is keeping within the framework of the global trend. “(Today’s) turnout is absolutely normal if we are talking about global trends. It absolutely fits into the parameters that we can observe in Western countries, in countries with a democratic system,” political scientist Anton Khaschenko told TASS. He also drew attention to the fact that today's elections in Russia took place in September - a fairly warm month, when many citizens are still on vacation. “Even allowing for this, we see that the turnout is very decent,” the expert noted.

As of 23.42, the CEC processed 20% of the ballots.
The rating of the party in power, United Russia, is approaching 50% - its current result is already 49.82%.

Fourth place is still occupied by “A Just Russia” - 6.45%.

“Communists of Russia” - 2.69%
Party of Pensioners - 1.88%
Rodina Party - 1.4%
"Apple" - 1.38%
Growth Party - 1.03%
Green Party - 0.73%
“Patriots of Russia” - 0.69%
PARNAS — 0.64%
"Civic Platform" - 0.26%
"Civil power" - 0.13%

Someone from the election commission at one of the polling stations got tired and lay down to take a nap.

Celebrations have already begun at the United Russia headquarters. Party functionaries treat journalists to white and red wine.

At the same time, the SR hopes for the success of its single-mandate candidates. Speaking about possible appointments in the State Duma, Mironov noted that the committee on housing policy, apparently, will again be headed by Khovanskaya. “It’s difficult to talk about the remaining appointments; we’ll wait for the votes to be counted,” Mironov said.

Sergei Mironov, the leader of the party, has just spoken Just Russia" In his opinion, the relatively low result of the SR, which is shown by the first calculations, is associated with low turnout.
“Many people did not go to the polls because they no longer believe in the electoral system and believe that their votes will not be counted,” Mironov said. He also noted that 15% of the votes of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia were “eaten up” by dwarf parties, which received less than 3%. “They essentially deceived their voters, they knew that they did not have support, but they went to the polls, and as a result, the votes of the people they persuaded to vote went to United Russia,” Mironov said.

In single-mandate district No. 206, where the main fight is between Gennady Onishchenko and Dmitry Gudkov, 28% of the ballots have already been counted. So far, Gudkov is behind by 2.5 thousand votes.

A pogrom occurred in the village of Gotsatl in the Khunzakh region of Dagestan, RIA Novosti reports, citing a representative of the precinct election commission. He clarified that representatives of one of the parliamentary candidates provoked a conflict and also started a fight.
“They said that there was ballot stuffing and started filming. The proposal to stop filming resulted in a conflict and a fight broke out,” the agency’s interlocutor said. According to him, after the fight, a group of people burst into the room and started a pogrom.

At the moment, prosecutors are working at the scene of the incident.

The mood at Dmitry Gudkov's headquarters is fighting. There is information that the gap from Onishchenko is minimal. The numbers vary. Either information spreads that the gap is several thousand votes, or even several hundred. And most importantly, there is an understanding of where to get these voices from. “We need to wake up the Americans,” Gudkov half-jokes. We are talking about Russian citizens living in the United States. They have yet to make their choice.

In Sevastopol, according to the latest exit poll, 55.42% of voters voted for United Russia, 16.9% for the LDPR, 12.9% for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 7.4% for A Just Russia, 4% for the Growth Party, 56%, Rodina - 0.82%, Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice - 0.59%, KMMR - 0.14%, Yabloko - 0.14%.

Difficult nights in Rostov: there were so many unused ballots that the commission members decided to use a hatchet instead of scissors.

The headquarters of United Russia is also beginning to empty. According to a Gazeta.Ru correspondent, the speaker of the previous State Duma, Sergei Naryshkin, is no longer at the party headquarters.

And here is the first milestone - 10% of all votes have been processed.
Leading " United Russia- she scored 45.95%.
Second place is still for the LDPR - 17.40%. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation ranks third with a result of 16.77%. “A Just Russia” holds with a result of 6.35%.

Other parties still remain with a result below 5%, or rather, they did not even get 3%.

“Communists of Russia” - 2.84%
Party of Pensioners - 2.08%
Rodina Party - 1.44%
"Apple" - 1.36%
Growth Party - 1.07%
Green Party - 0.79%
“Patriots of Russia” - 0.73%
PARNAS — 0.68%
"Civic Platform" - 0.28%
Civilian force - 0.14%

In “A Just Russia,” everyone is crowded around the screen with the broadcast of “Russia 1,” and there are proposals to open a betting pool. It is clear that they are disappointed with the first results, but have not yet lost hope.

Zhirinovsky left the LDPR headquarters, saying goodbye how nervous this night would be. Journalists leave headquarters. Only reporters remained to record stand-ups.
Latest data from the LDPR call center as of 20.00: 476 complaints, of which 36 were stuffing, 32 were not allowing observers in, 24 were being brought in.

In the photo: Pamfilova explains to state television that the Central Election Commission tried a lot to increase confidence in the elections.
By the way, the presenter of “Russia 1”, while reading out the interim results, ignored PARNAS. It’s as if there is no such party.

Putin saw in the election results the Russians’ desire for stability: “It’s hard, it’s hard, but people still voted for United Russia.”

In PARNAS, “the mood is not very positive,” Kasyanov told reporters. Of course.

At the time of counting, 8.00% of the Rodina, Civic Platform and Party of Growth protocols are entering the Duma in single-mandate constituencies - each receives one seat. Interfax reports this.

“If we take second place, we will celebrate in a small hall. We have a men's choir! - says Zhirinovsky. — There won’t be champagne, there won’t even be Pepsi-Cola. We don't drink."

Zyuganov called the victory of United Russia false and complained that the rating of the Russian president was not spared, since the party in power “leaned against him.”

According to the exit poll of the Center for Applied Research and Programs PRISP (Moscow), the United Russia party and Dmitry Belik are leading the elections in Sevastopol by a wide margin.
According to exit polls - surveys of voters at the exits of polling stations, as of 20:00 on September 18, 2016, the votes of Sevastopol residents were distributed as follows:

Dmitry Belik - 36.4%;
Vladimir Komoyedov - 16.6%;
Oleg Nikolaev - 14.9%;
Ilya Zhuravlev - 9.9%;
Mikhail Bryachak - 3.2%.

Zhirinovsky compared the parties that scored half a percent to mushroom picker cyclists. And the parliamentary parties are with KamAZ, which hauls tons of cargo.

The communists are clearly offended by the possible loss of the LDPR. Zyuganov said that he was conducting a parallel count of votes, reports a Gazeta.Ru correspondent from the communist headquarters.
“We don’t believe any “phony FOMs,” the communist takes offense. According to him, “the presidential administration is dragging the LDPR into second place,” and all competing parties “baked in the presidential administration.”

As of 21.26 Moscow time, 8.04% of ballots had been processed. United Russia holds first place with 45.09% of the votes.
Second place on this moment The LDPR is ranked third (17.88%), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is third (16.97%). A Just Russia is seriously behind, winning 6.28% of the vote.

All others are below the 5% threshold.

“Communists of Russia” - 2.88%
Party of Pensioners - 2.16%
Rodina Party - 1.45%
"Apple" - 1.37%
Growth Party - 1.09%
Green Party - 0.81%
“Patriots of Russia” - 0.71%
PARNAS — 0.69%

"Civil power" - 0.14%

Zhirinovsky: “We recognize the elections. We have a chance to take second place. We are neck and neck with the communists. We are now one percent ahead."

According to exit polls, Yabloko ranks third in Moscow (11.23%) after United Russia (38.13%) and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (13.15%).

Medvedev: “We can safely say that our party won.<...>The result is good, our party will have the majority.”

At the Central Election Commission, all members of the commission except Pamfilova went to drink tea, joked that her salary was “3% more,” so she should remain on duty, reports a Gazeta.Ru correspondent. Pamfilova was pleased with such accuracy. Now he is discussing with Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova. The Ombudsman, a native of A Just Russia, proposed in the future to make an insert in the passport, which is filled out when voting - such a mechanism will eliminate multiple voting. In addition, Moskalkova complained about the voting process of Russians in Ukraine.

Putin spoke with an observer from United Russia:

— As I understand it, there aren’t many violations?

— There was practically none.

Putin and Medvedev are right now at the headquarters of United Russia.

Photo from our correspondent from the Central Election Commission.

We remind you, dear readers, that the data presented by VTsIOM and FOM are the results of surveys public opinion, not the final results. They, as Pamfilova said, can change “in the most dramatic way.”

EP - 49.4%
Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 16.3%
LDPR - 14.3%
SR - 7.6%
"Apple" - 2.6%
PARNAS — 0.8%
"Motherland" - 1.6%
“Communists of Russia” - 1.5%
Party of Pensioners - 1.9%
Green Party - 0.6%
"Civic Platform" - 0.2%
Growth Party - 1.2%
"Civil power" - 0.1%
“Patriots of Russia” - 0.6%

EP - 44.7%
Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 14.9%
LDPR - 15.3%
SR - 8.1%
"Apple" - 3.4%
“Communists of Russia” - 2.7%
"Motherland" - 2.3%
Party of pensioners - 2%
Growth Party - 1.7%
PARNAS — 1.2%
Green Party - 0.9%
“Patriots of Russia” - 0.8%
"Civic Platform" - 0.3%
"Civil power" - 0.2%
1.7% - spoiled

At the LDPR headquarters, journalists are waiting for Zhirinovsky’s speech. In A Just Russia, people have already started drinking in anticipation of the exit polls and toasting to justice. However, our correspondent notes, it is not yet clear whether they drink out of joy or grief.

Pamfilova talks about possible provocations at the election counting stage, and says with a laugh that there were no turnout orders. He calls those who voted “true citizens”, and those who did not vote “let them be offended at themselves later.”

Pamfilova speaks of the only case in all of Russia of the removal of an observer. In the Sverdlovsk region, an observer was removed by court decision: “I didn’t knit.”
And she: “No specific facts were presented that would allow us to talk about the illegitimacy of the elections.” In her opinion, there are no serious reasons to be disappointed in the elections, however, one cannot say that the elections are being held “sterilely.”

“In exactly 15 minutes the whole country will see the vote count,” said Bulaev from the Central Election Commission. Pamfilova asks that she be silent a minute before 9 pm.

The turnout in elections in Russia at 18.00 is 40.46%.

A self-nominated single-mandate candidate from Dagestan, Oleg Melnikov, tells Gazeta.Ru that he was just attacked by about 50 strong men at Precinct Election Commission 1019 in Makhachkala.
“They attacked and stole my phone. Thanks to the police officers who fought me off,” says the candidate.

The results of the elections in Shchukino will not be taken into account: a member of the precinct election commission issued ballots for voting in municipal elections to conscripts, which is contrary to the law.

Members of the commission cancel unused ballots - to do this, cut off the lower left corner of the sheet with answer options.

Vladimir Vasiliev, head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, came to information Center United Russia headquarters: “We set the task of renewing the party. And the events that will happen now will even shock some.” But, according to him, the party has no other way.

Both Putin and Medvedev will come to the center of the executive committee of United Russia, reports a Gazeta.Ru correspondent. It is still unknown whether they will perform together - a la Manezhnaya Square in 2011 - or separately.
United Russia occupies two neighboring buildings in Banny and Pereyaslavsky lanes. On Bannoy there is the Central Executive Committee, in Pereyaslavsky there is a second building, it is there that the information center of the headquarters is located.

Turnout in St. Petersburg increased to 25.7% - this is still the lowest figure in the country.

Vladimir Putin will come to the election headquarters of United Russia, RBC reports. This will happen during the vote counting.

The headquarters of United Russia in Banny Lane is crowded, everyone is working and preparing to meet party leader Dmitry Medvedev, who will arrive after 21.00 and, obviously, will go to a specially prepared area on the street to communicate with the people. In the alleys around the headquarters (nearby is the building of the Central Election Commission of the United Russia) there are a lot of police, there is even a fire truck.
Outwardly, the press service employees are preparing for a working night: they say, it’s not clear yet, let’s sum it up, and at one or two in the morning we can celebrate. But with a vigilant eye, the Gazeta.Ru columnist noticed a waiter carrying a dish of small delicious cakes through the headquarters into the closed part of the building.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed the stuffing in the Rostov region, where teachers built a “wall”.

The LDPR headquarters became noticeably livelier. Cameramen from all major TV channels arrived. They are awaiting the arrival of Zhirinovsky.

No one online has ever been disturbed by cats, #truetruth.

The head of the Central Election Commission commented on the information about the shooting at a polling station in the Uvelsky district near Chelyabinsk, where a drunk man fired a sawed-off shotgun at the windows of the polling station. Pamfilova said the shooting had nothing to do with the voting process and joked that voters were probably actively arguing about the “political platform.”

Pamfilova opposed voters taking photographs of ballots at polling stations.

Candidate from the “Communists of Russia” Daria Mitina complained about PEC 27 in the center of Moscow. She says that when she received the ballots, she noticed in the notebook the names of her neighbors next door, whose details were filled out with one hand. Mitina claims that both neighbors have been living in Germany for two years and could not vote in person (she was informed about the alleged personal voting in the commission). The candidate complained to the CEC to Ella Pamfilova.

In front of the building of the Central Election Commission of Russia, the area in Banny Lane is cordoned off: people, police, music. They say that Medvedev will come here soon.

Kuzmenko further stated that this was not a stuffing, but an absentee vote:
“There is information that these actions were not actually stuffing, it was an absentee vote. She (they called her) explained to us that she had an absentee ballot. She voted for herself."

Gazeta.Ru contacted the chairman of the election commission of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Sergei Kuzmenko, and discussed with him the notorious PEC 2211:
“We saw the plot and have already created a working group together with law enforcement agencies on site. We'll figure out. First, we need to review the full plot of the action of this person; if we establish that there really was a stuffing, then we do not rule out the annulment of the results at the site. We phoned this person who allegedly carried out the “stuffing”. The ballot box has not yet been sealed.”

The protesters outside the Russian Embassy went home. Let us remind you that the police detained three participants in the action: a deputy of the Kyiv City Council from the nationalist party “Svoboda” Vladimir Nazarenko, activist Mikhail Kovalchuk, as well as a certain man who threw an egg at a man who came to vote.

Wasserman spoke at the headquarters of A Just Russia. It is curious that after the performance no one approached him to take a photo. While the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, who had performed earlier, had a line of people waiting to take a photo.

The police detained Fontanka correspondent Denis Korotkov, who reported about the “carousel” at one of the polling stations.

PARNAS was mistakenly crossed out from the ballots at one of the polling stations in Kuban, Interfax reports.

“A serious case that could lead to the cancellation of the voting results was recorded at polling station No. 2756 in the village of Rodnikovskaya, Kurganinsky district,” said David Kankia, regional coordinator of the movement to protect voters “Voice”.

The buffet at the headquarters of A Just Russia offers alcohol, however, so far there are few people willing to drink, our correspondent reports.

By the way, look at what certificates some polling stations gave to voters who had recently turned 18 and came to their first vote.

State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party Andrei Svintsov gave a general picture of the violations during voting day, a Gazeta.Ru correspondent reports.
“A few minutes ago the CEC website crashed. And we send them complaints in paper form by car with the signatures of Vladimir Zhirinovsky,” Svintsov began, after which he spoke about the violations themselves.

At PEC 427 in the Stavropol Territory and PEC 44 in the Kemerovo Region, voters were given ballots already marked. Observers from the Liberal Democratic Party reported this. In Elektrostal, for unknown reasons, KOIBs suddenly began to break down—several similar complaints were immediately received by the call center of Zhirinovsky’s party.

Food as a reason to vote. Chairman of the Astrakhan regional election commission Igor Korovin said that the election commission received complaints about bribery with sausage from residents who voted in the elections, Interfax reports.
“They brought us a whole bag of sausage: a woman said that one of the candidates was delivering packages with food packages and his campaign products. Another complaint was about the same candidate: the man said that he was given 500 rubles. and asked to vote for a specific person,” Korovin said.

The CEC announced the turnout at 18.00 across the country - 39.37%. They say that the figure will not change much now.

Observer at PEC 1180 Dmitry Mikhailover told Gazeta.Ru that in the morning grandmothers in his district were called on behalf of deputy Sergei Zheleznyak and reminded that the elections will come to you today, do not forget to vote. They didn’t campaign for Zheleznyak, but at first they introduced themselves as being from him.

At the Russian embassy in Yerevan, only the State Duma was offered the choice; only one ballot was issued, reports a Gazeta.Ru correspondent. Five booths, two opaque wooden bins that could have been left over from the 90s. The seven members of the commission probably did not have enough strength for everyone, so at the entrance to the reception hall where the voting took place, people were stopped, lined up and sent out one by one when someone from the commission was released.
There were six people in line at two o'clock local time, then the same number came up. They voted using their international passport, although many took with them in advance Russian passport. In general, the atmosphere is decorous and calm, everyone is very polite and welcoming, there were no “carousels” or anything suspicious. There was no buffet, and no gifts were provided for first-time voters.

Russians from Sydney were forced to elect deputies for the Barnaul district today Altai Territory. Those who were not natives of this region began to giggle when approaching the commission, but what can you do - they distributed them like that. In Japan, as far as we know, they also voted in the Altai Territory, but in a different region.

Pamfilova commented on the information about the shooting at the site in the Uvelsky district near Chelyabinsk, where a drunk man fired a sawed-off shotgun at the windows of the police station. Pamfilova said the shooting had nothing to do with the voting process and joked that voters were probably actively arguing about the “political platform.”

And here are the masters of conspiracy in Nizhny Novgorod at site No. 2211. We are waiting for comments from regulatory authorities.

Society correspondent Anna Semenova wrote an entire essay about her polling station:
“At the entrance to the school, where two polling stations are located - 2448 and 2449 - there are speakers installed, from which Retro-FM music cheerfully plays. The aroma of That Same School Pizza hovers in the premises, but detailed reconnaissance in the cafeteria does not even reveal traces of it. Apparently, the more efficient electorate has eaten up the baked goods, and those who came late are asked to be content with sausages in dough, puff pastries and muffins, which, in appearance, can also be used as throwing weapons. The commission consists of friendly ladies who look more like teachers from the same school. They ask for a passport, ask when the rest of the family members registered at the address are going to vote, and are given two papers. Voting booths, unlike those that were used in the elections for the mayor of Moscow and the Moscow City Duma, do not provide the opportunity to discreetly make a choice behind a curtain. By the way, they didn’t sell potatoes and carrots at bargain prices like that time. There are no electronic ballot boxes; ballots must be placed in one of four ballot boxes. Observers managed to notice only two: a girl of about thirty and a hipster-looking guy, both with concentrated faces. There are three people on site: elderly couple, who goes to the booth together, and another girl who votes for the first time. Before registering, she carefully studies what is written about each deputy on the poster on the wall. Members of the commission cordially congratulate her on her electoral premiere, but do not seem to present any gifts. At the exit from the school, a young man in a blue vest with the inscription “Sociological Poll” is waiting for voters. He, as the inscription on his badge says, represents the company “IMA-Consulting”. He asks who they voted for, and falls into a slight stupor at the clarifying question whether he means the single-mandate members or the party. But it is quickly determined and, in addition, clarifies how it became known about the single-mandate candidate for whom the vote was ultimately cast.

The average turnout at 18.00 Moscow time in Russia (remember that this is like the average temperature, since somewhere it is not yet six o’clock in the evening, and somewhere voting has already ended) is 39.84%, reports a Gazeta.Ru correspondent.

Latest data on regional voter activity. As of 18:00 Moscow time, the maximum turnout was recorded in the Tyumen region (74%), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (66%), Dagestan (73%) and Tyva (67%). The minimum data is in St. Petersburg - 16%, that is, only every sixth city resident came to the site there.

By the way, Gorovoy confirmed that in the Rostov region, “stuffing situations were recorded by means of objective control (that is, on video cameras - Gazeta.Ru)” at PECs 1958 and 1749. The check is currently underway, the decision will also be made by the Investigative Committee.

In the Altai Territory, as Gorovoy stated, explanations were taken from six people regarding the possible organization of carousels, the materials were transferred to the Investigative Committee, which, judging by the words of the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will decide whether to initiate a case. “For ethical and legal reasons, I do not want to give an assessment of the decision-making of colleagues from the Investigative Committee,” he noted.

Russia is wide - look at the polling station in the Republic of South Africa.

Just fun fact. As First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy said, since the beginning of the election campaign, 25 criminal cases have been initiated in connection with violations of election legislation, which is “less than in 2011.”
There were 728 administrative cases in 2016, while in 2011 there were 2090.

Meanwhile, CEC member Boris Ebzeev shows journalists a video of how a bride and groom vote in Chechnya, who came to the polling station directly from the registry office, a girl - in wedding dress with a veil. “I want to congratulate the young people on this day!” — comments CEC member Alexander Klyukin.

Option one, the source continues: the ballot boxes may contain ballots that are visually different from the “correct” ones; these can be easily taken away. “And option two: if the ballots are identical and there are more of them than there should have been voters, then the commission will discuss the issue of declaring the elections at the polling station invalid,” he concludes.

The ill-fated ballot boxes from precinct No. 1958 will be opened by the territorial commission and the prosecutor's office. The materials have already reached the investigative committee.

Latest information about Rostov-on-Don and the PEC 1958. According to Gazeta.Ru’s source in the election committee of the Rostov region, at the moment, both ballot boxes caught in the video have been sealed and removed - set aside.
“Voting does not take place there. A new ballot box was collected at the polling station, it was resealed in the presence of all of us, and now voting is taking place in it. At 20.00 a separate count will be carried out, and if a discrepancy is revealed in the number of ballots that were at the polling station and which ended up in the ballot boxes, then there are two options,” the source said.

Meanwhile, foreign observers praised Russia for the good organization of the elections, TASS reports. Thus, member of the European Parliament Stefano Mauliu said that during the day he managed to visit four polling stations with his colleagues. “We saw how the voting procedure goes and talked with voters. Everything is going well, without violations,” he said.

As of 15.00, 33.77% of voters in the Republic of Crimea voted. The head of the election commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mikhail Malyshev, announced this at a briefing in Simferopol. “More than 504 thousand voters voted, the situation is calm,” Malyshev said. In Sevastopol, the results were lower - at 16.30 the turnout was at 32.41%.

It is forbidden to catch Pokemon at polling stations, said the chairman of the election commission of the Sverdlovsk region, Valery Chainikov.
“An attempt to catch a Pokemon is a violation of public order, obstructing the work of the election commission, Art. 5.69 Code of Administrative Offences. Police officers know this. One of us tried to catch him, he was taken away.”

Elections to the State Duma under the new rules are more organized and “more emotional” than the elections to the State Duma in 2011, said Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko.

REN-TV journalists were not allowed into the PARNAS headquarters. It is not yet clear why.

At a polling station in the Uvelsky district in the Chelyabinsk region, an unknown person opened fire, TASS reports.

“According to preliminary data, the shooting occurred in the Uvelsky district. There were no casualties. As a result of the shooting, the window only broke,” the agency’s source said.

Press secretary of the Rodina party Sofya Cherepanova told Gazeta.Ru about the complaint to the Central Election Commission about the actions of United Russia in Tambov region. In the complaint, the “Rodyntsy” refer to massive illegal campaigning near polling stations in the region for United Russia, expressed in the collection and storage of election invitations with the symbols of the party in power and an appeal to vote for it on the territory of the precinct election commission. At most polling stations, invitations are placed directly on the desks of voting members of the PEC or they are collected at the entrance to the polling station.
The response from the Tambov Region Election Commission, signed by its chairman Ofitserov, states that such invitations with United Russia symbols “cannot be recognized as election campaigning,” since they do not “encourage” voters to vote for the candidate and list.

Self-nominated candidate Maria Baronova (Open Russia, running in the Central Administrative District of Moscow) will send a complaint to the Central Electoral Commission against polling station 76. Earlier, this polling station suddenly ran out of ballots, which observers found in a safe. Baronova’s observers were kicked out of the site, the candidate says.

The Rostov election commission commented on the video with the “wall” covering the stuffing at the infamous Central Election Commission 1958: “The investigation of the incident will be completed,” said the chairman of the election commission of the Rostov region, Sergei Yusov.

After a request from Gazeta.Ru, the Central Election Commission is preparing a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a demand to remove the exit poll data published on social networks during the elections, said Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia Nikolai Bulaev. Let us recall that Gazeta.Ru’s question to the head of the department, Ella Pamfilova, was related to the fact that the leader of the Green party, Oleg Mitvol, published on Twitter the exit poll data for the Medvedkovsky district, in which he is running as a single-mandate candidate.
“The legal department of the rapid response group, having analyzed what is there, will prepare a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on this matter with a statement to the author of the posted material; a demand has been sent to remove this material, delete it where it is currently posted,” Bulaev explained.

Those who follow the voting process have a hard time. “Voters are not fed, those who came to vote for the first time are not given anything,” Elena, a member of the election commission at one of the polling stations in district No. 205, told Gazeta.Ru. “They brought several bags of crackers, two containers of Soviet pasta, chops and a container of sauerkraut for the members of the election commission.” In the previous elections, the food was better, she sadly states.

And in the Astrakhan region, as Solovyov said, unknown persons welded the door of the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at 4-5 in the morning. Nikolai Arefiev, secretary of the Central Committee and candidate for State Duma deputy, arrived at the scene in the morning and was forced to call a brigade to weld the door back. Thus, the attackers disrupted the deployment of observers to the polling stations.

In total, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation sent 30 complaints to the Central Election Commission, they were duplicated by complaints to the Prosecutor General’s Office, Vadim Solovyov told Gazeta.Ru. The main violations that the communists are complaining about have already been promoted by other parties: this is stuffing at the Central Election Commission 1958 in the Rostov region and in Dagestan at polling station 1041. Also, according to Solovyov, two “carousels” were discovered in Tver, which transport voters in columns from polling station to polling station : at the head of one column is a bus A 156 AN, the other is a Skoda C400RM car. The last time they were seen was near PEC 435. In Vyshny Volochok, the car of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation candidate for the legislative assembly of the Tver region, Ulyanov, Lenin’s namesake, was broken into.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation writes that the communists have exhausted “censorship comments” regarding the elections.

The Fontanka correspondent tried himself in the role of a “carousel worker”: he received a special sticker on his passport and showed it to a member of the PEC, who gave him four ballots. “The correspondent was asked to sign for receiving a ballot for another person,” write St. Petersburg journalists.

Chief lawyer of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vadim Solovyov - Gazeta.Ru: “In total, the elections are an order of magnitude more cynical and unfair than five years ago. It reminds me of Egypt, when Mubarak won with 95%, and then the revolution happened.” True, most of the communists' complaints about the elections are related not to voting day, but to legislation and the postponement of elections to September.

But Konstantin Mazurevsky, a member of the Central Election Commission with the right of advisory vote from United Russia, told Gazeta.Ru that their headquarters had not identified any serious violations: “These are isolated, minor violations.”
For example, at site 683 in the Churapcha district, observers recorded the fact of a defective ballot box. “The trash can has been repaired. Voting was not interrupted during the repairs,” Mazurevsky said, explaining that voters left ballots in a visible place under the supervision of the commission. In Chelyabinsk, observers from “one party” came wearing signs with symbols. However, this violation was quickly eliminated.

In Khabarovsk, a suspicious object was recorded at one of the sites. He was checked with dog handlers. During this procedure, voting stopped for several minutes. “I repeat that our observers are aimed at strictly suppressing identified violations,” Mazurevsky emphasized.

Representatives of the Growth Party told a Gazeta.Ru correspondent that they had filed a complaint with the Central Election Commission about violations at polling stations in Rostov-on-Don.

A crowd of military personnel was found at PEC 573 in St. Petersburg. “When asked about being forced to vote for someone, they look at the floor in embarrassment.”

The turnout for the State Duma elections in Moscow reached 19% as of 3 p.m.

As of 12.00 on " hotline“Yabloko received 300 applications,” Ignat Kalinin from the party’s press service told Gazeta.Ru.
Of these, 208 signals were on minor issues: procedural issues of inclusion in voter lists, restrictions on photo and video recording, making calls to voters, consultations on election legislation.

61 signals were received on more serious issues: unlinked “additional voter lists”, non-admission of a PEC member with advisory voting rights/observer (all issues were promptly resolved), voting by individual small groups of citizens by absentee ballot. There are also 32 “dangerous” signals: mainly mass organized voting using absentee ballots. Complaints about mass voting stopped coming after 12 noon, Yabloko members note.

Our correspondent from the headquarters of A Just Russia reported on the mysterious disappearance of Wasserman: “It seems he has already left, although his vest is here.”

In Togliatti, near a polling station, a drunk man with a knife tried to attack a traffic police officer. The law enforcement officer was forced to open fire on the man, and he is now hospitalized.

Voting ended in Irkutsk at 16.00 Moscow time. According to candidate Olga Zhakova, no serious violations were recorded in the Irkutsk region: “For the first time in six years, we did not write a single complaint.”
At the same time, the website of the local CEC indicates a very low turnout - 13.03%, and this figure has not changed since the morning. “The regional election commission shows the same figure, so we don’t know exactly what the turnout is,” Zhakova added.

In four regions of Crimea, polling stations were without power due to a thunderstorm, the head of the local election commission, Mikhail Malyshev, told Interfax.

The call center of Yabloko headquarters received 170 complaints in just 12 hours, deputy party chairman Nikolai Rybakov told a Gazeta.Ru correspondent. But so far, only one complaint from Yabloko has been sent to the CEC - regarding PEC 2091, a member of the commission with voting rights from the party was not allowed to work. But in the near future, party members promise to process and send more complaints to the Central Election Commission.

In Chechnya, the turnout is currently 67.43%.

The headquarters of United Russia told Gazeta.Ru that they had not recorded any large-scale violations. The biggest one is the stuffing in Rostov.

In Crimea, they also launched a phone draw to increase turnout.

A real fair was launched at the polling station in Irkutsk.

You won’t believe it, but another stuffing happened at the famous 1958 site in Rostov.

How elections take place where there are no “carousels” or other violations:
“There are no queues, there are few people, mostly neatly dressed elderly people,” says observer at PEC 1180 Dmitry Mikhailover. — Members of the commission sit on Facebook and show each other videos, periodically laughing at particularly freaky old people. The security somehow doesn’t show itself very well; they don’t search anyone. First-time voters were not given gifts, but chocolates were purchased. A lot of people are not included in the lists. They vote on a “separate list” in a separate queue. They feed you sad pies for 50 rubles. There are no electronic ballot boxes. At the exit, no one gives anything to voters. There are three observers: me and some very green youth. They sit on the sofa, huddling together. One grandmother came and said that she voted for Stalin, and now she came to vote for Putin, but he is not on the list. Another shouted for a long time that she wanted to vote not for a united, fair or something else, but simply FOR RUSSIA, then she crossed the ballot. People in the crowd are joking: Who should we vote for, Trump or Clinton?”

The average turnout in Sevastopol (according to TASS) is 20.24%, throughout Crimea - 34%.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky personally witnessed one of the violations: a bus brought about 200 people to Moscow polling station 2714, where the party leader came to vote.
According to Karginov, a lot of pressure is being put on state employees. Such cases have been noticed in the Vologda region. People are forced to vote under threat of dismissal. “I think you can guess which party,” he added. He also talked about how, even in the private sector, business directors force their employees to bring blank ballots.

When asked by a Gazeta.Ru correspondent how many complaints have already been filed with the CEC and how many responses have been received, Karginov replied that 179 complaints have been filed, but not a single official response has been received yet. “We hope to get a reaction before the end of the voting hour,” the source noted.

A briefing has just ended at the LDPR headquarters, a Gazeta.Ru correspondent reports from the party headquarters. Sergei Karginov, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, summed up the interim results on the situation at the sites.
Karginov spoke about the nature of the violations. According to him, in Naro-Fominsk, on election day, the addresses of polling stations were changed, people do not know where to vote. Complaints are coming from pensioners in the Omsk region: elevators and electricity are being turned off in houses so that older people cannot get to their sites.

More than 100 citizens Russian Federation voted on the territory of the Russian Embassy in Kyiv. “Despite the difficult situation around Russian foreign institutions on the territory of Ukraine, elections are being held in accordance with the established procedure. As of 15.00 Moscow time, more than 100 people voted in Kyiv,” the embassy reported.

Candidate from the A Just Russia party Anatoly Wasserman said that there is no fundamental difference in the number of violations between these elections and the previous ones - the same already known methods, the same scale.

Guys, polling stations have opened in the US.

In several regions of Siberia, they are trying to stimulate turnout with competitions for the best selfies. The winners will receive certificates for stores or smartphones for photos from polling stations, the Altai Territory Election Commission reports.
“Any citizen who voted in the Central region can take part in the competition. It is necessary to provide a photo with a positive story that evokes a positive attitude of voters towards the elections and encourages them to actively participate in them; the best will be determined by the competition commission,” the election commission told TASS. The election commission did not disclose what prize awaits the winner. It is clarified that to date 19 photographs have been submitted to the competition.

Everything is calm in Rwanda.

No stuffing was recorded at the Russian Consulate General in Munich.

In the village of Oktyabrsky, a pensioner came to the polling station and discovered that the data had already been entered opposite his last name. A statement has been filed with the police regarding the fact.

At polling station 1860, the voter registration books showed pencil marks with numbers on almost every page. There is reason to believe that they were made to prepare falsifications. A complaint has been prepared to the PEC. The same violation was discovered in the village of Oktyabrsky. There, marks were placed next to the names of voters under 35 years of age - that is, those who often do not participate in elections.

Another violation, in Yemanzhelinka, was reported by party supporter Viktor Timchenko. “The mobile voting is carried out with obvious violations,” he said. — I took a photo of the register before leaving - there are no signatures or seals, several required columns were not filled out. 100 ballots were issued. “In addition, we checked and found that the portable ballot box was being transported to addresses not included in the register.” A complaint to the election commission is being prepared.

At polling stations 1912 and 2400, it was discovered that during mobile voting at home, people who were not included in the register were voting. There are grounds for canceling the results of mobile voting. Complaints have been written to the election commission.

At the polling station located on Troitsky tract, 46, observers from the SR registered a massive supply of voters with absentee ballots.

“A Just Russia” recorded violations in Barnaul in the morning, reports a Gazeta.Ru correspondent from the party headquarters. Member of the SR faction in the State Duma, candidate for deputy of the State Duma Valery Hartung, during a live broadcast at the central headquarters of the SR, reported on massive violations during the “day of silence” and election day in the Chelyabinsk region.

The elections are being watched not only in Russia, but also abroad. The Guardian, for example, writes that the outcome of the elections will not affect Putin's power.

The best polling station detected.

The candidate for the Medvedkovsky single-mandate constituency, Oleg Mitvol, published the exit poll data for his constituency on his Twitter. Ella Pamfilova, at the request of Gazeta.Ru, promised to look into this fact: “This is a direct violation, on its own account. Let’s collect all the facts and react.” Mitvol has 68 thousand subscribers on his blog and is subject to the same restrictions as the media.

Pamfilova wished that journalists “like pikes” would not let the members of the Central Election Commission, like “crucian carp,” doze off.

The turnout throughout Russia at 14.00 is approximately 23%.

The Central Election Commission took special control over the situation in two constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where abuses with absentee ballots are possible.

“We now have two regions under close control, where there can be abuses at the regional level with the help of regional absentee certificates,” Pamfilova said, without specifying which territories we are talking about.

In the Samara region, the following announcements appeared: residents of the house are promised to have their entrances renovated if they ensure a high turnout in the elections.

Chairman of the Rostov Region Electoral Commission Sergei Yusov told Pamfilova that he watched a video of the alleged stuffing at polling station 1958 about half an hour ago: “There is no 100 percent certainty that this is a stuffing, but we can assume that it looks like it.” Moreover, it was organized by one of the present members of the commissions.”
According to Yusov, measures have already been taken. Half an hour ago, the ballot box was sealed and set aside. Based on the voting results, a separate vote count will be carried out. Corresponding applications have also been submitted to the prosecutor's office. “At the same time, this gives us reason to put all areas in this territory under special control,” says Yusov.

Let us note that Gazeta.Ru informed Pamfilova about the suspicious video just half an hour ago.

“A Just Russia happily reports that in the Pskov region more than 15% have already voted and people are coming, the deputy is happy with everything, there are no violations,” reports a Gazeta.Ru correspondent from the SR headquarters.
In Velikiye Luki, the turnout is already more than 30%; election organizers are working closely with the prosecutor’s office to prevent stuffing. “In the Murmansk region the picture is worse - they complain that due to good weather the turnout is low, many went on a picnic,” the correspondent adds.

In Dagestan, the same people vote several times at several polling stations.

Over the past two hours, the LDPR call center reported an additional 88 complaints about violations of election legislation, of which 6 were stuffing, 5 were deliveries. A total of 105 complaints have already been sent to the CEC.

In Edinburgh, Scotland, a 20-year-old guy who came to vote for the first time was given a flower and a tricolor ribbon, TASS reports, citing diplomats from the local consulate. Also young man, like all other voters, were treated to tea with gingerbread and bagels.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation reports that near polling station 1584 (Mozhaisky district of the Moscow region) 5 buses with “carousel workers” were blocked; they had already voted in several polling stations. The police were called.

The entrance to the embassy is blocked, reports the Gazeta.Ru correspondent in Kyiv. Anyone who approaches and tries to get in is called a criminal.

Pamfilova also reminds that not many absentee certificates have been issued across Russia. In Moscow - approximately 0.37% of all voters. In the Moscow region - 1% of all voters. She also reminded that voting for candidates in single-mandate constituencies is not possible using absentee ballots.

The Altai Territory is apparently “recaptured”. The head of the regional election commission, Irina Akimova, smashes the videos to smithereens and hints at their “staged nature.” Pamfilova, in turn, does not claim anything, but clearly hints that nothing can be revealed from the materials sent.
“God forbid there are any violations in Ryzhkov’s district, report to us immediately,” Pamfilova urged, but noted that it is necessary to confirm her position with more serious materials.

“So that we don’t waste our energy on something that doesn’t exist,” she concluded her speech, adding that there are more serious problems that the CEC should pay attention to.

The National Police of Ukraine has strengthened security at the Russian Embassy in Kyiv. This was announced by the head of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Kyiv Andrey Klimenko. The police also detained a protester who was beating a Russian citizen in front of the consulate in Kyiv.

Meanwhile in a parallel universe...

The bomb threat at the polling station in Moscow did not have a bomb. Operation of the site at the address: Armenian Lane, 4, has been restored to normal.

Pamfilova: “According to the fragmentary data that we have received, there is no way to identify the violators. In the videos from the Altai Territory, the car number is hidden, a piece of the passport without any data.”

The Election Commission of the Moscow Region also denies information about the transportation of voters.

Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Altai Territory Irina Akimova denies any problems in Barnaul:
“In general, at 1,835 sections of the region, everyone is working in a normal, working, conflict-free mode, at each section there are 10 or more observers, especially in Barnaul, in all the sections that we recorded as so-called on the Internet, including in the 142nd, all checked on call, no violations.”

Akimova reported this via video link with Pamfilova to the CEC.

The candidate from the Party of Growth for Sevastopol, Oleg Nikolaev, told Gazeta.Ru about problems with the admission of observers to 70 polling stations. In addition - low level training of commission members.

In Sevastopol, ballots have already begun to be found in trash cans, our correspondent from Crimea Anna Zhurba reports.

An Interfax law enforcement source said that the man who threatened to detonate a bomb at a polling station on Armenian Lane in Moscow is a local resident known for his tendency to drink excessively and behave inappropriately.

This explains a lot.

In the Far Eastern regions, the CEC website already gives turnout at 18.00 local time. It is mostly low: Sakhalin region - 32%, Jewish Autonomous Okrug - 37%, Magadan region - 33%, Amur region - 39%, Khabarovsk Territory - 32%, Primorsky Territory - 32%. Kamchatka Territory - 34%, Transbaikal Territory - 33%, Yakutia - 46%. Only Chukotka - almost 69%.

In Rostov, surveillance cameras recorded the stuffing. Pamfilova promised that to clarify the circumstances of the incident, the head of the election commission would be contacted at the first opportunity.

In Moscow school 591 (PEC 2567), voting at one o'clock in the afternoon took place calmly. Neither the observers, nor the commission members, nor the students on duty at the school gates who made up the exit polls noticed any violations. There were no signs of cruise voting or crowds at the site in the morning.
However, at the same time as the Gazeta.Ru correspondent, a man entered the polling station and suddenly began to vigorously argue with voters, PEC members and observers, clearly distracting the latter. After this, an observer from Yabloko accused the Gazeta.Ru correspondent of coordinating a rowdy citizen and facilitating falsifications, arguing that two people appeared at the site at the same time.

At polling station 2151 in Moscow, where Putin voted, the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev, the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina and the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma and President of the Russian Olympic Committee Alexander Zhukov also made their choice.

Turnout by noon: Moscow - 8.3% (5 years ago it was 12%), Chechnya - 45%.

Information about a bomb at the site in Armenian Lane was not confirmed - it turned out that the Ministry of Emergency Situations was conducting a drill! At least this is what the Open Russia correspondent reports.

“If you want the quality of the country’s highest legislative body to meet your ideas, take the trouble... to make a meaningful approach to your choice.”

There is a slight panic at the PARNAS headquarters, Gazeta.Ru correspondent Anna Fedorova reports: “The map of election violations in Moscow is not working properly, there is practically no information about non-compliance with laws. The only way to get information about violations is to send the journalists themselves to the PEC, which is what many people want to do now.”

The person who threatened to bomb a polling station in Moscow has been detained, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said.

Moscow, 09/18/2016

Russian President V. Putin and Russian Prime Minister, Chairman of the United Russia party D. Medvedev at the headquarters of the party that won the elections on the night after the vote

Press service of the Russian government/TASS

Constitutional majority

"United Russia" will receive 343 mandates (76.22% of seats) in the State Duma of the seventh convocation, in accordance with the preliminary election results, TASS reports with reference to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation receives 42 mandates (9.34% of seats), the Liberal Democratic Party - 39 mandates (8.67% of seats), A Just Russia - 23 mandates (5.11% of seats). Representatives of Rodina and the Civic Platform, as well as self-nominated Vladislav Reznik, elected in single-mandate constituencies, each receive one mandate. In most residential districts, United Russia or representatives of other parliamentary parties won.

After the four parliamentary parties of the new Duma, in fifth place according to the election results, TASS previously reported, are the Communists of Russia with 2.40% of the votes. Further, the votes between the parties were distributed as follows: “Yabloko” - 1.77%, Russian Party Pensioners for Justice - 1.75%, Rodina - 1.42%, Growth Party - 1.11%, Greens - 0.72%, Parnassus - 0.68%, Patriots of Russia - 0 .57%, "Civil Platform" - 0.22% of the votes, "Civil Power" - 0.13% of the votes.

By the end of the count, United Russia had greatly strengthened its position compared to midnight. Then, according to Exit-poll data provided by VTsIOM, United Russia gained 44.5%, the LDPR was in second place (15.3%), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation lagged behind (14.9%), A Just Russia had more than later (8. 1%). The turnout was about 40%, but then increased significantly: after processing 91.8% of the protocols, the turnout was 47.9%. Zyuganov’s words, said shortly after the vote count began, that “two thirds of the country did not come,” were not confirmed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev arrived at the United Russia election headquarters at night.

“The result for United Russia is good,” said the Russian President. “We can say with confidence that the party achieved a good result - it won,” Putin said.

According to estimates by the head of VTsIOM Valery Fedorov, United Russia, taking into account single-mandate constituencies, can receive 300 mandates. "United Russia will have about 300 mandates, maybe even more. This is a constitutional majority. Some want 66%, some 75%, everyone has their own criteria for problems. I think that everything above 44% (according to party lists - ed.), this is definitely a very big success for United Russia. Let's see whether our forecasts are confirmed or not,” Fedorov said on Life.

The forecast of more than 300 mandates is fully confirmed. Data on single-mandate constituencies at 9.30 am Moscow time were still incomplete, but already quite eloquent. United Russia continued to lead in 203 of the 206 single-mandate constituencies in which it nominated candidates, TASS reported.

The party, obviously, again has a constitutional majority, which United Russia did not have in the previous Duma. Let us remember that she was elected only from party lists (according to the 2004 legislation). “Candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia win in seven districts each, five are retained by the LDPR. Leaders of Rodina Alexey Zhuravlev and Civic Platform Rifat Shaikhutdinov win in their districts.

A number of violations were recorded during the elections. The incident in the Rostov region was considered the most significant.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs confirms the facts of ballot stuffing at polling stations in the Rostov region, TASS reports.

As stated by First Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy, facts of ballot stuffing at polling stations No. 1958 and No. 1749 have been documented.

Victory of strong statehood

But, according to political scientist Dmitry Orlov, administrative mobilization is becoming a thing of the past. United Russia was helped by the primary mobilization - the primary elections in the spring, and the thesis “together with the president.” A very significant factor in favor of United Russia was Putin’s meeting with its activists shortly before the elections and his statement that he created this party.

Although the company is described as boring, according to the political scientist, this is not the case thanks to the meaningful struggle in single-mandate constituencies, where many new faces with specific programs were nominated.

The LDPR responded to the social request better than the Right Russia, also drawing back the votes of the nationalists. Traditionally, in times of crisis and uncertainty, this party improves its results, noted Dmitry Orlov.

It is interesting to look at some of the estimates that analysts made for Expert Online shortly before the elections. Tatyana Mineeva, vice-president of Business Russia and a member of the federal political council of the Party of Growth, noted the “strong position of the LDPR”: “The majority of the population does not believe in reforms, and the liberal democrats do not propose them,” she stated. “A Just Russia,” the public figure noted, is falling because it has failed to present a coherent political program.

The forecast of the expert of the Public Duma center Alexei Onishchenko was that the majority of votes in the elections will remain with United Russia, since their voters are those people who are united by the idea of ​​​​a stable and strong state. “They are not for virtual democratic slogans, but for state guarantees. It is no coincidence that 8.5 million people voted for United Russia in the primary elections. This is a high figure,” he noted.

Advisor to the Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Russia Denis Rassomakhin expressed the opinion that the real things happening in the country are associated with the party in power against the backdrop of growing trust in state institutions, primarily in connection with the annexation of Crimea and anti-sanctions policies.

Indeed, it can be stated that the victory of United Russia, while maintaining the presence of noticeable socio-economic problems, ideologically represents the dominance of the idea of ​​a strong, robust, guaranteeing state. The party “does not succeed in everything,” as Putin noted, but it is strongly associated with this idea. The specter of the weakening and half-life of the state does not “warm” the Russian people at all, although for some of the intellectual elites it is alluring.

Gigabytes will arrive from orbit

SpaceX's manned program successes should not be misleading. Elon Musk's main goal is satellite Internet. His Starlink project is designed to change the entire communications system on Earth and build a new economy. But the economic effect of this is not obvious now. That is why the EU and Russia began implementing more modest competing programs

The country was laid out in a new way

In addition to the eight federal districts, Russia will now have twelve macro-regions. Agglomerations are recognized as the most progressive form of settlement. And each subject of the federation is assigned a promising specialization. The “expert” tried to find grains of common sense in the recently approved Spatial Development Strategy

The Center for Scientific Political Thought and Ideology (Sulakshin Center) carried out a mathematical reconstruction of the true, scientifically based voting results.

Mathematics provides a way to prove not only the fact of falsification, but also its scale, nature and organization of the management of the process of falsification, and, in addition, allows us to reconstruct the true voting results; the results both in terms of turnout and the number of votes actually received by parties and candidates, how the traces of mass violations were “covered up.”

I.Analysis methodology

The initial data for the analysis are data officially published on the website of the Russian Central Election Commission for all more than 95,000 polling stations.

The methodology for identifying the truth of elections is based on the following principles.

If the distribution deviates from the Gaussoid, it means that interference in the elections occurred (Fig. 2).

State Duma elections 2016 (party list)

Fig. 2 The deviation from the Gaussoid in favor of the candidates (parties) from power - “United Russia” is shaded in black. The ratio of the black area under the curve and the white area under the Gaussian gives the falsification coefficient

Citizens' preferences for different parties or candidates in “fair” elections do not depend on turnout. If a Gaussian “honest” cloud of votes is visible, but with increasing turnouts, an increase in votes in favor of the candidate and party in power and a drop in votes for the opposition, then this is clearly falsification, which is clearly seen in the example of the 2016 elections in the Penza region (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 The honest “cloud” of the opposition is higher than the “cloud” of the United Russia party. The rest was thrown in and attributed to the benefit of the United Russia party and to the loss of the opposition

If in many polling stations in the region the result of the party in power is the same to within hundredths of a percent, then this means that the command was given to “get” just such a result. This is especially clearly visible in the Saratov region for the United Russia party in 100 polling stations - the result is 62.15%.

If the falsification coefficients for the regions of Russia coincide with statistical accuracy both for the falsification of results for the party list and for majoritarian districts, then this proves centralized x the nature of falsification management.

II. The scale of fraud in the 2016 State Duma elections

Official election results on September 18, 2016 State Duma, published by the Central Election Commission of Russia, are as follows.

The turnout according to the Russian Central Election Commission was 47.88%.

Based on the mathematical reconstruction methodology outlined above, we will analyze the voting results in the elections of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on September 18, 2016 and identify their real results.

As can be seen from the above data, the Gaussian “cloud” for both voting on party lists and in majoritarian constituencies indicates that the “fair” turnout of real voting is 35%, but not 47.88%, recorded by the Russian Central Election Commission.

Thus, based on the scientific methodology of mathematical reconstruction of the analysis of voting results in the elections of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on September 18, 2016 first conclusion is this: in the organic Gaussian vote cloud, the average turnout was 35% for both types of voting. Increase in official turnout to 47.88%, recorded by the Russian Central Election Commission, is unreliable and is the result of falsifications, which is clearly visible on the right wing of the Gaussian distribution, which goes beyond the boundaries of the pure Gaussian curve.

Second . From Fig. 4 - the results of voting by party lists and Fig. 5 - the results of voting by majoritarian districts, it is clear that in an organic Gaussian cloud, that is, in a truly fair election, the United Russia party received fewer votes than the opposition.

Third . On the right wing of the voting results for party lists and majoritarian districts (see Figures 4 and 5), clear unambiguous signs of falsification are visible - “spikes” in turnout multiples of 5% and 10%. A particularly outstanding “spike” - 95% turnout is recorded for the United Russia party.

Fourth . The left wing of the organic Gaussoid is clearly visible at small turnouts, and this makes it possible to reproduce the right wing symmetrically. From here it becomes possible to calculate the true number of “honest” votes cast in the elections, and the number of votes attributed or falsified.

Let's evaluate the election results for the United Russia party by simply comparing the areas under the bell curves and the falsified long right wing. The assessment results are shown in Table 1.

Assessing the true outcome for the United Russia party

The coincidence of falsification coefficients for party lists and majoritarian elections for the United Russia party is not accidental. This indicates that the falsification campaign was under unified control and with common goal. The same tasks were set - “bars” for the result.

Instead of 343 seats in the State Duma, according to the official total, the real total for the United Russia party is 134 seats.

The falsified 209 mandates transferred to the United Russia party are actually in a state of “seizure of power and appropriation of power,” which is prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of Russia.

In Fig. Figure 6 clearly shows how much the United Russia party lost to the opposition in both types of voting in a more or less adequate area of ​​turnout.

Rice. 6. In reality, United Russia lost to the opposition

As can be seen from the figures shown. 6 data, in the area of ​​unfalsified results, the United Russia party lost to the opposition by about a third of parliamentary seats. A complete falsified bacchanalia for the United Russia party to the detriment of the opposition parties is observed in the right wing of the chart.

The next pattern that helps to reveal falsification is the law of independence of the electorate’s preference for a particular candidate from turnout (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. It is theoretically clear that voter preferences should not depend on turnout

If the distribution has a positive angle deviation from the horizontal (from left to right up) - then this indicates falsification in the form of attribution of votes. If there is a deviation from the horizontal to the minus (from left to right down) - then this is falsification on the contrary in the form of theft of votes.

This methodological approach allows us to identify the amount of falsification in voting for parties and their candidates in all subjects of the Federation.

A quantitative measure of the degree of falsification is determined by the slope of the distribution curve - the falsification coefficient. If it is positive, then this is falsification in favor of the corresponding party or candidate, votes are attributed to him. If it is negative, then, on the contrary, it is falsification at a loss; in this case, votes are stolen.

In Fig. 8 (Voronezh region) shows a typical and almost standard form of curves, which is reproduced in almost all subjects of the Federation. Each point on these diagrams is the number of votes for a particular party or candidate at a particular precinct. In all subjects of the Federation, with rare exceptions, the winner (the United Russia party) has a deviation of “+”, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is both the main oppositionist and the rest opposition parties- deviation in “-”. Dense organic clouds with a small scatter are observed (Fig. 8), i.e., a low level of dispersion. And the second, elongated cloud, which has a very high level variances. It will soon be seen that one of the “clouds” corresponds to true results, and the second - falsified ones.

Fig.8. A typical picture of fraud in favor of the United Russia party and the taking of votes from other parties. Deviation angles from the horizontal – falsification coefficient

This example for the Voronezh region shows a typical picture. The right “tails” of the distributions for United Russia, being falsified, are always directed to the right and upward. For the opposition, the direction is always the opposite “right-down”.

The Report contains data on falsification in favor of the United Russia party and the taking away of votes from other parties in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The distribution of the falsification coefficient across the subjects of the Federation (comparative data) for voting on the party list and in majoritarian districts is shown in Fig. 9.

Fig.9. Fraud rate for the United Russia party for all subjects of the federation for majoritarian elections and for the party list

From the nature of the curves it is clear that the falsifications were synchronized both on the United Russia party list and on its candidates in majoritarian districts. The correlation coefficient of the curves is very high - it was 0.86!

We especially emphasize that the average coefficient of falsifications in favor of candidates and parties in power in 2016 was 1.9 times higher than in 2011.

III. Mechanism of election fraud

The voting results during the 2016 elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation were falsified in several ways: the stuffing of false ballots; drawing up false protocols; fraud with the absentee mechanism; fraud with fake voters (the so-called carousel); fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group, combined with bribery, coercion, the use of violence or the threat of its use; threats to teachers and other poor souls in precinct election commissions with dismissal in the event of a low result in the elections of the government's favorites.

The facts of falsification are evidenced by numerous video evidence, personal testimony of eyewitnesses, photos and videos of ballot stuffing at many polling stations by members and even chairmen of election commissions.

In fair elections, citizens' preferences do not depend on turnout: that is, the ratio of the number of votes for one party to the number of votes for another, votes for one candidate to votes for another does not depend on turnout. In the direct exit pool conducted by VTsIOM, which cannot be suspected of being in opposition to the authorities and the Russian Central Election Commission, there is no dependence on turnout at the exit from polling stations!

The figures above show that up to a turnout of 47%, the United Russia party is seriously losing to the opposition. But starting with a turnout of 47%, the opposite is true. And the higher the turnout, the more the United Russia party begins to “win” against the opposition. Moreover, the curves practically coincide for voting on the party list and in majoritarian districts. It is important that in the turnout range of 25-40%, which corresponds to the organic cloud of “honest” voting, the attitude really does not depend on turnout. This means that the data here can be relatively trusted. In this range, the United Russia party lost to the opposition by 1.42 times. The average turnout in this range is 32.5%.

For this turnout, the number of voters who voted in the elections is 35,690 thousand people. The true ratio of votes for the United Russia party and the entire aggregate opposition revealed above (1.42 times) allows us to obtain the true absolute number of votes for the United Russia party and the corresponding result (percentage). It turns out that the United Russia party actually received 14,750 thousand votes. Officially, the Russian Central Election Commission announced 28,525 thousand votes for the United Russia party. And this corresponds to 54.28%. And the true result is 27.9%.

Results of reconstruction of the true election results

As a result, we come to the conclusion that the United Russia party was supported by just over 13% of all registered voters and less than 10% of the country’s population. The counterfeiters illegally increased its result by more than 1.5 times! More than 200 people came to the State Duma of the Russian Federation to “work” on the basis of illegally assigned powers of power! In other words, there was an illegal seizure of power!

Meanwhile, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 3.Part 4. it is stated that “no one has the right to appropriate power in the Russian Federation. Seizure of power or appropriation of power is prosecuted under federal law - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In particular, Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power - states that “actions aimed at the forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power in violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation ... are punishable by imprisonment for a term of twelve to twenty years.. ."

Falsification of elections of the federal government body of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is also part of a criminal offense. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 142. Falsification of election documents, referendum documents.

"1. Falsification of election documents ... if this act is committed by a member of the election commission ... is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or forced labor for a term of up to four years, or imprisonment for the same period….

2. Forgery of voter signatures, ... or certification of knowingly forged signatures (signature sheets), committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group, or combined with bribery, coercion, the use of violence or the threat of its use, ... is punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand...or forced labor for a term of up to three years, or imprisonment for the same term...

3. Illegal production of... ballots..., absentee certificates is punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles... or imprisonment for a term of 2 to 5 years.”

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 142.1. Falsification of voting results. “The inclusion of uncounted ballots among the ballots used in voting, or the deliberate presentation of incorrect information about voters, or the deliberately incorrect compilation of voter lists, ... or falsification of voter signatures, ... or the replacement of valid ballots with voter marks, leading to the inability to determine the will of voters, ... or deliberately incorrect counting of votes, ... or signing by members of the election commission ... of the protocol on voting results before counting votes or establishing the voting results, or deliberately incorrect (not corresponding to the actual voting results) drawing up of a protocol on voting results, or illegal entry into the protocol on voting results changes after its completion, or knowingly incorrect determination of voting results, determination of election results... - is punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles... or forced labor for a term of up to four years, or imprisonment for the same term.”

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 141. Obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights or the work of election commissions.

« 1. Obstructing a citizen’s free exercise of his electoral rights, violating the secrecy of voting, ... obstructing the work of election commissions, ... the activities of a member of an election commission, ... is punishable by a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles ... or ... correctional labor for up to one year.

2. The same acts:

a) connected with bribery, deception, coercion, use of violence or the threat of its use;

b) committed by a person using his official position;

c) committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group - is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand... or imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

3. Interference, through the use of official or official position, in the exercise by an election commission ... of its powers, ... with the aim of influencing its decisions, namely, a demand or instruction of an official on the issues of registration of candidates, lists of candidates, counting votes ... is punishable by a fine of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand... or imprisonment for a term of up to four years.”

IY. conclusions

1.The official turnout of 48%, recorded by the Russian Central Election Commission, is unreliable and does not exceed 35% for both party list voting and majoritarian constituencies, or The turnout recorded by the Russian Central Election Commission was falsified and inflated by 1.45 times.

2. During the voting, the United Russia party actually received not 54% of the party list, as recorded by the Russian Central Election Commission, but 27.9% of the number of voters, or 13.2% of the number of registered voters and less than 10% of the country’s population . Counterfeiters illegally increased its result by more than 1.5 times.

3. Instead of 343 seats in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, according to the official total, the real total for the United Russia party is 134 seats.

The falsified 209 mandates transferred to the United Russia party are actually in a state of “seizure of power and appropriation of power,” which is prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of Russia.

General conclusion : a scientifically based analysis of the election process on September 18, 2016 indicates that the elections to the State Duma were held with gross violations, massive falsifications and are subject to cancellation, and State Duma 2016 isillegal.

The saddest thing about this problem is that only certain individuals are actively fighting against gross violations, falsification, scandalous elections, such as T. Yurasova in Mytishchi, S. Posokhov in Krasnogorsk, R. Zinatullin in Tatarstan and a number of others, but not the opposition parties LDPR, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, A Just Russia, which were “robbed” during the election process and the only media outlet – Novaya Gazeta.

Meanwhile, it is the factions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party, A Just Russia in the State Duma of the Russian Federation that could bring to the meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation the issue of gross violations and massive fraud in the elections of September 18, 2016 with the aim of making a political decision - self-dissolution illegal State Duma of the Russian Federation and an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation as the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to call new elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Massive violations and falsification during the 2016 State Duma elections affect a significant number of citizens and have acquired special socio-political significance. In this regard, within the framework of its powers, the Central Election Commission of Russia has the right to appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the protection of the electoral rights of the majority of citizens, as well as to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee of Russia to take measures prosecutorial response and initiating a criminal case upon the commission of crimes provided for in Articles 141, 142, 142.1, 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, identifying those responsible for violating the current legislation.

With sincere respect (Yu. Voronin)

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic -

Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the TASSR (1988-1990);

First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme

Council of the Russian Federation (1991-1993); State Duma deputy

(second convocation); auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The next elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation will be held September 18, 2016. Previously, elections were scheduled for December of the same year, but in mid-2015 they decided to carry them out for various reasons.

The proportional system, according to which elections were held in previous convocations, has sunk into oblivion. It is being replaced by a majoritarian-proportional system. As a result, half of the people's representatives will enter the Duma on the lists of their parties, and the second half will fight for the right to receive the honorary title of “deputy” in their single-mandate constituencies.

The current elected representatives of the people, who want to continue their legislative activities in the hall of the State Duma, have already begun preparatory stage to the start of the election campaign. Consultative negotiations with the Kremlin are in full swing, and after the nationwide celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, many of the current deputies will begin to choose a single-mandate constituency for their “hilling”. Experienced parliamentarians know that “the sooner you sow, the more you reap.”

Young political forces have not yet been noticed in particular election activity. Perhaps they think it’s too early, or maybe they don’t want to irritate their more eminent competitors in advance.

As of mid-September 2014, 14 parties vying for participation in the 2016 election race exempt from the need to collect signatures. In addition to the current representatives of the State Duma, this list includes:

List of parties elected to the State Duma in 2016

  • "Just Cause";
  • "Civic Platform";
  • Russian Party of Pensioners “For Justice”;
  • "Civil Power";
  • "Apple";
  • "Patriots of Russia";
  • "Communists of Russia";
  • "Motherland";
  • "Green Party".

According to political analysts, from the current composition of the deputy corps from the United Russia party, no more than fifty people have a chance to be elected in single-mandate constituencies. Therefore, the party leadership and curators in the Kremlin have already given instructions to their representatives in the regions, as well as activists "Popular Front", after local elections in September, intensify the search for worthy candidates for the seventh convocation of the State Duma of Russia.

This task was sent to the localities for a reason; the whole point is that most of the United Russia members of the current parliamentary corps do not have practical skills in working with voters in the regions.
It is planned that a specially created analytical department of United Russia will monitor active applicants on the ground and ultimately select the best from them. After this procedure, the active phase of “promotion” of the selected activists will begin. At the beginning of 2015, they will begin to “shine” at various significant events and events in the territories entrusted to them and speak on behalf of their native party. But this does not mean that they will become “untouchable”. Each of these activists may have a backup, and if the main contender fails or his rating is low among local voters, an “updated version” of the candidate from the “party in power” will appear on the “stage.”

According to a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, political scientist Dmitry Orlov, about seventy percent of the candidates in the majoritarian districts will be new faces in politics, and among the “lists” new names will occupy half of the faction

After the adoption of the new Law on Elections in Society great importance will play personal qualities future politicians. Since half of the parliamentary corps will consist of single-mandate voters, the candidates will be those who have charisma, have good oratorical skills and know how to answer questions from voters. In addition, the number of candidates will include “people of action” - successful industrialists and entrepreneurs who have proven their ability to achieve success beyond words.

And some interesting facts from the history of elections in Russia:

— Only three political forces took part in all six election campaigns to the State Duma - LDPR, Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Yabloko;

— The parties that managed to obtain deputy mandates in all six convocations were only the LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation;

— Three representatives of Russian political forces managed to gain the largest number of votes during the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation: in 1993 – LDPR; in 1995 and 1999 - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; in 2003, 2007 and 2011 - United Russia.

The seventh composition of the modern State Duma of Russia was elected in September 2016 and officially began working in October of the same year. The term of office of the Duma is five years, provided that it is not dissolved by the president of the country (which can only be done in individual cases and which has never happened in history modern Russia did not happen). Thus, the seventh train as such will operate until the fall of 2021. However, this year there will be by-elections to the Duma in several regions of Russia, which for various reasons do not yet have their own deputy in the lower house of the Russian parliament. Elections to the State Duma in September 2018 in Russia - the date of voting, in which regions by-elections of deputies will take place.

Date of elections to the State Duma in 2018

By-elections of deputies will be held on September 9, 2018 - on a single voting day, which traditionally falls at the beginning of September.
On the same day, the country will hold all other elections scheduled for this year, with the exception of the presidential elections, which take place in March.

These are elections of governors of several regions (including Moscow), elections of deputies of several regional parliaments and elections of deputies of city parliaments in a number of cities across the country.

By-elections of State Duma deputies will take place in six regions of Russia:

  • Amur region,

  • Kaliningrad region,

  • Nizhny Novgorod Region,

  • Samara Region,

  • Saratov region,

  • Tver region.

Residents of these regions should keep in mind that the 2018 State Duma elections do not affect everyone who lives in these regions. In the Saratov region, by-elections will take place in two single-mandate constituencies in the region, in all others - in one of the single-mandate constituencies.

Elections of a State Duma deputy in September 2018 in the Amur region

The Duma deputy from the 71st Amur single-mandate electoral district was Ivan Abramov from the LDPR party. On June 13 of this year, the Duma released him from his mandate - Abramov is one of the contenders for the post of senator from the Amur region.
If a former deputy becomes a senator of the Federation Council, formally this means a promotion - Abramov will move from the lower house of parliament to the higher one.

In order to fill the vacant deputy seat, by-elections will be held in 71 constituencies in September.

Elections of a State Duma deputy in September 2018 in the Kaliningrad region

In the 98th Central single-mandate electoral district of the Kaliningrad region, there has been formally no Duma deputy since May 10 of this year. In fact, Alexey Silanov stopped performing the functions of a deputy even earlier - in April.

Silanov became the head of Kaliningrad after the former head of the city, Alexander Yaroshuk, resigned early.

Since there are no direct elections for the mayor in Kaliningrad, the new head was elected by local deputies. To ensure that the seat of the deputy from the 98th district does not remain empty, and that residents of the region have their own representative in the federal parliament, by-elections to the Duma will be held here on September 9, 2018.

Elections of a State Duma deputy in September 2018 in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The deputy from the 129th Nizhny Novgorod single-mandate electoral district has not been in the Duma since January 19 of this year. In Nizhny Novgorod, a story similar to what happened a little later in Kaliningrad occurred. Two days earlier, on January 17, the former deputy from the 129th district, Vladimir Panov, became the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod.
Panov was also elected by the local Nizhny Novgorod Duma, since there are no direct elections for the head of the city in Nizhny Novgorod.

According to rumors, Panov asked to be released from his mandate as a Duma deputy even before he was formally appointed head of Nizhny.

Elections of a State Duma deputy in September 2018 in the Samara region

On the same day when the Duma released the deputy from the Amur region from his mandate, Nadezhda Kolesnikova, a deputy from the 158th Samara single-mandate electoral district, was also released from her mandate.

On June 13 of this year, Kolesnikova ceased to be a Duma deputy. According to rumors, she was offered a place in Russian ministry enlightenment.

Elections of a State Duma deputy in September 2018 in the Saratov region

The Saratov region is missing two State Duma deputies at once.

Firstly, a year ago, on June 17, 2017, a deputy from the 163rd Saratov single-mandate electoral district, Oleg Grishchenko, died. Since it was too late to call by-elections in September at that time, the constituency was left without a deputy until September 2018.

Secondly, in October 2017, a deputy from the 165th Balashov single-mandate electoral district, Mikhail Isaev, became acting and then elected mayor of Saratov.

Elections of a State Duma deputy in September 2018 in the Tver region

In October 2017, on the same day that Mikhail Isaev was released from his deputy mandate, Vladimir Vasiliev, sent by the Russian President to lead the Republic of Dagestan as acting head of the region, also ceased to be a deputy.

Vasiliev was a deputy from the 180th Zavolzhsky single-mandate electoral district of the Tver region.