Structure of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is a government body dealing with the entire range of issues related to the country’s agro-industrial policy

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Main functions of the Ministry

In accordance with the current Regulations, the Ministry Agriculture performs the following functions:

Providing all services aimed at stable and sustainable development of agricultural areas, increasing food security and increasing potential.
Development of laws and acts related to agricultural lands.
Preparation of normative and legislative acts that are aimed at the development of the agricultural industry.
Preparation of regulations and legislative acts relating to the regulation and control of the market for domestic and foreign agricultural products entering the country (including food, tobacco and other specialized industries, plant quarantine).
Management of property that is in federal and local state ownership (land areas, production and processing enterprises).
Monitoring the activities of subordinate agencies for fisheries, phytosanitary and veterinary supervision.

Execution of functions Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation carried out in close cooperation with local authorities, executive power all levels.

The main task of the Ministry is to ensure the dynamic development of the Russian agro-industrial complex, create conditions for its rapid modernization and guarantee the safety of products (domestic and imported) that reach store shelves.

Structure of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
The Ministry includes a number of departments, each of which oversees a separate area of ​​work and certain functions:

1. Veterinary Department:

· development of regulations and rules in the relevant field, forms, reporting forms.
· development of requirements and conditions for the research, storage, trade of medicines, vaccines and other drugs for use in the field of veterinary medicine (including substances classified as psychotropics and narcotics).

2. Department of Animal Husbandry.

· registration and issuance of special certificates for breeding herds and individual animals;
· coordination of the implementation of the subprogram for the development of beef cattle breeding;
· development of a regulatory framework on all issues related to livestock farming;
· analysis of available statistical information;
· participation in issues of control and regulation of the domestic market of agricultural products to increase the competitiveness of the industry;
· participation in anti-epizootic measures.

3. Department of International Cooperation:

· organizing interaction with international organizations (WTO, FAO, SCO, UN, BRIC) on all issues that fall within the competence of the Ministry.
· cooperation with representative offices of organizations in Russia, embassies of other countries on all relevant issues.
· development of normative documents regulating the scope of international cooperation in the relevant field.
· creating conditions and assistance in promoting domestic agricultural products on world markets.

4. Department of Plant Growing, Chemicalization and Plant Protection

· implementation and control over the implementation of state programs in the field of crop production;
· collection of statistical information on the supply of mineral fertilizers, the level of soil fertility, and field work;
· creation of a Russian fund of plant seeds and a reserve of necessary pesticides;
· organization and implementation of agroecological, agrotechnical, anti-erosion and other activities;
· state monitoring of agricultural land fertility.

5. Department of Economics and state support agro-industrial complex.

· preparation of all documents for placing special orders for services, works and goods that are necessary for government needs;
· monitoring and analysis of efficiency of use Money, allocated from budgets for the implementation of various programs to support the agro-industrial complex;
· examination of programs, rules for the distribution of cash subsidies sent to individual subjects and regions of the Russian Federation.

6. Department for regulation of the agri-food market, processing and Food Industry:

· development and participation in policies that are aimed at increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural products;
· development of legislation and regulations in the field of fisheries;
· monitoring the situation in the field of food security.

Structure of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The functions and assigned tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation are implemented locally with the help of regional divisions. We are talking, for example, about the Ministry of Agriculture of the Orenburg, Moscow regions and other regions (in a number of regions, subordinate structures can be represented in the form of committees and departments on agricultural issues). The structure of regional executive bodies may differ from the federal one, which is due to the characteristics of the agro-industrial complex in each specific region, climatic conditions and other factors.

Contact details of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation:

1. Help desk – 8-495-607-80-00.
2. Public reception – 8-495-607-81-10.
3. Press service – 8-495-411-81-45.
Location of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Orlikov Lane, 1/11.

If you need to contact the regional Ministries of Agriculture in the Russian regions, just contact the capital's help desk, where they will provide all the necessary contacts.

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The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in our country is considered the highest executive body that regulates the internal and foreign policy in the areas of land relations, agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

Competencies of the Ministry of Agriculture

The powers of the Ministry of Agriculture include regulation of land relations, monitoring compliance with the law within the agricultural sector, food, tobacco, wine and vodka industries and related structures.

The minister, his deputies and other employees responsible for the formation agro-industrial policy states. Bills, norms, amendments and additions Minister of Agriculture do not go beyond the questions:

  • livestock farming;
  • fish farming;
  • crop production;
  • fertility;
  • veterinary medicine;
  • distribution of agricultural products;
  • purchases of food raw materials and products on the domestic market;
  • domestic turnover of food, wine and tobacco products;
  • field processing.

Managers and deputies

The appointment of an official to the post of Minister of Agriculture is signed by the current president. Since 2012, civil servants are replaced every three years in April-May.

Ministers of Agriculture from 2012 to 2018

Nikolai Fedorov took office on May 21, 2012, and left the chair on April 22, 2015. After him, Alexander Tkachev received the order of appointment from the President. He took office on April 22, 2015 and served until May 7, 2018. His successor officially became minister on May 18, 2018.

Deputy Ministers of Agriculture

Deputies often remain in place after a change in the head of a government agency. As of May 2018, the post of first deputy has been retained by Dzhambulat Khatuov for a year. Among ordinary employees of senior government agency Elena Astrakhantseva - the only woman among the deputies. In addition to her, Evgeny Nepoklonov, Evgeny Gromyko, Ivan Lebedev, and the current director of Rosrybolovstvo, Ilya Vasilievich Shestakov, have the right to assume the duties of the Minister in his absence.

Departments of the central apparatus of the ministry

The central apparatus of the ministry consists of departments. A department is an independent unit that is responsible for work in a narrow area of ​​its subordinate industry. Separate departments have been created:

  • to regulate the food industry;
  • organizational work;
  • social policy and rural development;
  • recruitment to the central office;
  • control of scientific and technological development and industry education;
  • rights and legal aspects;
  • control over property relations in agriculture;
  • conducting government procurement;
  • development of veterinary medicine;
  • diplomacy and international cooperation.

Subordinate executive bodies

The following subordinate bodies report directly to the Ministry of Agriculture:

  • Rosselkhoznadzor— an agency that regulates the breeding of animals and plants and prevents the occurrence of veterinary and phytosanitary epidemics;
  • Rosrybolovstvo- the department within whose competence is control of the fishing industry of the Russian Federation.
  • Since 1933, an elevator passenger elevator - paternoster - has been operating in the capital's building of the Ministry of Agriculture. The lift takes you upstairs according to the principle of an escalator, only instead of steps there are open cabins for 2 people.
  • In 1959-1961, the Ministry was located in the former Sheremetyev estate, in the Podolsk region.

TASS DOSSIER. On May 18, 2018, Dmitry Patrushev, chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank, was appointed Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Since 1991, the Ministry of Agriculture has been headed by nine people, one of them - Viktor Khlystun - twice. Alexey Gordeev held the post of minister the longest - 3 thousand 479 days (1999-2009), the most short term Vladimir Shcherbak's tenure in office was 86 days (1 thousand 999 days). The editors of TASS-DOSSIER have prepared a certificate about the leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture since 1991.

Victor Khlystun (1991-1994; 1996-1998)

Viktor Khlystun (born 1946) twice served as Minister of Agriculture. After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers, he worked at the same university for 20 years. In 1990, he was appointed chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Land Reform. November 15, 1991 headed Russian ministry Agriculture (since September 30, 1992 - Minister of Agriculture and Food). He held the position until October 27, 1994. At the same time, since December 1993, he was a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug. After leaving the civil service, he worked at Agromprombank. On May 14, 1996, he was reappointed head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin. Since May 19, 1997, he also held the post of Deputy Prime Minister, overseeing the agro-industrial complex. He advocated the abandonment of collective agricultural enterprises, the development of peasant (farm) farms, the allocation of land plots to city residents for gardening, etc. On March 23, 1998, he resigned with Chernomyrdin’s cabinet, and served as head of the agricultural department until the formation of a new government - on April 30 1998 Subsequently returned to scientific and teaching activities. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013), Doctor of Economics.

Alexander Nazarchuk (1994-1996)

Alexander Nazarchuk (born 1939), agronomist by profession, candidate of biological sciences (1995). He worked in the Altai Territory as an inspector of collective farm management, chief agronomist, and director of a state farm. Since 1975 - in party and Soviet work: he was chairman of the district executive committee, first secretary of the district party committee, first deputy chairman of the Altai regional executive committee, headed the regional agro-industrial committee. He was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR. In 1993, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first convocation from the Agrarian Party of Russia (APR), and headed the Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues. On October 27, 1994, he was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Food. Under his leadership, an agrarian reform program was developed, providing, in particular, for the introduction of a single land tax in the form of rent payments for agricultural producers (not implemented). He left the post of minister on January 12, 1996. From 1996 to 2008 he was chairman of the Altai regional parliament and was a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Zaveryukha (1996)

Alexander Zaveryukha (1940-2015), graduated in absentia from the Orenburg Agricultural Institute, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (1996), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1997) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014). In 1968-1979 headed a state farm in the Orenburg region, then worked in the Orenburg City Executive Committee, the All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding. He was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first convocation from the Agrarian Party of Russia. In 1993-1997 served as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Viktor Chernomyrdin, supervised the agro-industrial complex. From January 12 to May 14, 1996, he served as acting Minister of Agriculture and Food. In the 1996 presidential elections he supported the candidacy of Boris Yeltsin and was expelled from the APR. In 1998-1999 - Deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation, after the end of his parliamentary powers he headed his own farm. In 2012, he was elected chairman of the Rural Revival Party. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014). Died March 21, 2015

Victor Semenov (1998-1999)

Viktor Semenov (born 1958), graduate of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Candidate of Economic Sciences (1996). In 1980, he was assigned to the Belaya Dacha state farm near Moscow, and subsequently founded and headed an agricultural company of the same name (now a group of companies). At the end of the 1980s. worked in the Lyubertsy City Executive Committee in the 1990s. was a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma. In 1997, he became a member of the board of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation. On March 30, 1998, he was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation in the government of Sergei Kiriyenko, and from September 30 of the same year - in the government of Yevgeny Primakov. He advocated state regulation of the industry, the creation of product unions and associations, etc. On May 25, 1999, he left his post. Then he was an adviser to the Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 3rd - 5th convocations. Since 2000, he has headed the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Vladimir Shcherbak (1999)

Vladimir Shcherbak (1939-2010), mechanical engineer, worked at the Crimean canning plant for 15 years Krasnodar region, having gone from a worker to a director of an enterprise. Since 1978 - in party and Soviet work in Krasnodar, including the positions of secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU and chairman of the regional executive committee. In 1987 he was transferred to Moscow. He took the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Agricultural Industry of the RSFSR, and since 1990 - Deputy Minister of Agriculture (since 1992 - First Deputy Minister). From May 25 to August 19, 1999 - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation. As the head of the department, he came forward, in particular, with the initiative to create a nationwide fund to support the Russian village (the project was not implemented). In 1999-2000 - Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Vladimir Putin. Died December 12, 2010

Alexey Gordeev (1999-2009)

Alexey Gordeev (born 1955), graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers and the Academy of National Economy under the USSR Council of Ministers. In the 1980-1990s. worked at the Glavsnab of the Ministry of Fruit and Vegetables of the RSFSR, the Moskva agricultural complex, and was the deputy head of the administration of the Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region. In 1997, he headed the Department of Economics of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation, and in 1999 he was appointed first deputy minister. From August 19, 1999 - Minister of Agriculture and Food, from May 19, 2000 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. With his participation, the Land Code and the Law “On the Turnover of Agricultural Land” were developed, and the Russian Agricultural Bank was recreated with 100% state capital. On February 26, 2009, he was confirmed as governor of the Voronezh region (re-elected in 2014). In December 2017, he was appointed presidential envoy to the Central Federal District. Doctor of Economic Sciences (2000), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013), one of the founders of the Agrarian Party of Russia.

Elena Skrynnik (2009-2012)

Elena Skrynnik (born 1961), qualified as a cardiologist, worked in her profession for several years. In 1994, she founded the Medlizing company, which was engaged in the purchase of medical equipment, and in 1997, she headed the Russian Association of Leasing Companies. Appointed CEO in 2001 state company OJSC "Rosagroleasing" From March 12, 2009 to May 21, 2012 - Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Over these years, the department has established the provision of agricultural enterprises with preferential fuels and lubricants, Russia began to provide itself with the main categories of agricultural products, in particular, it was decided to abandon the purchase of imported sugar, and the import of poultry meat and milk was reduced. After retirement she was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. In 2013, she was a witness in a criminal case of fraud involving employees of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2015 deprived scientific degree Doctor of Economic Sciences due large quantity borrowings found in her dissertation.

Nikolay Fedorov (2012-2015)

Nikolay Fedorov (born 1958), lawyer, candidate of legal sciences (1985) and doctor of economic sciences (2003). He taught Soviet law and scientific communism at the Chuvash State University. People's Deputy of the USSR, member of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1990-1993 - Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, left his post in protest against Boris Yeltsin’s decree “On a special procedure for governing the country,” which actually introduced presidential rule in Russia. After leaving the civil service, he was a columnist for Obshchaya Gazeta and practiced law. In 1993, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first convocation from the Democratic Party of Russia, but already in February 1994 he resigned. From 1994 to 2010 - the first president of Chuvashia. Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation (1995-2001; 2010-2012). From May 21, 2012 to April 22, 2015 - Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Lobbied for increased spending on the agricultural sector after Russia introduced countermeasures to Western sanctions in the form of food embargoes. After leaving the government, he was an adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin, overseeing agricultural issues. Since 2015 - First Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Tkachev (2015-2018)

Alexander Tkachev (born 1960), graduated from the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mechanical engineer. Doctor of Economics (2004). He worked at the Vyselkovsky feed mill and was a Komsomol member. After the plant was corporatized in 1993, he took the position of its general director at JSC Agrokompleks. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the II, III convocations, in 1999-2000. - Chairman of the Committee on Nationalities Affairs. In 2000-2015 - Head of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, at the same time since 2012 - Special Presidential Representative for Abkhazia. On April 22, 2015, he was appointed Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the government of Dmitry Medvedev. The initiator of the destruction of the so-called. sanctioned products, lobbies for the development of viticulture and winemaking in Russia, proposed to transfer part of the river flow from Russia to China, etc.

February 18, 2019 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved, taking into account the discussion, a bill on improving legal regulation in the field of circulation of medicines for veterinary use The bill proposes to establish the possibility of using, in the production of medicinal products for veterinary use, pharmaceutical substances included in the state register of medicinal products and intended for the production of medicinal products for medical use.

February 8, 2019, On introducing to the State Duma a bill on administrative liability for violations in the field of fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources Order No. 160-r dated February 7, 2019. The bill proposes to supplement the Code of Administrative Offenses with a new article establishing liability for violations in the field of fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources. In particular, administrative liability is provided for failure to comply with requirements for the conservation of aquatic biological resources and their habitat during urban planning activities. The purpose of the proposed innovations is to improve the mechanisms of state control in the field of protection and reproduction of aquatic biological resources and their habitat.

January 29, 2019, Rural development Report by Dmitry Patrushev at a meeting on the progress of preparing the state program for the integrated development of rural areas On the preparation of a state program for the integrated development of rural areas.

January 21, 2019 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill on administrative liability for violations in the field of fisheries and conservation of aquatic biological resources The bill proposes to supplement the Code of Administrative Offenses with a new article establishing liability for violations in the field of fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources. In particular, administrative liability is provided for failure to comply with requirements for the conservation of aquatic biological resources and their habitat during urban planning activities. The purpose of the proposed innovations is to improve the mechanisms of state control in the field of protection and reproduction of aquatic biological resources and their habitat.

December 28, 2018, Fisheries, aquaculture, fish processing On introducing to the State Duma a bill on improving legal regulation in the field of conservation of aquatic biological resources Order No. 2967-r dated December 28, 2018. Current legislation procedure for approving fees for calculating the amount of damage caused by water biological resources harm has not been resolved. In order to eliminate this legal gap, the draft federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” in connection with improving the procedure for compensation for damage caused to aquatic biological resources” proposes to establish the powers of the Russian Government to approve such rates. It also provides for the powers of the Russian Government to establish the amount and procedure for determining major damage caused to aquatic biological resources. The authority to approve methods for calculating the amount of damage caused to aquatic biological resources is proposed to be assigned to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

December 24, 2018, Agricultural Science On additions to the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017–2025 Resolution of December 21, 2018 No. 1615. The Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017–2025 has been supplemented by the subprogram “Development of selection and seed production of sugar beets in the Russian Federation.” The purpose of the subroutine is to ensure stable growth volumes of industrial production and sales of high-quality competitive seeds of profitable sugar beet hybrids of domestic selection based on new high-tech Russian developments and the implementation of complex scientific and technical projects of a full innovation cycle.

December 10, 2018 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved, taking into account the discussion, a bill on improving legal regulation in the field of conservation of aquatic biological resources The current legislation does not regulate the procedure for approving rates for calculating the amount of damage caused to aquatic biological resources. In order to eliminate this legal gap, the draft federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” in connection with improving the procedure for compensation for damage caused to aquatic biological resources” proposes to establish the powers of the Russian Government to approve such rates. It also provides for the powers of the Russian Government to establish the amount and procedure for determining major damage caused to aquatic biological resources. The authority to approve methods for calculating the amount of damage caused to aquatic biological resources is proposed to be assigned to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

November 27, 2018 About the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Order of November 26, 2018 No. 2590-r.

November 23, 2018, General issues of the agro-industrial complex On changes in the procedure for compensation of damage to agricultural producers from emergency situations natural character Resolution of November 14, 2018 No. 1371. Amendments have been made to the Rules for the provision of interbudgetary transfers to constituent entities of the Federation for compensation of damage to agricultural producers as a result of natural emergencies, which provide for the possibility of compensation for damage to agricultural producers, both those who have insured their risks and those who are unable to participate in insurance. At the same time, it has been established that when calculating damage compensation for agricultural producers who did not provide insurance protection, an insurance coverage ratio of 0.5 will be applied, and for agricultural producers who have insured their property interests - 1.

November 9, 2018 Instruction to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture on the creation of a unified system for ensuring the safety and traceability of animals, plants, products of animal and plant origin

October 25, 2018 Instructions to the Ministry of Agriculture following the 32nd meeting of the Advisory Council on Foreign Investments

October 16, 2018, Food market On Government amendments to the bill on changes in the legal regulation of the return of unsold food products to suppliers by retail chains The bill, in particular, proposes to supplement the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trade Activities in the Russian Federation” with a provision prohibiting retailers from entering into an agreement containing a condition for the return to the supplier of food products not sold after a certain period. The amendments to the bill propose to establish a ban on the conclusion of supply contracts that contain a condition on the return to the supplier of food products, the shelf life of which is set to 30 days inclusive, or on the replacement of such goods with the same goods, or on the reimbursement of their cost. In addition, it is proposed to establish a ban on retail chains imposing conditions on suppliers for the return of food products whose shelf life is more than 30 days.

October 15, 2018, Fisheries, aquaculture, fish processing On Government amendments to the bill on recreational fishing The amendments to the bill propose to present the bill in a new wording. The right of citizens to freely and freely engage in recreational fishing on public water bodies is secured. General principles of legal regulation, organization and conduct of recreational fishing are established. Rules and restrictions for recreational fishing are established.

October 11, 2018, Thursday Order of October 4, 2018 No. 2134-r. A decision was made to sell wheat, rye and feed barley in 2018–2019 from the intervention fund reserves purchased during government procurement interventions in 2008–2016 on the domestic Russian market or for export in a volume of up to 1,500 thousand tons.