Why can't I log into VKontakte. I can’t log into Contact: current solutions to the problem

21.03.2018 Internet

Why can't I get in touch? I hear this question very often, I notice it in the support service, at the post office. I have prepared the reasons and their solutions especially for you.

Hello, Dear friends, in touch with you, Gennady Nikulin!

And I would like to start with the news, it is very short and very simple. The next article will be a prize crossword puzzle. Do not miss.

Well, now let’s move on to the topic of the article and talk, or rather answer the question, why can't I get in touch? and what to do if this happens.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why you can’t access your page. But we will look at the most basic and most common. Although, I am not a supporter of hanging out on social networks, but I have a question, I will write an answer. In general, of course, I recommend it, or .

But this is not about that, I know that some people there communicate with relatives, at work, and so on, and restoring access is a matter of life and death.

Before we begin, I have a small favor to ask of you. Since I already said that we will only examine the main reasons. If you have already encountered this problem, write about it in the comments. Well, and of course don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates.

Since we agreed with you to find the reason and solve it, we will go in order. I will write the reason and immediately how to solve it. I think this will be the best solution. I will highlight all the reasons using headings.

Hosts file

This file is the most important one, which is responsible for access to sites, services, nodes, and so on. Just the most common reason why you cannot get into contact is the substitution of this file. The first thing you should do is look at what your file contains and remove all the dirt that is written there.

For example, vk.com

Does this inscription mean that the VKontakte website is on your computer? After all, this is not so. Therefore, we delete this entry.

With this, I will say goodbye to you, I think that the article will be useful for you. I look forward to your comments and, of course, reviews.

Thank you for your attention.

Take care of yourself!

See you!

Best regards, Gennady Nikulin.

If you are suddenly asked to send an SMS message to log into your VKontakte account, do not do this under any circumstances. You have a virus in your system and you need to “treat” it. To do this, open the “Windows” folder on drive C. Next, open the “system32” folder, in it “drivers”, then “etc” and finally “hosts”.

Usually the hosts file is not opened by simply clicking on it. To open it, right-click on it and select “Open with...”. Open with notepad. Regardless of what is written there, it is important for you to find the lines where “vkontakte.ru” or “durov.ru” will appear. Delete them, save the changes to a file.

Often the virus blocks the opening of the hosts file. To get around this obstacle, restart your computer. While the computer is loading to turn on, press F8. After the inscriptions appear, click on “Safe Mode”. After booting your computer, try repeating the above with the hosts file. After completing the operations, restart your computer again.

If you did not find any suspicious lines in the hosts file or if deleting them did not change the situation, the problem is with other viruses. To find them, in the Start menu, select “Search”, “Files and Folders”, “My Computer”. In the search bar, enter the phrases “vkontakte.exe”, “svc.exe” one by one. Once you find these files, delete them. Reboot the computer.

It happens that the reason for the inability to get to the VKontakte website lies in the browser. Try changing it, for example, from Opera to Mozilla or Google Chrome.

From time to time, technical work is carried out on the site itself. Therefore, you will not be able to log in for some time. In this case, your friends will have the same problem.

Check your internet connection. Go to other sites and check if they open. If you use a computer at school, university, or work, find out if access to social networks is allowed in this organization. It is often blocked.

Among other things, you may be blocked by site administrators for sending spam or other violations of site rules. In this case, wait a couple of days or try to restore access by following the instructions on the VKontakte website.

Many people have problems logging into the VKontakte website. Either the browser you are using does not open the page, or an error occurs.

Often the VKonakte website itself has nothing to do with it. The problem affects you personally. Let's look at each case separately.

What to do if you can’t log into VK?

You are required to send an SMS...

Don't be deceived. If you are required to send an SMS in order to get in touch, do not do it. After all, even if you send an SMS, access to the site will not be restored, and you will simply lose money. This scenario means that your computer is infected with a virus. Don't worry too much about this.

Use the instructions

Go to My Computer on drive C to the “Windows” – “system32” – “drivers” – “etc” folder. And finally, to the “hosts” folder.

Now we need to open the "hosts" file for editing. To do this, right-click on it - “open with”. Select “notepad” from the list of programs. The "hosts" file will open for editing.

There will be a lot of different icons and text in this file. We only need to find the inscriptions “vkontakte.ru” or “durov.ru”. Next, save the changes to the file.
A virus can infect the hosts file and block it from opening. No problem. Reboot the computer, then press F8. From all the inscriptions that appear on the screen, select “safe mode”. And when the computer boots, you need to follow steps 1 to 3 of our instructions. After which you need to restart the computer again.

It happens differently. People simply delete the "hosts" file. And after restarting the computer, it’s easy to log into Contact.

What to do if the “hosts” file is corrected, but the contact still does not come into contact...

There are different viruses that block the operation of VKontakte. Let's try to defeat them. To do this, go to “Start” - “Search”. Select “Files and folders” - “My computer”. We will look for files with the names “vkontakte.exe” and “svc.exe”. In the search bar, first enter the first name and turn on the search, and then the second. We delete these files. Then we reboot the computer.

In the future, get an antivirus and regularly scan your computer for infection threats. After all, the problem of logging into the VKontakte website is not the worst. Your computer is constantly exposed to various attacks and viruses.

Doesn’t log into Contact - select a browser.

Sometimes VKontakte does not want to open in Opera. Either it says that the nickname is wrong, then an error pops up. Sometimes Mozilla Firefox doesn't connect either. The problem may not be in the browser itself, but in the settings. Pay attention to whether the browser asks permission to open a particular site. You can download Google Chrome. He never has any problems, he always goes to the VKontakte website.

If it doesn’t find the server and VKontakte doesn’t start...

The site may be undergoing maintenance. You and your computer have nothing to do with it. If maintenance is being carried out, then neither you nor your friends will visit the site. You need to wait another hour and try again.
Check if your computer is connected to the Internet. The reason may be a lack of connection.

Why VKontakte does not start - check the following points:

Go to other sites and make sure they work. Your internet may be off.

If you are trying to access the VKontakte website through the computers of any organization, make sure that access to social networks is not blocked. Some institutes, schools and organizations specifically block access to social networks.

There is a possibility that administrators have blocked your account for frequently changing your name, sending spam, etc. If this happens, then wait a couple of days and try to log in again.

This article discussed the most common reasons why people don’t get into Contact. We hope that this information will help readers solve their problem.

Why doesn't VK work? There are two branches of development: the contact page is not accessible at all or the login and password do not match. From these components further causes and solutions are determined.

Why doesn't the site load?

1. No internet

Try visiting other sites! Maybe they are also not available.

2. Not included specifically in VK.com

Please use a different browser. If it doesn’t let you in with Google Chrome, then try logging in using the Opera browser or use Mozila Firefox. Logging in from a different browser? We clear the cache, reinstall the browser that did not allow VK. If it doesn’t work from other browsers, then go to step 3.

3. “The director doesn’t approve.”

4. Technical work

There are problems on the server, some work is being done and therefore it does not load for a long time. You need to take a break and then “try your luck” again. Nothing works? A day has passed and VKontakte is not working? Read the text below!

5. The site was mixed up

We went to a fake VK page or confused it with another social network.

6. Blocked by IP

The provider decided to block access to the site, especially when connecting to someone else’s Wi-Fi. In this case, use a program to change IP. You can also change the DNS server, for example, set the values ​​to

7. Extensions

When installing suspicious programs, various browsers and extensions are installed. Advertising banners will often pop up in the browser, but there may also be bans on visiting specific sites. What to do? Open the “extensions” tab in your browser and remove all unnecessary ones.

8. Registry corruption

9. Login and password are not suitable

Change the layout, turn off Caps Lock (keyboard button) and if it asks you to send a code, check for viruses.

What to do if access to the site is blocked by a virus?

You can't send SMS for money!

Large amounts will be debited from your balance, even if you are asked to pay five rubles.

Be sure to install a good antivirus program!

It is advisable to download an anti-spyware add-on, for example, AVZ. Perhaps the anti-virus databases have not been updated for a long time, for this reason the anti-virus could not prevent your page from being hacked.

Look for various social programs and shortcuts on your computer.

Vkontakte.exe, etc. Be sure to delete it!

In some cases, you will have to “fix” the Host file on your computer; it could have been corrupted by a virus.

Open “My Computer” – select drive C – find the folder System 32 – drivers – etc – see the file hosts. It needs to be opened using the usual Notepad program. Remove everything unnecessary and leave only one line: localhost

No point? Try to restore access using the phone number you entered when registering in VK.

Page restoration

You need to click on the “forgot your password?” link. Enter the phone number that you specified during registration (a login or email address may also work), and click “next.” You need to go through the captcha, enter the letters and numbers from the picture into a special window. It remains to confirm that the VK page is indeed your “property”.

A message with a code should be sent to the specified number, which you must enter in a special field and click “change password.”

After the manipulations, you need to come up with a more complex password. It will also be better if you write it down in your notepad so that you don’t have to restore the page again.

Now you can get in touch. Use the same login, but a fresh password that you recently came up with. To prevent an incident from happening, a second message will be sent to your phone. You will be reminded of the information you entered so you don’t forget it.

To prevent anything bad from happening, it is necessary to carry out preventive work: update the antivirus, look for malicious components on the PC, delete suspicious files. Only a full range of work can prevent an unpleasant situation with your page.

In contact with

Almost every sixth inhabitant of the Earth is registered in some social network. Facebook is popular in Europe, QQ is popular in China, and VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are popular in our country and the post-Soviet space. The slightest malfunction in the operation of a social network leads to panic among its users, who communicate on social media for hours on end. But often users themselves are to blame for losing access to VKontakte. Why doesn’t he log in to Contact and how to deal with it?

Of course, the unavailability of a social network may well be due to technical work on the servers or force majeure circumstances. For example, in the summer of 2014, VKontakte was unavailable for 3 hours due to abnormal heat, which disabled the company’s data center in St. Petersburg. But this happens quite rarely, as a result of which you should not associate the unavailability of a social network with any force majeure. Perhaps you are the one having problems with the Internet, computer or account.

Internet connection problem

If when you try to open the site http://vk.com An error pops up in your browser, don’t rush to panic. Your Internet provider may have problems with the equipment or the channel. But if other sites open normally, then this is a serious reason to think about the solution this issue. True, if you access Contact from a work computer, then it is likely that access to the social network is blocked by the system administrator. You can use “anonymizers” to access blocked sites, for example, the 2ip service, available at http://2ip.ru/anonim/. Enter the address of the social network, select the IP of any country and click “Open”.

Also be sure to check out system file hosts and check if there are any unnecessary entries there. As a matter of fact, changes made by the virus to the hosts are the most common reason for the inaccessibility of social networks. The principle of operation of this file is quite simple. Before accessing the site, the browser checks the hosts file and, if it does not contain the site’s IP address, opens the site directly. Attackers take advantage of this by registering “fake” IPs in hosts. Thus, they “force” the user to open a completely different site on a different server.

This is the main reason why he doesn’t get into Contact. Fixing the problem with the “hosts” file is very simple. First, you need to open the hosts file in Notepad, which is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. It does not have an extension, so when opening it, specify Notepad as the program.

In Windows 7, finding this file will be a little more difficult, since this path is hidden from the user. Go to drive C, enter the word “hosts” in the search and click ENTER. After finishing the search, open the found file in Notepad. You may need to first open Notepad in administrator mode by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator."

If the file contains entries related to Contact, Odnoklassniki, then feel free to delete them, leaving “localhost” as the last line.

Save the changes made to hosts, close Notepad and restart the computer. After these actions, in most cases, access to the social network is restored.

If you installed on your computer various programs associated with the social network (downloaders, VKontakte clients), then immediately remove them through the “Programs and Features” item in the “Control Panel”.

Also check the system for the presence of files such as “vkontakte.exe”, “svnhost.exe”, “svc.exe”. Open the Start menu and enter the names of these files in order. If Windows detects them on your computer, remove them immediately and restart the system.

Account problem

Often, users are unable to log into the social network because they enter the wrong password, use the wrong layout, or type the password while Caps Lock is on. If, when you try to open the page social network tells you that your profile is frozen, do not worry.

Just enter your phone number and confirm your account ownership with the SMS code sent to your phone. Remember that the social network will never ask you to send an SMS to restore access to your account. If you manage to get into your profile, then immediately change the password to it so that attackers will no longer be able to use your profile. Never install programs on your computer that cheat likes, votes, etc. Such programs are viruses that use your account for personal purposes. Haven't figured out the problem? Watch the following video: