In this case, it’s sad at the bus stop. “Dream Interpretation of passing a Stop I dreamed of why in a dream you dream of passing a Stop

27.06.2019 Style and fashion

Similar dreams:

Why do you dream about a bus stop?

A bus stop in a dream symbolizes changes, goals, changes in life, in love that you want to achieve, but have not yet achieved. If you take a bus going the wrong way, it will bad dream, and you have to be careful: competitors, betrayals, deceptions - that’s what this promises. If you take the bus going in the right direction, then you will probably achieve your goal. If you remain at the bus stop or just look at it, then you are afraid of change and cannot change your destiny. Perhaps it's time to move on?

According to Freud

Freud associates such a dream with the expectation of love and sexual experiences. According to Freud's dream book, to see in a dream bus stop- means to seek your destiny. That is, even if you don’t admit it to yourself, you are still trying to find your soul mate, even if unconsciously. And if you wait for the bus at the stop and get on it, it means that you are not satisfied with your life partner. He is not right for you, and your relationship is just a habit that has become a responsibility.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is not very optimistic, but it doesn't foretell anything too bad for us either. A bus stop seen in a dream suggests that you are trying to achieve some goals, but so far, most likely, to no avail. It is quite possible that you are being pursued by competitors who are trying with all their might to stop you. If you take the bus in the wrong direction, then there will be problems and obstacles, if not, then you will succeed. The difficulties will end, it’s just that your time has not yet come.

According to Vanga

According to Vanga’s dream book, to see a dream in which there is a bus stop means either a warning, or useful acquaintances and entertainment. If you are waiting for him on a steep slope or in the mountains, then you will soon have to hit the road. Most likely, this will be a pleasant trip that you go on with a person you don’t know yet. If you see cars rushing past you at great speed, then you need to carefully think through every step, since your rashness and impulsiveness can lead to trouble.

According to Juno

If you couldn’t find a bus station for a long time or walk around it and don’t understand where to go, then changes await you in the field of work. You will be offered a new position or you will find the best place. It is possible that you will have to change your field of activity or retrain.

Your dream could also mean making new acquaintances. You will soon meet a person close to you in spirit, with whom you will have many common interests.

According to Tsvetkov

If you dreamed of a bus stop, it means that you have some plans and plans that in the near future can change your life for the better. Even if they seem impossible to you for now, don’t be upset. You will succeed, you just need to wait a little longer.

If you saw a person bored or suffering from agonizing anticipation, then you should be more persistent. Your indecision only harms you. Don't be afraid to persevere - good luck awaits you. But only if you take the first step.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

It is possible to correctly interpret what a stop means in a dream, taking into account all the details of the plot in the dream: what they did, what vehicle they were expecting, who they saw. In the dream book you will find different interpretations such a vision: news, difficulties, boring things, anticipation of change, the need to rest.

Relationships with others

Seeing very few people at a bus stop in a dream, or, conversely, too many, means that the person sleeping in reality perceives his surroundings in this way. He either lacks communication or has too much of it.

When the dreamer was alone at the bus stop - according to the dream book, he does not feel support from loved ones, a reliable shoulder that is always nearby. When a person stood at a bus or tram stop for a long time in a dream, but did not wait for the necessary transport, this state of affairs will continue for a long time.

Seeing a familiar person standing at a bus stop, if you are on the bus at the same time, means: you will soon receive unexpected news.

Difficulties ahead in business

Why do you dream about an unplanned train stop? The dream book warns: when moving forward, you will encounter difficulties. You will probably need the support of friends and acquaintances. When the train stops at the station on schedule, everything goes smoothly, as it should.

Waiting on the platform for an electric train in a dream means achieving your plans is temporarily postponed. Did you ever dream of driving and accidentally missing the right station? Avoid some threat that you might not even suspect.

Take a break and spend time with your family

Why do you dream about a long-familiar road and a stop that shouldn’t be there? The dream book promises: in a series of routine everyday life, habitual worries, there will be an opportunity to relax a little.

Have you seen a public transport stop in a dream? The dream book indicates: the dreamer’s rhythm of life is too stressful, he has to solve many different problems at the same time. It's time to take a break.

Did you dream of standing on it while waiting for transport? There will be a hitch in some matter related to health and life. Standing on it in a dream and waiting for the bus - in reality the dreamer is waiting for his soul mate, whom he has not yet met. For families, this is a signal: you need to devote more time to your family.

How did you dream about her?

The interpretation of the dream depends on what you did there. If you had to:

  • standing on it means an annoying, boring task ahead;
  • drive through - plans will fail;
  • go out on time - new prospects will appear;
  • go out earlier than necessary - with your haste you can ruin your planned business;
  • wait for the bus - expect changes for the better;
  • wait for the tram - the success of a new risky enterprise depends on the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

The article on the topic: “dream book standing at a bus stop” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

what does every dream mean

Dream interpretation stop

Stop according to the dream book

Relationships with others

Difficulties ahead in business

How did you dream about her?

  • drive through - plans will fail;

Dream Interpretation: What do you dream about stopping?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Stop

A dream about a stop where you are standing waiting for some kind of transport will predict that you will receive the long-awaited news.

A dream about a long trip on which you went in your car and along the way you had to stop in the forest will tell you that you need to change your environment in the near future or go on vacation.

If you dream that you are standing at a bus stop, and you were born between January and April, then you should not hesitate in any matter, as it will concern your health or even life.

Standing at a bus stop waiting for a bus in a dream foreshadows those born from May to August about the appearance of a boring task that you will soon get tired of.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about stopping mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a stop in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Stand at a bus stop and wait for transport- to a boring and annoying task.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Wait for transport at the bus stop- wait by the sea for weather.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Standing at the bus stop- to delay in any matter that concerns life or health.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Stop- stalemate.

Dream Interpretation pass the Stop

Why do you dream about driving through a Stop in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about passing your stop? The happy future of your family depends on the actions of one loved one. Only his actions will determine how lucky you will be in the future.

Try to show all your attention and find this benefactor, otherwise you may miss the chance to become happy.

Standing at the bus stop

Dream Interpretation Standing at a bus stop dreamed of why you dream about Standing at a bus stop? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Standing at a bus stop in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Dream Interpretation – Stand

IN big hall there is a coffin - portends joy and peace.

Dream Interpretation – Stand

“stand firmly on the ground” stability, balance, will.

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Dream Interpretation – Stand

Inaction, stagnation; vigilance; position in society. In a good dream plot, there is anticipation (anticipation) of a joyful event.

Dream Interpretation – Kneel

Admiration, courtship (of a lady); guilt; humiliation, dependence, defeat; gain, benefit (reverence).

Dream Interpretation Stop dreamed of why you dream about Stop? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Stop in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Waiting for transport at a bus stop is waiting for the weather by the sea.

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Standing at a bus stop means delay in some matter that concerns life or health.

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Standing at a bus stop means delay in some matter that concerns life or health.

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Standing at a bus stop and waiting for transport is a boring and annoying task.

Dream Interpretation – Stop

A stop where you wait for a long time and in vain for public transport - you will have to endure and wait for better times, but they will come.

Dream Interpretation – Stop

Dream Interpretation - Station, stop

Dream Interpretation – Cardiac arrest

Your father is dear to you. There is a certain situation coming up, you will worry whether your father will understand you. Perhaps not immediately, but he will understand.

Dream Interpretation – Train, long stop

The person will deceive your hopes for good things, for some kind of success.

Dream Interpretation - They forgot me at the bus stop

This Dream openly prompts the Dreamer to stop now and think about her life, since now there are too many earthly attachments (pleasures, desires) in her, and there is no awareness of the Soul - her friends forgot the Dreamer at the bus stop, because they didn’t see her there at all (karmic education by loneliness ). And to prevent this from happening, there is a good hint in a dream - to forget your earthly qualities (appearance, attachments) and remember the qualities of your personality (good deeds, conscious actions, love for others), which no one will ever forget, unlike your earthly appearance. Best regards, Livia.

Sleep cardiac arrest


Please tell me, if I dream that I’m standing at a bus stop and a guy I really like is standing next to me, suddenly a bus arrives and he gets on and leaves, and with full confidence that he will return, I cross the road to another stop, where I’ve been waiting for him since 100 With the certainty that he will return, all this is happening at my stop near my house, although I don’t know where this guy lives, please decipher it for me!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was such a plot, most likely indicates that you are at risk of being faced with an opportunity that may slip away.

Please help me interpret the meaning of the dream. In a dream, an old friend gave me a blue parrot, but it was not entirely healthy and from time to time it turned pale blue. I caught him around the room, then put him in a cage. Then I cried in my sleep for my dead but non-existent son, who was a schoolboy. Well, then I wandered around the stops and could not get to the city where I live. I would take one bus or another, but all the buses were crowded.

And all this in one dream.

Thank you in advance!

Two runaway girls were running away from someone. On the way, they ran into some large estate. Having run along the corridor of this estate, they found themselves in some room where there were various servants (I don’t remember exactly how many people there were). One of the servants showed the girls to the exit. When they got out, they saw a bus stop with a lot of people. The outfits and houses were in the old style, not modern. And the bus numbers were with the letters “C” and “A”. The colors in the dream were gray, black and white.

I dreamed that I was standing at a bus stop and my teacher was standing next to me Ukrainian language and what a teaching delegation, then I sit on a bench and write the exam with my friends, and this all happens at the bus stop. I see cars passing by and even buses stopping, but I don’t get on them.

dream that I needed to go somewhere, I came to a stop, and someone told me that my stop was in a different place. I went and found a stop. and she's next to the church

I’m with friends, I’m getting ready to leave, I put my things in a blue plastic bag, I get into a crowded carriage, I’m driving and I understand that the luggage has been loaded into another carriage, there’s a stop and I run to another carriage, I find the bag, I untie it and anxiously look for it There is a wallet in my things, relief - I find it.

A guy avoided me in college, when he went to the bus stop, I ran after him to go home on the same tram, when I ran, I saw him lie down on a bench on his jacket (he was wearing an orange T-shirt and jacket) when I started running up, then I saw that there were guys around him that I knew in life, also in orange T-shirts, they waved their hands at me so that I would move away and hide, a man came up to me from them, I started asking what happened and saw him shows my words with gestures, and a voice from outside voices it. I didn’t go to the bus stop, but I knew that the guy was sad there, and I understood that if I couldn’t approach him, it was because of me.

I’m standing at the bus stop alone, a light car pulls up, I get in, and there’s a former young man with a wedding ring on his finger.

I had a dream that I came to my plot in the garden, and it was clean. And there was a bus stop on the plot. I began to be indignant at why they put it on my plot, but they told me, because you’re not building anything anyway.

I fell asleep while standing on the bus. I passed my stop. I woke up when the bus was driving back almost to the final stop. I asked the conductor why she didn’t wake me up. She replied that she didn't care.

I waited with my loved one, then we crossed the road and he stayed there, and when the minibus arrived, he walked away and I was worried that he was not there. it was a very sunny day.

I was on a train with friends and slept through the exit to Sukhumi, the conductor didn’t wake me up

Hello, I dreamed that I was waiting for a bus and standing at the bus stop with the man I was dating. I'm in a dressing gown, I'm wearing mittens (gloves with slits for the fingers). The gloves themselves are guipure and black. Before this we looked at houses to move. So the houses are located close to each other, identical, in such even rows. We left my house for some good reason, then we were in some house, but we didn’t stay there, but for some reason we continue to look for housing.


Pechenik Elena:

I am studying at the sewing department. I dreamed that I was on a tram, getting off after a couple of stops and at the same time finishing something. And I seemed so carried away, I passed my stop and the next final one.

I was traveling with a person I knew on the bus, they called me from behind and asked me something, I moved, and when I turned back to see my friend, he was no longer there. A girl was sitting opposite the seat where my friend was sitting. I know her in real life. We haven’t talked to her for a long time, but in a dream she started talking to me and joking, to which I was very surprised. Then I got off at another stop and started looking for how to get to my missed stop, crossed the road, pulled up a long red bus, but I didn’t get on, but walked off the road into a forest area. Then I woke up

I dreamed that I passed my stop (in my city, the one where I live), got off at the next one and walked back. But the way back was the road along which I go to visit my grandmother in the village. I met a man with a dog and talked to him. Then he fell behind and I walked alone. Before I met this man, I dreamed that I was walking around some kind of residential multi-story building and the thought in my head was “ah, that’s where she lives.” Afterwards I found myself in a different place.


I dream that I am going to work by tram, but I find myself in an unfamiliar place and realize that I have passed my stop. I sit down to drive in the opposite direction, but again I don’t get to my stop, I end up at a stop further, i.e. I passed the stop again. In fact, I often dream that I am late for a train or tram or that I get on the wrong one. What is it for? Thank you!

I was traveling by train and then passed a stop and then another one and stood at the cemetery and then the deceased and my granddaughter ran to me and called me to their place.

I dreamed that I passed my stop on the train and the conductor told me that I was already leaving the depot in the opposite direction from where I came. But then I saw a familiar area in the window and got off the train, and then woke up


I dreamed that I was riding on tram 5 and then it passed the stop (that’s where it ends) and I was talking with the driver, some high-rise buildings appeared there and everything was dark. But I wasn’t scared, then some man appeared and said “more “it’s not time” and the driver said to get off, we drove several kilometers from the stop. I got out and walked along the flights, and when I turned around there were no flights,

I dreamed that the driver of the bus didn’t stop me at the stop, neither at stop 1 nor at stop 2. He didn’t like how I did something wrong

I screamed at him

I freaked out and ran away

I dreamed that the driver of the truck did not stop me at the stop, neither at 1 nor at 2

I screamed at him

But he didn’t seem to hear, he was listening to music

I say: what should I do now? Drive in circles?

Nobody answered me, people didn’t stand up for me

We arrived at the garage, I said: What are we doing here? Take me back

He started laughing and saying he'd be unlucky

I freaked out and ran away

But the next minibus took me straight home

It’s evening, I get on the bus, I’m driving and suddenly I realize that I’ve passed my stop. I go out, see an unfamiliar house, I go into it, there is a woman with a child and my ex-husband. I grab a knife and rush at ex-husband, I stab him in the chest, cut his throat. A few drops of blood come out of his throat, but he is alive and does not fall. And then it’s already day and I’m standing with him unharmed on the street. In fact, we really broke up with him because of another woman.

Why do you dream about a Bus Stop?

Dream interpretation bus stop

Why do you dream about stopping? You can correctly decipher a dream image based on a number of factors that sometimes slip away after waking up.

If you want to know the exact root cause of what is happening, then you will have to remember the details of the plot, from the action to the characters seen.

What did you encounter?

I dreamed of a waiting place for city transport

As the dream book suggests, stopping is a certain reflection of the experiences of a sleeping person. Depending on the number of people seen, appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

If there were a lot of strangers nearby, it means the dreamer does not need communication, he has an excess of contacts with other people, but you should not follow only this formulation.

How many people?

At the initial stage of his decoding, the dreamer will have to remember the number of people who kept him company while waiting for the bus.

If there was no one at the stop except the dreamer, then, according to the popular dream interpreter, he has not felt support from his family and friends for a long time. There is simply no reliable shoulder that you would like to lean on, and that is why it is so important not to be disappointed.

If you dreamed that the bus never arrived, then the above-described state of affairs will remain unchanged.

A lonely passenger is waiting for transport in a dream

Seeing a familiar person waiting for your transport means receiving unexpected news that may confuse you. However, you should not panic, but rather immediately think through a plan for further action.

What's happened?

How does the dream book think, bus stop is not only a reflection of internal experiences, but also upcoming events. An important step in obtaining a transcript will be the storyline and events taking place.

Getting out of transport in a dream

If you passed a stop through your fault, then your lack of punctuality will lead to big problems, interfering career growth and achieving the desired results.

If they couldn’t get off because the bus couldn’t stop, this meant uncoordinated actions. Before starting any business, you need to weigh and agree on everything possible options developments of events with other people and circumstances.

You can view several atypical options:

  • We left at the desired place - a positive symbol. You managed to plan your path, and now you will be able to get everything you need to realize your goal.
  • Seeing a stop close to shopping arcades means receiving certain news. The dream interpreter advises you to change your surroundings and your home, leaving your usual comfortable boundaries.

Opinions of other experts

Why do I dream about stops in places where they shouldn’t be? According to the interpretations received, in your routine everyday life there will be a small opportunity to relax, and therefore you need to enjoy it to the fullest.

If I see a bus stop, it means that in real life it is impossible to find a way out of a difficult situation. According to another interpretation, the sleeping person persistently waits for his chosen one, but simple waiting is unlikely to bring any results.

Stop according to the dream book

It is possible to correctly interpret what a stop means in a dream, taking into account all the details of the plot in the dream: what they did, what vehicle they were expecting, who they saw. In the dream book you will find different interpretations of such a vision: news, difficulties, boring things, anticipation of change, the need to rest.

Relationships with others

Seeing very few people at a bus stop in a dream, or, conversely, too many, means that the person sleeping in reality perceives his surroundings in this way. He either lacks communication or has too much of it.

When the dreamer was alone at the bus stop - according to the dream book, he does not feel support from loved ones, a reliable shoulder that is always nearby. When a person stood at a bus or tram stop for a long time in a dream, but did not wait for the necessary transport, this state of affairs will continue for a long time.

Seeing a familiar person standing at a bus stop, if you are on the bus at the same time, means: you will soon receive unexpected news.

Difficulties ahead in business

Why do you dream about an unplanned train stop? The dream book warns: when moving forward, you will encounter difficulties. You will probably need the support of friends and acquaintances. When the train stops at the station on schedule, everything goes smoothly, as it should.

Waiting on the platform for an electric train in a dream means achieving your plans is temporarily postponed. Did you ever dream of driving and accidentally missing the right station? Avoid some threat that you might not even suspect.

Take a break and spend time with your family

Why do you dream about a long-familiar road and a stop that shouldn’t be there? The dream book promises: in a series of routine everyday life, habitual worries, there will be an opportunity to relax a little.

Have you seen a public transport stop in a dream? The dream book indicates: the dreamer’s rhythm of life is too stressful, he has to solve many different problems at the same time. It's time to take a break.

Did you dream of standing on it while waiting for transport? There will be a hitch in some matter related to health and life. Standing on it in a dream and waiting for the bus - in reality the dreamer is waiting for his soul mate, whom he has not yet met. For families, this is a signal: you need to devote more time to your family.

How did you dream about her?

The interpretation of the dream depends on what you did there. If you had to:

  • standing on it means an annoying, boring task ahead;
  • drive through - plans will fail;
  • go out on time - new prospects will appear;
  • go out earlier than necessary - with your haste you can ruin your planned business;
  • wait for the bus - expect changes for the better;
  • wait for the tram - the success of a new risky enterprise depends on the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Did you dream of missing your stop through your own fault? This means: your lack of punctuality prevents you from achieving the desired results. To pass it because the transport did not stop there - the dream book indicates: your actions are completely inconsistent with the circumstances and people.

Leave where you were going - good sign. You planned everything correctly, so you will achieve your goal or get what you need on time.

Why do you dream about stopping a car in the forest during a long trip? This is a very definite signal. In reality, the sleeper needs a change of scenery. Need a break from work.

A dream in which a stop appeared is interpreted by Felomena’s dream book as a dead end situation. Perhaps serious problems will arise in your life soon, or you will have to make an important decision. Decryption should be approached responsibly.

If you stop, things may stall. This symbol also hints at the possible owner of this item. In some situations, the plot can be interpreted as losing track of time.

What you see also warns you about the possibility of committing imprudent actions that will primarily harm yourself, your reputation and relationships with people around you.


What stop did you dream about?

I dreamed about the final stop▼

The meaning of a dream in which the symbol of the final stop was present does not promise easy things and prosperity. You need to make a case in favor of a specific offer.

While in your dreams, do not miss the opportunity to view various development options and scroll through the current situation from different angles. A dream will help you decide on a direction and make an important decision in reality.

What did you do at the bus stop in your dream?

Why do you dream of sitting at a bus stop▼

Do you dream about being at a public transport stop? In reality, you also sit and wait for something new, without taking any action at all.

Because of passivity, most often nothing happens. To achieve your goals, it is recommended to reconsider your priorities.

What actions did you perform at the bus stop in your dream?

Get off at a stop in a dream▼

If you dream that you were at the wrong stop, in real life you will have to take someone’s warm place. Most likely, this will not happen and will entail many difficulties that will be difficult to deal with. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with troubles alone.

Have you been looking for a stop in your dream?

Search for a stop using the dream book▼

Did you dream that you were looking for a stop? On your life's path, you are in search mode to get out of the current situation. And yours depends on how quickly you can unravel. Try to take non-standard actions that no one expects from you.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Islamic dream book

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Did you dream about Stopping, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Stopping in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Please tell me, if I dream that I’m standing at a bus stop and a guy I really like is standing next to me, suddenly a bus arrives and he gets on and leaves, and with full confidence that he will return, I cross the road to another stop, where I’ve been waiting for him since 100 With the certainty that he will return, all this is happening at my stop near my house, although I don’t know where this guy lives, please decipher it for me!

    • Your dream, in which there was such a plot, most likely indicates that you are at risk of being faced with an opportunity that may slip away.

      Please help me interpret the meaning of the dream. In a dream, an old friend gave me a blue parrot, but it was not entirely healthy and from time to time it turned pale blue. I caught him around the room, then put him in a cage. Then I cried in my sleep for my dead but non-existent son, who was a schoolboy. Well, then I wandered around the stops and could not get to the city where I live. I would take one bus or another, but all the buses were crowded.
      And all this in one dream!!!
      Thank you in advance!

      Two runaway girls were running away from someone. On the way, they ran into some large estate. Having run along the corridor of this estate, they found themselves in some room where there were various servants (I don’t remember exactly how many people there were). One of the servants showed the girls to the exit. When they got out, they saw a bus stop with a lot of people. The outfits and houses were in the old style, not modern. And the bus numbers were with the letters “C” and “A”. The colors in the dream were gray, black and white.

      i dreamed that I was standing at a bus stop and my Ukrainian language teacher and some teaching delegation were standing next to me, then I sat down on a bench and wrote an exam with my friends and this all happened at the bus stop, I saw cars passing by and even buses stopping, but I I don’t sit in them.

      I’m with friends, I’m getting ready to leave, I put my things in a blue plastic bag, I get into a crowded carriage, I’m driving and I understand that the luggage has been loaded into another carriage, there’s a stop and I run to another carriage, I find the bag, I untie it and anxiously look for it There is a wallet in my things, relief - I find it.

      A guy avoided me in college, when he went to the bus stop, I ran after him to go home on the same tram, when I ran, I saw him lie down on a bench on his jacket (he was wearing an orange T-shirt and jacket) when I started running up, then I saw that there were guys around him that I knew in life, also in orange T-shirts, they waved their hands at me so that I would move away and hide, a man came up to me from them, I started asking what happened and saw him shows my words with gestures, and a voice from outside voices it. I didn’t go to the bus stop, but I knew that the guy was sad there, and I understood that if I couldn’t approach him, it was because of me.


      I had a dream that I came to my plot in the garden, and it was clean. And there was a bus stop on the plot. I began to be indignant at why they put it on my plot, but they told me, because you’re not building anything anyway.

      I fell asleep while standing on the bus. I passed my stop. I woke up when the bus was driving back almost to the final stop. I asked the conductor why she didn’t wake me up. She replied that she didn't care.

      Hello, I dreamed that I was waiting for a bus and standing at the bus stop with the man I was dating. I'm in a dressing gown, I'm wearing mittens (gloves with slits for the fingers). The gloves themselves are guipure and black. Before this we looked at houses to move. So the houses are located close to each other, identical, in such even rows. We left my house for some good reason, then we were in some house, but we didn’t stay there, but for some reason we continue to look for housing.

      I got out of the small car from the back seat, due to the fact that my friends sitting in front decided to take a fellow traveler, I decided to change places with my friend sitting in front, but she left the hall and I decided to take the bus home, and not in a cramped car. I also took it from them. paper money for the bus. When I opened my wallet I saw gold-colored coins (10 rubles)

      Hello, I had a dream as if an old friend of mine was driving me to a bus stop, which was in a field, and then suddenly my mother was standing with me, and opposite, beautiful, extraordinary mallows were growing, and a plump woman in front of the house was walking to pick beautiful cherry flowers too. .But there was some kind of abnormal woman there, and she was also standing in the cliff, she had picked flowers and there were still hairs in the bouquet and she wanted to pull me towards her, but this woman saved me. We arrived at the bus stop and there was no mother there, I lost my temper, ran to look, found a restaurant, we went in with a friend I didn’t know there, and then I discovered that I was walking into the toilet door and there my mother was getting dressed, and a black woman and a foreigner were lying in a huge bed, and opposite the children’s huge bed, it looked like a stroller. Then my mother sort of left, leaving me with problems, there was no money, but I needed I was about to drop off my grandmother’s bike and I woke up feeling lost.

      I have three dreams for you, can you decipher them for me?
      First dream: I have a chubby friend in my life, I always told her to play sports, etc., but she didn’t want anything. I dreamed that she and I were working out in the gym. What does it mean?
      Second dream: It’s not like it’s a dream, I just want to ask you, what if I dream about my ex very often?
      Third dream: I dreamed that I needed to go somewhere, I was distracted by another person, and when I needed to get on the bus, I had already approached, grabbed the handrail, and he immediately left. I decided to run after him, because the doors were open, but he drove away with great speed. After which I went downstairs. There was a stop there, I went to it because I realized a long time ago that a friend was sitting there who had left, whose arrival I was really looking forward to. While I was walking, a car followed me, and when I approached my friend, she didn’t notice me, this car drove up, someone got out of it and we ran. After which my friend noticed me.

      I spent the entire dream standing at the bus stop, and various familiar people approached the bus stop. One day I saw a girl I knew at a bus stop (it was a former classmate) and simply waved my hand and waved my hand in response. Then another former classmate came to the stop and waved her hand and received a wave of her hand in response. But then another former classmate came up and I still like her because only a year has passed since school. But she came close to me. She was a meter away from me. I smiled and she came up to me too with a smile and said that you did not hug me yesterday (either you didn’t hug me or you didn’t kiss me). Well, I brought her to me and continued to stand. And continue to do something somewhere. I also saw a friend with whom I go to college. And another friend, also a former classmate, we ran to the bus at the end of the dream (we just walked away somewhere and suddenly a bus pulled up). I am 16 years old but in 4 months I will be 17. The dream was from Monday to Tuesday on the 8th (this is Tuesday)

      Hello, I had a dream in which I was riding in a minibus somewhere. I got off at the bus stop and a girl of about 25 got off with me. She was wearing a red jacket and jeans. The hair is black and very long. She asked me something and we went into the store, then we ended up in a certain pizzeria. They were talking about something. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. Can you tell me what this is for? Thanks a lot.)

      I dream about the organization of pensioners in which I was sitting. I get out of there and go to the bus stop to go home. I see a policeman drinking alcohol. I looked askance and waited for the bus. All the policemen stood and watched the cars, they were all drunk. They began to threaten me. Then I ran to the same organization of pensioners and began to beg someone to come with me. The cleaning lady went with me, we stood at the bus stop and waited, my bus came, I was looking for money, but I didn’t find it, it delayed me, then I realized that the briefcase no. and from somewhere my friend comes up and says that they threw my briefcase into the sewer. This cleaning lady and I are running along a very long road, I run and feel tired, as if it lasts forever. We ran, they took my briefcase from somewhere. And out of nowhere, it turned out to be my grandmother’s house, which had a sewer system. I thanked the cleaning lady, went to my grandmother’s house, burst into tears, and told everything. And I woke up. The dream was very realistic and vivid. I participated in all these emotions experienced in the dream directly on myself.

      Hello, Tatyana, explain p.zh. my dream, what is it for? Thank you in advance.

      My mother and I are walking to the bus stop, when we approached and began to wait for the bus, the actor Abdulov (at an advanced age, but looking good) quickly approached us with a smile on his face, hugged my mother, said hello, and was friendly. The bus immediately arrived and we got on it, walked through the cabin to the very end and sat down there (the bus was half empty), me near the window, my mother next to me and Abdulov next to my mother. We drove for a very long time, but it was comfortable. He paid attention to me and we all talked pleasantly, like friends who had known each other for a long time. Mom took out oranges in a bag, more than half of which were covered with mold, and I began to pick out the moldy oranges from the bag.

      I was riding on a bus, surrounded by girls and a guy I liked. I praised my hair in front of them, fluffy like a lion’s mane. Getting off the bus alone at the stop, while walking I noticed that I was leading a puppy next to me and took him in my arms and realized that he was mine. And the puppy cuddled up to me. And I raise my head and see that the guy who I like is also standing at the bus stop and I walked up to him., he replied, I’m waiting. In the dream it was as if it wasn’t me, but besides me and this guy there was no one at the stop

      I was naked at the bus stop. Looks like she was selling something. When the couple saw me, I was embarrassed. I also dreamed about a black dog. I sold it for 500 rubles, then they sold it again but for 1000

      In a dream, I was at a bus stop and waiting for a minibus, and suddenly 2 of my friends came up to me: one classmate, another guy younger than me and almost like a brother. After that, 2 more girls came up to us; these were my friends from elementary school. I talked to them very happily and I was happy to see them. And I accidentally saw freckles on their faces. Both girls had similar freckles on their faces. Both had 3 freckles on their cheeks, arranged horizontally.

      I came to the bus stop to go to school. there were logical people there and I saw what looked like a boy, I stood next to him, he asked me for a lighter, I gave it, we went to smoke together and he said that his name was something like that, in the end it turned out to be a girl, she studied at a nearby school. we were going to go to school together. in the end we went for a walk, I met an old friend of mine who came from another city and this girl disappeared.

      Me, my mom, 2 little sisters and younger brother came out of a dense, beautiful, green forest. Only spruce grew there and all the trees were absolutely the same. We came to some abandoned bus stop (there was a huge concrete slab lying on the ground, it was clear that it was very old, there was a sign next to it). The brother and younger sister began to run around the stop, running out onto the rails. Even though there were no trains, but railways They were old, I was very scared for them. I told them not to run around there and turned towards the forest. Later I heard my mother talking on the phone. I didn’t know who she called, but I was sure that it was my aunt, my mother’s younger sister. The conversation was not long, my mother just said: “Hello.” Well, the train has arrived." Since all this time I had my back to the rails, I turned around sharply and saw an old stone carriage without doors or windows. The carriage was dirty and overgrown with what looked like moss. I was surprised and thought: “How can you call this a train?!” Are we really going to ride it?” But as it turned out, we were expecting something completely different. This is where my dream ended

      Hello. Please tell me. I dreamed of a stop where there had never been one. I was surprised. And I watched from the side: people were waiting for the bus. The small grandmother was a stranger there. It looks like this is the final stop. And the beginning, the very original stop was where I supposedly knew this place (I knew the origins of this route, as it were), but I never went there. Those. it was the last one near me. I also saw the initial one

A dream about a long trip on which you went in your car and along the way you had to stop in the forest will tell you that you need to change your environment in the near future or go on vacation.

If you dream that you are standing at a bus stop, and you were born between January and April, then you should not hesitate in any matter, as it will concern your health or even life.

Standing at a bus stop waiting for a bus in a dream foreshadows those born from May to August about the appearance of a boring task that you will soon get tired of.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about stopping mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a stop in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Dreaming of a Stop? Tell me your dream!

See also in the dream book

  • Standing at a bus stop waiting for transport - you will soon receive the long-awaited news.
  • Go on a long trip by car and make a stop in the forest - you feel the need for a change of scenery.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Stop. Stalemate.

Family dream book

  • Bus stop - you may miss an important chance, be careful. Why do you dream about stopping - to confusion, uncertainty, a period of inaction and waiting.
  • Why do you dream about Stopping according to the dream book:
  • The bus stop is a hopeless situation. For a woman, such a dream means the likelihood of remaining an “old maid.”

Modern dream book

  • Stop - Standing at a bus stop means procrastination in some matter that concerns life or health.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Stop - Standing at a stop and waiting for transport is a boring and annoying task.

Women's dream book

  • Stop - Wait for transport at a stop - wait by the sea for weather.

See interpretation: cars, buses

Interpretation of sleep: according to the number of the month

Interpretation of sleep: by Day of the Week

Every person travels by public transport every day, and you are not surprised if you dream about a bus. But dreams have their own interpretations. A dream with a bus is not only a sign of well-being, it can also bring negative aspects into our lives.

1Why do you dream about a bus - what will the dream books tell you?

Dream books interpret a dream with a bus in different ways:

  • Miller's Dream Book. If you are traveling on a bus in a dream, this portends success in all your endeavors. Transport is crowded with passengers - get ready for tough competition in reality, you will have to put in a lot of effort to succeed. If you saw a bus on the road in a dream, you will not achieve success.
  • Vanga's dream book. If you simply see public transport in your night dreams, this portends success and prosperity. If you ride in it - to a meeting with a good man. But if a bus rushes past you at a stop at high speed and does not stop, this is a warning. Don't do anything rash, otherwise you will regret it.
  • Freud's Dream Book. To dream of a bus full of people - expect guests.
  • Longo's Dream Interpretation. A dream with a bus indicates that you need to reconsider your life and analyze everything. If you are traveling in public transport and passengers are jostling a lot, you should not make new acquaintances, these people can cause harm.
  • Wanderer's dream book. The dream indicates the everyday and insignificant matters in life.
  • esoteric dream book. The bus dreams of a change in weather. If it is clean and beautiful, the weather will improve.

2Why do you dream about a bus - remember its appearance

Remember the color and appearance vehicle, the interpretation of night vision depends on this:

  • The bus is new and beautiful. You are on the right path in life.
  • the bus is broken, rusty or the paint is peeling off. You are choosing the wrong life position in reality.
  • The bus fell apart before our eyes. Your business will fail.
  • The bus is yellow. If you are driving in it in a dream, you should reconsider your views on life.
  • The bus is red. The dream indicates your love life and portends an acquaintance with interesting people or your other half.

3Why do you dream about riding a bus?

Try to remember all the nuances of a dream about traveling on public transport:

  • Traveling comfortably in a big bus means unexpected profits and success in business.
  • If you experience discomfort in the cabin, this means illness.
  • If you travel with pleasant travel companions, you will actually receive significant help. If there is a crush in the cabin, it’s time for you to rest; events in life take a lot of energy.
  • We met an acquaintance on the bus - a prophetic dream, you will soon meet him in reality.
  • If you saw a driver on a bus, a person will appear in your life who will help solve a difficult situation.
  • You are driving a vehicle - in life you are a leader and can actually achieve great success if you get rid of the annoying tutelage of relatives and friends.
  • You are traveling without a ticket. In reality you will worry about something.
  • You are traveling in an empty vehicle. The dream foreshadows an empty conversation with an uninteresting person.

4 Why do you dream about a bus - remember your actions in a dream

Remember what you did in your night dreams with the bus:

  • You wait a long time for transport at the bus stop, but all the buses pass by. The dream indicates that you are waiting in vain for the right moment to resolve matters. Don't wait, but start acting.
  • The bus stopped at a stop and you got on. To meet your relatives soon.
  • Get out of the vehicle and it drives away. An unexpected situation will change your way of life.
  • We saw the bus get into an accident. Your plans will be disrupted, but this will be the reason for making the right decision. If a vehicle overturns on the road, it means stress at work.
  • You stole a bus. Beware of ill-wishers.
  • Run for vehicle. New ventures will not be successful or you will have to part with your loved one.
  • Get on the wrong bus. You have chosen the wrong path in life.

Interpretations of a dream about a bus do not always bring negativity into real life. But if the dream is gloomy, do not panic, but think about it, maybe you yourself provoked all the unpleasant situations. Try to correct the situation, and your life will sparkle with bright colors again.

I dreamed about public transport - such a dream may indicate that the rhythm of your life is too stressful. You have to rush somewhere, solve problems. The dream tells you: someday let the bus or tram go on without you, and you stay at home on the couch. There was no one at the stop or, on the contrary, there were an unnaturally large number of people - this indicates your perception of the environment: you clearly lack communication or, on the contrary, you suffer from its excess. Standing at a bus stop in splendid isolation means that in life you will not feel support, a reliable shoulder, even if you do not live alone. If you stood for a long time in a dream, but did not wait for transport on the desired route, this means that this situation will last a long time.