How to bless children on a long journey. Prayer of the driver on the road for preservation and help

02.07.2019 Business

All about religion and faith - "prayer amulet for a loved one on the road" with detailed description and photographs.

You are a doctor of our souls and bodies, take trouble away from me,

Ulcer, brine, blood, broken bones, bed of infirmity.

So that I, the servant of God (name), do not have yellow bones

Break, do not shed scarlet blood, do not brain-mind

Shake, do not lose your life, son of God, Jesus

Christ, I ask you, I pray, save me, God

Human, in all ways, in all roads, a shield

Protect me, take me under Your protection.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Safe words for the driver

Say these words before leaving the house.

stay with me everywhere.

The moon is in the sky, the sun is in the sky.

And while it will be

until then no one will destroy me in my way.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Strong amulet for the driver

Cover me and protect me:

From bruises, mutilation, broken bones, from deformity,

A rush of muscles, from terrible wounds and scarlet blood.

Cut my body from fire burns, save, save,

Protect me, be my words strong and sculpting.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever and forever and ever.

Protective plot on a scarf

I go, and everywhere I go

And a bright path. Amen.

Before leaving home

On a good road

What to say, seeing off a loved one on the road

From Mount Simoysky

Get a demon, having

Iron irutsi cleared

And camel hair.

Talk to a loved one from trouble on the way

About saving on the road

Strongly firmly on his fate, on his life.

Who will pluck and eat all the grass from the meadow,

He will drink all the water from the sea and not become hungry,

He would not overcome my word,

My conspiracy has not been terminated.

Who from evil people it will bewilder him

And slander, and slander, and spoil ..

Amulet, seeing off a loved one on the road

From Mount Simoysky

Get a demon, having

Iron irutsi cleared

And camel hair.

And the words of Saint Sisenia to her:

“Where are you going, you unclean soul, and where does the ecu come from?”

She answered his speech:

- I'm going to dry up a woman's youth.

So that no one attacks you

Holy Sovereign Archangel Michael.

Close, Lord, from the dashing of man

And an adversary for every hour and for every time.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer on the road so that nothing happens to you. Amulet from troubles and misfortunes

Separation from those people who are dear is always a cause for alarm. Therefore, the desire to take care of loved ones who are now far away or are going on a long journey is quite understandable.

Seeking help from higher powers in this matter is quite natural. Prayer, read from a pure heart and sincerely, will become a reliable amulet for the person you value and whom you wish well.

The meaning of prayer-amulet

It has long been considered that a person who has left his native home becomes vulnerable. You can explain this from an everyday point of view (say, the new environment makes you nervous and in this state you can make a number of erroneous actions), or you can turn to esotericism (the connection with the Family is lost, the protection of the birth center weakens).

Be that as it may, but a person who goes on a long journey will not be hindered by support - for example, a prayer-amulet:

  • such a prayer he can read himself on that day, when you have to go on a long journey;
  • maybe one of the close people pray for the well-being of the wanderer.

There are several options for such a prayer-amulet. Some of them are so ancient that it becomes clear that they have come down to us from time immemorial, ever since Rus' professed paganism. In such protective conspiracies, the expression “keep me away from my aunt!” (in the meaning of "forbid, save me from the enemy, from the villain").

IN Christian tradition the patron saint of travelers is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Catholics - St. Christopher.

Before the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, they pray for a safe journey, for a safe road, for a peaceful return home.

It is also accepted in the Christian tradition give the traveler the image of a saint who patronizes him.


If you are going on a long journey, then you can read such a prayer-amulet: “I step beyond the threshold of my house, I call on my guardian angel with me. I have a long way to keep, in which the angel will protect me, protect me from troubles with wings. Amen".

This prayer is read before leaving the house and hitting the road.

Another protective prayer sounds like this: “According to the will of the Lord, I begin my path. I, the servant of God (say your name), keep the long way, overshadow myself on the road with the sign of the cross. Amen".

In our culture traditions of Christianity and paganism coexist. One such example is the custom of sitting on the path. The Slavs in ancient times did this to deceive evil spirits. They believed: beyond the threshold of a person's house, evil spirits are watching.

During the ritual "get on the track", you can pray, mentally wish yourself and your loved ones a calm, prosperous path.

Prayer-amulet for the son

Anxiety for children lives in the parental heart, even if the children have already grown up and taken their first independent steps in this life. For the well-being of a son who sets off on a long journey, you can pray to the Most Holy Theotokos. " Holy Virgin Mary, protect my child on a long journey. For me, a mother, to wait for him, my son, is the right path to follow.

The protective prayer can be read not only on the day of the departure of the son from his home, but also on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - December 19. It is believed that the prayer read on this day gives the traveler protection long time , protects him from adversity and dangerous meetings.

Seeing off your son from his father's house, you can read the following prayer after him: “For nine months, the child was under her heart, then she taught him to walk. My son has grown big, he has a long road ahead of him. This path is given to him to pass quietly, don't forget the way home. The guardian angel walks ahead of him, gives protection. Amen".

For daughter

A prayer-amulet for a daughter can be used in different situations, but her purpose is the same - to protect from troubles, evil people, misfortunes.

blood ties, blood ties- these are not just concepts that have come to us from time immemorial. These are the invisible threads that bind loved ones together. It is good if someone from the older generation on the female side reads the prayer-amulet for the traveler - mother, aunt, grandmother. Prayer can be read directly on the day of departure or the day before.

“Lord Almighty, I ask You for help and protection. Servant of God (name) keep a long journey, save her from evil enemies, bad words and deeds. Amen".

There is another prayer that a mother reads in the wake of her daughter setting off on a long journey:

« Guardian angel overshadows my daughter's path saves her from troubles. She is on a long journey to be, to go on a smooth path, a flat road spreads under her feet. I should be in my house, pray for her well-being. Lord Almighty, hear my mother's prayer, save and save my child with Your mercy.

For a car

In our age of speed and high technology, a car is a source of increased danger. Therefore, it is logical that people want to pray to save themselves from the troubles associated with the vehicle.

You can protect your car in several ways:

  • read a prayer before the road;
  • keep a talisman in the car;
  • bless the car.

Going on a journey by car, you can read the following prayer: “Forty and forty roads to me to pass, grief and misfortune at the same time do not know. By the will of the Lord, I keep the way. I am out of danger driving, I am under the protection of the Lord. Amen".

And, of course, relying on protection higher powers, do not forget about prudence. On this score, our people have a wise proverb: "God protects the safe."


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Prayers "On the Road": to the Lord God, Saint Nicholas and Saint Catherine

Only true faith and love for God helps us at any moment, no matter how sinful a person is. Prayer "On the road", so that nothing happens to you, in other words, it can help you along the way! All trials that meet the path of life are the lessons of the Lord. For Orthodox Christians, there is no such thing as "luck." What is luck when our whole life is written and ordained by God? "Luck" for Orthodox Christian is an empty word. unexpected joyful events what happens in life is God's mercy and a reward for good deeds, patience, mercy, humility. It will be God's will, so everything in life will be fine.

Prayer amulet "on a successful and happy road" so that nothing happens to you on the way

Prayers "On a Successful Road"

Departure on the road is always exciting for everyone, both for those who are going on the road and for their loved ones. After all, anything can happen on the road. In order to be sure that God will not leave and will accompany you on the road. The prayer can be read by the one who goes on the road or his relatives. Maternal prayer is considered special, it is always the strongest, most effective, the Lord will certainly hear it and will keep the child.

So that unforeseen situations do not happen to you and your loved one on the road, you should read the following “Prayer for the Road”. Before pronouncing it, the person who sets off on a journey must be crossed from the back and say a prayer.

Prayer - amulet to Nicholas the Wonderworker for loved ones or relatives

A prayer that is read when someone close to you has a long and difficult road ahead. With you, you can give a person an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which will protect him, and before setting off on a journey, read this prayer over him, cross him and see him on his way.

Go, servant of God (name) along the wide and straight road,

By easy way. Holy Mother of God, I beg you, see (name),

Take away all troubles and problems from him on a long journey.

Dear, dear, take sadness from the servant of God (name),

And in return, give him good luck and happiness. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Prayer for self-reading

And this prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "on a long journey" is read directly by the traveler himself. Get up early in the morning, wash your face, stand before the icons, read “Our Father”, “Symbol of Faith”, and then read this prayer.

Her words must be learned by heart and repeated in a whisper. Do not forget that every word of prayer must be supported by faith in God, believe in the power of prayer, in God's help and mercy, then everything will be fine on the road.

Lord God, bless!

Go, Servant of God (name) with God, with the name of Jesus Christ on your lips.

May God protect you from fire and water,

From dashing man yes from any trouble. The Lord God will go ahead

Mother of God - behind, Heavenly angels on the sides,

The first parents Adam and Eve will go with them.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord God "on a Good Road" for motorists

If you are going to travel by car: try the following prayer:

Lord Almighty, Our God, I turn to you for support!

I ask you for help, I pray for your indulgence!

On the road, I find myself difficult, many obstacles on my way:

People are bad, thoughts are crappy, urgent problems!

Save me, save me, guide me on the true path And help me not to go off it.

Make my road Smooth and even, problems and misfortunes are bypassed.

So that I went on the way, so I returned!

I trust in Your help, I appeal to support! I praise your name!

Prayer to Saint Catherine "for good luck on the way"

With this prayer, you can also prepare a good amulet for yourself on the road. Split the aspen twig, read this prayer over it, then tie it into a knot and put it under the car seat. Be sure that now you will be under reliable protection, the main thing is to never tell anyone that you read this prayer and do not show the amulet, otherwise it will not help, this action should be hidden from prying eyes.

Holy Wayfarer, Holy Catherine, your feet are quick, your feet are frisky, you walk along the paths, you stand on strong legs.

On a long journey, no one will knock you down, trouble will not happen to you along the way, and nothing bad will happen.

Saint Katherine, you don’t get cold in the cold, and at night it’s not dark for you, the rain can’t wet you and no one can make you fall.

The Lord God himself takes care of the Holy Wayfarer.

So the Lord will always be with me, will protect me, the servant of God (name), from evil.

May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to read these prayers correctly?

To read prayers, you need to properly prepare. The first condition is to be a clean body, that is, you need to wash yourself before prayer, put on clean clothes, if you pray at home, then you need to wash the floors.

It is also necessary to observe the purity of thoughts, no envy, evil, foul language, blasphemy and other vicious thoughts, only good, bright thoughts and desires.

Next, you need to retire to the room, close your eyes, imagine that you are standing in front of God, wait a bit until all the feelings inside calm down, thoughts leave your head. Light the lamp, if you have the permission of the priest to do so, and, without haste, proceed to prayer, pronouncing word by word, making the sign of the cross.

Parable "About Silent Prayer"

Prayer has tremendous power, but only when it is sincere, when at the moment of prayer a person is completely immersed in the world of God, forgetting about worldly affairs. In support of this, I would like to tell a small legend about silent prayer:

One elder thought about why so many people go to the temple, pray, and their life remains the same. Once, in such thoughts, he fell asleep, and he dreamed of an Angel who lifted him high above the ground. And there were only soft gentle sounds.

"This Orthodox prayers, the prayers of people who, forgetting about worldly affairs, selflessly pray to God. The rest of the prayers are not heard here "-

Peter and Fevronia

If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

Every time I go I say a prayer. Quiet so no one can hear. And God takes care of me. My wife also put a prayer in my purse, so I believe that everything will definitely be fine. Everything will go smoothly and I will get there quietly and calmly!

Thank you for these prayers! Written for my husband. I will put it in his wallet with documents, I am sure that they will save him from trouble. I am always very worried about the fact that he drives. Especially when you go somewhere far away. At such moments, I just can’t find a place for myself, I can’t calm down until I return home. Now I will be much calmer, knowing that my beloved is protected by prayers.

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The driver's prayer before the road in a car (car) is strong

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The complexity of modern life lies in the fact that it does not allow people to live in peace and relax a little. After all, problems and difficulties await us at every step. And one of the most dangerous places is the road. In general, the car is a source of increased danger. The main confirmation is traffic police reports. On the road every day there are a lot of tragic accidents that occur due to certain circumstances. And in order to protect yourself from the machinations of fate, you need to use a strong prayer on the road, which will save you from various dangers of this kind.

Orthodox person constantly prays before the start of an important matter, therefore, special attention should be paid to prayer appeals at such moments of danger. After all, such an appeal to the Heavenly Forces is a strong, and most importantly, reliable protection for those who spend a lot of time on the road.

Prayer for the driver on the road

A distinctive feature of prayers on the road by car is that it can be read not only by the person to whom they are directed. Who can perform such rituals?

Every believer can protect himself from all sorts of problems along the way. To do this, you need to turn with a prayer request to the Almighty or the Saints. This is great for those people who are not used to relying on luck, but do everything for sure.

Prayer on the road to a son and a loved one

IN this case prayer appeal read for a person who sets off on a journey. Anyone can do this: daughter, wife, aunt, godmother, brother, mother-in-law or just close person.

Be careful and before you get behind the wheel of your car - do not be lazy to turn to God or the Saints with an appeal for protection or assistance. Or if your car breaks down, turn to the Lord and you will see his power. Of course, you should not hope that at your first word all the mechanisms will start their work again, but the Almighty will never leave us, because he always takes care of us and always rules wisely.

Prayer for a long journey by car

To always return home safe and sound, you can turn to Nikolai Ugodnik. He will take you away from any troubles and difficulties that may lie in wait for you on a long journey. After all, as you know, it was during the journey that the gift of miracles and insight was opened in the Pleasant.

Even during his lifetime, he was able to cope with a terrible storm with his strength, and dispelled all the menacing clouds. Since that time, Nikolai Ugodnik has been considered the patron saint of travelers. And for almost two thousand years, many people have prayed to him on the road with requests for well-being on the road.

If you are going on a long journey, then read the following prayer several times before the road by car:

“Wonderworker Nikolai, protect me from a dashing ride. On the road and on the way, in parking lots and hauls, may the Guardian Angel protect me. Protect me from injuries and abrasions, from collisions and reptiles. May your will be done. Amen"

How to pray?

  1. Turn to the Lord or the Saints fervently and sincerely, pray from the heart;
  2. It is better to read the driver’s prayer before the road aloud several times, but you need to pray to yourself on the way;
  3. If you pray while driving, then in no case do you need to be baptized. The driver must not take his hands off the steering wheel;
  4. If you were given an icon for a car, treat it with respect. Fasten it to a place convenient for you, where you can do it technically correctly (depending on the type of fastening);
  5. Always treat the icon with respect, because it is a shrine (even a small or small one);
  6. Never attribute to an icon magical or magical properties. This is not a guardian.
  7. Remember that the icon is not a guarantee of the absence of breakdowns or some kind of divine emergency protection;
  8. The icon can be a protection for the people sitting in the car, but not for the body or other mechanisms.

Types of prayers for travelers and motorists

If you need to go on a short trip, moving or a very long journey, then a daily prayer service will do while you are on the road. It is best to pray early in the morning (meaning until eight in the morning). It is also worth paying attention that the motorist or traveler himself needs to read it. The words of this appeal should be read three times. You need to pronounce it in a whisper and with your eyes closed.

“Lord Almighty, Our God, I turn to you for support! I ask you for help, I pray for your indulgence! On the road, I find myself difficult, many obstacles on my way: People are bad, thoughts are crappy, urgent problems! Save me, save me, guide me on the true path And help me not to go off it. Make my road Smooth and even, problems and misfortunes are bypassed. So that I went on the way, so I returned! I trust in Your help, I appeal to support! I praise your name! Amen!"

Most importantly, remember that prayer has never had and never will have any consequences. The thing is that a prayer appeal is not a spell. Also, do not think that if you consecrate the car, and also read the prayer on the road by car, then this will automatically insure you against breakdowns, accidents, etc. Best Recipe From all this - carefully look at the road!

God bless you!

Watch also the video from which you will learn prayers on the road.

Not a single kilometer traveled without prayer. Prayer as a canon must remain unchanged forever and ever. But each prayer of various religions can be adapted to a particular situation on the road of life and the road of the automobile.

Nowadays, when almost every family has a car, many travel by personal transport, and for some, a car is a means of earning money.

For those who spend most of their lives behind the wheel, there is a prayer for the driver to save and help on the road.

Prayer can be rewritten on paper, and always have it with you on the road. The strong prayer of the driver to the car will protect the person on the way, and his path will be easy and safe. On the journey, do not forget to pray to the Lord, calling on Him and begging for protection on the road.

If you do not want to have conflicts with traffic police or resolve them peacefully, freeing yourself from various insults and untidy consequences, even if not very pleasant contacts with power structures remember this prayer:

(name) goes for interrogation
ahead Jesus Christ,
Behind the Mother of God pleads,
To all chiefs, judges,
Police officers, judges
It pleads and leaves without consequences.
Amen, Amen, Amen.

Self-prayer of a driver on the road

My Lord and Guardian! I want to entrust my life to you alone, before I go on the road. In Your hands I give my house and my household, believing, Lord, that they are under reliable protection. I do not know what awaits me ahead, but I calm down in the hope of Your great mercy, love and care. When I am on the road, save my car from accidents and breakdowns, and, Father, protect me from spiritual and bodily wounds. In the most difficult moment of my journey, peace, endurance and strength were given to me to cope with any situation. Bless my return to my home and be with me every minute of my life. Amen.

Driver's prayer on the road

God, the All-Good and All-Merciful, protect everyone with Your mercy and philanthropy, I humbly pray to You, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save me, a sinner, and the people entrusted to me from sudden death and any misfortune, and help the unharmed to deliver everyone according to his need.

God Merciful!
Deliver me from the evil spirit of recklessness, evil spirits drunkenness, causing misfortune and sudden death without repentance.

Grant me, Lord, with a clear conscience to live to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed by my negligence, and may I be glorified your name Holy, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos from a person who is going on the road

Oh, my Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the path that is set before me, now I want to leave and for this time I entrust to You, my most merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my clever and material forces, entrusting everything to Your strong looking and Your all-powerful help. Oh, my good Companion and Defender! I earnestly pray to Thee that this path will not crawl, guide me on it, and direct it, All-Holy Hodegetria, as if You yourself weigh, to the glory of Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be my helper in everything, especially in this far and on a difficult journey, keep me under Your sovereign protection from all troubles and sorrows that find, from enemies visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Your Son Christ our God, may His Angel be sent to help me, His peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian, yes as if of old he gave food to his servant Tobias Raphael, in every place and at all times keeping him on the road from all evil: so my way, having successfully managed and preserved me by heavenly power, may it be healthy, bring me back, peacefully and completely to my dwelling to the glory in the name of His Holy One, glorifying and blessing Him all the days of my life and magnifying You now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Trucker's Prayer

Lord, you are the judge of the whole earth
And you don't like lies.
Accept my prayer
Give me your strength,
To make my enemies visible and invisible
They became like pillars where your strength will meet.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
And now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer to the Holy Cross

Protect me, Lord, with the power of Your honest and life-giving Cross and save me from all evil.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, who is everywhere and fills everything, the treasure of the good and the Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, Blessed, our souls.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you in wives, and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Lord, Jesus Christ, appear to me at this moment, give me patience so that I can endure to the end ... (pain, loss, betrayal, etc.)

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, Who art in Heaven!
May your name be sanctified, may it come Your kingdom Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Our daily bread Give us this day; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive us our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen.

Prayer to Archangel Michael

Great Archangel Michael, help me your sinful slave (name).
Deliver me from a coward, a flood, fire, a sword, from a vain death, from all evil and evil.
Deliver me Great Michael the Archangel of the Lord and governor heavenly powers and now, and forever, and forever and ever.

A conspiracy for a good path and a safe return

Oh, how a falcon flies out of its nest, a long way awaits it: it will fly over flowing waters, it will fly over dense forests, it will fly over sharp steeps.

Let my amulet protect him on the way, so that he doesn’t drink bitter water, so that he doesn’t get lost in a strange forest, so that he doesn’t break on sharp steeps.

Let the red sun help him, so that the path is clear, let the gentle moon help him and, as a mother, be careful to him, let the violent winds help him, let them not rage, only whistle, so that his wings are fast, so that the long journey is shortened and turned to their native nest.
So that the empty nest does not stand, so that the orphaned family does not toil.

Conspiracies and amulets on the road

I'll go out of the house through the gate
In the direction where the hunt is.
I will not go astray from the path,
And I won't run into trouble.
I'll go around evil
And I can find goodness everywhere.
I won't stumble, I won't break
I will return to the house with luck.

This charm-charm especially clearly characterizes the strategy, tactics and operational management for safe movement.

"Where to hunt" - the purpose of the trip.
"I won't go astray" - knowledge of the route.
"And I will not face trouble" - understand the collision in the literal sense.
"I'll go around evil" - respect for yourself and others on the road.

All these prayers for drivers have been living for several centuries. If they were passed down from generation to generation, then they helped our ancestors. Let's hope they help our drivers!

Video: Rental of special equipment and cargo transportation services without intermediaries!

Complete collection and description: a prayer for a husband's long journey for the spiritual life of a believer.

Any trip, regardless of the means of transportation, is associated, in addition to pleasant experiences, with risks and worries along the way about its successful completion. Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for travelers helps Christians overcome fears and protects wanderers on the road.

Unfortunately, a method of teleportation has not yet been invented - moving to Right place by the power of thought. This is why a person has to constantly face difficulties on the road. The least trouble is a minor breakdown of the transport on which he moves. And even then, it is the smallest if the wanderer does not fly on an airplane or does not ply on a ship in the middle of the endless ocean.

The rapidly developing speed of driving at times increased the risk of accidents for road users. Daily reports are horrifying in the number of fatal accidents. Air crashes and incidents with passenger trains are not uncommon. Danger is always where you don't expect it.

Even taking all precautions, the traveler cannot be insured against sudden problems on the journey.

But with a prayer on the road to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the heart calms down and anxiety for one's life and the life of loved ones subsides.

Nikolai, who once saved sailors from death amid the raging sea elements, rightfully became the protector of sailors and travelers. St. Nicholas is especially revered by drivers - taxi drivers, truckers, racers - whose work is connected with constant travel, most of whose life is dedicated to the road. Every inveterate motorist in the cabin always has a small icon with the image of the Saint in a conspicuous place.

Rules for offering prayer to the Wonderworker

Of course, it is always better to read prayers in the temple in front of the icons, having been to confession and having received communion. This can be done before sending on a long journey, in advance. It is also allowed to perform the sacrament of prayer at home: in front of the image of the Saint with lit wax candles read the text of the prayer for travelers three times and baptize yourself with a sign.

A relative or spiritually close person can pray for travelers, you can ask your confessor to turn to the Saint in prayer.

It does not hurt to take the akathist of St. Nicholas on a long, unknown journey - a small collection of prayer tales that will come in handy in a difficult, unpredictable situation. As soon as a complication appears - take an akathist and read all the texts in a row.

But if fate caught you on the road, and only a small icon of Nikolai is at hand, or maybe not even that one - how then? Do not worry, crying out for help to the Miracle Worker is also worth it in this situation. The main thing is that your faith be real, sincere and strong. You may not even know the text of the prayer by heart (although Orthodox Christians who observe church canons, are obliged to know them) and not to have a written prayer with them.

Pray from the bottom of your heart in your own words, ask for help from Nicholas, from the Almighty, from Mother Mary. Read the "Our Father" many times in addition to the prayer to St. Nicholas. Help from above will certainly come, wherever you are.

Varieties of prayers for travelers

The number of dangers lurking in wanderings gave rise to prayers of different semantic meaning. All of them ascend to St. Nicholas, but contain different goals.

In order not to get lost on the upcoming journey, especially if you are going to an unfamiliar area, where, perhaps, even mobile communications no, read the Prayer to the Wonderworker for well-being on the road before the road.

If prayer is needed to protect oneself from sudden death, one should read the troparion to Nicholas of Lycia and the prayer to the Wonderworker for health.

The troparion is read to the patron saint of travelers at the moment of a threat, in case of sudden road complications: gasoline runs out, a wheel is punctured, the radiator “boils”, the weather worsens.

You have a unique opportunity to write an online letter-note to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with your request.

There are sacred texts addressed to the Lord and the Mother of God: prayers before leaving for sea or air travel, a prayer before leaving the house, a driver’s prayer, etc. .

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint in historical churches, Archbishop Mir of Lycia. In Christianity, he is revered as a miracle worker, considered the patron saint of sailors, merchants and children.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the road: comments

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Recently I traveled with friends to another country (we spent vacations together) and decided to pray on the road to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Even advised friends, went to church together. Suddenly, on the road, we have a misfortune - the engine is broken! The situation was hopeless, but the prayers were not in vain - we were helped by a car mechanic passing by. Until now, our families are surprised by this miracle.

holy wonderworker nicholas help us today on the road protect us from an accident so that we are not detained at checkpoints so that we can drive successfully thank you nicholas the wonderworker may the angel protect us

useful prayer ... I really liked it ... I want to take it with me on the road ...

Holy Miracle Worker Nicholas ... I’m on my way now ... help me so that everything is good on the border with my documents .. amen

I ask you, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, help the servant Andrei on the road, save him and turn right to the true path.

Please tell me what kind of prayer is needed for Nicholas the Wonderworker if we are going on a long journey by car

I ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help on a long journey to my son Vladimir, save him on the road Nicholas the Wonderworker, pray for him and ask our Lord Jesus Christ to help my son on a long journey and a successful return home Thank you Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you to help us on the train journey, and for a good rest Artemy, Mikhail, Indira!! Save and save 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Nicholas the Wonderworker, bless my family for a successful journey and a safe flight, please keep all the people on this plane, may the flight be successful In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my daughter Xenia, who is on her way. Let the inspector not stop her, let the tire not burst, the car not beat. Let Ksenia overcome a long distance and not puzzle her with an accidental breakdown. Protect her with your miraculous power! Amen!

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask for help for me and my family on the road. Guard our way there and back. Pray to the Lord God for us. Amen

O Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, save and help the servant of God Andrei on a long journey. Pray and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help him far from home. Thank you Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer for the road

Previously, almost every person had his own confessor. Before leaving, the believer went to him and spoke of his intention to go on a journey. The confessor blessed him on the road, and the Christian knew that now there would be someone to pray for his soul while he was on the road.

Of course, it's hard to imagine modern man who has a confessor (although, of course, there are such), and even more so, who thinks about someone else's blessing on his path. In the old days, people didn’t travel much and didn’t travel around the world, and in our time, transport systems are so well developed that we don’t even think about the difficulties of getting to the other hemisphere.

But, nevertheless, no matter how modern we are, it is necessary to prepare by reading a prayer on the road, and also not to forget to ask God for help and protection all the time while we are on the road.

Now we will consider what prayers should be read on good road, and also take a look at the measures that will provide us with additional protection.

Usually, reading prayers along the way gives confidence in yourself and your strengths, because when you read a prayer, you remember that God is protecting you. Best Prayer on a long journey - this is a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, because it is he who is the patron saint of wanderers.

“O St. Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Sovereign and Master, be merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, may he not repay us according to our deeds, but according to your own will give us goodness. Deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers we will not be attacked and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Moth, Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but salvation and great mercy to our souls, now and forever, and forever and ever.

However, not everyone will find it easy to remember the full text of this prayer along the way. There is a little trick here. There is one short prayer, which can be addressed to any saint, the main thing is to substitute his name:

“Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (Nicholas - in our case), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

If you are a driver, or your work is connected with constant moving, long roads, you should definitely get some kind of driver's prayer for the road.

First of all, speak your car with the following prayer:

And during the journey, read a prayer from accidents on the road:

“God, God, help me! Cover me and protect me: from bruises, mutilation, broken bones, from deformity, muscle rush, from terrible wounds and scarlet blood. Shelter my body from the burns of the fire. Save, save, protect me. Be my words strong and sculpting. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In principle, a Christian should behave on the road in exactly the same way as in life. After all, life for a believer is a continuous road. On the way, you can’t impose your point of view on fellow travelers, you can’t chat in vain, and it is advisable to have the image of St. Nicholas with you.

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Prayer for the road

In the time of our grandmothers or great-grandmothers, each person had his own spiritual mentor, who guided on the right path. Before any decision, a believer went to his mentor for his advice, including before leaving on a journey. The spiritual mentor blessed the person on a good path, now the person was calm and confident that they would pray and protect his soul. Prayer on the road, it is this prayer that your spiritual mentor reads, thereby protecting you from all the bad things that can happen to you. And in the past years, people took this very seriously and responsibly, and the connection between the mentor and the believer was very strong and strong.

But in our fast, modern world there is, unfortunately, a very small percentage of people who have a spiritual mentor, not to mention the fact that someone will bless him and pray for his soul when he goes on a long journey. Maybe the reason is that people in the modern world sparse the world without problems, and without even thinking that something could happen to them, since the transport industry is now very well developed. Today a person is in Europe, and tomorrow in America, no, not one place where a person could not get. And people from the last century did not travel around the world like we do.

What is the concept of prayer

Prayer is the communication of the human soul with the highest creator of the world. And all the same, no matter how modern we are, it is necessary to devote a little time to prayer.

Especially if you are going to make a trip, it is necessary to prepare not only financially, but also spiritually. It is not necessary to have a spiritual mentor, you can read a prayer yourself on the road, the main thing is to believe in what you say. Ask God to protect and protect you during the journey. And it doesn’t matter where you are going, and what you will make your way on, and most importantly, prayer will always be with you on the way. The best prayer that is intended for a long journey is a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, because it is Nicholas who is considered the patron of all wanderers.

There is one prayer that suits all the saints, the main thing is to substitute the right name:

“Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (for example, Nikolai), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

A few prayers that you need to at least write down and read before going out, and they will additionally protect you from all evil.

Prayer for driving

Your work is directly related to the car, or with constant travel by car over long distances, you need to choose a prayer that will become close and dear to you. Prayer on the road by car should be with you and every time before leaving, say it to yourself.

The very first prayer should be addressed to your car:

“On the sea, on the ocean, there is an island. On the island stands raw oak. In that iron oak there is an iron man. That iron man cannot be drunk, cannot be fed with anything, cannot be broken in two, cannot be cut into three. He does not fight, does not wrinkle, does not prick, the Mother of God prays for him, grieves for him, suffers, reads a security letter for him. Honor, Mother of God, and about me, God's servant(Name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer "For preservation and help on the way"

“God, the All-Good and All-Merciful, protect everyone with Your mercy and philanthropy, I humbly pray to You, through the intercession of the Theotokos and all the saints, save me, a sinner, and the people entrusted to me, from sudden death and any misfortune, and help deliver everyone unharmed according to his need. Good God! Deliver me from the evil spirit of recklessness, the unclean power of drunkenness, causing misfortunes and sudden death without repentance. Save me, Lord, with a clear conscience to live to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed by my negligence, and may Your holy name be glorified, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for flying on an airplane

Flying in an airplane is no different from a car, it's just a different form of transportation. Prayer on the road on an airplane will calm you both psychologically if you are afraid of flying and spiritually. There is a special prayer for people going to air travel to be read before flying.

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, command the elements and contain the whole handful, His deeps tremble and His stars are present. All creation serves You, all will listen, all will obey You. You can do everything: for this sake, you are all merciful, O Good Lord.

So even now, O Master, accepting warm prayers of Your servants (their names), bless their path and air procession, forbidding storms and contrary winds, and keeping the air lodia safe and sound. Saving and calm in the air, giving them the good intention and good intention to those who made them cheerfully in health and in peace, please return.

You are the Savior and Redeemer and all the good heavenly and earthly Giver, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for husband

Any woman, whether she is a boss or a housewife, her main concern is the family and home. And the first child that God gives to a woman is her husband. After all, literally all the health of the husband, work, rest and a lot of things depend on the wife. Husband and wife are two native people who feel each other, being at a great distance. A wife's prayer to her husband can only be compared to a mother's prayer to her child. A woman, by nature, is inclined to create panic, to worry, if her husband does not pick up the phone, the woman is ready to raise everyone's ears. Therefore, prayer on the way to her husband will help to save not only him from troubles, but also directly gain peace and confidence that everything will be fine with her husband, since he is under God's protection. Dear women, read to your husbands every morning a prayer for the road.

“My All-Merciful Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God Mary, Mother of God, My Undoubted and Only Hope. Do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not depart from me! Intercede, ask, hear, see, Madam, help, forgive, forgive, Most Pure! Amen. Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for the children

The most precious and precious thing in the life of any mother is her children. It doesn't matter if it's a daughter or a son. The desire of a mother is always the same, that her children should always be happy and healthy. After all, we are also his children for God, and he prays and suffers for us, so that you and I live in peace and in goodness.

Prayer on the road to the son will keep him safe and sound, since the mother's faith is very strong and true, it cannot be bought.

“Dear Lord God, I come to You in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, and I ask You for my son (name). Heal his wounds, anoint with Your precious oil, and give in the heart of my son (name) Your Divine peace and Your love so that his heart does not harden, keep him in your hand and lead him along the paths of life, teaching and instructing how to behave in difficult situations, give Your Divine wisdom and fill your heart with love for the perishing world, keep it from every destructive ulcer, anoint it with Your precious blood. I believe with all my heart that You are always there and help to overcome difficulties. Thank you Father for your love and mercy. Amen". Score 4.3 voters: 65

An Orthodox person always and everywhere tries to act under God's intercession. That is why in the Christian environment it is customary to ask for blessings from confessors for all serious matters. There is also a tradition to pray to certain saints on different occasions.

So, it is customary to pray to St. Nicholas for travelers, and a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the road is included in most prayer books.

Let's learn more about the life of this amazing saint of God!

Prayers to Nikolai Ugodnik on the road

Also in Orthodoxy there is a good tradition to bless cars and other vehicles. Traditionally, after consecration, an icon is attached to the car, on which our Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas are depicted.

An icon is an image, looking at which the mind of a person ascends to the prototype. Having such an icon in the car, it is good to start any trip with short prayer in front of her, you can even in your own words.

And it is not without reason that St. Nicholas is depicted together with Christ and the Mother of God - this once again indicates his special intercession for people on the road.

Going on any long journey, it is good to take a small icon of the Wonderworker with you so that you can pray in front of it during a long journey.

But we must remember that any icon is a Christian shrine, and it should be treated with reverence. Even if you are going on a long journey and you have a lot of things, you need to think in advance where to put the icon of the saint.

More about prayers to the saint:

Do not put it in your pocket or purse along with a pile of other items, money or cards. It is better to put it in a marching prayer book or in a notebook.

But even without having an icon with you, you can pray to God's saint on the road. You can do this both in your own words and in the text of composed prayers. Prayers can be memorized or read from a prayer book.

If you are driving and there is no way to read the text of the prayer, it is permissible to turn on the recording.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!

Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever.

O great intercessor, the bishop of God, blessed Nicholas, who shines miracles like a sunflower, who calls upon you as a quick hearer, you always anticipate and save, and deliver, and take away all kinds of troubles, from God given to you miracles and gifts of grace!

Hear me unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing prayer to you singing; I offer you an intercessor for supplication to Christ.

O notorious in miracles, high saint! as if you have boldness, soon stand before the Lord, and reverence your hands in prayer to Him, stretch out for me a sinner, and from Him give bounties of goodness, and accept me as your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slanders and malice, and reflecting those who fight me in my whole life; ask for forgiveness by my sin, and present me to Christ and save the Kingdom of Heaven for the multitude of that philanthropy, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, with His Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever centuries.

Biography of Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas, later nicknamed the Miracle Worker of Myra, was born in the 3rd century in the city of Patara, near Lycia. The example of his parents, Feofan and Nonna, is also amazing.

The nobility of origin and impressive wealth did not prevent these people from being pious Christians and following God.

The couple was childless until adulthood, without ceasing to offer prayers to the Lord for the gift of a child to them. And the Lord heard the prayers of the righteous! The long-awaited son was born to the spouses, who was baptized with the name Nikolai, which means "conquering nations."

From early infancy, parents noticed that their the son is distinguished by special piety. There is a legend that during his baptism, the future archbishop stood in a font of holy water for several hours! Righteous parents tried to instill in their son the foundations of the Christian faith, which he absorbed like air.

Quickly, the lad was able to comprehend the wisdom of the book.

From childhood and youth, Nikolai avoided empty chatter with his peers. With great rapture, the young man spent time in prayer and reading sacred texts in the temple. Such zeal for the Christian faith was noticed by the uncle of the young man, the bishop of the city of Patara. He ordained his nephew to his first rank - presbyter. Later, the saint acted as bishop when his uncle left for Jerusalem.

Nicholas himself visited the Holy Land. Returning back, he wanted to become a monk in one of the secluded cloisters, but he had a vision from the Lord himself, which said that his path was different. Indeed, after some time he was chosen as the new bishop of the city of Mir Lycian. The appointment as a bishop fell on the bloody time of the reign of Diocletian, who mercilessly exterminated Christians. The future glorified Wonderworker also fell into prison, but by the Providence of God he remained unharmed. When the emperor Constantine came to replace the tyrant, the bishop was able to return to his ministry to the great joy of the flock.

The saint died at a respectable age. His honest relics showed many miracles and exuded a fragrant and healing myrrh, from which many received deliverance from diseases. In the 11th century, the relics were transferred to the Italian city of Bari, where they are still available for veneration today.

Miracles of Saint Nicholas

Many miracles have been collected up to the present day by the legend of God's holy saint.

A special register is kept at his holy relics in Bari, where the facts of miracles and healings are documented, which are not in doubt.

Of the lifetime deeds of St. Nicholas, the most famous is the story of the three poor virgins. They lived with their father in the city of Patara and were extremely poor. Having no money for either a dowry or a living, the young maidens, together with their father, made a terrible decision - to give up their maiden honor in exchange for money.

Archbishop Nicholas found out from a revelation about the impending disaster and decided to help the poor family. At night, secretly from everyone, he threw a bag of gold through the window of the poor. The father of the family in the morning did not remember himself from happiness and considered this a favor from above. For this money, the father married his eldest daughter.

Twice more the saint came at night with money for the daughters of the poor. On the last night, the father of the family did not sleep and tracked down his secret benefactor. He fell at his feet and with tears thanked his deliverer for his mercy.

Also in Tradition there is evidence that during the stay of the Archbishop of Myra in Palestine, he came at night to the temple, the doors of which were closed with a heavy lock. Miraculously, the lock was unlocked to let the saint into the temple of God.

Information has come down to us about yet another miracle performed by the saint on his journey from Egypt to Lycia. It was thanks to this fact of his biography that it became customary to pray to the saint on the road. The ship, on which, among others, sailed St. Nicholas, fell into a very strong storm. The storm was so strong that it seemed that the ship had no chance to swim out and inevitable sinking awaited it. Panic broke out among the crew and passengers. Then the holy Wonderworker came aft and turned to God with fervent prayer. Many on the ship followed suit. And through the prayers of his saint, the Lord granted salvation to everyone - the ship arrived safe and sound in the port. Many who have witnessed the apparent God's help and His participation accepted the Christian faith and were baptized.

It is impossible to retell the full list of miracles with which the Archbishop of Myra the Miracle Worker graciously endows believing Christians. Coming to him with sincere and deep faith, with hope in God and with an honest desire to correct his life in accordance with the commandments of God, any person will hear the response of the saint in his soul.

Holy hierarch Father Nicholas, pray to God for us!

Prayer for drivers on the road

We all travel from time to time, plan vacations or go on business trips. To protect yourself during the trip and even when leaving the house, read prayers for travelers on the road.

In the old days, a long journey was associated with many dangers. Therefore, people composed all sorts of conspiracies and signs for a successful road.

We have already found five main signs of a traveler. These notes will help in a difficult situation to take correct solution. And now let's move on to prayers for a happy and successful road.

Prayers for the road

Any prayers of this type can be divided into two large groups - special and universal. Especially for travelers many centuries ago was written prayer to saint nicholas:

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The next prayer is dedicated forty martyrs of Sebaste who gave their lives for their faith in God. He led them through terrible trials and directed their faith in the right direction. In the same way, he can do with us when we leave the house:

O passion-bearers of Christ, in the city of Sevastia, who courageously suffered, to you, as our prayer books, we diligently resort and ask: ask the All-Generous God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our life, but in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, we will live with boldness before a terrible judgment Christ and your intercession at the right hand of the Righteous Judge we will stand. She, servants of God, wake us, servants of God (names), protectors from all enemies visible and invisible, but under the shelter of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until last day of our life, and so let us glorify the Great and Worshipful Name of the All-Worshiping Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Universal Prayers

  • Our Father- This the best option for those who do not know special prayers. Anyone who reads the text of the most important Christian prayer protects himself from trouble.
  • On the Miracles of Prayer "Virgin Mary, rejoice" described by us in one of the articles. This is the main great prayer turning to the Mother of God for help. She is also able to bless you for the upcoming journey or road, protecting you from dangers.
  • The best short prayer at the beginning of the day and on the road: "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner". Repeat this line three times, crossing yourself. Thus you will enlist the support of our God, who is great in his mercy. Remember that the main thing is not the length of the prayer, but its meaning and your strong faith.

Any prayer can be strengthened with a talisman. Try to use all the ways to protect yourself from trouble - you can learn more about talismans and additional prayers for travelers. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.05.2016 06:20

Prayers in Christianity are divided into thanksgiving, prayers of petition, festive and universal. There are also prayers...