Mobile communication life. How to call a life operator from Ukraine and Belarus

30.12.2017 Technique

We continue the series of informational articles - how to make it so that you do not listen to the voice computer and quickly call the operator or. The bottom line is that it’s getting harder and harder to get through to the operator every day, if employees of companies have begun to work more slowly, well, of course, the fact that there are more and more subscribers every time and still at first glance the questions of how to call the operator life (for the operator kyivstar similar) are not so easy to perform.

That's why I sat down and compiled an algorithm for dialing the operator in a matter of minutes, of course, you should not hope that after completing all the actions indicated below, the live operator of the life consultation center will pick up the phone in a minute, since it is not always possible to go around the queue even in the store, and the queue is regulated by the PC that won't work at all.

But at least you won't have to listen to the computer's recorded voice and just press the buttons without waiting for the correct number.

Algorithm for dialing operator life or now lifecell

  1. Recruiting 5433 from mobile life (as soon as voice prompts begin to be pronounced, you can skip to the second point without listening)
  2. Press 5 - these are other questions or operator assistance, also without listening to the entire menu, we move on.
  3. We press “0” and then you will be asked to evaluate the quality of communication - this is everyone’s business, but if you bet that you want to evaluate the quality of technical support service, then they help you much more willingly.
  4. We are waiting for a connection with the operator, here, of course, it can be different and you can get through in 10 seconds, or you can wait half an hour, as lucky. The main thing is not to call at lunchtime and in the evening after work. It is better to call either already closer to the night, or in the morning.

If you do not have a life number and you need to call the operator to block it and order recovery, then you can dial the number from landline phone 0-800-20-5433 (toll free), this number can also be dialed from a mobile, but then the cost of the call will not be free, but according to your tariff plan to landline numbers.

We will also pay attention to this type of notification or attracting customers to your store using SMS mailing, which will inform the customer base by phone about new products or upcoming discounts. Or the head of the company, by pressing one or two key combinations, can inform his employees of changes in the working day schedule, thereby saving time for himself and his employees.

Forgetting your number is quite simple, especially if the SIM card has not been used by the subscriber for some time, or after buying the kit in the salon, little time has passed. There are several ways to refresh your memory and remember a personal sequence of numbers. The current article will talk about how to find out your number on Life.

Information options

There are several ways to obtain information such as a subscriber's phone number. In general, there are several main and most convenient options:

  • call to mobile phone or a stationary phone with caller ID;
  • viewing the documentation issued when purchasing the kit in the sales salon;
  • short command service;
  • call to the operator;

Let's take a closer look at each of the listed items and give an example of how to find out your phone number on Life.

View documentation or call another phone number

If the SIM card was purchased recently, then, most likely, the subscriber has not yet had time to throw away the documentation that was attached to the envelope with the SIM card. In it you can view information about your number. You can also call another number, it can be either a call to a cell phone or a landline phone with a caller ID feature. The display will show a combination of numbers. Moreover, if the anti-identifier option is activated on the SIM card whose number you need to find out, then this method may not work.

Call to the operator

How to find out your number on Life in a different way? For all questions, including such "banal", you can contact the support line. The contact center consultant will provide the necessary information. For subscribers of Belarus, the free phone number of the call center is 909 (or 920). After selecting the appropriate item of the voice menu, you must wait until the employee answers the call. For Ukrainian clients of the Life operator, the number is different - 5433. You can also call it for free and find out the information of interest.

The user has two options:

  • call to the operator;
  • automatic voice system.

By the way, it is not necessary to wait for a specialist's answer, you can use the voice menu. Moving through its points, you can listen to the information of interest about the SIM card with which the call was made. Please note that for subscribers in Ukraine and Belarus, different phone numbers are used to dial the contact centers. When connecting to a customer service, the customer will first be prompted to select a language.

How to find out your number on Life through the short command service?

Through the USSD service, you can get any information about your number. The Life operator provided for the need for subscribers to clarify their number and allocated a special combination of characters for this:

  • *161# - this request will allow you to quickly clarify not only your number in international format, but also find out which tariff is currently activated on the SIM card. This combination is suitable only for residents of Ukraine.
  • *115# - a similar request, which can be used by subscribers of Belarus. In the response message that will be sent to the SIM card with which the request was made, the tariff plan (its name) will also be indicated.

These requests are free of charge, their number is not limited. For subscribers who are interested in how to find out their number on Life, it is recommended to save requests in the contact book. This will help in the future to quickly and without unnecessary actions to remember the unique sequence of numbers.


This article talked about how to find out your number on Life (Belarus). Tips and recommendations were also given for obtaining similar information in Ukraine.

Everyone had a question in which it was necessary to get through to the mobile operator. For example, you lost money from your account or the service was not activated. mobile Internet. To solve such problems, you just need to dial the operator’s technical support number and ask what happened, but here the bad luck begins how to connect with the call center and talk to a living person, and not with a computer that only asks questions and does not answer them.

1. How to call a life operator

From any mobile number life technical support number - 5433
Next - the choice of language, press 2 (Russian) or 1 (Ukrainian)
Next, we wait for the next menu under the number “5”, press and here you will have to listen to the end, you still won’t be able to press it.
Then press "0" to connect with a representative of the consultation center.
And it remains only to wait. You may have to wait a long time if you're lucky.

2. How to call

Support number 466
Select the question you are interested in and press the corresponding button
Next, wait for the end of the selected menu and press 9 to connect with the operator.

3. How to call the mts operator

Support number 111
Here, mts turned out to be more loyal, unlike life
By calling 111, just select the section that interests you (the fastest way is financial questions – 3)
And press "0" to connect the representative of the consultation center.

All calls have been made and verified from pay numbers at the time of writing, if you are unable to reach the operator, please leave a comment on this in order to track the irrelevance of the information.