Very tasty salads with crab sticks - variations of classic recipes. Cooking crab salad correctly: subtleties of preparation

20.10.2019 Health

New simple delicious salads may include completely different components. However, most modern housewives give their preference to proven snacks, the preparation of which requires simple and affordable products. Such dishes include the famous crab salad.

Making the most delicious “Crab” salad

The recipe for this salad is known to many housewives. After all, it is made easily and quickly, and turns out incredibly tender, satisfying and tasty. It can be safely served both at a simple dinner table and at a festive dinner.

Since delicious salads are made from Recipes for such snacks are very easy and quick to implement. The main thing is to stock up on all the necessary components, namely:

Preparing the ingredients

Before you make the most delicious “Crab” salad, you need to process all the listed components one by one. First, boil the eggs and carrots. They are placed in a pan, filled with water and salt. After boiling, the ingredients are cooked for varying amounts of time. The eggs are removed after 7 minutes, and the carrots after 30. The finished products are peeled and chopped into small cubes.

After the described steps, take long rice, wash it thoroughly, put it in boiling salted water and cook until soft. After this, the cereal is thrown into a sieve, washed, kneading with hands, and shaken vigorously to remove excess liquid.

After heat treatment of the presented ingredients, the preparation of the remaining products begins.

The most delicious “Crab” salad can involve the use of both crab sticks and crab meat. Whichever of the mentioned products you choose, in any case it should be defrosted first. Only after this the ingredient can be cut into small cubes. The white onion is chopped in the same way. As for the leaves of Chinese cabbage, they are rinsed in warm water, dried and cut into long and thin strips.

To finish preparing the ingredients, open a can of sweet corn and drain all the brine. Fresh dill is also chopped separately.

The process of forming a delicious dish

The most delicious “Crab” salad is easy to prepare. To do this, take a deep bowl and place the following products in it one by one: straws of Chinese cabbage, cubes of crab sticks, boiled eggs, as well as long rice, chopped dill, sweet corn and sweet

After all the ingredients are in the bowl, they are seasoned with black pepper and seasoned with rich mayonnaise. In this composition, the products are thoroughly mixed with a large spoon and sent to the refrigerator. After 30 minutes, the delicious crab salad will be completely ready to eat.

How to serve at the holiday table?

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing the crab stick salad in question. After the tasty and nutritious appetizer has been formed and cooled, it can be safely presented. To do this, the salad is distributed into bowls or small plates and decorated with sprigs of fresh parsley.

Eat a delicious crab salad before the main hot lunch along with a slice of bread.

Let's sum it up

Crab salads can be prepared not only according to the above recipe. For example, some housewives make them with the addition of ingredients such as sea or white cabbage, store-bought crackers, fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, canned beans (red, white), smoked sausage, etc.

As for the dressing, most often snacks with crab sticks are seasoned with mayonnaise. Sometimes it is pre-mixed with fatty sour cream (in equal proportions).

Why do housewives love to prepare salads from crab sticks? This is probably explained not only by the excellent taste of this product. Crab sticks are also remarkable because they combine perfectly with many other products. This allows housewives to pamper guests and household members with new variations of salads on the “crab” theme.

1. Classic salad with crab sticks and corn.

First, let's remember one of the classic recipes salad - with crab sticks, corn and rice. Boil 1 cup of rice and 3 eggs. Finely chop the eggs, half an onion and 200 g of crab sticks. Add canned corn, salt, pepper and mayonnaise to taste.

By slightly modifying the recipe for salad with crab sticks and corn, you can get an original seafood salad. Boil 1 cup of rice and 500 g of squid. Squid and 1 package of crab sticks should be finely chopped and mixed with rice. Add 300 g of canned corn and 200 g of seaweed (you can limit yourself to just one of these ingredients). Season the crab sticks and corn salad with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Salad with crab sticks and cheese creates a bright mixture of flavors. To create this salad you will need 250 g of crab sticks, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion and about 100 g of hard cheese. The important thing here is to chop everything very finely. Add canned corn to these ingredients if you like, and season with mayonnaise. You can add a few slices of lemon to the salad with crab sticks and cheese, garnish with green onions and pepper slices.

The salad with crab sticks and pineapple has an exquisite taste. Boil 4-5 tablespoons of rice, add canned pineapples (370 g) and crab sticks (200 g) cut into small pieces. Finely chop one onion and grate 250 g of cheese on a coarse grater. Mix the ingredients with mayonnaise, add salt if necessary. A salad with crab sticks and pineapple can always delight due to its bright delicacy properties.

We also invite you to try an easy-to-prepare salad of crab sticks with cucumber and other vegetables. Take 100 g of crab sticks, 1 fresh cucumber, one bunch of greens and green salad, 2 tbsp. spoons of canned green peas, 1 onion. All ingredients, except green peas, should be finely chopped, mixed, salt, pepper and seasoned with mayonnaise, vegetable oil or sour cream (depending on preference). Also salad with crab sticks and cucumber can be flavored with a small amount of wine vinegar..

5. Salad with crab sticks and cabbage

A salad of crab sticks and cabbage is interesting for its simplicity, bright taste and dietary properties. White or Chinese cabbage is also suitable for its preparation. The recipe for salad with crab sticks and cabbage is as follows: 400 g of cabbage should be finely chopped, add a little salt and lightly grate. Cut 240 g of crab sticks into fairly large cubes. Mix sticks and cabbage, add 250 g of canned corn and some finely chopped green onions. The salad is dressed with mayonnaise, and those who need dietary properties - with kefir or low-fat sour cream. You can add a more pronounced taste to this salad of crab sticks and cabbage by making it sweeter or, conversely, spicy. In the first case, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, and in the second, a little salt and pepper.

Salad with crab sticks in layers.

Another version of a layered salad with crab sticks, which always looks attractive and is suitable for any occasion. The recipe for salad with crab sticks is very simple and requires minimal preparation time, and its taste will pleasantly surprise you. To prepare the salad, take one package (100 grams) of crab sticks and cut into cubes, one ripe tomato also into cubes. Now place a layer of crab sticks on a flat plate, tomatoes on it, and place a couple of tablespoons on top. l. mayonnaise mixed with crushed garlic clove. Next, add 3-4 potato chips and garnish with grated hard cheese.

Crab sticks and mushrooms combine very harmoniously in salads. Mushrooms are generally a universal component that supports any product, and crab sticks in particular. To prepare it, wash 4 large fresh champignons, boil and cut into slices, tear the Beijing salad into arbitrary pieces, cut 5 cherry tomatoes in half, chop 50 grams of crab sticks into thin strips, cut the olives into slices. For the dressing, mix 1 clove of garlic, passed through a garlic press and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Line the bottom of the salad bowl with Chinese cabbage leaves, place mushrooms and tomatoes on it, sprinkle crab straws on top, season and serve.

Salad appetizer with crab sticks, cheese, chicken and croutons.

The interesting combination of crab sticks, cheese and chicken in this salad, as well as the original restaurant serving method, will satisfy the most demanding taste. To prepare it you will need 100 grams chicken fillet, hard cheese and crab sticks. Boil the chicken and finely chop, chop the sticks, grate the cheese into a fine grater. Combine all ingredients and brush with sour cream or mayonnaise. Place in a portioned salad bowl. Serve with toasted pieces of bread or crackers, which are recommended for eating the salad. If you wish, you can additionally cut one small cucumber into thick rings, as shown in the photo, and also use them for the salad.

This salad with crab sticks belongs to the dietary group, and it will also appeal to connoisseurs of Asian cuisine. To prepare it, cut 100 grams of crab sticks into pieces, boil 100 grams of shrimp and peel them - leave one shrimp for decoration, cut the rest. Wash and chop one bell pepper into cubes and a red pepper bulb into half rings. Combine all the ingredients of the crab salad and add 100 grams of Chinese noodles (funches) and mix. Season the salad with olive oil, sprinkle with lime juice, sprinkle with parsley. We recommend serving with lime wedges.

By adding these crab stick salad recipes to your culinary arsenal, you will undoubtedly raise your profile among both your family and guests.

Daria Domovitaya All rights reserved

Reviews on the topic of salad with crab sticks

I myself really love salads with crab sticks and I want to tell you how you need to choose these same crab sticks to make the salad tasty. I work in a grocery store, so I have experience. Most importantly, look at the ingredients; minced fish (also called surimi) should come first. If not, immediately put the package back. Secondly, if the crab sticks have been frozen several times (and this is often the case with us), they will taste like rubber in the salad. Therefore, remember the packaging lightly - the sticks should not break or crumble, one, not be very wrinkled or too brightly colored, two, and there should be no ice inside, three. At the same time, they should be in refrigerators, because this is a deep-frozen product, at minus 18, so if the packaging is wet, melted, go back too. Well, also remember or write down - additives E160, E171, E450, E420 are prohibited in Europe, so be careful what kind of crab sticks you use for your salad.

Maria, review on salads with crab sticks
I would advise everyone to try adding a little, a couple of drops, balsamic vinegar and mustard oil to a crab stick salad, all of which are now sold in stores. This will give salads with crab sticks a different taste, more spiciness, because crab sticks often look bland, and adding a lot of salt, I think, is harmful to beauty and health.

Zhanna, review on salads with crab sticks
I read a previous review that salad with crab sticks often tastes bland, I agree with this, but there is a simpler dressing - lemon juice, there are lemons in almost every home. I advise everyone to try it, it’s delicious.

Dinara, review on salad with crab sticks
Despite the fact that crab sticks are not very popular in our area, my family and guests really like my crab stick salad recipe. I turn the crab sticks into a meat grinder to make minced meat, pour it into a glass clean water and leave for 5 minutes, after which I squeeze the minced meat through cheesecloth. I grate an apple, bell pepper, and cucumber, cut a bunch of green onions and mix everything, a little vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon juice. The result is a light and tasty salad using crab sticks, but without their obvious fishy taste.

Good day, seekers of delicious recipes! You find yourself in in the right place, because I have collected for you 12 options for preparing a salad with crab sticks. All these dishes are prepared quickly and simply. You don't need to be a chef to make them perfectly.

Just follow the steps as I described. Although there is nothing to do there. Basically you need to chop the ingredients and mix them. The main thing is to remember to try what you got so that you can add the missing link in time.

I’ll start today’s selection with a classic that is familiar to everyone. This is a salad with crab sticks, corn and cucumber. In this version, I think everyone has tried this masterpiece. And then you will find more rare combinations, but no less tasty. Read the content and choose!

Salad with crab sticks, corn, egg and cucumber - a classic recipe without rice

Most often, salad with crab sticks is made according to this recipe. I think he is the most popular. This option is often found on tables in holidays. It is prepared quickly and simply. You just need to boil the eggs first, the rest is already ready. The proportions of the ingredients can be changed to suit your taste, this is not the case.

Some people like to add some pickles along with the fresh ones. In this case the taste will change. And if you want to experiment, it’s better to take one spoon of the prepared salad, add pickled cucumber and try it. If you like it, then feel free to add this product to the general mass.


  • crab sticks - 300 gr.
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • corn - 1 can
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs. (average)
  • salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste

Cooking method:

1.Open the can of corn and drain all the brine. Pour the grains into a salad bowl.

2.Onion cut into small cubes.

To prevent the onion from becoming bitter, I recommend scalding it with boiling water. Do not pour or leave in hot water so that it doesn't get cooked. It is better to put the slices in a colander and pour (or dip into a pan) boiling water. You can also take salad sweet onions or green onions, it will be even better.

Another option is to pickle the onions. But in this case, it will be felt very brightly in the salad, interrupting the taste of the main ingredient. Therefore, this move must be used with caution. If you decide, see the recipe for pickled onions.

3.Cut the cucumbers into small cubes and place in a common bowl.

4. There is no need to chop crab sticks. Therefore, first cut each of them in half, and then into cubes. This product should feel good.

5.The eggs should already be boiled and peeled. Cook after the water boils for 8 minutes. This time is enough for the yolk to curl completely, but at the same time remain bright yellow. If you overcook this product, the yolk will turn grey. Cut the eggs into cubes, you can use an egg or vegetable cutter (grid).

6. All that remains is to season the salad with mayonnaise. You can also add pepper to taste. It’s better not to add salt first. Taste the finished dish and add salt if necessary. Add a little mayonnaise so that the appetizer is not dry.

It’s better to prepare homemade “Provencal” from natural products. Prepared in 5 minutes, it turns out just as tasty as in the store.

At first I made mayonnaise with eggs, now I started cooking with milk. The taste is the same, but now I can give this sauce to children without fear of consequences. I have an immersion blender on my website.

7.Mix everything well and can be served. If you are making a salad on the eve of a holiday, it is better not to season it right away. Add mayonnaise before serving! You can also decorate this dish with fresh herbs.

8. This recipe is a win-win, everyone likes it, both big and small. Write in the comments, did it turn out delicious?

Delicious salad with crab sticks and cabbage without corn (video recipe)

Friends, I always try to find the best video recipes for you. And now I suggest you watch one of these. The video lasts only 1 minute. But during this time the whole recipe is shown and revealed. This is actually a very simple dish, with only 4 ingredients, not including the dressing. It’s called “Freshness” because it contains fresh cabbage, cucumber and green onions.

That is practically vegetable salad, easy, useful. And crab sticks give it a special taste. It is impossible to refuse such a dish. It will be without mayonnaise, with an interesting sauce. So, you will need:

  • young cabbage - 0.5 pumps
  • cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • green onions - a few feathers

For refueling:

  • vegetable oil - 60 ml
  • lemon - 1\2 pcs. (juice from it)
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • ground white pepper - 1 tsp.
  • sesame - 1 tbsp.

How to make crab salad with rice? Simple, tasty and inexpensive recipe

Rice goes well with fish products. Therefore, you can also add it to a salad with crab sticks. This will result in a more satisfying dish, there will be more of it, which is also important if you need to feed a lot of people.

You want the rice to be crumbly. And for this it needs to be cooked correctly. I will write the main points that need to be taken into account:

  • Rice must be thoroughly washed clear water(change water 10 times)
  • you need to put the cereal in boiling, salted water
  • there should be twice as much liquid as rice (per glass of cereal - two glasses of water)
  • do not stir the porridge while cooking, cook over low heat with the lid closed
  • take long grain rice or steamed


  • crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • rice - 100 gr.
  • hard-boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc. large
  • canned corn - 200 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1.First you need to cook the rice, as I described above, and the eggs. Cook the last ones for 8 minutes, then immediately fill them with cold water, so they can be easily cleaned. Cool hot ingredients.

2.If you use frozen sticks, you need to defrost them gradually. That is, in the evening, transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator, by the morning they will thaw. Dice crab products. The cutting method can be any: smaller or larger.

3. Cut the eggs into cubes too. The cucumber needs to be chopped quite finely.

4. Place all the ingredients in a container - corn without juice, cucumber, eggs, crabs, rice and mix.

5. Season the salad with mayonnaise, stir again, try to see if everything is enough. Maybe you need to add a little salt? Or if you want more freshness, then add more cucumber. In general, at this moment only you can understand what is missing. Or maybe everything will be in moderation.

6.To serve this festive dish beautifully, cover a deep bowl with cling film. Place the prepared snack there to the very edges, compact it a little.

7.Cover with a nice flat plate and turn over. Remove the bowl and film. The result will be a salad in the shape of a hemisphere (or in another shape, depending on the type of bowl).

8. Decorate as you wish. You can put some red caviar and herbs, or you can use the products that are in the composition (sprinkle with yolk, lay out corn kernels or pieces of crab sticks).

Red Sea salad with crab sticks, tomatoes, garlic and cheese

A salad called “Red Sea” has recently become very popular. It is prepared both for the New Year and just for dinner. You can prepare this dish very quickly, literally in 10 minutes. And plus another five minutes to cook.

There is another option for preparing this salad. It also contains red bell pepper, cut into strips. It also turns out very tasty, with peppers and tomatoes together.


  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • crab sticks - 240 gr.
  • cheese - 100 gr.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1.Tomatoes are first cut lengthwise into plates and then into strips. The seeds can be left or removed. It seems to me that it will be better without the juicy pulp, because a puddle will not form in the salad.

To remove the seeds, cut the tomato in half, then each half into 2-3 more pieces. Remove unnecessary elements and chop the fleshy part.

2.Cut the crab sticks diagonally into ovals.

3.Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Place everything in one container, squeeze the garlic into it. You can take a smaller amount if you don’t want the taste too spicy.

4.Add salt and ground black pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise.

5. Mix everything, try it and you can present it. You can decorate with parsley leaves and grated cheese. For a more aesthetic appearance, lay out the workpiece using a ring. This is how you can easily and simply prepare a delicious salad with crab sticks.

Prepare a delicious salad with Doshirak (noodles) and crab sticks

I hope this recipe will delight and surprise you. You will be pleased that this salad with crab sticks is quick to prepare; it turns out delicious and festive. And it will surprise you with its composition. After all, you need to put vermicelli here instant cooking! Once you try this dish, you will cook it often, because you can’t help but like it. And guests will ask for the recipe.


  • crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • instant noodles - 60 gr. (you can take any small pack: Rollton, Petra, Big Bon, Doshirak, etc.)
  • salad onion - 1 pc. small
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Without opening the package, break the vermicelli so that it is not too long. Pour the resulting pieces into a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a plate and let the noodles steam.

2.Meanwhile, cut the cucumber into small cubes. First, cut the vegetable into plates, then lengthwise into strips and finally across into squares.

3.Also cut crab sticks and hard-boiled eggs into cubes. Place everything in one container.

4. Place the noodles in a colander and let the water drain. Leave the vermicelli to dry and cool.

5.Chop a small onion as finely as possible and add to the rest of the ingredients.

6.When the vermicelli has cooled, pour it into a common container and stir. Salt and pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise. Stir everything again and taste. If you are satisfied with the taste, everything is enough, pour the appetizer with crab sticks into a beautiful bowl and decorate as desired.

7. The result is a very appetizing “curly” salad, which is always the first thing to fly off the table.

Crab sticks, orange, eggs - exotic salad for the New Year

Are you looking for a recipe for a new, not boring salad? He is in front of you. Just what you need for the New Year. This is an unusual combination of products that will pleasantly surprise you. Try this dish. And then write in the comments if you liked it.


  • crab meat (or sticks) - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1.Carrots and eggs need to be boiled and cooled.

2.All ingredients are cut quite coarsely. Cut the crab sticks into pucks. Cut the carrots into medium cubes.

3. Eggs should also not be too small, make a large cube. Place everything in one bowl.

4. All that remains is to deal with the orange. You only need the loin part, without the thin skin. To get it, first peel the fruit with a knife, cutting off the top of the pulp.

5.Now look at the fruit. Separations between the lobules will be visible. Cut out the slices by trimming these veins. That is, first make a cut in front of one film, then in front of the second. In your hands you will have a clean slice made only of pulp.

Watch the video below to see how to quickly fillet an orange.

6.Cut out all the slices and cut them into cubes, add to the salad.

7.Put a pinch of salt and just a little ground black pepper. Season with mayonnaise and mix well. This will be the finished dish. When serving, you can garnish it with pieces of crab sticks. You can also garnish with orange slices (use another fruit for this). Now you already know how quickly you can get rid of this citrus fruit in order to use it in various recipes.

8.To give shape, you can use a salad ring with a press. Greens against a background of orange and red will also look good. Fantasize and cook deliciously!

Dietary crab salad with beans: recipe without mayonnaise

This dish can be prepared for holidays or just for dinner. It turns out nourishing and tasty, and also quickly. Beans should be taken already prepared in their own juice. All that remains is to boil the eggs and chop everything. Let's start cooking!


  • red beans in a jar - 200 gr.
  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • dill (parsley) - 0.5 bunch

Cooking method:

1. Boil hard-boiled eggs and immediately throw them into ice water. Then peel and cut into cubes. First cut the crab sticks in half lengthwise, then into cubes.

2. Finely chop the greens and drain the liquid from the beans.

3.Combine all prepared products in one bowl. Salt, pepper and season with sour cream.

If there is not enough sourness in the taste, add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

4. Here is the salad for a quick fix You can cook and have a satisfying meal. Bon appetit!

A simple recipe for salad with crab sticks and avocado

Avocado has not yet firmly entered our everyday life. Mostly they buy it to cook something festive and unusual. Despite its original taste, this fruit is a fruit that behaves very well in salads.

For the New Year or another event, I suggest preparing a salad with crab sticks and this exotic plant.


  • cucumber - 150 gr.
  • lettuce leaves - 100 gr. (can be replaced with Chinese cabbage)
  • canned corn - 160 gr.
  • ripe avocado - 1 pc.
  • crab sticks - 100 gr.
  • onion (white or onion) - 1/4 pcs.
  • lemon - 1/4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • salt, herbs - to taste


1. Greens and lettuce leaves should be thoroughly washed and dried. Cut the leaves quite large, or you can tear them with your hands, as is customary.

2.Cut the cucumber into cubes and finely chop the onion. Place everything in one container.

3. Cut the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the pit by prying it with a knife. Using a tablespoon, scoop out all the ripe pulp. At the same time, work carefully so as not to tear the skin, it will be needed for serving.

4.Cut the extracted pulp into cubes, add to a common bowl and immediately pour over lemon juice, which will prevent darkening.

5.Chop the crab sticks quite coarsely and diagonally. Finely chop the greens. Place all the ingredients in one deep bowl, don’t forget the corn.

6.Add mayonnaise, mix well and taste. If necessary, add salt to taste. At this point the cooking is complete and you can serve it to the table.

7.To serve the salad effectively and in an original way, place it in the empty avocado halves. You can decorate with crab pieces. It turns out quite festive and elegant!

The most delicious salad with Chinese cabbage, corn and crab sticks

This is probably the simplest salad from my entire selection today. It is prepared in a matter of minutes, all products are already ready for use. This recipe will come in handy when you need to quickly feed unexpected guests. And you can also safely serve it on the holiday table, because it is truly fabulously delicious.


  • Chinese cabbage - 700-800 gr.
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt - a pinch
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp.


1. Wash the Chinese cabbage well and cut into pieces. Avoid cutting the dense part of the leaves at the base to preserve the delicate texture.

2.Crab sticks need to be cut into strips, as shown in the photo below.

3. Crush one large clove of garlic with a knife, and then chop finely.

4.Add a pinch of salt to the cabbage, stir and use your hands to make the leaves softer.

5.Add all the other ingredients to the peking: garlic, corn and crab sticks. Mix the ingredients.

6. All that remains is to add mayonnaise and mix everything again until smooth.

7. Transfer to a nice plate and serve. Fast and tasty!

Step-by-step recipe for a new crab salad with Korean carrots

This appetizer combines the sharpness and piquant taste of carrots with the tenderness of crab sticks and cheese. The result is a very rich, multifaceted taste. This is one of my favorite salads, which I prepare for many holidays.

By the way, you can prepare it yourself in advance. It will be cheaper than buying, and without adding chemicals.


  • crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • Korean carrots - 200 gr.
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • dill - 20 gr.
  • green onions - 20 gr.
  • salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise - to taste

Cooking method:

1.Drain excess liquid from carrots and cut them into short straws. Chop the crab sticks into cubes and grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Squeeze the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater into a bowl with all the ingredients. Finely chop the greens. Cut the eggs into cubes.

3.Salt and pepper the resulting mixture to taste, season with mayonnaise and stir.

4. The dish is ready, lay it out and treat your family. I will definitely be preparing this delicious salad for the New Year. And you?

Video on how to prepare a salad of crab sticks and squid for the holiday

I bring to your attention a festive salad with seafood. There are squid, crab sticks, and red caviar. One of the most important points is to cook the squid correctly. If you keep them on the stove, they will become rubbery. Therefore, cook these seafood for 1 minute after the water boils. And immediately lower it into cold water to stop the cooking process.

It’s better to buy cleaned squid right away so that you don’t have to worry about cleaning them later.

The recipe will be in video format. Everything was filmed very high quality and beautifully. So you will get both aesthetic pleasure and helpful advice put it in the piggy bank.


  • boiled squid - 500 gr. (this is 1 kg raw)
  • crab sticks (or meat) - 400 gr.
  • cheese - 250 gr.
  • egg whites - 6 pcs. (boiled)
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr.
  • red caviar - 140 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Layered salad with tomatoes, cheese and egg - an easy recipe

I left a simple recipe for last. This salad can be prepared during the fresh vegetable season or for a holiday. In winter, when everyone misses cucumbers and tomatoes, such a snack will be in great demand.


  • crab sticks - 100 gr.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • salt - to taste


1. Boil hard-boiled eggs and grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop the crab sticks. Place in one bowl, season with mayonnaise, add salt to taste and stir.

2.Cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into small cubes.

3.Assemble the salad in a ring. Place cucumbers on the bottom and add a little salt.

4.Place the crab-egg mixture on top and press down.

5.The next layer is tomato pieces, add a little salt.

6.Remove the ring and grate the cheese on top on a fine grater. Salad ready!

As you can see, you can make a lot of delicious things from crab sticks. They go well with many products, so you can safely experiment using any recipe as a basis. Write which option did you like best, what will you cook first?

Read recipes for other delicious holiday salads. See you in the next article!

In contact with

Salads with crab sticks will be a real lifesaver for any housewife! They are quite simple to prepare, and the result has amazing taste characteristics. These salads can be prepared quite quickly before guests arrive or for dinner.

Crab sticks are a healthy and tasty product that goes well in salads with many other ingredients. This gives a lot of room for improvisation and gives housewives the opportunity to surprise their loved ones with new versions of crab-flavored salads.

How to choose a good semi-finished crab product

  • What should the composition be?

To choose quality product, you need to carefully study its composition. The main ingredient in a good semi-finished product must be surimi (minced fish), which is made from chopped white fish fillets. Surimi is very rich in calcium, iodine, phosphorus and other essential vitamins and microelements. If this ingredient comes first in the composition, this means that its percentage is maximum in finished product. If surimi is the next ingredient and further down the list, then most likely there is not much of it in the crab sticks.

Often, crab sticks are produced without the slightest surimi content in the composition. Usually it is replaced with starch, soy or egg whites, and various chemicals are added to enhance the taste. It is better not to purchase such a product; it has poor taste and is not natural.

  • External signs of a good product

Often says a lot about the final quality of the product appearance crab sticks. The shape and size of crab sticks in the package should be the same. Crab products are usually tinted on one side; the shade varies from light pink to reddish pink. Too bright scarlet pigment indicates the use of excess synthetic dyes. You can also distinguish fresh crab sticks by their texture - they should be juicy, but if the product crumbles or breaks, most likely it has been frozen.

  • What does the packaging say?

The fact that crab sticks have been frozen more than once can be revealed by their packaging. It is usually covered with a layer of frost and some ice crystals are present. Semi-finished crab products are packaged strictly hermetically; the packaging must contain reliable information about the composition, expiration date and production date. It should be remembered that you cannot take risks when choosing semi-finished fish products; it is safer to purchase products from trusted manufacturers.

  • Starch content test

Surimi is a fairly elastic, elastic mass and can be easily deformed. How a crab stick behaves when you try to bend it can reveal true information about its composition. If it breaks, it indicates a high starch content. And if only small cracks appear in place, this means that the composition of the product is natural.

To check the semi-finished crab product for the presence of excess starch, you can try to unwrap one stick. This can only be done with high-quality crab sticks; their layers will be well separated from each other. But if the stick has become sticky and its layers have turned into an adhesive mass, then the product is of poor quality and it is better not to purchase it.

Crab stick salad with fresh cucumbers - step-by-step recipe

To make food delight your loved ones, you need to prepare proven and tasty dishes. For example, something like this! Everyone will definitely like this amazing salad with regular crab sticks! A very successful combination of ingredients will look great both on a festive table and at a simple evening dinner! A tender, hearty salad with crab sticks will be the perfect treat! Tasty dish will be immediately appreciated.

Required components:

  • — 150 grams fresh cucumbers,
  • - package (200 grams) of crab sticks,
  • - 2 pieces of large eggs,
  • - 100 grams of potatoes,
  • - 200 grams of canned corn,
  • - 50 grams of green onions,
  • - 130 grams of olive mayonnaise,
  • - table salt to taste.

Step-by-step preparation sequence:

1. For the salad you will need a spacious bowl, because the products will need to be mixed. First, wash the cucumbers and cut them into small squares.

2. Take crab sticks and chop them finely. If crab meat is used instead of sticks, then it’s okay, it’s quite suitable.

3. Chop green onions. The salad will get a little piquancy and flavor from the onion.

4. Before cooking, boil the eggs and potatoes and let them cool. Cut these components into small cubes.

5. Open the can of corn and drain the liquid into the sink. Place the corn kernels in a bowl.

6. Add a little salt and pour in mayonnaise. Mix all ingredients well with a spoon.

7. Divide the salad with crab sticks into plates. Bon appetit!

Original recipes for crab stick salads

We offer you a few more recipes that can diversify both holiday and everyday menus.

Classic corn and crab sticks salad

This recipe is a classic and is loved by many housewives. To prepare you will need:

  • 200 g semi-finished crab product,
  • 1 can of corn (canned),
  • half a glass of rice,
  • 3 eggs and 1 medium onion.

To begin, you need to boil the rice and eggs, chop the onion, and drain the juice from the can of corn. Chop the eggs and crab sticks, mix them with corn, rice and chopped onions in a salad bowl. Add mayonnaise to the prepared salad, add salt and pepper if desired.

This recipe can be harmoniously complemented by adding canned squid. Frozen ones also work well, you just need to boil them. It will turn out very interesting salad from seafood. You can also add a package of seaweed to the salad instead of corn.

Simple crab salad with tomatoes and cheese

The combination of crab sticks and hard cheese gives this salad an interesting and bright taste. The ease of preparation is due to the fact that this salad does not need to cook anything, it does not take much time.


  • 100 g hard cheese,
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 medium onion,
  • and approximately 250 g of crab sticks.

All ingredients for the salad must be cut very finely; mayonnaise is used as a sauce. If you like canned corn, you can also add it to this salad. To serve, decorate the finished salad with herbs and lemon slices. Bon appetit!

Crab sticks, pineapple and chicken salad

To prepare you will need:

  • 300 g chicken fillet,
  • 1 jar (about 400 g) pineapple compote pieces,
  • 250 g crab sticks,
  • 150 g hard cheese,
  • 3 chicken eggs,
  • a small bag of cheese-flavored crackers and a couple of cloves of garlic.

First you need to prepare chicken eggs and fillet. Drain the syrup from the canned pineapples, cut the chicken into cubes, crumble the eggs and crab sticks. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Squeeze the garlic using a garlic press or chop it very finely. Collect all ingredients in a salad bowl and add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Crackers are added to the finished salad immediately before serving to keep them crispy. You can also make croutons for this salad yourself. You just need to cut the white loaf pieces into cubes and dry them in the oven over low heat.

Dietary cabbage and crab sticks salad

This salad has good dietary properties, but at the same time it is very filling! Suitable for anyone who watches their figure, but at the same time wants to eat varied and tasty. To prepare this salad, you need to chop about 400 g of white cabbage and lightly crush it, adding a little salt.

Then coarsely chop 250 g of crab sticks and add them to the cabbage. Next add 250 g of canned corn and chopped green onions. To preserve its dietary properties, it is better to season the finished salad with natural Greek yogurt or low-fat kefir. And to make the taste of this salad brighter, add a little red pepper.

Mushroom salad with crab sticks

Crab sticks go well with mushroom salads, creating amazing flavor nuances. Mushrooms are also a universal ingredient; with their taste, they perfectly support other products, while highlighting them favorably.

For this salad you need to boil 4 large champignons and cut them into thin slices. Tear the leaves of Beijing lettuce into a salad bowl. Next, cut 5-6 cherry tomatoes in half, chop a handful of olives into slices and place on lettuce leaves along with chopped mushrooms.

Chop 50 g of crab sticks into strips for sprinkling. To make the sauce you need to add a crushed clove of garlic with black pepper to 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Season the prepared salad with the sauce and serve.

Salad with crab sticks and shrimp

Another wonderful variation of a diet salad on the theme of seafood, which will definitely appeal to lovers of Asian cuisine.

Cut about 100 g of crab sticks into small pieces, boil and peel the same amount of shrimp. For decoration, leave one shrimp and cut the rest into pieces. Chop the bell pepper into medium cubes and cut the red onion into half rings. Combine the crushed ingredients and add 100 g of Chinese funcheza glass noodles. Drizzle the salad with a little olive oil and lime juice. Before serving, garnish with shrimp, lime wedges and chopped parsley.

Crab stick salads are a universal dish that will suit every table. These salads can be a great choice for a holiday menu, or simpler versions can be added to your everyday diet. They also comply with the principles proper nutrition and can be a good addition to your diet. These recipes will add variety to the culinary arsenal of any housewife and will delight you with their interesting taste and ease of preparation.

What kind of salad with crab sticks do you like? Share your recipes in the comments!

Hello dear readers of my blog!

I am very glad to see you again. Let's remember what holiday is coming on our heels? Yes it New Year, I suggest you start preparing today. You must select and . And of course, a beautifully set table will be no less important. That’s why today’s selection is dedicated to salads. We will make them exclusively from crab sticks. Because this ingredient is considered one of the most popular and, by the way, very budget-friendly.

I think everyone is familiar with the classic version of this salad. This is when the composition includes products such as rice, corn and several other familiar ingredients. To diversify this composition, we will use completely different products in preparation. These include cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese and even chicken breast. Let's season the cold appetizer not only with mayonnaise, but also with butter. To make it less caloric.

I remember when I was little, we prepared this salad for almost every holiday. True, the cooking option was the simplest. After a while, I realized that such a snack can be prepared in more than one way, there are a lot of them. And now I will share my knowledge with you.

By the way, if you have your own proven recipe, share with us. Just write it down in the comments. I will be glad to publish it on my website. Well, let's start cooking...

The most delicious salad with crab sticks and rice

Well, let's start... I suggest making the most delicious salad with crab sticks. It is quite easy to prepare, and after trying it you will probably remember that familiar taste. This option is the most popular among families. And the ingredients are very ordinary, which combine perfectly in one dish.

We will need:

  • Crab sticks
  • Corn
  • Boiled rice
  • Mayonnaise
  • cucumbers
  • Leek
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

I did not describe the weight of the ingredients. It's a matter of taste, for example, I use a minimal amount of rice. And some people simply adore him to a great extent.


1. We will start preparing the salad with the main ingredient - crab sticks. We free them from the packaging and first cut them into lengthwise slices. Then mode in width for cubes. In principle, at this moment you should not have any questions. Everything is done quite easily and simply.

2. Now let's move on to fresh cucumbers. Make sure the cucumber skin is not tough. If it suddenly turns out to be hard, be sure to clean it. Remove the stems, then cut into cubes.

3. Shredding eggs in this case similar to the previous ingredients. By the way, for example, I like it when there are a lot of eggs in the salad. Therefore, I advise you not to skimp. This will give our snack a more delicate taste.

4. We will use leeks; you can replace them with regular or green ones. Before cutting, thoroughly rinse the feathers and cut off areas with defects. You need to cut it quite finely.

Boil the rice in the classic manner, but do not overcook it. Otherwise it will lie in the salad like porridge. On average, cooking time is 15-20 minutes. Again, it all depends on the variety.

Mix all chopped ingredients in one bowl. Add boiled rice here. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the required amount of mayonnaise. And mix everything thoroughly.

By the way, you can make mayonnaise yourself. Believe me, this option will be better. And it takes literally 2-3 minutes to do.

To prepare mayonnaise: add 1 a raw egg, 1/2 teaspoon mustard, salt, pepper and vegetable oil 80-100 gr. Beat with an immersion blender, starting from the very bottom. Gently lift the mixer foot. The result should be a homogeneous mass. At the end you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Place the finished salad in the refrigerator. Let it stand for one and a half hours. Then we serve it to the table. Decorate with herbs, or fresh vegetables.

Salad with crab sticks and corn

I present to your attention another option for preparing a salad. Which turns out to be very tender and, most importantly, easy to prepare. It contains only three ingredients. Which go perfectly together in taste. Well, let's start cooking...

We will need:

  • Crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • Corn - 1 jar
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Dill or parsley


1. The salad is quite simple, which means the cutting will be quite easy. Take crab sticks, you can replace them with crab meat. It won’t be any worse, perhaps even better, on the contrary. The meat still tastes juicier, my personal opinion.

Cut the crab product into small slices. At a slight angle, try not to get too shallow. The pieces should not be small, then the taste of the salad will be richer.

2. Boil the egg until cooked. Peel the shells and finely chop. You can use a special device for cutting eggs.

3. I can congratulate you, all the ingredients are prepared. Mix all products in one bowl. Add corn here (drain the juice in advance). Season to taste with salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly, then place on a serving plate.

Sprinkle the finished salad with finely chopped herbs and serve festive table. Bon appetit!

Layered salad with crab sticks, cucumbers and tomatoes

You know that you can prepare such a salad not only with rice and corn. I suggest diversifying it a little and adding cucumbers and tomatoes. Let's do everything in layers so that each product is visible. And to give it a more refined look and taste, add a little grated cheese. I assure you it will turn out to be a real masterpiece.

A wonderful cook will tell us about the recipe. Which will give recommendations and tips for preparing cold appetizers. So, take a pen and notebook, sit down comfortably and start watching. To avoid losing anything, you can save the article to your bookmarks.

The idea is really amazing to make a salad in layers, in my opinion, super. And notice that it looks very beautiful. And most importantly, all the ingredients are available to each of us. All products here are budget. If you prepare such an appetizer in the summer, then you can make do with your own harvest.

Delicious salad of crab sticks with Chinese cabbage

Now we’ll look at another version of crab salad, but with a slightly different composition. Let's add Chinese cabbage to it, which will add freshness and fill our dish with juiciness. By the way, the filling can be absolutely anything. You can use mayonnaise or make the snack less calorie - season with olive oil.

We will need:

  • Beijing cabbage - 1/2 head
  • Crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • Bell pepper - 1/2 part
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Dill and green onions - 1 bunch each
  • Mayonnaise - 170-200 gr. or olive oil - 100-130 ml.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Prepare a large bowl or basin. Since chopped cabbage takes most dishes, and mixing in a large container will be much easier.

Wash the Chinese cabbage and cut off the bottom of the head. Separate into leaves and wash each one again. Cut into thin strips. Pour into a bowl for further stirring. We also put corn here, draining the brine in which it is stored.

2. Crab sticks can be cut in completely different ways. The ideal option would be straws, similar to cabbage. But if it’s more convenient, cut it into cubes.

We clean the bell pepper from the seed house. Cut into small slices. Place in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Wash the greens, shake to remove any remaining liquid and place in a bowl. We decide on the dressing and dress the salad. By the way, I told you about mayonnaise and olive oil. There is another option for the sauce: make it 50/50 sour cream and mayonnaise. This will turn out to be less calorie and quite filling.

Cool the dish before serving and serve. The taste will be amazing, the main thing is to leave the plate.

Prepare crab salad with garlic, croutons and cheese

Another video recipe, after watching which we will learn another way to prepare a salad from crab sticks. Do you know why I liked this salad? It's all about the ingredients; it contains cheese and garlic. Which gives the dish a certain piquant taste, and crab sticks complement all this sophistication. Try it and you are sure to be completely delighted.

So easy to prepare, I think this is an ideal option for the New Year's table. Well, look when you come home from work, and there are only a couple of hours left before the holiday. No thoughts enter my head about what to cook. That’s when this type of snack comes to the rescue. But before you serve it, try it in practice.

A simple version of crab salad with chicken breast without rice

Let's continue to pamper ourselves. Now we will combine incompatible things - I’m talking about products. Add to crab sticks chicken meat. Imagine what an incomparable snack we will get as a result. And I completely forgot to say that we will not add rice and will do without it in this version. Ready? Then let's go......

We will need:

  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 150 gr.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 onion
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp
  • Mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste
  • Pineapple juice - 100 ml.


1. First of all, let's prepare the chicken. We wash the breast under cold running water. Then let the water drain a little and chop. We will cut into medium sized cubes. Don't go too small, because... During frying, the pieces will become much smaller.

Pour 100 ml into a heated frying pan. pineapple juice (canned). Next we put the breast, simmer the meat on high fire. Until the liquid evaporates completely.

Once the excess juice has evaporated. Fry the chicken until golden brown. Salt and pepper to taste. Then remove and let cool.

2. Boil the eggs until cooked. Peel the shells and chop them arbitrarily, but not coarsely. In terms of slicing, we do the same with crab sticks. Then put everything in one bowl.

3. Peel the onions. Wash and chop quite finely. Then marinate with vinegar. Place in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Now that all the ingredients are prepared, we season our salad. Add salt, pepper and mayonnaise to taste. Mix everything until smooth and serve.

This appetizer is the first to leave the table, thanks to this unusual combination of crab and chicken. By the way, pineapple juice gives the meat some zest. It will no longer be so bland, rather more sweet.

“Tender” salad of crab sticks and cottage cheese

Some people are hearing about this salad option for the first time. But despite this, I want everyone to know about him. We will prepare a cold appetizer with the addition of cottage cheese. This dish will please many. It is low in calories. Consequently, we will use a useful sauce to season the prepared dish. It will be natural yogurt, without any additives.

We will need:

  • Granular cottage cheese - 250 gr.
  • Crab sticks - 100 gr.
  • Hard-boiled egg - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Greens - half a bunch
  • Yogurt - 1-2 tablespoons


1. Remove crab sticks from packaging. Cut into medium size cubes. Place in a common bowl.

2. Wash the tomatoes and remove the stem. Cut into two equal parts. Then we cut each half into thin slices. Now finely chop into cubes.

3. Boil the egg hard and let it cool. Chop into small cubes. By the way, chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs.

4. Mix all ingredients in one bowl. Add grainy cottage cheese here and season with salt to taste. Pour in the required amount of natural yoghurt, without any additives.

Add chopped greens to the whole mixture. Mix thoroughly, place on a plate and serve. In this case, no decoration is required; the salad turns out very bright and beautiful.

Quick recipe for crab salad with beans

And at the end of the article I would like to present you with another salad option. Which will be slightly different from previous recipes. We will cook it with the addition of not only crab sticks, but also beans. It will be very tasty and quite healthy. Everyone will like this salad, especially men, it is very satisfying.

We will need:

  • Crab sticks - 150 gr.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Canned beans - 120-150 gr.
  • Dill greens - to taste
  • Sour cream - 70-90 gr.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Clean the egg shell. Remove crab sticks from packaging. Cut the ingredients into large cubes.

2. Wash the greens and shake to remove any remaining liquid. Or dry it with a cloth. Shred into fine crumbs. If you prefer parsley, you can use it in cooking.

Mix all chopped products in one bowl. Add the beans, after draining the brine from the jar. Season with salt, pepper and sour cream (low-fat). We keep the finished salad for a short time in the refrigerator. Then you can serve it to the table.

This type of salad can be considered dietary. It has a small amount of calories and is quite filling. And by the way, you probably noticed that it is very easy to prepare. Be sure to treat your family to it. I think they will definitely not remain indifferent.

I would be glad to see your feedback below in the comments. Share your results, give recommendations and advice. Or maybe share your favorite recipe.

I am waiting for everyone and will be glad to see everyone. See you again, dear readers!