What can you do with pike? We prepare delicious dishes from fresh pike.

25.02.2019 Food and drink

Skillfully prepared pike will be a magnificent decoration for any table. Its lean fillet turns out very tender and appetizing. What can you cook from pike? In modern cooking there is great amount dishes from this fish. It can be boiled, baked, fried, marinated or stuffed with vegetables. A properly prepared dish will reveal the whole range of flavors and emphasize the unique aroma of pike. Fish is best served with vegetables, rice or boiled potatoes.

What to cook from pike? Recipes

Fish baked in sour cream is very tasty. Ingredients: small pike, lemon juice, vegetable oil, two tablespoons of sour cream, pepper and spices. Oven-baked fish will turn out very tender and aromatic. Once you taste it, you will never again think about what you can cook from pike.

So let's get started. Wash the fish thoroughly under running water, remove the fins and dry the carcass with a napkin. Then rub the pike with seasonings, lemon juice and salt inside and out. Grease the carcass with sour cream and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. At this time, heat the oven to two hundred degrees. Wrap the pike in foil, greased with vegetable oil, place on a baking sheet and bake for half an hour. You can serve fish with rice.

Stuffed pike

What can you cook from pike? Make this amazingly tasty dish that every housewife simply must know how to cook. You will need the following ingredients: two kilograms of fish, 200 grams of lard, four onions, three cloves of garlic, an egg, salt, herbs and ground pepper, mayonnaise.

Clean the fish from scales, cut off the head without cutting the belly, remove the entrails. Carefully, so as not to tear, remove the skin from the carcass. Remove all the bones, leaving only meat. Grind the fillet through a meat grinder, adding lard, herbs, garlic and onion. Add salt, egg and pepper to the meat. Mix the minced meat well and fill the skin with it. How to properly cook pike? Place the fish on a greased baking sheet. It can be baked with potatoes. Peel the tubers and cut into thin slices. Salt, pepper and add a spoonful of mayonnaise. Stir the potatoes and place around the pike. Place the dish in the oven for fifty minutes. At the same time, do not forget to grease the fish with mayonnaise. Bon appetit!


If you don’t know what you can cook from pike, I advise you to try cutlets. They will turn out very tender and juicy. To prepare them you will need the following ingredients: 800 grams of pike, 60 grams of grated cheese, 100 grams of butter, 2 eggs, four tablespoons of flour, two onions, three pieces of loaf.

Gut the fish and remove scales. Cut the fillet and pass it through a meat grinder. Chop and fry the onion in oil. Soak the bun in milk. Mix minced meat, fried onion, loaf (squeeze it first to remove liquid), grated cheese, egg, flour and spices in a large bowl. Form the minced meat into cutlets. Fry them in a frying pan, dipping them into the beaten egg white and then into the flour. Serve with mashed potatoes for lunch. Successfully complements food tomato sauce, as well as fresh vegetables.

Hello, I am glad to meet you by the fireplace!

I want to return to the pike topic again and offer you several recipes on how to cook pike deliciously.

I recently talked about the benefits of the meat of this river fish and shared the recipe with you.

But you can prepare other dishes from it, simple ones, for the everyday menu, as well as for festive table.

How to cook pike deliciously

Before we start cooking pike, it must be cleaned and gutted. But this is our option, because we, as a rule, do not buy river fish. You may skip this step if you buy fish - often they sell it already processed, or they can cut it in front of you.

Pike, and any other fish, is delicious when it is fresh. Although we sometimes have to freeze it, we know for sure that we are freezing freshly caught fish, and we immediately process it and put it in the freezer, clean, without scales and unnecessary entrails. If you buy frozen fish, there will no longer be a 100% guarantee of its freshness, so it’s better to buy not frozen fish, if possible.

For those who will clean the pike themselves, I found a video with a new method for cleaning pike; we usually use a regular fish scaler. So watch the video, maybe you’ll adopt this method.

Well, our pike is ready, let’s start cooking it deliciously.

How to cook pike in a frying pan

Pike meat is considered dietary, as it contains little fat and many believe that it is not very suitable for regular frying - it turns out to be a bit dry. Our experience says that fried pike also turns out delicious. You just need to know one subtlety - after all, fish come in different sizes, so for regular frying in a frying pan you need to use young pike. The result is a tasty and tender fish, not dry at all.


  • small pike
  • vegetable oil
  • onion

Pike recipe in a frying pan - simple and tasty:

  1. Wash the finished processed fish, cut into portions, add salt and let sit for a while, about 15 minutes.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put it on the fire and as soon as it warms up, lay out the pieces of pike, having first rolled them in breading. For breading you can use wheat, flaxseed, corn flour, I also sometimes use breadcrumbs, and sometimes semolina. I assure you, it turns out delicious with any breading.
  3. There is an old advice - the meat can be undercooked, but the fish must be overcooked. Therefore, I always try not just to fry fish, but to steam it under the lid. After you place the pike pieces in the oil, let it fry a little, then turn it over, cover it with a lid and cook until done over medium heat. Then we remove the lid and give the fish an appetizing appearance by frying it a little on both sides so that it has a golden appearance and a delicious crust.
  4. Onions - this ingredient is a must for me, my husband sometimes jokes that fried onions are the main dish for me, and fish is a pleasant addition. But it’s true, if you fry onions cut into half rings in the same oil where the fish was cooked, it turns out divinely tasty.

Place the cooked pike in a frying pan on a dish, top with fried onions, and serve. I'm sure you'll like it.

How to cook pike in sour cream

If you are against fried food and want a healthier option, then cook the pike in sour cream in the oven.


  • sour cream
  • lemon
  • pepper

Pike in sour cream - recipe with photo in the oven:

Another great option for cooking pike is this, look at the recipe at the link.

How to cook delicious stuffed pike in the oven

This recipe is perfect for the holiday table. Stuffed pike can be eaten both hot and cold as a cold appetizer.


To prepare minced fish:

  • pike fillet - 600 gr.
  • loaf - 30 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • pepper
  • milk

For filling:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • milk - 200 ml.
  • fresh mushrooms - 400 gr.
  • vegetable oil for frying

To decorate the stuffed pike:

  • eggs - 1 piece
  • hard cheese - 50 gr.

Stuffed pike - step by step recipe with photo:

Place the finished stuffed pike on a dish and cut into portions. Can be served immediately as a main course or cooled and served as a cold appetizer.

Today I offered you several recipes on how to cook pike deliciously. I hope you will choose something for yourself from them, or maybe try them all.

Bon appetit!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Don't you like pike? You just don't know how to cook it! The villainous pike is a predatory fish. Eternally hungry, she prowls the expanses of rivers and lakes in search of her next prey. Swift, merciless, tireless, she knows no other enemies except humans. And the man, appreciating the size of this fish, quickly made it a popular item on his fish menu. It’s a pity that the pike’s meat (thanks to its active lifestyle) is a bit dry – no excess fat there is no extra juice in it.

So we get sophisticated, thinking about how to cook pike: in the oven, in a saucepan, in a frying pan, stuff it, or make fish cutlets? So let's look at some options for preparing pike, when it turns out just “finger licking good”.

Well, what can you cook from pike first, if not fried fish? This is the most common recipe for cooking pike. We will tell you how to fry pike deliciously in this recipe. The result is a juicy fish with a crispy crust. For such fried pike, it is best to take small specimens (up to two kilos in weight).

We will need:

  • Small pike up to 2 kg,
  • vegetable oil,
  • lemon juice,
  • flour, salt and spices for breading.


  1. Wash the fish, remove scales and gut it. Cut off the head, tail and fins. Thoroughly wash the inside of the carcass and dry it.
  2. Then cut the fish across the carcass into portioned pieces (about two centimeters thick) and sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  3. Prepare flour for breading: mix it with salt (about a teaspoon of salt per glass of flour) and spices. You can use ready-made fish seasonings as spices. You can also add a spoon to the flour breadcrumbs or semolina.
  4. Then put the frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil, which should be enough so that the pieces of fish placed in the frying pan “drown” almost half in it.
  5. Let the oil get hot and quickly place the breaded pike pieces into the frying pan. Place them loosely and fry first (ten seconds) for high fire, and then three or four minutes on medium. And so we fry the fish on both sides.
  6. That's it - fried pike is ready! You can start eating.

Stuffed pike is a royal dish! Prepared from a whole pike with head and tail! It looks amazing and tastes just as good.


  • Pike carcass (1.5-2 kg)
  • Prunes (handful)
  • Butter (50 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • Rice (glass)


  • How to cook stuffed pike? We clean the fish, wash it, gut it, cut out the gills and pat it dry with a towel.
  • For the filling, soak the rice, boil the eggs, wash and finely chop the prunes.
  • Mix chopped eggs, swollen rice, prunes, a tablespoon of soft butter, a little salt and white pepper.
  • Loosely fill the belly of the fish with this mixture and sew it over the edge with ordinary coarse thread.
  • Bake in the oven for about an hour and a half, placing in a roasting pan (rolled into a ring) or on a baking sheet.
  • Before baking, coat the carcass with a mixture of butter, spices and ground crackers.

There are many options for how to cook pike in foil. But we offer you the simplest and fastest. Besides being quick and easy, it's also delicious!


  • Lemon
  • Bulb
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • Greenery
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and spices


  1. Before cooking pike in foil, clean the fish carcass, gut it, cut out the gills and wash it.
  2. Rub it outside and inside with salt and spices, and also grease it with mayonnaise on the outside.
  3. The belly of the pike can be “stuffed” with herbs and lemon slices, but you can do without it.
  4. Place the prepared pike on foil, spread on a baking sheet and greased with oil. Place onion and tomato rings on top of the fish and wrap the foil, tightly “wrapping” the fish.
  5. How to cook pike in foil so that it turns out juicy and tasty? You need to make sure that the juice does not leak out of the foil. First, you should bake the fish in wrapped foil, and after about twenty minutes, carefully unwrap the foil and bake the fish for another ten minutes. During this time, it will have time to brown and look even more appetizing.

This is an excellent opportunity to cook large pike. Pike fish cutlets are juicy and flavorful. And how delicious it is! Moreover, both hot and cold.


  • Pike (2-3 kg)
  • Onions (2-3 pcs.)
  • Pork lard (300 g)
  • White bread or loaf (quarter of a cod)
  • Milk (glass)
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)
  • Salt and pepper


  • How to cook pike cutlets? We fillet the cleaned and gutted fish and remove the bones and skin. Cut into pieces and grind in a meat grinder twice.
  • Onions and lard - also through a meat grinder. Mix the twisted fish with lard and onions and set aside.
  • Place the bread crumb in a bowl and add milk. As soon as the bread absorbs the milk, knead it, squeeze it out and add it to the minced meat.
  • Salt the minced meat, add a little pepper and mix well.
  • We form cutlets from minced meat and coat both sides in vegetable oil.
  • It will turn out more juicy and tasty if at the end you add a little milk or water to the pan and steam the fish cutlets under a closed lid for about ten minutes.

“Pike pilaf” in the oven

A sort of culinary sketch on the topic “how to cook pike deliciously.” Or a free interpretation of a fish pilaf recipe.

For this method of preparing pike we will need the following ingredients:

  • Fish (about a kilogram)
  • Onions (2 pcs.)
  • Carrots (1-2 pcs.)
  • Rice (glass)
  • Salt and spices (to taste)
  • Butter (100 g)


  1. We cut the fish, remove small and large bones and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Rub the pike with salt and spices and place in a greased butter form.
  3. Place small pieces of butter between the pieces of fish and pour washed rice on top.
  4. Place fried vegetables of carrots and onions on the rice.
  5. Fill it all with water so that it covers our “pike pilaf” by one and a half centimeters.
  6. Place the roasting pan in the oven and wait. We determine readiness by the softness of the rice: as soon as it has become “edible”, take the pilaf out of the oven and serve.
  7. Serve hot, seasoned with fresh herbs and lemon. Pike prepared in this way will not seem dry (the butter does its job!).

Pike in sour cream is a very juicy fish with a delicate taste. If you have never cooked pike according to this recipe, then be careful when taking a sample. You won’t be able to swallow your tongue – it’s so delicious!


  • Pike fillet (about a kilogram)
  • 3-4 heads onions
  • Sour cream (glass)
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)
  • Salt and spices


  • If you were unable to purchase ready-made fillets, then before preparing the pike according to this recipe, the whole fish must be cut “correctly”: cleaned, gutted, and the spine and rib bones removed. To do this, you need to cut the carcass along the ridge and cut the fillet from the back to the belly. Cut the finished fillet into smaller pieces.
  • After this, rub each piece of fish with salt and spices and fry in hot oil. Fry only on one side (where the skin is), allowing the skin to just turn white.
  • Place the pike pieces in a high roasting pan.
  • Place onion cut into half rings on top of the fish and pour sour cream over everything.
  • Close the frying pan with a lid, put it on the fire and simmer the fish for about seven minutes.
  • If necessary, adding water, bring the pike to readiness.

As you can see, it is not difficult to answer the question of what can be cooked from pike. It is better to fry a small fish carcass, stew or bake medium-sized pike, and excellent cutlets can be made from large pike. And if you are confused by the possible “dryness” of the pike, then you will have no choice but to cook the pike in sour cream. Get ready!

Author of the article “How to cook pike deliciously”

Pike is a juicy, aromatic and tasty fish. In addition, it is also incredibly healthy, so it should be included in the diet as often as possible. Let's take a closer look at what can be prepared from pike fillet.

Pike fillet cutlets


  • pike fillet – 520 g;
  • lard – 110 g;
  • White bread– 110 g;
  • milk – 90 ml;
  • fresh cilantro - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • olive oil – for frying;
  • white onion – 45 g;
  • spices.


  1. Cut the bread off the crust, pour warm milk over the crumb and leave to soak for 20 minutes.
  2. We pass the pike fillet through a meat grinder with a large grid.
  3. Finely chop the lard and peeled onion and add to the minced meat along with the squeezed bread.
  4. We twist everything together again.
  5. Add spices, chopped cilantro and break the fresh egg.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly, form cutlets and roll them on all sides in breadcrumbs.
  7. Pour a small amount of olive oil into a frying pan, heat it up, add the cutlets and fry them for 3 minutes on each side.

Pike fillet in batter - recipe


  • fresh pike fillet – 410 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 20 g;
  • – 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • spices.


  1. Grate the cheese on a grater with large holes.
  2. Add a raw chicken egg and mayonnaise to it.
  3. Then add spices to taste, a little flour and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Cut the fish fillet into small portions and dip into the prepared batter.
  5. Fry the pike in hot oil on both sides until golden brown.

Pike fillet in the oven


  • pike fillet – 550 g;
  • white onion – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 155 ml;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • lemon – 20 g;
  • flour – 20 g;
  • - taste;
  • fresh parsley - 0.5 bunch.


  1. Before frying the pike, wash the fillet, dry it and cut it into pieces.
  2. Pour the sour cream into a bowl, squeeze the garlic into it through a press and half a lemon.
  3. Rub the fillet with spices and pour in the prepared marinade.
  4. While the pike is marinating, peel the vegetables and cut the carrots into strips and the onion into half rings. Fry them separately in oil, adding salt to taste.
  5. After 25 minutes, place the fillet in a frying pan with oil and fry lightly on both sides.
  6. Next, transfer the pieces into the mold, cover with onions and carrots on top.
  7. Coat with the remaining marinade and bake the pike fillet with vegetables in the oven at 185 degrees for about 25 minutes.

The best pike dish - fish soup with croutons

Croutons for the ear, baked with salted cottage cheese.

Add yolks and salt to the cottage cheese, mix thoroughly and spread on the loaf slices. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 120-130 ° C until golden brown. Served with fish soup. When serving, add dill to the croutons.

The best pike dish is undoubtedly the classic fish soup; to prepare it you need to take:

  • Pike (yield) - 600 g;
  • Peeled potatoes - 400 g;
  • Peeled onions - 80 g;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 15-20 g;
  • Parsley, without petioles - 10 g;
  • Salt;
  • Spices.

Before preparing the fish soup, the pike is pre-rubbed with 3% vinegar and left for up to 20 minutes. This is done to remove the swampy smell and taste. After this, the pike is thoroughly washed in cold water and cut into layers without a ridge.

The layers of pike are cut at right angles and placed in a pan along with potatoes, cut into slices. Raising the temperature to 85 ° C, cook the pike for 40-45 minutes. Then season with spices (peppercorns, bay leaves, cumin, coriander), salt, sautéed onions, chopped parsley. Salt is added at the very end of cooking at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of fish soup.

Serve the fish soup along with croutons.

Look at the photo of this recipe for a pike dish: before serving, it is decorated with a sprig of dill.

Second course of pike stewed with vegetables

For this fresh pike dish you will need:

  • Pike layer with vertebrae and skin - 700 g;
  • Vegetable oil 70 g;
  • Onions - 100 g;
  • Carrots - 50 g;
  • White roots - 50 g;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 100 g;
  • Flour for breading - 40 g;
  • White and black peppercorns, 5 peas each;
  • Salt;
  • Parsley, dill, onions - 30 g.

The pike layer is cut into pieces at an angle of 45°, breaded in flour, the gluten is allowed to swell for 7 minutes and fried in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. The fried parts are turned over and salted. If we prepare dishes from pike, then do not forget that salt is hygroscopic, it draws moisture onto itself, and on the skin of the fish with salt, evaporation of fish juice from hot fat occurs. As long as there is moisture, the fish is undoubtedly steamed, so you can forget about the taste of fried fish.

Onions and carrots are cut into circles and fried separately, white roots are cut diagonally and baked on the grill or in a frying pan without fat, salt or spices.

The tomatoes are blanched, peeled and cut into slices before adding to the fish. Peppercorns are crushed in a mortar or tablespoons.

Place a layer of vegetables on the bottom in a thick-bottomed pan, place fried fish skin side down on top, add salt to the fish, pepper, cover with a layer of vegetables and tomatoes, chopped greens, add the remaining vegetable oil, cover with a lid and put on low heat (up to 80 ° C) for 30 -40 minutes.

The degree of readiness of the fish is determined by the aroma from under the lid of the pan.

Stewed fish is kept for 20-40 minutes under the lid - the time depends on the time of year: less in winter, longer in summer. The pike is allowed to cool to 60 ° C, transferred to a heated dish, decorated with herbs, lemon, olives, pickles and solemnly served to the table with candles. The aroma of a culinary creation excites a very healthy appetite.

Having decorated this second dish of pike stewed in vegetables with herbs, serve it to the table.

Recipe for pike baked in cabbage leaves


  • Gutted pike without head;
  • Raw back fat (without salt);
  • White cabbage;
  • Salt;
  • Bulb onions;
  • Ground pepper (white and black);
  • Carrot;
  • Parsley and dill.

To prepare this fish dish First you need to prepare vegetables from pike. The outer green leaves are removed from the head of cabbage and the stalk is cut out of the head. The remaining vegetables are peeled and peeled. The greens are rinsed.

IN hot water lower the head of cabbage without the stalk, boil it and take out the outer leaves one by one, which spontaneously separate from the head. Place sheets in trays.

Back fat is cut into thin long strips (up to 30 cm). The cleaned, gutted pike carcass is cut into round pieces. Rub the inside of the rounds with salt and pepper (you can put a couple of onion straws inside). The round ones are wrapped in strips of lard.

The boiled cabbage leaf is lightly rolled out with a rolling pin. The round pike with lard is placed on a sheet, wrapped in an envelope, and placed seam side down in a baking tray. Place the envelopes in an oven preheated to 120-140°C, bake them for 10-15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 90°C and bake for another 15-20 minutes. Serve with parsley and dill.

Serve pike baked in cabbage leaves with parsley and dill.

Delicious dish “Pike, Jewish style”


  • Gutted pike without head - 600 g;
  • Carrots - 40 g;
  • White roots - 120 g;
  • Raisins - 50 g;
  • Dry white wine - 200 g;
  • Celery petioles - 30 g.


  • Trays.
  • Cutting boards.
  • Fish knife.
  • Paring knife.
  • The saucepan is large.
  • Small saucepan.

Carrots, celery roots and parsley are cut evenly and boiled until half cooked. Celery cuttings are julienned. The lemon is scalded, peeled and peeled. Raisins are rinsed in hot water.

The pike is cut into round pieces, placed in a pan, poured with white wine, raisins and lemon without peel, zest and seeds are added. Add some salt, add a decoction of the roots lightly on top of the pike, so that the liquid lightly covers the fish. Add chopped celery stalks.

Place on the stove and cook at a temperature of 90 ° C until cooked, avoiding rapid boiling. Served with white saffron sauce.

Serve with herbs, raisins and lemon.

Saffron sauce for “Jewish Pike”.


  • Butter - 20 g;
  • Flour - 15 g;
  • White roots - 10 g;
  • Pike broth - 300 g;
  • Carrots - 5 g;
  • Saffron - 9 stamens.

1. Sift flour into a frying pan with melted butter.

2. Stir the fat sauté thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

3. Add a little broth to the sauté and mix everything thoroughly.

4. Add saffron and mix thoroughly.

5. Chop white roots and carrots.

6. Add chopped white roots and carrots.

To improve the taste, let the sauce boil two or three times for a couple of minutes. Season the pike with hot sauce and serve the dish to the table.

Season the pike “Jewish style” with sauce and serve.