Seeing fresh cucumbers in a dream. Cucumber - Freud's dream book. Why do you dream of a cucumber - dream book for birthday people.

25.10.2018 Sport

Fresh, crispy, with pimples - your favorite delicious cucumbers from your garden - what can compare with them? In a salad, in okroshka, on a sandwich, or just as a snack with bread - this green vegetable, firmly established in cuisines all over the world, rightfully deserves universal recognition.

What if you saw cucumbers in a dream, why do you dream fresh cucumbers? Let's look into authoritative dream interpreters and try to figure it out.

The meaning of sleep varies greatly depending on what manipulations you perform with this crunchy vegetable.

  • You are picking fresh cucumbers in a dream- this is a sign that in reality you need to pause in order to analyze your achievements. Everything is going well in your life - you are successful and in demand at work and everything is fine on the personal front. But for some reason you don't want to notice it. You need to rethink your attitude towards the surrounding reality - otherwise you risk losing what means a lot to you;
  • Collect cucumbers in the hem of a skirt or dress– for a woman, such a dream promises an obsessive admirer, from whom it will be difficult to get rid of later;
  • If you pick young fresh cucumbers straight from the garden– joy with your family, material wealth and excellent health await you.

A dream in which you pick fresh, strong, smooth, beautiful cucumbers - a decent amount goes straight into your hands. Don't miss the chance to become a little richer.

There are cucumbers

  • For a person who is sick, eating a fresh cucumber in a dream means a speedy recovery;
  • For the lonely young man or a girl eating a fresh cucumber in a dream promises an acquaintance with interesting people, among which the second half may be found;
  • The dream in which married woman tasting a fresh cucumber foretells that she will soon receive a pleasant and long-awaited gift;
  • If a man dreams of a green vegetable, this is a sign that a significant improvement in his financial situation will soon await him.

Pickling cucumbers

  • The dream in which you pickle cucumbers is not very favorable. It may foreshadow unexpected expenses related to debts or paying bills. It can also promise troubles that distant relatives may bring to you;
  • A dream in which you pickle or pickle fresh cucumbers may mean that you will be deceived in a trade transaction.

Wash cucumbers

Why do you dream about fresh cucumbers that you wash?

  • You dreamed that you were washing cucumbers stained with soil - soon you will hear gossip about your love affair, which you would not want to make public.

Cutting cucumbers

  • In a dream you cut fresh cucumbers - your nerves are on edge. Big exercise stress or emotional stress makes itself felt. You need proper rest;
  • A dream in which you cut young, fresh, strong cucumbers can predict fierce competition;
  • This dream can also mean an imminent quarrel with a loved one or a conflict with a work colleague.

If you dream about a lot of cucumbers

How to interpret a dream with many cucumbers. Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers, of which there are not just a lot, but a lot?

  • If you dreamed of a lot of fresh cucumbers, soon expect noisy, cheerful and fussy guests;
  • Carrying a heavy bag from the store full of cucumbers in a dream means you have a difficult task ahead of you work-related problems that will not be appreciated;
  • For those who own their own personal garden, sleeping with a large number of cucumbers threatens a very meager harvest of poor quality;
  • If a young girl picks cucumbers in a dream, in reality she has no shortage of gentlemen, but does not know who to give preference to;
  • In a dream you saw a lot of cucumbers in your beds gigantic size– take a break from contemplating your inner world and direct your efforts to solving the pressing problem.

A dream in which you see fresh cucumbers may or may not be favorable. You should always remember that dreams do not predict, but only warn. Think positively, and no bad dream can ruin your mood.

If you saw cucumbers in a dream, this is an excellent sign. The dream book promises excellent health, prosperity and incredible luck in business. Soon life will definitely change for the better. But this is far from the only explanation for why vegetables are dreamed of. There are others too.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book believes that if a patient sees cucumbers in his night dreams, this promises him a rapid and complete recovery. For an inconsolable lover, this dream predicts confirmation of the reciprocity of his feelings. Remember the details of the dream and the actions that you performed in the world of Morpheus, and all the mysteries of an extraordinary dream will be revealed to you.

Seeing pickled cucumbers in a dream means lack of self-confidence, loneliness, the desire to find your haven, and improve relationships with family.

If you dreamed that you ate lightly salted cucumbers, then in real life you will experience unrequited love, but you will withstand the test with dignity.

Did you dream about strong, large, green cucumbers? Miller's dream book guarantees cloudless happiness in the personal sphere, truly good health, high energy potential, and big profits.

Modern interpreter

The appearance of this vegetable in a dream speaks of your frivolity, childishness, but at the same time characterizes you as the darling of fortune.

Modern dream book warns that dreaming of pickles in a jar indicates that you are missing out on unique opportunities, wasting your talent, and wasting your time. It is still possible to achieve your life goals. You just need to rethink your priorities.

Dreaming about fresh cucumbers is a symbol of strength, energy, and well-being. For those in love and bound by Hymen, such a dream foreshadows a harmonious relationship with their soul mate. For singles, the modern dream book promises an unforgettable love adventure. And older people can count on the arrival of relatives or the addition of long-awaited grandchildren to their family.

If a man dreams of cucumbers growing in a garden bed, then enrichment, material stability, career. The fortuneteller promises pregnancy to a woman, and a change in weather for older people.

Universal dream book

Have you ever picked cucumbers? This means that in reality you will have doubts about the correctness of your choice of path, you need to reconsider your principles. It seems that you have already achieved a lot, so the Universal Interpreter advises learning to appreciate what you have. Often dreams like this mean prosperity.

If you dreamed of both cucumbers and tomatoes in the same bed, this indicates heavy workload, fatigue, and the realization that you will soon have to pay for entertainment and idle fun.

Pickling cucumbers means minor financial troubles, fraud, and being forced to pay off minor debts. In some cases, the plot is interpreted as a harbinger of a quarrel with non-blood relatives.

Various interpretations

Buying cucumbers is a signal of possible troubles in professional activity, you will have to do monkey work. Meanwhile, Aesop also offers an alternative positive interpretation. Aesop predicts receiving news from an old friend about whom we have not received news for a long time.

Aimlessly cutting vegetables in a dream means that it is difficult for you to cope with jealousy, and there is reason to worry about your opponent. But a dream about the process of preparing a dish using chopped gherkins foreshadows a successful solution to most problems.

If you dream that you planted cucumbers, expect family well-being and the birth of children.

Children's dream book

You will be deservedly praised, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book

Seeing Cucumbers in a dream means excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, such a dream promises a speedy recovery, for lovers - positive changes in relationships.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Why do you dream of Cucumbers? Cucumbers are often a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, if you saw Cucumbers in a dream, it means that you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of Cucumbers promises an erotic adventure, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream book of the 21st century

If men dream of cucumbers - it means money, women - it means gifts, girls - it means meeting young people. Cucumbers in the snow mean gossip about lovers. Yellow, rotten cucumbers symbolize men incapable of love. Buying and carrying cucumbers means thankless work and troubles; sowing cucumbers in the garden - to significant financial losses

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Seeing Cucumbers in a dream means excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, this dream promises a speedy recovery. Good changes for lovers.

Culinary dream book

If you dreamed of Cucumbers (cucumbers), then this means that unexpected guests will soon come to you, who will delight you, bring variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will embarrass you very much and will not leave you quickly.

Love dream book

If you dreamed of Cucumbers, then expect changes for the better in the near future. Happiness awaits you.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of Cucumbers? - Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream means a large crowd of people, guests.

Summer dream book

Picking cucumbers from the beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Maly Velesov dream book

Recovery, money (for a man), fulfillment of hopes, success, profit, meeting guys (for a girl) // sadness, bad, trouble; collect - to the deceased, sadness; there is a disease; there are salty ones - tears, poverty; pickled - disease.

Ancient Russian dream book

See, see the interpretation of the dream watermelon, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

To see Cucumbers in a dream - To see Cucumbers in a dream - you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. Eating cucumbers in a dream means disappointment. Seeing yellow, overripe cucumbers in a dream means disappointment, which will soon give way to bright hopes. Picking cucumbers in a dream means that you need to rethink your achievements recent years. You probably already have a lot of good things in your life, but by striving for more, you don't appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

People dream about food quite often. IN in this case It is necessary to attach importance to sleep only if the day before you did not eat this product in large quantities. If you are a vegetable seller, you may also not pay attention to it. If all this is not about you, then you will be interested to know why you dream of fresh cucumbers.

A cucumber in a dream symbolizes excellent health and well-being, although there are exceptions. It is also worth noting that if in a dream you had extremely positive emotions, then be calm. After such a dream, nothing bad can happen.

Beautiful cucumbers in a dream

Fresh and hard cucumbers symbolize good health and happy life. The more beautiful they are, the better your life.

A large number of fresh cucumbers promises the dreamer guests who will not please him much. Most likely, they will stay with you for a long time, thereby cramping your family. On the other hand, such a dream can promise new acquaintances with those who will remain in your soul and in your life for a long time.

Very bad value has a dream in which a cucumber was lying around in someone else's garden. This promises a serious quarrel, scandal and even divorce from your spouse.

Spoiled cucumbers in a dream

Limp or yellow cucumbers are a symbol of fatigue. Such a dream advises you to urgently rest or change your lifestyle. Otherwise, you may become depressed and complete decline strength

An overripe vegetable promises grief, which will ultimately turn out to be beneficial for the dreamer or his family. So don’t get too upset about problems right away.

A rotten vegetable promises illness for the dreamer and his family members. If you dreamed of a wormy cucumber, then you can expect unexpected profits.

Why do you dream of eating fresh cucumbers?

Very often, a dream in which you ate cucumbers foreshadows quarrels, unfulfilled dreams and disappointments. However, for sick people this dream extremely favorable. He says that the dreamer will soon recover.

If you come across a tasteless cucumber, then be prepared for something to happen that will make you cry. Also, very often after this, financial problems arise. A bitter vegetable usually dreams of disappointment.

There are cases when this dream promises a girl a large number of suitors. The dream takes on such meaning if the dreamer experienced great pleasure while eating. For family woman it can predict pregnancy.

If you've eaten cucumber salad, it's very good. All your problems will soon be solved by themselves, your life will improve.

A dream in which you sprinkled salt on a cucumber promises melancholy and sadness. You need to be prepared for events that will upset you extremely.

Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers according to psychology?

Rotten cucumbers are usually dreamed of by those people who do not know how to love, which greatly upsets their loved ones. This dream is a sign that it’s time for you to change and learn to reciprocate people’s feelings.

The dream in which you collected these vegetables indicates the need to rethink your life. You should learn to appreciate what you have, otherwise you may lose even this.

A wrinkled cucumber is a symbol of loss of strength. This dream speaks of the need to take a break from everyday problems.

Why do you dream about other manipulations with cucumbers?

If you chopped cucumbers in a dream, then this indicates problems in relationships with other people. You constantly feel humiliated and deceived, which, in turn, causes you to become aggressive. Making a cucumber salad in a dream means poverty. It is quite possible that you will be fired from your job, so try not to do anything wrong there.

Buying cucumbers indicates problems in your life. Your situation will not be very good.

If you were selling them, then there is a high chance that life will soon get better. But such a dream also indicates the need to take some action rather than passively wait.

Gossip will surround the one who washed these green vegetables in a dream. The harder they were to launder, the harder it will be for you to regain your reputation.

Carrying cucumbers in a dream promises hard work and difficulties on the way to your goal. Moneyless times await those who water cucumbers in a dream.

If you dreamed that you were throwing away cucumbers, then changes await you. However, they will be so minor that you may not notice them.

Stealing cucumbers is a dream that speaks of the dreamer’s good health. You can rest assured that you will not have any health problems in the near future.

Cucumber in an intimate dream book

According to intimate dream book The cucumber is a symbol of dissatisfaction with your partner. If a man sees such a dream, then soon he will have a new whirlwind romance. This dream also suggests that all his erotic desires will soon come true.

A dream in which you ate this green vegetable speaks of a strong sexual desire for a person with whom you have no prospects yet.

Yellow cucumbers indicate sexual incapacity. Such a dream indicates either your problem or your partner’s problem.

Why do you dream about picking or planting cucumbers?

An improvement in the financial situation awaits the one who picked cucumbers from the garden in a dream. In addition, small joys will soon come to your home. If you cleared them from the ground, this means that you will not be able to hide from others what you are trying to do.

The dream in which you planted cucumbers foreshadows material problems that will be caused by your carelessness and carelessness. In addition, dream books do not recommend borrowing money from someone for some time after sleep. Be prepared for unexpected material expenses.

Health problems are predicted by a dream in which you were growing cucumbers and were very worried about it.

The person who picked cucumbers in the greenhouse may become a participant in a dubious case. Dream books also do not recommend concluding contracts.

If you have harvested a large harvest of cucumbers, then in real life you will experience profit. Although, on the other hand, you may have minor problems and troubles that will not matter much.

Why do you dream about fresh cucumbers in a dream according to the dream book?

Fresh cucumbers, especially if they are on the table, dream of good luck in business, fulfillment of desires and a happy future. Both personally and business areas favorable changes are planned in life.

Fate decided to pamper you after all the hardships and hardships. Apparently, with your good deeds and kind thoughts you have earned the mercy of higher powers.

Who dreamed of fresh cucumbers? What happened to fresh cucumbers in a dream? What were the fresh cucumbers like in your dream?

Who dreamed of fresh cucumbers?

If a woman dreamed of fresh cucumbers

For a woman, a dream about fresh cucumbers means the appearance of new fans in her environment. You will receive a lot of attention from men. Nice gifts and invitations to a romantic meeting are possible.

What happened to fresh cucumbers in a dream?

Treat yourself to fresh cucumbers in a dream

If someone treats you with fresh cucumbers in a dream, be careful when communicating with strangers, they may deceive you. If you ate a treat, you will experience bitter disappointment due to failure in business, which may occur through the fault of your business partner or work colleague.

I dreamed that I was picking fresh cucumbers

Why do you dream that you are picking fresh cucumbers from the garden? Most likely you are unhappy with the current state of things. Despite the fact that life is going well, everything is stable in your personal and business life, this does not suit you.

You want to have more than you have now. Don't chase unattainable dreams, appreciate your present. If you constantly think about what is missing, you can lose what you currently have.

What were the fresh cucumbers like in your dream?

Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes?

Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes seen in a dream promise a significant increase in material well-being. Positive changes will come knocking in your personal life, and a long-awaited addition to the family is possible. If you saw vegetables growing in the garden, you will soon enjoy the results of your labor.

Dream about fresh green cucumbers

A dream in which there were fresh green cucumbers foreshadows the beginning of a happy and bright streak in life. All worries and suffering will be a thing of the past, you will be able to fully enjoy the delights of a carefree existence. Your personal life will improve and bring a lot of happiness.

Cucumbers according to the dream book

If you saw cucumbers in a dream, this is an excellent sign. The dream book promises excellent health, prosperity and incredible luck in business. Soon life will definitely change for the better. But this is far from the only explanation for why vegetables are dreamed of. There are others too.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book believes that if a patient sees cucumbers in his night dreams, this promises him a rapid and complete recovery. For an inconsolable lover, this dream predicts confirmation of the reciprocity of his feelings. Remember the details of the dream and the actions that you performed in the world of Morpheus, and all the mysteries of an extraordinary dream will be revealed to you.

Seeing pickled cucumbers in a dream means lack of self-confidence, loneliness, the desire to find your haven, and improve relationships with family.

If you dreamed that you ate lightly salted cucumbers, then in real life you will experience unrequited love, but you will withstand the test with dignity.

Did you dream about strong, large, green cucumbers? Miller's dream book guarantees cloudless happiness in the personal sphere, truly good health, high energy potential, and big profits.

Modern interpreter

The appearance of this vegetable in a dream speaks of your frivolity, childishness, but at the same time characterizes you as the darling of fortune.

A modern dream book warns that dreaming of pickles in a jar indicates that you are missing out on unique opportunities, wasting your talent, and wasting your time. It is still possible to achieve your life goals. You just need to rethink your priorities.

Dreaming about fresh cucumbers is a symbol of strength, energy, and well-being. For those in love and bound by Hymen, such a dream foreshadows a harmonious relationship with their soul mate. For singles, the modern dream book promises an unforgettable love adventure. And older people can count on the arrival of relatives or the addition of long-awaited grandchildren to their family.

If a man dreams of cucumbers growing in a garden bed, then enrichment, material stability, and career growth await him. The fortuneteller promises pregnancy to a woman, and a change in weather for older people.

Universal dream book

Have you ever picked cucumbers? This means that in reality you will have doubts about the correctness of your choice of path, you need to reconsider your principles. It seems that you have already achieved a lot, so the Universal Interpreter advises learning to appreciate what you have. Often dreams like this mean prosperity.

If you dreamed of both cucumbers and tomatoes in the same bed, this indicates heavy workload, fatigue, and the realization that you will soon have to pay for entertainment and idle fun.

Pickling cucumbers means minor financial troubles, fraud, and being forced to pay off minor debts. In some cases, the plot is interpreted as a harbinger of a quarrel with non-blood relatives.

Various interpretations

Buying cucumbers is a signal of possible troubles in your professional activity; you will have to do monkey work. Meanwhile, Aesop also offers an alternative positive interpretation. Aesop predicts receiving news from an old friend about whom we have not received news for a long time.

Aimlessly cutting vegetables in a dream means that it is difficult for you to cope with jealousy, and there is reason to worry about your opponent. But a dream about the process of preparing a dish using chopped gherkins foreshadows a successful solution to most problems.

If you dream that you planted cucumbers, expect family well-being and the birth of children.


Miller's Dream Book

Cucumber seen in a dream This dream is sick- promises a quick recovery. For lovers- good changes.

Freud's Dream Book

Cucumber- often acts as a symbol of masculinity.

Therefore, if you saw a cucumber in a dream- it means you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man dreamed of a cucumber- promises an erotic adventure.

Dream book of lovers

Lovers have a dream in which they see cucumbers- portends successful changes.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Cucumber in a dream- a symbol of health. Such dreams are a symbolic reflection of your well-being, as well as relationships with the opposite sex.

See good, strong cucumbers- a sign of excess energy. Lovers and spouses have such dreams- promise a wonderful relationship.

Shriveled, limp cucumbers- a sign of loss of strength. It looks like you are too tired and need some rest.

Cutting cucumbers in a dream- portends a quarrel based on jealousy or rivalry. Try not to escalate the situation, otherwise it may negatively affect your health.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a cucumber in a dream- you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have.

There are cucumbers in a dream- to disappointment.

Seeing a yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream- to disappointments, which will soon give way to bright hopes.

Picking cucumbers in a dream- to the fact that you need to rethink the achievements of recent years. You probably already have a lot of good things in your life, but by striving for more, you don't appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dream book for a bitch

cucumbers- success, profit, health, change for the better.

New family dream book

Dreaming about cucumber- to excellent health and prosperity in business. A sick dream like this- promises a quick recovery, lovers- change for the better.

Modern combined dream book

Cucumber- this is a favorable dream, promising health and prosperity.

If patients dream that they are growing cucumbers- such a dream promises them a quick recovery. This is a dream for family people- promises pleasant changes in life.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cucumber- a symbol of good health, prosperity in business.

There is a cucumber- to a quarrel; pick cucumbers- to prosperity.

Children's dream book

Cucumber- you will be deservedly praised.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Picking cucumbers in the beds in a dream- to a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream- to a large crowd of people, to guests.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Pickling cucumbers- to quarrel with your son-in-law.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

See or eat- something good is waiting for you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you grow cucumbers- portends a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and a call for an ambulance. Picking cucumbers from the garden- to excellent health and family joys. Cut cucumbers for salad- share the fate of the unemployed, being laid off as a result of layoffs.

Salt or pickle cucumbers- you will be deceived when exchanging currency. Eat in a dream lightly salted cucumbers - foreshadows unrequited love.

Prepare pickled cucumber pickle- receive flattering feedback about your culinary abilities.

Wash dirty cucumbers- gossip about your secret love affair.

Women's dream book

Seeing a cucumber in a dream- to excellent health and prosperity in business.

Such a dream for patients- promises a quick recovery, lovers- positive changes in relationships.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you were pickling cucumbers- in the near future you will be overwhelmed by a small creditor.

You dreamed that you were planting cucumbers- be careful, you can create a lot of small debts.

In a dream you were watering- you will face cash-strapped times.

you collected- you will have to pay your debts.

If you dreamed that you were buying cucumbers- in the near future your affairs will go from bad to worse.

If you dreamed that you were selling- soon your affairs can go much better.

In a dream you prepared cucumber salad- you can decide most their problems.

Dream book of the 21st century

If men dream of cucumbers- to money, women- for gifts, for girls - for meeting young people.

Cucumbers in the snow- means gossip about lovers.

Yellow, rotten cucumbers- symbolize men incapable of love.

Buy and carry cucumbers- means thankless work and troubles; sowing cucumbers in the garden- to significant financial losses.

English dream book

For example, stale, rotten cucumbers- promise you good health, sick- recovery, and for lonely people- a quick engagement and a happy family life.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See cucumbers- to illness.

Dream book of lovers

If you dreamed of a cucumber- expect changes for the better in the near future. Happiness awaits you.

Cucumber- a symbol of masculinity.

The woman who saw this vegetable in a dream- is probably dissatisfied with her current sex life and has a desire that she cannot satisfy.

If a man dreams of a cucumber- this means that he will soon experience an erotic adventure.

Dream Interpretation Veles

A cucumber is lying in front of someone else's fence- to a divorced man, or a man who is in a quarrel with his wife.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

cucumbers- guests; money; lover (for a woman).

Culinary dream book

If you dreamed of cucumber(s)- this means that soon unexpected guests will come to you, who will delight you, bring variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will embarrass you and will not leave you quickly.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See or eat cucumbers- Something good awaits you.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

cucumbers- recovery, money (for a man), fulfillment of hopes, success, profit, meeting guys (for a girl) / sadness, bad, trouble; gather- to the deceased, sadness; There is- disease; there are salty ones- tears, poverty; pickled- disease.

Esoteric dream book

See cucumbers- to a shortage of food, poor harvest.

Eat- strange event, surprise.

Ukrainian dream book

cucumbers- bad, someone will cause you trouble.

Green- relatives will arrive..

A girl dreams of cucumbers- getting to know the guys.

Pickled cucumbers- weakness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Cucumbers for women- boyfriends; cucumbers in the snow- gossip in connection with lovers; see cucumbers- to money (for a man).

Collection of dream books

Cucumber- cash receipts, debt repayment.

cucumbers- to unexpected guests.

Cucumber- success, profit, excellent health.

cucumbers- a good sign for an improvement in life situation; eat cucumbers- to a lack of mineral salts and water in the body; for men- may mean possible sexual incompetence, and for women- hidden sexual desire.

There are cucumbers in a dream- means that your hopes are deceptive. However, patients- the same dream promises a quick, happy recovery.

Why do you dream about a Cucumber? What does it mean to see a Cucumber in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Cucumber in a dream?

According to the dream book, see a Cucumber - A cucumber, on the one hand, can act as a phallic symbol, but at the same time it is a symbol of fertility. It is believed that this vegetable consists of 98% water. But few people know that the remaining 2% are invaluable biochemical compounds that are not found in any other vegetable or fruit. If you dreamed of cucumbers, then this is a sign that you will be healthy and your business will prosper. It is especially good for those who are sick to eat cucumbers in a dream - such a dream promises them a speedy recovery. And picking cucumbers in a dream means making a good profit from commercial enterprises in reality, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of a Cucumber in a dream?

Seeing a Cucumber in a dream means - Cucumber - health, prosperity in business, for a patient - improved well-being, recovery; for lovers - changes for the better; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a cucumber mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Cucumber, seeing what it means - Cucumber - Cucumbers growing in the garden means excellent health and family joys. Cutting cucumbers for salad - you will achieve a promotion, squeezing out your competitors. Salt or pickle cucumbers - you will be deceived in a trade transaction. Eating lightly salted cucumbers means unrequited love. Wash dirty cucumbers - give rise to gossip

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Cucumber according to the dream book?

Seeing a Cucumber in a dream - Cucumber is a symbol of masculinity. A woman who sees this vegetable in a dream is probably dissatisfied with her current sex life and experiences a desire that she cannot satisfy. If a man dreams of a cucumber, this means that he will soon experience an erotic adventure, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see a Cucumber in a dream?

According to the dream book Cucumber - a cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, if you saw a cucumber in a dream, it means that you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. If you don't have a partner, you should find a suitable candidate; if there is, then don't waste your time

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Cucumber, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Cucumber in a dream - Cucumber dreams of excellent health and prosperity in business. For sick people, such a dream promises a quick recovery, for lovers - quick changes for the better. The cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. If you saw a cucumber in a dream, then in reality you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of a cucumber promises an erotic adventure. If you dreamed of a cucumber, then unexpected guests will come to you soon. They will make you happy, add variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will stay for a long time and have time to get bored.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Cucumber:

Cucumbers -

Autumn dream book

If you dream of a Cucumber, what is it for:

Cucumbers - Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream means a large crowd of people, guests.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Cucumber:

Cucumbers (cucumber). Pickling cucumbers means arguing with your son-in-law.

There are fresh cucumbers

Dream Interpretation Eating fresh cucumbers I dreamed about why I dream about there being fresh cucumbers? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see there are fresh cucumbers in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers


Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Picking cucumbers from the beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Fresh cucumbers

Dream Interpretation Fresh cucumbers dreamed of why you dream about fresh cucumbers? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see fresh cucumbers in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

A dream in which you grow cucumbers foreshadows a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and a call to the ambulance. Picking cucumbers from the garden means excellent health and family joys. Cutting cucumbers into salad means sharing the fate of the unemployed, having been laid off as a result of layoffs.

Salt or pickle cucumbers - you will be deceived when exchanging currency. Eating lightly salted cucumbers in a dream portends unrequited love. Prepare a pickled cucumber rassolnik - get a flattering review of your culinary abilities. Wash dirty cucumbers - gossip about your secret love affair.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers are bad, someone will cause trouble for you. Green cucumber - relatives will arrive. Cucumbers - success, profit. Cucumbers are a nuisance, because of the consonance: cucumbers are bitter. A girl dreams of cucumbers - meeting guys. Pickled cucumbers are a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

In general, cucumbers in a dream speak of health and profit.

A dream about cucumbers is usually unfavorable for those who are going on a trip, as it foreshadows an accident. After such a dream, you should postpone your trip.

Seeing cut cucumbers in a dream is a favorable sign, especially for the sick, as it promises them recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

A dream in which you pick cucumbers promises you excellent health and prosperity in business. Pickling cucumbers - there will soon be great joy in your home.

Imagine that you have harvested a huge harvest of cucumbers. You treat your family and friends with them, and you can preserve them.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

cucumbers in the snow - gossip in connection with lovers;
seeing cucumbers means money (for a man).

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Seeing a cucumber in a dream means you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. Eating cucumbers in a dream means disappointment. Seeing a yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream means disappointment, which will soon give way to bright hopes. Picking cucumbers in a dream means that you need to rethink the achievements of recent years. There is probably a lot of good in your life, but in striving for more, you do not appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Picking cucumbers from the beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers mean vain hopes.

For a patient who dreams that he is eating cucumbers or melon, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

This dream should be interpreted in the opposite sense. For example, stale, rotten cucumbers promise you good health, for the sick - recovery, and for single people - a quick engagement and a happy family life.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers - See - in food shortages, poor harvest. There is a strange event, a surprise.

Fresh cucumbers in the garden

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers in the garden

Seeing such a dream means that self-confidence and perseverance in achieving goals will come.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

If you are an adult, then this is a dream foreshadowing new sensations in sex and very intense intimate games, and if this interpretation does not suit your age, then it means recovery, good health, just good luck...

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers, tomatoes

Hello. The dream can be deciphered as follows - It seems that your grandmother wants to warn you against the mistakes that she herself once encountered. You are preparing for some event and everything should be fine if you do not distract your attention from the opinions of others. Otherwise, you will have to harvest from your own false prejudices. Remember how your grandmother lived and analyze it. (or so - it may rain - but this is trivial, and besides, you are a resident of a rural area and are worried about the harvest)))) Dreams are multi-tiered)))

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Leaving the Beach means leaving behind an emotionally comfortable period of life. To get together on the Beach again with the dude Natasha - in reality you need spiritual comfort (openness and sincerity). Stop and Women, former employee Stas is the current stagnation of the Dreamer in both the personal and social sphere. A Woman on a Bag, a Dreamer takes out Cucumbers on a Plate - in reality this symbolizes disorder (discontent) social life and emotional isolation (secrecy) of the Dreamer. A necessary stop across the Road - the Dreamer in reality does not see the Purpose of her life, but it is in the balance of all its factors - the Dreamer takes with her a Bag with clothes, and Shoes with a Coat, as well as Cucumbers. This is what the Dream is about. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Watering the beds

This Dream suggests that the Dreamer has developed his own personal attitude towards famous girl(possibly to a friend’s wife), which he does not want to show for a reason known to him (he does not want to ruin a sincere relationship with a girl and offend her in some way). I’ll give you a hint - it’s impossible to offend with attention and care (watering the beds), but it’s possible to attract the attention of a beautiful girl (harvest the harvest). Spoiled Bananas from the box are deferred direct intentions towards the girl. And Dacha says that everything can begin (deep relationships) with ordinary and sincere friendship. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

The dream advises the Dreamer to pay attention to her emotional sphere, in which there is some stagnation (getting bogged down in one’s feminine emotions, Yin state). In the future, this state can lead to emotional breakdowns and instability of close relationships (imbalance) at the slightest movement of the sensory sphere (a pool without edges, yellow water, pickled cucumbers). Therefore, it is necessary to be internally positively (!) disposed to changes in personal life in order to further establish balance in close relationships. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumber Salad

Such a dream is a sign of excitement. The more cucumbers there were, the stronger the excitement will be, about some life situation. Worry may be in vain and everything will work out, but you will have to be nervous

Dream Interpretation - Nuts vegetable garden goat onions cucumbers

Good evening! Wonderful dream! In a dream, you reaped the “fruits” of your past actions or decisions (you took out and ate speckled nuts from a log, and they were delicious because they were your own, that is, you don’t judge yourself, what happened was what happened, you think), and then you are thinking about how to revive your life in a new way - by resuscitating a past life scenario or in a different scenario, changing it “at the root” (two trees - with roots and without roots). A clean garden without weeds is your planned life without interference and mistakes, green zucchini is a renewal of your relationship with your husband, and discarded old yellowed cucumbers are past personal failures with your husband. Yes, and you’ve already quarreled, that’s enough, you think (you drive out a goat that was eating onions in the garden), it’s time to calm down and live in peace (you plant onions again - hopes for success after a difficult period). That's your whole dream. All the best to you, Sincerely, LIVIA.

A lonely lily in a dream is a big and tender love hidden behind a mask of restraint.

Dream Interpretation - White Lily, bed, root

In principle, this dream duplicates what I wrote to you about the dream with your battle and the Guardian Angel. A garden bed is a new path in life. It is open, you can move through life in any direction, since karma is pure and good level spiritual development. And Rovchik, these are the forces with which you fought. They are trying to make a path for you that is beneficial to them, violating your Free Will. Lily is your soul, and the exposed root shows that there is a struggle going on, and no one can say how it will end. But as long as you stand straight and perceive the flow of Divine Energies, you are unlikely to be in any danger.


(Young woman):

Hello, one day my brother dreamed that his friend came to visit us, and in the dream I was treating his friend to a pickled cucumber. Why is this???

(this friend is not the one I wrote about in the “wedding” topic


I choose from big cans pickled cucumbers, the largest and strongest cucumber, and I start eating it, and am surprised that it is so big, even and strong.


In a dream I saw a bathtub completely filled with pickled cucumbers, or rather pickled ones, and one cabbage, which for some reason rolled out of this bathtub, and I threw it back there. What is this for? Thank you!)


I dreamed that I grabbed a pickled cucumber at the market and then I treated it to my ex-girlfriend. What is this for? Thanks in advance.


Hello. From February 23 to 24, I dreamed that I saw a full but already open jar of 3 liters of pickle cucumbers standing on the gas. Everything is so smooth and neat. Thank you for your answer!


Hello. I dreamed that I walked into the kitchen and saw on the table not a full 3 liter jar with canned cucumbers, and next to it there is a plate in which there are a lot of pickled cucumbers cut lengthwise and in half from this jar (all cucumbers are good, both on plates and in the jar). My husband tells me that he used these pickles for himself so that he could take them hunting, and put the remaining cucumbers in the jar in the refrigerator.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Most likely, such a dream is prophetic and will come true in the future. There is no symbolic content in it.


Hello. I dreamed that I was walking through a field (vegetable garden) and there were small cucumbers growing there.


I say hello, welcome. I dreamed that I was picking cucumbers in the garden. I showed them to my husband and said: look how beautiful and big grandma left, she probably didn’t see them. But I’ll pick them


i dreamed that I was stealing a jar of pickles from the basement of my old friend’s house) ... there were a lot of them there ... but I’m looking for her jars ...
what is this for?)..


Hello! I dreamed of a man who was standing at the front of the house and looking at me, cutting a cucumber.


Hello! I dreamed that I was lying at home (on the bed) and covered some parts of my body with cucumber rings, making a kind of mask, and then I saw a lot of cucumber rings and covered myself from toe to neck (and there was sour cream in this mixture) . Then one of my relatives came into the room and, so that no one would see what I was doing, I covered myself with a blanket, and when they left, I took off the blanket again and continued to do my work.


What does it mean to have a dream in which they threw cucumbers at me? It’s just that a lot of people I didn’t know from different directions with handfuls of green fresh cucumbers threw them at me.


I dreamed that I was picking beautiful flowers in someone else’s garden while no one was looking, and then I saw a lot of cucumbers in the garden and I was thinking which one to steal, I chose the biggest, greenest and most beautiful one, I picked it, and when I left there was also one tomato somewhere I grabbed it!)) why this dream??


I sit behind the sofa, hiding from everyone, so I can eat small pickled cucumbers from a liter jar.


I dreamed that at first I picked and ate plums, and when I bent the branch I saw a lot of green cucumbers growing on it


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I remembered that we had pickles and I took it and felt a terrible desire to eat them.


In the garden there were beds planted with cucumbers. They were overgrown with green grass. And among all this, I picked small cucumbers, but not even, crinkled. I already had this dream, maybe a week and a half ago.


I put pickles from a jar into a bag, my second cousin is next to me, I give the bag of cucumbers to her. and then my old acquaintance appears, extends his hand to me, as if he’s offering help...


I dreamed in the morning of April 16 that I was buying fresh cucumbers at the market. I ask the seller, “They are not bitter, can I try them?” “Yes, you can.” I took the smallest cucumber, it seemed a little wilted to me, but after taking a bite, I said that it was not bitter. I say, “Well, gain me 1 kg.” And suddenly my daughter was next to me and said, “And I have 5 pieces.” The seller began to sort through the cucumbers in the basin, and there were a few of them, green and generally large in size. I say, “Well, you don’t put such large ones, choose the medium ones.” And there wasn't much choice. I remember that I got 500 rubles. And the price of cucumbers was 72 rubles. from the village of Ostrovtsy. I tell the seller “Oh, these are Lukhovitsky cucumbers, and I’m from Zaraysk, it’s nearby.” What could this mean? Tell.


I had a dream where I was taking exams. And you were required to bring it to the exam great amount cucumbers I brought it and the teacher begins to cut them coarsely. When he finished cutting them, he said that he was not satisfied with the result. And asks to bring beets.


Hello! I dreamed that I was sitting at school with my friends, then one of my friends gave me a 2-liter jar of pickles and tomatoes. Then the boy I like came up to me and hugged me. That's all.


I collected fresh ripe cucumbers and tomatoes in the garden and ate them


In line at the grocery store, I crowded around and eagerly looked at the mountain of beautiful, hard, juicy, well, very tasty, in my opinion, cucumbers. They were behind the saleswoman in a slide and one on one. To the side were small and flaccid, while others in a heap were large and brighter. I wanted to take a kilogram. But I never bought it. The dream is gone.


I was treated to a salted cucumber cut into rolls, straight from the greenhouse. And I also dreamed of a spider the size of my palm, but it didn’t bite me. It was covered in cobwebs.


some woman brought me 3 cucumbers - 1 large and two small ones and said that I should eat them. I said it was a lot and wanted to give her 2 pieces, but she didn’t take it and I stayed with them......


Hello. Today I had a dream in which I was buying fresh cucumbers at the market. I would like to know why I had such a dream?


I was getting ready to eat and on the table I saw an open 5 liter jar of pickles. This is where the dream ended. I didn’t come up and take anything from this jar.) Please tell me what this could mean? :-)


I dreamed that I went up to the garden bed and picked up a cucumber leaf, and there were a lot of cucumbers, both long and small, and I was surprised because yesterday they weren’t there yet


In a dream, my beloved man gave me half a fresh cucumber, I was still surprised, but I took it, it was warm, but there seemed to be fluffy snow all around, hanging like snowdrifts, it was already twilight and the evening was beginning


Hello. I dreamed of a vegetable garden where I walked with my sister. my sister shows where and what she planted. I stop at a bed covered with film, my sister says that she planted cucumbers under the film and does not open the film so that they grow faster. I open this film, and there are a lot of cucumbers, and large ones. My sister and I were very surprised, because... She recently planted them, and here is such a harvest.


Well, I dreamed about how my friend and I were closing the cucumbers and my teacher said that my friend had all the food and I didn’t have any and there was extra and the extra was the chrono, but I still put it right in. I also wanted to change the jars with my mother, she’s a good cook and that’s it .


Hello. I was in a large store and the seller gave me pickled cucumbers in jars for free, and I picked them up to the ceiling and also chose, taking only the good ones. I didn’t take the ones that were bubbling.


Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that I was in my yard and I was talking to someone concerned, like my mother, but I didn’t see her, I clearly saw myself approaching a hole of cucumbers and I knew that there should be little bugs with flowers there and I said that because of the rains now there are little kids they won’t grow and all the flowers will rot, I say, look, you see, they’re all sitting there in a state of confusion. The hole is thick and green and green, and I part the leaves and there are already medium-sized okuratny cucumbers and this made me happy. And on the eve of the day before yesterday I had a nightmare, I was sitting on the shore, clean air, golden sand, clean beautiful calm water, and with someone, I think this is some kind of woman, but I vaguely see her and remember I’m sitting relaxing, drinking beer and I’m offended by my husband suddenly appearing from somewhere, he calms me down says that I have recovered and I have big belly and I look and it’s true and suddenly I get up and walk, I raise my head and see a high green steep bank overgrown with grass and I’m looking for a way out but I don’t see it and then I saw a thin path and to get out I need to pull myself up on the grass and I know that I’ll get out, I calmly begin to pull myself up but the grass breaks off and remains in my hands and I start crying because I understand and am scared that I won’t get out and I see a strip of light with a bright sun and it’s impossible for me to want to go there. then a calm, pleasant man comes up with confidence, hugs me and reassures me, says that everything will be fine and although he doesn’t look like my husband, for some reason I’m sure in the dream that it’s him. Please explain, if you can, what all this is about, I’ve never been so worried dreams, maybe because I have big financial problems - there are no money debts at work and at home with my family I’m tired and don’t know what else to expect, I’ve been exhausted over these six months and I’m already scared that the situation is not changing but is only getting more complicated. Explain what’s wrong with these dreams and what else to prepare for good or again for the next problems and troubles. I really don’t trust anyone, but suddenly today some small piece of hope appeared and I don’t know.natalja [email protected]


Hello Tatyana! I’m terribly worried; I never believed in all this, but the day before yesterday I saw a strange dream in which I am sitting on the shore of clean, calm, beautiful water on clean golden sand, relaxing, drinking beer with someone, calmly talking to a woman, but I don’t see her, I’m sharing something with her, probably, and suddenly my husband appeared from somewhere, I see him clearly, I hear him too he says that I have gained weight, that I have a big belly, and indeed I look and see, but I am offended by him and get up and go look at the edge of the bank and it is steep and all overgrown with greenery and I look out for a muddy spot and then I see a strip, I pull myself up with my hands and break down and see there is light and rays of the sun, but I don’t fall very low here, but nevertheless I understand that there is no way to get out; there is still so much grass in my hands, and then a man comes up, I’m not afraid of him, he is calm, confident, reliable, pleasant, and he hugs me, reassures me, says that everything will be with me good and I’m calming down, but I know it’s my husband. And today I woke up puzzled by the cucumbers I saw. I’m walking through my yard with my mother, but I don’t see her nearby, I just know that she’s nearby. We’re talking about the rains that poured for a long time and now all the cucumbers are wet. I go up to the hole and I’m surprised, firstly, instead of my hole, there’s a big thick green hole and I I know that there are little bugs with flowers and I talk about it and push the foliage apart with my hand and so easily and I see medium-sized, smooth, beautiful cucumbers and it makes me delighted and not bewildered, I didn’t expect this. If you can please explain, I’m just having a very difficult time right now, I have no money in debts at work there’s nothing good at home either, in general, I’m in a debt trap, there’s nowhere I can’t find anything wrong, there’s nothing wrong all around, there’s only troubles and problems, I don’t want to live anymore, I don’t know, but today a little but hope appeared in my friend, and here’s your letter, tell me what else should I wait for, I can’t wait anymore


hello. I don’t remember the dream exactly. I’ll tell you what I remember. I saw a jar of pickles, I asked my mother something like, what is this jar worth here? It was standing on the table in the kitchen. And my mother replied, the jar exploded. They took it out. cucumbers, but I didn’t see them. And in a dream the thought ran through my mind as to why the jar exploded if it had been screwed on for a long time.


My grandfather has already died. But I dreamed that he came to me and brought a jar of pickles and went back. But at that time I was joyful. What could this mean? My husband and I really want a child, but we haven’t been able to get pregnant for several years now, does this dream have any connection?


In a dream, I planted cucumbers in sawdust. I dreamed of the sun shining in my eyes. The street where I used to live and some of the houses on the street were empty, no longer residential in the text.


I dreamed of a stork that I wanted to feed; at first he was scared of me, but then he made contact. At the same time, I walked towards him through the garden and saw a bush with cucumbers, from which I picked a cucumber and fed the stork.


today I dreamed that I was making a large round wooden table and round legs for it, then I dreamed of medium-sized white nails, I take them with my hand and move them to nail the table (they don’t prick me), then I dreamed that I took a bite of a pickled cucumber and then carefully it cut it, then I dreamed that my bad tooth began to crumble and at this time in a dream I discovered that my tooth had fallen out healthy tooth and another one is staggering, this is what I dreamed about today from July 15 to 16


My husband and I are carrying cucumbers in bags through the market gate, and the gate is closed, but we somehow get through this closed gate


fresh lightly salted cucumbers in 3-liter jars, the jars were not full, unopened, so beautiful, not wrinkled, then I saw my daughter and her friends and husband, he had to go on a business trip and he brought some girls into the house, I kicked them out, but I didn’t buy a husband train ticket, I tell him why didn’t I buy a ticket? he answered me that he has two resurrections.


Hello, I dreamed that I was picking cucumbers from the garden, almost the last harvest. There were only three cucumbers: two smaller ones and one large, bright green color. I tore them for a woman. She came for cucumbers and I gave them to her. The woman was dressed in a red dress.


At my dacha I saw large green cucumbers and was amazed: it was already autumn, and they were so fresh and beautiful. Turned the other way, and there was even more


I don’t remember what exactly happened in my dream, but in an instant my gaze falls on a light box Brown and I see a cucumber in it. It was quite large, not green but not yellow either, something in between when a cucumber begins to age. Something like that.


Constantly dreams stranger he helps me and loves me, and recently I dreamed that I ate a pickled cucumber and I wanted to eat more of them, then I began to fly in my dream


Pickled cucumbers in 2 jars, one larger and the other about half a jar, were brought to me by a nurse from the first aid station and asked me to put them in the basement so that they would not freeze.


I dreamed that I planted cucumbers, for some reason, on trees, at first they were red (I thought they were not ripe), then the sun came out, it was very warm, I started watering the cucumbers with water (transparent) and the cucumbers immediately all began to ripen quickly, they They were green, smooth and beautiful, and I began to collect them. there were a lot of cucumbers, but I repeat, they grew on trees


I dreamed that I was about to leave the hospital because everything was fine with me and there was no need to be there anymore, but I liked one person there. and it seemed to me that I did the same to him, and since he didn’t take the first step and I was already checking out, I was thinking about how to attract his attention and while I was changing in the bathroom I decided to ask him to fasten my gold chain and bracelet. All this time he was sitting in the corridor and I saw him through the slightly open door. And when I came out to him with jewelry in my hands, he was sitting and eating pickles from a plastic glass, I hesitated, but I asked him to wash his hands and then I woke up.
I am married and have a child, we are sick at the moment, but people say. from a dream I was in the form of my former classmate whom I saw a couple of times after school


I was sitting at work!! and in the safe I saw a jar of pickled cucumbers, and next to a bag of small pickled cucumbers, I really wanted to eat them, but I was distracted


A girl with whom I am not communicating at the moment (in a mess) came and brought a lot of tomatoes and two cucumbers and left. After a while she brought more tomatoes, but this time red ones, and 3 pcs. pink. The tomatoes were in a bowl of water


I dreamed that there were a lot of pickled cucumbers in a large barrel. They were all so beautiful, and small fish swam between them, like in an aquarium)))


They were digging something in the garden, at first there was earth, then snow suddenly appeared and from under the snow I began to take out green cucumbers and dig deeper there were still green cucumbers.


Hello. I was collecting pickled cucumbers (cut in half) from the beds, hanging like tomatoes on the bushes.


Good afternoon. Why was I dreaming that I saw in a small building that looked like a garage, there was a bag of pickles on the floor and I filled myself with a bag, what does this mean, I am about to have an operation and the diagnosis is not very good, please tell me.


I dreamed that instead of a kitchen we had a long corridor, at the end of which there was a monster. I save my friend (even though I’ve never met him in reality) and throw pickles from a jar at the monster. What is this for? I really want to know. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed of a supermarket and there were a lot of cucumbers on the shelves different different, and at different prices, smaller ones were cheaper, larger ones were more expensive


I dreamed of heaps of pickled cucumber, but not that salty, I tried it. And there were also spoons and forks lying there. Then I cut it into pieces and then ate it


Hello, I had what seemed like a strange dream to me, I had never had one before...I dreamed that I was just holding a jar of cucumbers in my hand and by one.


I dreamed that I was running around someone else’s garden and realized that I was stealing cucumbers and green onions! Although I can’t stand onions at all


leaving someone else's house in a greenhouse, I picked a huge beautiful cucumber and picked four hot peppers - red and green - from the vines


I remember this at my school, all my classmates also have a labor lesson there, but we are not schoolchildren, we are all adults, I also remember the moment that I eat a fresh delicious cucumber


I dreamed that my young man was planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse, and each seedling had a yellow flower. and the cake is round. which I hold in my hands.


I had a dream: as if there was a long line at some store, a line for cabbage and cucumber salad, but the salad was not fresh, but like we prepare for the winter - pickled. And the cucumbers are cut lengthwise, not into small pieces. I also thought how the cabbage is cut like a salad, and how to eat cucumbers - they are long and cut into 4 pieces lengthwise or more, how can you eat this salad?. I was the last in line, then the point of sale was moved to another place and I was the first, and people were left behind, and they didn’t seem to mind me being first. They ask me how much to give you, I say in confusion: one liter and two half-liter jars (for your information, I have two daughters). And the salad is served to me by a woman who is the mother of a guy who is friends with my daughter.


I dreamed that I was walking to a tram stop and on the way I met friends who were picking cucumbers and grapes were growing with them, I tried them and there was still fog


Hello. I slept during the day and saw green, fresh cucumbers on the table in a basin of water, and I was walking on them Small child I held him by the hands and he was happy and laughed loudly and I laughed too. Thank you


in the refrigerator there are three jars of pickled/fermented cucumbers (each jar had a different quantity)


I'm riding my bike between the trees, making sharp turns. Then I see that it is also a field covered with snow. Deep green cucumbers grow under the snow.


I saw a bush with cucumbers at home, one cucumber was lying on the kitchen table, a little rotten, I cut off the spoiled part and began to eat it, then I began to warm up my daughter’s soup, she was next to me [email protected]


Summer, heat, I’m walking with a small child along the road around the forest and suddenly in my hand instead of a child’s hand there is a green cucumber in a bag, but when I returned this child was with me again.


I pick cucumbers at night from someone else’s garden with my mother and it slowly begins to get light and we are discovered, I left the bucket and my mother runs too, but she didn’t leave us, some men interrogate us later


good afternoon! I had a dream that I baked a green cucumber and with my hands I divided it into two parts and in the middle of that cucumber I put 2-3 grains... what could this dream mean? for this far-away testimony!


Hello, my name is Irina. I dreamed that I was eating cucumbers, but when I started to look closely at them, I saw that they were peeled, the cucumbers were not cut, they were whole and peeled. In the dream, I remember that I was very surprised by these peeled cucumbers.


my mother dreamed that my husband and I were growing cucumbers; in the dream, my mother asked to take them to the market, but we said it was too early, although the cucumbers were large and we had to sign some other contracts


hi TATYANA I dreamed of green fresh cucumbers that I ate them why would there be a lot of them


At first I dreamed that my mother went to pick cucumbers and said that there were few of them, I went outside and from afar I saw large cucumbers, went up to pick them and saw many more cucumbers, and then I also pulled them out from the ground and was in a hurry because I wanted to have time to give the cucumbers to my sister who I was already standing at the stop and waiting for the bus.


Good morning! I dreamed of a very good friend of the family (I had never seen him since the day of his death!) 1. suggested that we go collect magnifying glasses and hand them over: one mayonnaise bucket would cost 3 thousand, he said, and then he called to some building like a shed, and the shed of a neighbor garden and treated me to some cucumbers from the box (2-3 gave). Thank you [email protected]


Hello Tatyana. My name is Marina. Today I saw an interesting dream and I want to interpret it. I went into the city where everything was green. I didn’t see any beds or land, just that everything was turning green. On the side where the cucumbers were planted, I turned my head and saw a lot of cucumbers, one cucumber was very large, white-green in color, and the rest were small green. and I reason that I’m still waiting for them to bloom, but then they say the milk yield is already harvested, why is this?


I picked cucumbers from the garden, and each time I found more and more cucumbers, they were all green and fresh, and one was a little yellow


I dreamed of a whole plantation of cucumbers on bushes! The fruits were very large! I just watched and admired it!


Hello! I dreamed that I was taking out a head of sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers (cut into 4 parts) from a plastic bag!


Hello) I dreamed that I was in my homeland with my father at the dacha doing something and I decided to sow cucumber seeds. So I sowed it and two hours later they suddenly grew and gave fruit. I was amazed in my dream how could it be like that!! then for some reason I decided to plant it, I started planting it, and as I did everything I realized that I had dug a hole and put an apple the size of a fist in there and buried it with earth.


Autumn.. A large field and on it there are green.. green tops of cucumbers and a lot of cucumbers themselves... a lot... beautiful big green ones... and I walk through this field


I dreamed that brine was pouring out of a jar of pickles onto the floor, I didn’t let my beloved man step on this puddle of brine, I don’t have a husband. THOSE. I don’t let him step over this puddle, earlier I had exactly the same dream, only in a different apartment and my late mother was there. She just appeared and left, and then the brine began to overflow from the jar again.


I saw cucumbers growing on my balcony. then I picked 2 of them. there's still a lot left. some old woman began to ask me for them. I didn't want to give them away. she began to select them. I gave her the yellow one. she didn't like it. she started cursing me that I would die soon. I ran away from her


I dreamed that I was protecting my son (he is 19 years old), some people want to take him somewhere, but I go everywhere with him, and he goes and smiles. Then we sit at the table and I greedily eat cucumbers, my son asks why I ate everything, I say I don’t know. Then they bring us fish, I eat it and tell my son to try it (he doesn’t eat fish) and he starts feeding the fish to the gray-haired girl next to him.


I dreamed of pickled cucumbers, green, crispy and very tasty. They were in a jar, I ate them. I had never had such a dream before.



Natalya Valerievna:

I planted cucumbers in the greenhouse, they blossomed and filled up before our eyes, my late friend and I collected them and ate them, then she, the deceased, washed my floors, and then I pulled out of myself an unborn child in the placenta, dead, very scary.


The ex-husband persistently handed over a 3-liter jar of canned cucumbers. He said: “Take it, eat it.” Immediately his sister appeared with a travel bag and also got me things for the bath from it. I don’t remember if I took all this from them...


I dreamed that a pagan ritual was taking place in the forest, everything was in slow motion, at first I watched everything myself and then in a repeat from the side of the village I ate pickles and washed it down with brine.


Hello! Why do you dream if your ex-girlfriend treated you to pickled cucumbers and boiled potatoes? The cucumber was cut.
Thank you


I bought a bag of pickled cucumbers at a spontaneous market. Then I started selling it at another market, tried it and liked it. The thought in the dream is that we need to make sure that we sell them all.


I dreamed of a wedding (not mine). It’s just how many people watched from the sidelines! At first the groom threw a bouquet into the crowd (this surprised me most in the dream), he was caught, but then some woman (not very pleasant looking) was just passing by me threw a bouquet to me! What alarmed me was that the bouquet that she threw to me looked more like a wreath, but at the same time it was just a bouquet with lifeless flowers! In this dream I saw a guy I like (but he is already married and will soon have a baby His wife was nearby, she walked around kind of gloomy and angry (but in the dream I understood that it was her, but her face was completely different). This guy came up in the dream and kissed me, and he said that he loved me, I’m in this for a moment I looked at my best friend and she nodded approvingly, as if confirming these words! Then I dreamed that we were traveling on a train and he told me that he was going to the rocking chair, so that I would drive up with him. This way it will be faster at traffic lights! We won’t stop at traffic lights! I I went out and knew that my mother asked me to buy cucumbers, but not “some kind”, but normal ones, because... We brought the previous ones home and the device beeped that they contained radiation (in a dream, as if I knew that we had such a device). 2 girls approached the counter and tried to sell me round and yellowish cucumbers, but some woman advised me to buy from her. The cucumbers were also not the most beautiful, but their shape was similar to ordinary cucumbers, only shriveled! I don’t remember exactly whether I bought it from her, but I told her that I was rushing with my child to some kind of employment center (and the child was waiting for me sitting on a bicycle behind some window, I understood that she was alone there and there were a lot of people, but I still walked somewhere), this woman went to another woman and agreed with her to let me skip the line! I told her thank you and left with the child on a bicycle


Good afternoon. I dreamed of a mountain of pickled cucumbers at the market. I wanted them, they looked beautiful and appetizing. But I didn’t buy them.


At the moment I’m pregnant and I dreamed of a small cucumber with a color on the tip, it was only one, I didn’t do anything with it….




I was standing on the beach with my back to the sea and several people next to me, and suddenly the sand began to rise and fall in front of our eyes, as if it was breathing, I asked the man standing next to me to see what was under the sand, he seemed to throw back a layer of sand and we saw a large mountain of green, hard, fresh cucumbers


I was visiting in the village and was in a room where people could come to buy cucumbers. I agreed to help sell the cucumbers, but it was in my thoughts during the conversation about my help; it seems I didn’t see the cucumbers. I have dreams, but in the morning I don’t remember them. I remember some dreams