Why does Juno dream? Dream interpretation of Juno online

17.08.2019 Trips

Hello! Blood and bleeding bad signs. You are in danger and may get sick. For traders, this dream promises bad trade, ruin for those on trial. If you are in love, then your boyfriend will cheat with your girlfriend and marry her,

Dream Interpretation - Dream Interpretation - Smiling Entity

There is no need to worry at all. Since you didn’t make anyone angry, it means everyone was kind. The image of a mother in a dream does not indicate your mother in reality. This is her projection, image. Your escape from a gang through the mud, in reality, means that you are avoiding negative emotions, and people who provoke such emotions. Your castle, your fortress, is communication with your friend and mother. The guy in the car, like the smiling entity, is your spirit, well, or an angel (they just look scary at the lower levels)

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Expectorate phlegm

Cleansing, relief. Dream Interpretation, if you use it constantly and it does not lie to you, you should not ignore it completely, then perhaps you will get rid of the person in time who could complicate your life in the future. In general, spring cleaning in every sense.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Expectorate phlegm

Your inner critic has raised its head. Considering that you don’t remember anything else and that any criticism, including yourself, is very harmful, we can only say one thing: you are not what you think you are, you are much better.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy from an ex-boyfriend

Your dream belongs to the category of everyday dreams and fully reflects experiences and thoughts hidden in the subconscious; more than 90% of people have such dreams. So, by and large, you should not pay attention to dreams, even vivid ones, especially if interpretation is difficult or frightening. Old dream books are all aimed at confusing and intimidating people! This is an old energy paradigm. Here is an example from a new dream book that corresponds to energies New Era: Pregnancy · Reflection of readiness to give life to a new vision of the world (worldview), a new idea or a new relationship. · The need to realize creative potential. · Possibility of birth of any new project. · Reflection of the desire or fear of becoming pregnant (having a child).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

The meaning of the dream suggests that some obstacle will arise when you want to spend money on something, but what you want to buy indicates that your idea is not serious; perhaps you need to rethink your affairs and plans?

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - A huge raven in the house

The dream speaks of the dominant conscious foundations and views of the Dreamer over the emotions of the soul - a huge Raven lands on the window of the parental House, flies confidently inside and remains between the Wall and the Closet, where the wall is the internal foundations, security, and the closet is emotions. The Raven looks at the Dreamer with the intention of kissing, not knowing How, even if he has a beak (mate/needs) - symbolizes the lack of emotional experience and emotions/relationships in the Dreamer’s life against the backdrop of social advancement. The dreamer is powerless to do anything - the prevailing conscious attitudes of the Dreamer, dictating their own conditions, contributing to the stability of the social position. Such a dream suggests hidden and unexpressed true emotions of the Soul, conscious control of one’s emotions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Juno's dream book and people who interpret dreams have become widely known. They believe that those images that appear in the mind necessarily prophesy something and give us signs that push us to certain actions or warn us about something.

For quite a long time there has been a belief that dreams necessarily carry meaning. Somnology, that is, the science of dreams, is constantly being studied to explain the physiology of this process.

A person spends a third of his life in a dream, and of course there is a complex of reasons in such an unidentified, diverse world that will lift the curtain of the unknown nature of this phenomenon.

Even the Jews took upon themselves the responsibility of solving such a puzzle when, in biblical times, Joseph was able to decipher a dream that the Pharaoh of Egypt had.

“Juno's Dream Book of 40 Dream Books” is such a well-known name that implies the interpretation of 40 collections of dreams. These collections have proven themselves in history and have given explanations to many dreams by the most famous authors, representatives of ancient civilizations: Freud, Cleopatra, Solomon, Nostradamus.

Numerous images come to people in dreams that need to be correctly interpreted. To do this in ancient times, considerable knowledge of witches, sorcerers, priestesses and priests was required. Over the course of many centuries, this knowledge has been accumulated, wisdom has been collected bit by bit, and thanks to this, we can now replenish our knowledge.

All materials have been combined into one collection of dream interpretations, which will help predict the future and explain prophetic dreams.

The dream book called Juno is not named in vain, since in Roman mythology Juno is the wife of the supreme god Jupiter, guarding the love of family and the family hearth. Goddess who is the patroness of women and has secret knowledge- is directly responsible for spirituality person. The famous Juno fortune telling is also associated with the famous Roman goddess.

People, for this popular collection, chose the most competent predictors, magicians, soothsayers and oracles, paying tribute to the fame of the name and their rich practice.

At present, it is worth dwelling on the fact that Juno’s dream book covers over 25,000 words and already includes not 40, but 75 dream books.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Evgeniy Tsvetkov preferred to work only with the most memorable and vivid dreams, which, in his opinion, carry a sacred meaning.

The texts that fill the dream book are worked out so that, on its basis, every person can predict their future, catch luck by the tail, or avoid impending troubles.

The collection of Juno, an encyclopedia of dreams, is unique in its specificity, since those people who contributed to this collection were based on their own methods of studying dreams. In search of precious keys to knowledge, each of them strove to study all possible aspects of the subject.

Sigmund Freud, who was the founder of modern psychology, analyzes dreams through the differentiation of the sexes and their own erotic desires.

Michel Nostradamus, the great soothsayer of antiquity, was influenced by moving premonitions. He interprets dreams based on the direction from the particular to the whole, from the past to the future, and his originality lies precisely in this. He has not been on planet Earth for a long time, but his predictions continue to come true.

Hindman Miller, a great psychologist, worked with images that he associated with sequence, thereby analyzing the entire picture of the dream. In his dreams, he systematized various combinations, and then deciphered the code.

David Loff, with regards to the images or objects seen in a dream, argued that they are individual in nature, therefore their interpretation should be based on a specific person, on the events that happened in his life and on the meaning invested in certain things.

The Swiss Carl Jung argued that it is from the point of view of cause and effect that dreams need to be considered, since without hiding moral and ethical contradictions, our desires and thoughts are reflected.

A large circle of people of different nationalities, social paths, views, capable of linking together the dreams they have seen with the real basis of life are reflected in the wide database of “Juno’s Dream Book of 40 Dream Books”

This collection intertwines many people from different civilizations and eras who lived in states with different forms of government. Therefore, the person who expresses a desire to turn to the dream book for advice will definitely find it.

If you lift the veil of an unidentified dream, you can find a thread that you can pull and find a solution to your experiences.

What we see in a dream may be an indication of higher powers and a distorting mirror of reality. If interpreted correctly, you can bypass troubles and ensure success in business.

Our life can be compared to the labyrinth of the Minotaur, where monsters live and twilight reigns. The true hero Theseus, who is lucky enough to light the torch and give hope, will help dispel doubts.

In a dream, events are intricately intertwined, which cannot always be correctly deciphered. This particular collection known interpretations will allow you to touch the mystery and find suitable clues.

It is best to turn to such a collection of dream interpretations under the influence of what you have experienced, then the chain of images will not be interrupted and there will not be so many lost links.

If you want to find your own way in the world of fog and contradictions, as the great soothsayers did, turn to Juno’s dream book and delve into the essence of what is happening to you. Only when we take the path of knowledge can we find the path to ourselves, and this means that you have followed in the footsteps of the ancients famous people who have preserved the wisdom of generations.

People involved in interpretation own dreams, are very well aware of the existence of a book called “Juno’s Dream Book 40 Dream Books: Characteristics and Interpretation of Dreams.” It is very convenient to work from this collection if you have had an unusual dream and urgently need to find out the omen that is contained in it.

The belief that dreams carry enormous semantic load has long ceased to be scholasticism. There is a science about dreams. It's called "Somnology". Researchers have long been engaged in practical work in the field of dreams in order to explain the physiology of sleep processes. This is very important, since a person spends a third of his life in sleep and many of the processes that occur in this state with the basic systems of the human body are still not fully understood.

Even the Jews were involved in the interpretation of dreams. Ancient Egypt. The evidence is in the Bible. It tells how Joseph interpreted the dream of the Pharaoh of Egypt.

There is a popular collection of interpretations, it is called “Juno’s dream book 40 dream books” and includes forty author’s collections of dream interpretations. Among the authors are: famous personalities, like Solomon, Cleopatra, Nostradamus, Freud and other representatives of civilization. The interpretation of dreams in former times was the privilege of sorcerers, witches and priests. Knowledge has been collected bit by bit over the centuries and now this well of knowledge is open to inquisitive representatives of humanity.

The collection of interpretations began to be called “Juno’s Dream Book”; interpretation of dreams” became commonplace, especially since the voluminous collection made it possible to consider the maximum number of interpretation options and choose the most suitable one. In Roman mythology, Juno was the legal wife of Jupiter and was in charge of the secret sciences and helped women responsible for the spiritual fulfillment of man. It was she, the patroness of marriage, guarding the hearth and love in the family, who gave her name to the dream book.

It should be noted that today Juno’s dream book includes an interpretation of more than 25 thousand words and not forty author’s books, but about 75. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Evgeniy Tsvetkov worked only with the most vivid dreams. He believed that they carry a sacred meaning. Juno's dream book is compiled in such a way as to enable anyone to make a forecast for the future and catch luck by the tail. It is unique in that each of the authors considered the problem of dream interpretation from their own point of view and therefore the interpretation of dreams is considered from a variety of angles.

The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, viewed dreams through the prism of the division of the sexes and their erotic desires. The soothsayer Nostradamus approached the problem from the point of view of movement from the past to the future, from the particular to the whole; this is precisely what makes the author’s dream books unique. In the collection of popular interpretations you can find the key to unlocking the most varied intricacies of dreams; you just need to allow yourself to reveal the secret. It is more convenient to use these collections of dream interpretations when the plot of the dream is written down on paper under the influence of the dream experienced, immediately after traveling along the “royal road” from the unconscious. In this case, the chain of images will be the most complete, without missing links.

Juno's dream book, as well as forty other dream books from other authors, can be compared. Thus, by comparing contradictions, you will be able to independently find the truth by touch, as the great soothsayers did. After all, collecting bit by bit true knowledge, we are on the path to ourselves. It is this goal that is the main one in turning to ancient scrolls and writings that preserve the wisdom of generations.

On what day of the month did you have a dream?

1st day of the month - Dreams on this day come true exactly and portend good things.
2nd - Dreams on this day are empty and meaningless.
3rd - Dreams on this day are fair and quickly fulfilled.
4th - Dreams on this day do not come true soon and foretell good things.
5th - Dreams on this day are of good meaning, this dream is very accurate.
6th - Dreams on this day come true in twelve days.
7th - Dreams on this day are happy, but you should not talk about them.
8th - Dreams on this day lead to the fulfillment of desires.
9th - Dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
10th - Dreams on this day foreshadow some difficulties.
11th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
12th - Dreams on this day come true quickly and favorably.
13th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
14th - Dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not concern personal life.
15th - Dreams on this day will come true soon and very happily.
16th - Dreams on this day do not come true and have no meaning.
17th - Dreams on this day promise success and come true within 20 days.
18th - Dreams on this day lead to profit and new things.
19th - Dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
20th - Dreams come true on this day, but you should not tell them to anyone.
21st - Dreams on this day come true and foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
22nd - Dreams on this day come true quickly and do not promise trouble.
23rd - Dreams on this day will most definitely soon come true.
24th - Dreams on this day are joyful and will soon come true.
25th - Dreams on this day are full of lies and deception, and quickly come true.
26th - Dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
27th - Dreams on this day are meaningless and have no meaning.
28th - Dreams on this day come true within 30 days.
29th - Dreams on this day do not come true, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
30th - Dreams on this day are fantastic and do not always come true.
31st - Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.

A third of a person's life is spent sleeping. Many pundits representing various branches of science and esotericism are equally trying to understand the nature of dreams, to decipher the codes and messages that we see when we close our eyes. Today, a separate scientific direction has even emerged, somnology, which conducts various studies related to dreams.

“The Dream Book of Juno” is a collection of dream interpretations, widely known among people who are trying to lift the veils between the world of reality and the world of dreams. It is often also called “Juno's Dream Book of 40 Dream Books,” as it brings together forty different collections of dream interpretation written by various authors from Solomon, Cleopatra and Nostradamus to Sigmund Freud and Carl-Gustav Jung.

In ancient times, in order to interpret dreams, it was necessary to have a huge amount of knowledge. That is why this activity was the prerogative of priests, monks and sorcerers. They operated with the knowledge that had been accumulated for centuries before their birth.

The dream book got its name in honor of the Roman goddess Juno, she was the wife of Jupiter, the head of the divine pantheon. She is credited with possessing secret knowledge and patronizing women, who since ancient times were considered the spiritual principle of man. Juno was revered both as the patroness of marriage and family hearth, but most importantly, she had a prophetic gift and boundless intuition.

It is not surprising that it was her name that was given to the collection, the texts included in which were created to predict the future, based on the interpretation seen in a dream.

People spent a long time and painstakingly collecting letters from applicants who deserved to be included in such a serious collection. Here, rich practice, novelty of presentation and fame of the name were taken into account.

To date, the Dream Book of Juno includes more than twenty-five thousand interpreted words. In addition, this collection includes not 40, but 75 dream books of various authors.

“Juno’s Dream Book” is absolutely unique in its own way, since each of the co-authors of this collection made their own way to find the answer to the interpretation of dreams, creating their own methods, and approaching the subject under consideration from completely different angles.

The dream book has absorbed all those texts, having studied which, each person will be able to analyze the images he saw in a dream, recognize their hidden meaning and predict his own future...

So, for example, according to the most famous predictor in the whole world, Michel Nostradamus, dreams can reveal the future not of one person, but of all humanity, moving from the particular to the general, from the past to the future.

The approach of Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychoanalysis, is based on the analysis of dreams as a container for the innermost unrealized desires of an individual, mainly of an erotic nature.

Dr. Evgeniy Tsvetkov, who works in the field of physical and mathematical sciences, studied only the most vivid and well-remembered dreams, suggesting their hidden sacred overtones.

The concept of the famous psychologist Hindman Miller connects images with their specific sequence, which forms the overall picture. He created a system of various subject combinations and deciphered this encoding.

Another famous psychologist, a student of Freud, Carl Gustav Jung viewed dreams as chains of cause and effect, which reflect the thoughts that visited us during the day, hidden desires and universal human unconscious archetypes that have haunted humanity since its inception.

Thus. The Dream Book of Juno combined the concepts of representatives of different eras, sides of the globe, forms of government, spheres of activity, social status, ages, genders, etc. This diversity of people contributed to the widest possible base of interpretations that fit into this collection. It is thanks to this that anyone who opens the Dream Book of Juno will be able to find there an interpretation of the dream that will be most suitable for his usual socio-cultural conditions.

Night is the time of dreams, the mysteries of which humanity has always sought to unravel. There are many options for dream books that help decipher dreams, but the most complete and convenient of them is Juno’s 40 dream books. With its help, on our website, you will find answers to many questions regarding the past, present and future, you will be able to analyze your psychological state, and realize your secret desires.

How to use Juno's dream book online?

Nice design and convenient layout of sections will allow you to quickly and comfortably find necessary interpretation, because the search can be carried out in two ways: alphabetically, scrolling through words, or by entering the word you are interested in in the search bar.

Our instructions will help you understand Juno’s online dream book. You will be able to use the service without any problems, because we have tried to make it as simple and convenient as possible. Juno's dream book online is provided free of charge and does not require registration.

How to look for a transcript of a dream in Juno’s dream book?

  • You can enter the word you are interested in completely or only part of it (at least two letters).

  • The search ignores the case of letters in the word (acceptable spellings are ROZA, roZA, ROZA, rose, etc.).

  • An advanced search provides much more information, for example, when searching for “rum”, all words with a similar combination of letters will be shown - “daisy”, “ferry”, “romance” and further down the list.

  • The word can only contain Russian letters (the search engine will ignore other characters).

Why is Juno's dream book considered good?

The advantage of Juno’s dream book is that it contains all the options for dream interpretation - from popular to little-known. Here there is a popular interpretation of dreams, and interpretation of dreams from famous seers and psychoanalysts, as well as dream books whose authors are not so popular, but whose interpretations of dreams deserve close attention.

Why do dream books give different interpretations?

This is true - the decoding may vary significantly. Why does this happen, and which dream book to believe? The point is that no accurate interpretation: the same event can be interpreted in different ways; it is worth relying not only on the general meaning, but also on small details.

The more detail you remember your dream, the more accurately you will be able to decipher it. And the opportunity to compare several sources, for example, Juno and Freud, allows you to formulate your attitude to a particular meaning. As a rule, the explanation that “catches” the most is the answer to your questions.

Comparison with the lunar calendar

The mistress of the night - the Moon - also influences the meaning of the dream: dreams about the “growing” Moon come true faster and require more careful analysis. Daytime sleep, despite the bright and colorful pictures, most often does not carry any information; dreamers say about daytime sleep that it is an empty dream. You should only pay attention to dreams that come in the morning, especially on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Juno's Dream Interpretation: Hints and Foresight

Useful information that is in Juno’s dream book will help you figure out when “prophetic” dreams come and when “empty” dreams come, what to do to good dream came true, but the bad one remained beyond reality.

Juno's Dream Book will teach you to use the hints that your subconscious gives you, because during sleep the human brain processes all the information received during the day. And what was forgotten in the bustle of the day may turn out to be the key to solving the problem: the answer you are looking for only needs to be deciphered using a dream book. And the images presented by your subconscious will take on clear forms and will help you not make mistakes and avoid troubles.

Juno website services: horoscope for today, week, month, year and hour, the most big dream book from 75 dream books, Tarot fortune-telling, Book of Changes, tests, names - unique, original and useful, very popular among visitors.

The Juno website is dedicated to the topic of love and relationships, improving yourself and your life. Juno's library contains valuable practical materials for harmonizing your life in astrology, esotericism, psychology, feng shui, socionics, style and image.

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Horoscope for today and tomorrow. Daily horoscopes for Juno are presented in several versions - this is the horoscope for today for the signs of the Zodiac, love horoscope for signs, daily forecast according to feng shui for the signs of the eastern horoscope, which works on the basis of zezhi. It gives a forecast not only for the day, but also for every hour, which helps you optimally plan your day. At the same time, an additional section of the forecast is given - visual: in addition to the text, you receive a unique illustration in the form of works by Chinese artists, which give an additional hint about what awaits you during the day. It will help you get your bearings and Moon calendar, which works with amazing accuracy. The theme of relationships occupies a special place in it.

Weekly horoscope. You can find out the forecast for several days ahead by referring to the weekly horoscope for the zodiac signs. If you are interested in your love life, a weekly love horoscope is at your service.

Monthly horoscope. Our monthly horoscopes, in several versions, will help you look into the more distant future: a monthly horoscope for zodiac signs, telling about the main trends of the month in career, personal life, financial affairs and health; astrological forecast for every month; monthly love horoscope; feng shui monthly horoscope - a unique service from Juno for the signs of the eastern horoscope.

Horoscope for the year. Horoscopes for the year, presented in a wide variety of options, are a great help in long-term planning of affairs. For you - a horoscope for 2013 according to the signs of the Zodiac, love, career and finances, Eastern horoscope for the year of the Tiger and others. Present to your attention horoscope for 2013 Black Water Snake: horoscope 2013 for zodiac signs, love horoscope for 2013, eastern horoscope 2013, Tarot forecast.

Individual horoscope

Our professional astrologers will provide qualified assistance in solving problems in the section "Consultation with an astrologer". Most popular services:

Compatibility horoscope. The horoscope analyzes the topic of psychological and sexual compatibility, compliance with each other’s ideals, conflict issues and immediate prospects for relationships. The astrologer will give advice on how to improve the situation.

Individual horoscope. A personal horoscope is the most succinct description of a person’s destiny potential, possibilities, and abilities.

Other astrological services: love and business horoscope, choosing the time to start a business, rectification and others.


Dream Interpretation of Juno is known as the largest dream book on the Runet and consists of more than 75 dream books (previously - 40 dream books). We created for you online dream book from the best and most accurate dream books, in our opinion, both by famous authors (the dream book of Miller, Freud, Vanga, Nostradamus), and not yet very well-known, but no less talented specialists in dream interpretation.

Dream Interpretation Juno with convenient search and many interpretations of dream symbols is a service where all the best dream books are collected in one place and present interpretations of each symbol on two pages. If you want to decipher your dream, you just need to go to our website and look at its meaning among dream books different nations and religions (Russian, English, Chinese, Japanese, Islamic, Mayan, Gypsy, American, Persian, French, etc.), different times (modern and ancient), thematic (love, psychological, Tarot symbols, numerological...). Among them, you will definitely find those that you like the most and will read only them, or make a synthesis from all interpretation options. When you read the meaning of a dream, pay attention to which of them “catch you” the most - this is the answer to the question of what the dream was about. Be creative with your interpretation. It is very important what this or that symbol means to you personally. And our dream books can be of great help to you with this:

Unraveling the meaning of a particular dream is now not so difficult. Many dream books have been published, and new ideas are constantly being put forward. But how to find the most correct one among many interpretations? How to determine best dream book? "Juno" is a site that contains the content of many sources that have ever been involved in deciphering night images. In practice, this is the most complete collection of interpretations.

How does a modern dream book work?

Juno provides the opportunity to find an interpretation by keyword. You just need to remember which of the images was the most important in the night's adventure and find it. You can then try to decipher additional characters. By tying everything together, you get the most detailed interpretation of your sleep. At the same time, you are given the opportunity to find out how this or that image was deciphered by various authors.

Why is it better to use a detailed dream book?

The dream book "Juno" has collected all possible knowledge in the field of interpretation that has been accumulated by humanity over many years. The fact is that our subconscious works in a very unique way. It can combine historical and modern images. It is not always possible to determine their role in later life from one source, therefore Juno’s dream book recommends that interpretation of dreams be carried out with the help of the most complete collection of authors, each of whom has his own point of view. Moreover, the site is constantly updated with new sources to make the transcript even more complete.

Why even solve dreams?

The point is that enough is enough most We spend our lives on “inactive” activities. But it only seems to us that in our dreams we do nothing. In fact, at this time we communicate with our Higher Self, which can tell us how to solve a particular problem. In addition, the unmanifest part of our personality knows very well not only what has already happened to us, but also what is yet to come. During night communication, our Higher component strives to convey its knowledge to consciousness. In order to decipher this “dispatch”, a dream book is created.

"Juno" - convenience and modernity

Ideas and thoughts of various authors, collected in one place, help a person communicate with By Higher Powers. Each of the sources included in the collection looks at the interpretation of dreams from its own angle. The likelihood of not missing important information is determined by the variety of sources. The most incredible invention - the subconscious - you can understand using Juno's dream book. 40 dreams or 200 - it doesn't matter. It already includes seventy-five sources, using which a person can understand the most incredible images that came to him at night.

A dream can predict the fate not only of a certain person, but of the entire planet, Nostradamus believed. Who will get to see this is unknown. The most ordinary person can obtain vital information for everyone living on the planet. But Freud had a different point of view. For him, dreams are the unrealized potential of the sleeper. Most often it is based on erotic fantasies. Miller put into his system of decoding the principle of the interconnection of phenomena, and Tsvetkov - the brightness of events. The collection of all these completely different concepts is intended to ensure that correct decoding every dream.