Compatible with Scorpio girl. Scorpio woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope

17.07.2019 Auto/Moto

Scorpios are an amazing sign, they are endowed with strength, can be passionate and unpredictable, and sometimes mysterious. They are patronized by Pluto, the Roman ruler of the underworld, he managed to penetrate the earthly world and read people’s thoughts; this planet influences the compatibility of Scorpios with other signs of the Zodiac. He endowed his charges with the ability to hypnosis, and some showed the gift of clairvoyance. The element of Scorpio is water, and water in solid form. Scorpio's ice rarely thaws, the rest of the time it is difficult to understand what is on his mind, he is characterized by cold calculation and control, and decisions can be unpredictable for others.

Representatives of this sign perceive the world in a very unusual way; they feel its mysticism and depth.

Characteristics of the sign

The best allies for Scorpios also belong to water element, with Pisces or Cancer they can make an excellent match. A company of two Scorpios promises to be hot, and their battles are endless. Capricorns, Taurus or Virgos are suitable for Scorpio - their patience is enough to endure a complex character, and even understand Scorpio. Air signs are known for their loyalty and adaptability, but they can feel uncomfortable around Scorpio. They love freedom, and it will be difficult to obey the domineering Scorpio. It’s how nature works that opposites attract, anything can happen, but it will be better if Scorpio doesn’t get close to fire signs

Scorpios have amazing inner strength, they are able to make decisions that many would not have the courage to make. Scorpios can be tough and even cruel if the situation demands it. They are incredibly persistent and often simply do not notice the obstacles in their path. It is difficult to remain indifferent to Scorpio; once he has entered a person’s life, he will have to be loved or hated. They attract and subdue, literally hypnotize.

Compatibility of Scorpio with other zodiac signs

Scorpio and Aries

Fire and water are completely incompatible, but this will not stop Scorpio and Aries from getting carried away with each other. Two strong personalities who are not used to giving in and will not do this even for the sake of a loved one. This couple will spend a long time trying to find out which of them is the leader, but will not come to anything. And it’s not surprising: militant Mars patronizes Aries, but also has a strong influence on Scorpio. This relationship will be too stormy for marriage, but perfect for a quick and memorable romance.

Scorpio and Taurus

Earth and water are more than compatible, which cannot be said about Taurus and Scorpio. Strong personalities and strong characters find it difficult to get along side by side. Taurus will undoubtedly show all his stubbornness, and Scorpio will not mind establishing his own rules of the game. Everything will be fine if these guys come to a compromise, this is the right path to family happiness. I must say that this marriage will produce very smart children who will inherit the best qualities of their parents.

Scorpio and Gemini

Frivolous and flighty Geminis will simply drive distrustful and secretive Scorpios crazy. Gemini, accustomed to easy communication, will be amazed by the scenes of jealousy that Scorpios will stage. This format of communication will be unpleasant for both. In order to create a happy family where love and understanding reign, partners will have to reconsider their views and find a compromise. Wards of Mercury and Pluto must change their habits, then their relationship will have a chance. In this union there is no perfect match, but there is mutual attraction and, if desired, a happy future.

Scorpio and Cancer

It would seem difficult to combine the calm nature of Cancers and the hot temperament of Scorpios, but everything is not so bad. These guys have a common element of water, she will be able to bring them together, moreover, they will understand each other quite well. Of course, the difference in temperament will periodically manifest itself, and quarrels are inevitable. Quarrels are good for reconciliation, but for Cancers and Scorpios they will be stormy and end in bed; in the intimate sphere, the couple is ideally combined. This couple is definitely worth a try, the main thing for Scorpios is to remember that Cancers cannot be offended.

Scorpio and Leo

The union of water and fire is a bad idea, add different interests here and it’s done different tempers, this is a recipe for a completely incompatible couple. Communication between Leo and Scorpio will most often end in a quarrel, and maybe even a scandal. No matter how much this couple suffers from constant squabbles, they are not going to make peace, or rather, they do not want to give in. Everyone will remain with their rightness and frayed nerves. Should they start a family? Of course not. But a whirlwind romance, full of passion and good sex, is possible.

Scorpio and Virgo

Scorpios will be completely delighted with ideal Virgos, and like real owners, they will want to completely subjugate them. Virgos will also be fascinated by Scorpios, as a rule, they have strong personalities, they have a lot of passion and energy, this will definitely attract earthly Virgos. But what’s more interesting is that Dev’s critical mind will notice all the shortcomings of her partner, and she will inform him about them in the most sarcastic form. Scorpios are not used to tolerating jokes about themselves, so the matter smells like a scandal. Their elements will help these guys get along; earth and water have nothing against their union.

Scorpio and Libra

Scorpios may seem too gloomy and domineering to Libra; most likely, they will even avoid them. In this union, a lot depends on Scorpio; he will have to conquer the cheerful Libra. The couple promises to be bright, as is their relationship. Passions at the limit of human capabilities will quickly tire Libra, and they will want freedom and ease. It’s better for these guys not to torture each other; the stars recommend that they limit themselves to open relationships and not bring the matter to the registry office.

Scorpio and Scorpio

Two Scorpios will definitely like each other. Moreover, they will understand each other, but this will not help build a harmonious relationship. Both partners are power-hungry, independent and jealous; scandals in this couple are simply inevitable. They will not only share power and fight for primacy, but will also plague each other with jealousy. Pluto's wards should think three times before running to the registry office. But unburdensome love relationships can turn out to be very interesting.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

This couple could be ideal, their characters are so compatible. But water and fire can never get along. Scorpios will annoy their partner out of sheer mischief, and Sagittarius will suffer from jealousy and suspicion. Constant quarrels and conflicts are not the best basis for a happy marriage. True, they won’t be bored, the guys can go in search of adventures together, periodically quarreling and making up.

Scorpio and Capricorn

There will never be violent passions in this couple, and they don’t need them. These ambitious guys are very stubborn, and this character trait will manifest itself not in joint quarrels, but in the pursuit of their goals. Scorpios and Capricorns will become excellent partners and friends, and then, for practical reasons, they will go to the registry office. Family life will be stable and predictable. The main thing is that they don’t get bored.

Scorpio and Aquarius

Aquarians are for peace and tranquility, and the very first scene of jealousy performed by Scorpio will plunge them into shock, perhaps they will even run away. But Scorpios cannot let go of a couple so easily, especially if there are feelings; for the sake of love they are capable of much. Of course, air and water cannot boast perfect compatibility, but this is the case when you can break the rules and try. Of course, not everything will be smooth, but the marriage promises to be interesting.

Scorpio and Pisces

This couple can perfectly complement each other. Excellent compatibility, including in bed. Scorpios will simply charm, or maybe hypnotize Pisces, and Pisces will intuitively find an approach to the hot-tempered heart of Scorpio. One can only envy their marriage. The common element will smooth out all the rough edges in their relationship, and the union will turn out to be extremely successful.

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You don’t need to be a psychic to determine that in front of you is a Scorpio woman, since this extraordinary lady is visible to the naked eye.

A woman of this zodiac sign attracts like a witch - she combines external coldness and boiling passions in her soul, a fiery gaze and refined speeches, elegant manners and belligerence.

The Scorpio woman does not use typical lady “tricks”: she is on her own, knows her worth and knows what she wants.

In love

This person is not easy to win. She does not flirt, does not play with men and chooses only the most worthy. She cannot be turned or confused by compliments and romance; the lady of this zodiac sign looks like a snow queen, and she values ​​real qualities in men, and not the ability to charm young girls.

But she is faithful, it’s comfortable and good to be with her. Because if a Scorpio woman chose her chosen one, she did it wisely, and she will not easily change her opinion.

In bed, this sign is a godsend for everyone. She knows how to adapt to her partner and drive him crazy, she can be gentle and submissive, she can become a passionate fatal lover, for her there are no boundaries or prohibitions, she is resourceful, original and courageous. If a lady of this sign has found her partner, he will be crazy.

The Scorpio woman is an excellent wife and housewife, a strict and reasonable mother. Everything with her is always in perfect order, she knows how to do many things at once, and do everything flawlessly. She has an ideal family, well-mannered children, complete order in her career, and this lady will always find time for herself.

Should I try or not?

It is not easy to win the zealous heart of a lady of this zodiac sign, and before deciding whether it is worth doing at all, it would be useful to find out her compatibility with other signs, be it Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo or another zodiac sign, and find out which pair ideal for her, and what the horoscope says about this.

1. Perhaps an Aries man is just the one who can tame her. The horoscope says that Aries is ardent, Aries is passionate, Aries is a real man, he will be able to find an approach to her, form a worthy match and find mutual language. Such couples have excellent compatibility.

2. Taurus is a good option for this lady. Passionate Scorpio woman and strong, calm man Taurus complement each other in many ways; this couple is harmonious and conflict-free compared to others. The Scorpio woman has something that the Taurus man does not have in his character, and vice versa. The characteristics of the union show that there is every chance!

3. A jealous Scorpio woman and a fickle Gemini man are a dangerous union. Geminis don't know what they want. Twins here and there. Geminis are freedom-loving, Geminis are unpredictable!

But the Scorpio lady needs something completely different. Conflicts will begin immediately and end in a terrible war, so compatibility, alas, is low.

4. Cancer, in general, can be a good match for this woman, but it all depends on her. Cancer is not the leader in a couple, Cancer is domestic, romantic, calm, Cancer will be able to obey and will not get into trouble, this is such a zodiac sign.

Therefore, the horoscope indicates the average compatibility of the couple. The strong energy of Scorpio can destroy or create a strong union.

5. For a Scorpio woman, Leo is not a friend, not a partner, but an adversary. Their characters are created for struggle - the lion will not give in, the lion will not recognize the woman as his equal, the lion will try to put her in her place, at the stove, and this is a big mistake. The characteristics of this couple are dangerous, it is better for them to stay away from each other.

6. Virgo may seem like a victim to Scorpio: Virgo is a soft sign, Virgo is honest, romantic, the Virgo man is not a fighter. But this is exactly the sign the horoscope reads in pairs with Scorpio!

Compared to others, this couple has every chance; they will complement each other, fit together like pieces of a puzzle, and find common happiness. Excellent compatibility!

7. But Libra is a strange option for her, and the plot developments may be different. Libra is a fickle man, Libra is always in search and doubt, Libra is a mystery.

But the horoscope assures that a Scorpio woman in love with this man will be able to change him, and if both partners want to build a harmonious relationship, they will succeed.

8. There is no more dangerous couple than a wayward Scorpio woman and a warlike, uncompromising Scorpio man. They are far from being brothers in spirit, but rather fighters in equal weight categories. This couple has a clear characteristic - it’s better not to even start, because the relationship will end in bloodshed!

9. Sagittarius and Scorpio are something! Sagittarius is passionate, Sagittarius is violent, Sagittarius is impetuous... Sagittarius is just a godsend for her! But no more than for a whirlwind romance, alas.

The Scorpio woman will be fascinated by this ardent gentleman, but before the first conflict. In a couple, someone must be able to “put out the fire,” but these two signs only know how to add fuel to the fire. But sexual compatibility is better than with any other sign.

10. But when a Scorpio woman and a conservative Capricorn man meet, you can begin to believe in a miracle. He will be able to charm her, and she will be able to show respect for him. He doesn't like to play, and neither does she; they have a lot in common.

A willful Scorpio woman and a well-mannered but strong Capricorn man can make a great couple. The characteristics and compatibility speak about it!

11. Sexual compatibility between a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man is ideal, a sea of ​​feelings and passions. But the ardent Scorpio woman and the fickle, freedom-loving Aquarius man may not understand each other, because both of them are not taught to listen and heed, both are self-sufficient and willful. The characterization is complex, it all depends on the partners.

12. A Pisces man seems too soft for her to others. Pisces is a romantic, Pisces is not a fighter. Pisces is a creative and emotional man.

But how surprised everyone around will be when the irresistible Scorpio lady chooses the Pisces man! They are harmonious and have in themselves what their partner lacks; the couple has every chance.

Eastern horoscope

The character of this lady is difficult to guess, but Eastern horoscope will help you see a clearer picture. So, in what year was Scorpio born?

  • Scorpio the Rat is a surprisingly dreamy and emotional woman, but she knows how to make her dreams come true and is used to indulging her desires.
  • The Ox is a soft sign, good for Scorpio. This woman adores children, she is a wonderful mother - reasonable, kind, but fair.
  • The tiger in this case is not a terrible predator. This lady has all the makings of a warrior, but does not use her strength just for fun or because of her character. She is intelligent and prudent, but in her arsenal there is enormous strength and fearlessness.
  • If she was born in the year of the cat, she is an aesthetic nature. Everything beautiful is for her, she loves luxury and really good things, you won’t surprise her with trinkets, she has impeccable taste and style.
  • The dragon is a rich imagination, a creative streak, a sharp mind and daydreaming. Sometimes there is inconsistency in desires.
  • The snake is not fussy, it observes and analyzes, and does not make unnecessary movements. She is very emotional and can be touchy; she does not know how to forgive and return the old things.

  • The Horse is not a very good year for Scorpio. This person is quite careful to start realizing big dreams, and she knows how to make plans for four people. She always needs an incentive to start being active.
  • The goat is charming and sweet, but capricious. Her mood is difficult to understand, she likes to be alone and does not need support, which often attracts people. Mysterious, unusual and defies understanding.
  • The monkey is incredibly smart. She does not demonstrate her intelligence, hiding behind the mask of a fragile woman, but inside hides a terrible intellectual opponent.
  • The rooster is incredible courage. Such a woman is not afraid of anything, she is fair and will not bend under anyone, she will stand to the end.
  • The dog is loyal and family-oriented. She is fair, defends interests and is prone to revenge.
  • The pig is a wonderful sign. This woman is not only smart and successful, she is an ideal housewife and mother, kind and not vindictive.

Horoscope, characteristics and compatibility only guide and advise, but you should not rely on them to make a final conclusion. All people are unique, and there are exceptions to any rules, so only live communication and observation can make it possible to draw conclusions... Author: Vasilina Serova

The element of the zodiac sign Scorpio is Water, without which biological life is unthinkable. (October 24 - November 22) two rulers - Mars and Pluto. Forming an aspect, these planets give the Scorpio zodiac sign such power that it is difficult to imagine. Men and women of this sign do not take into account obstacles; sometimes they do not even notice them. Even with a fragile physique, these people radiate strength. This sign knows how to manage people and puts this knowledge into practice to achieve what they want. In addition to leadership inclinations, the aspect between Mars and Pluto indicates magical abilities person. He needs to watch his words, he cannot send curses left and right. These wishes can come true, and can also turn evil against Scorpio himself.

This sign is the most powerful of all the signs of the zodiac circle. Its representatives are born leaders. Their life is busy and full of drama. Man Scorpio is already well developed physically and intelligent in childhood. Woman Scorpio also has high intelligence. This sign is mysterious. For many people, he is a closed book, which can only be read if he allows it. You can live with him for many years, but never get to know him completely. He senses those around him intuitively, he unravels them, but at the same time remains unrecognized. His nature is contradictory. This is a man of mystery.

Scorpio woman – horoscope compatibility with other signs

Compatibility with an Aries man

Difficult horoscope compatibility. The Scorpio woman will be able to suppress this stubborn, proud Aries man. And since a subordinate position is not typical for him, he will suffer. As for the intimate side of marital relationships, it is difficult to imagine better lovers.

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman with a Taurus man

Not best compatibility according to the horoscope of these signs, it complicates their relationship. The relationship between a Scorpio girl and a Taurus man varies from sharp outbursts of passion to almost complete cooling, and vice versa.

Compatibility with a Gemini man

The union is difficult and does not bring true success to either partner. The Scorpio woman is extremely suspicious, and the Gemini man will have to use his art of diplomacy to remain innocent. This marriage is capable of maintaining intimate relationships for many years.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman with Cancer man

Love connection between Cancer man and girl Scorpio is wonderful, but the pampered Cancer guy gets tired of this relationship. He doesn't have the same stamina as his partner. Besides, he is afraid of her. Relations between them are often strained, and there is a tense atmosphere in the house.

Compatibility with a Leo man

As an intimate relationship, this union is attractive to both partners. However horoscope compatibility not the best. Marriage is difficult, the relationship between a Leo man and a girl of the zodiac sign Scorpio is accompanied by quarrels and periodic reminders of old grievances.

Compatibility of a woman of the zodiac sign Scorpio with a man of the Virgo sign

A good union and a good marriage. Astrological compatibility of signs beautiful. The marriage is stable, nothing threatens it.

Compatibility of Scorpio with a Libra man

This union is not easy. Moreover, it is difficult, with frequent and protracted conflicts, with deep disagreements and internal contradictions. The partners might like to resolve this situation of a protracted war, but they simply are not able to do this. They can live for years in this state of conflict and confrontation, until one fine moment the life of a Libra man or a Scorpio girl changes, crossing out this difficult alliance.

Compatibility with a Scorpio man

An amazing union that is sealed by betrayal. And the more partners a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman have on the side, the stronger their family union. They need to live in constant tension, and they skillfully create such situations.

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman with a Sagittarius man according to the horoscope

This marriage will not give anything good and will not bear good fruits. And the whole point is that the Sagittarius man and the Scorpio girl cannot find common ground. The compatibility horoscope of these signs also speaks about this.

Compatibility of the female horoscope Scorpio with the Capricorn man

The difficult marriage between a Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman is marked by the unbearability of coexistence. Both one and the other partner skillfully hide their feelings, while both are jealous and suspicious. With external respectability, this marriage in the spiritual aspect takes away more from the partners than it gives them.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman with Aquarius man

Gloomy alliance, unfavorable love compatibility. Living under the same roof and constant clashes of interests can drive spouses to bitter hatred.

Compatibility with a Pisces man

This is a wonderful, lasting marriage, and astrological compatibility horoscope confirms this. Man Pisces and Scorpio woman they know how to preserve love, and they have been able to do this for many years.

Scorpio man marital compatibility characteristics

Compatibility with Aries woman

The Aries girl cannot get rid of the close attention of her chosen one. The love of a Scorpio man is networks. He destroys her inner world. Unfavorable compatibility horoscope.

Compatibility with Taurus woman

The marriage between these partners is difficult, but despite this, the Scorpio man and the earthly Taurus woman experience a strong physical attraction. The Scorpio man likes the mercantile interests of his chosen one. He appreciates her homeliness and sense of responsibility for the family.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with a Gemini woman

Troubled love union, dramatic marriage. The beginning of a close relationship is pleasant for both partners, but the Scorpio man will soon show his true self. For a Gemini girl, this will be an unpleasant discovery. Their home is dysfunctional, there is no order there, as if global chaos has already set in, the Gemini woman feels uncomfortable under the same roof with Scorpio, she does not need such a partner. With his powerful Scorpio energy, a man is able to suppress his partner.

Compatibility with a Cancer woman

In this marriage, intimate compatibility is ideal. But in other respects the forces are unequal. The Cancer girl is afraid of her partner. This is not the best compatibility of signs, but the marriage of a Scorpio man and a Cancer girl, sealed by fear, can last for many years.

Compatibility with Leo woman

A union of partners of equal strength. Beautiful compatibility of signs in the intimate sphere. The relationship between a Scorpio man and a Leo woman is built on this. This marriage can last a long time. The Scorpio man seems to hypnotize his companion, forcing her to stay nearby. But if she wants to leave, nothing will stop her.

Compatibility with Virgo woman

A good union, successful compatibility according to the horoscope. The Virgo woman will show herself to be a wonderful housewife and a gentle mother. She also looks at her husband as if he were a child, which the Scorpio man really likes. In general, the marriage is prosperous and strong.

Compatibility with a Libra woman

The Scorpio guy quickly and for a long time becomes attached to the girl of the zodiac sign Libra. But in an intimate sense, they do not suit each other; in the end, this marriage becomes a burden for them.

Compatibility with a Scorpio woman

This union can be either ideal or a nightmare for both spouses. If a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman are of different types, they will be able to understand each other and build a wonderful relationship. Otherwise it is unlikely.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with a woman of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

In this marriage, partners complement each other. She is a living, fiery nature, she is an Amazon, and the whole world lies at her feet. He is gloomy, he accumulates powerful negative energy and restrains its impulses. But young woman Sagittarius will not allow himself to be attacked. AND man Scorpio can only influence her from a distance.

Compatibility of a man of the zodiac sign Scorpio with a woman of the Capricorn sign

The best partner compatibility, at least for a Scorpio guy. Adults can enter into such a marriage only with a stable psyche, and it is held together not by fear or erotic attraction; this marriage is based on respect and compromise. In mature years man Scorpio is no longer as dangerous as in his youth, and the Capricorn woman will feel comfortable and safe next to him.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with an Aquarius woman

An ordinary marriage union that occurs often, despite the fact that it is difficult and unsuccessful. And it shows quite clearly compatibility horoscope partners. Conflict situations between a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman arise as if on their own. Partners themselves sometimes do not understand how everything happened. A stormy quarrel is followed by an equally stormy reconciliation. But this cannot continue for too long. In the end, the Aquarius girl breaks this connection.

Compatibility with a Pisces woman

For a Scorpio man, his beloved Pisces girl is simply a gift of fate. Beautiful compatibility horoscope, wonderful couple, marriage is good in all respects. Their intimate compatibility is almost perfect, and their mutual attraction lasts forever. But a girl of the Pisces zodiac sign should be very careful with him and understand with whom she is dealing. His powerful dark energy suppresses her, slowly but surely, acting like a vampire, the man according to the Scorpio horoscope sucks out her vitality. However, this is a good match. Partners take care of each other and do everything necessary for this.


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More detailed compatibility
Scorpio sign with his partner,
including horoscope analysis,
chakras and square of Pythagoras

Typical Scorpio in a love relationship

The truth-loving and impartial Scorpio despises flattery and deception, but he himself is the most mysterious and incomprehensible to the minds of those around the Zodiac sign. Which makes finding compatibility with him a very difficult task for a potential partner.

Among the representatives of this zodiac constellation there are extreme manifestations: from altruism to outright egoism, from narrow-minded people who live only by emotions, to geniuses with highly developed intellect and analytical thinking, from insensitive and cynical psychopaths to subtle dramatic actors. Moreover, all this can be combined in different proportions in one person, making the life of his partner very unpredictable. But, one way or another, in any manifestation, Scorpio will play his role to the end. An absolutely uncompromising sign.

The behavior of a person born under the signs of the element of Water rarely lends itself to logic, and is sometimes inexplicable, so you should not let down your vigilance around him. Independent and uncontrolled public opinion Scorpio can be cruel and unceremonious in communicating with loved ones, and can “sting” not only enemies, but also friends with the sharpness of thoughtful and offensive statements.
Hiding natural sensitivity behind cynicism, representatives of different sexes of the Scorpio sign equally need understanding and care. The possessive instinct and pathological jealousy make them intolerant of past relationships and your partner’s hobbies. Categorical and decisive, they do not tolerate objections or open criticism. In a relationship with a partner, Scorpio is an invariably faithful, devoted friend and comrade, and in the fight against ill-wishers, he is a dangerous and insidious enemy.

Clue: pay attention, first of all, to compatibility with Scorpios in emotions and intuition in

A man born under the sign of Scorpio purposefully strives for excellence in all areas of his vigorous activity. Excellent intuition and a large supply of vital energy allows him to recognize and realize the desires of his companion, who feels protected and desired next to him.

An attractive and energetic Scorpio woman is picky in her choice of men, who often find it difficult to resist her. Prudence, intersecting with cunning, allows her not to exist, but to live and enjoy what is happening. These dualistic people extremely rarely open up in communication, but once they get close to a person, they will be sincere to the end.

Checklist of Scorpio shortcomings

  • Always wary, sometimes unreasonably suspicious of everything
  • They are vindictive and recklessly vindictive, they know no restrictions in the fight against the enemy.
  • Incapable of supporting someone else’s position, defining their own opinion as the only correct one
  • Fanatically jealous owners who do not accept competition
  • They do not want to assume obligations and act out of a sense of duty.
  • Behind apparent prudence they cunningly hide a cold calculation made long ago.
  • Selectively communicate with goal-oriented people and treat others arrogantly

Natural compatibility of Scorpio within its element of Water: with Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer

The receptivity of Scorpio and other representatives of the signs of the elements of Water - Cancer and Pisces, in such unions exalts the emotional component over everyday life. For partners, the romance of a relationship is more important than solving housekeeping issues. By understanding each other on a subconscious level, representatives of the signs of the water element can diversify the sensory and physical spheres, which strengthens their unions and prevents them from getting bogged down in the routine of everyday problems.

By listening to each other's opinions and sharing each other's interests, partners will be able to form a long-lasting and unbreakable union. The most important thing is that next to the same water partner, Scorpio does not need any masks to hide the secrets of his soul. This is one of the most honest relationships of all couples.

The most successful pairs of the Water element:

  • Scorpio man and Pisces woman
  • Scorpio woman and Cancer man

Favorable compatibility of Scorpio with the signs of the Earth elements: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

The relationship of the hyperactive and instantly turned on Scorpio with the “lying earth stones” Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - representatives of the signs of the friendly element of Earth - promises to be dynamic and filled with contradictory events. Especially for the second ones. Scorpio's ability to foresee approaching danger and developed intuition together with the sober logic of earth signs will allow the partners to clearly distribute the roles and responsibilities of each in this union.

However, an earth sign who decides to throw in his lot with Scorpio will be forced to remain vigilant every minute and make compromises to resolve conflict situations. In alliances with earthly partners, Scorpio will appreciate stability and the manifestation of sincere feelings. Suspicion forces him to provoke conflicts in order to expose his partner and defend his place in the sun.

The most successful pairs of the elements of Water and Earth:

  • Scorpio man and Capricorn woman
  • Scorpio woman and Virgo man
  • In a Scorpio-Taurus couple, gender does not play a role.

Unfavorable compatibility of Scorpio with the signs of the elements of Fire and Air: with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius

In such unions, the distrustful Scorpio finds himself in a position that is absolutely unacceptable for him. His consistently wary and sometimes defensive behavior infuriates impulsive and open-communicating representatives of the elements of Fire and Air. The hurricane of conflicts and experiences will mentally exhaust both partners. The desire to limit freedom will cause an internal protest in the companion and a reluctance to obey the jealous and domineering Scorpio.
Alliances with fire signs will be frankly exhausting for Scorpio. Yes, he sometimes likes to tickle the nerves of himself and his partner with thrills, but no more than as a fleeting, bright romance. The constant atmosphere of confrontation and self-defense will exhaust Scorpio.

The most contradictory is the union of Scorpio with Leo, when the first can only defend itself or surrender to please its partner. With a lack of upbringing and moral values, relationships will inevitably be filled with stormy scandals, humiliations and, to the joy of both partners, will quickly come to a logical conclusion.

With Air signs, everything will be too superficial for Scorpio. Their sphere is cold intellect. Scorpio's sphere is known to be raging emotions. They, of course, are not each other's enemies and can find common ground. For example, in business. But in love and family, both are looking for a completely different compatibility. Scorpio's experiences will seem groundless to air signs, spiritual impulses will not find support, and grievances will be completely ignored. For representatives of Air, Scorpio is too emotionally complex a sign.

Compatibility of Scorpio with 12 Zodiac signs

Scorpio is the “boa constrictor” for the sign behind Aries. A very difficult couple with very controversial compatibility. The common patron planet Mars helps Scorpio and Aries find common ground and unite in a critical situation. Where there is one goal that requires full mobilization. But in ordinary life, these relationships become confrontations - quick and fierce or eternal and hidden. Still, the elements of the signs - Fire and Water - are in confrontation, which sets the tone in this pair.

Unions of opposite signs, i.e. located opposite each other on the zodiac circle is always a test. The reward for which can be complete spiritual unity. But too young partners, who do not yet have sufficient experience and life wisdom, will almost certainly make mistakes in this relationship. Therefore, compatibility with Taurus is ambiguous for Scorpio, even though their elements - Earth and Water - combine favorably.

Scorpio, like no one else, is able to see something special in Gemini. Of course, after all, Gemini is a “boa constrictor” sign for Scorpio. And Scorpio is an obedient and devoted “rabbit” for Gemini. And this compatibility, when it comes to love, is fatal. To a lesser extent for Gemini, who emerge from this relationship without loss, and to a greater extent for Scorpio, who is dependent on the will of his “boa constrictor,” and who will be left with a broken heart.

Mutual understanding on an intuitive level is a solid basis for any union between the signs of the Water element. Their compatibility even has a certain mystical character, where each partner sees a kindred spirit in the other. In this case, for the “child” of Scorpio, the sign of Cancer, located before him on the zodiac circle, appears as a “parent” or a wise “parent”. Therefore, it is recommended that the Cancer in this couple be older, or more experienced and preferably stronger in character, in order to be able to take full responsibility for the relationship and for the “child” with his difficult character.

Despite the initial conflict between the elements of the signs - Water and Fire - there are also positive aspects to their union. Everything related to business, cooperation, general business, working in a large team - here the compatibility of Scorpio and Leo can manifest itself very effectively. The same cannot be said about love, and especially family, where everything is not as favorable as we would like. Still, the “Patron and Advisor” couple is more business than family.

Despite the “senior” role of Virgo, which she plays for her “younger brother” sign Scorpio, the main tones of this relationship will still be emotionality and sensuality, and not earthly rationality and practicality. The compatibility of the signs is favorable and promising. There are a great many areas for implementing this compatibility. Therefore, partners will not be bored with each other if they have big goals in this life.

A fairly common pair, as it belongs to the popular type of compatibility of neighboring signs “Best friend and best enemy.” But not the most successful in terms of love compatibility for Scorpio, because he is the “best friend” here, and, therefore, more on his part comes from helping Libra with knowledge, life experience and simply friendly support. The problem is that next to the “best enemy” Scorpio directs all his spiritual potential to the development of his partner, while he himself stops developing. Those. he gives here more than he takes.

It is believed that of all the identical signs, only the signs of the element of Water can get along relatively favorably with each other. Well, if your couple consists of two water Scorpios, then you will have to check this out. IN classical approach compatibility of partners of the same sign is not considered favorable and durable. Particularly due to duplication negative qualities and predictability that gets boring sooner or later. But can Scorpios be predictable?

A fairly common union for young representatives of the signs and practically never found among mature people. If we talk about mature and experienced Scorpios, then, having been burned once by a fiery partner, they will already intuitively sense the danger emanating from other representatives of Fire. And Sagittarius, experienced in relationships, who replaced early years Many partners know how difficult it is for them to bear the burden of relationships with Water signs. But the prospect of a truly exciting romance opens up for young lovers Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Despite the completely different and at the same time difficult characters of both partners, their compatibility is determined by a favorable combination of the elements of Water and Earth. Before their meeting, Scorpio and Capricorn would hardly have imagined that they would ever end up together. And this only adds intrigue to their relationship - they always have something to talk about and argue about, they constantly discover something new in each other. This happens due to the fact that, due to different elements, signs have different dominant spheres, Various types thinking and seeing the world.

Scorpio and Aquarius find their good compatibility in business and intellectual terms. They can be both excellent allies, moving towards one good goal, and accomplices, carrying out insidious plans. But with the constant brain center in the person of the airy “patron” Aquarius and his faithful right hand"adviser" - Scorpio. Often life brings Scorpio and Aquarius together precisely in situations where Aquarius, with his will and capabilities, influences the fate of Scorpio.

The compatibility of these two signs of the water element is considered favorable. Scorpio and Pisces seem to be swimming on the same wave. It is possible that even one of the best among all horoscope couples. The type of relationship between the sign of Scorpio and the leading Pisces is called “Parent and child” or “Teacher and student”, where Scorpio is assigned the role of “parent” and “teacher” for Pisces. To some extent, these relationships are a test specifically for Scorpio of strength of character, wisdom, experience and willingness to take responsibility.

Popular calculations on In-contri:

Reviews and stories about Scorpio couples |

Good day! I already wrote to you, apparently it was a long message, and you didn’t answer. I am worried about the question: why does the man with whom we have good compatibility, as many as 4 maximums and according to Pythagoras everything is in order, would you prefer another one to me? With whom they have continuous dissonances, and besides, she is married. According to our compatibility, he should be drawn to me in the same way as I am to him, but because of him I can’t look at others at all. We have common views and ideals, and his friends respect me, and I am not deprived of attention either. I feel that the interest is mutual. As for age, I’ve been engaged in self-development for a long time, so it should sort of suit him. 07/10/1989, he 11/5/1977, she 11/25/1977. Help me to understand(((

Ksenia, we found your first letter dated November 26 last year and then separately you sent the birth dates of all participants. Well, quite a powerful review in terms of content. I regret that he was left without attention. But, alas, it is simply physically impossible to read and process everything. And long stories like yours are not bad at all. On the contrary, they sometimes provide more information for thought than in 10 short reviews. One problem long stories— responses to them sometimes take 2-3 days to be written.

Judging by the fact that even after so much time you do not give up and are trying to get an answer, this situation and your partner will not let you go and the answer is extremely important. In this case, we won’t make any guesses about the timing, but in the near future we’ll try to figure it out deeper.

Olga, I admit, I somewhat envy people who, with such positivity and the number of emoticons, can remember not the most pleasant moments life)) Thanks for the feedback!

Good afternoon... I’m writing for the third time ((

I really need your advice and help. How can I build a relationship with my husband if we have only 2 compatibility in the lower chakras, the rest is all dissonance... And I already got married, but I came across your site, now I have gnawing doubts, I really don’t know what to do.

Second marriage, child is 10 years old, in 1.5 years I got used to my husband, I can’t say that they are direct friends, but there is a certain warmth in the relationship, so I’m very afraid to separate. But as I understand it, if there is no compatibility in the higher chakras, then the union will not last, but I really wanted to babysit my grandchildren with this man, and live a long life happy life together, but it turns out that we have nowhere to move..((Or can this be somehow corrected? What should I, as a woman, pay attention to?.

And another question, we are 5-5 in character, this is very bad, and how can this be deciphered in the family? I am 01/16/1983, he is 11/01/1978. I really ask for advice and help! I'm extremely confused.

Julia, let's try to understand your concern. And build a cause-and-effect relationship.

First, let's admit to ourselves that neither this site nor any other can be a reason for divorce. And the fact that despite the apparent prosperity family relations, led you to this kind of calculation - this is the reason. The consequence was that you ended up on the site and confirmation of some internal contradictions. I don’t know where you immediately have such a panicky desire to disperse, because there are no objective reasons for this. Let's take a closer look.

Overall compatibility: 44% - below average
Physical level: 77% - a man is interested in you as a girl. Moreover, given his Scorpio nature, I think that this compatibility should manifest itself very well.
Emotional level: 86% - excellent continuation in the form of the main “female” compatibility
Intellectual level: 31% - well, not best conversationalists and business associates. It's OK.
Heart rate: 10% is not a disaster. Emotions are almost at their maximum.
Creative level: 91% - you inspire your husband to achieve accomplishments, literally ignite new ideas in him. He will trample everything next to you. And he should appreciate it.
The intuitive level is 12% and the Higher 1% - it’s too early to talk about their manifestation (1.5 years from your words).

Summarizing the analysis of biorhythms/chakras, I will say that in my subjective opinion, relationships in this situation, when there are two or three anchor compatibility and everything else in the background, are the most interesting. They rarely end successfully for partners with little experience, but usually last long and positively for people who have learned to feel strong closeness in certain areas with their partner. And who is old enough to understand how different people are, but if there is at least something truly strong between them, then it must be certainly appreciated.

Ideally, a couple with this situation looks like people who constantly enjoy being close to each other, who have a friendly and positive emotional atmosphere in their couple, who are inspiring and embodying. And the rest that is not developed, as it were, does not exist. There are enough strengths to ignore the weaknesses.

And, speaking of shortcomings, dissonance in the higher chakras suggests that at a certain stage of relationship maturity, partners will most likely make what seems to them a balanced and objective decision that their roads lead to different goals. And they will separate for a long time. However, they have a good chance of meeting again and starting from scratch, without completely forgetting the strong connection in the past. And not finding a similar connection in other people.

According to the horoscope, I think it’s already clear to everyone that earthly Capricorn and water Scorpio- this is a great combination. By the way, the water element adds points to the area of ​​emotional compatibility.

Pythagoras: characters 5-5, family 3 (you) - 5 (husband), temperaments 2 (you) - 1 (husband). Once again I will warn you about the bad statistics of trips to the left by single temperaments. Among them, this is the most common case. Especially with character 5 and under the sign of Scorpio, I think you should pay special attention. As for characters, in principle, there can be a lot of sparks in everyday clashes, given the solid horns of Capricorn and the theatrical nature of Scorpio. However, this can also be avoided if you give realization to your strong characters outside: at work, with friends, anywhere. Only in the family last. Please, a couple of Gorbachevs as examples. Each of them realized themselves brilliantly in the political arena.

In general, Julia, the scales of your relationship from the side of calculation far outweigh in the positive direction. Maybe try to look at things less subjectively and still see the value of the current relationship. Good luck!

Hello. I am extremely glad that I found myself on such a site. And I’m incredibly surprised - there are a lot of sites on this topic, but here it’s so precise, clear and interesting, it’s truly fascinating)

I always paid attention to horoscopes, etc., but now it has become more interesting. After all, this can really help in life. My story is funny, actually.

Right now I am divorced from my ex-wife (I - 10/29/1987, she - 06/18/1975). When I checked the compatibility on your website and read the type of relationship “boa constrictor - rabbit”, I just fell out of my chair))) word for word as I had... for six years the “rabbit” lasted)) but that’s not what I want to say. Right now there is only one girl in my head (07/06/1989). The trick is that he started dating her while he was still married, but soon he “sort of” broke up with her. The reason is probably mainly emotions. There was little heart-to-heart talk, but there were occasional outbursts. Or rather, my “stamp in the passport” greatly depressed her, saying “busy”. I felt like she could open up, but she didn't do it as much as I wanted. Right now she is apathetic towards me. The feeling that I was carried away by someone. I want to get her back, and I'm working on it. Your site gives strength and hope. I’m pleased with my intuitive biorhythm with her, although this may not be the main thing)

Can you give any comments/additions? calculations/personal view of my story?)

And by the way, maybe add names to calculate compatibility? Or does it not matter, what do you think?)

Antonio, you are one of the lucky few who wrote a review while a new comment was being written for the site. Of course, reviews that appear right before your eyes are impossible to ignore.

But, I won’t hide, what attracted attention in your story was, of course, your birth dates and ex-wife: 1987 and 1975. To put it mildly, not very traditional in the public understanding. I remember the almost sensational program on YouTube with Malakhov about an unequal marriage. Let’s leave behind the scenes the age at which you got married and pay attention only to the fact that today you are 27, less than two weeks old, and your ex-wife is... 39 years old. Cool. Most readers' eyes, like mine, are probably widened. I wonder what they will remain if we calculate compatibility based on your dates:
– Overall 55% and compatibility in emotions (74%), intellect (65%), heart (70%) and creativity (82%)
— characters 3-3, family 4-2, temperaments 6-5

Many would actually envy this situation. If it were not for “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” in the horoscope. Although I am sure that it was the specifics of the relationship between “Boa and Rabbit” that brought its spark to the stormy beginning of this relationship, which led to a very controversial marriage from any point of view. Be that as it may, the beginning was dizzying. Well, the end, however, as in most novels of such a pair of characters. But there will be something to remember. Although I had to go through a lot. But don’t despair, Antonio, and don’t rush into a quick decision about a new companion.

Still, if we talk about the prospects of your relationship specifically with the girl of 07/06/1989, then it’s more likely no than yes. I see that you yourself have noticed a lack of emotions. And for good reason. Water signs are the most emotional. And their union, in this case, is logical that it should be based on common emotions. Which, as you see in calculations and in practice, is not observed. For all readers, I would like to note that apart from the physical and intuitive maximum, against the background of the seemingly favorable pair of water signs Scorpio and Cancer, nothing else is observed.

Yes, you, as a man, are driven by maximum physical compatibility; perhaps there is also maximum intuitive compatibility. But the real depth of a relationship, believe me, is felt after some time of communicating with a new partner. And doubts, emotional coldness, apathy, and literally a chasm in temperament - 1 for the girl and 5 for you (with maximum physical compatibility with her!). All this does not add positive points to the forecast. I would especially like to note that temperaments 1 feel a little uncomfortable under the pressure of temperaments 4-5 (by analogy with characters). And it has been discussed more than once that the higher the temperament, the higher the partner’s loyalty, especially when paired with a similar temperament. But the lower the temperament, the higher the tendency to go to the left. So here, Antonio, your premonition may not let you down. In connection with all of the above, I propose to take a more sober look at the prospects in this pair and not build any special illusions. It’s just that if your plans fail, it will be easier for you to accept and analyze everything.

Names really do not play a role in the calculation of compatibility. This is more about SMS predictions and other miracle services))

I sincerely wish you success, Antonio, in your search harmonious couple!

Thanks to the creators for the site,

Zodiac signs: Taurus-Scorpio, opposites attract. Completely suitable. As a woman here already gave feedback about the highest charm, I had such a moment too. Somehow I looked into his eyes and understood why we hadn’t met before, why now, and before we wouldn’t have recognized each other in the crowd.

Pythagorean square: characters in example 111 and 11111. Of course, I had partners before and after. My question is, why is compatibility not divided between men and women? After all, it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to lead a woman with a softer one than vice versa. Based on your site, I concluded for myself (I checked my exes by date of birth), I have a “golden mean” character. It's better to run from 1 and 11. Family: I have 6 (a lot). But the man must also be at least 4, otherwise he should also run away. Anything smaller didn't work out with them. Temperament: the highest number in my experience is 4 (I have 1). But that doesn't matter to me. As the author described well, a man can restrain himself, but a woman can always hold back “a little more.”

Olga, thank you for your story. It may not be easy. I'm sorry about your departed partner... But fate is such a thing. With your permission, I will leave a few comments.

The first thing of interest in your couple is the overall compatibility of 43% and two strong levels of compatibility greater than 80%, almost maximums. The first is physical and the second is intellectual. There is a more “masculine” tendency in this regard. And, perhaps, your personal warehouse, Olga, is aimed more at the male level. This is completely normal, just like many men who are sensitive on an emotional, heartfelt and intuitive level. They may not be the majority, but there are quite a lot of them.

What is the peculiarity of this type of compatibility, when in general the percentage does not seem to be high, but there is one or two maximums: the partners strongly feel it, live it and, like no other couple, they usually value what connects them. Many people ask: what is the best way to feel or develop compatibility at one level or another? The best answer will be given to you by the couple that is supported by the party you are interested in.

Concerning higher levels compatibility, then, Olga, sorry - 2.5 months of a relationship is not quite the time to talk about them. People have been following this path for years. And most often they don’t come. According to your calculations, you have a “half” intersection at the highest chakra. It is unlikely that this could be the main motive of your relationship.

However, not only intelligence, but also emotions in your couple were far from a secondary side. After all, the very meeting of signs opposite each other in the zodiac circle is very exciting for both partners. So different and both of them missed each other so much before this meeting. Sometimes they themselves are surprised at how they ended up together. Interesting couple. By the way, they say that two opposite signs seem to have some kind of supernatural sense of each other at a distance. Perhaps this is what you meant when talking about sensory. But, you know, the danger of this unique gift is that it often becomes the cause of a breakup in such a couple. After all, each partner quickly guesses about betrayals and other bad plans that visit his companion.

Regarding the fact that it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to lead a woman with a softer character, I think you are right. Only in relation to the majority. But, again, one cannot fail to take into account those women whose developed will and character helped them become bosses, directors, business owners and leaders in other areas. Paradoxically, they form the most harmonious families with husbands who are weaker in character and do not strive to lead such a woman.

There is one more suggestion! Or a question. I have absolutely no relationship with Scorpio women. Since school days and now, with colleagues. As I already wrote in a previous review, date of birth is 03/27/87. Aries, am I crazy or is there really some kind of stellar origin behind this? And here is a proposal or a question - is it possible to check the compatibility of not only partners, but also just girlfriends, bosses, colleagues, that is, of different genders.

Nastya, for some reason it turned out that all the negative things according to the horoscope, be it incompatibility or antagonism of certain qualities in some pairs of signs, “work” in life much better than positive ones. Maybe because negative factors are much more noticeable for us? So it turns out that the statistics of the pair “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” (Scorpio and Aries in your case) have once again found clear confirmation. Therefore, after all, you are not crazy, but simply, like many, having analyzed the accumulated life experience, you understood this pattern.

One of my acquaintances, an absolute skeptic regarding horoscopes and other esotericism, had several cases of unsuccessful outcomes for him with business partners or customers who were “Boas” for his sign. Naturally, this remark was made for him. Currently, as before, he is skeptical about horoscopes... but he avoids his “Boas”. By the way, he has good compatibility with his wife, but the calculation of compatibility, of course, does not recognize it.

Regarding your question-suggestion: of course, this calculation is not limited to male and female date pairs. Only some formulations, as already mentioned, are specially tailored to pink women's date and blue men's. Therefore, do not look at them and feel free to analyze everyone. This way the understanding of the calculation comes much better.

But I’m not giving up)) This time I’ll test my 7 in luck))
First of all, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming Holiday! I want to spend it with those closest to me, but also set aside a couple of minutes for my loyal fans;)
I’m writing this for the 2nd time and I hope you still like some of the 2 questions))
So that we both remain satisfied, and you are not so tired, they will be interconnected)) So, please tell me how to understand neutral (as you deigned to put it, if my memory serves me correctly in one of the comments) incompatibility (from 40 to 50%) , what impact do they have on relationships? Is a favorable outcome possible with their presence or, one might even say, dominance in the calculation?
ZY Just in case, I’ll remind you of the dates) (she’s 02/11/1997, he’s 11/13/1994)

Olga, jokes aside: reviews and stories for publication over the last six months have been selected in random order. Simply due to the fact that it is physically impossible to read everything and, as the autumn experience showed, it is impossible to programmatically implement the safe publication of reviews without moderation (i.e. you wrote it and it immediately appeared on the site). And it turns out that you are lucky: I accidentally clicked on your letter and now the answer to it is being printed. So Pythagoras, it turns out, was right about something.

So, about neutral levels of compatibility, which can conditionally include the entire “middle” percentage of compatibility - from 40% to 60%. How should we treat them and what role do they play? I think that it should be treated well, if only because such a level is at least not dissonance. But it’s not exactly worth considering such a percentage as a more or less significant point of contact between people. And the role of neutral levels in a relationship is akin to supporting roles in a movie. It seems that the supporting character is not the villain against whom the positive one is fighting main character, but not the main assistant to the hero. Nevertheless, he creates some kind of general background at the right time, “food is served,” he will say.

And very smoothly, Olga, you approached the issue of considering two dates in such a way that it’s even somehow awkward to refuse :)) Well, you’ve seen everything yourself: according to chakras/biorhythms, 47% of everything and only one strong compatibility in emotions 76 %. According to the horoscope, there are a couple of signs, although not opposing elements, but also not particularly friendly - Aquarius, a representative of Air, and Scorpio, the elements of Water. According to Pythagoras, there are no too big differences. Although the Scorpio guy has a rare character - 111111. If we take into account the complex natural make-up of Scorpio, then together with such a character, the result is probably a complex personality. And so, Olga, you understand that in your couple there are more supporting characters. In the form of a set of neutral levels in the chakras, a conditionally incompatible, but still rather neutral pair of signs, and similar numbers according to the horoscope, only all with a slight advantage in the female side. Who will play the main role? Who should bear it all? There is nothing to cling to other than emotions. And so far, I think, they are working. There is also sympathy on the part of the girl, naturally, according to her “native” chakra, and the Scorpio guy, as a representative of the water element, is not at all alien to the emotional. Therefore, I repeat, the question in these relationships is not whether the secondary characters dominate (who cannot dominate in principle), but who is pulling everything out now and how will the partners develop further?

My friends recently separated. I looked at their calculations and it turned out that his interest was higher than hers. But in life, it was he who tried to leave her, but she did not let go. Also, according to the calculation, his temperament is 5, she is 4, but she says that she didn’t have enough sex with him. He 07/18/1985 she 10/25/1985


Roman, to complete the picture of the compatibility of the couple you proposed, I had to look into the Pythagorean squares of each partner. Therefore, more key points of contact have been added to the overall calculation - the number 3 (cognition, creativity), 5 (logic, intuition), 9 (memory, mind):

Date of Birth 11.02.1993 24.07.1991
Physical 64%
Emotional 3%
Intellectual 97%
Cordial 22%
Creative 36%
Intuitive 82%
Higher 80%
Zodiac signs Scorpio - Water Cancer - Water
Pythagorean square
Character 3 4
Family 5 4
Temperament 4 5
*Cognition 3 33
*Logics 55 5
*Intelligence 99 99

The added qualities make it clear that both partners have very developed intellectual sides of their personalities, so their attraction to the maximum along the 3rd intellectual chakra is quite natural. In this sense, the dry phrase from the script that “a man’s interest is higher” due to compatibility in intelligence, but a discrepancy in emotions, probably should not be taken so literally. It is obvious that in this relationship intelligence was a value for both parties.

And the attachment of the Scorpio “Child” girl to her “Parent” Cancer looks quite logical. Here, as in most cases of similar types of relationships, the partner with a dominant role according to the horoscope also has superiority in character - everything comes together. He leaves, and she, like a child who has lost sight of a parent, strives for him.

Actually, this is where the obvious and understandable aspects of the calculation end. Why a strong “parent” attempted to leave his “child,” alas, is not written here. And, Roman, understand correctly: here we are not guessing and are not participating in the “Battle of Psychics” to solve such riddles. First of all, the purpose of the calculation and discussion is to assess the potential of the partners’ relationship based on the qualities given from birth. Secondly, we try to find the strongest aspects with which we will subsequently compensate, if possible, for the problematic ones. Therefore, nevertheless, except from the departed Cancer guy, you will not find out the exact answer.

However, I would venture to make a few guesses based on the calculation and what you have outlined:

- emotional dissonance. As has already been said, work is a purely male sphere, where “male” levels are manifested, and relationships, family, home- the female sphere, where “female” energy reigns. And the couple has significant problems with it. It is not for nothing that the Author’s recommendation states that relationships are built in the most favorable way if there is emotional compatibility in the base (2nd chakra). There is dissonance here. At the next “female” level - in the heart - there is no compatibility either. It exists only in intuition, but it already belongs to the highest levels that need to be revealed.

- a Cancer man, although an intellectual, still remains a Cancer. And these, together with Pisces, are the two most emotional signs in the horoscope. Therefore, it cannot be said here that emotional dissonance was not sensitive to Cancer.

— the Cancer man had a high temperament and family spirit. And such people, as a rule, are very picky about permanent relationships and rarely allow partners who do not suit them. It seems that Cancer initially did not consider the relationship with the Scorpio girl as long-term. Perhaps they met at work or somewhere else where there was an opportunity to establish an intellectual connection. But the girl, as usually happens, was already married in her mind, and the guy did not plan to go that far.

- you are talking about how the girl “didn’t have enough” all the time. However, intimate compatibility is still built mainly on the 2nd chakra. Let me remind you that “Svadhisthana is emotions, joy, sexual energy" Therefore, it rather meant that no matter how many connections there were between the partners in quantitative terms, it was not possible, due to dissonance, to achieve satisfaction precisely in the energy essence of the 2nd chakra.

I really like your site. I recommend it with pleasure for calculating the compatibility of cordial, friendly, business relations to your relatives and friends. I also completely agree with you that very often couples are formed according to the “Best Friend and Best Enemy” type of relationship.
In my life, this type of relationship was formed twice in a row. Only one relationship [Libra - Virgo] ended, suddenly another one began [Libra - Scorpio]. Moreover, the initiative did not come from me, both in the first and second cases. In my first relationship, I had a feeling of security and warmth, but there was no passion. In the second relationship there is: passion, warmth, mutual understanding in many issues. On the one hand, I value my relationship with this person very much, on the other hand, something doesn’t suit me.
I would like to receive your comments on this matter. First couple: me - 09/24/1971, he - 09/09/1977, second: me - 09/24/1971, he - 11/13/1977. Thank you for your help!

In-contri: Alina, it’s interesting, of course, how in the case of the first partner (Virgo sign) it turned out that the initiative came from him. You are older, and your character is 4 against his 1. Perhaps strong physical and creative compatibility (80% and 89%) lit a spark in a man so much that he overcame the indecision of his character at 1 point. It is also important to note that for partners of your age, the three highest compatibility plays a decisive role. And in the first case, you had quite good compatibility in them: in the creative chakra, intuitive (90%) and half of the higher ones overlapped. Where there were problems was in everything else: three almost dissonances in emotions, intellect and heart, weak character men, weak temperament (2) he has. It would have been better for you to remain good friends, having realized the two very strong highest levels of compatibility already revealed at your age. But for some reason you decided to try your luck in a closer relationship. Only now your Libra sign, dreaming of a prince and high relationships, is apparently bored with the calm family life, stability and sincerity of Virgo. After all, passion, especially with Libra, is not about the signs of the Earth at all.

And now you have found your “passion”. She turned out to be Scorpio. The chakras are also interesting here, but in their own way: two “female” compatible levels provide that same emotional warmth - this is the second chakra (emotions - 74%) and the fourth (heart - 69%). Moreover, what is interesting: in the first couple, due to heart dissonance, the problem of the type of relationship between the signs “Best friend and best enemy” only worsened. But here, due to “friendly” cardiac compatibility, this problem is somewhat smoothed out. It’s also good to be paired with Scorpio that his character is stronger than yours - 5, and his temperament more than exceeds yours - also a maximum of 5 points. And, the most important thing is that there is a prospect of meeting your “destiny” - highest compatibility at maximum (96%). Thanks to her, you and your partner are in some ways ideal for each other, and your paths in life, if you walk side by side, of course, will eventually converge at one point. In general, when we talk about relationships between people of mature age (30+), the answer to the most popular question is “Is there a chance?” is the highest compatibility. If it is high, then the chance is high. Even if according to the horoscope a couple of signs are not the best.

So, Alina, you have a very strong point of intersection with your current partner. And, if you are thinking about how to realize this advantage, then you should take note of several things that are likely to cause problems in your couple. All of them are related to the peculiarity of Scorpio’s behavior when paired with you:
- first: for him you are the “Best Enemy”. In addition to intellectual incompatibility (speak in different languages). This is mistrust and misunderstanding from the first word, and, if jealousy (a typical character trait of Scorpio), then to the point of shock.
- second: passion on his part, which is now for you because of your romantic nature air sign seems passion, then it will seem like staged theater. In general, it should be noted that Scorpio is one of the best dramatic actors among all signs. And sometimes he even succeeds in his roles. But a year or two will pass, and you will read all this for the second time. It might get boring.
- third and last: what doesn’t suit you now - a kind of speck in your eye - after some time risks turning into a log. And largely thanks to Scorpio. Because, being naturally good psychologists, they notice such things in their partner. Well, then Scorpio’s fatal tendency to analyze relationships and “work” on them helps to blow up a terrible scandal from the smallest problem. And in scandals it will be very difficult for you, all because of the same intellectual incompatibility.

Still, I would like to believe in your couple and wish you good luck!

Good day everyone! My name is Natalia. I’m looking through all the reviews, because I’m waiting for the master to respond to me too (I left a review a couple of weeks ago). Thank you. But after reading MUSI’s review... I want to tell you that I recently met a very nice family. Self-sufficient, successful... And, as it may seem (highlighted in-contri), happy (and since I have been suffering from numerology myself for a long time, I am interested in the person himself and his correspondence to the horoscope, sign, date, etc.). Later, I found out their dates of birth: 10/30/1969 - male, 06/07/1971 - female (they already have successful children: an 11-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy). But here, in terms of chakra compatibility, they are mostly incompatible. I think the blood type and even the presence of religiosity play a role here (an Orthodox man with blood type 3 and a Catholic woman with blood group 1 (hunter-colonialist). They have been married for 15 years (she did not change her last name to her husband’s last name). The Belarusian man - there is no spiritual support from her parents anymore. Her parents live and prosper. Perhaps the woman is too smart, cunning, strong?!

In-contri: Natalia, thank you for the interesting problem. Let's try to find a solution. In general, in this regard, I remember how at the dawn of the site I most liked questions in the spirit of “yes, your site does not count correctly at all, so and so [hereinafter two dates] live and nothing, but with you everything Badly". And then you start looking and people have normal compatibility, everything corresponds to the minimum (minimum, I emphasize!) recommendations, you publish the answer, you are glad that you convinced them. However, some readers seem to accept compatibility only in this form, when everything matches 100% - the chakras, the horoscope, and Pythagoras. But this, naturally, does not happen. Or maybe it happens, I just haven’t come across it yet.

So, Natalia, your case is extremely special. Perhaps even one of the most special ones that have ever come. And, if not for your tips, then, honestly, I would have reached a dead end. Because there are no more clues on the surface, except for the Gemini-Scorpio pair, which is the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”. And yet, it seems to me that I received one logical solution. But first, let's answer the question, what is compatibility between partners?

The author of the calculation says that this is when there are no inconsistencies in the horoscope, when there are common emotions and at least one of the three highest levels in the pair, and Pythagoras does not show dissonance. I had to read somewhere that when all three lower biorhythms are compatible, this is the best option. And someone claims that the higher the percentage in the higher chakras, the stronger and longer the connection. Perhaps everyone is right in their own way. In general, everyone agrees on one thing: true compatibility is when there is a strong connection between partners in something. Not necessarily all at once. At least in something.

Let's look for her. First: a strong attraction (at least at the initial stage) of signs that form the combination “Boa constrictor and rabbit” with each other. Moreover, this attraction of an incompatible couple is even stronger than the attraction of signs of the same element. It’s not for nothing that most of the cases of infidelity discussed in the reviews happened with one of the partners who was carried away by their “Rabbit” or “Boa.” And in this pair, the Scorpio man acts as the “Rabbit”, and the Gemini woman acts as the “Boa Constrictor”. So your assumption is correct here. "Boa" is undoubtedly too smart, cunning and strong for "Rabbit". It is not for nothing that one is the hunter and the other is the prey. We also know that the attraction in the pair “Rabbit and Boa Constrictor” is fatal in nature. But for some reason, evil fate did not separate this couple earlier and is keeping them together now? I think your mention of religiosity is very helpful here.

It gave me the idea to also look at spiritual diagonals using Pythagorean squares. By the way, yesterday I was reading a contact group and one of the subscribers asked to add just a comparison of the “spirituality” of partners. I thought some more and answered that this should work in very specific cases. It turns out, just like the couple in question. And what do we see: a woman’s spirituality has a maximum of 5 points, and a man’s is as much as 8. 8 is already pure fanaticism, in some places, one might say, a phase shift. Now I don’t even doubt the true religiosity of this couple and for me personally everything is becoming clearer. “The boa constrictor and the rabbit,” having once been close, perhaps even then, on the positive spiritual basis and the negative basis of the attraction of their signs, entered into marriage. Of course, forever and ever. Such people cannot have it any other way. Therefore, finding themselves in a world with no alternative, they live a purely spiritual life, their own values. A man, I suppose, like “Rabbit,” feeling after so many years the energy of this union, perceives it as his spiritual struggle. And, apparently, he is fighting successfully. It’s easier for a woman in this regard. She is a “Boa Constrictor” and her usual scenario is simply to get tired of the boredom and predictability of life with the “Rabbit”. But, also having high spirituality and seeing her husband’s fanaticism, she probably also became involved only in the family-spiritual mission.

It’s not for nothing, Natalia, that I highlighted the phrase “as it may seem, happy” in your story. I think we shouldn’t make hasty conclusions here. In fact, we can only guess what is actually happening in this couple. On the one hand, I would like to wish them good luck and further following the common spiritual path, but on the other hand... I remember more than one review where adult women wrote how glad they were to free themselves from the shackles of the “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” union years later. In general, a most interesting situation. Thank you, Natalia.

Z.Y.: Regarding your review, I admit that I haven’t seen it yet. But, if it is written just as interestingly and the volume is not one and a half lines, then the likelihood of an answer, as I have said more than once, is very high.

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Compatibility of a Scorpio woman in love and marriage

Scorpio is very demanding when choosing a life partner. Despite all his passion, short-term novels interest him little - he is committed to long, serious relationship. He is looking for a partner who could share with him the fullness of his stormy feelings, and also have intelligence, a clear life position, a sense of humor, etc... Having met his ideal in the flesh, Scorpio is ready to turn the world upside down in order to achieve reciprocity. In this case, neither a noticeable difference in age, nor social or financial situation will become an obstacle for him.
And in love relationships, and especially in marriage, the Scorpio owner should not even for a second doubt the fidelity of his life partner. He is very jealous, and it is too dangerous to play with his burning jealousy, like fire.

Scorpio woman + Aries man

Relationship type:
Harmony of the Storm

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 100%

In this union, both the self-confident Aries and the ardent Scorpio woman are able to find everything that they unconsciously strive for - harmony, love, mutual assistance and understanding. They have excellent sexual compatibility and many similar character traits, such as energy, sincerity, and independence.
However, this does not mean at all that a quiet family hearth awaits them. The harmony of the relationship between an Aries man and a Scorpio woman is not the balance of a quiet backwater, but a raging whirlpool of feelings, desires and passions that periodically threaten their family boat with collapse, but which bring brightness, meaning and completeness to their life together.
However, their boat is extremely stable: the Scorpio woman is ready to yield the palm to the ambitious Aries in the main issues and even help him make a career to the detriment of her own.

Scorpio woman + Taurus man

Relationship type:
Power multiplied by two

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 100%

This is a fairly common union. Both the Taurus and the Scorpio woman have strong personalities, and this allows them not only to love, but also to respect each other (which is vital for them). The Scorpio woman appreciates in Taurus his independence, perseverance, ability to earn money, and in her he appreciates his strength of character combined with incredible femininity.
In addition, they have excellent sexual compatibility and similar views on family, which they both treat very responsibly and seriously. In other words, this is an almost ideal union: the Scorpio woman does not like henpecked people, she will calmly let Taurus be the head of the house, and even help him make a career.

Scorpio woman + Gemini man

Relationship type:
Clash of the Titans

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 40%

The Gemini man is independent and fickle, and the Scorpio woman is unusually jealous. In other words, this union is a real explosive mixture. It contains a sea of ​​passion and romance, jealousy and quarrels.
As a rule, the relationship between a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman can be reproached for anything, but not for insipidity and banality, because both of them are strong personalities with unusually strong emotions, and in relation to them the expression “found a scythe on a stone” sounds relevant , more than ever. This vibrant cocktail of feelings is further enhanced by the sexual compatibility of partners. Usually this stormy and vibrant union, full of rivalry, passion and resentment, turns out to be short-lived, but is remembered by the partners for the rest of their lives.

Scorpio woman + Cancer man

Relationship type:
Energy of a compressed spring

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 70%

Usually in this difficult union the leading role is given to the Scorpio woman, whose enormous energy and strength can be both creative and destructive for this couple. It is the Scorpio woman who is able to inspire the prudent Cancer to take bold actions, make him believe in himself, find Good work and generally change your life for the better.
On the other hand, Scorpio is often irritated by the passivity and slowness of Cancer. In a bad mood (which she often has), she, with her demandingness and emotionality, can greatly complicate the life of a sensitive Cancer. However, Cancer and the Scorpio woman always have a chance to make peace - they are both sensual natures, and are perfect for each other in bed. The main thing for Cancer is not to give up her position as the head of the house: the Scorpio woman must feel a real man in him, otherwise her pride simply will not allow her to stay close to him.

Scorpio woman + Leo man

Relationship type:
Fights without rules

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 50%

Usually in the battle of characters there is no winner: life together is generally not a very good field for battle. Nevertheless, understanding this intellectually, in fact, maximalists Leo and the Scorpio woman are capable of making a real war of ambitions out of their relationship. Alas, the strength of their characters is extremely great, and in relation to their couple, the expression “found a scythe on a stone” sounds especially relevant.
In everyday life, this often results in conflicts and showdowns, and the Scorpio woman is capable of inflicting much more painful wounds on the proud Leo than he does on her. If this relationship is dear to Leo and the Scorpio woman, they should not forget that their union cannot do without patience and compromise. Otherwise, there may be only losers on their love front.

Scorpio woman + Virgo man

Relationship type:
Great team

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 70%

A Virgo man and a Scorpio woman have a lot in common, and first of all such common features like honesty, the pursuit of justice, a sense of duty. In addition, both of them are strong personalities. In life, they do not wait for gifts from Fate, they stoically endure trials and are accustomed to achieving everything through their own labor. Their union is, first of all, love-friendship, love-support and mutual assistance. However, this does not at all exclude love itself: the Scorpio woman is a passionate nature, and her fire is more than enough for two. Another thing is that she is used to thinking broadly, and Virgo’s punctuality, his attention to detail and his frugality often confuse her. Virgo has difficulty withstanding her violent outbursts of emotions. This union can become truly strong only if both partners learn to take each other’s feelings into account.

Scorpio woman + Libra man

Relationship type:
Miracles on turns

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 70%

In this union, all existing options for relationships are possible, from friendship to cooperation and from hatred to love. Having chosen the last option, the Libra man and the Scorpio woman are unlikely to regret it: their couple can be called truly bright, and the union is hot and passionate.
It is not surprising that the loving Libra and the sensual Scorpio woman are usually just crazy about each other at first. However, in addition to harmony in bed, there are many more things that unite them. All this together can serve as the basis for a very temperamental marriage, in which there will be noisy quarrels, resentments, love, and passion.
True, over time, this union may fall apart on the initiative of the Scorpio woman: in Libra she does not find the determination, even toughness, that she values ​​in men. In addition, Libra is not very ambitious, and for an ambitious Scorpio woman this is also a minus. Sometimes their relationships turn out to be much stronger if they never reach marriage, but remain at the stage of non-binding love meetings.

Scorpio woman + Scorpio man

Relationship type:
War of the Worlds

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 40%

Alas, the prospects for this explosive union are about the same as those of two typhoons under one roof. And this despite the fact that it can begin with love at first sight, and continue with a very stormy and passionate romance. However, over time, the life together of self-confident Scorpios can turn into an ongoing war between two unusually strong, bright and independent personalities. This can only be avoided if both parties soften their unbridled tempers by learning the art of patience and compromise.

Scorpio woman + Sagittarius man

Relationship type:
The intensity of violent passions

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 40%

This passionate and stormy union is rarely long-lasting or lasting. The most difficult thing for a Scorpio woman is to understand and forgive betrayal, while the freedom-loving Sagittarius has his own concepts of fidelity. He is successful with women and sees nothing wrong with flirting. In other words, in their life together Conflicts and scenes of jealousy are common. In addition, the Scorpio woman is confused by Sagittarius’s optionality and his lack of clear goals in life. Often their relationship ends with both of them getting tired of this endless struggle of opposites.

Scorpio woman + Capricorn man

Relationship type:
The whole range of feelings

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 90%

In this union there is passion, love, and mutual respect. The relationship between the stubborn Capricorn and the Scorpio woman, with her stormy emotions, cannot be called quiet - they are both strong and independent individuals who are used to living with their own minds. Therefore, in life together, especially at the beginning, it can be difficult for them to adapt to each other, learn to give in and seek compromises. Nevertheless, they often succeed in this, and then their marriage turns out to be long and lasting.

Capricorn and a Scorpio woman are more capable of appreciating each other's virtues than anyone else. Their relationship has everything they strive for - romance, tenderness, reliability, and stability. At the same time, both are committed to a serious relationship, value the loyalty and honesty of their partner and are able to live hand in hand all their lives.

Scorpio woman + Aquarius man

Relationship type:
An extraordinary miracle

Compatibility in love: 80%
Marriage compatibility: 50%

This is a very difficult union emotionally. On the one hand, Aquarius and the Scorpio woman have excellent sexual compatibility: Scorpio’s fervor and passion are enough for two, and the bright Aquarius brings enchantment and unpredictability to their relationship. They often fall in love with each other on the first date, but in life together, differences in character make themselves felt, resulting in heated showdowns.

The Scorpio woman, as a rule, gladly shares many of Aquarius’ hobbies and hobbies, but she believes that he is scattered about trifles, being carried away by one thing or another, without any particular benefit to himself. However, in spite of everything, Aquarius and a Scorpio woman are interested in being together. They always have something to talk about, and therefore this bright, extravagant union often stands the test of time.

Scorpio woman + Pisces man

Relationship type:
Mutual luck

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 80%

Overall, this is a successful union, since the sensitive Pisces man and Scorpio woman have excellent sexual compatibility. However, in addition to this area, they have a lot in common: both are committed to serious relationships and value loyalty and constancy in a partner.

In everyday life, a Scorpio woman can put a little pressure on Pisces, encouraging him to achieve more, and often this has the most positive effect on him. Scorpio herself is capable of taking on an organizational role in the family, skillfully solving current problems and tasks. Their relationship contains love, friendship, and mutual understanding, so they can last for many years. 8.

Scorpio Channel.

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