With whom are Pisces best compatible? She is Scorpio, he is Pisces

03.09.2019 Documentation

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Pisces woman captivates at first sight. She has an uncanny ability to conquer men. reveal their need to be strong and caring.

This woman's chosen ones usually belong to one of two opposing categories. She is attracted to weak men, whom she can bestow with maternal care and participation. She also falls in love with representatives of the opposite type - strong, decisive, capable of protecting, nurturing, guiding and supporting her.

By Pisces woman compatibility- love for her is the basis, the meaning of life. If she is happy in love, everything else seems wonderful. If she suffers because of unhappy love, nothing else matters. Therefore, if you want to win her, prove that your feelings for her are strong and unchanging.

Every man secretly dreams of someone like a Pisces woman. She is so fragile, tender, pure and defenseless that it seems that it would have been much better for her to have been born in the century before last! The Pisces woman seems to have stepped out of the pages of one of the novels of that time. Looking at it, the word “emancipation” will immediately fly out of your head, but you will immediately understand what Tolstoy meant when he wrote about the “quiver of eyelashes,” “languid gaze” and other similar things that are incredible today.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Taurus man

In terms of compatibility between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man, this family union is one of the most ideal. The couple live together happily ever after. Having found each other, they can no longer imagine their life with anyone else. The Pisces woman reveals all her best qualities and becomes a true guardian hearth and home. And the Taurus man tries to do everything to make his beloved “fish” happy. There is nothing in the world that could destroy this couple, since their union is built on a very reliable foundation. They also have a strong physical attraction, loyalty and devotion, they are attached to each other until old age.

A Pisces and Taurus couple has a lot in common. For both, peace of mind is more important; both love convenience, comfort, beauty, expensive and high-quality things. The only difference is that people born under the sign of Pisces are lazy by nature, living only for today, and Taurus are great workers who provide for their own future. ..

Pisces woman compatibility - Gemini man

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Gemini man- they are so different that it seems that they live in parallel worlds. According to statistics, this family union is very rare. However, despite the complete opposite in outlook on life, if these partners meet, they can form a fairly happy and long union.

What attracts a Gemini man to a Pisces woman is her fragility and defenselessness. And she turns a blind eye to all his shortcomings. The Gemini man energizes everyone around him, and the Pisces woman is no exception, with her energy and enthusiasm. If a Pisces woman is talented in any field, then a Gemini man can help her commercialize her creative talents by becoming her agent or impresario . ..

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Cancer man

Family union in compatibility of Pisces woman and Cancer mancan rightfully be considered ideal. According to statistics from many countries around the world, divorces in this couple are extremely rare. These two are literally made for each other. They have similar temperaments and lifestyles. They are able to understand each other perfectly, together they create their own little cozy world in which they can live happily ever after. Real, sincere, deep love in this couple flares up at first sight.

Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man always have many plans and ideas, which they always consider and discuss together. True, the Cancer man prefers to live in the world of illusions, fantasies and imagination, while the Pisces woman prefers real world with all its earthly joys and material benefits . ..

Compatibility of Pisces woman - Leo man

In terms of compatibility, the Pisces woman and the Leo man are simply delighted with each other at the stage of establishing a relationship. No one will ever forget this love story, it will give them so many vivid impressions. But the more they are together, the more they will begin to recognize each other and the more dissimilarity in temperament, character, morals, views and opinions, literally in everything will be evident. And the Pisces woman will have to make incredible efforts to maintain this union.

But it also happens that when partners are very different, their dissimilarity can not only be the cause of disagreements, but also the downside, giving lovers the opportunity to find in each other what they lack in themselves and live happily...

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Virgo man

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Virgo mantheir family union can be very strong only if both partners strive for spiritual growth and work on themselves every day. The Pisces woman can be considered the complete opposite of the Virgo man. When forming a couple, they can give each other a lot, of course, if both want to take what their partner offers them. If both love each other and want to maintain the relationship, then they will be able to rise above everyday difficulties and form a harmonious whole couple. Otherwise, both may look for a more suitable mate to avoid working on improving their personality.

The Pisces woman finds in the hardworking and responsible Virgo man what she was looking for - care and tenderness. Very often, the Virgo man works for two people, and even takes on some of the household chores, allowing the Pisces woman to do what she likes, namely: going to exhibitions, theaters, and various creative evenings. ..

Compatibility of Pisces woman - Libra man

Compatibility between Pisces women and Libra men– their relationship can hardly be called an ideal family union, but they will be able to get along quite well if the Pisces woman can maintain the distance that the Libra man needs for his comfort.

The expression that someone else's soul is dark is very suitable if applied to this union. The Libra man, with his unstable and changeable mood, and the dreamy Pisces woman are rarely sincere towards each other. Each of them has their own secrets and “their skeletons in the closet.” But their sense of independence and inner freedom is completely preserved, even after many years of living together. And this, by the way, does not prevent the compatibility pair Pisces and Libra from feeling comfortable and good together . ..

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Scorpio man

The family union of compatibility between a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man can rightfully be called ideal. This is the strongest and happiest union, it can even be called mystical: in it, the energy of the partners flows into each other, making them feel an inextricable, deep connection with each other.

The compatibility pair of Pisces and Scorpio has everything: loyalty and devotion, constancy and strength, reliability and security, a friendly and warm family environment and, of course, love. The Pisces woman and the Scorpio man are so attached to each other from the moment they first met, and their destinies are so closely intertwined that they never even think about parting...

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Sagittarius man, this family union can have a variety of scenarios. Their relationship is not easy, but they can discover the missing qualities in each other, and will complement each other, thereby strengthening the relationship. Or maybe vice versa, such a strong dissimilarity of characters will prevent them from being together. In any case, these relationships, no matter how long-lasting or short-lived they may be, will leave bright and happy memories in the Pisces woman’s soul.

The Sagittarius man is sincere and cheerful, while the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive. The ideal for a Pisces woman is a strong and responsible man who can and will take care of her. Ideal woman in the eyes of a Sagittarius man, she should be as cheerful and easy-going as he is. Therefore, it is obvious that none of the partners can fully correspond to the ideal...

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Capricorn man

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Capricorn man- these two often do not notice each other, the force of attraction between them is small and this family union is a very rare occurrence. But this couple can become very happy by building their relationship on the basis of mutual respect. They can perfectly complement each other, smooth out character flaws and roughness, and enhance positive qualities. Despite all the differences between the Pisces woman and the Capricorn man, they have a deep common similarity, which helps them understand each other. And most importantly, they are always comfortable and happy together. And they perceive love not only as passion, but also as tenderness, care, affection and friendship.

The Capricorn man is a hardworking and reliable partner. Therefore, for a Pisces woman who has connected her life with him, her dreams of a rich and reliable partner come true..

Compatibility of Pisces woman - Aquarius man

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Aquarius manThis family union brings with it many difficulties. It is difficult for spouses to understand each other, and their marriage can be built only if they have patience, mutual respect and a condescending attitude towards the shortcomings of the other. Both the Pisces woman and the Aquarius man seem out of this world. But they themselves are from different worlds. The Aquarius man is extroverted and dreams of giving all of humanity something new and grandiose. He constantly lives in the future, and the Pisces woman is immersed in her inner reality and focuses on feelings.

Despite all the contradictions, the compatibility union between Pisces and Aquarius is very bright and emotional. This is not surprising, because both are extraordinary, creative personalities with a rich inner world. Their relationship has everything: love and tenderness, jealousy and painful experiences. . ..

Compatibility of Pisces woman - Pisces man

Compatibility union between Pisces woman and Pisces mancan rightfully be called happy and strong. They get along well with each other and are never bored together. In this union, both find their “other half”. They have a stunning similarity in character that will delight rather than bother you, as they perfectly understand what their partner is doing and thinking. And for Pisces women and for a Pisces man, emotions are very important in a relationship. And each partner can give something in abundance. Both spouses are calm, pliable, sensitive, as well as independent, dreamy, and impractical.

It is difficult to describe what the relationship between a Pisces man and a Pisces woman will be, since in each case they will be individual and unique, like themselves. The only thing that unites all couples Pisces - it’s that they just calmly float with the flow...

Let's consider compatibility of zodiac signs Pisces woman.

Valentina Tereshkova, Sharon Stone, Elena Yakovleva, Ekaterina Strizhenova and Tatyana Bulanova are famous women born under the zodiac sign of Pisces.

Their love feelings and experiences are as deep and mysterious as their element – ​​Water. Vulnerable and sensual natures, captivating men with their mystery and changeable moods. With what kind of man can a representative of this zodiac sign be able to build strong relationships? partnerships and create a happy family?

Astrologer's advice: The level and type of education of people always affects the possibility of demonstrating certain qualities. A person’s upbringing also contributes to the characteristics of many behavioral properties.

Best with men of water signs - Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Scorpio man.

We can say that such a relationship is the ideal and the happiest union for both. The Pisces woman accepts her lover completely and with all his complex problems, surrounding Scorpio with understanding, kindness and tenderness. This woman is one of the few who can give a Scorpio man complete peace of mind and self-confidence. The main rule for a Pisces woman in this relationship is to avoid intrigue and provocations on the part of a man.

Astrologer's advice: Dreams of achieving more than you currently possess are common to everyone. But not many are able to combine desires and needs. You can do it - order - and achieve your goals!

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Cancer man.

A kind of “silent” union, because these two are on the same wavelength, understanding each other’s thoughts without words. Romance, beautiful and generous deeds - this is what will dominate in this relationship. Having a bunch of joint plans and ideas, the Pisces woman and the Cancer man are able to spend hours discussing their implementation, avoiding discussing the main thing - their pressing problems and claims against each other. It’s easier for them to remain silent than to speak out and “let off steam.” It is this character trait that can lead to a break in relationships, which can cause both partners to suffer.

Astrologer's advice: Keep in mind that for a detailed description, it is necessary to correct the information taking into account the date, time and place of birth. Refined data will help you get to know yourself better or understand other people.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Pisces man.

This union is the merging of two “halves” of one whole. The Pisces woman finds her double in this relationship, only male. Too similar, independent and dreamy natures, floating with the flow of life together. Calm and compliant, dreamy and impractical. The most important thing in this union is for a man to take the leading role, otherwise the future of these two is doubtful. Zodiac sign compatibility Pisces woman with representatives of fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius is quite illusory, since it is well known that water extinguishes fire.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Aries man.

An active and assertive Aries will literally tyrannize the tender and vulnerable Pisces woman, reproaching her for impracticality and for eternally hanging in the clouds. But whatever one may say, the Pisces woman needs the care and guardianship of Aries, so their union is possible, you just need to avoid drama in everything and not invent problems for yourself.

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to look at horoscopes for the month and year for all zodiac signs. The astro forecast will allow you to make favorable decisions on various issues. High quality and useful. Go to the category.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Leo man.

A strong and independent partner is perfect for the fragile and delicate Pisces. The Pisces woman in these relationships is an object of love and care, which she often cunningly manipulates. If Pisces is ready to completely submit to its domineering Leo and not fight with him for dominance in the pair, this union is doomed to a long and happy coexistence.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Sagittarius man.

The expectations from this union for each partner are not justified. The Pisces woman dreams of a strong and caring chosen one, the Sagittarius man is not too emotional and does not spoil his Pisces with compliments. The Sagittarius man wants to see a light and cheerful nature next to him, but Pisces is too dreamy and emotional. This union is extremely rare, if only they are ready to come to terms with each other's natures.

Astrologer's advice: If you want to explore and better understand the character and traits of a zodiac sign, you need to get to know it from different sides and the section will help you with this -.

Compatibility of Pisces woman with representatives of earth signs is quite high, because earth needs water and loves it.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Virgo man.

A homely, down-to-earth Virgo man simply needs such a mysterious nature as a Pisces woman. Hardworking and practical, this man is ready to completely simplify the life of his beloved, who strives for comfort and a secure existence without bothering herself too much with work. This is precisely what can cause a break in the relationship, because Virgo will begin to boringly teach her life partner and demand that she work, and the Pisces woman will be offended and sincerely wonder what she is doing wrong.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Capricorn man.

Down-to-earth and simple Capricorn will be simply shocked by the changeability of mood and the mystery of the Pisces woman. But her femininity and lack of vulgarity will attract Capricorn, and Pisces will appreciate the pathological loyalty of her chosen one, so a long-term union of this couple is possible.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Taurus man.

Fragile and helpless Pisces simply needs the guardianship and care that the Taurus man is ready to give her; he is ready to take care of her all his life. But the secretive Pisces woman needs to avoid omissions and misunderstandings in this union, because the Taurus man loves clarity and simplicity.

Astrologer's advice: The characteristics of a zodiac sign can be much more specific if you take into account the year of birth and the section will help with this Chinese calendar. Go to the appropriate section -.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Libra man.

Both are ardent dreamers, and Libra is not yet very keen on material wealth. The Libra man often has his head in the clouds, and Pisces, although dreamy, is still an ardent pragmatist. Such a union can only be an episode in the lives of both.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Aquarius man.

Absolutely different people with radically opposite views on life. Dreamy and thoughtful Pisces will not wait for every second of care and attention from the calculating and cold-blooded Aquarius. Such different personalities are unlikely to build a strong and long-term union.

Zodiac sign compatibility Pisces woman with representatives of the air element it is neutral, since air and water can peacefully coexist with each other without intersecting in the same plane.

  • Compatibility of Pisces woman with Gemini man.

Two parallel universes. The Gemini man is too easy and tries to elude responsible decisions, which the Pisces woman will not tolerate. She wants self-care, not “castles in the air.” It is difficult for them to find mutual understanding, but relationships are possible with concessions and compromises.

Whatever compatibility a Pisces woman has, they, like everyone else, need love, care and attention from men.

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Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces. What union is considered ideal and successful for Pisces? With which zodiac sign Pisces will find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

Two “fish” people naturally swim towards each other. Apparently they are able to read each other's minds. Both have remarkable intuition and highest degree rich imagination. They may simply get lost in some imaginary country - a complete abyss without a map or clues on how to get out of there. They may actually forget where they were going at the moment.

Thanks to their intuition, Pisces people are able to sense the approach of a difficult situation and can feel each other’s sorrows and misfortunes. They will respond with gentleness and compassion, and help with a good joke.

For now, everything is fine, but if obstacles arise along the way, if the weather suddenly worsens, these two will simply retreat - either swim away, or pretend that the problem does not exist, go into their imaginary world. The relationship between these people is characterized by great mutual understanding, but it is possible that they may find themselves in the area of ​​turbulent waters in stormy weather.

Compatibility of Pisces and Aries

A timid and quiet “fish” is not at all a match for a violent, frantic “ram”. Aries are sociable and love to compete, they have the energy and vitality to move forward. Everywhere and above all, these are fighters. “Pisces” love to hide from the world - under water, under a rock at the bottom, preferring to disappear from the scene and mind their own personal business. "Pisces" is a skilled fugitive, and "Aries" loves to get into a fight - without thinking, with noise and roar. Can you imagine a place where they could meet? This is a very unbalanced relationship. “Aries” is the ego of the Zodiac and will constantly hurt the extremely sensitive, easily mood-changing, soft and kind “Pisces,” who are prone to sometimes mistake pity for love. "Aries" hates weakness and loves strength, fearlessly fighting for a place in the forefront; he is “at ease” both when surrounded by rivals and obstacles, and in an environment of admiration from the crowd. For Pisces, the height of happiness is in solitude - deep in the sea, where calm waters, lulling, take them into the world of fantasy.

Compatibility of Pisces and Taurus

This is a combination that works well.

Dreamy and idealistic Pisces could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical Taurus. Without a doubt, there will be no explosions and no sparks will fly: in a relationship with a “Taurus”, “Pisces” are guaranteed safety. Pisces can be a great friend to Taurus and - since representatives of these two signs like to indulge in the same activities - they can make a wonderful couple. However, before Pisces and Taurus understand each other and become friends, Taurus may mistakenly consider the Fish to be a reckless and empty creature. "Pisces" is also capable of considering the "bull" too down-to-earth and rude - he strives so persistently and stubbornly to have money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot themselves. Even if both of them become involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a solution and neither of them to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to clashes.

Compatibility of Pisces and Gemini

Pisces will inevitably find Geminis too restless for their watery lifestyle, while Geminis may find Pisces completely insensitive. It cannot be said that this was the greatest union of two souls. Of course, the “Gemini” is a sociable creature, and the “Pisces” gravitate towards the solitude of cool, deep and serene waters. Both of them are capable of getting on each other’s nerves. Both of them tend to go with the flow and both are consummate experts at dodging tough questions. Perhaps they will establish this relationship on the same wavelength, but a collapse in the future is almost inevitable. “Gemini” is able to quickly and completely disappoint “Pisces”, trying to analyze and understand their motives, which may turn out to be completely impossible. Both owners of these signs, however, share a sense of beauty and appreciate the beautiful things of the world, and this often attracts them to each other. It is important for “Pisces” to feel the need for themselves, and “Gemini” needs someone to shift their burden onto him - and who could be better suited for this than the compassionate “Pisces”, always ready to offer the “Gemini” their vest and ear? In general, however, this is not very reliable soil on which to build a castle - it is better to try to find a better one.

Compatibility of Pisces and Cancer

Pisces and Cancer have an instinctive and intuitive understanding of each other. Representatives of these signs are dreamy and sentimental. Their combined forces could undoubtedly become a great alliance. Both of them are extremely susceptible to changes in mood, and in this competition, the “Pisces” could perhaps win the prize of “Chief Changemaker”. “Pisces” are not at all interested in money, but “Cancer” are fascinated by the very sound, smell and touch of coins and banknotes. But no amount of pleas and arguments will force the “pisces” to turn their gaze to the accumulations that “cancer” has managed to create; The character of the “fish” is completely different - they will never hoard. You could, however, accuse the "fish" of being wasteful. Although both of these “water” creatures love home and have a hard time with long absences, both “Pisces” and “Cancer” sometimes experience a craving for wandering. At the same time, in the competition “who loves home more”, “cancer” takes first place.

Compatibility of Pisces and Leo

"Leo" is prone to leadership, to royal dominion and desires respectful obedience. “Pisces” need to hold tightly to a reliable partner, they need a mentor and patron (so far everything is quite smooth, and life seems to be a happy road to heaven). But this is the ideal relationship between Pisces and Leo.

In practice, the Pisces, of course, may soon become fed up with the Leo’s constant desire for self-aggrandizement and, moreover, frightened by the growl and ferocity of their partner, they may want to swim away somewhere far away. Leo may find Pisces petty, overly attached to money, and downright messy—not particularly tidy, you might say. As you can see, these relationships are best case scenario unpredictable - they are supported by two beings of very different natures, attitudes to life and habits of action; they need great effort to understand each other. If they succeed in this, their relationship can become very enjoyable for both.

Compatibility of Pisces and Virgo

"Virgos" are neat, punctual and careful. "Pisces" are gifted with a rich imagination, poetic and completely disorderly from a business point of view, although they themselves are calm and peaceful in the midst of external chaos and disorder. "Virgo" is the embodiment of neatness and organization. Everything is neatly laid out on shelves and has its place in the house, office or in the head. Virgo is a cautious dreamer compared to Pisces, who dreams with passion and ardor. All this leads to the idea that “Virgo” and “Pisces” are not at all created for joint harmony and fun. "Pisces" can be desperately frightened and made even more withdrawn by the harsh criticism of the "Virgo". Also, “Pisces” is a great spender of money, which makes “Virgo” frown menacingly, because if money is spent, it means it is not saved, and if money is not saved, it means it is wasted. Pisces is a highly emotional, dreamy and compassionate sign.

Compatibility of Pisces and Libra

In all likelihood, these relationships can be extremely peaceful, happy and harmonious. Like Pisces, Libra also has an exceptional sense of refinement and extraordinary artistic inclinations. On a funny note, Libra's indecisiveness combined with Pisces' lack of practicality can create a lot of very funny moments. So far everything is great. Both “Libra” and “Pisces” consider each other a great mystery; it will take both of them a lot of time to fully understand their partner. “Pisces” are really confused and feel thrown out of the water, trying to understand the motives of “Libra” and realize what motivates this incomprehensible creature? On the other hand, the Libra representative is also bewildered by the character and personality of their “fish”. Unraveling the secrets in each other can give both of them many unforgettable moments - at least this will happen with mutual satisfaction and harmony, with pleasant music, flowers and candlelit dinners.

Compatibility of Pisces and Scorpio

There is a great attraction between these two water signs. They are instantly and equally attracted to each other - without a doubt, this is a wonderful couple. Understanding each other completely, they intuitively guess the thoughts and feelings of their partner - one cannot help but be surprised at the telepathy that exists between them.

Scorpio can inspire Pisces to act, and Pisces finds its ideal in Scorpio. Both of them can discuss their dreams with each other, although without much need - after all, they already intuitively know about their partner’s thoughts.

In clashes of points of view or any other disputes, it is the “pisces” who have the final victory. Surprise? Yes, this is quite unexpected! Another reason for disagreement may be money. “Pisces” love to spend, and “Scorpio” often regards this as extravagance - after all, “Scorpio” can be stingy, but “Pisces” simply have a huge heart - they give out money without counting, to everyone. "Pisces" cares little about tomorrow - the subject of constant thoughts of "Scorpio". So, in this union there is excellent compatibility and a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other.

Compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius

Sensitive, shy and calm Pisces may not get along with the strange, frank and sociable Sagittarius. Their relationship can become very tense - these two people are too different from each other. Firstly, the “Sagittarius” will have to learn to control the outbursts of his temperament - otherwise the “Pisces” may simply swim away in search of calm, cool waters. Also, “Pisces” is overly sensitive to the frankness of “Sagittarius” and his famous tactless directness; they may find Sagittarius too scandalous and intolerant. “Pisces” also crave attention and, perhaps, will consider the “Sagittarius” inattentive, unable, in his neglect of “little things,” to give what good, well-mannered “Pisces” need.

The success of their relationship will require the mutual efforts of representatives of these signs. A common feature of the union of such people is their fascination with religion. Pisces also likes Sagittarius' strong idealistic streak. “Archers” move through life broadly and at ease, often forgetting about their responsibility, and this can be very annoying for “Pisces”, who never forget about their duty.

Compatibility of Pisces and Capricorn

This combination can be fantastically beautiful. The reliability and constancy of “Capricorn” are very much to the liking of “Pisces”. In fact, Pisces who feel the care and attention of a calm Capricorn may simply blossom next to him. Oddly enough, this also works in the opposite direction - “Capricorn” feels safe next to “Pisces”, and may even become cheerful and carefree; Yes, that's what warmth and a little understanding can do to a Capricorn. Pisces has what it takes to liberate the timid Capricorn, making him jump and run for joy. It is the patient and gentle nature of the Pisces that makes the Capricorn succumb to their charm. This union can mark the beginning of a strong and long friendly relations- thanks to the extraordinary compatibility of their completely different natures, most time vibrating in harmony with each other; however, “Capricorn” should remember that “Pisces” do not like to feel in anyone’s power; Remembering the wonderful property of both of them, they should be enjoyed, like lovers having a pleasant conversation at a private dinner.

Compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius

Pisces may find it difficult to cope with the unpredictable, playful Aquarius. The character of good “fish” is marked by the trait of being an owner and being extremely touchy. "Aquarius" is a creature that loves freedom and is often capable of showing aloofness - and "Pisces" will not survive such indifference. The situation is reminiscent of one person swimming and the other soaring into space - to put it mildly, a rather unusual pairing. Of course, if all goes well - and with some effort this is possible - then they can both swim furiously fast, or float quietly and peacefully above the ground. This will happen if the “Pisces” become a little more tolerant of the quirks of the “Aquarius”, to his passion for traveling, and the “Aquarius” tries to adopt the patience and gentleness of the “Pisces”.

When it comes to money, both are very similar in their inability to care much about it.

Pisces is somewhat secretive and this can irritate Aquarius. “Aquarius” always needs to know everything, and he is unable to restrain his curiosity. This is another obstacle.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of the zodiac signs Pisces is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The zodiac sign Pisces is watery and changeable. As a rule, Pisces are compassionate and flexible, but can be truly courageous saviors of humanity. As an example: N.M. Burmistrova, a Soviet actress who worked in a hospital during the war years (March 14, 1918).

This sign is very complex in describing nature, and therefore it is difficult to speak precisely about Pisces’ relationships with other people. Those born in late February - early March look for understanding and sincerity in their chosen one, and this is the rarest endangered type of relationship. Perhaps this is why it is difficult for Pisces to find a partner after their heart.

Pisces of the first decade- from February 19 to 28 - very thoughtful and do not have their head in the clouds. They value love, reliability, and order in a partner. Compatibility here will be perfect with earth signs zodiac Second decanate of Pisces– March 1-10 – makes this zodiac sign flexible, gives greater changeability and emotionality, outbursts of feelings and impressionability. Both earth and water signs suit them best. who will surround them with love and care.

A representatives of the third decade– from March 11 to March 20 – very stable, the toughest of all. Wonderful compatible with any zodiac sign, can understand anyone. But not everyone is able to understand them, and therefore they spend a long time looking for their true love.


The hot-tempered Aries can truly fall in love with Pisces, but their union requires depth, which Aries does not have. And the point is not that Aries is superficial, it’s just that he will not be able to see as much in a person as Pisces sees. The latter will lack understanding and care.

Compatibility is very good: this sign will become a support and hero for Pisces, who really need it. It is also interesting that the values ​​of these zodiac signs coincide: reliability, understanding, care. They value love no less than intimate relationships. Such a couple will have a very strong family, but there may be conflicts. After all, Pisces do not tolerate habits, they want feelings and will demand attention, doubt their partner’s love in such stable, even relationships. An example of a revolutionary couple: V.I. Lenin (April 22) and N. Krupskaya (February 26).

with Gemini

At first glance, these two seem to have little in common, but in reality they can understand each other. Both are emotional and changeable; mood swings are common for them. Pisces will be able to give Gemini understanding and sensitivity, and Gemini, in turn, will help Pisces to logically balance the inner “I”. When logic and intuition meet, you get a harmonious pair of two completely different people.

Cancer is a water sign of the zodiac, which, as a rule, puts family values ​​and real feelings at the forefront of life. Pisces are very dreamy and always a little mysterious, and therefore raise doubts in Cancer about the authenticity of feelings. Cancers are great owners, and Pisces, no matter how much they want, will not be able to give their soul into captivity, they are simply designed that way. Too deep and mysterious. The compatibility of this couple will be whatever they want. Water people are full of feelings and emotions, and therefore need support and logic.

Leo is a fire trine sign that literally demands worship. Most often, this position is unacceptable for Pisces: they want to be a couple, not to serve, they need support and support, not authority.

Although in the world of feminine women, the zodiac sign Pisces can find in Leo the primordially masculine character traits that she needs (if the couple is a Leo man and a Pisces woman).

Leo in such a pair will have to slow down, and if he doesn’t want to, then... this won’t happen, because Leo will simply be fascinated by the tenderness and cunning of Pisces. If such a couple is lucky enough to start a family, then the rule will be observed in it: “the husband is the head, the wife is the neck.” Lovely to see!

In astrology, they are considered opposite signs. Virgo values ​​logic and analysis, while Pisces values ​​understanding and intuition. If these two converge on the path of life, it means nothing less than time to learn. Their compatibility is undeniable because, despite all their opposition, Pisces and Virgo understand each other almost perfectly. They are not irritated by differences, and they turn their similarities into a strong foundation for relationships. The Pisces man will find in Virgo a reliable assistant and faithful friend, and the Pisces woman will find a protector and family man in Virgo.

Compatibility with Libra is at least good. Just as fluctuating and changeable as Pisces, Libra gives a feeling of kinship and similarity. In such a union, Pisces will be the center of attention of the partner: romance, beautiful courtship, surprises. All this makes the atmosphere of this couple very romantic. However, conflicts can arise here too: both of these signs are very soft and are often poorly equipped to deal with life’s adversities. In such a couple, conflicts of a domestic nature and on financial grounds are frequent. If a couple is formed by mature and accomplished people, then they will receive a second youth. In very young people, it is easy to predict a breakup.

with Scorpio

A passionate and beautiful couple, they often attract attention even on the street. A love like the series evokes both envy and amazement. These two even quarrel with gusto and knowledge of the matter. Most often, Scorpios and Pisces find each other when they want real strong feelings, but only in adulthood do such couples ensure stability for themselves. Jealous Scorpios see their ideal in Pisces: tenderness, loyalty and vulnerability. Scorpios want to protect and do not want to offend Pisces at all. These are two devoted friends in the fight against adversity. An indicative example is a couple: Steve Jobs (February 24) and Laurene Powell Jobs (November 6) - love carried through a lifetime, withstanding ups and downs.

with Sagittarius

Freedom-loving Sagittarius may seem wise and fair to Pisces, and they will not be mistaken in this. However, in addition to these main qualities, Sagittarius also has secondary, less noticeable ones - his independence, interest in society rather than in the individual, desire for success, but lack of importance. All this does not give Pisces the depth of relationships that it needs. Often the union is very philosophical - Pisces understands what Sagittarius is talking about, but the opposite rarely happens. However, such a union can provide inspiration. A couple like Alexander Bell (March 3) and Mabel Hubbard (November 25) carried love throughout their lives, and gave Bell the inspiration to invent the first telephone (Mabel lost her hearing, and Bell decided to give at least other people the opportunity to hear each other).

with Capricorn

Capricorn is a zodiac sign ruled by Saturn. Such people seem overly dry and reserved, but this is not so. Pisces can make almost everyone more receptive, and Capricorn even more so. Having revealed the best qualities of a person in Capricorn, Pisces themselves become more confident. Like behind a stone wall. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman – the feeling of confidence comes from the fact that Capricorns are reliable people. You won't be lost with them. This is a very common conjunction. As one Pisces man in union with a Capricorn woman said: “It’s like I woke up and realized what I live for.” As an example, the famous couple Raisa (January) and Mikhail (March 3) Gorbachev.

with Aquarius

Aquarius and Pisces are often a strange union, but once understanding arises, these two will be inseparable from each other all their lives. Aquarians are sociable and eager to help people, just like Pisces. This unites them and gives them one core. This couple serves people, but they express it differently. They are very similar, despite the difference in the elements.

Pisces with Pisces is a union of two people who see themselves in each other. They understand each other's impulses and desires. The union is promising in itself, but young people are often bored in this understanding, and they choose more complex relationship options. Mature people will find in such a union a quiet haven where they will always understand and support you. Such a harbor was found by Andrei Mironov (March 7) with Larisa Golubkina (March 9).

Pisces woman compatibility with other zodiac signs

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 3.2. Psychological compatibility Pisces men and Pisces women in a relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 4.6. Psychological compatibility of Aquarius man and Pisces woman in a relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY SCORE: 8.2. Psychological compatibility of Capricorn man and Pisces woman in a relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 4.8. Psychological compatibility of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman in a relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY SCORE: 9.1. Psychological compatibility of Scorpio men and Pisces women in relationships.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 6.1. Psychological compatibility of Libra man and Pisces woman in a Blue relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 3.6. Psychological compatibility of Virgo man and Pisces woman in a relationship Wu di.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY SCORE: 8.1. Psychological compatibility of Leo man and Pisces woman in a Leo relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY SCORE: 8.1. Psychological compatibility of Cancer man and Pisces woman in a relationship Real.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 3.5. Psychological compatibility of Gemini men and Pisces women in relationships.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 8.5. Psychological compatibility of Taurus man and Pisces woman in a Ry relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY SCORE: 2.8. Psychological compatibility of Aries man and Pisces woman in a Pisces relationship.

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces Compatibility

The compatibility horoscope for the Pisces sign characterizes their relationship as a romantic and faithful union. For representatives of this sign, love is an inseparable part of happiness.

These fragile and emotional natures are looking for spiritual intimacy in a novel rather than physical harmony. In marriage, they are not always passionate, but usually extremely devoted and faithful to their partner, from whom they expect the same.

Pisces are able to revel in love, sincerely admire their partner and express feelings. But it's stupid to think that this will last forever. A representative of this sign never falls blindly in love, he does not forgive betrayal and betrayal, which can lead to a break in relationships.

Compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs

The perfect match fragile Pisces can be Cancer or Capricorn. Representatives of these signs are able to bring stability and faith in the future into his life. Pisces will be truly fascinated and admired by Cancer's noble and kind heart.

Passionate and energetic Sagittarius will not appeal to Pisces, who will be repulsed by the pressure of this fiery sign from the very first meeting. The union will also not be very strong dreamy Pisces with the other representatives of the element of fire - Leo and Aries, who are distinguished by a more selfish and aggressive character.

The compatibility of Pisces with a representative of their sign is unsuccessful, since both partners will be deprived of the desire to lead in the relationship, and will be subject to constant influence from others.

Great union can take place between representatives of the signs Pisces and Taurus. This marriage promises to be romantic and tender on the one hand, strong and stable on the other.

Pisces man compatibility horoscope

A Pisces man never forgets anniversaries, birthdays or important events in the life of his partner. He will prepare a gift in advance and make a real holiday for his beloved. A representative of this sign can easily tell all the details of their first meeting.

Very often there are dreamer Pisces who invent an ideal romance for themselves and blindly believe in the reality of this illusion until disappointment opens their eyes, and then a breakup cannot be avoided.

Representatives of this sign are constantly deceived in love, they suffer from lies and betrayal. Pisces' compatibility in relationships with a partner is influenced by their coldness and restraint, which instills in them after many failures on the personal front.

Pisces Compatibility

Pisces are very different from other representatives of the zodiac circle in their originality of thinking and way of life. They are very original in their ideas, although they can harbor them within themselves without trying to share them with anyone. One person can combine two Pisces at once - living and dead. The behavior of Pisces in a specific period of time depends on which of them begins to dominate. Pisces love to look after others and devote themselves to caring for loved ones, but they are deeply worried when they begin to openly take advantage of them.

Pisces try to avoid direct influence on themselves, although they really need support and understanding. There must be someone in their life who can turn their emotions in the right direction, preventing them from panicking or being nervous for no reason. Pisces prefer to live in a very illusory, fictional world, because they are too worried about the harsh reality. Sometimes they try to replace real life with their fantasies, and then they are very close to mistakes and self-deception. They are very easy to deceive, because Pisces tend to idealize both people and relationships with them. Pisces can become suspicious and withdrawn if they have repeatedly encountered deception in their lives. They really need feelings in order not to break away from reality, to feel the joy of life and have goals, to be fueled by energy and to give their feelings to their loved one.

Most compatible characters Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn are considered with Pisces. Gemini and Sagittarius are considered least compatible with Pisces.

Pisces Compatibility Chart

This table shows the average results of Pisces relationships with each of the zodiac signs. Links in the table lead to additional articles about Pisces compatibility, which describe this type of relationship in more detail.

Pisces: compatibility with other signs in love and marriage

People born under the sign of Pisces are very changeable, their element is water. They have compassion and flexibility, and at the same time they can show real courage, throwing all their strength into saving the world. The most important thing for Pisces in marriage is sincerity and understanding. But unfortunately, these feelings are becoming less and less common in modern people, so Pisces often encounter problems when searching for a soul mate.

(February 19-28) People whose birthday falls in the first ten days are the deep-thinking type who are not inclined to soar in the skies. It is important for them that their significant other shows love and tenderness; the relationship must be orderly and reliable. People whose element is earth are more suitable for them.

(March 01-10) People born in the second decade are very flexible, extremely changeable and emotional. They are characterized by sudden mood swings and are very impressionable. The main thing for these people is love and care, so they will perfectly build relationships with people whose elements are water and earth.

(March 11-20) People born in the third decade show unprecedented toughness, self-confidence, and stability. They are able to accept the thinking of anyone, so they will get along well with any sign. But it is worth considering that not everyone is able to understand their character.

Compared to other signs, Pisces are the most extraordinary people. Pisces' thinking is more intuitive than rational, and they are extremely impressionable. These are people who listen well, but at the same time do not really like to engage in conversation. They are often dominated by indecision and receptivity. They very carefully select their circle of close people. Sometimes when communicating with Pisces, a person may get the impression that the interlocutor knows much more about the topic and considers the narrator naive. But despite this, they are very kind and are always ready to help their neighbors. At the same time, they often involve themselves in other people's problems and place them on their own shoulders.

The combination of tolerance, calmness, understanding and creative thinking attracts everyone without exception to the representatives of this sign. At the same time, they are always ready to go to great deeds, but at the same time their indecision often slows down the process and reduces all enthusiasm to zero. Therefore, having inspired someone, Pisces often retreat, falling into melancholy and suffering due to unfinished tasks.

What Pisces needs about relationships

Regardless of whether they are a man or a woman, all people born under this sign desire support and attention, they need it very much. If they feel that their partner is reliable and always ready to support them, then it will not be difficult for them to realize their abilities in any area, they can safely reach the greatest heights. But more often than not, not finding such support, they increasingly move away from reality, living their lives in the world of their own fantasies. Pisces is a very complex sign, compatibility with other signs in love is therefore unpredictable.

To make a marriage with a Pisces a success, you need to seriously try. After all, not only common interests are important here, but daily support and understanding. You will constantly need to dispel doubts, strengthen your partner’s self-esteem, rationally solve all problems and deal with all emotional difficulties. This will show them how much the partner is committed to the marriage and loves the representative of the extraordinary zodiac sign. In addition, you need to constantly maintain romance in a relationship, because this is the only way to protect Pisces from depression. The worst thing is if the girl is Pisces. Her compatibility with other signs is very difficult, but you can find the best option.

Disadvantages of people born under the sign of Pisces

  • It is very important to continuously support morally a person who may fall into melancholy, regardless of the reason.
  • It is necessary to clearly understand that emotional needs have thousands of directions, and all of them, without exception, will have to be satisfied; the Pisces woman requires this most of all; compatibility with other signs is therefore very complicated.
  • You need to constantly adapt to your partner’s temperament.
  • Pisces will very often remain silent, at the same time despondent and not explaining what happened.
  • They are very suspicious and will demand constant proof of their partner’s selfless love and fidelity.
  • Control in relationships is very important for Pisces, so you will have to constantly report where, what and how is happening.
  • If there are real problems ahead, representatives of this zodiac sign can step aside and entrust their solution to their partner without thinking about anything.
  • In addition to the fact that they tend to go into a world of fantasy and live in self-deception, they can also simply lie to the people around them.

Pisces compatibility within its own element

TO water element In addition to Pisces themselves, they also include Cancers and Scorpios. Union between water signs is cemented by almost fraternal understanding, maximum spiritual closeness and a thirst for active action, which multiplies in a couple. Living together Such couples are filled with sensitivity between partners and mutual assistance; they are able to overcome absolutely all difficulties and adversities together. But it is worth considering that such an idyll has its own price - one of the partners must make self-sacrifice.

Well-being of the union of water signs

Thanks to Pisces' inexhaustible reserves of prudence, calmness and confidence, true family intimacy arises between partners in marriage. And if spouses adjust to each other emotionally, then they will be able to self-realize and give life to any joint ideas.

There can be no lies in such relationships, since the partners see through each other and intuitively feel all the emotions emanating from the other half. A stumbling block in this marriage may arise from quarrels over everyday life or emotional incompatibility, which, by the way, is extremely rare. Therefore, for Pisces, compatibility with other signs in marriage is extremely important.

Compatibility of Pisces with the element of earth

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are extremely favorable signs zodiac married to Pisces. Such relationships will become productive and multifaceted. If we compare Pisces with the signs of the earth, then against their background the representatives of the water element are very active. The adaptation of earth signs to Pisces occurs very quickly; they satisfy the emotional needs of their partners by playing drama. But Taurus and Capricorn have limits to their patience, so you need to play extremely carefully here. If a man is Pisces, compatibility with other zodiac signs of the earth element can be very positive for him.

Combination of water and earth

If we take into account excellent compatibility, competent division of interests of partners, respect for personal internal space, then the union can safely be considered indestructible. The right touchpoints will bring wonderful results that you can be proud of.

Also, a marriage can be pleasant and strong due to the physical closeness of the spouses. Thanks to developed intuition and the wisdom of representatives of the water element, they are able to see the potential risks of relationships. And the rationalism of the earthly element will allow you to bring your partner’s crazy ideas to life or convince him of their unreality. Therefore, the compatibility of the Pisces woman with other zodiac signs of the earth element is very acceptable.

Compatibility of Pisces with representatives of the elements of air and fire

It is difficult to imagine a strong marriage of the water element with Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, and even more difficult to meet them next to purposeful Sagittarius or active Leo. Such unions are extremely unfavorable due to differences in perception of the world and the Universe. Representatives of air and fire elements always act impulsively, according to circumstances.

And for Pisces, the main indicator is emotions, so any decision they make depends on doubts and long thoughts. Therefore, fire is not at all suitable for Pisces. Compatibility with other signs - water and earth - will bring much more joy and understanding.

Unfavorable relationship of Pisces with fire and air

They will get along peacefully only if the tasks are distributed and unnecessary questions regarding dominance in the relationship disappear even in thoughts. Representatives of the fire elements will undoubtedly pull the blanket over themselves, but Pisces will not tolerate this; compatibility with other signs will be much more pleasant for them. Air signs speak to Pisces on different languages, because emotions are in the background, and the most important thing is intelligence.

Detailed compatibility of Pisces with all zodiac signs

  • Aries. Aries's love for Pisces may be sincere, but people born under this sign do not have the depth that Pisces needs. Therefore, no matter how you seal the union, there will always be something missing in it, because Aries does not see even half of what is open to Pisces.
  • Calf. A wonderful choice for Pisces, because he can become the strongest support and even a real hero. And for Pisces this is almost the most decisive factor in choosing a partner. Both Taurus and Pisces value caring, reliability and understanding. Such a couple will create a very strong family, because both value feelings and intimate relationships equally. But conflicts can still exist, since Pisces need emotions, proof of love, and Taurus are conservative.
  • Twins. Such a couple will be brought together by constant emotional variability and understanding. From the side of Pisces, sensitivity and understanding will come, from the side of Gemini, the logical side of the inner “I” of impulsive individuals. Such a couple can merge completely harmoniously, combining logic and intuition.
  • Cancer. For Cancers, family values ​​and true feelings are most important, and because of the dreaminess and mystery of Pisces, he can constantly suspect something, doubt: is he being deceived about the authenticity and sincerity of his feelings? Cancers are real owners, and Pisces, as you know, do not know how to give themselves completely to be torn to pieces. Therefore, everything here will depend on general agreements, because they both need support and logic. Who will win – Cancer or Pisces? Compatibility with other signs is filled with much less struggle in Pisces.
  • A lion. This fire sign often requires worship. Pisces do not tolerate such an attitude, because support and love are important to them, not authoritarian regime in a relationship. But if the pair is a Pisces woman, compatibility with other signs becomes much easier, and even with Leo she can find a common language, finding in him the masculine traits she needs. She will be able to provoke Leo to slow down, because he will be fascinated by her cunning and gentle attitude. Such couples often create family rules in which the husband is in charge, but the wife points the direction in which he should move.
  • Virgo. Marriage between representatives of these two signs is very favorable, because despite their differences and the complete opposite of their worldview, they are able to understand each other perfectly. The differences between them do not cause irritation for the couple, and from points of contact they build a strong foundation for marriage. Having gotten together with Virgo, he will receive a reliable assistant and girlfriend, which is why Virgo is so valued by the Pisces man. Compatibility with other signs will not give such a high-quality result for him. And for representatives of the sign of Pisces, in a marriage with Virgo, his love for the family will be clearly visible, such a husband will become a reliable protector.
  • Scales. The marriage of Pisces with Libra will give representatives of the water sign a feeling of similarity and kinship. Pisces will receive all the attention they need, from romantic surprises to wonderful courtship. But here conflicts may arise due to the softness of the signs and their weak resistance to everyday and life problems. If the marriage has already taken place between two people who are firmly on their feet, it will be good, but in youth, most likely, it will not last long.
  • Scorpion. Such a marriage is very attractive. It is more similar to the plot of the series than to real life, so it often attracts envy and admiration from the outside. Even quarrels in such a family will be bright and intense, taking place according to all the rules. Such couples are formed against the backdrop of a desire to find sincere and strong feelings. But at the same time, a marriage will only be stable in adulthood. Scorpios are very jealous, but in Pisces they see their ideal, so they protect and protect it from all adversity. This is how Pisces manifests their zodiac sign. Compatibility with other signs reveals a variety of features in them.
  • Sagittarius. Pisces likes wisdom and justice in Sagittarius. But taking a closer look at Sagittarius, Pisces will be able to discover other qualities that will bring problems to the marriage. These are independence, interest in society rather than in the individual, the desire for success and the inability to settle down. This prevents Pisces from building the deep relationships they need. In addition, Pisces will be able to understand what Sagittarius means, but the opposite happens very rarely in a partnership where there are Sagittarius and Pisces. Compatibility with other signs may look much more positive.
  • Capricorn. By nature, Capricorns look very reserved and dry, but any Pisces can stir them up and awaken the most hidden feelings in them. In addition, this search for qualities and emotions gives Pisces confidence. Capricorns can give Pisces a sense of reliability and stability; the expression “like behind a stone wall” is applicable here.
  • Fish. This marriage is similar to a marriage with themselves, because they see themselves in their partner. Understanding, reliability, trust and awareness of what the other needs for happiness makes this union ideal. It all depends on personal preference. In such a marriage, a real safe haven and a storm of feelings and emotions can arise, which is what Pisces (zodiac sign) values ​​most in a marriage. Compatibility with other signs in in this case is unimportant, because the connection between partners in such a marriage is the strongest.
  • Aquarius. This is a very strange and unusual union, but if they understand each other, they will never part. These two types of representatives of different zodiac signs and elements are very similar, they both help people and their character is built according to the same principle.
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Representatives of the Pisces sign have excellent emotional compatibility; they are very comfortable together. Alone with each other, Pisces are capable of such revelations that they consider unacceptable in communication with other people. They are tactful, kind and tolerant of human weaknesses, each of them is not afraid of rudeness or unpleasant remarks from the other. Pisces do not like to criticize and bring bad news, so they carefully avoid such situations. This is one of the difficulties of their relationship. If one sees that the other is clearly following the wrong path, is mistaken in something or trusts those whom he should not, then he is unlikely to rush to open his eyes to the truth. Most of all, fish are afraid of offending, because they themselves are very vulnerable and have suffered a lot from the rudeness of other people. Having let the situation take its course, one of the Pisces will silently watch as the second representative of this zodiac sign openly harms himself, but will not intervene under any circumstances. This is unlikely to contribute to their rapprochement, because in difficult situations these people are not each other’s helpers.

♓ + ♓: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Representatives of the Pisces sign dream of a love that does not exist in real life. Alone with each other for the first time they will feel absolute happiness. They are not fans of casual relationships and simple flirting, so each of them will appreciate the seriousness of the other’s intentions. After some time, their opinion of each other will change significantly, and the reason for this will be false hopes and unjustified expectations.

The Pisces girl wants her beloved to be strong in spirit, dominant in the relationship, but at the same time not have the habits of a tyrant, be gentle with her and not look around. If you try to imagine the earthly appearance ideal man from her dream, a representative of one of the fire signs of the zodiac will turn out to be madly in love in the first weeks after meeting, that is, a very rare and short-term phenomenon. The Pisces guy does not dominate the relationship and does not deal with the problems of his beloved. He is just there with his love and moral support. Most likely, the girl will not stop her choice on him.

A young man born under the sign of Pisces, like his beloved, is inclined to dream about the unreal. In his mind, a girl should be gentle, feminine and understanding, but at the same time not demand anything from him except love. He is not ready to become someone’s reliable shoulder, since he himself often needs support and support. The Pisces girl will disappoint him because she is not ready to accept him for who he is. His main requirement will remain unheeded, so he will soon continue his search for the ideal life partner.

♓ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A Pisces woman can find happiness in this marriage only after a divorce from her previous tyrant husband. If this is the first marriage in her life, and she is still very young, then her requirements for life with her husband risk becoming mutually exclusive. She longs for a wealthy life, so he will be forced to disappear at work. At the same time, she also wants attention, which her husband cannot give her in the desired amount due to being busy. If he changes his job to a less lucrative one in order to spend more time with his family, his wife will again reproach him about his low earnings. The result will be a vicious circle.

A Pisces man often has creative pursuits that cannot guarantee material stability. At the same time, he sincerely believes that the situation is about to change for the better. With the appearance of the first family difficulties that require quick decision-making, he immediately makes it clear to his wife that there is hardly any point in relying on him. The husband begins to become noticeably nervous, does not take any specific actions, and generally hopes that the problems will resolve themselves. If his wife had not been born under the same zodiac sign, she would have dealt with all this on her own. Most often, someone helps this family, for example, older relatives.

Sexual compatibility is very high. Representatives of the Pisces sign often have fantasies that they are embarrassed to admit to their partner for fear of being ridiculed. Alone with each other, they are completely liberated and are not afraid of harsh criticism. If for some reason their marriage breaks up, the former spouses may remain lovers for a long time.

♓ + ♓: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- born under the sign of Pisces has every chance of becoming strong. For Pisces, an emotional connection is important, which they will find in this relationship. They perceive each other as a reflection of their own inner world, and feel that no one else will understand them so well and will not morally support them. A Pisces girl and a Pisces guy are aware of all the events in each other’s lives; if you have such friends, there is no need to keep up Personal diary and cry into the pillow.

The complexity of relationships lies in the fact that if one of them is in trouble, the other will be nearby, suffering with him, but will not help. Pisces are not capable of decisive action; they are afraid to take the initiative because they are not confident in their abilities. In any case, they do not have closer friends, even among people who readily rush to help. For fish, spiritual closeness is more important, this is their choice.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign