What does the death of Vitaly Churkin mean for the UN? Media: Vitaly Churkin died due to heart problems

22.06.2019 Home and life

The UN is accustomed to receiving tragic news. Diplomats calmly convened meetings, receiving reports of death and destruction in distant countries.

But the sensational news about the death of the Russian representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin struck like a bolt from the blue on the sidelines of the United Nations. The UN deputy spokesman gasped when he heard the news during his daily briefing.

Churkin's death comes as the world focuses its attention on the relationship between President Donald Trump and Russian government, because telephone conversations Michael Flynn and Churkin's colleague from the Russian embassy in Washington cost him his job as national security adviser.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was reportedly upset by Churkin's death, will have to look for a replacement. The Russian mission has several deputies, but this post requires a heavyweight diplomat. The UN is a place where representatives are always visible and have the opportunity to become stars of the media mass media. The UN has cameras everywhere, right up to the doors of the Security Council, something that is not present in the heavily fortified, fortress-like embassies around the world.


Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin has died

BBC Russian Service 02/21/2017

Uncut: Ambassador Vitaly Churkin about Syria

CNN 11/29/2013

Vitaly Churkin@InoTV: “There is a ban on good news about Russia in the American media”

PBS 04/05/2008

InoVideo: Churkin about problems in new “partnership” relationships

Bloomberg 09.22.2009

Everyone knew Vitaly Churkin. Even if you didn't like his politics, you still liked the man in his own way. To the diplomats who argued with him and to the reporters whom Churkin scolded for their questions, he was undoubtedly the most visible representative at the UN. British UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told me it was a "giant of diplomacy."

“Ambassador Churkin had unique diplomatic skills and qualifications. “He was a powerful speaker of great intelligence and wit, a man of diverse talents and interests,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement. “Although we did not work together for long, I greatly appreciate the opportunity I had to work with him.” I will miss his depth of knowledge, skill and friendship.”

“This is a sad day for all of us,” U.N. General Assembly President Peter Thomson said Monday evening. “We have lost one of the most authoritative and influential members of the UN family,” he continued, his voice trembling with emotion. “And I can say with confidence that his name will live on in the annals of the history of this organization.”

The Secretary General can resign from his post after 10 years of work, and no one will notice. But Churkin? The UN diplomats had tears in their eyes.

Of course, Churkin, with his unique personal qualities, will also be remembered as a man who stood on the side of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during the civil war. It was Churkin who vetoed numerous Security Council resolutions promoted by Western countries seeking to end the conflict through diplomatic means.

Churkin also steadfastly followed Moscow's line - not only on Syria, but also on the issue of the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine, as well as on Russia's actions against Georgia. When reporters asked him questions about Trump's election victory and its consequences, they were never able to call Churkin for a discussion.

This professional diplomat had good connections in the Kremlin and never went beyond official boundaries while representing his country.


UN General Assembly: the most ridiculous moments

The Telegraph UK 09/30/2015

At the UN headquarters

Reuters 09.25.2015

There was almost not a single meeting on the topic of conflicts at which Churkin would not remind his colleagues about the American attack on Libya in order to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power. In his opinion, this was proof that “humanitarian interventions” do not produce results. At the same time, Churkin, unlike the other 192 representatives, conveyed his idea in a unique way, with a “zest” and with some causticity.

Churkin was not like the dozens of faceless people in suits who walk the corridors of UN headquarters. If he had not passed away, the meeting on Ukraine planned for tomorrow with the participation of its foreign minister would not have happened without his harsh comments.

Ten years at the UN is a long time by traditional diplomatic standards, but Russia tends to keep its top diplomats in the organization for long periods of time.

Churkin passed away during a period of important changes at the UN. The United States and its new representative are putting pressure on her to cut spending and staffing. In addition, the UN has a new Secretary-General Guterres, who needs to somehow negotiate with the five leading states from the Security Council that supported his candidacy.

This was Churkin's last significant act in the Security Council. In early October, when no one expected this, Churkin brought the entire council to a meeting with the press and announced that it had been accepted for closed doors decision on the election of a new Secretary General. Standing surrounded by 14 smiling representatives, Churkin proudly introduced Russia as chairman of the Security Council and said it marked the end of months of tense anticipation.

It was a rare moment of unity among members of the council, in which the combative Russian representative often blocked its decisions during his 10 years on the job, preventing the UN from truly defending world peace and security.

This month I told Churkin: “You’ve been here for a long time.” To the grins of those present, Churkin smiled and said: “Don’t remind me.”

Lately I've had the impression that he doesn't look well. Someone heard that he was sick and appeared less often in public.

Unlike many other diplomats, after the recent UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine, he stopped talking on camera. Nikki Haley had just become the US permanent representative to the UN from the Trump administration, and they met for the first time in the full council chamber.

Observers at the UN have been waiting to see how the relationship between Churkin and Haley will develop, especially now that Trump's relations with Russia are constantly under the microscope. Churkin repeatedly dueled with two previous American representatives to the UN.

In December, he told Samantha Power that she was not Mother Teresa when she criticized Russia for its actions in Ukraine. And Churkin and former US Representative Susan Rice were said to behave like an old married couple. God, how they argued!

Now I asked if he would “train” the new US representative. Churkin smiled and said: “I am much more optimistic. I don't coach."

He told the press that he has one guiding principle: “never underestimate your colleagues.” He often repeated this phrase. After Churkin’s death, Haley, who worked with him briefly, noted in her statement: “We did not always see things the same way, but he undoubtedly defended the positions of his country very skillfully.”

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died due to heart problems.
This was reported by The New York Post, citing a source.

The report says that Churkin was at the diplomatic mission when he felt unwell.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died on Monday, February 20, in New York on the eve of his 65th birthday.

An anonymous New York City Hall official announced the cause of Churkin's death

New York authorities have named the cause of death of Russian diplomat Vitaly Churkin. A senior city official said he died of a heart attack, AP reports. The identity of the interlocutor is not disclosed.

“A high-ranking New York official, citing a medical report, said that Russia’s permanent representative to the UN died of a heart attack. There are no suspicions of violent death,” the agency reports.

Officially, the official was not authorized to disclose the causes of the diplomat's death. He made the statement on condition of anonymity.

Please note that this information may cause a diplomatic scandal. Earlier, the Russian side officially asked the United States not to publicly disclose information about the causes of Vitaly Churkin’s death. Moscow cited the need to respect private and medical secrecy, as well as diplomatic immunity.

In particular, Russian Foreign Ministry representative Maria Zakharova addressed the American authorities with an “urgent request” to report all information only through official channels in order to prevent speculation in the media.

Representatives of the New York medical examiner's office officially announced the day before that they would not make public the cause of the diplomat's death "in order to comply with international law and protocol."

Zakharova commented on the AP source’s report about Churkin’s death

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on the Associated Press report with reference to an anonymous official from the New York City Hall, who named the cause of death of Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin.

“Has Aram Gabrelyanov (the head of the News Media holding, which includes the Life TV channel - VZGLYAD’s note) really brought his own order to the USA? Aram, hats off: ideologically including AP in the News Media holding is a big blow to US national security,” she wrote on Facebook.

Meanwhile, the New York medical examiner will not release information about the causes of Churkin's death in compliance with non-disclosure and diplomatic immunity rules. The Russian Permanent Mission agreed with this position.

Samantha Power called Vitaly Churkin a friend in an article for NYT

Former US permanent representative to the UN Samantha Power, in an article in the New York Times, called the Russian permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin, who died on February 20, her friend and one of the most effective diplomats in the world.

Earlier, Power called Churkin a maestro in the field of diplomacy. Former US permanent representative Samantha Power is known for her tough anti-Russian stance, like many other members of the administration of ex-President Barack Obama.

In an article titled "My Friend, the Russian Ambassador," Power wrote that Churkin was "one of the most effective diplomats in the world."

“I was the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2013 until President Trump took office, and over the past several years I have been perhaps Representative Churkin's most visible opponent,” Power wrote. She noted that he devotedly defended Moscow’s position on Ukraine and Syria.

“At the same time, Vitaly was a masterful storyteller with an incredible sense of humor, a good friend and one of the best hopes that the United States and the Russian Federation had for working together. I am heartbroken over his death,” Power also wrote. He also noted that she was saddened by the fact that words about Churkin’s merits and merits were interpreted as concessions to “Russian aggression.”

Zakharova about Churkin: Even his fiercest opponents cried out loud

A representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry called him a fighter and a brilliant professional, about whom even his opponents mourn.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, considers the suddenly deceased permanent representative of Russia to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, as her teacher. She noted that the diplomat was an extraordinary person, a man of principle.

Principled in everything. Difficult. The word “simplicity” does not apply to it. Bright. Extraordinary. Fighter. Professional. Personality,” Zakharova said at the civil memorial service.

The reaction not only in our country, but the reaction all over the world has proven this. When the people who were his fiercest opponents cried out loud, I will not exaggerate. Because he was a star, a personality and a professional,” added the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The farewell ceremony is taking place today in the Great Funeral Hall of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Vitaly Churkin died suddenly at work in New York on February 20 at the age of 64, a day before his 65th birthday.

Sergei Lavrov called Vitaly Churkin a “great diplomat”

A farewell ceremony for Vitaly Churkin is taking place in the Great Funeral Hall of the Central Clinical Hospital.

The day before, the body of the Russian permanent representative to the UN, who died suddenly on February 20, the day before his 65th birthday, was transported from New York to Moscow. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov laid a bouquet of roses at the diplomat’s coffin.

“We are seeing off our comrade, an outstanding diplomat of our time, who achieved the maximum possible in any position,” Lavrov said. — All of us working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are diplomats, this is a service term. Vitaly was a people's diplomat. The Internet was filled with kind pictures about how Vitaly works at the UN, and this will remain in people's history. In official history, Vitaly Churkin will remain a great diplomat who wrote very bright pages in the track record of not only our diplomacy, but also foreign policy of our state. We must do everything to perpetuate the memory of our comrade.”

According to the head of the Foreign Ministry, there are proposals from the public and from other states. “We will do everything to make it worthy of the feat that he deserved with his work, with his whole life... May he rest in peace,” concluded Sergei Lavrov.

The ceremony takes place accompanied by a guard of honor. Together with the diplomat's family, his friends and colleagues came to say goodbye to him and said kind words about Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin.

Flowers were laid at the diplomat's coffin by Deputy Foreign Ministers Mikhail Bogdanov, Gennady Gatilov, Grigory Karasin, Alexey Meshkov and Igor Morgulov, official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, head of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, MGIMO Rector Anatoly Torkunov, political scientist Andranik Migranyan, State Duma Deputy Artur Chilingarov, Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, ex-Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and many others.

Serbian fans paid tribute to the memory of Churkin

Fans of the Serbian basketball club Crvena Zvezda paid tribute to the memory of the deceased Russian permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin. A photo of a banner unfurled by fans before the Euroleague regular season match with Turkish Galatasaray appeared on Twitter.

“A supporter of justice and a friend of the Serbian people. Rest in peace, Vitaly Churkin,” the banner reads.

The meeting ended with a crushing victory for Red Star with a score of 75:58.

Vitaly Churkin died in New York on February 20, the day before his 65th birthday. As The New York Post reported, the diplomat's health worsened due to “heart problems”; he was taken to a hospital in serious condition, but doctors were unable to save his life.

Churkin has served as Russia's permanent representative to the UN since 2006.

More than 300 diplomats came to say goodbye to Vitaly Churkin in New York

The Russian diplomatic mission reported this on its Twitter page.

The funeral ceremony was attended by US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and Russian Ambassador to Washington Sergei Kislyak.

Vitaly Churkin, who served as Russia's permanent representative to the UN, died on February 20, the day before his 65th birthday. The coffin with his body will arrive in Moscow today.

They said goodbye to Vitaly Churkin in New York

A farewell ceremony was held in New York for the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, who died on February 20. It took place at the Russian diplomatic mission.

Hundreds of people came to say goodbye to the deceased, all with flowers. Many left bouquets at the entrance to the diplomatic mission building. Photo of a Russian diplomat in Great hall The reception of the Russian Permanent Mission was surrounded by flowers. Visitors left entries in a book of condolences.

Churkin's colleagues World Organization, employees of Russian diplomatic missions, the Russian school in New York, permanent representatives of foreign diplomatic corps, among whom were permanent representatives of Great Britain, the USA, China and other states, all bowed their heads in front of the untimely departed diplomat, Interfax reports.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres expressed his condolences. The day before, he was one of the first to leave an entry in the book of condolences. Guterres praised Churkin's diplomatic skills. He noted that he received great human support from the Russian diplomat at the moment when he was nominated for the post Secretary General UN his candidacy. According to Guterres, he relied on Churkin’s unquestioned authority in the Security Council, as a person who knows everything and is respected by all parties.

US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley told the audience that when she first started working at the UN, she was looking forward to meeting Churkin. Because everyone around him was talking about him. The first time she saw him was at a meeting of the Security Council. As the new American permanent representative recalled, Churkin’s speech sank into her soul. Hayley, according to her, then realized that she was dealing with an intelligent and charismatic person. Churkin also surprised her with his courtesy and wonderful sense of humor when meeting in person. According to Hayley, it was impossible to meet him, communicate and not become friends.

Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak noted in his speech that he had worked with Churkin for a long time and knew him as a high professional. He enjoyed the respect of both Russian and foreign colleagues. Kislyak recalled that the day before, US President Donald Trump and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson expressed condolences on the sudden death of the Russian diplomat. This, in his opinion, indicates their high respect for the Russian diplomat.

A minute of silence was held in memory of Vitaly Churkin. During it, photographs appeared on the screen capturing the most striking moments of Churkin’s life. Many could not hold back their tears.
Churkin's widow Irina and son Maxim personally accepted the condolences of those present. His daughter Anastasia, who works in London, has already flown to Moscow.

The coffin with the body of Vitaly Churkin will be delivered to the Russian capital from New York on February 23 on a regular flight of Russian airlines. This was reported earlier by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. The farewell ceremony for the diplomat will take place on February 24 at 10:30 am in the Great Funeral Hall of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Presidential Administration. Vitaly Churkin will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

The Foreign Ministry is surprised by the leaks of data on the investigation into Churkin’s death

Moscow is surprised by leaks in the media about the investigation into the causes of the death of Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin and calls on Washington to transmit such information through official channels, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

“Yesterday evening, Moscow time, we were perplexed to read the leaks in the US media, which spoke about the progress of the investigation into the causes of the death of the Russian permanent representative. We believe that this information should be transferred to the Russian side primarily through official channels in order for the family to be informed, his relatives should first of all know about the results of the examination,” she said at a briefing.

Zakharova called the dissemination of such information in the media “stuffing.” The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that Moscow expects “that the American side will be fully committed to its obligations.”

“And we will no longer learn about such things through leaks in the media. Of course, we will inform you about officially received information,” she said.

The cause and circumstances of the death of Russian permanent representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin remain to be studied, New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolser said Tuesday.

“(Churkin’s) medical file was transferred by the hospital to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner,” Bolser told the Associated Press.

She explained that "further investigations typically include toxicology tests and other testing."

“They can last for several weeks,” Bolser said.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Churkin, died on Monday in New York at the age of 64. US media, citing sources, said he was at the Russian mission on 67th Street when he became unwell with a heart problem around 9:30 local time. As Russia's deputy permanent representative to the UN, Vladimir Safronkov, later reported, after the ambassador became ill, he was taken to New York-Presbyterian Hospital, where the diplomat died.

According to a representative of the Russian mission, quoted by CBS News, Churkin may have died of a heart attack. However, the official cause of death has not yet been announced.

From February 21 to 23, a book of condolences was opened at the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in connection with the death of Churkin.

Trump expressed condolences on the death of Vitaly Churkin

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday expressed condolences over the death of the Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin.

“President Donald Trump was saddened to learn of the unexpected death of the Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin,” the White House said in a statement.

Trump recalled that “a highly qualified diplomat Churkin worked with American partners in New York for more than 10 years.” “Despite the fact that the United States sometimes disagreed with its Russian partners, Churkin played a critical role in cooperation with the United States on a number of key international security issues,” the document notes.
As the White House also reported, the US President expressed condolences on behalf of the American people to the Russian people and government.

Putin: the untimely death of Vitaly Churkin is a severe and irreparable loss

On Tuesday, February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the family of Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin, who died the day before in New York at the age of 64. At the same time, the head of our state called the untimely death of the diplomat “a severe and irreparable loss.”

“Putin to the wife and children of Vitaly Churkin: his untimely death is the most difficult and irreparable loss. Please accept our deepest condolences."

Ukraine blocked the adoption of a statement to the UN Security Council dedicated to Churkin

Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that this is the whole point of the current Ukrainian “power”: they can’t do anything good, they just spoil everything for everyone

Ukraine blocked the adoption of a statement by the Chairman of the UN Security Council dedicated to Vitaly Churkin. This was announced on Tuesday by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on her page in social network Facebook.

“This is the whole point of the current Ukrainian “power”: they can’t do anything good, they just spoil everything for everyone, including themselves,” Zakharova emphasized.

Vitaly Churkin died on February 20, the day before his 65th birthday. Since April 8, 2006, he served as the permanent representative of Russia to the UN in New York, and was the representative of the Russian Federation in the UN Security Council. As reported by the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Russian permanent representative passed away at work.

Peskov commented on Ukraine’s blocking of the UN statement on Churkin

Kremlin official Dmitry Peskov refrained from assessing the actions of Ukraine, which blocked the adoption of a statement by the Chairman of the UN Security Council in connection with the death of Russian Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin. His words on Tuesday, February 21, were reported by a Lenta.ru correspondent.

“This (Churkin’s death - Lenta.ru’s note) is truly a great loss. Against the backdrop of this loss, such behavior of our Ukrainian colleagues... God be their judge! There is nothing more to say,” Peskov said in response to a request to comment on what happened.

“And this is not so important against the backdrop of the loss that Russian diplomacy suffered,” he added.

Earlier on Tuesday, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that Ukraine, which was the chairman of the UN Security Council until the end of February, blocked the adoption of an official statement dedicated to Vitaly Churkin, who died the day before.

“This is the whole point of the current Ukrainian “power”: they can’t do anything good, they just spoil everything for everyone, including themselves,” she said.

At the same time, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a press statement. It notes that council members mourn the death of the diplomat who headed the Russian mission to the UN for more than 10 years.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died of a heart attack, The New York Post writes, citing sources. There has been no official confirmation or refutation of this information yet.

A message about the sudden death of Vitaly Churkin, who would have turned 65 on February 21, appeared on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday. It was noted that the Russian diplomat passed away at work.

Meanwhile, the American edition of the New York Post, citing unnamed sources, reported that the Russian permanent representative to the UN died due to a heart attack.

According to the publication's interlocutors, Churkin was in the building of the Russian diplomatic mission in Manhattan in New York when he became ill. This allegedly happened around 9:30 am local time (18:30 Moscow time). The diplomat was rushed to Presbytarian Hospital, but despite the efforts of doctors, he died. His death was announced at a meeting at the UN.

Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, ex-Deputy Secretary General of the UN Sergei Ordzhonikidze also said that, according to his information, the cause of Churkin’s death was heart failure. “The tension is heavy, constant hard work. The person was in stressful situations,” he told RIA Novosti.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the diplomat’s family and friends, as well as to the staff of the Russian Foreign Ministry. According to the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, Putin highly valued the professionalism and diplomatic talent of Vitaly Ivanovich.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he was shocked and saddened by the news of Churkin's sudden death. He noted that the Russian diplomat's "understanding of the situation, skill and friendship" will be missed.

Vitaly Churkin entered the diplomatic service in 1974, and in 1992 became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. From 1994 to 1998 - Russian Ambassador to Belgium, Permanent Representative to NATO. Since April 2006, he has been the permanent representative of Russia to the UN.

Russia's representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin has died

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died suddenly in New York. The diplomat died “at work” the day before his 65th birthday

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died in New York. The Russian Foreign Ministry reports this. Churkin died the day before his 65th birthday.

“The Russian Foreign Ministry reports with deep regret that on February 20, the day before his 65th birthday, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation died suddenly in New York Russian Federation at the UN V.I. Churkin,” the department said in a statement.

Churkin passed away at work, notes the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The official cause of death has not been disclosed. According to New York Post sources, today the diplomat was admitted to Presbyterian Hospital after suffering a heart attack, where he died.

At the UN headquarters they honored the memory of Churkin with a minute of silence. “Diplomats from all over the world express their deepest condolences to the family and friends of Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin,” says a message on the organization’s website.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, called Churkin a “great diplomat” and an “extraordinary personality.” "We lost loved one", she emphasized.

“He devoted his entire life to protecting the interests of Russia, was at the most advanced positions and in the most tense positions,” said First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Pyotr Ilyichev.

“Leave the world alone”: key statements by Vitaly Churkin at the UN

As a source in diplomatic circles told RBC, Ilyichev will serve as Russia’s permanent representative to the UN until the Kremlin makes a decision on Churkin’s successor. “He will, as during the absence of the permanent representative, during business trips, replace him at meetings of the Security Council,” the source explained.

“Churkin’s death shocked the world: the Russian diplomat died like a warrior.


In New York, the day before his 65th birthday, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died. Churkin was truly an outstanding diplomat, one of the most prominent representatives of our country in the international arena in last years— and the words in the Foreign Ministry’s message are not just a formality, but the pure truth. And today, in his person, Russia has lost one of the strongest defenders of its interests before the West and the whole world.

According to the biography on the website of the permanent mission, he graduated from MGIMO in 1974 and since then has been engaged in diplomatic work. In 1992, Churkin became deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1994 - Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Belgium, and from 1998 to 2003 - Ambassador to Canada. Finally, in April 2006, Vitaly Churkin was appointed Russia's permanent representative to the UN. In this position, he was remembered by many as a brilliant diplomat, a patriot and a person who knew how to defend his position and the position of the country even in the most difficult moments.

Many remember Vitaly Churkin from his confrontation with the American representative to the UN Samantha Power, who has always been distinguished by aggressive Russophobia, categorical rejection of everything that comes from our country in the international arena and scandalous and sometimes completely absurd statements addressed to Russia. Churkin always “held the line” firmly, managing to defend and even promote our position in the UN.

However, he was noted for his bright performances and firm position even earlier. In 2006, shortly after his appointment, he proposed closing the Hague Yugoslavia Tribunal. “The tribunal, having proved nothing, was left without the “main accused”, on whose work three years and huge amounts of money were spent. What lessons does the Tribunal take from all this?” - Churkin said then. As a result, he concluded that the Hague Tribunal completed its work within the established time frame and there was no need to extend it.

At that time, such a firm and, moreover, “anti-Western” position of Russia was still a novelty, and, moreover, it met with severe rebuff, or was simply completely ignored. And, of course, the tribunal continued its work. However, Churkin, having found himself in the post of plenipotentiary representative, continued to steadily pursue this line and, years later, achieved that they began to listen to Russia - largely thanks to him and his efforts.

Churkin always defended the Russian position on Ukraine, fighting, in fact, almost alone against the whole world within the UN. And he continued until the very last moment. “As for the position of the representative of the United Kingdom, I want to advise: return the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands, return Gibraltar, return the part of Cyprus annexed by you, return the Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean, which you turned into a huge military base. Then your conscience will perhaps be a little clearer, and you will be able to talk about other topics,” he said recently in response to the British accusations of Russia in the conflict in Ukraine.

Vitaly Churkin made a huge and invaluable contribution to the fact that today Russia is one of the key players in the international arena, having more and more influence and respect around the world. And his departure was a huge loss for the entire country and for Russian politics and diplomacy. However, this is a loss not only for Russia, but also for many, many in the world who expected and expect from us a balanced and unyielding position on the most pressing issues, who expect help and protection from Russia - including at the UN.

Back in 2013, long before Russia’s direct intervention in the Syrian conflict, Churkin defended not only our interests, but also the interests of the inhabitants of the Middle East region at the Security Council - and this could not but affect the change in the situation throughout the Middle East, the current successes in the fight with terrorism, that Russia was able to come to Syria and protect the people living there, and not silently watch as the hands of the United States wreak another bloody chaos.

The former main opponent of the Russian plenipotentiary, US Representative to the UN Samantha Power, said that “Vitaly Churkin, who died on February 20 at the age of 64, was a caring person who worked for cooperation between the two countries.” “Devastated by the death of Russian permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkina. Maestro of diplomacy and an extremely caring person who did everything possible to bridge the differences between the US and Russia,” she wrote on Twitter.

Another former US permanent representative to the UN, Susan Rice, said: “I am shocked and deeply saddened by this news. Vitaly was a huge force for the UN. Smart, focused, highest degree effective".

“Churkin was a formidable opponent, but he always remained a friend. My heartfelt condolences to his wife Irina, family and the Russian mission to the UN,” she added.

In its turn CEO media holding Pravda.Ru Inna Novikova said “It’s a pity for Vitaly Churkin. Apparently, my heart couldn’t stand seeing every day not always adequate and often rabid haters, for whom arguments and facts have no meaning, shaking off the sweaty hands of crazy girls like Samantha Power from my shoulder, while smiling, being ironic and not losing my presence of mind.”

The British Permanent Representative to the UN, Matthew Rycroft, expressed condolences over the death of his Russian colleague Vitaly Churkin, with whom he repeatedly “fought” at the UN podium and was friends in life. ““I am absolutely devastated by the news of the death of my friend and colleague Vitaly Churkin. A diplomatic giant and a wonderful person. Rest in peace,” he wrote.

“According to preliminary data, Churkin died as a result of a heart attack,” a representative of the Russian Embassy in the United States told CBS News.

Also, Churkin’s deputy, Vladimir Safronkov, told the Associated Press that “the diplomat became ill in his office at the permanent mission - he was taken to the Presbyterian Hospital, where he died.”

Let us remind you that the next day after his sudden death, Vitaly Churkin would have turned 65 years old.

“He was not just a warrior in the field; “he, like all of us, had and still has many supporters and allies, but Vitaly Ivanovich was on the front line for a very long time, defending his country under the fire of Russophobes and Western sycophants,” she added.

“They are the ones who are especially warlike and aggressive. Our representative at the UN knew that he had the support of millions. But he took upon himself and adequately reflected not only sidelong glances, but also pokes and kicks from those who tried to curry favor with their masters as diligently as possible,” the expert believes.

“He was an excellent specialist, a very bright person, very strong-willed, very firm. Very faithful to duty and true to the profession. He aroused the admiration of his colleagues and the envy of his enemies. This is a huge loss not only for the foreign policy service, not only for diplomacy, but also for the country. This is an irreparable loss. I can’t find words to convey the feelings of bitterness, pain, compassion for his family and wife. This is a blow that is simply hard to bear,” said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

“The head of state highly appreciated Churkin’s professionalism and diplomatic talent. He died at his post,” said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

The representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, spoke about the great man and his enormous contribution to diplomacy and the defense of his country, as well as condolences and the loss of not only a colleague, but also a friend and loved one - similar words also sounded in the official statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“There is probably some symbolism in this. He devoted himself completely to his work, completely devoted himself to his duty, his country, his convictions. He worked in an atmosphere of open opposition and confrontation, when our country was put at the center of all negative stories,” noted Konstantin Kosachev, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.

“He passed all this through himself. I often crossed paths with him at work. I observed him, as they say, from close range. I was always amazed by his tenacity, courage and self-control. Now you begin to understand what it cost him. He gave all of himself to his cause, his country. Eternal memory!” said the senator.

Let us add that in connection with the tragic news, the meeting of the United Nations Council began with a minute of silence.

The UN Secretariat said it was shocked by the news of the sudden death of the Russian diplomat. “We are shocked by the news of the death of Ambassador Churkin. He was here at the UN for a long time, and we express our condolences to his family, friends, and the Russian government,” said Deputy Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Farhan Haq.

It’s disgusting to read these joyful cries about the death of Churkin. I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, they are all looking for the dawn of a new life in the stains of corpses,” Nezalezhnaya political scientist and media consultant Fyodor Krasheninnikov has already assessed the reaction of part of the Russian liberal opposition and many Ukrainians and the media in his Telegram channel.

He is remembered primarily as a talented speaker at the podium of the UN Security Council, where he had to defend the position of our country,” the media write, publishing the most vivid and famous quotes the late diplomat.

Vitaly Churkin will be missed by everyone who in recent years has managed to get used to the “new voice” of Russia in international politics: bright, decisive, firm, principled, reasonable and not devoid of irony and self-irony. In many ways he was that voice. We mourn and express our condolences to the family and friends.”

Susan Rice: Churkin was a formidable opponent, but always remained a friend

Former US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice said she was shocked by the death of Vitaly Churkin, who died on February 20 at the age of 64.

“I am shocked and deeply saddened by this news. Vitaly was a huge force for the UN. Smart, focused, supremely effective,” Rice tweeted.

According to her, Churkin was a formidable opponent, but always remained a friend.

“My heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Irina, his family and the Russian mission to the UN,” she added.

Rice headed the US Mission to the UN from 2009 to 2013.

Earlier, another former US representative to the UN, Samantha Power, said that Churkin was a maestro of diplomacy.

RT publishes the reaction of politicians, as well as colleagues, relatives and friends of the Russian diplomat to the news of his death.

What they say about the death of Vitaly Churkin: reaction on social networks

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died today in New York at the age of 64. The reaction of officials from social networks and not only is in our selection.

UK Permanent Representative to the UN Matthew Rycroft

The death of the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, is being actively discussed on social networks.

Russian politician Alfred Koch commented on Churkin’s death: “Well, he honestly performed the work that Putin entrusted to him. Not without brilliance. As a diplomat, there is nothing to reproach him for. You can say he’s a cog, you can say he’s a servant. And you can say he’s a professional. Of course, he is not Eichmann the cog. And not Ribbentprop, and not Molotov. Rather, he is closer to Gromyko, who, by the way, was also the representative of the USSR in the UN. And even his opponents respected Gromyko before his death. "I suggest you just keep quiet and express your condolences to your family and friends."

"Figasse." He was rude and rude, and suddenly he died..." states the Russian journalist Alexander Sotnik.

"In New York, the day before his 65th birthday, the Russian representative to the UN, Churkin, died suddenly.Eh, if this goes on, none of them will live to reach The Hague,” writes the pianist Pavel Gintov.

"Our permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin died at work...At first, according to the rule “either good or nothing,” I decided to remain silent.Then I thought that in the original this phrase had the full ending “nothing but the truth,” and decided to tell the truth. And the truth is this.Firstly, when typing with a finger on a smartphone, the surname “Churkin” was automatically replaced with “S**in” - I had to edit it by letter.Secondly, and this is true - I will miss him. I got used to it, you know, like the rest of the world, I adapted. They will appoint a new permanent representative to replace him, he will say something from the podium, and think about whether he lied or not. There haven’t been such problems with Churkin for a long time... the shot was valuable..." writes a Russian aviation expert Vadim Lukashevich.

As the site reported, on December 19, an armed attack took place on the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Andrei Karlov in the premises of the Gallery of Modern Art in Ankara. . According to the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, the assassination attempt Russian Ambassador Moscow regards it as a terrorist attack.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died in New York the day before his 65th birthday from a heart attack.

The world press recalls the life of the Russian diplomat and his statements.

website collected the media reaction to Churkin’s death.

Called Putin's administration a "kleptocracy" - The New York Times

Churkin's death comes at a time when US-Russian relations are at a critical juncture amid allegations that Russia interfered in the US presidential election and President Trump's praise for his Russian counterpart Putin.

U.S.-Russian relations have deteriorated in recent years, and diplomats wondered whether the trajectory would change under the Trump administration following the appointment of Nikki Haley as U.S. envoy to the United Nations.

Churkin, according to popular belief, was considered a master of diplomacy. "He was capable of causticity and sardonic humor in equal measure, especially in dialogues with his American colleagues," the newspaper recalls.

Churkin studied to be a translator, and when he was a plenipotentiary envoy, he sometimes became noticeably angry with UN simultaneous interpreters who could not keep up with his machine-gun manner of speaking.

The publication notes that Churkin was an energetic defender of the Kremlin. “But some diplomats said in confidential conversations that Churkin was not always satisfied with Putin’s actions,” the article says.

NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw, who knew Churkin for many years, recalled that over lunch at his home in 2015, the plenipotentiary called the Putin administration a “kleptocracy,” the publication reports.

"In confidential conversations, he was extremely critical of Putin and his management of the country," Brokaw said Monday. "He was equally critical of the Obama administration. He said, 'They just don't understand us.' They are building relationships with us incorrectly."

During Churkin’s work at the UN, Russian-American relations deteriorated, first because of Libya, and then because of the crises in Syria and Ukraine.

Famous for his caustic sense of humor - The Washington Post

Churkin served as Russia's plenipotentiary representative to the UN for more than 10 years and defended Moscow's views on barbarity in Syria, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other global hot spots.

Former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power called Churkin “a maestro of diplomacy and a deeply caring person.” She tweeted that Churkin did everything he could to resolve differences between the United States and Russia.

Devastated by passing of Russian UN Amb Vitaly Churkin.Diplomatic maestro &deeply caring man who did all he cld to bridge US-RUS differences

— Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) February 20, 2017

French Plenipotentiary Representative to the UN François Delattre said that he and Churkin “always worked together in the spirit of mutual respect and personal friendship,” despite their different points of view.

Churkin spoke impeccable English and always behaved calmly.

Over 40 years of turbulence in his country, he rose through the ranks of the Foreign Ministry in part by championing Russia's importance in diplomacy after the Cold War.

“He was raised in a sincere belief in communism, but turned out to be ideologically flexible enough to survive the massive political and economic changes under Gorbachev and the collapse of the USSR,” the newspaper writes.

In the mid-1990s, Churkin was “one of the main “behind-the-scenes players,” as the newspaper puts it, in the search for a diplomatic settlement to the conflict in the Balkans: “He tried to bring the Bosnian Serbs, who were the aggressors in the Balkan war, to the negotiating table, using as leverage Moscow's connections with them."

Through the mediation of Churkin, an agreement was concluded that helped avoid NATO airstrikes, contributed to the lifting of the blockade on Sarajevo and entailed the deployment of Russian troops to the region as part of the UN forces.

Work in Yugoslavia increased Churkin's status. In 2006, he was appointed plenipotentiary representative to the UN. He was famous for his caustic sense of humor and witty responses, especially when talking with American and Western European colleagues.

Colorfulpersonality- The Wall Street Journal

Churkin was a colorful personality and a skilled diplomat who vigorously defended Russian policy in Syria and gave impassioned speeches criticizing U.S. foreign policy at the Security Council.

The UN Security Council expected possible changes in terms of cooperation between Russia and the United States that could change the dynamics of global politics. Diplomats have long expressed fears that even the slightest pro-Russian changes in US policy could have enormous consequences for the war in Syria and relations with Iran.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley expressed condolences to Churkin's family and the Russian people. "We didn't always see things the same way, but he was undeniably very adept at defending his country's position," she said.

Most visible representative at the UN - CNN

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was reportedly upset by Churkin's death, will have to look for a replacement. The Russian mission has several deputies, but this post requires a heavyweight diplomat.

The UN is a place where representatives are always visible and have the opportunity to become media stars. The UN has cameras everywhere, right up to the doors of the Security Council, something that is not present in the heavily fortified, fortress-like embassies around the world.

Everyone knew Vitaly Churkin. Even if you didn't like his politics, you still liked the man in his own way. To the diplomats who argued with him and to the reporters whom Churkin scolded for their questions, he was undoubtedly the most visible representative at the UN.

"This is a sad day for all of us," U.N. General Assembly President Peter Thomson said Monday evening. “We have lost one of the most respected and influential members of the UN family,” he continued. “And I can say with confidence that his name will live on in the annals of the history of this organization.”

Of course, Churkin will also be remembered as a man who stood on the side of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during the civil war.

When reporters asked him questions about Trump's election victory and its consequences, they were never able to call Churkin for a discussion.

In December, he told Samantha Power that she was not Mother Teresa when she criticized Russia for its actions in Ukraine. And Churkin and former US Representative Susan Rice were said to behave like an old married couple. God, how they argued!