Fortune telling in a personal diary for girls. Fortune telling for girls

25.08.2019 Food and drink

School years are the most wonderful time in life. These are not only boring lessons, but also funny breaks, communication with classmates, these are funny notes, and cherished notebooks that are carefully stored and passed from hand to hand. Your friends and girlfriends fill out questionnaires in them, with various questions, but the most important question in these questionnaires is “Which of the boys do you like? Who do you love? In these notebooks pasted over with beautiful pictures, envelopes, your girlfriends and friends put their photos and write the most intimate secrets and mysteries, love poems, omens and fortune-tellers are entered in them. Moreover, these notebooks are kept not only by girls, but also by boys.

When I was at school, I also kept such notebooks, moreover, I was the best fortune teller among my classmates, I had many ways of divination, I collected them, wrote them down, and invented some myself. But, unfortunately, these cherished notebooks were not preserved, my mother found them, tore them up and burned them in the stove, destroying my magical magical world.
I was punished and resented my mother for a long time, of course, having matured, I forgave my mother, but for many years I did not trust her and did not share my girlish secrets.

And when my children had a period of conducting love questionnaires, I helped them in every possible way, advised them on how to properly draw up these notebooks. Recently, while cleaning the closet, I found such notebooks of my sons when they were 8-11 years old and showed them. They are already adults, but they read these notes with pleasure, rejoiced, returning to childhood and remembering their friends and girlfriends.

School divination

School time is the first very timid feelings for a boy from a parallel class or for a neighbor on the desk. You look forward to the end of the lesson, but the minutes go by so slowly, and sometimes it seems that the clock has completely stopped. And then the long-awaited bell rings and, running out of the classroom into the corridor, you meet the eyes of this boy, and there is no limit to your happiness, but he quickly looks away and runs past you, and you are unable to understand whether he likes you or not. And in order to find out if the boy you like loves you and how he treats you - you need these school fortune-telling. Of course, this should not be done in the classroom, but at a break or after school, on vacation, it is quite possible to find out your fate.

[b] The first divination.

Leaving home for school, you guess the name of the boy you like, and the first thing you meet on the way will determine his attitude towards you. Or you can just guess what awaits you on this day.

If you saw it first:

A car is good luck, everything will be fine with you;
butterfly - a date, you will see him;
cat - tears, he will bring you to tears;
bicycle - will offer friendship;
deception woman, don't believe him;

chicken - will come to visit you or invite you to visit.
mom - you will receive a note from him;
man - he loves another girl;
fly - he has fun with the other;
mouse or rat - quarrel;

wedding - you will be friends or make peace if you are in a quarrel;
dad - he will call you to the cinema;
bird - he likes you;
rainbow - you have mutual love;
dog - meet another boy;

sun - love a stranger;
brother - you will have fun in the same company;
sister - you will rejoice;
your enemy - to treason;
girlfriend or friend - for fun;

rain - to disappointment;
black cloud - he does not trust you;
wind - to jealousy;
snow - to laughter;
man with flowers - loves your girlfriend.

Fortune telling the second.

For this divination, you will need a pen and a piece of paper. Mentally think of the name of the boy you are going to guess. Quickly draw any number of sticks in four rows. In each row, cross out three sticks until one or two sticks remain, in each row write a number, if there is one stick left, then one, if two, then 2, if all the sticks are crossed out, then put -0. Now write these numbers in a row in pairs, for example: 21-01 Look for the answer in the table.

00-00-loves you for your character.
00-01-looks at the other.
00-02-he only needs you.
00-10 - he is passionate about another.
00-11-he will soon stop loving you.

00-12 - loves, but hides his feelings.
00-20 - really wants to be with you.
00-21 - constantly thinking about you.
00-22- loves you for your beauty.
01-00 - afraid to invite you on a date.

01-01- soon he will kiss you.
01-02 - he likes your character.
01-10-he loves you very much.
01-11-He likes your eyes.
01-12- do not trust him, he is deceiving you.

01-20 - you will see him soon.
01-21-suffers for you.
01-22- he likes you very much.
02-00 - constantly thinking about you.
02-01 - very sad.

02-02-wants to be friends with another.
02-10 - your image is always before his eyes.
02-11 loves your smile.
02-12 - will never cheat on you.
02-20-soon you will be with him.

02-21-he will cheat on you.
02-22- believes that you love him.
10:00 a.m. - Make an appointment soon.
10-01-wants to see you.
10-02- do not trust him.

10-10 - respects you.
10-11 - jealous of you.
10-12 - hesitates to say about his love.
10-20 - can't forget you.
10-21 - he is interested in you.

10-22 - he doesn't need you.
11-00- he has another.
11-01-will send you to hell.
11-02 - See you soon.
11-10 - he will love another.

11-11- he likes your girlfriend.
11-12-he likes you, but only as a girlfriend.
11-20 - I like you very much.
11-21 you will receive a letter from him.
11-22 thinks you are beautiful.

12-00 - waiting to meet you.
12-01 - very jealous of you for others.
12-02-be friends, but not for long.
12-10 - he dreams of another.
12-11- wants to invite you to the cinema.
12-12 - soon you will kiss.

12-20-missing you.
12-21 he is bored with you.
12-22 - you will never be together.
20-00 - wants to offer you friendship.
20-01-today you will not see him.

Feb 20, don't trust him.
20-10 - he fell out of love with you.
20-11 - very fond of.
20-12 - he dreams about you.
20-20-wants to be friends with you.

20-21 - he will deceive you.
20-22 - loves another.
21-00-better forget it.
21-01-he dreams of seeing you.
21-02 - you like him a lot.

21-10-remembers another.
21-11 - considers you the best.
21-12 - angry at you.
21-20-wants to kiss you.
21-21 - you will quarrel with him.

21-22 - wants to leave you.
22-00 - you do not love him.
22-01-remembers you often.
22-02 - you will be together.
22-10 - he doubts his feelings.

22-11 - you're wasting your time on him.
22-12 - you will be happy together.
22-20 - he doesn't believe you love him.
22-21 - wants to be friends with you.
22-22 - dreams of a kiss with you.

Divination by RONGLIS

Meaning of the word RONGLIS: P - joy, O - resentment, N - trouble, G - grief, L - love, I - treason, S - date.

If you want to know what awaits you or your girlfriend, or the boy you like, then this fortune-telling is for you. Write the full name and surname of the person you are guessing at.

Under them, write the day and month, and time of day, for example:

Ivan Petrov
May first morning

Cross out two identical letters, one in the top line, the other in the bottom line, count how many letters are left: for example, 9.
Write below R O N G L I S. and cross out every ninth letter until only one remains.
The letter that has not been crossed out will determine what awaits you, or the person you were guessing at. I still have the letter C, which means that Vanya Petrov will have a date today.

Divination by L U R N I S T.

You can also find out how this or that boy treats you using the word LURNIST.

Meaning of the word LURNIST: L - loves, U - respects, R - jealous, N - hates, I - cheats, S - suffers, T - yearns.

Write your last name, first name and patronymic on top, and the last name, first name and patronymic of the boy on the bottom. Just as in the previous fortune-telling, cross out the same letters in the top line and in the bottom, and count those that remain not crossed out. Write below LURNIST and cross out each letter corresponding to the number until one letter remains. From it you will know how the boy treats you.

Fortune telling on chamomile.

It is better to guess on a camomile with girlfriends. Draw a daisy, cut out and on each petal write the names of the boys from your class, turn the daisy upside down and let each girl tear off a petal and find out the name of the boy who loves her.

And if it’s summer outside, then you definitely need to tell fortunes on a chamomile flower, tearing off the petals and asking the question: “He loves - doesn’t love, hugs - deceives, laughs - sips, kisses - spit, presses to his heart - sends to hell "and so on in a circle . The word that will fall on the very last petal and will mean how the boy treats you.

Why do boys dream.

Monday - He likes you very much.
Tuesday - he will fall in love with you.
Wednesday - Write you a letter.
Thursday - will love you forever.
Friday - goodbye.
Saturday - to parting.
Sunday loves you.

And you can also find out - who loves you, if on the night from Thursday to Friday, you wash your face with water, without wiping yourself - you go to bed, make a guess, saying these words: “From Thursday to Friday I will wash myself with water, Friday, Friday And tsa, who loves - let him dream. And the boy who likes you will definitely dream of you.

Love omens.

Often boys are very shy and hide their sympathy for girls because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them. Therefore, sometimes they behave incorrectly, push the girl they like, pull the pigtails, hit.
If a boy hits a girl on the arm, it means that he loves her, on the shoulder, then he is a traitor, on the back - he shows that he is jealous, on the head - he trusts.

If the lips itch - for a kiss, the chest - the beloved yearns, the right hand - for a sudden meeting,
left hand - he will give a gift, heels - you will go on a date with him, head - thinks only about you, cheek - for love.

If your face burns on Monday - he talks about you with someone, Tuesday - he loves you, but hides his feelings, Wednesday - he will soon confess his love, Thursday - he will make a date, Friday - he laughs at you, Saturday - he wants to cheat on you , Sunday - loves and looks forward to meeting.

If your ears are burning: Monday - to the guests, Tuesday - to a date, Wednesday - to an acquaintance, Thursday - to a gift, Friday to the news, Saturday - to tears, Sunday - to fun.

These are simple simple fortune-telling, but then you and your girlfriends will know a lot about the boys they like.

Happy guessing!

School fortune-telling is harmless and not always accurate, which is used by girls from 12 to 17 years old to support their first love and sympathy. Consider several options for fortune telling for girls.

Girls guess by name!

For this fortune-telling, we need a calendar for this year, paper, a pen and the names (7 is the maximum) of the boys or the boy that we like. We draw the following table:

day of the week Name
day of the week Name
day of the week anynumbers Name
day of the week from 1up to 31 Name
day of the week Name
day of the week Name
day of the week Name
5 6 1 2 7 4 3

In place of the days of the week, you need to write them in any order, as well as months. It doesn't matter their order, it could be like this:

  • Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday...
  • September, February, July...

That is, in any order. In the name column, you need to write in each line the name of the boy who is cute, whom you are in love with, or even just friends. In the free inner cells, write the numbers randomly, as you like. For example: 5,12,7,31,21,3,…..

In the bottom line we put down the numbers from 1 to 7, as shown in the table above. The values ​​of these digits will be needed when a match is found. So, when the table is completely filled, we take the calendar and look at the matches of the month, day and day of the week for each cell. For example, April 10, Wednesday. Is there such a coincidence in the calendar for this year? If yes, circle it. And so are all the coincidences. Now we look at which column the circled dates are in, and compare them with the bottom line - there are our numbers from 1 to 7.

The values ​​of the figure will correspond to the feelings that each of the boys experience.:

  • 1- love;
  • 2 - indifference;
  • 3 - you are a couple;
  • 4 - love for another;
  • 5 - wait for a call;
  • 6 - inclined to deceive;
  • 7 - friendship.

Favorite divination "Stop"

Fortune-telling for a boy can be simpler. For example, the following fortune-telling for girls, which they really like with its easy memorability. It is called LURDNISTEKHB - it is an abbreviation of feelings. For fortune-telling, you need to guess a boy - from one to three. We give each of the boys a certain number from 0 to 2. For example: Kolya - 2, Sasha - 1, Zhenya - 0.

We write LURDNISTEKHB in a column, and draw vertical sticks against each letter. Someone nearby should say “stop”, after which we stop writing and proceed to the sticks of the next letter. When all the letters are with sticks, then proceed to the next step: cross out three sticks and write down the remaining number of sticks next to each letter.

You will get a description of feelings: for example, there are 2 sticks left opposite the letter L, which means that Kolya (2) feels the feelings of the letter L. See the values ​​​​below:

  • L - love;
  • U - respect;
  • R - jealousy;
  • D - thinks;
  • N - like;
  • I - interest;
  • C - suffering;
  • T - pulls to the girl;
  • E - there is another;
  • X - wants to meet;
  • B - you will meet;

For those who are already friends

It happens when one of the girls is already friends, he wants to know about the boy's feelings for her. This will help fortune-telling for a beloved boy, which is called the "Love Graph".

We need a pen and a piece of paper. We write our last name and first name, and below the name and surname of the boy. Now the steps are:

  • we cross out the paired letters inside each name, and then we compare the names of the girl and the boy and cross out the paired letters.
  • We do the same with the surnames: first with each one individually, and then in pairs. We write the resulting names and surnames in full with a strikethrough, that is, we do not throw out the crossed out letters, we just cross them out with a pen.

We build a graph: we take one point on the sheet (put down a bold noticeable one), and from it we draw two graphs with different pens, in which each non-crossed out letter is a line to the right horizontally, and a crossed out one is a line up diagonally.

If the lines diverge completely, then the relationship is not long, and if they constantly converge, then the guys have a lot in common.

The second version of fortune-telling "Stop"

We also think of a boy and draw sticks in four rows until a girlfriend says “stop” (ask her for help). Then we cross out three sticks in each row until 1, 2 sticks remain or none remain. How many sticks remain, we write such a number at the end of the row. So, we get a combination of four numbers from 0,1,2. We are looking for an answer that matches the combination:

00-00 love for kindness11-11 in love with your girlfriend
00-01 like another11-12 you are only a friend to him
00-02 only you need11-20 like you
00 – 10 infatuated with another girl11-21 wait for a letter from him
00-11 soon fall out of love11-22 thinks you are beautiful
00-12 secretly in love12-00 looking to meet you
00-20 wants to be friends12-01 jealous of other boys
00-21 always thinks of you12-02 become friends
00-22 love for your beauty12-10 loves another
01-00 wants to ask for a date but is shy12-11 wants to invite to the cinema
01-01 kiss12-12 kiss soon
01-02 thinks you have a good personality12-20 misses you
01-10 loves hard12-21 thinks you're boring
01-11 like the eyes12-22 you will have another boy
01-12 deceives20-00 wants to be friends
01-20 like you a lot20-01 you won't have a meeting today
01-21 close meeting20-02 do not trust him
01-22 like you very much20-10 does not love
02-00 all thoughts of you20-11 loves hard
02-01 misses you20-12 sees you in a dream
02-02 there is a girl he wants to be friends with20-20 wants to be friends
02-10 dreams of you20-21 deceiver
02-11 loves your smile20-22 in love with another
02-12 he is a loyal person21-00 better to forget it
02-20 you will be together soon21-01 dreaming of meeting
02-21 unfaithful person21-02 you like it very much
02-22 sure of your love21-10 in his memory another
10-00 will call you soon21-11 you are the best for him
10-01 wants to see21-12 mad at you
10-02 he is not trustworthy21-20 wants to kiss
10-10 respects21-21 close quarrel
10-11 experiencing jealousy21-22 wants to leave
10-12 love but shy to say22-00 don't love him
10-20 always remembers you22-01 you are always on his mind
10-21 you are interested in him22-02 you are destined to meet
10-22 he doesn't need22-10 not sure about your love
11-00 dating someone else22-11 waste your time on it
11-01 be rude to you22-12 you will be happy
11-02 the meeting is close22-20 not sure how you feel
11-10 loves another22-21 would like to be friends with you
22-22 wants to kiss

Similar fortune-telling can also be done on cards, but they are more difficult, and it’s better to guess on paper at school during a break: you can’t carry cards to school. You can get together after school at home and tell fortunes on the cards for the king:

  • we take out the king from the deck and put it on the table: it will mean the boy we like;
  • shuffle the deck and draw five cards for the king;
  • we consider which suits fell out, which ones are more. If there is more peak - angry, worms - in love, crosses - you like it, tambourines - just friends.

There are also school signs. Here are a few of them:

  • if a boy had a dream on Tuesday, then he fell in love with you;
  • if you dreamed on Sunday, you already love it, and on Wednesday, wait for the letter;
  • met a bicycle or car on the way to school - go for a walk;

You can believe or not believe in signs and fortune-telling for a boy you like, make notebooks with questionnaires and fortune-tellers, and choose the one you like best from fortune-telling.

Divination by date of birth

Take paper and pen.
Write the date of birth of the person you are guessing at.
Add up all the numbers and write the resulting number next to it.
Now add the numbers in the resulting number and write the result next to it.
The number of certain numbers indicates a person and his life.
Take for example 12/14/1995

Add up all the numbers, omitting the zeros:
1 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 31
We also add the numbers in the number 32 and get 4

On paper we write like this: 1 4 1 2 1 9 9 5 3 1 4
We look at how many ones, twos, etc. we have. and looking for values.

By the number of digits, one can judge how much a person has by nature of certain qualities.
I have three ones, which means I have enough energy (yes, yes, yes), there are no sevens at all, which means there are no talents (well, well), but there is one three, which means there is a connection with space (by the way, where is my spacesuit?) and etc.

1 amount of energy
2 dependence on society
3 connection with space
4 health
5 love
6 intuition
7 talent
8 bad rock
9 intelligence
0 says nothing

Divination on paper for girls

Take a regular sheet of paper (for example, A-4 format), crumple it. Leave a small tip for holding the paper in your hand. You need a dark room. Therefore, Fortune telling on paper is best done in the evening or at night in complete silence. Think desire. Set fire to a sheet of paper, try to hold it so that a shadow from the burning process appears on the wall. According to the outlines of burning, one judges Divination for the Future. When the paper almost completely burns down to the tip you are holding, put out the fire. You have a charred body of paper in your hand. Turn on a dim light behind you or light a candle. Look at the shadow of the paper that is reflected on the wall. Turn on your imagination. Look at the silhouette of the shadow from different angles, try to get the answer with the created images.

New Year's divination.

On a piece of paper, write your desire with a pen. When the first battle of the Chimes strikes, light a piece of paper. If the paper has time to burn, then your wish will come true.

Divination "Yes" or "No".

Get paper and pen ready. You have a question and you want to get an unequivocal answer - Yes or No. Think of your question. Draw strokes with a pen on paper, as many as you want. Then connect every 2 strokes with a dotted line, you will get, as it were, the letters "H". If all your text will consist of the letters "H" - NNNNNNN. . . , then your plan will come true. If there is a stick left without a pair that can be turned into the letter H, then the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling on the relationship of two people.

Write with a pen on a piece of paper the Name and Surname - exactly yours and your friend or loved one. Example: Olga Ivanova / Vasily Petrov, cross out the paired letters in the names, cross out the paired letters in the surnames. For each name, you need to build a small graph. Not crossed out letter - draw a line horizontally to the right. If the letter is crossed out, then draw a line up diagonally. Start drawing both graphs from the bottom point. Draw each line with your chosen color. According to the schedule, you will see the rapprochement and distance of your relationship in the Future.

Fortune telling for girls on a sheet of paper

Do you want to know if your wish or dream will come true? To do this, write the question that interests you on a piece of paper. For example: “Does my spouse love me?” Now count the number of letters in each of these words. Write down the results on paper, then fold them together. Consider this example:

We got a 2-digit number, but we need one digit. Having received the result, you will receive the answer to your question. Therefore, we add up again: 2+0=2. Let's look at the result.

1 - You yourself know everything

2 - yes, it is

4 - required

5 - quite possible

6 - there will be difficulties

7 - it remains to hope and wait

8 - yes, but not at the moment

9 - hardly

Fortune telling for girls on the heart
You need to guess the guy.

Then you need to take a piece of paper in a cage and draw a heart on it with your left hand, and if you are left-handed - with your right.

After that, along the contour, mark only whole cells inside the heart.

Cross out four cells, before that drawing figures from 4 adjacent cells.

We will talk about his attitude towards you by the number of remaining cells (whole).

Not a single cell left: he loves you

Only one cell left: respects you

There are two cells left: he wants to be friends with you

Three cells left: he likes you

There are four cells left: he is jealous of you

There are five cells left: he dreams of you

There are six cells left: he is indifferent to you

"Graph of Love"
It is this fortune-telling for girls that will help you find out how your future relationship with a guy will develop.

Here you need a pen and a piece of paper.

First, write your last name and first name, and below the last name and first name of the person you are going to guess.


Drozdova Olga

Pevtsov Dmitry

First, cross out the paired letters in each surname, then in both.

Drozdova Olga

Pevtsov Dmitry

Now cross out the paired letters in each of the names, and then in both.

Drozdova Olga

Pevtsov Dmitry

Do not touch other paired letters!

And now for each of you we will build a schedule.

Each letter that is not crossed out is a line to the right horizontally.

Each letter that is crossed out is a line diagonally upwards.

Both lines need to start from the same point and draw in different colors.

How your relationship will develop can be judged by how the lines converge: whether they intersect or not.

"LI" - fortune telling for girls
With the help of this divination, you can get an answer to any question that interests you.

Here you will need a pen and paper.

It is necessary to write the question so that it begins with a verb in the conditional mood (a verb with a particle li).

After that, we count the number of letters in the first word and write down the number that we received under this word.

For example, the word JEWAL has 7 letters, so under the word JEW, we write the number 7.

We continue to count the letters in the rest of the words. The number of letters in the 2nd word is written under the 2nd word and so on.

Thus, under all words there should be numbers.

In this case, if a two-digit number is obtained, then add these two digits to get a single-digit number.

For example, if there are 15 letters in a word, then we add the numbers 1 and 5 and write down 6.

In my example, the red numbers are the number of letters contained in the words.

Let's take the 1st pair of red numbers and add them, 7+2 and write 9, the 2nd pair 2+8, write 10, and so on.

We continue to add all the numbers up to single digits.

For example, 7+7=14, write as 5 (1+4)

With the green row of numbers, we do the same, after which we get the blue row.

So we continue until the end, until we have one single digit left. We got the final number 2.

Which of the letters will remain in the LI particle, this will be the answer to the question:

Divination for girls being the easiest
You must select a question. If necessary, guess a guy (2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16)

Then you draw sticks in four lines (you need someone to stop you by saying "stop"). Cross out two sticks. There is one stick left - you write 1, two - you write 2. And then you look in the table at the intersection of the result with the question number and look for the letter that falls out and the number of the question that you thought of.

Sample questions:

1. Will you see the one you want?

2. What does he think of you?

3. What does he feel when he meets you?

4. What does he like about you?

5. Is his heart busy?

6. Does he love you?

7. Will you have a letter?

8. What awaits you tomorrow?

9. What's in store for you in the future?

10. Does he want to be friends with you?

11. What do people like most about you?

12. Will your wish come true?

13. What is the nature of the intended?

14. What awaits you today?

15. Who or what will help you in friendship with him?

16. What or who do you need to be afraid of?

Divination by desire.

Write your question with a pen on paper, for example: - Does my husband love me? Count the letters of each wish word and add them together. In this example: 4+3+6+5= 18 , adding 18 like this is 1+8=9, we only need one digit for the result. Let's look at the interpretation:

1. You know everything. 2. Answer - Yes. 3. Answer - No. 4. Of course. 5. Maybe. 6. Obstacles. 7. Wait and hope. 8. Soon - Yes. 9. Apparently - No.

Crosses + Tac Toe.

Fortune telling "Tic + Tac Toe", the usual game turned out to be promising Fortune telling. Think of a wish For example, on the Cross, that if the crosses are crossed out, then the wish will come true. Now spontaneously put either a cross or a zero. And if you can draw a line from the Crosses, then the wish will come true. If the trait comes out of Zeros, then your wish will not come true.


Pink love.
Black sadness.
Green date.


Crumpled - to a quarrel.
Tube - to friendship.


Sun is your destiny

Since ancient times, fortune-telling has been a universal way to predict the future, which was most often used by young girls and women. In order to find out their fate, someone went to fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers, and someone wondered for themselves using various ritual objects that were considered magical, for example, mirrors, candles and much more.

Today there is a large number of fortune-telling methods, but the most popular is fortune-telling for teenagers, with which you can predict relationships with a young man or young lady, compatibility with a loved one, the emergence of a new feeling in life, the future, including marriage, the number of children, and so on.


Before proceeding with any of the fortune-telling, read the general rules.

  • First. Any fortune-telling should be carried out in a quiet and calm atmosphere, without fussing, without chuckling, without being distracted by extraneous sounds, fully concentrating on the question or person.
  • Second. A fortune-telling girl before the ritual should let her hair down and remove metal objects from them that generally need to be removed from herself, for example, hairpins, invisibles, brooches, rings, bracelets, chains, and so on.

Never joke during fortune-telling and carefully predict sad events, remembering that even a person’s strong will can be destroyed by his own self-hypnosis. A strong character can change everything, even fatal events, it is better to tell a person what to fear.

Do not under any circumstances guess Orthodox holidays. Best time for fortune-telling - this is Christmas time, the period from January 7 to 19. You can also guess on Thursdays and Fridays.

Divination by numbers

Take a piece of paper in a cage, guess the name of a person and write the numbers from 1 to 99, releasing zeros in several rows, in any number, only there should be the same number of numbers in each row. One cell - one number.
For example:
after 99 digits, you need to write the date, also missing zeros.
Like this: 06/18/2003 - 18623

Now cross out the adjacent identical numbers horizontally and vertically. Numbers are also crossed out from a row horizontally or vertically if their sum is 10, even if these numbers are in different corners of the row.

This fortune-telling is very popular among schoolgirls.

Repeat the action with crossing out the same numbers and forming the sum of 10, but if the first action can be performed both horizontally and vertically, then the sum of numbers can only be searched for in horizontal rows.

Again we write out the remaining numbers, again 9 in each row, and so on until there is nothing to cross out. After that, you should recalculate the number of remaining digits and interpret their meaning:

  • 0 - very strong love.
  • 1 - love is not for the person you were guessing at.
  • 2 - you will be loved if you take the first step.
  • 3 - your attractiveness allows you to look both ways.
  • 4 - your feeling is mutual.
  • 5 - the person is not up to you now.
  • 6 - do not hope in vain.
  • 7 - sympathy comes from him, nothing more.
  • 8 - he considers you exactly the one with whom he must go through life.
  • 9 - beware of the opponent.
  • 10 - "shows off" in front of you.
  • 11 - suffers from a small amount of attention from you.
  • 12 - he likes others.
  • 13 - heavy conversation.
  • 14 - government house (school, university, cafe, any crowded place).
  • 15 - in love with your girlfriend.
  • 16 is a long road.
  • 17 - an ambulance meeting.
  • 18 - you are cute to his friend, not to him.
  • 19 - wants to meet and chat.
  • 20 - you are loved to the depths of your soul and heart.
  • 21 - he is timid and shy.
  • 22 - he does not like your too bright appearance.
  • 23 - he evokes negative emotions in you, and he himself believes that from love to hate ... 24 - he adores you.
  • 25 - idolizes your beauty.
  • 26 and more - he is not interested in your person at all!

Any girl at least once in her life asked for answers to various questions regarding love relationships, fate or fulfillment of desires, to magical powers with the help of divination. To date, the techniques of the fortune-telling process are very diverse. They are very complex with the performance of certain rituals, or simple, but no less effective, which require a piece of paper and a pen. You can take them seriously or as a regular entertainment that will help you enjoy an evening with your friends.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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      Basic rules of divination

      Exists great amount various ways of divination with paper and pen. It is believed that a person on a subconscious level already knows his fate. And fortune-telling, even the simplest, helps him to remove the necessary information from the subconscious. To get the most accurate and truthful answers to questions, you should follow simple rules:

    1. 1. Guess no more than once a day. The most accurate answer is the first one. The rest may deviate significantly from the truth.
    2. 2. Ask questions clearly. Before writing a question of interest, it is necessary to formulate it precisely, without unnecessary details, using a minimum of words.
    3. 3. Tune in. If you want to figure out the future, and not just pass the evening, then you need to calm down and concentrate.
    4. 4. Retire. Of course, the process of divination with friends is more interesting and more fun, but in this case it is not always possible to properly prepare for divination and take it seriously, which will eventually lead to incorrect predictions.
    5. 5. Believe in divination. If we treat the process of recognizing the future lightly, then we should not be surprised at the absurdity of the answers received.
    6. 6. You can’t tell anyone about fortune-telling and its result, even the closest people. Otherwise, everything can change.

    Divination on paper is very simple and does not require any special skills and magical abilities. But they cannot be denied the reliability of answers to many questions. important issues concerning not only love relationships, but also predictions of the future, and fate.

    Affairs of the Heart

    Girls at all times were mainly interested in questions that relate to the reciprocity of the feelings of a loved one and future relationships. Today there are a large number true divination for love from the simplest to the most laborious, in which you need to perform certain rituals.

    In order to tell fortunes with paper and a pen, no complicated steps need to be performed. All fortune-telling can be done easily and simply at home and at the same time get the most accurate prediction.

    Does the betrothed love?

    This version of divination for love for girls is one of the easiest. Its peculiarity is that it gives an answer only in the affirmative or negative form, and in the question itself it is necessary to use the “whether” particle.

    To tell fortunes, you only need paper and a pen. On the sheet it is necessary to write the question itself, which necessarily begins with a verb, after which comes the particle “whether”. Next, you need to cross out all the same letters from the question and count the number of remaining characters. It is worth noting that only letters are taken into account, punctuation marks are not considered. If the number turned out to be two-digit, then it should be reduced to a single-valued number by simply adding the numbers together. Then you can see the answer opposite the received number:

    Divination by names

    Guessing names is very easy. To begin with, on a piece of paper you need to write your last name, first name, patronymic and full name of your boyfriend. The same letters that come across in the names must be placed in two columns. After that, the letter pairs must be counted and, using the resulting number, get the correct answer. If the resulting number will contain two digits, then it is necessary to bring it to a single digit by summing them.


    • 1 - He thinks only of himself.
    • 2 - In the future, relationships will lead to disappointment. It is necessary to think about their feasibility.
    • 3 - Happiness, love and mutual understanding will always reign in a couple.
    • 4 - In marriage, there will be frequent quarrels over trifles.
    • 5 - If the fortuneteller is not ready to give in to her partner, then it is better to end the relationship.
    • 6 - A fortuneteller will lead the union.
    • 7 - An excellent couple who will live for many years in love and harmony.
    • 8 - There is an understanding of each other from a half-word, and this is wonderful.
    • 9 - Fortune telling promises a happy family life.

    What will the relationship be like?

    To find out about the feelings of a loved one, you can tell fortunes as follows. For right-handers, you need to draw a heart with your left hand on a sheet in a cage, which is considered a symbol of love and a good tool to know the future. Left-handers draw the same thing, but only right hand. Now you need to cross out the squares of four whole cells inside the outline of the heart. Depending on how many uncrossed cells remain, one can judge the attitude of the beloved:

    • If all whole cells are crossed out - loves more than anything else.
    • There is only one cell left - the young man has not yet decided on his feelings.
    • The two uncrossed cells say that only friendship is possible.
    • When there are three cells left, he is shy to confess his love.
    • Four cells report his jealousy.
    • If five cells are not crossed out, he constantly thinks about the fortuneteller.
    • There are six cells left - he is indifferent.

    In the name of the betrothed

    Fortune telling with mathematical calculations will help find out the name of the future husband. You need to do the following:

    1. 1. Write down your name, surname and patronymic on a piece of paper.
    2. 2. Count the number of letters in the F.I.O. (N).
    3. 3. Count the letters in the full name (n).
    4. 4. Write down the received numbers.
    5. 5. Count the number of letters that are repeated. For example, in the name Elena, the letter “e” is repeated twice.
    6. 6. Write down the results (n1, n2, n3, etc.). For example, n1 = 2 letters "e".
    7. 7. Calculate using the following formula: N - (n+n1+n2+n3+...+nn).
    8. 8. Use the table to interpret the results.

    Fortune telling "Sotka"

    This popular love divination is done using numbers from 1 to 100. The divination technique is as follows:

    Number of remaining digitsInterpretation
    1, 10, 19 The numbers indicate the sympathy of the hidden guy, with whom it is possible serious relationship. It just takes a little effort
    2, 11, 20 Unable to get his location
    3, 12, 21 There is every chance to be with him and build a strong relationship
    4, 13, 22 The numbers show the guy's jealousy towards others. This jealousy will ruin everything
    5, 14, 23 Only friendship is possible with him
    6, 15, 24 The guy doesn't mind getting to know each other better
    7, 16, 25 He is interested, it remains only to take the first step
    8, 17, 26 The numbers speak of understatement and misunderstanding, resentment on his part is possible. We need a frank conversation
    9, 18, 27 A fortuneteller can become a wonderful couple with this guy. It is important not to miss your chance

    Ritual with pipes

    There is also such a fortune-telling about the boy and his feelings, for which small pieces of paper are needed. It is necessary to perform a simple algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. First you need to divide the sheet into 10 small parts.
    2. 2. In one of the pieces of paper write the name of your lover, leave the rest blank.
    3. 3. Each piece of leaf is rolled into a tube, then they are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly.
    4. 4. You need to take out the tubes one at a time, but the fortuneteller has only three attempts.
    5. 5. After reading, the paper is folded again and put back into the box.
    6. 6. Find out the result. When one blank sheet falls out and twice the name of the guy, then the fortuneteller is indifferent to him and further relationships will not work out. If you pulled out his name once and twice a clean sheet, then the relationship is possible. When the name of a lover comes across all three times, this is a sign of a joint happy future.

    Other divination

    You can guess not only for love. Simple and interesting fortune-telling will help answer any question of interest, make a forecast for the day or predict fate for many years.

    To do this, you do not need to go to a magical salon at all, you can tell fortunes at home with the help of paper and a pen. Nothing more is required for predictions.

    Forecast for the day

    This simple way of predicting for a certain day will help you find out what surprises you should expect from him. The divination technique is as follows:

    1. 1. On the sheet you need to write the day of the week for which you want to get a forecast.
    2. 2. In the same place, indicate your last name, first name and patronymic.
    3. 3. All identical letters should be crossed out and written in a column.
    4. 4. Count the remaining letters.
    5. 5. Depending on the number of uncrossed out letters, one can judge the forecast for the day. If the number of unpaired letters is expressed as a two-digit number, add the numbers together. When a letter has come across that has already been encountered, it must be placed under the first written letter.

    Interpretation of the obtained values:

    • 0 - nothing significant will happen on this day;
    • 1 - it is worth waiting for good news;
    • 2 - disappointments should be expected;
    • 3 - trip or journey;
    • 4 - plans will have to be changed;
    • 5 - the day is suitable for a love date;
    • 6 - a chance meeting with a nice person;
    • 7 - dreary and dull day;
    • 8 - romantic adventure;
    • 9 - nothing good will happen.