Husbands are Libra. The ideal zodiac sign for a Libra man

09.07.2019 Cell phones

The zodiac sign has a strong influence on a person, his character, behavior and even success in life! Therefore, if you want to get to know a person better, just study the characteristics of his zodiac constellation.

This material describes the characteristics of a Libra man, the behavior of a Libra man in love: you can learn a lot about your chosen one with the help of this article.

The representative of the zodiac constellation Libra is a real favorite of fate. Such a person is distinguished by his courtesy, cheerful disposition and friendly demeanor, since he simply cannot imagine being unpleasant to someone.

The Libra man will strive to constantly show favors to someone, this is inherent in him by nature, he loves to give pleasure to others. The energy of love, goodwill and celebration always spreads around such a person, thanks to which he is very attractive to others.

At the same time, such a person can be safely trusted with any secrets; he always readily comes to the aid of others. When considering any issue, he always tries to find out the true reason for what is happening, to get to the bottom of it.

The Libra man is always guided exclusively by sound logic and rationalism, without relying at all on the psychological component, since he is not at all interested in it.

Such a person is sometimes characterized by a craving for boasting among his friends. It is better not to criticize a Libra man even in small things, because he perceives any criticism very negatively. It should also be noted that such a person has a truly unique gift for maintaining excellent relationships with everyone around him.

Although the Libra man is known as a universal adviser, it is quite problematic for him to make decisions for himself. In all situations, he will very carefully weigh all the positive and negative sides, and will also probably attract advisors to help. After all, later it will be possible to shift all responsibility onto them.

The Libra man is used to always being surrounded by a sophisticated audience. He really likes to show his erudition and excellent intelligence. Thanks to this, such a person asserts himself.

The representative of the stronger sex of the Libra sign constantly strives to find harmony in all areas of his life. True, it should be noted that sometimes the sense of proportion and the desire for harmony betray him and then he may suffer from various excesses, for example, alcoholism.

The Libra man will demonstrate his desire for justice to the maximum in the process of raising his children. So he will never punish the child for anything and under no circumstances will he become a tyrant father. Although it cannot be said that Libra is too eager to have offspring, but even despite this, they will subsequently become an adoring daddy. At the same time, the wife is still in first place for such a person.

What is a Libra man like in love and family?

Regarding the question love relationship, then here the Libra man does not tolerate strained ties. It is very important for him that there is real spiritual intimacy and mutual understanding with his partner.

The Libra man loves to pamper his girlfriend with various pleasant gifts, as well as small holidays, which he organizes for his beloved wife quite often. He is able to charm his life partner with the help of his bewitching smile, as well as his generous willingness to help.

For him, his wife is, first of all, a faithful and devoted friend who helps him cope with various worries and sorrows, and also gives him warmth and love. It is precisely this state of affairs in the family that the Libra man strives for: the most harmonious relationships possible, a warm spiritual atmosphere and mutual understanding.

But the wife may not count on the fact that her husband will try to penetrate into the depths of her personality, deeply sympathize with her, and be constantly interested in what is happening to her, what worries or saddens her. Although the representative of this sign is distinguished by a high ability to listen to other people, and also gives out his advice left and right. These are the personality traits of Libra - they may not notice the problems of those closest to them.

Most likely, this happens due to the special attitude towards representatives of the fair sex. So the Libra man does not see her “I”, her personality in a woman. For him, the lady is mostly an object to satisfy his sexual desire.

What kind of women does he like, how to attract his attention

Which representatives of the fair sex can attract the attention of Libra men? Let's try to find out what a girl should be like to please the capricious Libra.

What will turn a Libra man away from you?

Pay attention to the following points, because they describe everything that will make your chances of love with a Libra man zero:

  • unkempt appearance;
  • bad taste;
  • too bright make-up and provocative manner of dressing;
  • aggression, harsh and rude behavior;
  • tendency to criticize;
  • when a girl does not show her natural attractiveness and mystery;
  • stiffness in bed;
  • use of obscene expressions in speech;
  • the desire to constantly control it.

Remember also that arousing interest and sympathy in a Libra man is only half the success. But keeping such a person is a more difficult task, which is truly an art. To do this, you must always show your femininity, gentleness, courtesy and sincere admiration for your man. Do not put pressure on your spouse under any circumstances, and do not demand that he fulfill any obligations.

A positive effect will be achieved only if you are very soft, gentle and caring. Give your loved one your constant attention. A strong bonding factor will be joint trips, vacations, and gatherings with family and friends.

To complete the topic, also watch an interesting video about the Libra man:

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Everything you wanted to know about the Libra man: characteristics of the sign, his position in marriage, love and friendship, compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Have you failed in love? Have you stopped trusting men? Or are you completely desperate to find your one and only? It's time to listen to horoscopes and finally find happiness!

Description of Libra men - are they that simple?

The Libra man leaves a good impression of himself from the very first meeting. He is personable, charming, with a keen sense of beauty, he is the one for whom you want to go to the ends of the earth. On his life's path, he constantly faces disappointments: in love, in friendship, at work. But this only strengthens his self-confidence, not allowing him to give up.
By nature, he is freedom-loving, a relationship with a Libra man is like walking through a minefield every day, because in an attempt to please others, they can cross the line of what is permitted without noticing it.
Description positive traits character in Libra men.
  • Their most important quality is their innate mastery of eloquence. They can talk for hours about literature, culture, support any topic and communicate freely on any of them. There is never a dull moment in the company of such a man.
  • A quality that often manifests itself in Libra men when communicating with a loved one is compliance. It is better for them to agree with their significant other, even if she is wrong, than to argue and prove otherwise
  • Libra men are aesthetes by nature. Moreover, this applies to all spheres of life: he always fashion clothes, stylish shoes, modern gadgets. Such a person’s favorite place to walk is not parks and shady alleys, but nanotechnology exhibitions. By the way, sometimes he is ready to spend more money on himself than on his beloved
  • What distinguishes a Libra man from others is his natural charm and artistry. He easily gets to know people, tries to penetrate the interests of those around him in order to be in their good standing. He does it with enthusiasm and interest
Judging by the characteristics of the sign, it may seem that such a man is a kind of cheerful fellow who is never sad, does not sit idle, and it is impossible to offend him. But in fact, inside him hides a subtle and vulnerable soul, seeking understanding in every person.

What complexes lurk in men under the sign of Libra?

Looking at the description of the zodiac sign, it seems that Libra is determined and self-confident, but in fact, such men also have their flaws.
Let's figure out what complexes Libra men have.
  • Libra does not know the words of refusal, and most often this negatively affects the relationship with a loved one. They cannot leave friends in trouble, and will run to the aid of their loved ones, not caring about the feelings of others, simply because they are not able to say “no.”
  • Libra men do not see their flaws and complexes. They notice the shortcomings of everyone around them, but they are not always able to notice them in themselves and their behavior.
  • Libras do not always open up to others, they do not like to talk about their problems, they prefer to keep everything inside themselves. It may take quite a long time before they can trustfully talk about their feelings and thoughts to loved ones

What should a Libra man's favorite woman be like?

Libra men have an incredibly refined sense of aesthetics. They should have all the best and this applies not only to things, but also to their significant other. Their beloved is not just a girl, but the “one and only”, the dream of many men, who by chance chose him.
If you have met such a person, then you will definitely want to know what the beloved woman of a Libra man should be like? The very first thing you need to know is that they value uniqueness and individuality in girls.
Mutual understanding on the part of their loved one is important to them, and sometimes they could use a little control. Because not finding the proper interest from the girl he loves, the Libra man can go downhill: start drinking alcohol and hanging out in unpleasant companies. A girl should start making decisions for her man, but do it wisely, without pressure from her authority.
Advice. Libra men do not like to make scandals, so they avoid communicating with stubborn and wayward girls. If you want to win such a man, you will have to reconsider your behavior.
Libras are overly clean, so they strive to create a relationship with a thrifty and neat girl. It is important for them that comfort and order reign in the house; in such an environment they feel as comfortable as possible.

Libra man in marriage - what is he like?

For a Libra man to propose to his beloved, she does not need to do absolutely anything, she only needs to be “the one.” Libras are decisive and very romantic in relationships; they are prone to nightly gatherings with their beloved in an embrace and conversations about the stars. If a man is ready for marriage, then you should expect an original marriage proposal from him. And in marriage itself, Libra men - what are they like?
In marriage itself, such men consider themselves the head of the family; they will go out of their way just to earn money and provide for themselves and their wife. After all, they are used to receiving all the best, and this rule is transferred to his other half.

What does friendship mean to Libra men?

Libras can become good companions in friendship; they are impartial and compassionate. If a quarrel arises between two Libra friends, they will take a neutral place, trying to find a reason for a truce. In friendship, Libra men are always objective and take into account the opinions of their comrades.
Such peacemaking behavior is inherent in them because of the desire to please everyone. They can be excellent listeners and advisers, because due to their versatility, they have encountered many life situations along the way.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Libra men are most compatible with other zodiac signs:
  • Taurus
  • scorpion
This applies to love, friendship, marriage, and work relationships. These zodiac signs can always count on mutual assistance and support from Libra. Unfavorable relationships develop between Libra and Gemini.

What could cause a breakup?

If you don’t want a Libra man to break up with you, you will have to suppress the qualities of leadership, self-confidence and stinginess. They cannot tolerate ridicule and cynicism in their direction from their other half, and do not accept communication with narcissistic and poorly erudite people.
Important. Libra men may break up with their girlfriend if she insists on getting married as soon as possible. Don't make this mistake; let your lover take the first step himself!

Sexual compatibility of Libra men

In bed, they behave with restraint and non-assertiveness, hard types of sex are alien to them, they exclude BDSM games and other types of violent relationships.
They always behave softly, tenderly and affectionately with their beloved. Libras in bed are very attentive to their chosen one, they make every effort to ensure that the woman gets pleasure, and only then take care of themselves.
Zodiac signs with which Libra men are sexually compatible:
  • scorpion

How to understand that a Libra man is in love: video

Contents of the article:

The Libra man is always mysterious and fickle in his views. full of contradictions and is rarely at peace with himself. He does not tolerate loneliness well, but avoids casual relationships, and is very picky and picky with women. Do you need such a treasure? To a gentleman born under this sign.

Libra man: characteristics of the sign, preferences

The first impressions of meeting him are as favorable as possible. His manners are excellent, his sense of humor is present to a sufficient extent. Representatives of the sign do not allow themselves to look untidy and pay a lot of attention to their wardrobe and accessories. They are charming, modest, shy. The Libra man is always even and calm in his relationships with friends and ladies.

The ideal woman for Libra

They are rarely guided by momentary desires or base instincts. Those born during this period will evaluate a potential girlfriend according to many criteria and only then decide whether she is worthy of attention. Their priorities include not only external attractiveness, but also high level intelligence, financial status, social status. A sweet, but frivolous and rustic flower seller is unlikely to attract Libra's attention for long. If you are confident, well-read, educated and elegant, they will definitely notice you. Please note that the Libra guy is demanding and picky in relationships with women.

What won't he like?

Representatives of this sign prefer to be in agreement with others. They will try to get rid of a scandalous, hysterical, excessively capricious person as quickly as possible. In addition, they are repelled by:

  • Carelessness in clothing, insufficient personal care;
  • Vulgar behavior in in public places, causing makeup;
  • Use of obscene language;
  • Lack of sincerity, infidelity;
  • Obsessiveness, desire for leadership in a couple.

A typical Libra man in love seeks comfort and pleasant communication. The desire of your companion to completely entrust the solution to problems will be perceived extremely negatively. Control your emotions, have heart-to-heart conversations with him more often, give sincere compliments - and he will be yours forever.

Love. And Libra

The attractive character traits of people of this sign are necessarily balanced by the presence of bad behavioral traits. They combine two poles, leaning first towards one or the other, depending on their mood and circumstances. Having learned to correctly perceive rare whims and temporary intransigence, you will find a wonderful companion.

Sensual nature

Slow, calm, rarely raising his voice Libra guy in love can bring down a hurricane of feelings on a companion. He is able to surround his girlfriend with attention, arrange an extremely romantic date, and shower her with gifts. Striving for universal comfort, The Libra man is sensual, attentive and frank in bed. He strives to build a beautiful, gentle, graceful relationship with a woman. Most Libras prefer to be led and rarely impose their desires.

Libra and sexual relationships

Striving for beauty and harmony, The Libra guy is quite conservative in sex. Adventurous contacts in public places or uncomfortable environments are not for him. For the sake of interest, he will succumb to such a provocation a couple of times, but later he will clearly prefer a comfortable sofa, silk underwear, semi-darkness and the accompaniment of the love process with beautiful music. Visual perception and convenience come first for him.

Such a lover is every woman's dream. The Libra man is devoid of selfishness in sex and will try all night. He expects sincerity and advice, genuine passion from his girlfriend. Only by completely satisfying his woman will he feel happy.

Life with Libra

The Necessity of Marriage

Those born under this sign rarely become confirmed bachelors. Marriage is extremely important and necessary for them. If your boyfriend is a Libra, his characterization as an indecisive person should make you take the initiative to start a family into your own hands. Such men are often lost when choosing candidates for their hand and heart. It is for this reason that serious romantic relationship being with several women at the same time is not uncommon for this sign. You need to persuade someone to join in a gentle, unobtrusive manner.

Demanding and a little tedious

Married Libra man in marriage demanding and pedantic. Most of his claims are indeed true. A calm woman who has patience and does not have a hot temper will always benefit from his comments and the couple’s life will change for the better. And you should not pay attention to frequent mood swings. Smooth, attentive communication and care are the main trump cards of their happy wives.

How to save your marriage with Libra?

Quite flighty in their youth, Libra men family life usually remain faithful to their other halves. They will become loving, thoughtful and calm fathers. Relationships with my wife are a priority. Her self-improvement, excellent physical shape and love of sex are a guarantee of maintaining a happy marriage for many years.

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Orthodox calendar

Saturday, March 23, 2019(March 10, old style)
2nd Week of Lent
Saturday of the 2nd week of Great Lent. Remembrance of the dead.
Martyr Codratus and others like him: Cyprian, Dionysius, Anectus, Paul, Criscent, Dionysius, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Seraphion, Papias, Leonidas and Mcc. Hariessa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Galina, Theodora and many others (258)
Saints' Day:
St. Pavel of Taganrog (1879). Mchch. Codratus of Nicomedia, Satorin, Rufinus, and others (III). St. Anastasia Patricia (567-568).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Demetrius Legeido presbyter (1938).
Great Lent.
Marriages are not celebrated during Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: Hebrews 3:12-16 Ev.: Mark 1:35-44
In the morning: - Ps.109-111; Ps.118 For eternity: - Ps.1-8

A beautiful and sociable, wise, but not always confident in her decisions, a Libra woman can be both a great success for a man and a complete torment. Libra is a unique zodiac sign. It always borders between “yes” and “no”, “good” and “bad”.

If your wife is a Libra

People whose zodiac is Libra do not always make decisions quickly and simply. It is always important for them to think about something, “weigh”, understand, etc.

Libra men, in fact, are very difficult people, but women, by virtue of their psychological characteristics and the accompanying zodiac may be completely incomprehensible to others. In this regard, you need to constantly make a lot of effort in order to understand her and her inner world.

Typically, women of this zodiac sign are distinguished by an amazing harmony of their inner world and its reflection on their appearance. These are women who love themselves, try to surround themselves with the best, they should live in luxury and not deny themselves anything.

They always have a lot of fans, and they can sort through them depending not on personal, real preferences, but on what mood she is in now. Libra always has everything written on their face - this is their peculiarity.

Therefore, a man does not even need to approach if he does not see interest on the part of a woman. She is ready to endlessly flirt, “lead by the nose” and twist the man she likes as soon as she pleases. She wins the heart of anyone, but not everyone knows how to win her.

What is she like? Libra's wife is always so self-sufficient that she will never create scenes of jealousy, search her man's phone for SMS from someone, or sniff a little-known smell. She does not suffer from the fact that she is losing some man, because... knows that there is always a line of fans behind her.

By nature, Libra women are not particularly passionate. What is important to them is not sex itself, but long courtship, foreplay... And if a man manages to captivate her with his “conquests,” perhaps she will condescend, but in order for a man to enjoy sex with her, she doesn’t even need to make any special efforts, although in rare cases, Libra women sincerely worry about their partner’s orgasm.

What kind of mother and wife will Libra be?

Such women always have adequate, and sometimes slightly inflated, self-esteem. And this is not without reason, because they really have something to be proud of. Due to the fact that they are always happy with themselves, you rarely see them in a bad mood. It is important to always remember that you do not choose Libra, but they choose you.

If a woman feels that she needs a specific man, as soon as she beckons with her finger, he will not understand that he is already standing in the registry office (but men will never be dissatisfied with this fact).

Libra wives are always a good partner to their husband. This applies to all areas of life where this quality may be needed. Despite their special inner world, they can be a serious support for the man they love, but it becomes more and more difficult for her to find one with age.

Next to such a woman there should be a man who will talk and think only about her, who is ready to literally devote his life in the name of her pleasure and happiness. But it is important to take into account the fact that Libra women, although selfish by nature, are ready to sacrifice many of their interests for the sake of a harmonious and happy marriage.

Key points

Libra is a classic vampire. To live, he needs to drink someone's blood. There is no need to be afraid; a good half of humanity has an overabundance of bad blood. For them, cooperation (or cohabitation) with Libra is just what the doctor ordered. Well, for those who already have little vital energy, it is better to refrain from such experiments.

It is believed that Libra is the sign of romantics who spend their entire lives looking for their soulmate. In fact, they spend their entire lives looking for donors. And woe to them if they don’t find it. The drama of the situation is added by the fact that Libra is not given many chances. This Scorpio can marry 6 times and each time more and more successfully. For Libra, the “divorced-drunk-drunk-died” option is more typical. In business, the picture is identical - the loss of a partner too often turns out to be fatal for Libra.

How Libra looks for someone to cuddle with is a separate story. They are not the type to chase prey or build cunning traps. Libra will dress up, put on perfume, put on their magical smile, turn on the charm - and wait. Their way of fighting for the benefits of the world is the hope that someone will appreciate them, love them and bring all these benefits on a silver platter. If you're, say, a Taurus or Capricorn, you might be shocked by this luxurious attitude to life, but for a Libra it often works.

Uselessness. You just have to come to terms with this. In practical terms, Libras are most often useless creatures. They don’t like to exert themselves, they leave it to others to fight for their place in the Sun, they avoid difficulties, they don’t believe in the benefits of creative work. Libra is one of those people who are hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave, because they still decorate life.

Career. If there is even the slightest opportunity not to work, Libra will take advantage of it. If not, they will look for a job that is similar to a vacation: so that it is not boring, so that they can talk (preferably about high things) and so that there is zero personal responsibility: lawyers, consultants, art critics, stylists and other professions in which it is impossible to calculate the employee’s efficiency. Libra can start their own business only in partnership with someone; on their own, they will fail even the most win-win business. Libra is not one of those who strain their belly button at work or stay late after six. Discipline, responsibility and corporate ethics are what Libra puts big on. The bosses do not see Libra as a rival and his career growth does not interfere - due to this, as well as due to their charm, lack of conflict and ability to seem like professionals, Libra sometimes makes a career to the envy of everyone. However, they are just as likely to end up among the chronically unemployed.

Money. They don’t know how to earn money purposefully, and they’re lazy. If Libra becomes rich, it always happens very unobtrusively, without effort on his part - pure luck. Could win at a casino, receive an inheritance, find a treasure, or become a partner with someone who knows how to work. But he spends beautifully, on a grand scale and to the last - strangers with the same ease as his own. He doesn’t make any nest eggs and doesn’t humiliate himself with calculations. From the very first salary, he hires a servant, buys expensive clothes and some elegant trinkets, which he then happily gives away to everyone. He doesn’t even remember that he has a rent debt in the process of wasting money. If there is no one nearby who will take money from Libra and hide it in the nightstand, he is doomed to periodically suck his paw.

Health. Doesn't eat junk, avoids stress, physical activity it’s draughty - why would he be sick? However, it happens. Usually this is either an attack of suspiciousness (I read the medical encyclopedia and found symptoms of all incurable diseases), or an inflammation of self-pity (it seemed that he was not loved enough). Like no one else, he is prone to simulation. However, there are also real illnesses: from overeating and drinking too much. When sick, he vampirizes with triple strength - he demands the most beautiful doctors, the most delicious pills, the most affectionate nurses, etc. and without this he doesn’t like being sick.


Up to 29 years old. Heaps of friends, bunches of chicks competing for the attention of Libra, parties and get-togethers without a break for rest. Many Libras at this age indulge in poetry or pretend to be artists, some turn to alcohol or indulge in extravagant, nonconformist antics. Study naturally moves on, and so does work, if it doesn’t fit into the entertainment schedule. Starting a business, immediately abandoning it and taking on another is in the order of things.

In a successful scenario, by the end of this period, Libra, despite their innate sloppiness and tendency to a questionable lifestyle, will have a family and friends who will support them for the rest of their lives, and some source of income.

29-35 years old. Time for a second chance. During this period, marriages often break up or business partnerships collapse, both of which are painful. But you can still fix everything: enter into a second marriage, trying to avoid the mistakes of the first, and try again to earn money. Fate will be favorable, there may be moments of luck, help from friends and even random people. But you just have to do everything up to the age of 35, because then there may be no more chances.

After 35 years. A time of stability, gluttony and hedonism. By this age, Libra already either lives on a percentage of what he earns (as an option, supported by his wife) or occupies a well-fed and dust-free leadership position. His life is organized, his social circle is outlined. He can start a hobby, start building a library, collecting paintings, or have themed parties on Thursdays at home. But for those Libra who were unable to acquire either money or a family, the prognosis is unfavorable. It will only get worse.

After 45-50 years. A disgusting age for Libra. The charm is gradually fading away. Idealism mimics into tediousness, pettiness and dissatisfaction with everything around. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Libras to find balance, and their already not very outstanding sexual potency suffers from this. If Libra does not find something to do outside the home (for example, social activity or teaching), his loved ones may hate him and it is difficult to blame them for this.

Lonely Libras are deeply unhappy people, their lot is regret about missed opportunities. But even in the most desperate situation, Libra can always count on the help and support of the weaker sex.

What to expect from him

Cold, fixated on the external - he does not fall in love, he selects a suitable picture. The selection is long and painful. He can’t stop at just one, so he shuffles the whole deck.

Shakespeare's passions with suffering and problems frighten him. He needs love that is beautiful and unburdensome. Women of the “I’m so sudden, contradictory...” format don’t attract him at all.

At the courtship stage, Libra is all charm. Gives gifts, writes poems and fulfills (small) wishes. But all this with dignity. No one has ever succeeded in turning him into an errand boy.

The transition from the bouquet to the bed period of the relationship may be delayed, and in some cases it may not take place at all - he is already having fun. Libra is a classic Don Juan. He loves love more than the object of love.

He never advertises his novels and is in no hurry to introduce his girls to his friends and parents. After all, among the girls with whom he is friends are his former, present and future lovers. And somehow he feels that it is better for these women not to cross paths.

Some people think that Libra is willing to put up with infidelity. This is not entirely true. He just doesn’t spend time on total control, so he often doesn’t notice the obvious. His loyalty depends on the circumstances, but on the wave of romantic love is very possible.

If you don’t make any special demands on Libra, don’t try to get into his soul and don’t put pressure on him, then the romance will be very pleasant. Long-term relationships are fraught with many more pitfalls.

By the way, the groom who does not show up for the wedding is most often a Libra. His inability to make decisions and fear of offending someone often lead to the fact that between the options “quietly sleep and be silent” and “explain yourself, humiliate yourself,” he chooses the first.

And in bed

Everything will be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, slow and gentle, like in a movie. He will admire you, and then give you the opportunity to caress him. He himself, of course, will also do something (and very skillfully), but most likely he will try to throw the leading role onto you.

Libra is not particularly passionate, and if his partner without clothes turns out to be less attractive than he expected, he may become completely lazy.

But if nothing offends his aesthetic sense, he is very resilient and is able to make love for hours. Its quantitative capabilities under favorable conditions are simply amazing. He is gentle, creative, in no hurry and sincerely wants to please his partner. You will be the first to be exhausted, and he will still be ready to continue.

A woman with a “log” design does not excite him. He needs confirmation that you are happy and that he is doing everything right. You will make things easier for him if you give him hints on how to please you. Libra will not be offended, Libra will take note. And you will get an almost perfect lover. Just don’t try to rush him or order him in the bedroom - harmony, only harmony!

He will never try to force you to do anything you don't want or force you to use contraceptive methods that you don't like. You can always come to an agreement with him. But don’t demand the impossible from Libra; daily sex is not for him; he needs time to recuperate. And in general, relationships based only on sex quickly begin to weigh on Libra.