The ideal sign for a Pisces woman. Pisces: compatibility with other signs in love and marriage

26.08.2019 Internet

In the first half of your life, you will be able to build an ideal marriage only with other water signs - Cancers and Scorpios. At the same time, Cancer should not constantly set his mother as an example to his wife. With Scorpio, you will always have fun, interesting, but... a little scary, like on a volcano. In the second half of life, the ideal should be sought among other signs - Capricorns and Taurus. If, in addition, you come across a Capricorn with a poetic soul, Pisces will simply find themselves at the height of bliss. And for a Taurus to have a harmonious relationship, all they need is a good sense of humor.

Best Couple for Pisces

Cancer: As the compatibility horoscope promises, Pisces and Cancer will be an unusually successful combination of zodiac signs. They immediately find a common language. Pisces likes Cancer's sensitivity and the fact that together with him they will bathe in tenderness and care. Cancer is fascinated by the mystery and unusualness of Pisces. This couple manages to successfully avoid conflicts due to the similarity of characters. This romance promises to continue in a successful and happy marriage, this is the forecast given by the Pisces Cancer compatibility horoscope.

Scorpion: According to the compatibility horoscope, Pisces and Scorpio are exactly that perfect couple, about which novels are written and films are made with a happy ending. The mystery of Pisces inspires Scorpio, and he can easily take the lead in a couple. Scorpio's jealousy not only does not bother Pisces, but even flatters: for them it is a manifestation of deep feelings. These signs feel complete harmony in each other’s company, and this almost ideal relationship has every chance of continuing in a long and successful marriage, this is the forecast given by the Pisces Scorpio compatibility horoscope.

Capricorn: Conservative Capricorn is the best choice for romantic and dreamy Pisces, who will find in such a companion someone on whom they can blame the need for decision-making. With such a purposeful and hardworking other half as Capricorn, Pisces will feel like they are behind a stone wall. Subtle intuition allows Pisces to achieve complete understanding with the secretive Capricorn. According to the Pisces Capricorn compatibility horoscope, this marriage is one of the most reliable.

Worst Match for Pisces

Scales: As the compatibility horoscope promises, Libra and Pisces can become the heroes of a pleasant and harmonious romance. The fantasy and mystery of Pisces inspires Libra, and their desire for balance gives Pisces the necessary sense of confidence. The negative features of these relationships include the passivity with which they approach the realization of their desires. Pisces are too dreamy, and Libra is too afraid of responsibility to realize all their plans. Despite this, they sincerely enjoy each other’s company, as predicted by the Pisces Libra compatibility horoscope.

Twins: This couple will enjoy each other's company, but also suffer from inconstancy. Gemini is attracted to the mystery of Pisces, and they like the lightness of Gemini's character. However, after the euphoria of first love passes, Pisces will not understand the frivolity of their companion, and Gemini will be bothered by the emotional instability of Pisces. This relationship is doomed to fail because this couple needs a leader, which neither of these signs wants to become. This forecast is given by the Pisces Gemini compatibility horoscope.

Sagittarius: As the compatibility horoscope assures, Pisces and Sagittarius can enjoy each other’s company for a short time. Problems begin very quickly, and all the romance of the novel comes apart at the seams. Active and active Sagittarius has no time to pay attention to the idle daydreaming of Pisces, and Pisces needs care and love, which is practically useless to expect from the flighty and frivolous Sagittarius. This relationship will be a suitcase without a handle for both, as the Pisces Sagittarius compatibility horoscope speaks about this.

Strained relations

Fish: The romance of this couple will be unusual, as the compatibility horoscope assures. Pisces quickly find language with representatives of their own zodiac sign. This is exactly the case when they can even eloquently remain silent together. The idyll of this relationship is disrupted by the mutual reluctance of Pisces to take on responsibility and obligations. This couple lacks a leader. But as the compatibility horoscope says, the Pisces man often takes the reins into his own hands.

Virgo: This couple will feel the idyll for a very short time, the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Virgo and Pisces have too different characters for harmonious long-term relationships. Pisces give extremely important emotions, and this only irritates the reserved Virgo. Pisces expect tenderness and romance from their partner, and the queen of logic, Virgo, considers all this to be sentimental fluff. Relationships can only be saved by increased attention of partners to each other, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope of Pisces Virgo.

The Pisces man's compatibility with other signs varies greatly. Much depends on how ready the partner is to understand his complex inner world. Pisces often feel their soul mate intuitively, so they rarely make mistakes in their choice. Relationships may be affected Eastern horoscope and Luna. But first of all, the happiness of a couple is influenced by how much they want to work on their relationship, seek compromises, and forgive each other’s mistakes and shortcomings.

Characteristics of Pisces

A man born under the constellation Pisces has a complex nature, sensitive, dreamy, with good developed intuition. Almost no one can find out what is going on inside him. This man has a rich inner world; he often plunges into his dreams, not noticing the surrounding reality. IN big company Pisces are silent, but when alone with close friends and partners they can tell a lot of interesting things. They often become a “crying vest” for others, which is why they themselves suffer. After all, they take all other people’s problems to heart and experience them as their own.

The Pisces man cares little about his financial situation. If left to his own devices, he will build a hut and admire the stars in it. A wise woman is able to push this man to action, then his many talents will be revealed. Pisces can achieve success in almost any field, but creative professions are best for them. The main thing is not to push too hard. Pisces will simply elude the inflated demands of its partner.

This zodiac sign is great at adapting to people. Almost any woman with a Pisces man can find her compatibility. But next to people who are too active and demanding, a man will feel unhappy and driven into a corner. If his wife indulges all his whims, the family will be left without money. Pisces make excellent fathers, they understand children very well, and devote almost all their free time to their upbringing.

Partnership with the fire element

The following representatives of the Zodiac are ruled by fire:

  • Sagittarius

The elements of fire and water are initially antagonists, so it is not easy for them to build relationships. Only by achieving a balance in which the fire will heat the water, and she will control the explosiveness of the partner, can we hope for a positive development of events. Fire people are accustomed to acting impulsively and taking on a leading role. Pisces is a driven sign, but is not ready to completely give leadership into the hands of a partner, because in such couples there is always a struggle.

Pisces relationship with Aries

The success of such a marriage is directly dependent on what type of Pisces the man represents. If he is active and purposeful, the Aries woman will suit him perfectly. Mars, who takes care of this warrior, will lay down his weapons and submit to the mysterious Neptune. The wife will take on all household responsibilities, leaving her husband to do science, creativity or other favorite things. Having received the opportunity to work in one direction, a man will achieve considerable material success. The compatibility of an Aries woman and a Pisces man of the “dead” or “apathetic” type is weak, he cannot withstand the pressure of his partner and simply runs away.

Leo and Pisces Partnership

Compatibility between Leo woman and Pisces man is weak and confusing. The representative of the stronger sex has amazing power over the Lioness. This proud woman feels in front of a representative water element like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor. When meeting, she may not notice her partner’s passivity, lack of ambition, or modest income. The connection between two signs can be enchanting, overflowing with feelings. Once the initial emotions pass, misunderstandings will appear. The spouse will begin to make inflated claims to her soul mate, he will begin to resist and wage a desperate struggle with Leo. Marriage compatibility between such partners is weak, so it is better for them to separate at the very beginning of the relationship.

Pisces and Sagittarius partnership

Compatibility between Pisces man and Sagittarius woman is very weak. The conflict between the elements in such a union reaches its climax. An active wife will constantly push her husband to action. He will desperately resist. Both partners look at life differently. Pisces prefer to observe and delve into people's secret thoughts. Sagittarius is a man of action, he does not think about the feelings of others, is too straightforward and can easily offend a sensitive partner. That’s why couples break up at the very beginning of dating.

Partnership with the Earth Elements

The Founding Earth rules the following Zodiac constellations:

  • Taurus
  • Capricorn

The Pisces man is well compatible with dugouts. The signs serve as a kind of mutual complement; water nourishes the earth, making it more fertile. Pisces are quite passive, but earthly representatives are superior to them in their reluctance to act and do anything. But these ladies are realists and can protect a man from deception and dangerous events. A Pisces man's compatibility in marriage with “earthlings” is far from the worst.

Pisces partnership with Taurus woman

In this couple, the husband will become a wise mentor, and the wife will become the keeper of the hearth. Sometimes a woman will be tired of the constant lack of money and housework, which she takes entirely upon herself. But wanting to avoid scandals, Taurus will tolerate such a situation. There are other situations, freed from everyday duties, feeling a reliable rear, the husband achieves considerable success in his favorite professional field. Then the financial condition of the family will be quite satisfactory, and the marriage will be even stronger. In addition, Venus gave Taurus a sensual soul; the sexual component of the couple’s life is very intense.

Compatibility of Pisces with Virgo

Compatibility between Virgo woman and Pisces man is not among the best. They can be good friends or work colleagues, even run a business together. But the love between these people becomes a real test. A man lives by emotions, acts spontaneously. Earthly woman prefers to make plans, analyze the situation, she has high demands on herself and her partner. The wife constantly criticizes her husband for his carelessness, hurting him painfully subtle soul. This couple also has problems with sex. So it is better for such a couple to stay on friendship than to get married. Compatibility between Virgo woman and Pisces man breaks down very quickly.

Partnership between Pisces and Capricorn

These people do not want to conflict and change anything in life. Therefore, from the outside, the couple seems very stable and happy. But the compatibility of these partners is not that high. Capricorn is purposeful and ambitious. He is used to working and achieving everything in life through his labor. The Pisces man is a philosopher, a dreamer and rather passive. If a woman takes on most of the responsibilities and does not put pressure on her husband, the marriage can turn out quite successfully. A couple has an even greater chance of happiness when the man does what he loves and brings in a good income.

Air element compatibility

Air signs of the Zodiac:

  • Twins
  • Aquarius

The horoscope speaks of poor compatibility between the water and air elements. The man in such a couple will be guided by emotions, and the woman by intellect. Pisces will find the windy girl too frivolous and fickle. They are used to controlling the situation and their partner, but with the air element they cannot do this. Nevertheless, happy couples also occur in this combination. After all, love and compatibility in a happy marriage depends not only on astrology.

Pisces partnership with Gemini

Compatibility between Gemini woman and Pisces man is reduced to almost zero. Partners can start a short romance after meeting at a party. A girl is interested in chatting with a philosophical guy who knows a lot and at the same time knows how to listen well. Sometimes partners are quite compatible in bed. Geminis are always ready to experiment and learn something new in sex. But family relationships very difficult, secretive spouses, they have many secrets from each other, they prefer to spend their free time in different ways. Constant omissions and deceptions will destroy love and lead the marriage to divorce.

Pisces relationship with Libra

Compatibility between Libra woman and Pisces man is very contradictory. This union is complex and confusing; people in it can find happiness or become deeply unhappy. First of all, this applies to men. He may fall madly in love with the beautiful Libra girl and make a lot of efforts to win his princess. After this, he will be in the complete power of his partner. Libra is one of the few signs that can control the emotions of Pisces. A demanding wife will constantly make claims to her husband due to lack of ambition and inability to earn money. She knows that he will not cause a scandal, so she is not at all afraid of a formidable answer. Such a couple often lives together out of habit, since both do not like sudden changes in life.

Compatibility of Pisces with an Aquarius woman

Such pairs are rare in nature, since the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man wants to be the best. Relationships with each other are often established by creative people, between whom a strong spiritual kinship is felt. A man and a woman look closely at each other for a long time, their connection begins with intellectual communication. Only over time do they realize that they have many common interests. If an Aquarius girl sincerely falls in love with a representative of the water element, she will be able to dedicate to him most life, will be able to understand his inner world. A man intuitively perceives the complexity of his air companion’s thinking. Partners form a couple for life, or do not enter into a relationship at all.

Interaction with the water element

Water rules the following zodiac signs:

  • Scorpion

With whom are Pisces men compatible better than with representatives of their own? own element? Water signs find a common language among themselves best, which cannot be said about representatives of other elements. They feel each other at the subconscious and emotional level. If individually such people are a little passive, then in a pair they are capable of turning the world upside down and achieving considerable success.

Cooperation between Pisces and Cancer

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Pisces man is very high. Already at the moment of meeting, they know that they have finally met the soul mate they have been looking for for so long. Partners do not need to change or adapt; they immediately find mutual understanding. A woman feels more confident and protected next to a man. The representative of the stronger sex becomes responsible in such a couple and begins to play the role of “parent”. He begins to earn more and achieves considerable success in any type of activity. Spouses do many things together without arguing about responsibilities, and they rarely quarrel. They make wonderful mothers and fathers, and their children are completely happy with them. Cancer woman and Pisces man lose compatibility extremely rarely.

Compatibility of Pisces man with Scorpio

The compatibility of Pisces in marriage with Scorpio is excellent, perhaps the best in the entire horoscope. This combination has everything: love, passion, and strong support. A more active woman gently pushes a man to pursue a career and take a more active position in life. She understands her partner well, so she does it more softly than representatives of other elements. A man achieves much greater success with Scorpio than with any other sign. The family is not without quarrels and conflicts, but they are quickly resolved. The sexual side of life for this couple is simply excellent.

Partnership of two Pisces

Often representatives of two identical zodiac signs become competitors and conflict with each other. But this is not the case before you. A Pisces woman's compatibility with a Pisces man is simply excellent. For everyone, this is simply a perfect match made in heaven, two halves of one whole. Partners understand each other without words, at the level of intuition and subconscious. It may seem that this family has a lot of domestic and financial problems. But the spouses are not fixated on material well-being; peace in the home, feelings and emotions are more important to them. Often husband and wife are creative people who live a bohemian life, pursuing music, art, and spiritual development. A Pisces woman very rarely loses her compatibility with a Pisces man.


The eastern horoscope is important. People whose year of birth is Monkey, Dragon or Rat get along well with each other. Mutual language With fish, the best matches are Ox, Snake and Rooster. The creative Cat-Rabbit, Sheep-Goat and Pig-Boar can build good relationships among themselves and with Pisces. Worse with water sign Tiger, Horse and Dog contact.

With whom a Pisces man finds his compatibility in love depends on himself. Characterizing signs can only help avoid mistakes and smooth out conflicts. Real love able to overcome any difficulties. Therefore, you should not rely solely on the horoscope and astrological forecast.

Pisces men and women (February 19 – March 20) go through life saying, “I believe.” Water is their element, and they are ruled by the planet Neptune. People born under the sign of Pisces have a deep spiritual beginning. They see and feel more than others, they are able to perceive events not only on a material level; people of the Pisces zodiac sign see their causes and consequences. It's natural for them. They are mystics, following Neptune, they go into the world of the subconscious, intuition, and wander among hidden memories. It is not surprising that many of them are clairvoyants. Neptune gives this zodiac sign its own characteristics. This magical planet, and Pisces are magicians, this is a planet of fantasy, and they plunge into their secrets and illusions. Neptune's power manifests itself in the imagination, it bestows depth of understanding, supernatural abilities and creative talents. The energy of Neptune manifests itself softly, briefly and in the most mystical way. There is a dogma in astrology that Neptune connects a person with a higher mind.

The Pisces woman is an exceptionally sensual nature, and acts guided by compassion. People of this astrological sign are always ready to help those in need and do not expect anything in return. For the sake of their loved ones, these people can sacrifice both their ambitions and life goals. IN real world Pisces are extremely dependent on circumstances and other people's opinions. People around them see them as dreamers, lost somewhere in their worlds and not adapted to real life. But may God grant us all to learn to love like people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces!

Pisces woman love compatibility with other signs

Compatibility of a Pisces woman with an Aries man

Love compatibility with an Aries man can be described as a unique union, whose uniqueness lies in the fact that such marriages almost never arise. Man Aries is too busy with his own ego to notice spiritual subtlety girls Pisces, why she will suffer.

Compatibility of Pisces woman with Taurus man

This compatibility of signs suggests that the love and marriage union will be strong. But in terms of spirituality, it’s difficult; the earthly Taurus guy will often hurt a woman with his rudeness. She will have to heal her mental traumas in order to soon receive new ones.

Compatibility with a Gemini man

The union is quite difficult, and still more for women Fish. There is little in common between the spouses, it is difficult for them to understand each other, they are driven by different motives. The contradictions in this union are deep-seated. Being husband and wife is sheer torture for them. But there is a strong physical attraction between them, the Pisces woman strives for the Gemini man, and in order not to poison life, it is better for them to remain lovers.

Compatibility of Pisces with a Cancer man

They are very similar, these people of the element of Water. Between Pisces woman and the Cancer man and a very good emotional and sensual connection is established. In an intimate sense, partners are made for each other; they are truly halves of something whole. There is an understatement in the Pisces woman's relationship, but even this moment is attractive to these lovers of secrets.

Compatibility with a Leo man

This is a slightly strange love compatibility, where the strong Leo man allows the Pisces woman to manipulate him in some way. He really likes the weakness of the Pisces woman, and she often abuses this. It's not that he doesn't understand it, he just prefers to turn a blind eye to it. The union is strong and lasts a long time.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Virgo man

The most difficult union for a Virgo man, unsuccessful love compatibility. The Pisces girl is attracted to the Virgo guy, he can even pretend that he is sentimental and shares her views on life. But when life together The Pisces woman will soon come to mutual irritation.

Compatibility of Pisces with a Libra man

This marriage is possible, and occurs often, but from an astrological point of view, the union is bad. Even if they live for many years, strong and sincere love does not arise between them. The Pisces woman strives for a high ideal, and from her point of view, the Libra man is too simple and trivial.

Compatibility of Pisces women with Scorpio men

The Scorpio man has very strong dark energy. The Pisces woman attracts him with her mystery and amazing calm beauty. In addition, he feels that she is a weak victim. For a girl of the zodiac sign Pisces this is very bad horoscope compatibility. This union is dangerous for her; the Scorpio man will slowly suck out her vitality.

Compatibility of a Pisces girl with a Sagittarius man

Such horoscope compatibility will bring little joy and luck to the Pisces woman; this is a difficult and very rare union. Spouses exist in different dimensions, cheat on each other, and return to each other again. From such relationships woman Pisces suffers greatly; it seems to her that she cannot realize herself as a wife, as a housewife, although she strives for this. Her Sagittarius man is not ready to show her his love, and she looks for it in other men.

Compatibility of women according to the horoscope of Pisces with a Capricorn man

This marriage is clearly not for the Pisces woman. The union is difficult, and, being close, the spouses punish each other. The Pisces girl is offended by the earthiness of the Capricorn man; he does not understand her excessive sentimentality. They might break up, but they feel good in bed together, because intimately they are perfect for each other.

Compatibility of a woman according to the astrological sign of Pisces with a man Aquarius

This love union is born on a strong emotional outburst, and is based on very great love. As for intimate comfort, here the Pisces girl is still more of an injured party than a happy lover.

Compatibility of a Pisces woman with a Pisces man

Generally compatibility of signs quite good. I would say above average. However, in this union, boredom may appear and develop, constant expectation of something more, better, longing for missed opportunities. The Pisces man and Pisces woman forget that you can simply live and enjoy every day.

Pisces man - marriage compatibility horoscope

Compatibility of Pisces men with Aries women
It is unlikely that anything good will happen between a Pisces man and an Aries woman. All the time they are married, they will be haunted by troubles, they will inflict deserved and undeserved insults on each other. Emotionally they live on different planes, and it is difficult for them to hear each other.

Compatibility of a Pisces guy with a Taurus woman

A good compatibility horoscope, a cozy and lasting marriage. Representatives of these zodiac signs create such unions quite often. True, there is one subtle point. The fact is that the earthly Taurus girl does not always like the low love activity of the Pisces man. In this marriage, betrayal is likely.

Compatibility of Pisces with a Gemini woman

Unfavorable compatibility horoscope, and as a result, an unsuccessful marriage. and the Gemini woman can quickly get bored of each other. And in search of a way out of an unpleasant situation, they begin to look for other partners, because for both him and her the best option is a partner stronger than themselves.

Compatibility of Pisces men with Cancer women

This union is not rare. Two people of the element Water are attracted to each other, they want to be together. Surprisingly, the jealous Cancer girl trusts her partner, the Pisces guy. This marriage is a peace of mind for both; in their warm home they can hide from the harsh outside world and not think about anything.

Compatibility of Pisces with a Leo woman

This union is possible, but it is much less successful and less pleasant than the marriage of a Leo man and a Pisces woman. It’s all a matter of perception, because an energetic Leo woman, aware of her strength, wants to see her chosen one like that. But it was not there. The Pisces man continues to remain in his worlds, despite all the admonitions of his wife. In this marriage, Leo becomes the head of the family. This is quite in her spirit. But such a union arises and exists based on strong, deep feelings.

Compatibility with Virgo woman

This union can last for many years. The Virgo woman is a good housewife, she knows how to create home comfort and provide a warm and relaxed atmosphere family hearth, to which the Pisces man is drawn. They feel good and warm together. Even if a Pisces man gets carried away on the side, he will still return to his wife.

Compatibility with a Libra woman

Such love compatibility does not promise anything but communication difficulties. A Libra woman and a Pisces man are like two foreigners living under the same roof. The spouses do not understand each other, they live with different interests. At the beginning of marriage, a man of the Pisces sign makes attempts to establish contacts and build bridges, but soon stop searching for the truth. That’s how they live, everyone has their own interests, everyone pulls in their own direction.

Compatibility of a Pisces man with a Scorpio woman

A good marriage union, strong and reliable, successful love compatibility in the emotional and intimate area. And although the Pisces man and the Scorpio woman walk different paths, they still return to each other.

Compatibility of Pisces men with Sagittarius women

Such alliances, built on unsuccessful love compatibility, are rarely favorable. A Sagittarius girl can sincerely fall in love with a guy of the Pisces zodiac sign, but it is very difficult for them to live together.

Compatibility with a Capricorn woman

Such an alliance occurs often, but it is ineffective and unsuccessful. Outwardly, the marriage is respectable, friends and acquaintances set the Capricorn woman and Pisces man as an example to themselves and others. And only those closest to you know how things really are. There are many difficulties in this marriage, here people who are completely different from each other unite and take an oath to each other. But, if they try, men of the Pisces horoscope sign will be able to live quite peacefully.

Compatibility of Pisces man with Aquarius woman

Unsuccessful compatibility of signs, and a bad union. The Aquarius girl expects courageous actions from the Pisces man, but without waiting, as a rule, she rejects him, often in a rude manner and without caring about his state of mind. It must be borne in mind that for a Pisces man, losing those he loves is always extremely difficult.

Compatibility of Pisces with a Pisces woman

The spouses in this marriage are on the same page. They understand each other perfectly, and they have nothing to discover about each other. Therefore, marriage is fraught with boredom.

Pisces compatibility horoscope characterizes their relationship as a romantic and faithful union. For representatives of this sign, love is an inseparable part of happiness.

These fragile and emotional natures are looking for spiritual intimacy in a novel rather than physical harmony. In marriage, they are not always passionate, but usually extremely devoted and faithful to their partner, from whom they expect the same.

Pisces are able to revel in love, sincerely admire their partner and express feelings. But it's stupid to think that this will last forever. A representative of this sign never falls blindly in love, he does not forgive betrayal and betrayal, which can lead to a break in relationships.

Compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs

The perfect match fragile Pisces can be Cancer or Capricorn. Representatives of these signs are able to bring stability and faith in the future into his life. Pisces will be truly fascinated and admired by Cancer's noble and kind heart.

Passionate and energetic Sagittarius will not appeal to Pisces, who will be repulsed by the pressure of this fiery sign from the very first meeting. The union will also not be very strong dreamy Pisces with the other representatives of the element of fire - Leo and Aries, who are distinguished by a more selfish and aggressive character.

It will be unsuccessful with a representative of your sign, since both partners will be deprived of the desire to lead in the relationship and will be subject to constant influence from others.

Great union may take place between representatives of the signs Pisces and Taurus. This marriage promises to be romantic and tender on the one hand, strong and stable on the other.

A Pisces man never forgets anniversaries, birthdays or important events in the life of his partner. He will prepare a gift in advance and make a real holiday for his beloved. A representative of this sign can easily tell all the details of their first meeting.

Very often there are dreamer Pisces who invent an ideal romance for themselves and blindly believe in the reality of this illusion until disappointment opens their eyes, and then a breakup cannot be avoided.

Representatives of this sign are constantly deceived in love, they suffer from lies and betrayal. On Pisces compatibility relationships with a partner are influenced by their coldness and restraint, which instills in them after many failures on the personal front.

Can such a man be called sociable?

It's difficult to communicate with him

The Pisces woman loves a beautiful environment and comfort in the home, which, in their opinion, their partner will have to create. For this they are ready to admire and praise their lover. They usually choose a person with a strong-willed character as a partner, as they avoid the role of leader in a couple.

Unsteady and ever elusive, like his element - water, the zodiac sign of Pisces. Receptive, intuitive, dreamer, indecisive and questioning everything, but it is this mystery, wisdom and gentleness that attracts others. Their own understanding of their purpose in this life often pushes representatives of this sign to make great sacrifices in the name of others. Who are Pisces, so sacrificial and insecure, compatible with? Who is compatible with a Pisces who wants to live with the feeling of love, but their indecision does not give them the confidence to do so?

What signs are Pisces compatible with?

So, what signs are Pisces compatible with? Pisces can find their happiness with Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Virgo. You should not connect your life with such zodiac signs as Gemini and Libra.

Pisces - Virgo

Relationships that complement each other. This is a creative union, here the intuition of Pisces gives the Virgo a lot of mysterious and interesting material for creativity. This pair of idealists and mystics is a great option.

Pisces - Taurus

Complex relationships, a fusion of jealousy and passion. Taurus must show all his patience, since the changeable nature of Pisces and its mysteriousness can often be the reason for suspicion and reproaches of Pisces for infidelity.

Pisces - Cancer

A spiritual union on which everything else is built. It is precisely because of high spirituality that in order for the union to be strong, sacrifice, trust and mutual understanding are needed. Both signs are tuned to the same wavelength.

Pisces - Capricorn

Both signs get along well with each other. They are united by a craving for reliability, constancy and romanticism. Pisces are calm and comfortable with Capricorn, this gives them a feeling of security and confidence. In such an alliance, Capricorn takes the first, leading position, and Pisces submits, bringing gentleness, love and mutual understanding into the relationship.

Pisces - Scorpio

This couple has a lot in common: friends, habits, views, interests. Mutual feelings flare up instantly. In this union, the leader is Scorpio, who treats the fish as a student, being its spiritual mentor. Together they are able to overcome any obstacles and adversity. They cannot deceive each other, since both signs are insightful and intelligent.

Now it remains to find out whether fish and fish are compatible. So, what can you expect from a Pisces-Pisces union? Such unions occur quite often, as they are harmonious. However, it cannot be said that such relationships are always successful. There is no zest or spark in such unions. There is no leader here; Pisces have no one to rely on to feel protected and confident. Despite the mutual understanding of the partners, both will prefer not to engage in combat with life’s difficulties.