How a guy will like a virgin in the distance. The perfect place to meet

25.07.2019 Computers

Virgo men are very smart by nature. And in a life partner they want to see a similar quality. The future chosen one of such a guy should have high intelligence, showing it in any situation. Representatives of this sign appreciate prudence and a practical approach to life. However, if a young lady thinks about how to win a Virgo man, then she should not forget about the other components of an attractive image: beauty, neatness, charm.

Despite their sharp minds, these guys are often very emotional. It's good to know what can move them. But it’s easy to offend the representatives of this sign, because Virgos have a rather vulnerable soul. They like kind and sympathetic women who are not distinguished by ostentatious pomposity. But the evil young ladies, who are dismissive of everything, are unlikely to deserve the sympathy of such a guy.

How to attract the attention of a Virgo man?

Virgo men have a tendency to analyze everything, so when they meet a lady, they immediately try to determine future prospects. The first impression largely determines how the relationship will develop, and whether they will develop at all. A woman should show herself from the best side, demonstrating erudition and intelligence. But the behavior should be restrained, courteous, without trying to stand out from others.

No, representatives of this sign do not like "nerds". In an attempt to show the ability for practical analysis, one should not turn to tediousness. A sharp mind should arouse interest, and not cause a persistent desire to yawn. If a young lady has just such an intellect, then the Virgo guy will be able to like her, and he will definitely want to see her again.

During a conversation with such a man, it is better not to move on to philosophy or lofty topics. Representatives of this sign are more interested in practical issues. Virgo will prefer the company of a young lady who thinks about specific things, and does not hover in the clouds and her own fantasies. A discussion of high matters will quickly bore such a guy.

At the first meeting with a beautiful lady, such a man looks at the interlocutor for some time. He behaves quite reservedly, if not cautiously. Virgo thinks ahead. The guy needs to make sure that the woman is able to be a reliable support for her companion, that she can be relied upon, and she will not quit in a difficult situation. Only after that the man will decide to continue the acquaintance.

  • Virgos are not very fond of coquetry. And they themselves will not pay attention if they are brazenly flirting with them. Pretty young ladies who behave provocatively are unlikely to be of interest to a representative of this sign. Tricks, hints, meaningful glances, of course, will not fail, but it is better to present them in small doses so as not to make a man feel that he is communicating with a frivolous person.
  • Virgo cannot stand constant whims. He hates it when women constantly complain or make demands. The representative of this sign will simply avoid contact with the owner of such qualities. He is attracted to young ladies with a calm character and an optimistic outlook on life. With such a lady, Virgo will definitely want to communicate further.

However, it is better not to show a man all the positive qualities at once. Such an ideal image will frighten away the representative of this sign. The guy himself must gradually see all the advantages of a woman, personally convinced of their presence. The young lady should be a little restrained, not show off, not focus on how smart, good and capable she is. Trying to arouse the sympathy of the Virgin and arouse his interest, it is necessary to behave calmly, to remain at a certain distance from the man.

Virgo man and family

Such guys immediately assess whether the interlocutor will be a good wife. Mind and kindness are, of course, good, but you need to think about the prospects. If the young lady has such a goal as to please the Virgo man, then she needs to show that she is an excellent hostess and knows how to cook well. It is better to immediately surround the guy with care and attention. Indeed, in the house of a representative of this sign, there should always be cleanliness, comfort and a delicious dinner.

Such men are usually attached to their mothers. And Virgo wants her wife to be at least somewhat like his mother. A woman needs to unobtrusively find out the details about the parents of her chosen one, to understand what traits of her character will remind the betrothed of her mother. Needless to say, if the young lady set such tasks as captivating the Virgo man and marrying him to herself, then she will have to adjust a good relationship with your future mother-in-law?

A representative of this sign should often be praised, his merits should be noted, and his merits should be constantly emphasized. However, do not switch to flattery or sing praises. It is better to take into account the real actions of a man and his character traits, without exaggerating or inventing anything. If you do not praise your spouse, he may withdraw into himself, as he will think that he is indifferent to the chosen one.

Such a guy always wants to bring joy to his beloved, help in some business, or just cheer up. To win the heart of the Virgo, you need to encourage this desire, thank you for your attempts, even if they are unsuccessful. Then the man will understand that he is appreciated, all good deeds are noticed. And, accordingly, will continue to try, doing even more good deeds.

But a representative of this sign can be seriously offended by unreasonable criticism or an aggressive tone. Oddly enough, such men are very vulnerable at heart - an unfair attitude upsets them. And Virgo is able to hold a grudge for a long time. Especially if the insult is inflicted by a loved one. It is better to avoid words and actions that can offend a guy, solving all problems diplomatically.

To conquer the Virgo man, you need to surround him with attention. Literally stand out from the crowd. The representative of this sign likes to feel needed. His chosen one should show that the guy is the only one for her, inimitable and generally irreplaceable. Such behavior will not only reduce the likelihood of conflicts, but also significantly improve family relationships.

Despite the love of praise, such men are quite modest by nature. Even in terms of intimacy. Representatives of this sign feel a little insecure when it comes to sex. To fall in love with a Virgo guy, a young lady needs to behave as tactfully as possible, showing tenderness and attention. It is important for a man to feel that he suits his partner and justifies her expectations.

A woman should constantly remind her husband how wonderful he is. Then Virgo will gradually open up. The representative of this sign will want to achieve the ideal in order to please his chosen one. Over time, the guy will become a more liberated and passionate lover.

In everyday life, such men are characterized by a certain pedantry. They are annoyed by the mess in the house. A representative of this sign can be infuriated even by incorrectly folded things. He will literally rush around the rooms, collecting every speck of dust. If a young lady wants to fall in love with a Virgo man, then it is vital for her to be an excellent hostess.

Such a guy does not like confusion or lack of assembly, he appreciates a responsible attitude to everything. In particular, to the family budget. The representative of this sign prefers to buy only the necessary things, without spending extra money on any nonsense. It is better for a woman to immediately forget about squandering and shopping. But for the sake of a loved one, you can’t make such sacrifices.

The behavior of a Virgo man in love

Representatives of this sign do not particularly like to talk about their feelings. Guys like this are better at explaining practical things that are not related to high matters. Virgos have such a nature, romantic monologues and colorful epithets are not characteristic of them. The love of such men can only be judged by their actions. And specific actions largely depend on the character and zodiac sign of the chosen one.

  • Aries Woman:

The guy will constantly chat, try to maintain even a ridiculous conversation and ask a lot stupid questions. However, Virgo perfectly feels such young ladies, literally guessing all their thoughts.

  • Taurus Woman:

The man is as quiet as possible. Afraid to say too much. Although such ladies do not have a quick temper, Virgo prefers not to take risks.

  • Gemini Woman:

The guy will be wary. He is terribly afraid that the young lady will one day go to another. This will become the embodiment of the most terrible nightmares.

  • Cancer Woman:

Virgo will reconsider her wardrobe or even change her style in order to look better in the eyes of her chosen one. Such actions will immediately betray the feelings of the guy, since in a normal situation he treats clothes rather indifferently.

  • Leo Woman:

The way a Virgo man in love behaves in this case can be compared with the fear of the viewer after watching a horror movie. The guy is afraid of the chosen one. When meeting with a young lady, he panics, but he does not understand why.

  • Virgo Woman:

There are no surprises for the man here. He sees his reflection in the lady. At the same time, Virgo can learn a lot from the chosen one. However, such relationships also have a negative side - the guy will try to change in the character of the young lady what he could not fix in himself.

  • Libra Woman:

IN this case love is difficult to see even in behavior. Virgo just doesn't show her feelings. Perhaps he is frightened by the irresponsibility and frivolity of such a lady.

  • Scorpio Woman:

An ocean of passion, a storm of emotions, a sea of ​​love, which Virgo hides intensely. He will not give a look until he achieves the attention of the chosen one. And then all the feelings will be divided into two.

  • Sagittarius Woman:

Virgo will tolerate the bad temper of such a lady. The guy will calmly react to situations that would infuriate another person. What to do, they don't choose their loved ones.

  • Capricorn Woman:

Virgo will treat such a young lady with respect. A man likes many of the qualities of this lady, and he would love to learn something from her. However, the guy is unlikely to really change his character.

  • Aquarius Woman:

No specific behavior. Feelings are simply written on the face of the Virgin. And you don’t need to watch a man, everything is clear.
Filled with gifts and souvenirs. The guy will surprise the chosen one with all sorts of surprises in order to get her attention. Not out of a desire to bribe. It's just that Virgo wants to please the young lady, who cares about him.

However, it is not always possible to find out the date of birth of a woman. And how to understand that the Virgo man is in love if the zodiac sign of the adored young lady is unknown?

  • The man casts sincere and timid glances towards the lady.
  • The guy tries to cheer up the woman, constantly joking in her presence.
  • The maiden always treats the young lady she likes with sweets. Just like that, for her pleasure.
  • A man tries to help his chosen one in everything. Even in small things.
  • The guy moves more than usual. And it's noticeable.
  • Virgo draws attention to the spirits of the young lady. Feeling such a smell, a man immediately remembers his beloved.
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Virgo man, how to please and win his heart?

What kind of women do Virgo men like? Neat, clean and practical ladies who know how to rationally manage the household, create a cozy home environment, and cook deliciously win a lot in their eyes. Undoubtedly, the man of this sign will appreciate organization, reliability, kindness, readiness to constantly surround the future chosen one with attention and care.

It should be remembered that it is incredibly difficult to provoke such people to an external manifestation of emotions; to the fair sex, they may seem soulless, having a heart of stone. However, this is far from the case, you just need to be patient - if Virgo opens her soul to them, then not at all soon.

How does a Virgo man in love behave? It is difficult for Virgo to admit that he has finally fallen in love, even to himself, not to mention showing his feelings outwardly. Virgos have excellent acting skills, and any woman can be convinced of this. A man will skillfully pretend to be indifferent, behave with coolness. But when he makes the final choice, he determines for himself that it is you who should be with him - he will report this without dramatic confessions and romantic attributes. His love is an even, not blazing flame, but it will reliably warm you for many years.

How to win over men of other zodiac signs

A man born under the sign of Virgo, demanding of himself and women. He is humble, intelligent and rational. He is not inclined to make rash mistakes and act thoughtlessly. The man of this sign is distinguished by pedantry, suspicion and seems impregnable. Winning him is not so easy, because he is critical of every woman, subjecting her to analysis and suspecting insincerity. He takes everything seriously and gets to know new woman, sees her not as a lover for one night, but as a companion for life.

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What kind of women do Virgos like?

To -Virgo, one must avoid pretense. He does not like flirtatious women who use flirting to get attention. Just like an emotional, noisy girl who likes to sort things out in public. He is impressed by:

  • modest;
  • hard-working;
  • cleanliness;
  • responsible;
  • economic;
  • frugal girls.

He does not like to spend money, prefers to save and save. Someone will call him greedy, but he believes that he is just spending money wisely. If he notices windiness and commercialism behind the girl, this will scare him away. Although he himself belongs to the type who, between love and profit, will choose the second, putting profit in the first place.

The outwardly restrained and cold Virgo man is capable of strong earthly love and has earned the title of a monogamous man.

The ladies who repel him have the following character traits:

  • laziness;
  • irresponsibility;
  • vulgarity;
  • selfishness.

He does not like capricious, spoiled and impatient girls. You should not bet on sexuality and try to charm him in this way. After all, he is set up for a permanent and clean relationship, and a woman who flaunts her sexuality is unable to guarantee them to him.

What kind of women do Leo men like?

How to win and keep it?

To this sign, you must behave naturally and look modest. Use cosmetics sparingly and have a healthy look. He will definitely pay attention to this, because he cares about his own health and the health of future children.

A girl should be well-read and educated. You can not be persistent, pursue him and openly show your interest. She must prove that she is erudite enough and ready to support any conversation. He will test her, not hiding sarcasm, and question her opinion. If the girl does not flare up and calmly proves her case, she will be able to attract his attention and respect. When a woman interests him, he will show the qualities of a gallant gentleman and invite him on a date, where he will try to find out as much information about her as possible.

Among bachelors, representatives of this zodiac sign are often found. There are also lovers of women who do not dare to marry because of doubts about the correctness of the choice.

When he achieves a woman, he is persistent and does not hesitate to make convincing arguments in favor of their relationship. He talks about his income and plans for the future. He needs to make sure that she is a good housewife and loves children. If a girl has these qualities, then she has a chance to win his heart, and he will decide that she is suitable for a serious relationship. When he is married and comfortable in relationships and in his own home, the Virgo man will do everything to make his wife happy.

A Virgo man can often be found on dating sites, not because he is a womanizer, but because he thinks that he can get to know a girl better by correspondence. He is interested in such a pastime in which a person reveals himself through written communication. So he understands the girl’s way of thinking and her level of education more clearly.

How to Win a Capricorn Man

Zodiac signs

Fire Signs:

  1. 1. In order to win the Virgo man, the Aries girl needs to moderate her ardor and avoid harsh statements. Her active and slightly aggressive nature will scare away a timid guy who is waiting for a quiet refuge from a woman. With Aries, you will not be able to get the desired peace and constancy. She is emotional and will not hide her feelings. It is difficult for her to interest and keep him.
  2. 2. The Leo girl with her regal nature is easy for this sign, but it is difficult to maintain a relationship with him. She will seem to him too wasteful and requiring a lot of attention. The lioness will not be able to keep him if she constantly demands gifts and is capricious for any reason.
  3. 3. The Sagittarius girl is the worst option for representatives of this earthly zodiac sign. In their pair, there is a complete lack of mutual understanding and a different temperament. At first, Sagittarius will like Virgo with his honesty, but then the guy will understand that the frankness of Sagittarius borders on shamelessness. Even if the Sagittarius girl restrains her eccentricity and straightforwardness, she still won’t be able to keep him around.

Water Signs:

  1. 1. In order to fall in love with a man of this earth sign, a Cancer girl needs to show her caring attitude and ability to create comfort. She is by nature a good housewife and a loving, caring mother. Having visited her, he will see her feminine abilities to create comfortable atmosphere and doesn't want to part with it.
  2. 2. It is difficult for a Scorpio woman to win the heart of an impregnable guy. Her natural sexuality will become an obstacle to mutual understanding. He needs a calm relationship, and she needs passion and periodic shaking in the form of a scandal ending in reconciliation in bed. Virgo will not withstand such a heat of passion and will break off relations.
  3. 3. It is easy for a Pisces girl to attract the attention of this earthly guy. Appearing before him as a gentle creature with a sensitive psyche, she will conquer him with a meek disposition and the ability to guess his mood. Without thinking twice, he marries her, and they will live together for a long time.

Air signs:

  1. 1. It is easy for a Gemini girl to charm this earthly man. She is smart, erudite and sociable. She will immediately interest him, but some degree of doubt will still remain. Knowing her better, he will understand that she is frivolous and a little irresponsible, but if there is mutual love between them, he will come to terms with her shortcomings.
  2. 2. It is easy for an Aquarius girl to make friends with him, keep up a conversation and interest him in a non-standard outlook on life. But he will not be able to give her the romance and ease that she expects from a man. Virgo is a jealous owner, and the Aquarius girl has many friends of the opposite sex with whom he will not put up. If there is a sincere feeling between them, they will be able to be together for some time, but they will part before they think about marriage.
  3. 3. The Libra girl will interest the guy of this sign with her femininity and non-conflict. He will like her balanced character, and with his confidence he will help her get rid of various doubts and teach her to make the right choice. Both of these signs do not like to sort things out, and if the girl does not take money lightly and be capricious, she will keep him near her for a long time.

Earth signs:

  1. 1. In a girl of the same sign with him, he will feel a kindred spirit. She will attract him with natural modesty, responsibility and self-confidence. Having got to know her better, he will decide that he has found his soul mate, but having lived with the Virgo woman for several years, he will get bored of the monotony. They are so similar that they will lack vivid emotions and new experiences. If a girl sometimes surprises him, this will prolong their union.
  2. 2. It is easy for a Taurus girl to attract his attention. She is feminine by nature, and a man will immediately feel it. She does not need to pretend and seem better than she is. Her naturalness is the most attractive feature in the eyes of a guy of this sign. Having shown herself to be a good housewife and faithful friend, she will forever conquer his heart and mind.
  3. 3. The Capricorn girl does not need to do anything to interest the Virgo guy. It is enough to smile and show yourself real. They are made for each other and if a feeling is born between them, they will be together, no matter what. This perfect couple equally feeling and thinking people, with similar goals and desires.

How to Win a Sagittarius Man

Virgo in the eastern horoscope

  1. 1. There are two ways to attract a Virgo born in the year of the Rat: show your cunning and curiosity. He will like a girl who always achieves her goals, cunning, but honest. A person born in the year of the Rat tries to get things done, and a purposeful girl will make him a good match.
  2. 2. Virgo, born in the year of the Ox, will pay attention to a woman who enjoys doing housework. A homebody girl who has an interesting hobby, for which you don’t have to leave the house, will interest him for a long time. He does not like noisy gatherings and unfamiliar companies, and will be happy to spend home evenings with his wife and children.
  3. 3. Born in the year of the Tiger, a balanced, practical and prudent person. He will be interested in an ambitious and enriching girl. Emotional and willing to travel. With her support, the Virgo-Tiger will achieve whatever she wants.
  4. 4. To win the representative of this sign, born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), the girl must pay more attention to him, be affectionate and homely. Having created comfort and comfort for him, she will forever bind him to her.
  5. 5. Virgo-Dragon is very specific, businesslike and pedantic. He is lucky in life and is not afraid of anything. It is safe and interesting with him. He is dedicated and honest. A brave, cheerful girl who equally loves adventure and quiet home evenings can interest a guy of this type.
  6. 6. Virgo-Snake will be interested in a smart, charming and not flaunting her emotions lady. She should not command him and show her superiority. To keep him forever, you have to be his faithful companion and lover at the same time.
  7. 7. Such unusual combinations as inconstancy and predictability, emotionality and restraint, diligence and laziness will help the girl to keep the Virgin-Horse. Combining these qualities, a woman marries this workaholic and teaches him to have fun.
  8. 8. The representative of this earth sign, born in the year of the Goat, loves to teach everyone and find fault with trifles. To stay with him, a woman should not pay attention to his tediousness and agree with his opinion. It is better not to argue with him and not to go into conflict. He will appreciate it and love her even more if she meets his high moral requirements.
  9. 9. Virgo-Monkey is very touchy. To this type, you should avoid harsh statements and control your speech. He has a very good memory and will remember all grievances. In personal affairs and work, he gives all the best, and his beloved must adapt to his active rhythm of life.
  10. 10. The rooster does not need unnecessary emotions, but he loves attention. Admiring him, asking his opinion, it is easy to achieve the location of this intellectual gentleman. He is proud, independent and does not hesitate to criticize those around him. If a girl is not afraid of his nit-picking, she will become his life partner.
  11. 11. Virgo-Dog is hardworking, highly moral and executive. To please him, you must be modest, balanced and constantly busy. A woman with an even character, the ability to adapt and signs of a good housewife will be able to fall in love with herself and keep him. A man should know that this girl will be his faithful friend and like-minded person.
  12. 12. In order to interest and attract the attention of the Boar (Pig), a woman must be friendly, mobile and not afraid of hard work. Be able to create comfort in the house and cook well. Virgo-Boar - the most family sign. He cannot stand loneliness, it is difficult to adapt to everything new and does not like change. When he falls in love, he immediately becomes attached and does not want to part with his beloved for a minute. If a girl is not against a sticky husband, she should not push him away and avoid him, so as not to destroy the relationship.

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The topic of this article is “How to please a Virgo man?”
You met (or are just about to meet) a man you like and, having made inquiries about him, found out that he belongs to zodiac sign Virgo. What to do so that he not only pays attention to you, but also gets carried away, and maybe even marries you? I hasten to please - almost ANY woman can start building a serious relationship with a Virgo man. To do this, you just need to follow the simple rules of behavior next to him. And if with Aries or Leo you would have to “lie down with bones” in order to become their object of attention, then everything is much simpler here. Read and memorize.

First, a little about its characteristics. These men sacredly honor family traditions; for him, his mother is the highest authority. Therefore, he will inevitably “adjust” the woman next to him to her level.
The Virgo man loves money and everything connected with it - beautiful expensive things, furnishings, etc. And this is a good indicator for you, as he will always look for ways to increase his earnings. And find them.
He is a big neat man who does not tolerate any mess and loves cleanliness in everything - in the surrounding space, in relationships, in the body.
These men are characterized by prudence, including in choosing a life partner, so haste and haste are not their strong point.

Here's what professionals advise women who want to win the heart of a Virgo man

Neatness and neatness

You should always have this! And not only in yourself, but also in your environment. How to please a Virgo man from the first minutes? Start meeting him in places where everything is clean and there is no mess, otherwise he will not only be unable to concentrate elementarily (places where it is not tidy, dirty and a mess reigns, such a man wants to leave as soon as possible!), But he will also associate you with such place.
Your appearance should also meet this requirement. No flashy makeup and defiant outfit! As much naturalness and ease as possible. The Virgo man recognizes pretense and insincerity very quickly.
At the same time, you must look very stylish on the outside. In general, the appearance of Virgo is taken extremely seriously. Choose clothes of the best quality and wisely combine its color with everything else in your look. It is your clothes at first (and later) that will be the determining factor in meeting and further developing relationships. The Virgo man always “meets by clothes” women.


It is friendship, not love, that is a priority for men of this sign. Offer him your friendship and this will be the beginning of your serious relationship with him. Subconsciously, the Virgo man understands that over the years, love can fade away, but friendship remains forever. He wants to see next to him in the face of a woman a true friend who can support and understand him.


It has already been mentioned above that the Virgo man cannot endure any pretense and artificiality and senses a mile away. You need to find the "golden mean" to look simple, but very stylish. And do not be zealous with perfume! A Virgo man may think that you are trying to drown out some bad smell an abundance of spirits on yourself.

Tip: even if everything is going well with him, you are rapidly approaching the date of going to the registry office to secure legal marriage ties, in no case relax! It means your appearance. Never show yourself in his eyes in a worn dressing gown with curlers on your head, with the remnants of smeared cosmetics on your face and in tights with a hole! Even at home, not to mention in public places where you need to look perfect. Otherwise, his “sobering up” from love euphoria will be very fast. You must be ALWAYS well-groomed, stylish, attentive and caring. Even a few years after the wedding, by the way.

Don't criticize

These men are extremely sensitive to any criticism addressed to them. They especially do not like it when negative or (God forbid!) derisive comments about their work.

Take your time

How to please a Virgo man? Forget about the rush! Among the men of this sign, there are most bachelors. Do you know why? Because even assigning the role of the future wife to the woman they like, these men continue to scrupulously study the hidden character traits and habits of the future wife. They fear that in the future they will unexpectedly collide with them and this will harm them. psychological trauma. During this "scanning" from all sides, try to convince the man that for him the wisest decision of his life will be to offer you a hand and heart. So patience and more patience!

Praise more often

Here, as with any man (they are like children!) - the more you praise, the better. Praise more often and for absolutely everything! Only by all means sincerely and naturally, without flattery - remember that Virgo men are excellent psychologists and immediately feel insincerity.

Be as feminine as possible

That's what can instantly lead to a break in relations with such a man, so this is vulgarity in any manifestation! Foul language, vulgarity, vulgarity in behavior or clothing will immediately, finally and irrevocably put an end to your relationship. Virgo man also does not welcome bad habits (smoking, love of alcohol) (although here you can promise to get rid of them and do it).

Calmness and prudence

Virgo men appreciate these qualities in women no less than accuracy and cleanliness. Balanced behavior in any situation, when instead of "twitching" and tantrums, a woman calmly talks about the current situation, you will add a lot of extra "points" in his eyes.

Be frugal

The Virgo man appreciates a thrifty attitude towards money, despite his love for comfort and beautiful things. Do you like to waste money? Do not show it to him, litter away from his eyes.

How to please a Virgo man. Conclusion

Let's summarize the above

A woman who dreams of a Virgo man needs to be calm, balanced, reasonable, natural, reliable, disciplined, stylish, neat.
You must not allow disorder and chaos, negligence in everything (especially in appearance!), allow insincerity and deceit, be vulgar, swear, scatter money.

Observe these simple rules and the Virgo man will become your reliable companion for life! Look at your compatibility with him for a serious relationship. I wish you success! You will definitely succeed!

Now smile:

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If you met a pedantic and serious Virgo man and realized that they would like to live with this person for the rest of their lives, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this good-natured "Earth" sign. This man has his own classification of women. The Virgo man, first of all, honors simplicity, kindness and organization in a woman. In addition, next to him, this man sees a beautiful, well-groomed woman who has good taste and a sense of style. These men have the ability to notice such details and trifles that other men do not pay attention to at first sight. The Virgo man is very perceptive and sees through a woman. So if you pretend and try to seem different from what you are in real life, he will immediately figure you out and give you not the most place of honor in their classification. So be natural and sincere. Even if you have minor flaws that you tell him about, it will be better than you hide them. Virgo men are very loyal to women. They prefer to see you, albeit imperfect, but sincere, rather than ideal, but fake.

Virgo men can forgive their chosen one a lot, but this “much” should not go against life principles Dev. And their principles are as follows. The first principle is that Virgos do not forgive mess and slovenliness. These refined men always keep clean and tidy. They always have everything laid out on the shelves, both in life and in the house. Therefore, they do not tolerate sloppy and sloppy women. If you doubt your cleanliness, then you better not start serious relationship with this pedantic man. They will not lead you to anything good. After all, slovenliness infuriates the Virgin.

The second principle is that Virgos do not like it when someone interferes in their measured, time-planned life and brings chaos and fuss into it. Therefore, the Virgo Woman should imperceptibly merge into his life and go with him with the flow, without creating whirlpools and too violent unrest around her. If you consider yourself such a woman, if you have tolerance, diplomacy and restrained character, then you can safely go on a life voyage with such a man.

The third principle is that the Virgo man must keep everything under his control. In no case do not confuse his desire with authority and authoritarianism. He is simply afraid that something will go wrong, or that someone else will not do the job as well as he did. If you are ready to completely trust and rely on the Virgo man, then you can be sure that he will always think through everything to the smallest detail and you will never regret your choice. All his life he will do everything to make you feel happy next to him.

In addition to such decisiveness and desire to control everything, Virgo men are distinguished by their shyness and timidity. This typical representative will not be the first to show his interest in you. He never meets a woman just for fun, he is looking for the one with whom he will be together all his life. Therefore, this smart and reasonable person will first observe you and your reaction to him, will understand whether you are the woman he needs, and only after that will he show slight interest. But you still have to be the first to take the initiative and make contact with him. But when he sees that you are interested in him and he is not indifferent to you, Virgo will take control of the development of further relations. After all, this is a very sensual and emotional person who will reveal his true experiences only when he makes sure that you can be trusted. This can take a very long time. So be prepared for a long-term development of a serious relationship.

What else you need to know in order to further develop your relationship with Virgo is that these men, like children, are very touchy. It is very easy to offend them with their dismissive attitude towards things dear to him. Like children, they should always be praised and encouraged. Tell your “Earthly” man more often how smart, kind and economic he is. In return, he will try to be even better and more hardworking.

There is an opinion in society that opposites attract. But, just not such a case. He will fall in love with a woman who looks like himself. With the same life principles and outlook on life. For this person in the first place in family relationships there is mutual understanding and mutual respect between husband and wife. He needs a reliable, decent, clean woman with a calm character. If other men are attracted and inflamed by flirtatious, wayward and inaccessible women who have a passionate nature and hysterical character, then such women simply frighten and repel the Virgo man.

In intimate relationships, the Virgo man is very important to your opinion about his male power. Let him know that everything suits you in him, otherwise he will begin to doubt himself. But if he really sees delight in your eyes, then in return he will try to give you even more pleasure and not deceive your expectations.

Ten Commandments for Dealing with a Virgo

You must be:

  • well-groomed and beautiful;
  • neat and economic;
  • sincere and good-natured;
  • loving wife and mother;
  • devoted and reliable.

You are not allowed:

  • be provocative and flirtatious;
  • pay no attention to his work;
  • be sloppy and disorganized;
  • lead a wasteful lifestyle;
  • disturb the orderly order of his life.