Twice in the same river: how to return to your old relationship and make your husband fall in love with you again.

25.05.2018 Relationship

Perhaps every woman asks this question after several years family life. How to make your husband fall in love with you again...

Of course, it is logical that passion begins to fade over the years and is replaced by habit, gratitude and other feelings... But is it really impossible to return such a reverent feeling as infatuation and love?! Everything is possible, the main thing is that you need cunning and desire.

To begin with, you should remember why your partner fell in love with you, look at old photographs and videos with your participation, take note of how you dressed and what hobbies you had at that time. Naturally, you have already changed and become older, but maybe some of your past habits are worth returning or acquiring new and unexpected skills to get out of a series of gray everyday life and sparkle with new facets for your spouse.

If there has been a lull in your life or, on the contrary, a storm with a series of scandals, where you no longer hear each other, but only cause mutual irritation, think about why everything has changed so much, and at what moment was this first signal that something was happening? it goes wrong. After all, when a relationship collapses, both are always to blame; no matter what happens, you should not blame only your spouse for all the troubles. But you shouldn’t dig and gnaw at yourself from the inside that only you are to blame for everything that’s happening. Drive away from yourself all the thoughts that there is nothing that can be fixed and all you can do is accept this is not true at all. There are no situations from which you cannot find a way out, and only you can decide where this way out will lead you.

By and large, you already know how to make your husband fall in love with you. After all, you were once a mystery to him, and he couldn’t wait to solve you. So, maybe it’s worth starting all over again, but only with trump cards in stock, because after years you have studied your chosen one better and will not make the mistake that you could have made at first.

If you have weighed and analyzed everything and are mentally prepared for the battle for the heart of your only one, be prepared that not everything will go as you would like and you will not get the result in a day or week. You will not easy way, but if love is alive and you still have the strength to fight, you should take risks and use all opportunities and methods so as not to regret in the future about lost time and inaction. The main thing is to always remember that your family life is at stake, and what it can be depends on you.

You should not create illusions that happy families do not swear or get offended. This is not at all true, in happy families there are also conflicts and misunderstandings, but they know how to not only talk, but also listen, not to hush up an insult, but to share, so that there are no repetitions. Everyone has a chance to learn this if the goal is to have a happy and friendly family, where harmony and mutual understanding will reign. And you will want to return home in any weather, because in such houses it is always warm, sunny and cozy.

Today we will look at

Step one:

  • Change the system of your well-functioning life.

If, for example, you come home from work every evening and go straight to prepare dinner, then when you come home from work again, invite your husband to a restaurant or watch a movie together, and order food at home, or perhaps instead of a regular dinner you should have a romantic or throw a fun party. There are many options, use your imagination and act. Only you know how you can pleasantly surprise your spouse. Don’t be afraid if you don’t see delight in his eyes at that very moment, remember this is just the beginning and just a small first step towards restoring former feelings. Don't expect an immediate effect. Do not try to adapt to the picture of foreign TV series, where ideal woman always with makeup and heels. Of course, an ideal is good, but a man will never be able to relax next to such an ideal, and, as we know, no one likes to be in constant tension. Therefore, a robe that has long gone out of fashion may be worth throwing away, but replace it with something more attractive and cozy. Men like to return to that house where it is comfortable and cozy, and next to a lady who is always in heels and on parade is good at a party, but not at home on the sofa. At home, you want a delicious dinner, a warm family conversation over tea, and an affectionate and dear woman, and not a vamp from the cover of a magazine. Of course, self-development and improvement have never harmed anyone, and a stunning appearance will only be a plus. But you can show off this behind the walls of your home.

Step two:

  • Talk to your husband.

But not the way you are used to communicating about work and everyday problems. And openly on various topics, maybe not very significant ones. Remember how you used to share your innermost experiences, or perhaps simply discussed your mutual friends and acquaintances. It was so nice to just talk about general topics. The conversation should be structured in such a way that it would be interesting and fun for both of you. If you can’t yet find such a common topic, try something simple and watch some funny show or movie, discuss what you see there and laugh at the plot together. After all, as you know, everything starts small. And probably very soon it will not be difficult for you to find a common topic of conversation with your significant other that is not related to activities or everyday difficulties. Find a common hobby, and then you will definitely have a topic for discussion in any situation. If your husband already has such a hobby, ask more often what’s what, perhaps you will also be interested in it. Even if not, your husband will be extremely pleased with your interest in this topic. In your face he will begin to see a comrade-in-arms and like-minded person.

Step three:

  • If you want to be heard, speak up.

If your spouse does not give you gifts and does not understand why you are purchasing certain things, simply explain to him in a language he understands. Namely, don’t be offended that he didn’t bring flowers, don’t demand or hint. Do not beg for gifts, otherwise you will get the feeling that you only need money and gifts. Just explain how pleased you would be and how much joy it would bring you. Speak directly with explanations, for example: you want to receive flowers from your spouse, because for you this is a sign of attention and love on his part, which, albeit rare, is necessary for you and you, of course, remember all his gifts and really appreciate all of him manifestations of attention. Under no circumstances compare your man with someone else; this is like an injection of pride for anyone and will not bring you results. Men, as a rule, do not understand hints and need to be told everything directly, and in most cases, explained in detail down to the smallest detail. The thing is that men, by nature, think a little differently and perhaps don’t do something only because they don’t understand that it is important or simply necessary for a woman. Everything is much simpler and less emotional for them. Always thank for a gift and even for one daisy for the holiday. Many men do not give their women gifts because they do not hear or feel gratitude. Some begin to think that in this case flowers, for example, are not necessary, while others simply understand that their action was not appreciated, and therefore it is not worth repeating. Be grateful and elevate your beloved, even for small actions, and then there will be more of them. After all, looking at the counter with flowers, he will already imagine your smile and happy eyes. And your eulogies in his honor will be music to his ears and a big plus for his self-esteem. Men like to be in the company of those ladies who praise them; they immediately feel more significant, and therefore more confident in their abilities.

Step four:

  • Take care of yourself.

It's time to look at yourself from the outside with an open mind; perhaps you need to do physical exercise or go to the gym. It’s not necessary to lose weight, maybe you just need to add tone somewhere. Or take up the spiritual component, read a couple of books to broaden your horizons. If your figure is completely in order, but your outlook and inner content cannot be better, then you should reconsider your wardrobe and Special attention pay attention to underwear, it is worth diversifying, and perhaps experimenting in this direction. And your husband may well act as an expert while you try everything on. Or surprise him and surprise him. Although it has been proven by scientists that men are aroused by the color red, you should not get carried away with it, because there are exceptions everywhere, perhaps your betrothed does not like this color or it is not suitable for you. In any case, it’s worth experimenting because perhaps without noticing it, you stopped wearing dresses or skirts that your man always liked so much and began to dress more comfortably for work in jeans or trousers. Or maybe you haven’t worn heels for a long time, which look so attractive and sexy. In general, try different options and watch your husband’s reaction, what he likes and what he doesn’t. If you can’t update your wardrobe at the moment, you can always get your hair done or recolored. Change your image and surprise. The main thing is to remember everything well in moderation.

Step five:

  • Learn to listen and speak kind words.

Step six:

  • Add fuel to the flames of passion.

Of course, fatigue and everyday life do not contribute to a romantic atmosphere. But a high-quality and fulfilling sex life is very important in marriage. A close physical connection, as well as a spiritual one, brings people together. It is worth remembering once and for all in bed there can be no refusals or prohibitions. Whether you're tired or not in the mood doesn't matter if you want to be the only one. And the bedroom is far from the only place for love.
Otherwise, sooner or later, your spouse will not have enough of you, or is simply bored, and to prevent this from happening, you need to be as open friend for a friend in this matter. You shouldn’t be shy or think that you will be misunderstood; perhaps your partner simply doesn’t share his desires and fantasies with you because he doesn’t see any interest on your part. If there are no problems with your intimate life, but at the same time everything has become monotonous and mechanical, you should think about diversity. Perhaps you have desires that you have never expressed, or perhaps you should visit an adult store and decide to buy something interesting and unknown. In any case, no matter how good you are in the bedroom, there is always room for improvement. And if your chosen one has lost interest in you and got used to it, then you simply cannot do without variety. In any case, there are now many opportunities to learn and try something new and you shouldn’t deny yourself this. And you will see that experiments can bring not only amazing new sensations and emotions not only to your partner, but also to you.

Step seven:

  • Holidays for two.

Find time exclusively for each other. Go on a trip just the two of you, turn off your phones and just enjoy each other. It is not necessary to fly under the palm trees to the golden sand, you can always go even just outside the city with tents or visit some new and beautiful city. Remember how it all started for you, how great and fun you had alone. Tactfully convey to your beloved husband that you are ready and want your life together to sparkle with new colors. Perhaps he wants this too, but just doesn’t know how to do it and where to start. Tell him the way, and then it will become easier for both of you to move in the direction of your fabulous life full of love and harmony. And remember, if you have something to fight for and have a desire, then you can do everything, how to make your husband fall in love with you again, you know deep down in your soul. You've already succeeded once, so why not try again?!

Love takes on different forms over the years and the first euphoria of falling in love may not be returned, but there are always ways to revive passion from the ashes. And who knows, perhaps the new emotions will be much stronger than they were before and will last for many years. Trust your heart and make an effort to fulfill your desires.

Let's look at the problem from a different angle

Agree that in the first stages of your relationship, your husband tried to find an approach to you, gave huge bouquets, was ready for excellent deeds, pleased you with treats, was ready for active recreation, and so on. But in the end, his love quickly faded away and now he is already lying on the couch and grumbling about another problem. And how I would like again for him to show a lot of attention to you and make you happy. I really want to see those crazy actions like in my youth. But what to do in this case? You can't run to the grandmothers!

There are more than enough options to bring back old feelings. Every man by nature is a male who is accustomed to conquering a woman on his own, and not waiting for her to impose herself. In this case, we simply give him more opportunities to do this. We don’t call them about any trifles, so that they call us themselves and talk about their achievements, talk about the next negotiations and other matters that are important to them.

As expected, you can make your husband fall in love with you again using simple feminine tricks - feminine unpredictability and mystery. Men love a certain contrast, and in absolutely everything. Consider walking around the house in a robe on duty. One can walk around in a dirty and unironed robe with her hair combed and be with a happy husband, and the second with a perfectly well-groomed appearance, but at the same time she is alone. The whole point is that you need to change something, even in your own appearance. So that a man does not constantly get used to the same thing.

In order to make your husband fall in love with you again, you need to decide what role the wife plays in the family, more caring or more depraved, more prone to being a mistress. The ideal solution would be to combine both roles. Then your husband will be fabulously glad that home everything is fine - food, washing, cleaning, and in bed a hot mistress is waiting for him, who will fulfill almost all her husband’s desires.

Try to control your temperament as much as possible and avoid quarrels. The more favorable the climate in the family, the more happy the spouse is, and ultimately this will lead to idyll and understanding.

Try to pay attention to your husband's interests. For example, if your husband loves football or from time to time plays a couple of matches in his favorite tanks, try to be nearby and ask some questions. Men love it when someone pays attention to their interests. Believe me, this will definitely have a positive impact on family life.

Since the spouses spend a lot of time together, they get to know each other so well that there is nothing to surprise them with. This needs to be fixed. A strange trend has emerged: as soon as the honey-sweet period of marriage passes, the woman at home stops taking care of herself. This is simply justified: “let him love me for who I am.” This is true, but there is one “but” - a man loves with his eyes.

To rekindle the same sparkle in the eyes of your spouse, you need to always look good. And at home too. There is no need to give preference to old things as home clothes. Let it be a simple one, but a sundress, for example. No baggy clothes - let your spouse admire your charms that he got. Actually from the very beginning life together Introduce yourself a rule - look good at home. You don't have to be perfect when it comes to makeup. But clean hair, nails and teeth are the golden rule. Never let yourself go, no matter what happens. This heats up for a long time.

At the same time, do not forget that all your cosmetic procedures and other intimate matters should remain secret from the husband for as long as possible. To get him interested again, you need to look chic, but not show how exactly you do it. No masks in the evenings in front of your spouse - there is a bathroom for this, as well as for other feminine procedures. At least something should remain a mystery to a man. And save you from telling stories about childbirth (your own or someone else’s). Not every man likes such conversations. Keep these impressions to yourself. As well as about some operations or other medical interventions. The average man who is not a doctor does not like such stories.

Cook your husband his favorite foods, even if you hate them. At least a couple times a week. This will show how well you know him and appreciate his tastes. At the same time, do not forget that cooking should not take up all your free time. Don’t make a cult out of food, let it just become a pleasant addition to family life, nothing more. Try to surprise with your culinary creations, and not cook once and for the whole week. This is not only harmful to the stomach, but also gets boring quickly.

Try to surprise not only in the culinary field, but also in your intimate life. This is an important aspect. Perhaps even more important than all the others. To make your husband fall in love with you again, pay attention to your sex life. Try something new, diversify your time together in bed. And of course, do not refuse sex for various unreasonable reasons.

In the end, to make a starting point for a new stage of family life, you can change the environment. For example, if there are always children or other relatives at home who do not put you in the right sexual mood, then just rent a hotel room and arrange romance. The best option- go on vacation together. Even if it’s to the country house or to a campsite for the weekend. This will help not only relax, but also bring you closer together.

What not to do

Do not quarrel with your husband under any circumstances. During the time that you lived together, most likely, there were already a lot of quarrels. Keep them to a minimum. In many ways it depends on the woman. There are situations in which you can remain silent, laugh it off or ignore it altogether. This will also be a pleasant surprise for a husband who has done something wrong, who is subconsciously expecting a scandal and is already tuned in to it.

Even if everything in family life has not become too smooth, this is not a reason to take a step to the left. This applies to both sides. So that your husband is not even tempted to start an affair on the side, change your behavior. Be softer, more feminine, easier to communicate. Remember what you were like at the beginning of the relationship, how your spouse loved you. Try to regain that attitude towards life.

Never be offended without reason. And even if in your opinion there is a reason, don’t be offended either. At a time when you are trying to regain your former passion, it only ruins everything. If your interests do not coincide in some way, this is not a reason to be offendedly silent and sulk in corners. Just avoid conflicts on these topics. In the end, everyone has different tastes.

Don't blackmail your husband with sex or food. This will not bring anything new to the relationship except resentment and quarrels. Delicious lunch and dinner, clean clothes and bed, good sex, not through force - the key to strong family relations so that it doesn't happen in the house. The same applies to order in the house. It's straight woman's duty– maintain a family hearth, do not neglect your responsibilities, even if you are very tired at work.

To make your husband fall in love with you again, pay attention to him. You cannot change a family evening (even in front of the TV) for your interests. Even if you really want to chat with a friend, go somewhere alone or surf the Internet. Your husband needs your attention, even if it's silent, even if he doesn't say it. Just watch a movie together, lie on the couch, or play some interesting game that you both love.

Don't neglect the aspect of communication. Take an interest in your husband’s affairs, listen carefully to everything that is important to tell him. In turn, also talk about how your day went. But do not forget that dialogue is a conversation between two people, do not turn it into a monologue. Otherwise, firstly, your spouse will quickly get bored. Secondly, it will show that you are only interested in what is happening in your home. Third, it's just not polite.

Don't poke your husband into his shortcomings and bad habits. Most likely, he always had them, you saw them and took a man already like that, it’s difficult to change him. Don’t cause either yourself or him unnecessary problems with endless itching on the topic: “what kind of person are you?”, “why do you always do this and not that way” and others. If bad habits appeared during family life, then you are partly to blame for this. Then you can’t blame the man alone either. And there is no need to correct him with endless conversations about how he has deteriorated. Choose soft tactics - affection and care. This can move mountains, not to mention weaning your husband from smoking, for example, or throwing things around the room.

Never scold a man for doing what you do to yourself. For example, for having it in bed, if you yourself don’t mind having something tasty to eat in front of the TV from time to time. This will only lead to a new round of quarrels and resentments. And your goal is to make your husband fall in love. Act on the contrary - he likes to have dinner in bed after work - bring him dinner in bed. First of all, it will surprise him. Secondly, it will please you pleasantly. Thirdly, you will show care and attention. This will once again convince your man that your feelings for him have not cooled over the years, but have remained at the same level.

How to get your old passion back

If your husband openly told you that he is tired of family life with you, then find the strength to calmly and point by point discuss your mistakes with him. Treat criticism from him as calmly as possible. And then analyze for yourself whether you want to change and return the love of your spouse. If you have the desire and strength, then set a time period during which you will try to start everything from scratch.

First of all, work on the mistakes that your spouse doesn’t like. And then move on to others feminine tricks to make your husband fall in love again. For example, start giving him little surprises. It doesn't have to be something big. Let these be notes with words of love or with your memories. Where to hide them is up to you. But you still need to do this at home, and not in the pockets of his jacket or trousers. It is possible that at work this will only distract him or make him look uncomfortable in front of his colleagues.

Warm up his interest by sending SMS messages of an intimate nature. But only at a time when you know that he is really not very busy. For example, at lunchtime or in the evening, when he is already heading home. You can talk about what you want him to do to you. Flirt with your man. This will remind him of that very romantic period when your relationship was just in its infancy.

Invite your husband to romantic dinner. Let him be at home. It is important to remove all distracting elements away. This applies to animals, relatives and even children. The latter can be placed with grandma for one or two nights. Remind your husband of how passionate and amazing you can be. And to set your spouse in the right mood, you can use small tricks - perfumes with pheromones, dishes with aphrodisiacs, a sexy outfit. Not vulgar and vulgar, but with a hint of light eroticism.

Why do you need to start restoring relationships from bed? Because exactly what happens in her is most often an indicator for a man. Passionate and ardent sex is the key to feelings for the stronger sex. But lethargic and routine - a duty and nothing more. Don't let your most powerful weapon become commonplace.

And most importantly, don’t be overly persistent. Men don’t like this, in any form. If you receive a refusal for something (even a romantic dinner that you worked so hard to prepare), find the strength to accept it calmly. Perhaps the spouse is having troubles at work or had other plans initially. Just quickly reclassify a romantic dinner into an ordinary one, without any reproaches. Show concern and gently ask why the refusal was given.

Keep it in moderation. Not being too persistent does not mean that you need to be indifferent. This will once again convince the husband that the relationship has exhausted itself. Show interest, but not aggressive. And God forbid you from checking your spouse. Never and under no circumstances. Firstly, if he wants to hide something, he will hide it anyway. Secondly, value yourself and your choices. If your man is guilty of something, then he will find the strength (even over time) to admit it.

To bring back past passion into your relationship, remember more often what happened between you during your most vibrant period. How is this useful? Firstly, it refreshes your memory. Secondly, some nostalgia for earlier times sometimes pushes us to do interesting things. Both you and your spouse. Thirdly, it's just fun. And family life should not be a duty, it should also bring joy. Fourthly, this is a good topic for dialogue.

What to do to make your husband always love

Treat your man like a man! Don't try to control him in everything and keep him on a short leash. First of all, no one likes it. You yourself wouldn’t like it either. Secondly, no one likes henpecked people. You yourself want the Man next to you, with capital letters, and not a weak-willed creature.

Finance. Yes, yes, that same stumbling block for many families. If your spouse gives you all the money he earns, then be kind enough to ask his opinion on how best to spend it. At least draw up a rough spending plan for the current month.

Never lie. Even in such typically feminine things as the cost of a new acquisition. Either save, or have the courage to admit how much you spent. Don't lie about little things - it's low. And there’s nothing to say about major circumstances. If you have made a choice in favor of a particular man, then be honest with him.

Expand your horizons. Don't live in terms of just work and your home. Go out for a walk together. And this should not be a trip to the store or to run errands, but simply a walk together in the park, for example. If there is a dog in the house, then start a good family tradition of walking it together in the evening. Always and in any weather. This is another reason to spend time together, talk or even be silent. But together.

Create a family tradition! If it hasn’t started yet during our life together. And agree in advance to comply with it, no matter what. For example, spending weekends together in nature. Both good for your health and for your relationships. IN bad weather You can also spend your weekends in entertainment places - cafes, cinemas, theaters, museums and others. As long as your interests coincide here.

Find a common hobby. For example, sign up for a pool or fitness class together. If your man is not a big fan of such outdoor activities, then look for compromises. For example, video games. Find a common interest that will unite you once again. If your spouse likes to destroy monsters in his free time, you will learn too. It's more fun together, and there will be something to talk about later.

For your husband to always love you, you also love yourself. But just know when to stop. Very few people like narcissists. If your self-esteem is incredibly low, work on yourself. A man loves a woman who loves herself. Or at least skillfully disguises his complexes. Don't moan every day about something wrong with you. Perhaps your spouse does not notice this at all, but from constant mention he will begin to pay attention to your shortcomings. And in general, let me tell you frankly, no one likes people who are always dissatisfied.

Make it a habit to have physical contact with your spouse. For example, kiss him when he leaves for work and comes back from work. According to statistics, couples who kiss each other every day break up several times less often than those who neglect this ritual. The same goes for hugs. It costs nothing to hug your man one more time. For example, when he watches the news or reads. Yes, even when he's just sitting at the computer.

Never tell your friends or relatives about what your husband is like: in bed, in communication, at work. This is all of little concern to them. And in general, bring less of what is happening out of the house for public discussion. It's only yours and no one else's. Extra gossip and conversations only disturb the family. Make it a rule to either praise your spouse or not say anything about him at all, but to look for other topics.

And most importantly, love your husband! Men are not as callous as they seem at first glance. They perfectly feel everything that happens. And if you sincerely love him and try to be number one for him in life, he will see and appreciate it.

To make your husband fall in love with you again and for the rest of your life, you just need to love him. Always. Even when you are tired, you have no energy to talk or anything more. Just cuddle up to him, hug him and kiss him. This will be enough to show that you are still the same woman whom he fell in love with so much earlier. Be together in any circumstances, taking your man’s side and supporting him. This is also very valuable to him. Even if he's wrong. Be his support, appreciate and love him. This is enough for harmony in the family.

Tell your friends

In any marriage, moments of crisis occur that negatively affect the relationship between the spouses. Quarrels, misunderstandings, and the desire to change something often lead to people simply deciding to break up. But it’s easy to break everything off, but trying to save a family is somewhat more difficult. But still possible.

What to do

In order to save the family, the couple needs to remember the feelings that connected them at the very beginning of the relationship. A wife must know how to make her husband fall in love with her again, she simply must let him understand that the woman he already has is the best and the only one, and there is no need for another. To do this, you will have to complete a set of tasks without stopping at one thing.

When figuring out how to make your husband fall in love with you again, you should think about spending leisure time together. This is the only way a woman can make a man look at herself differently. Home life and responsibilities do not add romance to life. Thanks to them, the wife often appears before the man’s eyes in a robe, an apron, tired and often simply angry. But for relaxation, a woman preens herself, puts on her best clothes and puts on good makeup. Moreover, the common activity that the couple will do on vacation will also bring people closer together. You can go to the cinema or a cafe, but more in an interesting way spending family leisure time will become a new common hobby that both parties will enjoy. So, for example, you can fall in love with cycling, rollerblading, etc.


One way to ignite feelings is to look at your wife from the outside. And even everyday life can help a man with this. Only now you need to actively involve your spouse in household chores. And then the question of how to make your husband fall in love with you again will disappear by itself. After all, when a loved one sees with his own eyes how many seemingly unnoticeable things a woman does, he will understand that household chores are hard work. First, a feeling of understanding will arise, which will change over time and will qualitatively affect family life. You can immediately resolve the issue of managing the family budget. It is better if both partners do this, completely trusting each other in material matters.

Everyone knows that the way to any man's heart is through his stomach. So why not play on this and figure out how to make your husband fall in love with you again using cooking? You need to diversify your dishes as much as possible, without trying to just feed your husband something that can be prepared quickly. If you spend a little time and stand at the stove longer, doing something special, you can really surprise your chosen one and gradually change his attitude towards himself. In addition, it is worth actively using those products that work as aphrodisiacs. This way, the sex life in a couple will become richer and more interesting.


If you want to know how to make your husband fall in love with you again, you need to remember that you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment. Everyone knows that after a while spouses become so satisfied with each other in bed that sometimes they simply don’t want intimacy, because... and it is so clear what awaits ahead. If you take the time to read literature and watch various videos, you can try to surprise your partner in bed and renew the desire to make love much more often.

If the question of how to make your husband fall in love with you again is relevant, the only advice left is to communicate with each other as much as possible, telling even the most insignificant little things at first glance. Close communication, frequent contacts in the form of hugs and touches will do their job, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Have you been married for a long time and are wondering how to make your husband fall in love with you again? In the article you will find 10 tips that are easily applied in practice.

For young unmarried people, the topic of the article may seem strange...

Like, where is this good?!

If you didn't love each other, then why did you get married?

And if love has passed, then why stay together?

We divorced quickly and that’s it, no need to torment each other.

But such radical thoughts are only due to a lack of life experience and the fact that you imagine family life as a story from a love story.

Every part of your book ends with “and they lived happily ever after.”

Chapters " How to make your husband fall in love with you"Definitely not in this book.

But experienced women know that family life is a rather complicated thing and different things happen in marriage.

If people live together for many years, feelings become dull, passion fades, and there is no longer a need to be together all the time.

Ordinary women put up with this order of things.

The smart ones take action to reignite the flame.

How to make your husband fall in love with you if you can’t imagine life without him?

When I was little, I thought in the same stereotypes as other young girls today.

Like, love is eternal, marriage for love is for life, family happiness does not fade over the years, etc.

One day, quite by accident (honestly, honestly ☺) I overheard a conversation between my mother and a friend.

She complained about the coldness of her husband, about the presence of his mistress, described in vivid colors the nightmare of her marriage, but when my mother asked: “So what now - are you going to get a divorce?”, she exclaimed indignantly: “No, I won’t let him go, he is my life.” "

Then she cried and asked: “What should I do?”

My wise mother advised: “Make your husband fall in love with you again.”

This conversation seemed very strange to me.

I didn’t understand why a man who married his wife for love would now marry her, why a wife who knows he has a mistress doesn’t want to get a divorce.

But most of all, I didn’t understand how you could make your husband fall in love with you again; marriage is not old thing, which can be repaired.

And then I grew up and realized that in a marriage, especially one that lasts more than a dozen years, everything is possible.

The main thing is to love the person you live with, consider him your soulmate and see that he is ready to fall in love with you again, he just needs some kind of push.

7 reasons why you have to think about how to make your husband fall in love with you

Not all wives have to rack their brains after several years of married life. how to make your husband fall in love with you.

Wise spouses do not allow love and harmony to disappear in marriage and solve problems even at the stage of their appearance.

If you feel that your union is falling apart at the seams, that your husband has become distant and no longer loves you, then you have made one of the most common female mistakes:

  1. Too focused on family matters, children or career.
  2. Stopped paying attention to my husband.
  3. No longer worry about his problems, troubles, experiences and affairs.
  4. They stopped taking care of their appearance.
  5. They have changed in character and behavior for the worse.
  6. We began to spend more and more time outside the home.
  7. Rarely agree to intimate intimacy, citing fatigue, and do not want to diversify your sex life.

Of course, there are many more women’s mistakes that lead to problems in the family than I mentioned.

All people are individual, all marriages are individual, and the reason why you want your husband to fall in love with you may be completely different.

The main thing is that you understand what the essence of the problem is and begin to solve it.

It is impossible to make your husband fall in love with you while being scary and unkempt!

Yes, this one beautiful girl with a slender figure, sparkling eyes, in fashionable clothes - that’s you.

Now take a break from the photographs and take a good look at yourself in the mirror.

No, don't look away in fear.

This unkempt woman with folds of fat, a double chin, an unkempt nest on her head and other “charms” is you too.

It is this kind of spouse who sees you every day and not only sees you, but compares you with the one he fell in love with earlier.

As you understand, the comparison is not in your favor.

To make your husband fall in love with you again, you must tidy up your appearance:

  • start visiting beauty salons regularly;
  • buy several new dresses and beautiful lingerie;
  • throw away all torn, greasy robes from the house;
  • start using decorative cosmetics and seductive perfumes.

It is much easier for a beauty to make her husband fall in love with her than for an unkempt ugly woman.

If you change your appearance for the better, your spouse will look at you with completely different eyes and realize what a treasure is next to him.

Other women will pale in comparison to his faithful, close, caring, beautiful wife.

If you are simply perfect in appearance and throughout all the years of marriage you have never stopped polishing your beauty, then it is not a matter of appearance, but of your behavior or character.

To make your husband fall in love with you, try to act more flexible and wiser:

  1. Bring romance into your life:
    • dine by candlelight;
    • go on romantic walks;
    • go out of town for the weekend without children and friends;
    • write love notes to your husband;
    • give small gifts, etc.
  2. Remind him how good you had in bed.

    Show yourself as a passionate lover, experiment with new positions and role-playing games, don’t hide from your husband how much you want him.

    Give your husband compliments, praise every action he has done.

    Men love it.

  3. Surround him with care and attention so that he thinks: “Who else will take such good care of me?”
  4. Learn to cook his favorite dishes deliciously.

    Yes, exactly the way my mother cooked. ☺

  5. Make your spouse jealous, but keep it in moderation, because few men forgive.
  6. Stop nagging your significant other over various little things.

    Wait until you manage to make him fall in love with you again.

    Just kidding, of course, you shouldn’t nag your husbands in principle.

  7. Create a cozy nest at home so that he wants to return there.
  8. Stop whining, frowning and complaining.
    Be cheerful, carefree and cheerful.

    Become a queen, not a servant.

    Queens have no difficulty making anyone fall in love with them.

To make your husband fall in love with you again,

Watch this video with tips that will definitely help you:

You can only make a husband fall in love with you who is ready to fall in love...

Even if you adore your spouse and cannot imagine life without him, remember that not every husband can fall in love with you.

It’s one thing if the smoldering flame just needs to be fanned, but quite another if the coals have cooled down a long time ago.

In this case, it is very difficult to restore family harmony and revive old feelings.

You should not try to make your husband fall in love with you again if he:

  • hates you and says so directly;
  • does not want physical or spiritual intimacy with you;
  • treats you badly: shouts, terrorizes, hits;
  • has been living with another woman for a long time and is absolutely happy with her;
  • insists on divorce, despite all your attempts.

In this case, you should not think about how to make your husband fall in love with you, but about ways to heal wounds and try your luck in personal life with another man.

In the end, the light did not fall like a wedge on your precious spouse.

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How to make your husband fall in love with you - leave your husband alone

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How to make your husband fall in love with you - hug

Just start hugging your man. You don’t need a reason to once again remind your husband of your feelings. Start having a heart-to-heart talk. Talk to him about your feelings, doubts, fears. Ask his opinion about your family life. Speak frankly and constantly touch your husband, stroke him, hug him. Brew some tea, sit in the kitchen and talk from the heart.

To make your husband fall in love with you again, you need to change inside and out. Change your worldview, your image. This work on yourself will bring only good results and will help save your family.