Summary of a modern plot-based role-playing game. Summary of the organization of the role-playing game “Concert”

04.09.2019 Computers

Organization: Kindergarten No. 80 in Chelyabinsk

Locality: Chelyabinsk

Program content

Target: formation in children of cognitive interest in the profession of doctor (doctor), nurse, patient, interest in gaming activities, collective, productive, creative, cognitive and research.



1. To form an idea of ​​the integrity of the picture of the world and broaden one’s horizons;

2. Enrich children’s understanding of the medical profession;

3. Continue to develop self-care skills.


1. To develop children’s attention and integrity of perception and to enrich children’s ideas about professions.

2. To develop in children the ability to take on a playing role (doctor, patient).

3. Encourage children to play out the plot of the familiar game “Hospital”, using familiar medical instruments (toys).

4. Promote the emergence of role-playing dialogue.


1. Foster respect for the work of adults.

2. Develop a caring attitude towards your health, the ability to show sensitivity and care towards a sick person.

Direction: personality-oriented.

Equipment: doctor costume, hospital play set, dolls.

Methods and techniques:

· excursion to the medical office;

· observations;

· reading the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky;

· examination of medical gaming instruments;

· educational conversations;

· productive activity.

Situational conversation

Speech situation

Game (story with rules)

Relevance: To the question: “Who is a doctor?, What is a hospital?” - the children answer in monosyllables, “it hurts.” Kids still have virtually no idea “What is work?” “What do they do at work?”, not to mention understanding the name of the specialty and job responsibilities. Therefore, it is very important to introduce children to the profession of a doctor or nurse, to talk about the characteristic qualities that this or that profession requires, to broaden children’s horizons about the work of adults, to apply the acquired knowledge in role-playing games, life situations, which contributes to their connection with society.

Operating principles: integration of educational areas - social-communicative, speech, motor, cognitive.

Practical significance: To strengthen family ties, talk with your child at home about the profession of doctor, nurse, patient.

Planned results: have an idea of ​​the profession of doctor, nurse and their parents, know the subjects of assistants, and are oriented in the social world. Show more independence in various types activities. Know and understand the rules of conduct in public places Oh.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Guys, do you know who your mom and dad work?

Children's answers.

Tasya’s mother works as a doctor! (the teacher explains that a doctor is also called a doctor).

Educator: What does a doctor do?

Children's answers.

Today we will play the game “Hospital”. Look, a doctor came to visit us today. Let's say hello to him together, to do this we need to stand in a circle. (We all stand in a circle, the doctor calls the name of each child in turn and says “Hello name”)

Doctor: Guys, do you know what the word “Hello” means?

“Hello” is when we wish each other health.

Why do you think we need health?

Children's answers.

Doctor: What a great fellow you are, we can’t live without health, we will get sick and won’t be able to play, walk, or communicate with friends.

How can you protect your health?

Children's answers.

Doctor: Indeed, you need to eat healthy food, exercise, etc. And if a person still gets sick, what should he do?

Children's answers.

Doctor: Of course, he needs to go to the hospital and see a doctor.


If someone is not well,

They call ..... (doctors).

Wait, baby, don't cry!

Prescribed medicine... (doctor).

Doctor: Let’s have a physical minute with you

The sun came out from behind a cloud,

We will stretch our arms to the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)

Hands to the sides then

We'll spread wider. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

We've finished warming up.

Rested your legs and backs.

Educator: Who will be our doctor today? (they chose a boy) What about a doctor’s assistant, a nurse? (they chose a girl) And the rest of the kids will be patients. Today we have a medical examination at the hospital.

The guys take their places. The doctor and nurse sit at the table, the patients on chairs. The doctor sits down on a chair.

Educator: Don’t forget, the hospital should be quiet, don’t make noise, don’t interfere with the doctor treating sick children. The dialogue between the doctor and the patient is structured as follows:

D.: Hello, what is your name?

B.: Says hello, says his name.

D.: What hurts you?

B.: He says that he is in pain.

The nurse records and assists the doctor.

Next, the doctor begins the examination. The patient thanks the doctor, says goodbye, and leaves. The next patient comes in. Game continues. After 2-3 patients, it is proposed to change the role of the doctor. (The teacher helps and participates in the game).


Educator: Well done, guys, we did an examination, everyone is healthy, the nurse prescribed vitamins! Did you like the game? What did we play today?

Children: to the hospital

Educator: Correct!

Always attentive, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves -

He is the happiest of all.

The guys took part in the game very actively and friendly. After cooperative game With the teacher, the children play a game with dolls.


1. Bozhovich L.I. "Personality and its formation in childhood" M.: Pedagogy, 2000

2. Vygotsky L.S. “Game and its role in the mental development of a child // Questions of psychology, 1961 - No. 2- p. 62-76

3. Zvorygina E.V., First story games kids. M: Enlightenment. 1988

4. Zvorygina E.V., Komarova N. “Pedagogical conditions for the formation of SYURI // preschool education. 1989 No. 5 p. 31-40

5. Elkonin D.V. “Psychology of the game. 2nd edition. – M.: VLADOS, 1999

Dina Marakova
Summary of role-playing games

" Cafe "

for older children (5-6 years).

This plot summary-role play is aimed at expanding children’s understanding of the work of adults, familiarizing them with the rules of cultural behavior.

Subject: Role-playing game"Cafe ".

Target: expand children’s understanding of the work of cafe workers; continue to introduce the rules of behavior in public places

Tasks:1. Develop in children the ability to independently develop game plot"Cafe"; promote independent creation and implementation of game plans;

2. Learn to perform game actions in accordance with the general game plan;

3. Strengthen the ability to independently select and correctly use the attributes of the game.

4. Form proper relationships between children in the team. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.

Material: signs with inscriptions: "cafe administrator", "waiter" (2 pieces, "cashier"; uniform for waiters (apron and cap) and a security guard (dark T-shirt with the inscription "security" and cap); tablecloths for tables; distributions; folders-menus with pictures; module "kitchen"; cash register; plastic models of cakes, buns, pies, fruits, berries, ice cream, vegetables, etc.; toy tableware and kitchen utensils; paper and textile napkins; small vases with flowers for table decoration; toy phones; apron caps for the cook; wallets; bags; money and checks; pens and notepads for writing down orders; broom, dustpan, mop, cloths for cleaning tables and floors; cleaning robe; radio tape recorder

Progress of the game:


Guys, recently I was in a cafe with my family. We really liked it there. Today I invite you to play in a cafe.

Where will we place the cafe?

What should we call our cafe? (Children's answers)

We will have tables here.

To make the cafe cozy, we’ll put tablecloths and napkins on the tables and put vases of flowers on them.

First, let's assign roles to who will work in the cafe.

There are waiters in the cafe, they serve the menu, take orders, serve, and wish you a bon appetit. At the end of the visit, the waiter asks the visitors to pay for their order. Clears the dishes from the table.

Who wants to be a waiter (we put on an apron and cap, attach a sign-badge).

Guys, who cooks the food in the cafe? (Cook) We choose a cook and put on an apron and cap for him.

Where does the chef cook? (In the kitchen) We determine the place where the kitchen will be located.

A cashier works at the checkout - he receives money from visitors and issues checks. We choose a cashier.

After visitors leave, the cleaning lady washes the floors, because it is very important that the cafe is always clean. Who wants to take on this role? Appropriate equipment is issued (robe, bucket, broom, floor cloths, mop)

A security guard keeps order in the cafe. Who will be the guard? (We wear a T-shirt with the inscription “security” and a cap)

Who comes to the cafe? (Visitors). The rest of the guys will be visitors to the cafe.

I will take on the role of a cafe administrator - I will greet visitors, escort them to tables and make sure that guests are comfortable (I am attaching a sign “Cafe Administrator”).

Now we have assigned the roles, now choose the attributes you need and let's start the game.

In a cafe you can chat, tell a friend interesting story, listen to music, but do not forget about how to behave in public places.

At the end of the game we conduct an analysis.

What did we play?

What is the name of our cafe?

Who met us?

How did the guys cope with their roles?

Did you like this game?

Plot summary- role-playing game according to the rules traffic children "Travel by Bus"

Subject: plot-wise- role-playing game on traffic rules senior group "Travel by Bus".

Target: skill building safe behavior on road.


1. - systematize existing knowledge and skills of behavior on the road;

2. -promote the use of practical road behavior skills in play activities;

3. -promote the development of correct behavior on the roads;

4. -encourage the creative initiative of children in play activities who have different features, abilities and interests;

5. -use of problematic situations during the game;

6. -use complicating tasks for the development of children;

7. -nurture friendly relationships between children during play activities.

Methods and techniques:

1. Verbal – story, explanations, approval, instructions.

2. Game - used plot, a game.

3. Practical – demonstration, implementation.

Attributes for the game:

Letter, tickets, conductor's bag, "money", steering wheel, driver's cap, bus chairs,

Preliminary work:

1. -cycles of lessons from the series "Road Safety";

2. -observation of road traffic, traffic lights, transport;

3. -examination of road signs;

4. -telling riddles about transport;

5. - didactic games "Guess what sign this is", "Prohibited-allowed";

6. -inventing stories and fairy tales according to traffic rules.

Move role-playing game "Travel by Bus".

Educator: Guys, who is knocking on our door? Now I'll go and have a look.

The teacher returns with an envelope.

Educator: Uncle Styopa sent us this letter. That's what he is writes:

“Dear guys, hello! I drove past yours yesterday kindergarten and saw you playing on the transport site. I really hope that you know the rules of the road well, and therefore I invite you to visit me to tell you about them again. I'm looking forward to seeing you. Your uncle Styopa."

Educator: Well, guys, shall we go to visit Uncle Styopa?

Children: Yes!

Educator: And what will we go to him with? Guess riddle:

The house goes down the street

Everyone is lucky to get to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, it's a bus. And we will go on it to Uncle Styopa. Let's build a bus out of chairs.

Children are building a bus.

The teacher gives individual tasks for children according to bus design(some build from chairs, and two children draw diagrams of a bus).

Educator: Let's choose a driver and conductor (children choose a driver and conductor)

What else do you need to travel by bus?

That's right, you need money to buy tickets. Uncle Styopa took care of this and sent us money for a ticket along with the letter. A ticket costs ten rubles, take as much as you need for a ticket.

Children take "coins" for a ticket.

Educator: The bus is ready, we have money for a ticket, then let’s go, take your seats on the bus.

The children get on the bus, the driver takes his place at the wheel.

Conductor: Please prepare money for travel.

The conductor issues tickets to passengers.

Educator: And to make our ride fun, let’s sing a song.

Songs “We are going, going, going to distant lands”, "Blue carriage".

The bus stops.

Conductor: Stop "Flower City".

Dunno enters and sits down (individual task for a child capable of improvisation).

Conductor: Dunno, you need to take a ticket.

Dunno: Which ticket? Oh, I'll take the ticket now.

He pulls out a slingshot, bolts, nuts, pieces of paper from his pockets, finally

Dunno: I don't have enough for a ticket. And I really need to see Uncle Styopa, he will teach me the rules of cycling.

Conductor: Well, answer our questions and you can go.

Educator: (asks Dunno questions about the rules of behavior in transport)

How to behave correctly on a bus or minibus?

To whom should you give up your seat in transport?

Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving?

How should you get out of transport?

Dunno does not always answer correctly, the children help him.

Driver: I had a problem, I punctured the wheel with a nail, now I need to change it. Who will help me?

(The task becomes more difficult: children should help think through options, ways to replace the wheel, we listen to their suggestions).

Children help the driver change a tire using a game.

A game "Assemble the wheel"

(children in teams make a wheel from parts, choosing those that are suitable in structure).

Driver: Well, that's all, you can move on.

The bus stops.

A highway patrolman enters (individual task for a child).

Addresses the driver and passengers.

Police officer: Today there is an action on the roads of our city “Do you know the rules of the road?” And you will be its participants. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Police officer: Let's begin then.

A policeman gives children tasks on traffic rules.

1. What regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians? (traffic light)

Let's get off the bus and play an outdoor game "Traffic light"

(Children stand at a red light, raise their index finger at a yellow light right hand up, on green - they move quickly.)

2. And if the light is green for cars, what does this mean for them and pedestrians?

3. What do you call people who walk, drive cars, and clean up the road?

Police officer: Well, well done, you guys! They completed my tasks quickly. Now I don’t dare detain you any longer, good luck!

Finally the children arrive at their stop and are met by Uncle Styopa (the role is played by a child). He is very happy to have guests and wants to have fun with them.

The teacher offers to dance and play.

Children dance to cheerful music.

The teacher reads a poem:

Buses, trolleybuses, cars and trams

They run and run through the streets, overtaking each other.

A traffic controller is a traffic light, like a conductor in an orchestra,

He will indicate who to go and who to stand still.

A collision can be avoided and a collision can also be avoided -

Our traffic light will help at the intersections of all roads.

I am friends with traffic lights, I am attentive,

I don’t go to red lights, I wait for green lights!

Educator: Now let’s go for a walk and play outdoor games "Colored Cars", "Traffic light", "The Winding Path".

Summary of the role-playing game"Polyclinic" in the older group.

Target: Expand children’s understanding of the professions of a doctor and nurse. Instill in children a sense of gratitude towards a person for his work.

Tasks: To consolidate knowledge of social relations, training in behavioral skills in the clinic.

Develop game dialogue, game interaction.

Activate and expand your vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: Complain, phonendoscope, spatula, registry, registrar.

Preliminary work: Reading a fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "Aibolit"; conversation about the work of a doctor, nurse; role-playing game"Hospital".

Material and equipment: 1. Cloth: 3 robes, 3 hats (for children) ;

2. Medical instruments: syringes, phonendoscope, vials, spatula, cotton wool, thermometer, bandage.

3. Documentation: Medical cards for everyone "sick". Each child patient wears badges with geometric shapes.

Progress of the game:

Children sit in a group on chairs.

“Guys, today we will play interesting game"Polyclinic". How many of you have been to the clinic? Let's remember what we saw there? (doctor, nurse, giving an injection)

Who can tell me why people come to the clinic? When do they arrive? (when they are sick in order to be cured) .

We come to the clinic and say that it hurts, but what is it called? (complain). That's right, doctor asks: “What are you complaining about?”

Guys, when we come to the clinic, do we immediately go to the doctor? (no, you need to take a medical card first). That's right, for this we go to the registry. There is a nurse registrar sitting there who asks for your last name, first name, home address, and only then will she give you your medical card. The receptionist also answers phone calls, because someone can call a doctor at home. Then we take turns going into the doctor’s office with the medical card.

Let's take a look at the doctor's tools. This instrument is a phonendoscope. What does the doctor do with this instrument? (listens). What is he listening to? (back, heart, lungs). Right.

And this is a spatula (showing). What are they doing? (look at throat) .

And this is a neurological hammer. (showing). What does the doctor do to them? (knocks on knee). That's right, this is how the doctor checks the patient's reflexes.

Now we will look at the nurse's tools. Do you know them all?

Children looking at tools: thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, bandage, vitamins; They name what they are for and how to use them.

“Well, now I will show you the instrument. And you will tell me what it is called, what they do with it and who needs it for work.

Before we start our game, we need to assign roles. How many of you want to be a doctor? What about a nurse? What about a medical registrar? The doctor for the first time will be the one who is most responsible among you. You and I have a real clinic.”

Choice of roles. The children take their places.

"Let's start the reception"

Children take turns going to the registration desk, giving their last name, first name, and address. The child medical receptionist issues cards. (the same ones are drawn on the cards geometric figures, as on the badges of child patients). Then the children take turns going to the doctor.

Child doctor: “Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?"

Sick child: "I have a sore throat".

Doctor: “Let’s take a look at you. Open your mouth, say "ah-ah". I'll look at you with a spatula, don't be alarmed. Yes, the neck is red. Go to the nurse. She will take your temperature and give you medicine.”

So, in turn, the children go to the doctor, then to the nurse. The game continues until the last child patient.

Summing up the game:

1. Did you like the game?

2. Did the children like the doctor? Nurse? Medical registrar? (yes or no, why) .

3. Did the child like being in the role of a doctor, nurse, medical receptionist and patient?

“Guys, you came to the clinic sad and sick. And now Vrai has healed you and you have become healthy and cheerful. Mischievous, just as they were before the illness”...

Children are given vitamins.

Summary of role-playing game"Salon" in the senior group of kindergarten it can be used by teachers in preschool institutions.

Notes on managing a role-playing game"Salon" in the senior group of kindergarten

1. Objectives:

Develop interest and introduce different professions in the service sector.

Clarify the rules of behavior in the hairdressing salon.

Develop the ability to independently assign roles.

Contribute to the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the implementation of game actions.

Form friendly relationships between children in the game.

Foster a culture of communication in the game.

Expand your vocabulary children: "hairdresser", "manicurist", "a haircut", "laying", "drying", "client", "hairstyle".

2. Preparing for the game:

Date Making attributes Enrichment with impressions Teaching game techniques

March - Collection of perfume bottles and bottles.

Collection of elastic bands, ribbons, hair clips.

Making a sign “Barbershop” "Charm".

Conversation with children about the work of a hairdresser.

Looking at illustrations "hairstyle", "nail decor".

Reading a poem by Razumova L. "Hairdresser" Help in the distribution of roles during the game.

Learn how to do hairstyles (braid hair, tie bows).

Select attributes for the game together with your children.

Help children understand the nature of character interactions through questions and advice.

3. Long-term game preparation plan "Salon":

Subjects Roles Attributes Game actions Speech figures

dickish "Charm"

Haircut and styling halls (women's,

men's and children's rooms, animal grooming room)

salon Hairdresser


Client Apron, cap, cape for the client, scissors, comb, bottles of hairspray, shampoos, gels, hair dryer, curlers, elastic bands, hair clips, hair ribbons, towel.

Apron, cap, manicure set (file, scissors, bottles of nail polish, bath.

Cash register, paper banknotes.

Paper banknotes. She washes her hair, does her hair, cuts her hair, does her hair, blow-dries it, talks with the client, writes a check.

Does a manicure, talks with a client, writes a check.

Accepts money from the client and checks, gives change, talks with the client.

Sitting on a chair, talking with hairdresser employees

sky, paying

gets to work. What kind of haircut do you want?

I would advise you...

you to do short haircut or leave it longer?

Should you keep your nails long or cut them?

I would advise you...

Which varnish do you choose?

Please take the change.

Did you like it with us?

Come again. We will be glad to see you.

I would like (la) get a haircut, manicure.

Please do my hair for the holiday.

Thanks, I like it very much.

4. Progress of the game.

1) Techniques for creating interest in the game. There's a knock on the door. The doll Masha comes to visit the children. She meets all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her braid has come loose and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several halls: a haircut and styling room, a manicure salon, they employ good masters, and they will quickly put Masha’s hair in order.

2) Conspiracy to play. We decide on a place with the children "Barbershop" in the group, we put a mirror, a work table and a chair for the client, a work table for manicure and a chair for the client, as well as a table and chair for the cashier, and lay out the attributes for the game. Distributing roles among children using a simple counting rhyme (child does).

3) Techniques for teaching game actions. The teacher temporarily takes on the role of a hairdresser and shows the doll Masha how to braid her hair and secure it with rubber bands. Doll Masha remains very pleased, she likes it new hairstyle. Then the children take jobs according to the chosen roles. Clients come to the hairdresser (children and dolls). The barbershop workers do their hair, wash their hair, blow-dry it, cut it, do a manicure; issue a coupon for a certain amount for payment; talk with the client and give advice. During the game, children learn about the responsibilities of a hairdresser - cutting hair, styling hair, manicure.

4) Techniques for maintaining and developing the game.

At the request of children, you can open women's, men's and children's haircutting rooms, as well as a pet grooming room.

To do this, additional attributes are added (mirrors, scissors, combs, tables and chairs, etc.).

The teacher explains what the masters of each hall will do. New clients appear - pets (Stuffed Toys).

Children independently and at will distribute roles among themselves (hairdressers of the women's, men's, children's room, pet grooming room, manicurist, cashier). Clients can be both children and toys (dolls, soft toys). The game resumes with the same interest.

5) Techniques for forming relationships in the game. The teacher reminds that in the game you need to be polite to each other, right (friendly) behave in public place, be attentive to customers. He helps children understand the nature of character interactions through questions and advice. The teacher encourages initiative and a creative approach to play.

5. End of the game.

Children share their impressions. At the end of the game, the children tell how they played, what beautiful and neat hairstyles they turned out to have, and what they liked most about the game. Children are invited, if they wish, to look at the magazines and books offered to them about hairstyles and nail decor.

6. Game evaluation.

The children happily joined in the game. During the game, they treated each other politely and friendly, and were fair in the distribution of roles. We tried to carefully fulfill the roles we took on. We learned how to use hairdressing tools in the game. Thus, playing role-playing game"Salon", children's ideas about the profession of hairdresser have expanded.


Topic: "Zoo"

Age: middle group.

Program content:

Educational goal:introduce children to wild animals and their habits.

Developmental: develop curiosity, promote the development of children's creative potential in coming up with a game plot, thereby developing interest in enriching the game plot, attracting more children into the game, encourage them to take on the role.

Educational: to form friendly relationships in the group, promote team unity and play “together”, cultivate love for all living things.

Game development tasks:

Develop the ability to change role behavior in accordance with different

roles of partners; outline the playing role and designate it for partners in

game deployment process; act independently in accordance with the game plan, the ability to select a place, select toys, attributes, combine several game actions into one plot; develop the plot based on the acquired knowledge.

Objectives of moral education:

rules, distribute roles without conflict, be friendly


Techniques: viewing videos about the zoo, telling a story with illustrations, talking, creating an object-based gaming environment, introducing game material, indirectly guiding the game, showing actions on how to behave in a zoo.

Equipment: toys: monkey, tigers, elephants.

Vocabulary work:zoo, aviary, veterinarian.

Roles: zoo visitors, monkey, guide.

Main storylines:

Children's choice of activities: looking at animals, role-playing dialogues with a monkey, feeding animals, performing the baby elephant dance.

Preliminary work:

Watching videos with children about the zoo, about caring for animals, about communicating with them. Shows illustrations, reads stories about animals, talks with children.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Guys, we came to the zoo. It's morning and all the animals are getting ready for breakfast. Let's see what they eat? (approaches the enclosure with the monkey). Who is this? This is a monkey. Monkey, what do you like to eat?

Monkey: I love bananas. I’ll climb a banana tree and pick ripe bananas.

Teacher: monkey, please give the guys a treat.

Monkey: One - two - three - catch!!!

Educator: What delicious bananas. Thank you monkey, you have a good lunch.

Children ask questions to the monkey and engage in role-playing dialogues with it.

Educator: And now we come to the enclosure where the tigers live. This is a whole family: father tiger, mother tigress and their cub.

The teacher encourages the children to talk about their impressions of tigers and gives an example of dialogue with them. Children can ask tigers how they live, what they eat; take a closer look at them.

Children can talk with the teacher about how elephants live, what they can do, why they have a trunk, and others.

The teacher invites the children to dance the baby elephant dance. Children "depict big ears"(press their palms with spread fingers to their ears and dance awkwardly).

1. Objectives: educational; on the formation of the plot of the game (bus, space).

2. Development of imagination, observation, imitation, use of knowledge, skills and abilities of children:

    educational: mastering the norms and rules of behavior in a team, following the rules according to the plot of the game;

    labor: children’s actions during the game and in preparation for the game;

    use of artistic expression and artistic activity;

    speech development and vocabulary activation.

3. Methodological techniques for managing the game.

Participation of the teacher with younger groups children, instructions, reminders, conversations with children, individual work with inactive children.

    Preparing material for this game.

5. Preparing the teacher for this game:

    study of methodological literature;

    drawing up a game plan, notes;

    preparation of attributes by children with parents.

Preliminary work with children, preparation for the game in order to present the game.

6. Children's activities in the game.

Distribution by game groups. List of rules for each game.

7. Progress of the game.

8. Result of the game. Assessment of behavior based on the plot, children's interest in continuing the game.

“Recommendations for preparing role-playing games and complicating their plots”

Using surprise moments (receipt of a letter, parcel, telegram, arrival and meeting of a guest, etc.) in order to maintain children’s interest in the game.

Sending a letter, a parcel with a message, with a request.

Reading books on the topic of the game, discussing the plot, the actions of the characters.

Conducting a tour on the topic of the game.

Observation of the work of adults in the child’s immediate environment (doctor, nurse, cook, seamstress, etc.).

Conducting conversations about various professions, accompanied by viewing pictures of relevant illustrations.

Introduction of a new role into an already familiar game, clarification of responsibilities.

Assisting children in organizing a play environment.

Playing together with children.

Introducing new attributes, clarifying their meaning and application options.

Setting problem game tasks.

Visiting another group, watching a similar game, discussing it.

The teacher's story about the games of another group.

Instructing children to talk with their parents about the topic of the game (why this or that profession is interesting), after which the children share with each other what they have learned.

Instructing parents to visit the theater, zoo, shops, etc. with their children; exchange impressions.

Children compose stories on the topics “How we played”, “How we can play even more interestingly”, “How we helped each other”, etc.

Compiling stories based on plot-shaped toys.

Compiling an album with children on the theme of the game.

Discussion with children about the plan for role-playing games.

Discussion of the progress and results of the game (goal: to help children understand their actions and actions in the role-playing game).

The use of facial studies and elements of psycho-gymnastics.

Involving children in the production and design of game attributes.

“Structure of a synopsis-script for a role-playing game with older preschoolers”

1. Theme of the game.

2. Purpose of the game.

3. Game objectives (approximate):

Make the game interesting and attractive for preschoolers by taking into account the gaming interests and preferences of children.

Develop plotting skills.

Develop the ability to assign roles and act according to them.

Develop the ability to enter an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it, to create the necessary buildings.

Cultivate friendly relationships between children.

Develop cognitive mental processes (imagination, memory, thinking, speech and attention) and children's creativity.

4. Play equipment.

5. Progress of the game:

Organizing time (looking at the picture, building the desired model from chairs, building materials and distribution of roles).

Development of the game's plot (where, why, what we do for this, role-playing actions of children, etc.)

6. Summing up the game (conducted by the teacher).

Did you like the game? Do you think we all coped with our roles? Did everyone follow the rules? How can our game continue? What other characters (roles) can you and I come up with for the game? What new did you learn today?

Summary of the role-playing game "Policlinic"


Expand children's understanding of the professions of a doctor and nurse.


Develop game dialogue, game interaction. Activate and expand your vocabulary. Instill in children a sense of gratitude towards a person for his work.

Strengthen knowledge of social relationships, training in behavioral skills in the clinic.

Develop the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use medical instruments during the game and name them.


Excursion to the nurse's office, reading art. literature, examination of plot illustrations.


Didactic manual "Miracle Tree" ; life-size puppet; children's hats and gowns; game set "Doctor" : thermometer, syringe, bandage, cotton wool, pipette, phonendoscope.

Progress of the game:

Org. Moment: Children enter the group. There is a tree against the wall on which bright bags with colored bows hang.

And at our gates

The miracle tree is growing.

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle


Not the leaves on it,

And the bags on it,

And the bags on it,

Like apples!

Educator: Look, guys, here it is, what a miracle tree! Let's see what grew on it. Let's get it and find out. There's a lot of something there. Sit on the carpet in a circle.

The teacher removes the bags from the branch and gives them to each child. The teacher opens his bag, in the bag...


Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a doctor, now let's see what's in your bags?

Children take medical supplies out of the bags, examine them and name them.

This is a phonendoscope. What does the doctor do with this instrument? (listens). What is he listening to? (heart, lungs). Right.

And this is a spatula. What are they doing? (look at throat).

And this is a neurological hammer. What does the doctor do to them? (knocks on knee). That's right, this is how the doctor checks the patient's reflexes.

Children examine the tools: thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, bandage, vitamins, gloves. They name what they are for and how to use them.

Who are these tools for? Where do people of these professions work? (in the clinic).

Today I invite you to play an interesting game - "Polyclinic" . How many of you have been to the clinic? Who can tell me why people come to the clinic? When do they arrive? (when they are sick in order to be cured).

We come to the clinic and say that it hurts, but what is it called? (complain). That's right, the doctor asks: “What are you complaining about?”

Guys, when we come to the clinic, do we immediately go to the doctor? (no, you need to take a medical card first). That's right, for this we go to the registry. There is a nurse registrar sitting there who asks for your last name, first name, home address, and only then will she give you your medical card. The receptionist also answers phone calls, because someone can call a doctor at home. Then we take turns going into the doctor’s office with the medical card.

Educator: Guys, hear, someone is crying in our corner. Oh, but this is a Masha doll. Let's find out what happened to Masha?

Our doll is sick.

I didn't even eat in the morning.

He barely opens his eyes,

Doesn't laugh, doesn't play.

She's silent all day long

Even "Mother" doesn't scream.

Educator: Let's ask Masha what hurts her, where does it hurt?

The doll shows: it hurts here.

Educator: What hurts Masha?

Children: Head.

The doll shows, and the teacher offers to name what else hurts the doll. Children realize that their throat hurts.

The doll complains: it even hurts to swallow!

Educator: We need to do something urgently. How can I help Masha? How can I help you?

I came up with an idea. Now I will put on a white coat and treat her. I am a doctor. This is where I have my office. There are medicines, thermometers, syringes for injections, and bandages here.

Educator: How will we treat Masha?

Children begin to suggest: measure the temperature, give medicine, etc. The teacher listens to everyone.

Educator: Well done, everyone wants to help! Let's start. Help me.

Hello, sick! Come in, sit down! What hurts you...head, throat?

Educator: Now I’ll take a phonendoscope and listen to you. The lungs are clean. Let's look at the neck, open your mouth wider, tell me "ah-ah-ah" . We also need to measure her temperature - we’ll put a thermometer on her. Our doll has a sore throat. Let's give her some pills and spray her neck.

Suddenly the doll came to life again,

Now she is healthy!

Can blink its eyes.

Leaning over, calling my mother.

Educator: Masha, in order not to get sick, you must do exercises in the morning.

Phys. just a minute

Do you all do exercises in the morning? Let's do it together.

The sun looked into the crib,

One two three four five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

(Children make the movements mentioned in the poem,

repeating the words after the teacher.)

Educator: And now I will have lunch. Another doctor will take my place. The doctor for the first time will be the one who is most responsible among you. Tanya, put on a white cap and robe - you are now a doctor, you will examine patients and prescribe medications. Angelina will be a nurse, she will treat patients: give injections, give pills, take temperatures. Who will be the nurse at the reception, the pharmacist? Those who didn't get the role will be patients.

Choice of roles. The children take their places.

"Let's start the reception"

Children take turns coming up to the registration desk, giving their last name, first name, and address. The child medical receptionist issues cards. Then the children take turns going to the doctor.

Child doctor: “Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?"

Sick child: "I have a sore throat" .

Doctor: “Let's take a look at you. Open your mouth, say "ah-ah-ah" . I'll look at you with a spatula, don't be alarmed. Yes, the neck is red. Go to the nurse. She will take your temperature and give you medicine.”

So, in turn, the children go to the doctor, then to the nurse. The game continues until the last child patient.

Summing up the game:

  1. Did you like the game?
  2. Did the children like the doctor? Nurse? Medical registrar? (yes or no, why).
  3. Did the child like being in the role of a doctor, nurse, medical receptionist and patient?

“Guys, you came to the clinic sad and sick. And now the doctor has treated you and you have become healthy and cheerful. Mischievous, just as they were before the illness.”

ICT Video. Song of Leopold the Cat “It’s so nice not to be sick” .