Thematic role-playing game transport ambulance. Pedagogical principles for organizing story-based games in kindergarten

05.08.2019 beauty

Lesson notes on role-playing game in senior group"Hospital"

Yagafarova Ruzanna

Program content:

Give a basic idea of ​​the profession of a doctor, nurse, and the culture of behavior "being treated" V hospital.

Teach children to invent and depict various actions in a game situation.

Strengthen the ability to independently select and correctly use the attributes of the game, use substitute items;

Develop the ability to work in a team and willingness to help.

Instill a feeling of gratitude towards a person for his work.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursion to the medical office of the kindergarten;

2. Stories and conversations about the professions of medical workers;

3. Examination of illustrations on the topic " Hospital";

4. Reading fiction literature: K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Telephone".

Equipment: Robe and cap for doctor and honey. sisters, role badges required attributes: cotton wool, an injection, prescriptions for medicines, etc., coupons to the doctor, a notebook and pen for notes, a purse for mom, a steering wheel for the ambulance driver.

Methods and techniques:

1. Artistic word;

3. Clarifications, polls, games.

Progress of the game

Guys, today we will play with you, but to find out what exactly, you need to guess riddle:

We are suffering from a cold again,

We call him at home.

He will give us sick leave.

Who is he as a specialist?

Children: Doctor.

Yes, that's right, this is a doctor, or as he is also called a doctor. Tell me, where does the doctor work?

D: IN hospital.

Let's play a game and find out who else, besides the doctor, works in hospital?

D: Yes

To begin with, let's distribute the roles of who will work with whom in hospital. (To avoid quarrels and insults, you can use counting rhymes)

Mom and son, ambulance driver, receptionist, doctor, nurse, the rest of the guys will be patients. Children doctors wear gowns and caps. The child registrar takes a notebook and pen to take notes. The driver sits on a chair and simulates driving a car. Patients by appointment wait in line and lie in the wards.

Game Zone: Home, ambulance, reception, doctor's office and honey. sisters.

Educator: I will be the manager hospitals, monitor how doctors work and how patients are treated.

Game plot:

Ambulance comes home to his mother and son.

Mother: My child is sick, he has heat and my throat hurts. (Any other reason)

Ambulance: transports patients hospital.

Other patients go to the reception desk and take coupons, lie in the wards, and call an ambulance.

Doctor: listens, looks at the throat, asks what hurts, makes a diagnosis, prescribes medicine, gives injections.

Honey. sister: lays out medicine, brings and distributes it sick, sets thermometers, brings lunches to the ward.

Game summary:

Guys, what game did we play?

Who were you today?

Did you enjoy playing?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the manual for the role-playing game “Hospital” Plot- role-playing game“Hospital” 1. Management tasks: - to arouse interest in the profession of a doctor and nurse; - educate sensitive and attentive.

Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” in the second junior group Goal: to develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again.

Summary of the role-playing game "Hospital" preparatory group Goal: to update children’s knowledge about medical professions. Objectives: To provide an opportunity to put into practice your knowledge about the activities of a surgeon.

Program content: teach children to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use medical aids during play.

Summary of the plot-based role-playing game of the first junior group “Hospital” Objectives: 1. To develop in children the ability to take on a playing role (doctor’s assistant, patient). 2. Encourage children to act out the plot of a friend.

Lesson notes for the integrative area “Communication”. Teaching storytelling in the role-playing game “Toy Store” Summary of a lesson in the integrative area “Communication” in a mixed-age group. Teaching storytelling: role-playing game “Toy Store.”

Summary of the lesson on the role-playing game “Journey to a Fairy Tale” Goal: to establish an emotionally positive contact with children and arouse interest in joint activities with adults; Objectives: develop.

Role-playing game “Ambulance. Clinic. Hospital"

Organizational work:

  • K Chukovsky "Aibolit"

  • Zh Karbozin “Doctor”

  • In Mayakovsky “Who to be?”

  • B Zhitkov “Help is coming”

  • M Alimbayev “Who heals?”

  • Prepare recipes, cards, attribute sets

  • Make “tablets” and other assortments for the pharmacy
Conversations with children

  • Let's talk about the profession of doctor (doctor), nurse, patient, etc.

  • Conversation based on illustrations about medical specialists
Didactic games

  • "Who's doing what"

  • "Who needs what for work"

  • Drawing "Ambulance"

  • Getting to know your surroundings. Looking at the painting “Hospital”
Working with parents

  • Sew gowns and caps for doctors

Technological map of the role-playing game “Ambulance. Clinic. Hospital"


To develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. Display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of medicine. Foster respect for the work of medical workers, establish rules of conduct in in public places.



Teacher's actions

Children's activities

Arrival at the clinic, registration;

Appointment with a doctor;

Prescribing medication;

Calling an ambulance;

Hospitalization, placement in a ward;

Treatment instructions;


Visiting the sick.

Doctors' gowns and caps; patient cards; recipes;

directions; stadiometer, screen, ophthalmologist's table, couch, bathroom scales), medicines; telephone; computer; stretcher.

Toy doctor's suitcase: tray, scissors, plaster, plaster splint, bottle for pills, capsules, syringe, phonendoscope, ophthalmologist's glasses, neurologist's hammer, apparatus for measuring lung volume, etc.)

Toy "Ambulance"

In the role of chief physician, recruits medical workers, organizes work, monitors the quality of work of medical staff, talks with patients; calls and orders a new batch of drugs for the hospital, clinic

The patient makes an appointment with the doctor, comes to the appointment with complaints, asks to prescribe treatment, and thanks.

The doctor conducts an appointment, listens, looks at the throat; measures blood pressure and writes a prescription.

An ophthalmologist sees a patient, checks vision, prescribes treatment, gives advice, and issues a sick leave certificate.

The nurse carries out the doctor's orders, gives injections, puts cups, mustard plasters, gives injections, vaccinations, inhalations, warming up.

A nurse cleans a medical office (washes the floor, wipes dust)

The registrar fills out the patient’s card and gives a coupon.

The driver delivers medicines and equipment, travels with the doctor on call in an ambulance

Role-playing game "Television"
Organizational work:

Reading fiction

  • K. Chukovsky “Telephone”,

  • B Zhitkov “How light travels through wires.”

  • M Alimbayev “What a strange country”
Productive activities

  • Programming your favorite TV shows

  • Making a “cracker”, symbols of various programs

  • Production of animated pictures

  • Learning songs, poems
Conversations with children

  • About the funds mass media, about the role of television in people's lives.

  • “What is television for”, “Favorite TV shows”, “What can replace a TV”
Didactic games

  • "Correspondent"

  • "Make a cartoon"

  • "Speaker"
Organized learning activities

  • Familiarization with the surrounding “Household Appliances”

  • Excursion to the room where electronic equipment is located.
Working with parents

  • Take part in the selection of paraphernalia,

  • Watching children's TV shows with your children and talking about their benefits, purpose, and varieties

Technological map of the role-playing game “Television”


To consolidate the role actions of television workers, to show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of each person’s work. To consolidate children’s ideas about the media and the role of television in people’s lives.



Teacher's actions

Children's activities

Program selection, program preparation by editors;

Writing texts for news and other programs;

Preparation of presenters and spectators;

Studio design;

Work of lighting and sound engineers;

Showing the program.

Computers; walkie-talkies; microphones;



Programs (texts); symbolism various programs; costume elements; makeup, cosmetic sets; interior elements, decorations;


In the role of editor-in-chief, he directs the activities of all studio employees, determines the theme and plot of programs, and the order in which television programs are shown.

Announcers compose the text of the day's news, select pictures and photographs

Screenwriters compose the script for the program, write the text

Editors conduct casting to select artists for the role of presenter

Lighting and sound engineers set up equipment and prepare microphones

Decorators draw scenery to decorate the studio, prepare costumes for artists

The actors rehearse, memorize the text, and broadcast.

Spectators are seated in the studio, watching the program

The operator films the program and broadcasts it on air.

Role-playing game “Drivers. Garage. Road police."

Organizational work:

Reading fiction

  • B. Zhitkov, “What I saw” (chapters from the work).

  • In Suteev “Different wheels”

  • B Zhitkov “Chauffeur”

  • S. Mikhalkov “If the light came on”
Productive activities

  • Prepare road map plans

  • Prepare driver's licenses and route sheets

  • Prepare paraphernalia for the game
Conversations with children

  • Which parents have cars? Who are the drivers? What are they doing? Where are the cars parked?

  • “Who works in the traffic police?”, “What is the traffic police?”, “What do traffic police officers wear?”, “Why do they have a special uniform?”, “What would happen on the roads if...”
Didactic games

  • "Word Finishing"

  • "Garages"
Organized learning activities

  • Excursion to A parking lot

  • Familiarization with the environment “Different signs are needed, each sign is important”
Working with parents

  • Prepare a story about difficulties in driving a car.

  • When walking with children, pay attention to following the rules traffic, the work of a traffic inspector.
Technological map of the role-playing game “Drivers. Garage. Road police"


Teach children to pre-plan the stages of the upcoming game, be able to find the objects needed for a given game, and use a variety of substitute objects. To cultivate interest and respect for the work of transport workers and traffic police officers, to consolidate an understanding of their importance for the life of the city, working conditions and the relationship “inspector-driver”, “inspector-pedestrian”, to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules





Children's activities

Preparing a car or bus for a trip

Determining the place of work of inspectors, working with plans;

Preparation of documents for the car;

Inspectors' report to the head of the traffic police.

Steering wheels; plans, road maps;

Various documents (licenses, technical passports of cars); car repair tool kits; road signs, traffic lights; insurance cards;

Car first aid kits; telephones, wands; whistles;

road signs; traffic lights;

driver license.

Provides the necessary equipment, during the game the teacher, who is also the “garage manager”, gives instructions to the “mechanics”, receives requests for transportation by phone, distributes route sheets“drivers”, reminds traffic rules, helps “traffic inspector”

Copes with the role, watches the children, and, if necessary, intervenes or joins the game.

The dispatcher issues waybills to drivers;

The driver goes on a trip, checks the readiness of the car, refuels the car; takes a comrade in tow and delivers the cargo to its destination.

The gas station attendant sets up a queue and assists in refueling.

The passenger buys a ticket, gets off at stops, and follows the rules of behavior.

Mechanic produces renovation work; fills out waybills, checks the condition of the car before the flight

The parking attendant helps place cars in the parking lot and protects them.

Inspectors regulate traffic, check documents, monitor violations, and issue fines.

Role-playing game “Atelier. House of Fashion"

Organizational work:

Reading fiction

  • M. Zhamanbalinov “You are a master - golden hands”

  • “A New Outfit for the King” - G.H. Andersen

  • “Fashion” - G. Kruglyakov, “Craftswoman” - Seil Baranbaev

  • “The clothes that anyone puts on will live a hundred years” - folk tale

  • "The Brave Little Tailor" - Brothers Grimm
Productive activities

  • Prepare paraphernalia, sewing equipment (machine, tape measure, thread, etc.).

  • Design of the screen “Fashionable fairy tale”
Conversations with children

  • “Fashion is interesting”, “Both girls and boys can be fashion designers”, “A fashion designer is the person who comes up with various outfits and prepares them for the show”

  • What is a fashion show and why is it done?

  • Watch the video “Fashion Show”
Didactic games

  • “Let’s dress up the Katya doll”

  • Needles in the “Mummer” corner.
Organized learning activities

  • Excursion to the sewing workshop

  • Familiarization with the surroundings “How a shirt grew in a field”

  • Decorative applique “Decoration of a camisole (making patterns of Kazakh ornaments along the edge of clothing)”
Working with parents

  • Help with excursions (provide sponsorship for transport for excursions

Technological map of the role-playing game “Atelier. House of Fashion"


To develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of the game action, to unite again into a single game group. To cultivate respect for the work of a seamstress, fashion designer, cutter, to expand the idea that their work is collective, that the quality of the work of another depends on the conscientious work of one person. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of measurement methods in the game. Develop dialogical speech.



Teacher's actions

Children's activities

Selection and discussion of the model with the fashion designer, selection of material;

Receiving, processing and fulfilling orders

Admission to a modeling agency

Master class for models, training in stage speech, stage movement

Making fashionable clothes

Selecting models to show;

Working with fashion designers;

Working with photographers;

Drawing up a “portfolio”;

Fashion show.

Screen, fabric different sizes and colors, multi-colored threads, clothing sketches, magazines, sewing tools, ticket office, tickets, money, cameras.


cosmetic sets.

In the role of director of the agency, talks with customers about fashion designers, models, fashion houses, and orders for sewing fashionable clothes

Organizes the work of the studio, pays attention to the correctness of the work of employees, allows conflict situations when they occur.

Cutters take measurements, make a pattern;

The receptionist places the order, determines the deadline for completing the order;

The seamstress fulfills the order, tries on the product;

The cashier receives money for a completed order; sells tickets

The fashion designer selects finished products for display.

Models learn to walk on the catwalk and show interesting fashionable clothes, show fashionable clothes

The courier delivers invitation cards to the show

Guests take their seats, watch, applaud

Photographers capture interesting shots and create portfolios for models.

Role-playing game "School"

Organizational work:

Reading fiction

  • L.N. Tolstoy “Philipok”,

  • With Marshak “First of September”,

  • L Voronkova “Girlfriends go to school.”

  • K Myrzaliev “Letter”,

  • Z Alexandrov “To school”,

  • And Tandyk “To school”.

  • Zh Smakov “Small ABC Book”
Productive activities

  • Decorate a group room (tables, chairs - set up traditionally, like at school)

  • Prepare the necessary paraphernalia
Conversations with children

  • “What is school”, “Why do we go to school”, “What is the name of the person who teaches you something”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

State autonomous educational institution additional
vocational education(advanced training) specialists
Samara Regional Institute of Advanced Studies
and retraining of education workers

Final work
on the IOC advanced training course
"Game technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions"

on the topic of:
“Designing a role-playing game with children
preschool age"
in the preparatory group

training time: 05.26.- 05.30.2014

Kunchenko Natalya Sergeevna, senior teacher
MBDOU kindergarten No. 397
g.o. Samara

Samara, 2014

expand students’ ideas about the profession of “Doctor”, “Med. nurses" and other hospital workers.
reflect the work of medical workers in the game;
develop and enrich the plot of the game “Hospital”;
develop independence in organizing the role-playing game “Hospital”;
develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the plot of the game “Hospital”, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers;
to develop the ability of students to unite in the game, distribute roles among themselves and act in accordance with the role until the end of the game;
form positive relationships and a culture of behavior in public places;
to cultivate in children attentiveness, sensitivity, care for the sick, responsiveness, and a culture of communication;
expand the vocabulary of pupils: introduce the concepts of “patient”, “pharmacist”, “treatment room”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “ambulance dispatcher”.

2.Preparing for the game:
Making attributes
Enrichment with impressions
Teaching gaming techniques

4th week of May “Health Week”





Making signs: “Hospital”, “Reception”, “Wardrobe”, “Doctor”, “Procedure room”, “Ambulance”, “Pharmacy”. "Bus"

Together with the students, production of medical records of patients, coupons for doctor’s appointments, medical insurance, from paper.

Making wardrobe numbers from cardboard, preparing hangers.
Preparing with children attributes and elements for a doctor, honey. sisters, receptionist and other game workers, with the involvement of parents (robe, hats, badges, medical certificates).

Preparation of medical instruments for s/r games: thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders. Preparation of equipment for the pharmacy.

Excursion to the medical office of the preschool educational institution. An occasional conversation about what the nurse does and what objects she uses.
Observe the preschool nurse. A conversation about the profession of “Doctor”, about the work of an ambulance, about the work of medical personnel, about the rules of behavior in public places (in a hospital, at the reception, in queues, at the doctor’s office).

Examination of the subject pictures “Hospital”, “At the doctor’s appointment”. View a multimedia presentation on the topic “Healthy children in a healthy family.”

Watching the cartoon K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit". Learning an excerpt from a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Reading fiction M. Poznanskaya “If trouble suddenly happens, a doctor or a nurse will always help you”

D/i “The Secret of Polite Words.” Guessing riddles on the topic “Hospital”, “Medical instruments”
Learn to distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions for the game.
Learn to agree on the sequence of joint actions.
Combine several separate plots into a common semantic line.
Build a line of behavior in the role.
Use and enjoy attributes and costume details throughout the game.
Change the content of the game depending on the children playing and the features of the plot.

3. Long-term plan for preparing for the game “Hospital”
Game actions
Speech figures



Doctor's office

Treatment room


Wardrobe worker


Honey. sister

Honey. sister

Driver, duty doctor, nurse. nurse, ambulance dispatcher

Sign “Wardrobe, numbers, hangers, badge.

“Registration” sign, badge, coupons for doctor’s appointments, medical cards, children’s laptop.

Doctor sign, badge,

“Treatment room sign”, badge, medical instruments, cleaning equipment.

An ambulance sign, badges, a suitcase with medical instruments. Telephone. Ambulance.

Medical policy, doctor's certificate
Accepts (gives) outerwear from patients and distributes (takes) numbers.

Writes out and issues vouchers for medical appointments

The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription.

The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it.

The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc.

The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel.

The ambulance dispatcher receives calls from patients and directs the team to the call.

The driver takes (brings) the brigade to (from) the call.

The doctor on duty examines the patient. Makes an appointment. Refers (takes) the patient to the hospital.

Honey. the nurse carries out the order of the doctor on duty (measures blood pressure, temperature, gives an injection, bandages the wound, etc.)

The patient goes (travels by bus) to the hospital. He goes to the reception desk, takes a doctor’s certificate, and goes to the appointment. After the appointment, he goes to the pharmacy and buys medications according to the doctor’s prescription. Or he goes to the treatment room as prescribed by the doctor.

The patient dials the emergency dispatcher's number from home and makes a call to the doctor on duty at home. Receives a doctor's appointment (or leaves by ambulance to see a hospital doctor). Receives a prescription (direction to the treatment room), follows the doctor’s instructions.
"Hello". “Take the number.” "Please". "Goodbye".

"Hello". “Give me your medical insurance, please.” “Please take your medical card (coupon).” “Your number is in line.” "Goodbye"

"Hello". “Please hand over your coupon”, “Please hand over your card”, “What are you complaining about?” “Pick up your T-shirt, turn your back.” “Show me your throat.” “What was the temperature in the evening? What is the temperature now? "Let's take the temperature." “When did you get sick?” “Where did you cut yourself like that?” “How did you treat the wound at home?” “Are you allergic to medications?” and etc.

“Hello”, “Please take your prescription (direction to the treatment room)”, “Goodbye”.

"Hello". “Give us your direction (appointment). “Are you allergic to medications?” "Goodbye"

"Hello good Bye"

“Hello,” “state your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, home address.” “What are you complaining about?”, “Expect an ambulance within 15 minutes.” "Goodbye".

"Hello good Bye"

“Hello”, “What are you complaining about”, “How long does the temperature last?”, “What medications did you take?” “Are you allergic to medications?”, “Goodbye”

“Hello,” “Turn around, I’ll give you an injection.” “Let’s take your temperature and blood pressure,” “Take your medications and go to rest.” "Goodbye"

"Hello". “Look at my travel card.” “Please stop at the “Hospital”, “Pharmacy” stop. “Write me a doctor’s note.” “Whoever is the last to go to the doctor.” “I have pain.” “Temperature 36.6.” “There are no allergies to medications.” "Thank you goodbye".

"Hello". “I’m in pain” “I’d like to call an ambulance.” “My name”, “I’m old”, “My address”, “Thank you”.

"Hello". “I have pain”, “Temperature (pressure)”, “Thank you for your help.”

Related stories

Pharmacist (pharmacist)

Pharmacy sign

Bus sign, badge. Chairs, steering wheel.
Dispenses medications according to a doctor's prescription.

Calls stops. Follows traffic rules.

"Hello". “Can I have your recipe?” “Thank you for your purchase” “Get well soon.” "Goodbye".

"Hello". “Show me your tickets.” "Fasten seat belts". “Stop “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”.

4. Progress of the game.
To create interest in the game, the teacher invites students to study an excerpt from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, look at the illustrations of the book and answer the questions: Who main character? What does Aibolit do?, Who does it treat? The teacher invites the students to listen and guess the riddles, and think about what game we will play.
Who in days of illness
The most useful of all
And cures us of everything
Illness? (doctor)
There are doctors in this house.
They are waiting for people to treat them.
They are ready to help everyone -
Only healthy people are released. (hospital)

Children's answers.
The teacher clarifies that this is a riddle about a doctor and a house - a hospital. Invites students to play the role-playing game “Hospital”. Asks you to remember who works at the hospital? Children's answers.
With the help of a counting rhyme, children choose who will get what roles, take attributes for the game, and create a play space. I clarify what the role players do during the game. They clarify that the rest of the guys will be patients and can take “children” (dolls, toys - animals), and can be patients themselves. The teacher asks the students how we will get to the hospital?

The children suggest getting to the hospital by various types transport: by bus, by tram, by ambulance, on foot. After discussion, we came to a common decision - to go by bus.
Educator: “The bus is already waiting for you and me. For our bus to move, we need a driver.” With the help of a counting rhyme, children choose who will be the driver.
The teacher demonstrates play actions together with the children. Children passengers take their seats and present them to the driver travel tickets, go to the stop they need. The driver reminds children of the rules of conduct in transport when exiting the vehicle.
The teacher uses a reminder technique for support and development. “Here you and I have arrived. First you need to go to the registration desk and get a card. When entering the office, do not forget to say hello and explain what is hurting your daughter or son. When the appointment is over, the nurse cleans the office and wipes the dust, etc. The teacher invites the children to play the game “Hospital” on their own.
The teacher attracts inactive, shy children into the game. Reminds us of the rules of conduct in public places and techniques of polite communication. To form relationships in the game, he directs the actions of children.

5. End of the game
The teacher suggests discussing the game:
“What did we play?”
“Who works at the hospital?”
“Which role did you like best?”
“What role would you like to play in the next game?”
“Do you think our game was a success?”
“What did you like most about our game?”
Children express their impressions of the game. The teacher sums up the game, listens to the children’s statements and invites them to draw pictures reflecting their impressions of the game.

6. Game evaluation
The gaming situation contributes to the emergence of associations of groups of children based on interests. Children negotiate with each other, distribute roles peacefully and resolve problematic situations in an acceptable manner. Children's behavior in the game is arbitrary and not constrained. Children's knowledge about the work of a doctor, a nurse, other hospital workers, the hospital as a whole, the work of a pharmacist, and a driver are skillfully used throughout the game. The game plans have been fully realized. All participants in the process experience psychological and emotional comfort. Based on the experience gained, in the future it is possible to build many similar game situations that will help the children build new interactions in the team.

7. Game scheme

1. Wardrobe
2. Registration
3. Doctor's office
4. Treatment room
5. Ambulance
6. Pharmacy
7. Bus

middle group

Goals:Familiarization of children with the activities of medical personnel; fixing the names of medical instruments. To develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Teaching children to implement game plans; use of substitute items in the game. Fostering respect for the medical profession. Interaction in the game with each other. Develop the ability to take on a role.

Material and equipment : Play set “Doll Doctor”, toys – animals, a bench for an ambulance, dolls, teaware for a cafe, a robe and cap for a doctor, hats with a red cross for medical staff, two toy cars.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the kindergarten doctor's office. Reading fiction: “The Sick Man” by Yu. Yakovlev, “A Man Is in Trouble” by Yu. Sinitsyn, “A Man Is Sick” by I. Turichin, fairy tales “Doctor Aibolit”, “My Phone Rang” by K. Chukovsky. Review of illustrated material on the topic. Watching the cartoon: “Aibolit.” Making attributes for the game. Playing the game - the situation “At the dentist”; “At the trauma center”; "House call"; "Procedure room."

Game roles . A doctor in a clinic, an emergency doctor, a nurse, orderlies, a driver, a pharmacy worker, a cafe worker, a zoo worker.

Progress of the game

Game motivation. Children, look at what a modern clinic they built for us. Here is the doctor’s office for receiving patients, and this is the treatment room for treating patients. A nurse treats patients here. And here there is an ambulance station, here they receive calls from patients. A doctor uses an ambulance to respond to a patient's call to provide medical assistance. And this is the “Pharmacy”. Here patients can buy the necessary medications. And this is the Cafe. While waiting for their turn, patients can drink hot coffee and tea, and eat hot pies. Children, today the HR department is hiring at the clinic. Are there any of you who want to work in a clinic? (answers). Then come to me, I will hire everyone who wants to work.

Children approach the teacher. The teacher asks who the child would like to work in the clinic? If the role has already been given to another child, the teacher offers another one. It is important that during the game, children change roles.

Children, take your jobs. ( Addresses a child who has received the role of a doctor). Karina, please allow me to be a doctor for a little while, and will you be my assistant? ( Karina agrees). Children take their playing places, put on a robe and hats. The first patients with dolls approach.

Educator.Hello. Please sit down on this chair. Tell me what hurts you? (The child says that the doll Katya has a cold, she has a high temperature and a cough.) Let's put a thermometer under your arm and measure the temperature. (Places thermometer). Katya's temperature is 39 degrees - this is a high temperature. Let's look at the neck. (Looks at the neck with a spatula). The neck is red. You need to listen to Katya's breathing. (Listen to breathing). There is wheezing. I will write you a prescription, you will buy cough tablets at the pharmacy and take them three times a day, medicine for injections for fever, vitamins and, of course, hot tea with raspberry jam, and bed rest. A nurse will give you the injections in the treatment room.

The patient with the doll goes to the pharmacy, buys medicine and goes to the treatment room, where the nurse receives patients and gives injections. The teacher says that his work day is over and leaves. Another child takes the doctor's place. Accepts patients.

The emergency call from the zoo rings. The emergency doctor picks up the phone and listens. A zoo worker says that the bear cub was playing, running and fell, now it lies and does not get up. He probably has a broken leg. Need medical help. The emergency doctor listens on the phone, then takes a suitcase with medical supplies and goes by car with an orderly to the zoo. At the zoo, he examines the bear cub’s leg, puts a splint on the leg and says that an x-ray needs to be taken urgently. A zookeeper and an orderly put the bear cub on a stretcher and take the bear cub to the hospital. An X-ray is taken at the hospital. The bear cub has a fracture. They put on a plaster cast and take him back to the zoo. They put the bear cub to bed and give him honey.

Game continues. Patients come to see a doctor. They buy medicines at the pharmacy. The nurse gives injections. Patients in a cafe drink tea with raspberry jam and hot pies. They put the sick dolls to bed and give them pills.

The teacher observes during the game, quietly prompts, and guides. When the dolls are put to bed, he says that the working day is over.

In conclusion, he praises the children for good game and treats everyone with vitamins.


Educational: Enrich, expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the medical profession and the work of the clinic.

Educational: Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots.

Educational: Cultivate respect and gratitude for the work of doctors and nurses. To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Activating the dictionary: ophthalmologist, therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, phonendoscope, x-ray, procedures, thermometer, prescription.

Preliminary work:

  1. Excursion to the medical office of the kindergarten.
  2. Observing the work of a nurse or doctor (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions).
  3. A teacher's story about the work of a doctor in a clinic, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon, a pediatrician, a therapist, and a radiologist.
  4. Examination of photographic illustrations of the work of doctors of various specializations.
  5. Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.)
  6. Conversation with children “How I went to see a doctor with my mother.”
  7. Reading literary works about the work of a doctor: (B. Zhitkov “Collapse”, S. Marshak “Ice Island”, E. Uspensky “Played in the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”).
  8. Manual labor: making a thermometer, phonendoscope, mustard plasters for the game “hospital”.
  9. Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in audio recording.
  10. Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)

Roles: doctor, nurse, receptionist, orderly, patients.

Subject-game environment:

A doctor's robe, a nurse's robe, caps with a red cross, disposable syringes without needles, plastic bottles, jars, droppers, a children's phonendoscope, a toy thermometer, yellow paper mustard plasters, a bandage, napkins (cotton wool, prescription forms, a doctor's bag with a cross.

Game actions:

The patient goes to the reception desk, takes a coupon to see the doctor, and goes to the appointment. The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel.

Game situations:“At an appointment with an ENT doctor”, “At an appointment with a surgeon”, “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, etc.

The doctor is attentive and polite.

"Polyclinic"- a doctor and a nurse are working. The doctor listens to the patients, examines them, the nurse writes out directions for procedures, sets up a thermometer, gives injections, dressings, and puts on heating pads. The patients are grateful for the treatment. They buy medicines at the pharmacy.

Ophthalmologist - checks vision using a table, writes out a prescription for eyes, or a prescription for glasses. Patients buy glasses at the pharmacy (without lenses).

Doctor "ENT"» looks at the neck, tongue, ears. Measures temperature and gives appointments for procedures. The nurse is warming up.

Patients are brought to the hospital, the doctor examines them, the patients are placed in a ward, fed, given medications, and given injections.

The pharmacy makes medicine, dispenses prescriptions to patients, and advises what to buy for various diseases.

“Hospital” - the patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him and takes him to the room. The doctor examines patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse gives medicines to patients, measures the temperature, gives injections and dressings in the treatment room, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room and changes the linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.

"Ambulance". The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance: gives his full name, tells his age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. A doctor and a nurse go to a patient. The doctor examines the patient, listens carefully to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, and looks at his throat. The nurse measures the temperature, follows the doctor’s instructions: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very unwell, he is taken away and taken to the hospital. An ambulance doctor goes to your home, asks what hurts, gives you an injection, and takes you to the hospital.