Role play scenario madam. How to do role-playing games

15.08.2019 State

The Kingdom of Another World is the name of a state in which there are no citizens: only female citizens. There are men here too, but exclusively as... slaves. Journalist Lev Kunitsyn visited this amazing country and experienced all its delights.

KDM (Kingdom of Another World) is a self-proclaimed microstate that arose in 1996 on the territory of the Czech Republic. It was founded by members of the women's organization "Femdom", which fights for the dominance of women. Any adult woman who has lived in the KDM for 5 days and has her own slave (a man who is ready to obey her in everything) can become a citizen of the KDM. Language of communication is English.

Two hours drive north from Prague - and we are in a gloomy wooded area near the ancient town of Cerna. We approach a wooden gate that leads into the courtyard of a luxurious estate built on the ruins of a 16th-century castle.

Slave in a cage

Sorry, but I'll have to wear this! - my companion, a dark-eyed busty Englishwoman named Joan, holds out a pair of handcuffs. - They won't let you in without them.

Joan, a correspondent for a women's website and a longtime friend of mine, is no stranger to the Otherworld Kingdom. This time I persuaded her to take me with her as a boyfriend, or, in local terms, a slave. Because free men are not allowed to enter the KDM, after all!

The gate is guarded by a burly muscleman wearing a steel collar. After checking Joan's invitation and giving me a hard look, he swings the doors open.

My companion goes to the exchange office. The local monetary unit - house (from the word "dominance") - is equal to approximately 20 rubles.

The hotel is a long stone building located in a former stable. The room is a spacious whitewashed room with a vaulted ceiling, a minimum of furniture and... a cramped iron cage in the corner!

This is your place to sleep,” Joan nods towards the creepy cell. And then he laughs loudly, unfastening the handcuffs on me. What a joke!.. It’s good that we agreed to play mistress and slave only in public! Steeplechase

Slave racing

Hello, Joan! Is this your ponyboy? - the blonde covered in black latex asks, nodding at me. - Kind of flimsy!

She herself is holding a well-fed man dressed in khaki overalls on a leash. He stands on all fours, bridled and saddled, like a real horse. And, by God, he smiles joyfully, he’s about to laugh!

Winter racing on "pony" battles - that is, on us, men! - take place in a spacious carriage house (carriages are the only transport allowed in the Kingdom). Along the paths strewn with sawdust, “ponies” crawl on all fours, puffing and puffing, on which riders sit, beating them with might and main with whips. By the finish line, the runners' knees were bleeding.

Hey, push it! - shouts a burly black woman, poking her “pony” in the backside with a stick (a stick with a sharp end). - If we lose, you'll get the worst of it!

Mistress and slaves

Punishing slaves is a favorite pastime of local ladies. For this purpose, the Kingdom has a torture room with a whole arsenal of terrible tools - pincers, metal clothespins for intimate places and even a real rack. And also a whole system of punishments for any offense - from banal flogging to long imprisonment in the basement of a castle. The backs and buttocks of slaves, barely covered by shorts, with nightmarish scars are a common sight here.

And here are the royal guards - warlike-looking women, making sure that the slaves do not rebel. They live in the estate permanently, while the bulk of the Kingdom's residents come here for a while. But there are men who live in the KDM permanently. They are considered the property of the queen and perform all kinds of work for the right to be here and endure humiliation. Mostly these are lovers of sadomasochism, although there are exceptions.

The local stoker, 48-year-old Jos from Holland, was convicted of rape about 20 years ago. After serving his sentence and transferring all his property to the treasury of the Kingdom, he became Her Majesty's slave for life. Thus, Ios decided to atone for his guilt before the women.

What a game

I was able to see the local Queen Patricia I only once - slender, silent, in a lush red wig and ball gown in sequins, with a wave of her scarf she opened the hunting season, in which I had the opportunity to participate as game.

Fifteen minutes head start. I'm frantically looking for somewhere to hide. The forest, lightly powdered with snow, looked more like a park, a lake... And then... bam! It spreads across the back of my head egg, launched with all its might!

Got it! - squeals a hefty lady in a pink tracksuit. And he raises the egg to shoot at me again!

Soon, tied and chilled, I was taken to the hunters’ camp along with five more “deer” and “boars”. Thank you, at least they didn’t put it on a spit!

Spa slave

Other entertainment in the Kingdom includes a spa, where slaves massage the legs of their mistresses with their lips, a boxing ring (can you guess who is used as punching bags there?), and a slave market, where a citizen can buy herself a “toy” of her choice. And also a nightclub, all the furniture in which is depicted by men. Ladies sit on them, place glasses of drinks on their bent backs and stab them with sharp heels. And when the mood strikes, they reward the “furniture” with kicks.

Get up, you bastards! Or does someone want to go to the punishment cell?! - a lady in a guards uniform is drilling a group of completely naked men under the hotel windows, doing push-ups right in the snow. What a blessing that this is my last morning in the damned Kingdom...

After being married for several years, many people notice that the relationship needs to be diversified in some way. And if you really want to give your spouse pleasure, then there are plenty of ways. Man's imagination came up with role-playing games in bed for loved ones. Let your man try on another one, new image. It is believed that men love role-playing games in bed.

The secret to the popularity of role-playing games

For playing in bed to become a real pleasure, you need complete emancipation from your partners. There is no need to feel embarrassment and shame. For the success of the game, try to play your role “for real”; if there is only one actor, and the other participant behaves in the usual way, nothing good will come of it, everything will remain monotonous and boring.

For role playing games In bed, the biggest obstacle can be stiffness. If you think about how you look from the outside, better game don't start. You also need to forget for a while about all your current affairs and plans for the future. Any advice and recommendations can also ruin a partner’s playful mood.

Common role-playing games

Fantasies can lead partners into any wilds of the game. But a few stand out popular games, for which you can even buy costumes in stores. These are the clothes of a schoolgirl, a nurse, a flight attendant, a business untouchable woman, a governess or teacher, an employee of an institution or a secretary, a waitress or a maid.

Role-playing games with husband photo

Such desires of men can easily be explained in each specific case. For example, how can one explain the desire to have a business woman who is unavailable? It’s simple, because by nature and purpose a man is a hunter, and the harder it was to get, the more valuable the prey is to him. Popular images of a waitress, stewardess, and maid in men's fantasies include short skirts, low-cut blouses, slender legs and a charming smile, and, moreover, a willingness to serve, to be needed and useful. How can you resist the desire to be with such a woman at least once?

Many men enjoy playing “mistress and slave” when the woman plays the dominant role. But in this scene it is important not to overact, not to hurt the man’s pride. The reverse version is also popular, when a woman acts as a slave. There are countless options for how events in this game will develop further.

The benefits of role-playing games

There comes a period in the life of every married couple when close relationships become ordinary and boring. They will help to refresh them and turn them into a pleasant pastime. role play in bed.

There is no need to be shy or afraid, this is the movement of our lives, and trying something new is simply necessary. Those who love each other should not forget about their partner, the pleasure they receive and do everything possible to make sure they like the game. If you strive and try to understand your soulmate, then life will change for the better.

Energy cannot be contained within oneself; it must be released. Role-playing games help a lot with this. Agree that it is much easier to alternately play the role of a flight attendant, a waitress or a slave (while receiving your portion of positive emotions) than to admit that your husband is looking for fresh sensations in real life, often changing women and betraying the family unit.

After some time, the thirst for quantity is replaced by the need for quality and sophistication. To try again? Attic? Elevator? Parking? Or perhaps change not the places of love games, but the roles played in them?
Sexual role-playing games are not a modern achievement, but have been practiced since ancient times. This undoubtedly suggests that their active use will help improve your personal life. And this applies not only to summer with its hormonal storm.

Let's see what you can achieve by sometimes including role-playing games in your sex diet, and first let's figure out what kind of games they are.

There are several basic scenarios with countless variations:

1. A man seduces a girl, usually a modest one, and, in some cases, an innocent one. The scenario can be absolutely anything: a cynical macho and a trembling virgin, an older friend enlightening a young modest friend, incest between, let’s be modest, distant-distant relatives, a counselor and a pioneer, an old maid and a young arrogant plumber.

You can be snobs and aesthetes and play a handsome prince and a sleeping princess. Instead of the crystal in which the princess slept, a bathtub will do; this will add modernity to the old fairy tale. In addition, you will have something to tell your friends.

2. A girl mercilessly seduces a man. This option is surprisingly suitable for men who are tired of initiative in sex and life and for women who crave this initiative. Let him now be a virgin, to whom the upstairs neighbor came to buy salt. Or a high school student alone with a young teacher. Or young subordinates of a bitchy businesswoman.

Or a person practicing celibacy, if you can handle this nut. Just don’t forget that the image of a seductress requires courage and a lack of shyness. Forget the principles: “don’t give a kiss without love” and “No-no before the wedding.” Your slogan should be: “in the fight, all means are good!”

3. Sexual services for money, payment with the body for some sin, for example, traveling without a ticket, breaking the rules, petty theft in a supermarket. His role requires ruthlessness and cynicism, and yours requires timidity, a bashful blush and humility. However, you can play the exact opposite and, entering the image of a liberated bitch, harshly seduce an incorruptible officer.

Games with call girls and boys are very suitable for those who are clearly capable of more in bed than they allow themselves, but are embarrassed by their temperament or frankness. So what can’t you do for money? Well, what if the job is like this?

4. Forced sex. The most extreme, but very beloved by women, version of the game is rape. With this scenario, everything is clear, you and your partner just need to define for yourself the boundaries of what is possible, so that in the process you suddenly don’t feel like you’re practically a victim, and not a full participant in what’s happening.

5. Random passion. This game has many variations: strangers, five minutes after exchanging names, tearing off each other's T-shirts in the first entrance, holidaymakers, worn out by the sun. Or, if your conscience permits, lovers who sneaked away from work without their spouses knowing?

If you decide to approach the role-playing game in detail, after choosing the role and scenario, you need to think through the surroundings and details - where and when it will happen, what you will say, how you will behave, what you will wear. Try not to overdo it with preparation - the fuse may wear off.

Not all men love role-playing games as much as women. Therefore, at the stage of familiarization with the innovation, the most important thing is to captivate the man and not scare him off. The extremely careful preparation and the script, written down to the point of cries of passion, will make him bored. But changing your style of behavior, which will bring a sense of novelty, will undoubtedly inspire your gaming partner like nothing else.

The main thing is not a pleated skirt, red stockings or the scent of sandalwood, but your desire to transform into a different image, character and, thereby, awaken strong emotions in the two of you: in him - from possessing new woman with new sexual habits for him, in you - from the courage of the game and the opportunity to do something unusual for you, but so desired. And also from being possessed by a cute stranger, servicing your boss, being blindfolded, or whatever you come up with?

When you move from the category of amateurs to role-playing game professionals, it’s time to start gourmandizing, aestheticizing and complicating the action, playing out entire stories according to all the rules - with prelude, increasing tension and climax.

The easiest option is to secretly rent a hotel room and invite him there using a mysterious SMS with the promise of an important business meeting or an unforgettable gift. The most important thing in such surprises is to continue to play the role for the first few minutes, while the partner is surprised and tries to disrupt the performance with his questions: “What are you doing? Why?” etc.

It would be strange to think that games have an impact solely on sex life. Not at all. Sexual role play can affect your entire life and even your personality.

With their help, you and your other half can realize the image and those fantasies that you have only dreamed of in secret from each other. And, having fished out these images and fantasies from your own consciousness, you can be surprised and ask yourself: why do I like this particular role? Such behavior?

Perhaps there are some character traits you like about the woman you play that you don’t think you have? Or are you playing the way you always dreamed of behaving, then for what reasons do you not allow yourself to do so?

Games are a kind of mirror of your soul, your hidden desires and a great opportunity to get to know yourself. For example, you are meek and forgiving, you always choose the image of a woman - a vamp, fatal and ruthless...

Perhaps you lack self-confidence in life?

Or is your meekness preventing you from being yourself? Free and strong? Or is it completely the other way around? A cynic in life, who has chosen authority and strength as the only correct option for survival in this crazy world to show weakness, do you enjoy playing concubines, tender and submissive, with pleasure and pleasure? Then perhaps your only correct option for survival is not entirely yours?

Of course, it’s scary to change yourself so quickly and throw yourself into the pool, but... you can practice several times on a safe platform - in a role-playing game.

With the help of games, you can become a sex therapist for your man. You just have to be attentive to him.

He says that he is tired of spinning and wants to become a log in the forest? So immobilize him and deprive him of any opportunity to be active, while you yourself show the unbridledness and power of a predator.

Tired of your boss's chair and the need to maintain an appropriate image all the time? Become high school students, escape from everyone after last bell and do something deliciously naughty in the secluded wilderness of the park.

Says he's tired and wants a change of scenery? Turn your house into a five-star hotel room for a while, and be a maid yourself.

Are you worried that it’s not your first? Arrange an evening for him to seduce you, a virgin, and be delighted with how he does it.

And with the help of games you can make peace. What, even a very angry man, can resist if the door is opened to him in the evening not by a guilty bully, but by a humble odalisque, the youngest wife of a large harem with the words: “The master chose me today as his beloved wife! How happy I am! Let me relax you!”

You can be your own therapist and play out and compensate for what is missing in real life. Run around in white school socks, handcuff your husband, who became insolent at dinner yesterday, and punish him by forcing him to endlessly give you oral sex, and also take a ticket to St. Petersburg and seduce your “random travel companion.”

Or take two tickets side by side in a reserved seat, and act out scenes of conquest and seduction in front of the public. By the way, the presence of spectators gives the sensations additional poignancy.

Another advantage of such a pastime is that in such games you can try caresses that you usually don’t dare to try. Of course, would a call girl refuse to please her client, even if in ordinary life what he offers seems unworthy of a free and modern woman? However, after the game this very method of pleasure may not seem so unworthy to you. Most likely, even pleasant.

Sexual role play can improve your relationship with your partner. You can discuss new interesting scenarios with your husband, and at the same time think about why he is attracted to certain images? What does he like? What is he missing?

When it comes to sex, men are especially vulnerable, but also interested in dialogue, so successful, confidential conversations and shared fantasies can reveal a lot about each other and bring you even closer. You both need only tactfulness and the absence of harsh criticism in response to proposals you don’t like.

What if someday you feel that constantly changing roles has become the only way for you to feel excited or agree to contact, and something is wrong in your relationship? Perhaps what you need is not games, but work on yourself and your personal relationships.

However, relationships can be treated in all sorts of ways, and role-playing games are one of them.

“All the world is a stage,” as Shakespeare said!

How to ruin the game:

1. Be squeezed and squeeze your partner. 2. Respond negatively and sharply to his suggestions. 3. Laugh at your partner during the process. 4. Criticize yourself or your partner in anything. 5. Attach more importance to details and surroundings than to the process. 6. Behave the same way in any role.

How to play successfully:

1. Do not endow the character being played with your own traits and sexual habits, but think and fantasize about what such a woman would do and how. 2. Stop being serious and adult, burdened with complexes and principles. Play! 3. Don't be afraid to overdo it.

4. Add 1-2 details for ease of transformation.

V. V. Panfilov

Game fairy tale-trip


Madam Madam Game - AKA: Blizzard-Melancholy-Boredom.
Father Frost.
Snow Maiden.

The Snow Queen.
Snow Baba.

People – they are: buffoons – rescuers – clowns-snowmen.

The script uses a game fragment from A. Zaitsev’s program

Merry New Year's music sounds.
Through it, the laughter of the voices of children playing can be clearly heard.
Appearing on stage: THE SNOW QUEEN THE SNOW BABA
and Buffoon.

Buffoon. Hello, good people!
SNOW BABA (hereinafter simply - Baba). Hello boys and girls!
THE SNOW QUEEN (hereinafter simply referred to as the Queen). Ciao - cocoa for everyone,
who sees and hears me!
Buffoon. Happy holiday to you!
QUEEN and BABA. What holiday is this?
Buffoon. Why don't you hear?

All three listen.
Sound enhancement of music with children's voices.

Today is the holiday of our best New Year's friend - Games!
Today is the Game, one might say, the name day of Her New Year’s heart!

Queen and Baba.

Have you forgotten, or what?

The Queen and Baba look at each other.

WOMAN. You know - we never forget anything.
We just wanted you, exactly you, to talk about this holiday
Buffoon. Well, I told you!
WOMAN. Good job!
Buffoon. You can’t put “well done” in your pocket!
WOMAN. Ha-ha-ha! What if you keep your pocket wider?
Buffoon. Well, then it's in the bag!
QUEEN. I don't understand... We were invited here to lead anyone
unnecessary talk about pockets and hats?
This is not rational! This is a waste of time.
Have a precious New Year's time!
Buffoon. All! Got the hint! Let's not lose anything!
It's time...
WOMAN. And the fun part!

To the hall.
Boys and girls, listen again!
These are not just voices.


These are your voices!..
Buffoon. They still live where you played last New Year!
Isn't that great!?
WOMAN. Yeah! And I noticed: if children are playing somewhere having fun, then after them
they definitely stay in that place...
QUEEN. Torn candy wrappers, chewed gum, apple cores...
Buffoon. But don't! Nothing like this ever happened after our children.
doesn't stay! Because our children are neat! And even very! And here
when kids are having fun...
QUEEN. And carefully...
Buffoon. And they play carefully and rejoice and laugh, then after them on
That place is sure to leave a good mood, a cheerful spirit,
and many, many invisible laughs.
WOMAN. And if someone else appears in that place: tired,
sad, sad, angry, then he will definitely cheer up.
Buffoon. It's invigorating!
WOMAN. He'll get better! And he will laugh! And he’ll even burst out laughing!
Buffoon. Exactly! Oh, how he will want to be sad and angry!
QUEEN. It's right! There is even such an expression as “a laugh in the eye”
WOMAN. The laugh actually ends up in your mouth - from ear to ear.
Buffoon. And the more such kind and joyful places there are -
from ear to ear - the better life will be, the more fun life will be!
WOMAN. That's great what you said!
QUEEN. Famous quote!
Buffoon. Everyone says: “a game is a game”... Everyone uses it.
Everyone is delighted with Her. But no one has guessed yet
invite the Game itself to visit you.
We play with it - or maybe She also wants to play with us or with us?
Do round dances around the Christmas tree... Jump like a bunny...
Sing songs...
WOMAN. And what? Good idea! What do you think is your snowfall?
QUEEN. Well... From the point of view of amusing erudition, in our new century
funny concretism each New Year-personalized
the individual cannot give a damn about the effect acting on him separately
New Year's gaming abstraction...
WOMAN. That is - and in Russian?
QUEEN. That is - yes! I agree.
Buffoon (aside and very sarcastically). Thank God it's not a verb...
BABA (to the buffoon). Don't say it!

Boys and girls!
Let's all call our friend Game together!
Let's ask Her to come to us here...
QUEEN. And now!
Buffoon. Otherwise, maybe She's squeezed somewhere on vo-o-he's there,
behind the scenes in the corner and is embarrassed to come out!
Sighs and whines...

He's having fun mimicking it.

…"Nobody needs me! Everyone forgot about me! I look bad!"
WOMAN. Is she the one who looks bad!? Did they forget her? This is her to no one
need not? Three "ha-ha"!
Just imagine such a New Year's life: everything is there!
And gifts and candy, and Pepsi-Cola, and watermelons!
But there is no game.
Oh no...
No games, no toys.
Toys are, after all, her children.
Everything is there except toys and games.
There is nothing hanging on the Christmas tree except needles.
Just imagine such a New Year's holiday!?
Buffoon. Well, what kind of holiday is this? This is not a holiday.
QUEEN. I didn't understand: and computer games will not be?
WOMAN. Otherwise!
QUEEN. No fun, anything.
WOMAN. So there you go! I suggest - for a moment - to still meet with our
friend Game and introduce Her to the kids!
And rejoice in Her.
And prove to Her that She is very good to us...
Buffoon. Very very very…
WOMAN. Needed!
QUEEN. I don’t understand: do you want to materialize abstraction?
Buffoon. We want Madam, Madam Game, to appear here!
QUEEN. And Grandfather Frost?
WOMAN. And when Grandfather Frost hears that we are playing, he will immediately come running
come to us with gifts!

To the Queen.

And the very smart ones can over there...

Gesture to the side.

...wait, though!

The Queen steps aside offended.

Buffoon (to the audience). Guys, can you help us meet the Game?

Listens to the children's answer.

Thank you! I thought so!
So it is! This half of the hall, at my command, will laugh loudly and contagiously and clap their hands!
Let's rehearse!

Rehearsing with the audience.

Great! And even more - great!
WOMAN. But this half of the hall will have a subtle and funny giggle!
Like this!


And at the same time wave your arms! Like this!
On my command.


Let's rehearse too!

Rehearsing with the audience.

Brilliantly! Brilliant! Amazing!

Suddenly the Queen intervenes.

QUEEN. But this... third half of the hall...
WOMAN. Eh! Don't make humps! The hall only has two halves!
There is no third!
QUEEN. A regular hall doesn’t have a third option, but this one...


Children's! gaming! New Year's Eve! make-believe hall
There is also a third half!
This one!

Points to the “third half”.

Buffoon. What? Earnestly!
WOMAN. And even original!
QUEEN (proudly). It's called New Year's know-how!
Buffoon. Well, well... Now move on.
QUEEN. And the third half of the hall, on my command, will do this:
We laugh like pretend horses.
Like this!


We cackle like pretend goslings.
Like this!


And we grunt merrily, like the laughing three little pigs.
Like this!


And at the same time he slams his feet!
Like this!


WOMAN. What are we doing with our feet?
QUEEN. Let's clap! Feet on the floor.
WOMAN. You are cut off from life, your snowflake! They don't clap their feet.
They clap these...

It's like I forgot...

Well, these?..
QUEEN. Ears?
WOMAN. Not really. Ears flap only during lessons. And that's not all.
Well with these...
QUEEN. With your eyes?
WOMAN. Not really. Eyes flutter in the morning. Woke up.
Well with these...

Turns to the hall.

Guys, tell me: what are the audience clapping for?

The children give hints.

Exactly! With your hands! Here!
But they don’t clap their feet, their feet...

Turns to the hall.

Guys, what are you doing with your feet?

The children give hints.

Absolutely right! They stomp their feet!
QUEEN. I'm not stupid - I understand! Slamming your feet on the floor is called

Let's rehearse this welcoming moment!
So, on my command: we laugh, cackle, grunt and... stomp! Attention! Let's start!

Conducts a rehearsal with the children.

Well! Super Duper! Wow! Top class!
BABA (enviously). Now let's rehearse everything together!
So to speak - for memory! Repetition is the mother of learning!

Buffoon Baba and the Queen are rehearsing the MEETING OF THE GAME.

Buffoon. Great!
QUEEN. Super! No! Super high! In!
Buffoon. And now, when the music starts, at our command...

A gesture towards Baba, the Queen and yourself.

And we are one team!
At the command of our team...
WOMAN. This is when we wave our hands...
Buffoon. Let's start loud, fun, contagiously New Year's
meet our beloved dear Game!
QUEEN. On your marks!
WOMAN. Attention!
Buffoon. Let's start!

Music is playing.
Baba Queen and Skomorokh are waving their hands.
An incomprehensible, shiny something like a MIRACLE IN FEATHERS appears with a bow on the side.

Buffoon. Didn't understand...
WOMAN. Didn't understand...
QUEEN. I don't miss anything.
MIRACLE. Well, are you finished? Are you done talking? Have you met?

Thanks for the tip...

"Hold your pocket wider".
I opened it wider.
And the Game is oh-so-interesting... Jump - hop!

Slaps himself in the pocket.

And sewn - covered! Gop-tsa-tsa!
Buffoon. And who are you?
MIRACLE. "Who-who." I have many names.
I'm a boring Blizzard! I am the sad Blizzard! I am a boring Purga!
I am Tosca! I am Tosca-ah! I…

Unexpectedly loud and rude.

And I won’t tell you my other name!
And you yourself will never guess.
And you will never see your Game again!
She is now...
Slaps on your pocket.

Only mine! Will live in my collection.
And my collection is in my kingdom.
And my kingdom is in another time.
And my time is in another space.
And my space is where I am.
And where I am - you will never guess...
That's it...
I feel kind of bored and sad with you.
I’m going to go dry your Game, that is, mine already!

Flash Light. A burst of sound.
Blizzard-Melancholy has disappeared.

Buffoon (very sad). Here...
BABA (very sadly). New turn...
QUEEN (in the same key). What is he bringing us?..

Very sad.

Yes... Once upon a time there were three little pigs...
One was called Naf-Naf, the other was Nyuf-Nyuf...
But they didn’t like the third brother and called him “Nifkaif”...
No... Nifkay me all this!
I'll go home and sleep.
I'll play the snow computer.
WOMAN. You won't play. Game in captivity.
QUEEN (sadly and indifferently). So, I won’t play... Grandma for her granddaughter,
granddaughter for a bug, bug for a cat, cat for a mouse...
Not an ordinary mouse...
Buffoon. What about the gold one?
QUEEN. And the computer one. “Mouse” and so on, “mouse” and that...
Tail clink. Stretched out like a worm.
The grandfather is crying, the grandmother is crying, the chicken Ryaba is crying: we bought a computer, but we can’t play on it... Eh.!
Buffoon. Yes! Stuck.
WOMAN. In my opinion, she started moving.
Buffoon. Yes, we will all be moving soon.
WOMAN. It is high time.
Buffoon. And where?
WOMAN. “Where, where”... To Kudykina Mountain. You can see everything from there.
Maybe we’ll see the kingdom of Blizzard-Tosca from there?
Buffoon. And what? The idea is worth it. Need to try.
Trying is not torture. But what if!
WOMAN. Risk is a noble cause! He who doesn't take risks doesn't drink New Year's

Gesture to the Queen.

Do we take people who are crazy with us?
Buffoon. Why not? She has, as they say nowadays, "a roof
let's go" - we use this roof not as a luxury, but as a means
transportation: we’ll take it to Kudykina Mountain.
QUEEN (approaches with a decisive step). It's not a roof we need...
WOMAN. Well, you're wrong. Today everyone needs a good roof.
This is not the time to run around with umbrellas. Winter is just around the corner!
QUEEN. We need a Time Machine.
Buffoon. We know, we know. Time is money. Printing press, or something?
QUEEN. Time is the very space where one can hide
Blizzard-Tosca. Where there is Blizzard-Melancholy, there Time stops.
And where Time stops, Space is formed.
Such a boring, blizzardy Space. Everyone there is overwhelmed with boredom!
And where there is such Space, there is the kingdom.
A dreary, snowy kingdom.
And there...
Buffoon. All clear! We have to go save the Game. And even New Year
will not come! And Santa Claus won't come! Without the Game - who needs them?
Let's go!
WOMAN. But where should we go?
Buffoon. On all four sides!
WOMAN. So how can the three of us go to all four directions?
QUEEN. With the Time Machine we can only go to all THREE
sides: into the Past, Present and Future.
Buffoon. Where are we now?
QUEEN. Now we…

Buffoon. So! What are we doing here?
WOMAN. Come to your senses! We're on holiday! And there is ALWAYS a holiday!
He is a holiday in the Past, he is a holiday in the Future,
a holiday - it is a holiday in Africa too.
Therefore, we are now OUT OF TIME.
And we need a car. Time Machine.
Buffoon. No problem!

Addresses the audience.

Guys, will you be our time machine?

The children answer.
But not just a Time Machine! You will also be pilots,
and navigators, and our military-game amusing landing force!
Do you agree?

The children answer.

Then let's go!
Let's imagine a make-believe and very modern Time Machine of the latest model.
We sat down in the chairs.
Seat belts fastened.
Turned on the control panel...

The buffoon shows what and how to do.
Children repeat all movements after him.

We begin a pre-takeoff test of readiness.
I will ask questions. If your car is in order, answer me by clapping.
Like this.

Claps his hands.

If it's not okay, wave your hands.
Like this.

Waving his hands.

Is the ignition working?
Do you have any traction?
Is oxygen normal?
Are the wheels spinning?
Is the helm turning?
Are the wipers ok?

The children answer all his questions.

If the wipers are ok, show them like this...

Makes a farewell gesture - like: "goodbye." get them off the road and onto the sidewalk.
The Time Machine doesn't need windshield wipers. Let them keep it clean here.
We took the helm.
Turn on the ignition.
We work like a motor: “Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta”!
Let's take off!

Both Baba and the Queen do everything the Buffoon says.

Steering wheel to the left!
Steering wheel to the right!
Steering wheel up!
Steering wheel down!

When commanding, the Buffoon can cheerfully deceive children:
saying “steering wheel down”, he raises his hands up.

I said: "Row down!"
Take the helm!
Hello, let's change!
Sit down!
Wipe away the pretend sweat!
Give yourself a round of applause for that soft landing.

The children applaud.
The viscous melody of a folk song sounds.

QUEEN. Where are we?
Buffoon. Actually - in the Past.
In my native buffoonish Past
As they say: the new is the well-forgotten Past!
Let's start searching for Blizzard-Tosca?
QUEEN. First you need to check how they...

Gesture towards children. they know this past?
WOMAN. Well, check it out!
QUEEN. Well, I'll check it out!

Do you know three great Russian heroes?

The children answer.

It's good that you know. But let’s check to see if you know for sure.
Now I will name the names of the heroes, and you name them

Children: "Muromets!"


Children: “Nikitych!”


Children, by inertia: “Robber!”

What are you doing? What kind of hero is Nightingale the Robber?
So let them into history.
We'll find ourselves in such a story - it won't seem like much!
WOMAN. Stop making fun of the kids.
Vanya, start your own business!
Buffoon (screams at the top of his buffoon throat). E-hey!
Is there anybody here?

PEOPLE appear.
Everyone is lazy, yawning, stretching.

Good people, have you ever had a Blizzard or Melancholy here?
Buffoon. I'm asking...
WOMAN. So what are you asking? Don't you see what they are like?
Buffoon. I see something, but I don’t believe my eyes.
WOMAN. Now, believe it or not, something needs to be done!
Buffoon. Let's play!

Shall we play?
PEOPLE. No... We don't know how to play...
Buffoon. And we will teach.
PEOPLE. Doesn't it hurt?
Buffoon. It's fun!
PEOPLE. We're lazy...
Buffoon. And we will help you get rid of laziness... Look, sloths!
You're probably not in Australia, but in...

Names the place where the holiday takes place.
Addresses the audience.

Guys, can you help me stir them up?

The audience responds.

Now we'll tickle them. All sloths are afraid of tickles.
I know this from myself. I also once went through the school of laziness.

To the audience.

Stretch out your hands. And on my command, do this!

Shows children a tickle gesture.

The children answer.

Attention! Let's start!

Cheerful music is playing.
Children perform a fun tickling ritual.
People jump, writhe, laugh, try to escape
this tickling that overtakes them everywhere.
At the same time, Baba and the Queen got it too.
They too found themselves in the tickling zone.

PEOPLE. Save! Help! Stop it! We won't do it anymore!.. Enough!
Buffoon. Stop.
They fall to their knees.

Don't tickle us anymore!
- We are no longer lazy!
- We are good!
- We are listening to you!
Buffoon. Why listen to us? We didn't come here to lecture you.
There are separate times and separate people for lectures and seminars!
Tell me this: did you have a Blizzard-Melancholy?
Buffoon. And where is she?
PEOPLE. And she swam away!
Buffoon. Where?
PEOPLE. How do we know?
Buffoon. And if you tickle, will you remember?
PEOPLE. Don't tickle us! We won't remember! Blizzard-Melancholy thoughts for us
she clouded her mind, clouded her brains, took her mind for a loop, and left it there.
She also suggested jumping off like crazy, but we were scared: it was too high
Buffoon. Well. Let's remember together.

To the auditorium.

Guys, will you help us help them?

The children answer.

So you were scared to jump out of your mind?
Buffoon. Aren't you afraid to just jump?
Buffoon. What, yeah"?
Buffoon (to the auditorium). Guys, what is the name of the game when
do people jump through ropes?

Listens to the response from the audience.

Right! "Jumping ropes"!
How many of you know how to jump on jumping ropes or jump on skipping ropes?

The children answer.
The buffoon addresses the people.

Well, let's learn to play?
Buffoon (to the audience). Guys, let's teach them to jump and gallop?

The children answer.
The buffoon turns to the people again.

Then go and choose a teacher for yourself!
PEOPLE (with fear). To the torturer?
Buffoon. For a child or an adult who will teach you how to play!
And it will cure boredom! It's clear?
Buffoon. And remember: only uncultured people say “aha.”
Buffoon (gesture towards the audience). Then let's move!
PEOPLE (with fear). In phase?
Buffoon. Let's move forward! To the victory... of this... Fun!

People began to choose their “teachers” from among the spectators.

Hey! Give us good music for the Game lesson.

Cheerful music is playing.
Children teach people to jump.
Those, parodically, seem to master new knowledge.
They are learning.
They jump with the children.

Thank you boys and girls.
PEOPLE. Thank you!

The children go to their places.

Buffoon (to people). Well, let's check how you learned this lesson!?
Show us what you've learned!

People reincarnated as buffoons and showed a cheerful
circus act JUMPING.

I think they deserve applause!

The audience applauds.
Suddenly one of the people burst onto the stage with a scream,
spun, spun, screamed, screamed and twitched.

HUMAN. Oooh! A-a-a-ay!

To myself.

Oh! Something doesn't feel right to me! I feel bad about something!
Buffoon. Yes, this is Blizzard-Tosca! Grab her!
BLIZZA-TOSKA. Stop! What are you doing? Who can grab the Blizzard-Tosca?
I am vast, intangible and elusive! Like an avenger!
Okay, ugh here on you! I'll go reign somewhere else!

Everyone spun around.
Blizzard-Melancholy has disappeared.

Buffoon. She escaped!
PEOPLE. Let's catch up!
Buffoon. Disappeared!
PEOPLE. Let's find it!
Buffoon. Gone!
PEOPLE. Well, to hell with her!
BABA (sarcastically). You are all joking, but Blizzard-Melancholy has escaped!
By the way!
Buffoon. She didn't run away! She ran away in panic! And not in between
other than that, but because we defeated it! Thanks guys!
QUEEN. Thanks guys!
Buffoon. And “thank you” is not nice! We need to pay back with something!?
WOMAN. No problems!

And our heroes show a cheerful, mischievous dance number.

QUEEN. Well, that's it! Enough entertainment!
We have driven away Boredom from the Past, dispelled Melancholy - it’s time to lather ourselves into the Future! As they say: finish off the enemy in his lair!
Buffoon. Isn’t it offensive to you to speak such words about the Future?
QUEEN. And it depends on us, and only on us, what our
New Year's Future!
Buffoon. Then go ahead! What will we go on? Or will we fly?
QUEEN. Nope... Let's go on foot! On your own.
Let's go into space!
Buffoon and BABA. Where?
QUEEN. Into the space! To outer space!
WOMAN. Come on? There's no air there. And the aroma... of these... New Year's
QUEEN. Well, first of all, we have a make-believe space. And tangerines
they don't grow there! And secondly, space is always up.
And you can see everything from above, you know that.
WOMAN. Well, tell me what to do? We are ready.
QUEEN. What about the guys?
WOMAN. Yes, they have been ready for a long time! Right guys?

The children answer.

You see - ready!
You can say: childhood in its own juice!
See what they are all like! The most juice: blood with milk!
Well, come on, start with everything ready! And we will support!..
PEOPLE. And we? Take us with you. We'll hold something too!
Do you know how supported we are!?
QUEEN. Well? Shall we take them?
Buffoon. And we’ll ask the guys this! Guys, let's take them with us?

The children answer.

Children trust you! Go and transform yourself!
Try out something new! To look at you
not so sad.
PEOPLE. Hurray!

Buffoon (to the Queen). Get started, snow terminator!
Where will we go and how shall we go?
QUEEN. And we, guys, will go into space - New Year's and very
I will tell you what to do, and you repeat after me!..
Do as I do!

The Queen plays the game.

We are walking across the starry sky: wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

The queen slaps her front with her hands
hips: as if walking and admiring.

We are walking across the starry sky!

Hands: wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

We climb the planets like steps: oh! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

With your index fingers, as if in heels, “walk”
by planets - from bottom to top.

We are walking across the starry sky: wow - wow - wow, wow!

We open the floodgates: burn - burn!

Hands: right and left, as if opening floodgates.
We walk across the starry sky: wow - wow - wow - wow!
We climb the planets: oh - oh - oh - oh!
We open the doors - the floodgates: burn - burn!
Let's go in and see the New Year's space! Wow!

A loud scream, arms opening wide,
as if we saw something immensely big.

We are going! According to the starry sky: wow - wow - wow, wow!
We climb the planets: oh - oh - oh - oh!
We open the doors - the floodgates: burn-burn!
We go in and see the New Year's space: wow!
We run up to the telescope monitor and look into it! Wow!

A gesture as if looking through a telescope.
Further, all gestures are repeated from the beginning, and with acceleration.

And we see New Year's space gifts: flying like flies
mokipons: chpok-chpok-chpok-chpok!

Such little "clickers".

And TV pops crying with happiness! Oooh-ooh-ooh-ooh!
And the “piggies” and “stepashkas” rush around: hoo-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu!
And the unidentified and still flying bechurashkas rumble and
crocodile genes: tra-ta-ta!
And the rogue rogues explode from fear:
Bang - bang! Bang - bang! Bang - bang! Bang - bang!
And then Aunt Purga appears and shouts to us: “What are you
are you doing here!?
And we all run away in the reverse order - with a bang!

Do all movements in reverse order.

They barely escaped!
Buffoon. Wait! Who is Aunt Purga?
Who in space can Aunt Purga?
QUEEN. Well, the one whose brother is Purgen... That is, Buran!
Buffoon. Buran is ours spaceship- second cousin
brother to the American Challenger! And what does Purga have to do with it?
Yes, in space and without a spacesuit!?

Blizzard-Tosca runs out.

BLIZZA-TOSKA. You yourself are a “spacesuit”! Ha ha ha!
Runs away.

Buffoon. Oh! Who is this?
WOMAN. I think that our enemy is amusing himself: Blizzard-Melancholy! She's still
then Purgensha... She called herself Purga.
And whoever calls you names is like that... What guys?

The audience gives hints.

That's right - that's what it's called!
QUEEN. Then let's go into space again, but very, very quietly!
Like scouts! Space "Stirlitz"!

The whole game is repeated, but in very, very quiet voices.

And then the boring Blizzard appears.

Blizzard-Tosca appears.

And we shout to her: “Stop! Hands up!”

Blizzard-Tosca, by inertia, raises his hands, as if in fright.
And then, very casually, he lowers them.

YEARNING. Look, you are heroes! Scared! Ha ha ha!
And I’m not the least bit afraid of you!
QUEEN. Give us our Game!
YEARNING. Don't you want anything else?
QUEEN. I don't want anything else! But less is the same!
YEARNING. You'll get over it!
QUEEN. How is that?
YEARNING. Like dishes in an elephant's shop!
Buffoon. Come on, give me the game!
YEARNING. And you bark! Maybe I'll give it back!

The buffoon barks.

But they don’t give it to the dogs - they get it themselves! Ha ha ha!
They made the rooster laugh!
QUEEN. What do we do?
WOMAN. Call the pacifier!
QUEEN. What a “pacifier”!
WOMAN. Which will save our souls!



RESCUERS. We are rescuers! Who shouted “suck” and who asked for a pacifier!
QUEEN. Get ready to spray anti-boring!
YEARNING. Who did you call boring? And how is it that you want me
QUEEN. And now you will find out.

Looks up in fear.

Ooh! What is that there - a grandfather freezing across the sky!?

Everyone is looking at where she is pointing.
Tosca escapes.

QUEEN. I cheated again! She ran away again!
Buffoon. Not “again”, but “again”!
WOMAN. All! Listen to me! From the Past we drove away Boredom - Melancholy?
Driven away! Kicked out of the Future? Kicked out!
Now let's go to the Present. She's hiding there!
RESCUERS. And we are with you! Can?
WOMAN. I don't mind!
Buffoon. Me too.
QUEEN. I have no principled objection.
BABA (to the rescuers). But then you need...
RESCUERS. We know, we know! Change!
WOMAN. Whoa! Mimicking! And chamelion! Is the task clear?
RESCUERS. Otherwise! Go ahead - adapt to today's life!

BABA (to the audience). And we will go to the Present on a bicycle
So, we sat down, as it were, on pretend bicycle seats.
We grabbed the bicycle handlebars.
They rang a make-believe bicycle bell.

Children repeat all movements after Baba.

And now let's go to fun cycling music.
On your marks! Attention! Go!
BABA conducts a dance - a game.

Stop! We've arrived!

He looks around and listens.

Strange... There's a lot of silence here...

Hey! Is there anyone?

I don't understand anything!

Looks around.

And our chameleons disappeared somewhere.

A slow, drawn-out blues melody sounds.
NON-HUMANS crawl under it like sleepwalkers.
A sort of sad “shari-vari.”

Hey! Hi guys! What's wrong with you?

Non-humans look at Baba with dull eyes, obviously - nothing
They don’t understand and are stupidly silent.

Can you hear me?

The non-humans looked at each other and stared again
to Baba.

So... Blizzard-Melancholy has been here too... Stupefied them...

Gesture towards non-humans.

...stunned, fooled.
What to do?

I thought about it.

I have an idea!
Let them not hear my voice and not understand my words!
But there is an international sign language!.. And everyone understands it!
Even the most dull ones.

Let's try to learn it. Raise your right hand up.

Look at her carefully.
This is your hand!
And there are five whole fingers on it.
By the way, can you count?

Listens to the children's answer.

Come on, let's check it out.
They gave up.
Now I will name the numbers.

Very clever.

Different numbers. And you name exactly one unit more. Get ready.
Twenty three!

The children answer.
Baba, with gradual acceleration, names various
The children answer.
Baba's last control number is 1099.

One thousand ninety nine!

As a rule, children shout: “Two thousand!”

But that’s not right!
After ninety-nine thousand comes one hundred thousand!
And where are your teachers looking?
OK. Let's get back to our... these...

Let's return to ours, to these... To whom will we “return to ours”?
Listens to the answer.

To which “rams”? To your fingers! We were talking about fingers!
Each hand has five fingers.

And how much on both hands?..

Listens to the answer.

Are you overheated or what? Both hands also have five fingers.
So, these five fingers replace one tongue...
As they say: “one tongue is good, but so are five fingers.”
not bad." So let's try to talk with our fingers...
There is a version that this international language was invented
Boy - with - finger. Let's support his initiative.
Come on, show me how it will sound on your fingers: “I have
everything's great!"?

Children show.

A - “Everything is okay with me!”?

Children show.

A - “Quiet - sh-s-s-s...”?
A - “Attention!”?
A - “Don’t be naughty!”?
A - “Don’t spoil me!”?
A - “Think-think-think!”?
A - “You’re not very smart!”?
How does a policeman call you?

Children show all gestures.

And once again - “I’m doing great!”
It's great when everything is great!
And they...

Gesture towards non-humans.

And it’s not healthy at all, and you’re not even “living healthy”...
ABOUT! Let's show them how good we live!
Let them envy us. If their envy is not black,
then they will definitely wake up, wake up, see clearly and hear us!
They will hear and envy - how much fun we have!
So let's have a little sit-down...
QUEEN. A strike?
WOMAN. Here's another. A small, sit-down disco! Here!
Buffoon. And what? Let's try!
BABA (to the hall). Repeat after us the dance moves that
we will show you!

Music is playing.
Buffoon Baba and the Queen - in turn - show children various dance movements for arms, shoulders, heads and other parts of the body.
And non-humans woke up.
They first picked up these movements.
Then they started showing theirs.
Then they ran into the auditorium and set up a cheerful disco game room in the aisles and on the stage.


And suddenly one of them began to thrash around again, wheezed, and squirmed.

BLIZZA-TOSKA. Eh! All for one, right? Did you manage? Come on
differently! Let's have a fight! If you win, the game is yours!
If you lose, your Game will remain with me! Is it coming?
Buffoon. It's coming!
SNOWSTORM. Then so! I will read poetry, and you continue to rhyme.
But if you make a mistake at least once and give the wrong rhyme,
then you lose, and the game is mine!
Buffoon. Eh! Where ours didn’t disappear!

Will you guys help us?

The children answer.

Thank you!

Vyuga used a poem by B. Zakhoder.
The correct rhymes are in brackets.

The animals celebrated the New Year
The animals celebrated the New Year.
Driven by animals...
(Round dance)
Around a green Christmas tree.
The Mole also danced,
And Behemoth,
And even evil ones...
The Porcupine also started dancing -
prickly needles,
And all - tremble,
And that's all - scream
And that's it - run away from...
Look: Already -
At least he's good! -
And he is trembling with fear!..
-But you won’t get through me! -
- We'll dance
Step by step
But everyone
(Let's dance)!

Buffoon, Queen and Baba, during this competition,
Help children guess the exact rhyme.
In the end, the children won.

EVERYONE (except Tosca). Hurray! We won!
YEARNING. So what? But I still won’t give you your Game. I'll dry it
And I will play it myself! One! All alone! Always alone!

And suddenly Toska began to cry bitterly.

Ah-ah-ah! All my life - alone! Ah-ah-ah-ah!

The Queen, Skomorokh and Baba looked at each other.
And suddenly the same thing: first they whimpered, and then they roared,
they cried and wailed out loud.
And their voices are wow.

Buffoon (to the auditorium). Guys, let's help Vyuga in her
boring grief! Maybe she'll cry all her grief and
and she will feel better, and she will have more fun.
Help her! Have a good cry.

Under the leadership of Skomorokh, children arrange
Make-believe crying - roar.
The blizzard stopped roaring and began to look with interest.
look closely at the children.

SNOWSTORM. Why are they? Why are they? Why them?
WOMAN. I feel sorry for you.
SNOWSTORM. So harmful? So snide? Like this...
And it's a pity? You're lying! I know - it’s only the bee who is “sorry”!
But children don’t feel “sorry”!
Buffoon. It doesn’t happen to children, but children feel sorry for it.
Now they feel sorry for you.
SNOWSTORM. Well, okay... We burst into tears here... Made us feel sorry... Melted my
black, icy heart.
WOMAN. Well, it’s not like yours and it’s black. Not that icy.
SNOWSTORM. So which one?
WOMAN. And you know it yourself!
SNOWSTORM. I know! How do you know that?
WOMAN. And you, Blizzard-Tosca, tell me your third name!?
SNOWSTORM. Nope! Guess for yourself!

Blizzard sighs sadly and coquettishly.

BABA (to the hall). Guys, tell me what it’s called when you’re neither bored nor
sad and not fun?

The children give hints.

Here! Sadness-Snowstorm is your third name.
SADNESS. Right! Actually, this is my first name.
Buffoon. Very good name!
SADNESS. Is it true?
Buffoon. Of course it's true. Sometimes it’s even very pleasant to be sad,
SAD (points to the children). Do they know how to do this?
QUEEN. Otherwise!

Guys, let's show how we can be sad.
Let's take a sad, sad breath! Three four!

The children sigh.

SADNESS. Oh how good! Can I do it again?
QUEEN. Can! Guys, let's breathe again!

The children sigh again.

Buffoon. Now let the adults help us!
Tell me, what songs about blizzards and blizzards do you know!?

Conducts a song AUCTION.

SADNESS. Well okay... Conquered! Fascinated! Hypnotized!
I give you your Game!
ALL. Hooray!
SADNESS. Stop! No! This will not work! The evil in me has awakened.
We need her...
WOMAN. Put him to sleep, or what?
SADNESS. Well, so be it. And she falls asleep with me from cheerful songs.
Buffoon. No problem! We have such a song.
It's traditional for us!

Guys, can you help us sing it?

The children answer.
The buffoon explains what kind of song this is.
And everyone sings it together.
Suddenly the music changes, switches to something else.
Round dance around Sadness.
The round dance disperses and in the center of the stage we see
charmingly cheerful CREATURE.

WOMAN. Oh! This is a Game!

Guys, remember - at first we rehearsed the meeting of the madam,
Mistress Games!
And meet Her - as it should be!

The children meet Mrs. Game as previously rehearsed.

A GAME. Thank you, thank you!
Buffoon. Oh! Is this how you played us?
QUEEN. Were you pretending to be Boredom, Melancholy and Sadness?
WOMAN. Blizzard and Blizzard?
GAME (proudly). And then who? I gave you this test!
I was very interested - how will you behave?
Buffoon. So how is it?
A GAME. Wonderful! I see that my best, most
devoted friends! Game friends!
I am very glad that you are so friendly, so cheerful, so resourceful!
And I want to wish you many, many happy and joyful
moments in life!
And many, many new and wonderful games!
And always have a great mood!
And to Magic power Games never left you!

A New Year's melody sounds.
Father Frost and Snow Maiden run in.

FREEZING. Ugh! We made it!..

I hear children playing somewhere! And they play so cheerfully and together that Snegurochka and I couldn’t resist and ran here! On holiday!
SNOW MAIDEN. Because a holiday is only where it’s fun and joyful!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden notice the Game.

FREEZING. Hello, Madam Game!
A GAME. Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Gesture to the audience.

We've been waiting for you guys!
Take up the festive baton!
FREEZING. And I will!

To the audience.

There, in the foyer, the Christmas tree is already waiting for you and many, many wonderful New Year’s varieties!

Music is playing.
PEOPLE in the images of NEW YEARS burst in

CLOWNS-SNOWMANS. We have transformed! Are we late?
FREEZING. You came on time! Take the kids to the New Year's ball!

Snowman clowns take children away in an organized manner - to
continuation of the Holiday.