A woman dreamed of a small boy's male genitals. Dream interpretation of a woman's intimate place

09.09.2019 Home and life

Why do you dream about genitals? They usually show how the dreamer feels about his sex life. According to dream books, the genitals symbolize how a person is trying to realize himself or some details of his character.

Miller's opinion

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing primary genital organs in a dream means that in the near future you will show yourself in an unexpected way, thereby greatly surprising your loved ones.

Life cycle symbol

Mrs. Danilova, author Erotic dream book, considered the dream about female genitals as a symbol of the original creation. What “charms” can mean in a dream often depends on the gender of the dreamer. In general, the dream speaks of an empty search for variety in life. This is usually a dream for people who are prevented from developing by the current situation or environment.

Morozova’s dream book says that if a man sees a girl’s genitals in a dream, then in the near future the sleeping person will receive support powerful of the world this. If a woman had such a dream, she will soon have a new sexual partner.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima interpret dreams in which an unshaven vagina appears as a harbinger of future humiliation or insults.

Why do you dream about the phallus?

If in a dream a girl sees how her male genitals have grown, it means that in the near future she will find herself in an “interesting” position. If a pregnant woman dreams about this, it means good sign. Childbirth after such a dream occurs without complications.

If a guy dreamed of his phallus, then the Modern Universal Dream Book recommends that he take care of his good name. This interpreter also warns: if someone else’s genital organ appeared in a dream, conflicts await him.

If the dreamed penis was large in size, then the dreamer will have good luck in his endeavors. If the penis was long but thin, this is a harbinger of some pathologies. Dreaming of ejaculation foreshadows the approaching completion of some important matter.

Towards a new relationship

Why do you dream about shaving in the intimate area? Freud's dream book connects the image pubic hair with increased libido of the sleeper. Accordingly, a dream about their removal foreshadows a quick acquaintance with a new lover.

A man who shaves his genitals in a dream needs to end his relationship with a woman who no longer pleases him. Most likely, old relationships will soon give way to new, even brighter ones.

A Call for Caution

If an official saw a castrated penis in a dream, then there is a danger of losing his position. When a law enforcement officer or army officer saw such a dream, it means that an epic failure awaits him.

The Muslim dream book claims that a tired and “non-working” phallus indicates that in real life the dreamer may become a victim of rumors spread by those whom he could accidentally harm.

Genitals- Do you feel strong and sexy or impotent in this life? This sign may contain a negative meaning. For example, when someone is sent to one place...

Italian dream book

Genitals- a well-known positive symbol denoting strength, power, fertility, pleasure. The image symbolizes functions corresponding to the functions of the genitals.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Look into the depths of the subconscious and find out what your dream is about. It will tell you what you see means. And it will help to understand what you dreamed even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Genitals: interpretation by 100 authors

The meaning of a dream about Hidden Places (author of the text - Hubayshi Tiflisi)

  • If a man sees enlarged genitals, the number of his male children will increase.
  • When a man sees genitals that are separate from the body, it means the birth of a girl. One more meaning of this dream sent to a man: quick departure (for personal or official needs).
  • When a woman sees in a dream the touch of male genitals to her womb, then: if she saw such a dream while pregnant, then she will happily be delivered from the burden in due time; if not, then she will only decide to get pregnant in the very near future.

What does it mean to see the genitals

  • Why do you dream of genitals (penis, member) - a well-known positive symbol denoting strength, power, fertility, pleasure. The image symbolizes functions corresponding to the functions of the genitals.
  • If you dreamed about naked genitals - for a man the dream means betrayal, for a woman it means a disease in the female part. Imagine covering your genitals with a silk loincloth, or wearing underwear, pants, or a skirt.

Numerological horoscope for the number of the day - 25

2 is a symbol of trusting relationships and a balanced state. It represents the main attribute of cooperation based on mutual benefit and respect. 5 are opportunities that are bestowed by fate. The number will help you radically change your life, find an activity to achieve success and set goals.

On the 25th you can allow yourself new experiences. It is worth keeping in mind that flirting and interesting acquaintances will have an impact on family relationships. You shouldn’t waste your time on suffering and regret. It's time to allow yourself to be bold, liberated, and open to new possibilities.

The astral plane not only takes you into a fantasy world, it tears away the veils of decency and shyness from the imagination. You can see a lot here that in reality people don’t think much about. Do you know what you dream about? male organ? A person who is not concerned about problems in the sexual area will probably be surprised when he remembers the scenes of the night and will try to determine what exactly the subconscious is telling him, what it is preparing him for. Let's look at what male genital organs mean in dreams, so that we can be fully armed and understand the hints of the angels.

How to approach decoding

After reading famous authors, you will understand: plots differ not only in circumstances and vividness of details. When figuring out why the male organ is dreamed of, it is important to take into account the gender, age of the dreamer and other circumstances. For example, if such an immodest plot appeared before the inner gaze of a young lady who has not known love, this is one thing; if it was born from the imagination of a married lady, it is another; for a man, it is completely different. It is important to consider what a person has been thinking about lately. Dreams are often reflections of daytime worries and anxieties. And there is no need to figure out why the male organ is dreamed of by a guy who is in captivity of an inferiority complex due to unhappy love. Here you don’t need to deal with interpretations, but with yourself. It is also advisable to remember the person who owned what the shy woman does not mention in open conversation. A lot of decoding also depends on the person. But first things first.

Let's be clear: in this paragraph we will decipher the immodest plot for virgins who have not known male love. This is important for talking with the subconscious. If the male organ frightens the girl, troubles await. She is the object of attention of a person not burdened with morality. The situation is dangerous. A girl should look around more carefully and not stay with her friends until late. Seeing this “charm” growing between your legs is a shameful act. Some thoughtless word or action will lead to the girl being thrown into the mud by the old woman at the entrance. Black glory will stick to her for a long time if she does not think about the meaning of the dream. In fact, it says that the girl has too high an opinion of her charms and talents. Modesty should not be neglected under any circumstances, it is of no use. Dreaming of a large male organ means tears, impotent anger, disappointment and depression ahead, caused by the betrayal of a loved one. Such an image does not bode well for girls. The plot encourages caution, suggests listening to the advice of your mother or older friend, they will not let you down.

The meaning of the image for a woman of childbearing age

The joys of love no longer give you the same joy as before, says the dream book. A woman dreams of the male organ, which means she yearns for the affection, care, and confident condescension of a real man. The one who is now next to her does not satisfy her internal, sometimes unconscious needs. If the organ belonged to a relative, expect trouble. This is a bad dream. He foreshadows certain changes in the family, which can only be called indecent. Someone will make fatal mistake, plunging all loved ones into suffering and poverty. It will be very difficult to get out of the abyss.

There is another interpretation of the image, depending on the personal attitude towards it. For ladies, a stranger’s male organ portends a new hobby. A real prince or knight will appear surrounded by a woman. The lady risks losing her head and cheating on her spouse. This plot speaks only of a probable possibility, and you will have to decide what to do on your own. For single women, such an immodest plot guarantees the appearance of a partner. There is no point in refusing his caresses. If you dream of a male organ of enormous size, it means that an unforgettable evening awaits you, filled with passion, tenderness and incredible life-giving fire.

Interpretation for a man

A completely different thought wants to be born in the mind young man subconscious, throwing up strange plot, in which it appears Seeing your genitals is a sign of dissatisfaction. You probably think you deserve more. The current relationship is unsatisfactory and boring. Instead of being active in bed, you prefer to sit in front of the TV with a glass soft drink, is not it? It is advisable to change your own attitude towards love pleasures, come up with something new and offer it to your partner. She herself is waiting for exactly this.

Explaining why the male organ is dreamed of, Freud’s dream book hints at a certain disease, the result of which can be impotence. Here you cannot sit idly by, but you need to identify the disease and undergo a course of treatment. Seeing an organ in another person means a serious conflict. If you looked at the genitals of a friend, he will betray your boss - he will hang all the dogs on you, stranger- encounter fraud or deception. Such a dream does not bode well. He is a harbinger of danger. By the way, seeing female genital organs is good. This is a sign of the birth of a new idea, project or hobby.

Decoding for older people

In his declining years, a person tends to overestimate what he has achieved. Older people often spend time reminiscing, unconsciously taking stock. The image described is an echo of such brain work. The male organ appears in a dream when some long-forgotten situations cause pain. Something in the past is still not fully accepted. Male genitalia are a hint that it’s time to come to terms with your fate and stop worrying. At any age there is a future, and it is connected with everything new and promising. For an elderly woman, this plot foreshadows a meeting with an unpleasant person, an old enemy. There is nothing left to share, try to calmly face the test, not to show that resentment is still alive in your soul.

Alternative point of view

Esotericists interpret the meaning of dreams in their own way. If they do not have a sexual connotation, it means that the male organ appears in them as a hint to the creation of a new thought. It is he who is the source of the birth of a new organism. Conception is associated with it. It appears in the dreams of a person within whom a big and important idea has already matured. She strives to break out into the light, to be embodied. If the organ looked sluggish or sick, it is too early to reveal your brilliant thoughts to the world. They will seem immature and stupid to others. It is necessary to work carefully on what fascinates you so much. Sooner or later the result will definitely come. Seeing the male organ for a woman means meeting the father of the unborn child. Probably, her thoughts are now occupied with something else, but it is recommended to abandon it. The one who appears on her horizon soon is sent by fate. A flaccid organ seen by a girl is a sign of trouble in personal life. Her boyfriend has been looking at his girlfriends for a long time. One of them will reciprocate the lovelace.

Strange visions

So far we have been considering astral situations similar to reality. But miracles happen in the country of Morpheus. If you see a male organ in the wrong place, expect a sudden scandal or a strange quarrel. When such events occur, grandmothers call it the evil eye. Genitals predict black energy entering the aura and influencing it. After such a dream, oddities of the worst kind are likely. You need to gather your strength and get through the dark patch, everything will pass. Seeing a male organ in a small child is an insult. And the larger it is, the more offended you will be in reality. If a little girl was endowed with a similar body part in your dream, you will be surprised at the sudden turn in the relationship. The person you trusted wholeheartedly will turn out to be a shameless liar and a hypocrite.


When analyzing why the male organ is dreamed of, focus on the situation in which it appeared before your eyes. An intimate scene is natural for such an image, which means nothing particularly bad will follow. If you see male genitals in an inappropriate environment, read the darkest predictions, you won’t go wrong!

The genitals in a dream represent the sleeping person’s attitude towards the intimate side of his own life. Dream books associate why genitals are dreamed of with the nuances of perception of one’s own essence, the search for the “I” and attempts to realize it.

According to Miller’s dream book, genitals promise a chance to express oneself

Dreaming about your genital organ, according to Gustavus Hindman Miller, prophesies about the opportunity in real life to show some abilities that will surprise others.

Female genitals in a dream are a symbol of fertility

Danilova’s erotic dream book suggests considering what women’s intimate “charms” mean in dreams as a natural creative force. In addition, the dream plot, depending on the gender of the sleeping person, speaks of an unconscious search for something new, since the current circumstances and social circle do not bring you the desired development and mental satisfaction.

For a man to see female intimate parts of the body in a dream, according to Morozova’s dream book, predicts the prospect of receiving the support of an influential person or an interesting business proposal. For women, having a similar dream promises new sexual relationships.

Seeing a vagina covered with hair in a dream, according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, portends insults and humiliation to the dreamer.

Male genitalia - watch your reputation

If a woman dreamed that she had grown a male “tool,” it means that the dreamer will soon be able to get pregnant. For girls who are in an interesting situation in reality, such a vision portends an easy release from the burden.

For a young man, seeing his genitals in a dream suggests concern for his own reputation. What does another man’s “household” mean in a dream, according to Modern universal dream book, suggests loss or open confrontation with someone.

Seeing enlarged genitals suggests gaining success and dignity. A long and thin penis promises illness. Seeing ejaculation signals the end of important matters.

Taking care of your genitals - to communication

The interpreter of Dr. Freud associates genital hair with increased sensuality and sexuality. Shaving them means the opportunity to meet a person who will become a new sexual partner.

For a man to shave his hair in delicate places, it speaks of the need to put an end to relationships that have ceased to please the dreamer. Perhaps in order to create something beautiful and useful, you need to get rid of old habits or acquaintances.

Problems with your genitals - be vigilant in reality

Representatives of government agencies, see something cut off in a dream manhood predicts the loss of their position; for people working in law enforcement agencies, such a picture predicts defeat in an important matter.

The Islamic interpreter explains why one dreams of feeling that a delicate part of the body is exhausted or temporarily unable to perform its functions, with the likely appearance of gossip and gossip about the dreamer from people whom the dreamer inadvertently caused harm.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • Do you feel strong and sexy or impotent in this life?
  • This sign may contain a negative meaning. For example, when someone is sent to one place...

Italian dream book Meneghetti

  • Are in highest degree positive symbols meaning strength, pleasure, reproduction in full accordance with the functions of these organs.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • Good value
    If you dreamed about a man, your sexual energy is now at its peak. To extend this time, sprinkle your sperm on the roots of the tree at sunset.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed about a woman, then in the near future you may catch a sexually transmitted disease. To protect yourself, draw any sign symbolizing a woman on a pebble (for example, the mirror of Venus) and throw it into the water.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • If a man sees enlarged genitals in a dream, then the number of his male children will increase. The genitals he saw in a dream, which are separate from the body, mean the birth of a girl. Another meaning of this dream sent to a man: a quick departure (for personal or official needs). When a woman sees in a dream the touch of male genitals to her womb, then: if she saw such a dream while pregnant, then she will happily be delivered from the burden in due time; if not, then she will only decide to get pregnant in the very near future.

Spiritual dream book

  • FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS (but made, as it were, of jewelry from pure gold) - a special favor of the spiritual path (pure higher egregor) - for the neophyte spiritual seeker (for a man).

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • Genitals- Do you feel strong and sexy or impotent in this life? This sign may contain a negative meaning. For example, when someone is sent to one place...

Italian dream book

  • Genitals- a well-known positive symbol denoting strength, power, fertility, pleasure. The image symbolizes functions corresponding to the functions of the genitals.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • If a man sees enlarged genitals in a dream- the number of his male children will increase.
  • The genitals he saw in a dream, located separately from the body- means the birth of a girl.
  • Another meaning of this dream- sent down to a man: quick departure (for personal or official needs).
  • When a woman dreams of male genitals touching her womb- if she saw a similar dream while pregnant, then she will happily be delivered of the pregnancy in due time; if not, then she will only decide to get pregnant in the very near future.