Seeing someone else's genitals in a dream. The magic of numbers

21.09.2019 Society and culture

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If this dream is not associated with erotic experiences, then the male genital organs in your dream foreshadow a quarrel and confrontation, and the female genitals - insults and humiliation.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Esoteric dream book

Genital organs of the opposite sex - there will be problems in relationships on a sexual basis. In the same sex - a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

Touching the genitals means unwanted sexual intercourse is possible.

Unusual looking - you have to change your sexual partner. Perhaps, if you are married, you will have an affair on the side.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Male genitals - reputation (for a man), future children (for a woman); women's for men - protection, security, business proposals.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a man's penis is a deception.

It is covered in dirt - evil tales.

To play is to have a good friend.

It is cut or cut off - illness, danger to life.

To cut yourself off is to receive an insult.

Seeing it thin and long in yourself is a friend’s illness.

Huge - dignity, rank.

Losing it is an insult.

Finding someone else is a surprise.

Having a wooden one is a new friend.

Having a straw one means you have to save money.

The eruption of semen from him - do not delay the decision.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Sexual organ - male reputation, creative potency, strength.

Huge - dignity, success.

Long, thin - illness.

Seeing is a mistake, deception, not getting what you expected.

Ejaculation is the end of everything.

Seeing female genital organs for a man is a blessing, protection, and the realization of his plans. For a woman - a love affair; rival.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Spiritual dream book

FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS (but made, as it were, of jewelry from pure gold) - a special favor of the spiritual path (pure higher egregor) - for the neophyte spiritual seeker (for a man).

Why do you dream about genitals?

Islamic dream book

The genital organ - in a dream, it means fame among people. Whoever sees that his genitals are cut off, his son will die, or he himself will die and his authority will fall. If he sees his genitals short or long, it indicates a decrease or increase in his glory. If he sees that his genital organ has two or more branches, then he will have as many children as there were branches.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Genitals - Seeing your own genitals is a sign of concern about your attractiveness, your strength. Seeing the genitals of the opposite sex is a desire for acquaintance, possession. The penis or vagina is smeared with dirt - gossip, secret anger. Damaged organs are a disease, an insult. Seeing a huge penis is dignity, friendly support.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Female genital organs are a special favor of the spiritual path for the neophyte spiritual seeker.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Online dream book

If you dreamed about your genitals, it means that you are not happy with how attractive you are to the opposite sex.

Genitals of the opposite sex symbolize attraction to new relationships.

If they are dirty, you may become a victim of gossip.

Injured - there is a chance that you will get sick.

A dream in which male genital organs appear promises you variety in your sex life and a new successful experience.

They are also evidence of troubles in business

Seeing a man's penis in a dream foretells the dreamer new achievements on the love front, for mature people

If you dreamed of a woman’s genitals, intimate problems await you and you will feel incapable of anything.

If at the same time you have difficulties at work

Why do you dream about genitals?

Universal dream book

Why so much fuss about genitals? Some people don't consider them a very beautiful part of the body, but they are very functional!

If you saw genitals in a dream, first of all, you need to pay attention to the circumstances of the dream. For example, do you defecate? This suggests that you need to get rid of emotional arousal. Is the dream telling you that you need to let go of the past? Should I remove it from my life?

If in a dream you saw the genitals of the opposite sex, what did you feel when you woke up: envy or relief? If there is envy, the dream suggests that you would like to have the advantages that the opposite sex has. If there is relief, then you are glad that you are who you are. In a dream, did you see the genitals of your gender?

If you are a man, have you seen a larger or smaller penis? If you have seen a larger penis, it means you want to be more powerful and desirable. If in a dream you saw a smaller penis, this suggests that you are waiting for recognition for your mental abilities and personal qualities, and not for your success in bed.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of a vagina, the dream speaks of a desire to give birth to some idea or new life! Do you want to start a family?

The genitals are associated with the most pleasant moments in life - do you dream of sensual relaxation? Or do you experience this when you succeed at something?

Why do you dream about genitals?

American dream book

Genital organs - strength; sexuality.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

For a man to see his genitals in a dream means taking care of his reputation; for another man - to lose something or to be at enmity with someone.

If a woman sees male genitals in her dream, she will soon have children; for men - to deception, betrayal.

Seeing female genitals for men means receiving protection, protection from someone or something, or interesting business offers. For women - an intimate relationship with someone.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Islamic dream book

One who feels in a dream that his sexual organ is exhausted, he has, in all likelihood, caused harm to people, and for this reason they slander him and invoke the wrath of the Almighty.

If he sees his genitals cut off and thrown far from him, he will die and have no offspring. This dream could also foretell the death of his son.

If he has only one daughter, and he sees his genitals cut off and attached to his ear, his daughter will have an illegitimate child.

For a representative of the government to see a genital cut off means the loss of his post, and for a warrior it means defeat.

If someone sees himself castrated in a dream or castrates himself, he will suffer humiliation.

If a man intends to entrust a secret or give something for safekeeping to someone, and if he sees a castrated man in a dream, he must refuse to carry out his plan. However, they say that if anyone sees himself at the moment of castration, he will receive the mercy of Allah.

If a sleeper sees in a dream a castrated man unfamiliar to him in the guise of holy people and speaking wise words, let him know that an angel has come to him with a warning or good news.

If a sleeper sees himself in a dream unable to urinate, this foretells that he will be unable to ensure his existence.

If someone sees in a dream that he has difficulty urinating, it means that he has a debt hanging over him that he cannot pay. A swollen scrotum portends wealth, and the one who sees such a dream should beware of the envy of his enemies.

Why do you dream about genitals?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Potency; force; sexuality.

The organ is an important and solemn event.

Hearing organ music means true and devoted friends, well-being and prosperity in the home.

Seeing an organ located in a church means sadness and sadness.

Playing the organ means luck, glory and honor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

Dream Interpretation - Organ

A dream in which you hear the sounds of an organ on which a church mass is performed in a echoing empty church is a harbinger of a strong and long marriage.

Hearing an organ performance of a repertoire you know in a concert hall means that events that you could not have predicted will soon follow.

Modern music played on an electric organ, vibrant and cheerful, in a restaurant or at a wedding foreshadows an invitation to a family celebration of your friends with a hearty feast and drinks. If at the same time the tipsy organist is mercilessly out of tune, in reality you will experience an unintentional insult to one of your friends, for which he will apologize to you profusely.

Talking to a drunk organist foreshadows a quarrel with your lover or husband, a scandal in the family, or a reprimand at work.

A dream in which you play the organ yourself, earning your living by doing so, is a sign of an unfavorable combination of circumstances that will bring you losses and damages.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation genitals

Why do you dream about the genital organ? The dream book suggests that the image seen does not always have similarities with reality, and therefore it will have to be interpreted correctly.

You should start by dividing your plot into small parts, and only then begin deciphering from the dream book. If you did this correctly, then receiving an accurate forecast will not take long.

The main thing is not to distort the events that are taking place, but to try to answer the questions that arise as sincerely as possible, no matter how unpleasant they may be.

Distinctive features

The dream promises conflicts and humiliation

As the dream book describes, the genitals are a symbol not only of sexual dissatisfaction, but also of the dreamer’s unrealized potential. His spiritual aspirations do not lead to any positive effect, and therefore the problem only gets worse.

What is Miller saying?

It is important to differentiate the plot you see so that unnecessary questions do not arise later. Miller's dream interpreter focuses on whose genitals the sleeping person could see:

  • men – to long-term conflicts and confrontations;
  • women - you can be offended or humiliated.

What they were doing?

Correct interpretation is impossible without a detailed description of your plot. Many dream interpreters pay attention to the key action of sleep.


Warning that new connection will be unsuccessful

If you dreamed about touching your genitals, it means that in real life there will be an unwanted connection, leading to disappointment.

Your task is to think several times before you start making any promises to another person.

Washed Wash intimate organ

, according to the popular interpreter of dreams, is a sign of getting rid of an imposed point of view. You need to learn to critically perceive incoming information so that problems do not arise in the future.


Kissing or sucking a genital organ means finding yourself in an extreme situation. The dream interpreter advises you to think through the plan of your trip in advance, so that later it does not bring you unpleasant surprises.

Cut off Seeing someone cut off theirs manhood

- to unjustified humiliation. The dreamer should try to minimize contact with suspicious individuals, since they may spread rumors behind their backs.

The prospect of new horizons and opportunities

Size matters? For every man, the size of his dignity has great importance

, and therefore it is so important to remember it.


If you dreamed of a long phallus, you have long wanted to get a significant thing that will take your life to a new level. Despite the fact that your life is comfortable, you should always set yourself new horizons, no matter how frightening they may be.


As the dream book writes, a small penis reflects satisfaction with one’s own life. The dreamer does not need public approval, and he is not afraid of any conflicts.


Seeing genitals in a dream means it’s high time for you to make some adjustments to your life. To get a competent interpretation, you will have to remember some features of the storyline.

Under what circumstances did you see the genitals? The dream interpreter identifies several options:

If you dream of a male phallus, then it must be interpreted correctly. Some dream books write that this symbol is a reflection of creative potential and business reputation. Whose organ did you see?

Mine The sight of your reproductive organ should alert you, as it portends possible problems

with its own reputation. You should not allow suspicious people into your environment.

Stranger Why do you dream about someone else's genital organ? For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

The dream book promises tough competition

I dreamed of someone else's phallus - the beginning of open rivalry. Most likely in family life Another woman will appear, and the further outcome of the relationship will depend on you. By taking the initiative, you can not only maintain, but also strengthen current relationships. The husband's penis reflects an excess or lack of protection. If the problem cannot be solved, then it makes sense to start a heart-to-heart conversation and talk about your problems.

Female genital organs

The plot of some dreams is not always easy to interpret, and therefore it is so important to pay attention to female genitalia. Who saw them?

Stronger sex

If a representative of the stronger half of humanity dreams of female genitalia, it means that in reality someone needs protection. You need to assess the current situation and determine who really needs help.

However, you will have to choose the right tactics of behavior without excessive invasion of personal space.


Whose organs were you able to see? The Dream Interpretation highlighted several typical options:

Vision prediction of a possible intimate relationship

  • yours - to an intimate relationship;
  • strangers - to the emergence of a rival in a relationship.

If a young girl felt pleasant sensations in a dream, then, according to the dream interpreter, she will be able to bring an interesting idea to life. A person who is on the path of spiritual development must understand the dreamed image as a sacred sign reflecting the original source of existence.

Scary interpretations

The erotic dreams that some dreamers dream about may not always bring pleasure. In some dreams, the images seen are repulsive and lead to bad thoughts. If you see stitched labia, it is a sign that you are not yet ready for the serious business that you have been planning for so long.

Vision means serious profit

Why do you dream about a big penis? Such a dream is not just a dream, but is a reflection of internal experiences that are deeply rooted in the soul. Your task is to try to relive such emotions and only then will you be able to get rid of this oppression.

Seeing bleeding genitals is a sign of events concerning close people and relatives. According to another interpretation, a dreamed image is a harbinger of serious illnesses. If you have such a dream at night, then after waking up you should definitely visit a doctor.

Long hair in the crotch area is the first sign of incredible profits. If you have never seen so much money, you will have to learn how to manage it correctly. Otherwise, you are in danger of poverty.

Despite the above interpretation, the presence of hair in these places is a reflection of practicality and down-to-earthness, which manifests itself even in outlook on life. Why are genitals removed in a dream? According to Muslim dream book, an image that comes in a dream predicts the loss of your current position or position in society. You will have to put in a lot of effort to maintain your place in the sun.

If your penis falls off in a dream, then in reality the dreamer faces not just financial collapse, but also possible death close relatives. Feeling a snake bite in an intimate place is a symbol foreshadowing betrayal or sudden love.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Genital Organs in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about genital organs in a dream?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do women dream about genital organs:

According to the dream book, seeing the Genital Organs - Seeing your own genitals is a sign of concern about your attractiveness, your strength. Seeing the genitals of another person is a desire for acquaintance, possession. Damaged organs - illness, insult

Dream Interpretation Genitals - Seeing your genitals is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction. A woman who sees male genitals in her dream will soon have children. If you touched your genitals in a dream, you are in danger of unwanted sexual intercourse. If you saw genitals of an unusual type, you are about to change your sexual partner. For married women, such a dream may portend betrayal.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Perineum (vagina). - I dreamed that the perineum meant trouble.

Member - You will witness an accidental death.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Perineum (pubes). - Seeing the crotch is a shame.

Dick - For a man, seeing a dick is a sign of a love affair; for a woman, it means deception.

Spring Dream Interpreter

According to the dream book, Perineum (pubes). - seeing a crotch in a dream means a contagious disease.

Member - to the temptation to take someone else's.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Genital Organs in a dream?

Phallus - The dream warns against possible disappointments. A dream in which she touches the phallus warns a young woman: a love affair will bring her more problems than joy. Not only her reputation, but also her health may suffer

Egyptian dream book

Seeing genital organs in a dream:

The genitals have every chance of meaning both themselves, but also more broadly: sexuality, potency, and, in this regard, energy, power, abilities, etc. Although they are given the opportunity to declare both the horrors and the challenges in this area: starting with fears associated with diseases, and ending with personal complexes and troubled self-esteem in this area. Perverted genital organs tell about violations in the psychological interpersonal sphere, being a kind of “compensation” for unsatisfactory personal intimacy in the factors of intimacy, showing an inability for a similar kind of sensual intimacy, or horror of it.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Genital organs, what is it for:

Genitals - Seeing your genitals for a man means taking care of your reputation; for another man - to lose something or to be at enmity with someone. Seeing female genital organs - for men it means receiving protection, protection from someone or something, or interesting business offers.

Genitals - For women only - If a woman sees male genitals in her dream, she will soon have children; for men - to deception, betrayal. Seeing female genital organs is an intimate relationship with someone.

Universal dream book

Seeing genital organs in a dream, what does it mean?

Brief interpretation: reproduction; intimate parts of the body; relaxation; pleasure.

Popular expression: below the belt; fight fire with fire; heirloom.

Why so much fuss about genitals? Some people don't consider them a very beautiful part of the body, but they are very functional!

If you dreamed that you saw genitals, first of all, you need to pay attention to the circumstances of the dream. For example, do you defecate? This suggests that you need to get rid of emotional arousal. Is the dream telling you that you need to let go of the past? Should I remove it from my life?

I dreamed that in a dream you saw the genitals of the opposite sex, what did you experience when you woke up: envy or relief? If there is envy, the dream suggests that you would like to have the advantages that the opposite sex has. If there is relief, then you are glad that you are who you are.

In a dream, did you see the genitals of your gender? If you are a man, have you seen a larger or smaller penis? If you have seen a larger penis, it means you want to be more powerful and desirable. If you dreamed that you saw a smaller penis, this suggests that you are waiting for recognition for your mental abilities and personal qualities, and not for your success in bed.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of a vagina, the dream speaks of the desire to give birth to some idea or new life! Do you want to start a family?

The genitals are associated with the most pleasant moments in life. Are you dreaming of sensual relaxation? Or do you experience this when you succeed at something? (See also Body Parts; Penis; Vagina; Sex)

We all have genitals, and we all use them for their intended purpose. Without them, people and animals would not be able to reproduce. Genitals are the source of all life and a sign of gender.

Sex is a topic that can no longer be forgotten modern society and the world media. It is not surprising that many dreams are associated with sexual fantasies.

Contrary to all expectations, erotic dreams about female or male genital organs are not necessarily interpreted as a hidden desire for sex. Such dreams can indicate completely different things inherent in the dreamer. What female genital organs mean in dreams will depend on many details.

Genital organs in a dream

Private parts of the body in dreams are not just some kind of messages. They can indicate a person's sex life. Thus, if in a dream you saw genitals, be they male or female, then such a vision always has a direct connection with the dreamer’s own sexuality.

If you see in a dream not only your own, but also another person’s genitals, then this indicates an attraction to this particular person. According to the dream book, female genitals, like male ones, are a symbol of a sexual nature, an instrument of sexual actions. But there are other interpretations

Mutilated genitals in a dream may indicate possible promiscuity in the past or present. If you see injured, mutilated or even amputated genitals in a dream, then this may be a consequence of some unpleasant events from the past.

If there are no sexual traumas, then such dreams may indicate a violation of the perception of one’s own sexuality.

When looking for an answer to the question of what female genital organs mean in dreams, you should turn to the folk dream book. It says that seeing this part of the body, and sick or injured, is a sign of an upcoming romance in the near future.

According to Sigmund Freud, dreams about genitals have symbolic ambiguity. Along with the completely obvious - sexual relationship, we are talking not only about physical love, but also about the innermost desire of every person - the desire for love.

Women dream about genitals

Speaking about why a woman dreams of female genital organs, it is worth noting that such dreams may indicate a desire to have a child in reality. Sometimes women have similar dreams shortly before the onset of menstruation. The body already makes it clear to the brain, sending signals in sleep, that critical days will begin soon.

If a woman dreams of having male genitals on herself, then the subconscious urges the dreamer to engage more with her masculine side. In this case, in a dream, a woman meets her opposite “I”.

If a man dreams of genitals

In men's dreams, the genitals often indicate their own performance and vitality. In addition, the penis is directly related to male strength and ability to perform. The male genital organ in a dream denotes the dreamer’s sexual potency. This means a kind of superiority in society in reality and self-confidence.

Seeing your own genitals in a dream is a sign that the dreamer in reality will not encounter rivals or obstacles in his endeavors and plans.

If a man sees a female genital organ in a dream, then this may be a signal that the dreamer has some feminine qualities.

Male versus female genitals

The male genital organ always symbolizes power, potency and vitality. Penises in dreams are in most cases associated with assertiveness and determination in real life. In addition, such erotic dreams indicate sexual thoughts or desires that will suddenly occur in reality.

The female genital organ symbolizes female sexuality. It can indicate intimate needs in reality, as well as character traits associated with mental activity. These include, for example, fantasies and imagination, which should be given more attention.

Instead of genitals, you may dream of some other objects that are very similar in shape. First of all, this should include certain foods, for example, for men:

  • banana;
  • pasta;
  • snake.

And for women, they are strawberries or cherries.

Most people dream of genitals if they want to go to the toilet while sleeping. Also, physical pleasure can be expressed by erotic dreams.

Dreams involving genitals in other cultures

In almost all cultures, the male genital organ is interpreted as a symbol of fertility and a sign of masculinity. A penis in a dream represents strength, vitality and the source of life.

The Greek dream interpreter Artemidoros saw the image of a son in the phallus. An amputated penis or a penis freed - torn from the body - was considered a symbol of happiness for him, which indicated future success. But he considered hairy genitals a symbol of aggression.

Seeing the female genital organ in a dream is a symbol of femininity and motherhood in almost all cultures. also in men's dreams The vagina acts as a certain feminine force that operates in man.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when looking for an interpretation of what the female or male genital organs mean in dreams, it is worth considering that everything here will depend on many details. When interpreting, every nuance must be taken into account.