How to please a man: secrets of pleasure in bed. How to please a man - male erogenous zones and erotic fantasies.

28.12.2017 Relationship

The female body is designed in a slightly different way, which means that enjoying sex is not as easy as it is for men. Very often, it is the lack of understanding of what exactly his other half wants in bed that leads a man to a dead end.

And this is followed by dissatisfaction for both, quarrels and even separation. Most of women, despite the more relaxed attitude in society towards intimate relationships, still, when left alone with a man, do not strive to tell him about what they expect from sex. They hope that he will take the initiative, take, as they say, “the bull by the horns” and bring the girl unforgettable pleasure, and maybe several.

It is worth noting that if you are reading this article, this is already evidence that you are not an egoist in bed, but, most likely, a caring partner for whom it is important to please his partner, as well as himself. The first, and perhaps the most important step towards understanding how to satisfy your wife in bed has already been taken.

Never forget about foreplay

Next, it’s worth delving into what sex represents for most women. First of all, intimacy is something special for them, so they are often not interested in rough copulation. For representatives of the fair sex, a big role in obtaining pleasure is played not so much by the process of direct intercourse itself, but by the time before it. We are talking about foreplay, which is so outdated in our time, which will soon need to be listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

It is romance, tender kisses, affection, leisurely, beautiful words addressed to your chosen one - this is what will set her in the right mood. Listen to a woman, hear at what moments of your touches her body shudders, from kisses in what places she sighs - and you can gradually understand where her feelings are. erogenous zones.

A woman's desire begins in the head

What does it mean? It’s simple - the behavior of any woman is directly related to the events that happened in her life during the day, as well as the emotions that she experienced. Moreover, for the fair sex, the concept of female potency is also used and it is closely associated with stress and scandals. Therefore, you should not be surprised or angry at your significant other if, as a result of, for example, a scandal at work, she for some reason does not want to have sex with you.

Video on the topic:

In addition, there are statistics that show that a third of women have never experienced pleasure in their lives. Just imagine, they don’t know what a storm of sensations and an overwhelming wave of passion are. And this fact is not at all a confirmation that they have health problems, it simply proves once again that the process of achieving intense pleasure for a woman is much more difficult than for a man. Knowing this, you will surely be able to understand how to satisfy your wife sexually. And if you throw away the rush and try to give her the opportunity to feel unique emotions at least once, then she will be able to experience them every time.

Spontaneous sex is, of course, good and perhaps even unforgettable, but in most cases, a man needs to prepare for it in advance, or rather, prepare his partner for this process. Arouse pleasant fantasies and sensations in her head with the help of care, love, tenderness, and affection. At the same time, don’t get tired of telling her how desirable she is to you. Believe me, women really love to listen, especially to such speeches. If the feelings are real, do not hesitate to tell her once again how much you love her, because a declaration of love will make you open to her, and she will not be able to resist.

It is also important to note that a woman’s behavior in bed is even influenced by how a man behaves in everyday life. Her heart literally melts when her beloved gives her spontaneous gifts, presents her with flowers, just like that, for no reason. Believe me, this is a significant contribution to the quality of future sex.

A strong and confident man is always held in high esteem

This is another answer to the question of how to satisfy your wife. Almost the majority of the fair sex prefer persistent, self-confident men. Therefore, you should not immediately give up in case of refusal, because it is not uncommon for many ladies to try to flirt in this way, to provoke, if you like, their partner. And when a man tries to make every effort to achieve his chosen one, then both partners have every chance of getting complete satisfaction in bed.

Remember that a woman needs a little more time to reach the desired “condition”. Therefore, after a compliment, you should not immediately attack her. Try to refrain from direct sexual contact for as long as possible, even if the woman asks for it with all her appearance. Try to use non-standard and memorized caresses, look for unknown places on your partner’s body, try new touches and poses.

Don't forget about kissing on the lips, because it is very intimate and sensory process, which reveals a woman emotionally. At the same time, remember that foreplay should not stop for a moment, otherwise the partner will quickly lose excitement. Therefore, turn off phones, TV and get rid of other irritating factors in advance.

If partners are planning to have sexual intercourse for the first time, and the man does not know what the woman’s erogenous zones are, he should focus on the breasts and nipples, since these parts of the body are the most sensitive. There is no need to intensively rub your breasts or pinch your nipples; be gentle and careful, while not forgetting to show your confidence in what you are doing with your whole appearance. Pay attention to the woman, her reaction, do not neglect oral, anal or other caresses if the woman cannot achieve pleasure without them, since the bed is not a place in which you should be guided by generally accepted stereotypes.

If you want to surprise a girl with “male strength”

There are exclusive methods to satisfy a girl, but they have a disadvantage: they are expensive.

  1. For example, they cost 990 rubles. They work great, beware of fakes, order only from the link above. They will help warm up the girl, and therefore she will get more pleasure.
  2. It can also help you.
  3. To make a girl want to spend more than one night with you, you can use, or a new product, drops for potency -.

Video tips:

The most reliable techniques for non-contact sex! Advice from experts and experience from experimental subjects.

Text: Ilya Kirdanov
Photo: Stephen May

It is difficult for a man to be a good lover for the same reason that it is difficult for a starving man to be a great cook. He might have been happy to whip the cream properly and stir it over low heat counterclockwise for a couple of hours, but he couldn’t resist - he rushed in and ate it all at once. No, of course, you try your best, but the trouble is that the perception of time during this period among women and men is too different...

He. I stroked her thighs, caressed her neck, covered her whole body with kisses, I held her in my arms for an eternity. And finally...
She. Well, in general, he rushed at me like a mad rabbit! I didn’t really have time to understand anything...

Dead silence in the bedroom is not the best choice for perfect sex

The famous American lesbian Athena, who hosts sex columns in several publications, once said a smart, but femininely scary thing: “A man would be the best lover in the world if he didn’t have a penis.” However, she is not a categorical opponent of sexual intercourse itself (any decent lesbian has an impressive collection of artificial phalluses). Athena meant that it doesn't work out very well when some brainless penis decides everything for two adults independent people. Therefore, we decided to compile this guide to contactless, one might say, charitable sex. Try to please your girlfriend with it somehow. However, you yourself will most likely not be left at a loss either.

Attention! The program we offer is not suitable for the first night with a girl. According to the rules of good sexual tone, on the first night you are supposed to burn with passion - excessive restraint and sophistication will be inappropriate here. This guide is best suited for regular partners who have not had to prove anything to each other for a long time, who are not shy about each other and are ready to experiment.


Having non-contact sex soon after you have already had contact sex is the wrong decision. The most valuable thing here is your desire, strong and obvious. If you spend the entire session in a state of stable erection, so much the better. A woman has a much greater psychological physiological dependence from sex: your arousal excites her too. She will be least pleased with the mechanical caresses of a man who has already achieved orgasm several times and is now courageously fighting not the call of the flesh, but the desire to take a nap for a couple of hours.

Basic Rule

Just imagine that you don't have a penis. Ignore him. Treat it as some kind of abstraction from a parallel reality. All other parts of your body remain with you: lips, tongue, as many as ten fingers - try to make them become a full-fledged replacement for him. By the way, some men from patriarchal anti-sexual societies, not spoiled by the abundance of female affection, manage to experience an orgasm from one kiss or even just from accidentally touching a woman. Believe me, your potential is no worse. And remember: the hungrier you are, the tastier the food will seem to you. This rule works great in sex too.

How long should this last?

The compilers of the Kama Sutra generally suggested that spouses engage in non-contact sex a couple of times a month, completely excluding intercourse itself from it. The husband came to his wife’s bedchamber, they tormented each other in this way for several hours, after which they each went to their own bedroom to write poems about roses there and dream of a date (already a full-fledged one) coming tomorrow. This kind of stoicism is not expected of you. Therefore, there is a proposal: there will be no sex until she asks you for it. Aloud. In words. Without any hints from you. And how to achieve this from her, read on.

Sound design

Sounds for a woman are almost as important as touches, and sometimes they even play a decisive role. Therefore, there should be no silence in the bedroom at this moment. But it’s better not to hope that you yourself will be able to non-stop chatter something erotic, masterfully avoiding any words and expressions that may scratch, seem stupid, offensive or vulgar. (If you were capable of this, you would have become a laureate long ago Nobel Prize according to literature, that’s for sure.) Nevertheless, someone needs to make some sounds here. Previously, men wriggled out of this position, allowing nightingales and all sorts of other cicadas outside the windows to take the rap for them; Now we, fortunately, have audio systems.

Important points:

The music should be low. Just enough so that you can hear your half-strangled “How beautiful you are!” at that moment when you decide to make some sound yourself.
The music should not be intrusive, too rhythmic, often changing the pattern of the melody. She shouldn't be a distraction. French chanson or old Latin American compositions, coming as if from afar, are an almost ideal choice. It’s not for nothing that competent owners of cozy cafes most often use these recordings: they do not irritate almost anyone, unlike, for example, ethnic compositions that are similar in rhythm and style.


The fingertips, wrists and inner surface of the elbow are places with the richest accumulation of nerve receptors. Try biting the pads of her fingers, running your tongue from her wrist to the crook of her elbow. Turn her hands palms up and move your lips to her wrists (it is advisable to keep her mouth closed). Press your lips to the place where the girl's pulse should beat. Now make a cat-like motion with your fingers, as if scratching her palm. Such games with her nerve receptors will lead to the fact that the girl will begin to react sensitively to almost any touch in any part of her body.

Foot massage

Basic erogenous points- the pad under the big toe on the side of the sole and the place where the back heel meets the calf. But keep in mind that these points can be quite painful when pressed hard, so be careful.

If you support your foot from below by the ankle with one hand and slowly rotate the foot with the other, the effect of this movement will reach the groin and pelvic muscles, leading to sexual arousal. Another important point: dry foot massage loses half of its attractiveness for a girl. But simply smearing your hands with the first cream you come across means you will end up in a difficult situation: the ideal erotic foot massage involves sucking and biting your toes, and most creams and lotions have an extremely nasty taste. Therefore, it is best for these purposes to use something that is designed to go into the mouth, for example, lip balm or soft hygienic lipstick.


The best place to kiss is the valley between her breasts

The breast may have more or less sensitivity, and the degree of this sensitivity may vary. For example, shortly before menstruation, for many girls it becomes very painful. To be on the safe side, just imagine that a woman's breasts respond to touch in the same way as your testicles. Do with her what would please them. Instinct makes you grab onto these cute hemispheres with childish strength and diligently squeeze them, but, alas, most women perceive such caresses as rude and unpleasant. Sometimes, in a moment of inhuman passion, they are ready to endure such treatment, but they like it much more:

Stroking the breasts with a wide open palm.
Sliding a finger in a spiral around the nipple.
Just when they put their hands on their chests and leave them there motionless, as if sharing their warmth with her body.
When the nipple is kissed with just the lips and licked with the tip of the tongue.
When they kiss the valley between the breasts. Ladies find this kiss chaste and exceptionally tender.
When the chest is caressed from the back, simultaneously interacting with the lips, teeth and other chins with the so-called “cat triangle” - the area from the shoulder blades to the back of the head. Nature has made sure that the males of many species can hold the female by holding her in this place with their jaws. You yourself know how a scandalous cat goes limp when someone takes her by the scruff of her neck. In women, this area is also very sensitive to erotic violence. And when contact with her is accompanied by caresses of the breasts, the stimulating effects reinforce each other*.

* - Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« Males also have this triangle. Scientists are still arguing about its function. The main version is that it was originally intended for parents, carrying their cubs in their teeth, to immobilize them so that they would not get hurt when breaking free. And his sexual function is, as it were, secondary. On the other hand, it is also found in species that do not carry children in their teeth. In lizards, for example, and in you»


If you look at a picture depicting the location of erogenous zones on a woman’s body, you will see how many points have accumulated in the area of ​​her head (we have much fewer of them there). Sexologists even have a special term - neking. These are erotic caresses of the area from the shoulders to the crown. Here are some techniques for skilled neking.

Lightly run your finger over her cheeks and cheekbones several times, slide it over her lips, make a few circles, barely touching her chin, and finish it all with a gentle kiss.
Hug her from behind, placing your chin in the dimple formed by the junction of the shoulder and neck. Then, turning your head slightly, kiss her neck up and down and back again. It is better not to pull your hands to your chest at this time: you should not blur the sensations. In general, during neking it is better to forget that a woman has anything other than her head.
Bury your face in the back of her hair and take a few deep breaths. A breath of air will cause arousal, which can be increased by caressing and biting the triangle from the back of the head to the shoulders. Some women (according to research from the Kinsey Institute, every second) like it when their partner gently but deeply presses on a point in the lower abdomen, about half a hand below the navel. Having pressed this point, try to rhythmically vibrate your palm. If you hear a satisfied groan, repeat this action periodically.
Go lower and put your head on her stomach. Rub your cheeks and chin against it (the main thing is that there are no scratchy stubble on them). At the same time, check her nipples with your fingers: if they harden and tense, it means that the complex mechanism of female arousal, including the maternal instinct, has started working. Now lightly squeeze your partner’s sides with your palms and, slightly pulling her towards you, kiss her stomach. Good way to enhance the girl's sensations - run your tongue along her stomach and then blow on the wet strip.


The inner thighs are much more sensitive than the outer thighs. Any pinches and strong compressions here lead to bruises and notes of protest. But on the other hand, she reacts to arousal very violently: still in countries where losing virginity before marriage is a serious problem, many girls practice sex “between the thighs,” allowing the penis of an illegal partner to imitate sexual intercourse between her tightly clenched legs. And what is characteristic is that women often receive real physiological pleasure from this process (and not only from how cleverly they managed to pull the nose of public morality).

Since we agreed that your penis is temporarily on vacation, we will refuse attempts to exploit it, strictly ignoring any of its protests. Lie on the side and below your partner so that your hand from the elbow is comfortably located between her closed thighs, and your palm is at the level of the genitals. Now you can caress the girl’s intimate areas with your fingers, giving her additional pleasure from the sensations caused by the movements of the hand clamped by her legs. After wetting the pad of your finger with saliva, stroke her clitoris in a circular motion. Breathe deeply: you are excited. In any case, try not to be too bored at this time.

Orogenital contact

There are no 100% working rules for ideal cunnilingus - for the reason that no two women are exactly alike. Every lady here has her own preferences. And what will delight one will make another yawn and quote passages from a dictionary of taboo vocabulary - a third. However, there are some general recommendations. Be careful with your ears: for many women, sticking a wet tongue into the ear does not cause anything other than a feeling of unpleasant, strong tickling. And even more so, you don’t need to blow into your ear. It is better to limit yourself to lightly biting the lobe.
Starting cunnilingus by attacking the clitoris itself is like coming to a dinner party and immediately rushing to the cake and biting off all the roses on it. It is better to explore more remote areas first, starting with kisses of the pubis, thighs and everything else that you can find there.
There is no need to hold your tongue tense when you touch the clitoris with it. The softer and more relaxed the tongue, the less risk that his touch will seem unpleasant or even painful to the girl.

No matter how big and round it was, the erogenous zones were placed on it by someone greedy, dotting only a small area with them. But when used correctly, they work wonders. The area you are interested in is located in the very center of the lower part of the buttocks and is designed in such a way that the maximum effect can be achieved only by simultaneously stimulating the entire area.

By biting, spanking or tickling only one of the buttocks, you hardly achieve the desired effect - you need both halves to experience the same sensations at the same time. Therefore, it is best to caress the buttocks either with both hands at the same time, or with a wide open palm. Burying your face in them like a soft pillow will also be a very reasonable decision. And don’t forget about the fold just under the buttocks (where they turn into the legs): in this place they are also eagerly awaiting your attention.

As practice shows, in bed not a single extraneous thing is superfluous: not a second girl, not a third girl, not a ping-pong ball. The main thing is to know how to use it.

And this is where the advice of David DeAngelo, one of the most popular American relationship consultants, will come to your aid (his newsletter from the website is read by almost two million subscribers, or even six if you count each three times). David is sure that almost any thing lying around in your or her apartment can bring unprecedented pleasure to a girl. Although it will be less than the joy she would experience if you gave her a fur coat made from chinchilla eyebrows, it’s still okay.

1. The sommelier got angry
A bottle of wine.

Undress the girl, leaving her only wearing panties. Check the label on them. If it says "100% nylon", send her out to change into ones that say "100% cotton". You will need cotton ones, others will not work.

Place your girlfriend in front of you, and kneel in front of her. Pull the elastic band of your panties and pour some wine into your collar (or is it your bosom? Basically, into the space between the fabric and the skin). Wait until the wine is absorbed and, pressing your lips to
her womb, begin to greedily suck the wine through the fabric. Don't be surprised if she clasps your head in her hands and holds you tighter to her. Having drunk every drop, pour some wine again. The number of approaches depends on whether you should drive today.

2. Warm welcome
Bed dress:
A towel (preferably two) and a vessel with hot water.

Using a blade, scissors, or some method unknown to science, make a vertical slit about ten centimeters long in the center of a small towel. Place the towel in hot water, pull it out and squeeze it out. Look around and see if there is a naked girl nearby. If detected, ask her to lie on her back and spread her legs slightly, bending her knees. Shyly cover your girlfriend's pubis with a wet and hot towel so that through the cut in the fabric you can reach the target. Now have regular sex with her, start cunnilingus, or turn to the wall and fall asleep if you have already lost all interest in what is happening. The steam effect will not only relax all her muscles, but will also cause blood flow to the genitals, which will immediately affect the girl’s sensations.

After about two minutes the towel will cool down. If you ruin two towels with slits, the second one will be waiting for you next to you in a cup of hot water, and you will quickly put it in the place of the first one.

3. Working with light

Playing with the pistol, they told the girl to undress and lie on her back, raising her knees and spreading her legs slightly. Turn off the light (if it happens during the day, wait until the sun is completely eclipsed - see “Calendar of Astronomical Events”), light a candle and place it in the girl’s field of view. Take a position that will allow you to simultaneously see the candle light and give the girl cunnilingus. (You can, of course, choose a position that allows you to only watch the flame, but believe me, after some time both you and the girl will feel very stupid.)

Watch the burning wick and with each fluctuation of the candle flame, repeat this movement with your tongue. The fire fluctuates without any logic or a set pace, so your girlfriend will constantly be in tense anticipation of continued caresses, getting more and more excited every minute. If it's in a basement, use an authentic one.

resin torch.

4. Silk Road
Bed dress:
One long silk scarf and one short one.

Ask your naked girlfriend to get on all fours (we don’t know how you will achieve this, but we hope that you still have at least some blackmail tools left). Blindfold her eyes with a short scarf. Take the long scarf in your hands and begin to lightly move it over the girl’s legs and back. After about two minutes, pass the scarf between her legs. Grab the ends of the scarf: one hand in front of her face, the other behind. The girl must, as it were, “ride” the silk ribbon. Now, still weightlessly, begin to pull the scarf back and forth over her body. The fabric should slide barely noticeably. How longer scarf, the more pleasant it will be for the girl.

5. OrgasMMs
Bed dress:
Candy MMs or something like that.

Shake a bag of small chocolates in front of her. Sometimes this is enough for the girl to undress. If this was enough, give her some candy and turn off the light in the room. Advise your friend to stick them on her favorite places on the body and limbs. When she completes this task without turning on the light, start looking for chocolate jelly beans with your tongue by touch in all her nooks and crannies. By the way, if you have just come out of the cold, then with tea or coffee this game will be even more fun and nutritious. Even if you're not full, searching for candy will help you find out where her erogenous zones are.

6. Chupa Chups Big Snake
Chupa Chups or any other spherical lollipop.

Let her lick the lollipop. Then, after making sure that it is not poisoned, lick it yourself. Pass the lollipop over her body, leaving an intricate sweet trail. Walk along this path with your tongue. Keep up the good work, looking into all her erogenous zones. Don't forget to moisten the lollipop with saliva. Be especially careful when it comes to particularly vulnerable parts of her body. Some lollipops contain air bubbles, the thin walls of which, if broken, can scratch delicate skin.

7. High feeling
A car with a sunroof.

“How is that possible?!” you will rightly be indignant. “Before this, you were talking about fairly ordinary household items, and now you’re wearing a car!” “Well, sue us, you troublemaker!” - we will shrug it off calmly. Briefly speaking...

Take the girl somewhere remote but romantic in appearance by car. Pretend there's something wrong with your transmission. Word by word - undress the girl at least from below. Then they led me, squeezing through the hatch, to sit on the roof of the car. Sit yourself with your feet on front seat(don't forget the shift) so that its lower part is opposite your face. Start caressing. Her sensations promise to be etched in her memory for a long time. A mixture of danger (you do this outside the walls of the apartment), novelty and fear of heights will do the trick. In her old age, she will tell her grandchildren about this unforgettable experience, if she finally falls into insanity to tell such obscenity to small children.

8. Time will judge
Bedding: Any timer.

Naturally, ideally, you should use the most romantic, from the girls' point of view, instrument for measuring short periods of time - an old hourglass with a cuckoo that somehow got behind the glass. But since you don't live in ideal world, use the alarm clock mobile phone. Start it for three minutes. Explain to the girl that during these three minutes she is allowed to do with you whatever she wants you to do with her. Now remember which places she massaged, which she stroked, where she used force, where she caressed. After enduring 180 seconds, set the alarm again and repeat with her what she did with you. Often girls are embarrassed to say what exactly they want (for example, for summer to come soon and for her to lose five kilograms), and this game is one way to find out.

9. Not only build and live

Most likely, you have long mastered cunnilingus, which we talk about so often in this article (and generally throughout the day). But there is no limit to perfection. Do this. Bring your lips to the starting position for this exercise. Start warming up. Now, if you're a man, find your clitoris.
Gently wrap your lips around it and start humming the tune of your favorite song. The louder your cheerful mooing, the better. After humming for a minute, start the usual caresses again, then hum again. The girl will like the combination of vibrations and tongue caresses so much that she will definitely sing something into your microphone.

10. New Use of the Navel
Ping pong ball.

The world is full of girls who want to feel defenseless in bed. At the same time, on the one hand, they often dream of being tied up, and on the other hand, at the slightest attempt by you to do this, they begin to scream and spray you in the face with a spray can. tear gas. The following trick will satisfy this feminine ambivalence, if we correctly understand the meaning of the word "feminine."

After undressing the girl, find somewhere in the middle of her navel and put a tennis ball in it. Explain to your friend the meaning of the idea. She is required to not let the ball roll away while you caress her in every possible way. That's all. Start the procedures. Now you can do whatever you want with her. At the same time, although the girl will be “afraid” to move, while you have control over her body, she will feel safe. Voila!

11. Busy-nova
String of pearls.

Women love the feel of the smooth texture of pearls on their skin. And not just on the neck.

Sit between the legs of a lying friend. Hang it on the tip of yours thumb pearl necklace and press it just below the clitoris. With your other hand, start pulling the thread towards the girl's stomach. Each bead should pass lightly over the clitoris. Choose the speed of movement of the beads based on your friend’s reaction. Orgasm from such fingering of the rosary will come quite quickly. Much before she realizes that you gave her plastic beads for fifteen rubles.

12. Sommelier went wild-2. A new beginning
Bed dress:
A bottle of sweet wine, a spray bottle.

There is a lot of intelligence in pouring wine on a naked girl and then licking it off, of course. But the next trick will at least a little improve this rather ordinary procedure.
Pour the wine into a spray bottle (remember: you shouldn’t replace it with a garden sprinkler - there may be toxic chemicals left in there that you used to poison the proliferating harmful neighbors at your dacha). Now start spraying the girl’s erogenous and other zones and then licking the wine from her skin. The atomizer will prevent the wine from running fruitlessly across your skin in a quick stream before you can even lift your tongue. After spraying the girl from head to toe, spray something on yourself. We don't know what exactly. Try to use your imagination.

13. Fire and wormwood
Bed dress:
A cup of crushed ice and a cup of hot tea and coffee.

Throwing skin receptors from hot to cold and back within a minute can deliver a lot of thrills. The procedure is as simple as the internal structure of sand-lime brick. Place the undressed girl somewhere where she won’t roll onto the floor and break herself. Take hot tea into your mouth, swallow and start caressing with your hot tongue. After half a minute, take the ice into your mouth, and then do the same with your cold tongue. Temperature changes and blood flow to erogenous zones will do their job. Which one exactly - you will find out when you ask the girl to repeat the contrasting caresses on you.

14. Let's go for a ride?
Bed dress:
Roller Skates.

When she laughs, still seriously repeat to her: “I want you to be in roller skates.” So, when all the preparations are over, park the girl against the nearest wall or chair and enter her. Holding your girlfriend by the hips, direct her to the side where the road is clear and the flow of traffic does not impede traffic. Pushing the girl with energetic frictions, roll her around the apartment. The pleasure from this is unlikely to exceed your usual and trivial sex in a hammock, but the new sensations will delight both of you.

15. Slippery topic
Bedding: Waterbed or
inflatable sofa.

After removing the sheets from the waterbed or dusting off the air mattress, perch on the staging area. Cover both of you from head to toe with lubricant (this will take about one bottle or a teaspoon if you are gnomes). Now try having the most ordinary sex in the most ordinary position. Be sure to write to us what you did, accompanying the letter with photographs from the scene. Try not to get caught in the frame. Only your girlfriend should be in the photos. As a last resort - her best friend.

How to become a sex goddess? Tips for girls who are inexperienced in sex.

How to give unearthly pleasure to a man, a guy in bed, how to please him without having much experience?

If a girl has a desire to give a man pleasure in bed, then she has every chance of becoming a sex goddess. Because any undertaking begins with the desire to implement it. And if both partners have such a desire, then mutual willingness to give more than to receive will lead the couple to sexual harmony.

It must be said that a girl’s inexperience in sex is not always a disadvantage for a man. So, if a man is sophisticated enough and sex is a common thing for him, then a girl who is inexperienced in sex can become his student. He will teach her all the basics of this art and the pinnacle of his unearthly pleasure will be a woman who can do everything in sex thanks to her teacher.

If you, without experience, want to please a man in bed, just follow your desires and the desires of your man.

Forget about your inhibitions, relax and enjoy sex. Your man will definitely feel that you feel good with him and this will be the best reward for him.

Important! Don't forget about contraception and protection from possible infection sexually transmitted infections. The most in a simple way protection is a condom.

A completely different situation may arise if both the guy and the girl are not prepared for sex. In this case, the timidity of the boy and the shyness of the girl can play a fatal role, and the couple will receive mutual disappointment from sex.

How to behave correctly in bed with a man, a guy, for the first time?

There is a certain program that will help inexperienced girls show their best side.

Step one

Foreplay to sex can take from 10 minutes to half an hour and includes kissing, hugging and affectionate touching. You can practice touching your partner's fingers with your fingers, intertwining your arms and legs, touching your partner's erogenous zones with your hands and tongue, touching your partner's skin with your hair, and other methods that bring pleasure and help you relax.

There are times when a man and woman are very excited and do not need foreplay. In this case, everything happens like a sudden whirlwind, where clothes are torn off and the couple enjoys rapid intercourse.

Step two

The sexual act itself. If a woman is sufficiently aroused by foreplay, then her vagina is moistened with lubricant, which helps to have sexual intercourse painlessly and without excessive irritation of the internal genital organs. If lubrication is not enough, you can use oils designed for this purpose.

If you are having sex with a man for the first time, act as if this is the first and last sex for you and for this man in your life. Show all your imagination and tenderness. If you put off demonstrating your talents until later, your man may simply not wait for it and leave for a more interesting girl.

How to make a man interested in having sex with you? To achieve this goal, you can use changing positions during sex. It is a mistake for girls to think that the standard position “woman below - man on top” completely satisfies the needs of men. Such monotony can disappoint a guy. And if a girl doesn’t want to learn all the Kama Sutra poses, then she can at least use the most common poses.

  • Man on top - woman on bottom
  • Woman on top - man on bottom
  • Woman leaning on elbows and knees - man behind
  • Man and woman lying sideways on bed
  • Jack pose or 69 pose
  • The man is kneeling and the woman is lying on her back

And many other variations of these and other poses. It would be nice to show your imagination and come up with your own options for sex positions. In this case, your man will be subdued, fascinated by you, and will no longer want to look for another woman to satisfy his sexual needs.

Step three

The caresses that couples practice after sex complete the process. You can meet quite a lot of men who immediately after sex kiss their girlfriend on the cheek, turn to the wall and instantly fall asleep. You shouldn't be offended by them for this. It’s just that men’s physiology is designed in such a way that after sex they need rest. And the physiology of women may require final caresses and conversations.

How to make a man, boyfriend, or husband feel good and pleasant in bed with your hands?

The touch of women's hands on the genitals is always pleasant for men, but women mistakenly believe that such a touch should be extremely gentle and barely noticeable for men. Touching the head of the penis should be gentle, and squeezing the shaft of the penis should be strong enough. You can ask the man to tell you what kind of compression is most pleasant for him.

How to make a man, boyfriend, or husband feel good and pleasant in bed with your tongue?

Oral sex is enjoyable for almost all men, and some of them value it more than standard sex. To make a man feel good in bed with your tongue, it’s enough to remember a few simple blowjob techniques. They include:

  • Licking and gentle biting
  • Vibrations with the tip of the tongue and suction

Alternate these techniques to create a cascade of sensual pleasures. To make your tongue touches more gentle and gliding, use oils intended for oral sex.

How to surprise your beloved guy, man, husband in bed, drive him crazy, make him feel good, seduce, conquer, please: tips, secrets

To surprise and conquer a man in bed, beautiful underwear, candles and champagne are not enough. Men, if they pay attention to such little things, do so only minimally. Your man will be pleasantly surprised by you only if you, like a workhorse, provide him with the full range of sexual services: oral sex, a variety of positions, moans and sighs. And if after sex you feel like you did the hard work, then your man got the very pleasure he dreamed of. Of course, sex should not only be work, but also bring pleasure to the woman herself. And here it is important to find a middle ground where both a man and a woman will be able to receive mutual pleasure from sex.

If your man is happy after sex, it means you did a good job

What do men, guys like, what do they want from a woman, a girl in bed most of all: men’s desires

During sex, both men and women go into the world of their own sensations and experiences. They begin to think in terms of “pleasant”, “good”, “very pleasant”. Most of all, men want to linger at the peak of the most pleasant sensations for them. Men want a woman to read their thoughts and make their desires come true. If you don't know how to read your man's mind, ask him what he wants from you. This option takes the unpredictability out of sex, but it helps to understand the desires of men.

How to get a man, a guy into bed, how to hint a man about bed, turn him on, excite him?

If a man likes you, then getting him into bed will not be difficult. Usually, a dialogue on the topic of bed is conducted between a man and a woman without words, with just looks and gestures. If a man is not interested in you, then words and hints will not help you turn him on and excite him.

How to become interesting to a man?

Men are hunters by nature and they are interested in hunting for hard-to-reach prey. So a woman pretending to be an impregnable rock may be more interesting to him than a woman clearly hinting at sex.

What can and should be done and said to a man in bed, and what not: how to be on top?

Most men prefer not to talk during sex. Conversations are distracting and throw them off their rhythm. An exception to the rule would be oohs and aahs to the beat.

Being at your best during sex means feeling your man, guessing his desires and making his fantasies come true.

What do men keep silent about in bed, what do they pay attention to?

Men are silent about what they don't like during sex. So they may not like what male member enters the woman's vagina too loosely and does not find sufficiently tight compression by the muscles. If a woman’s vaginal muscles are stretched after childbirth or they are weak for physiological reasons, a man may not only not enjoy sex, but also not achieve orgasm.

How to pump up vaginal muscles?

It is quite simple to pump up these muscles and for this you need to perform simple gymnastics, which you can do in any free and even non-free time. The essence of this gymnastics is to tense the muscles that are located in the lower part of the bladder and intestines. To perform gymnastics, you need to tense these muscles the same way you tense them when you need to empty your bladder or bowels, but there is no such opportunity. You need to strain them for 10 - 15 minutes every day. A noticeable result will come after about a month of such exercises. The more and more often you do such gymnastics, the more pumped up your muscles will be.

What a man likes in bed: reviews

In reviews about sex, men write about what they don’t like:

  • Monotony of poses
  • Criticisms about sexual talent
  • Women chatting during sex

They also write what they like:

  • A woman capable of being bright, diverse and temperamental
  • Compliments and praise of sexual achievements
  • Voluptuous moans that indicate that a woman enjoys sex very much

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What could be more pleasant than the happy smile of your beloved girl? But sometimes it’s not easy to achieve it. The guy will have to work hard to surprise his beloved lady. This doesn't always require money. Rather, fantasy, romance and a sincere desire to please the girl will come in handy.

How to show attention: 5 nice gestures

Non-verbal communication is very important in a couple's relationship. Therefore, the easiest way to please the girl you love without money is to show your feelings through touch. And we are not talking about intimacy at all.

  • 1. Take your hand. Especially at the beginning of a relationship, this gesture can be more intimate and pleasant than a kiss. By the way, by the warmth of the hand, the trembling or the strength of the grip, you can judge how much the girl is disposed towards the guy.
  • 2. Hug from behind. If it’s cold outside, then this is a great opportunity not only to make the girl feel good, but also to warm her up.
  • 3. Iron your hair. This gesture is not suitable for an unfamiliar couple. And he doesn't expect a guy to pat a girl on the head like a pet. A light touch of the curls will be enough.
  • 4. Kiss her when she's angry. A sudden kiss will surprise a girl and easily.
  • 5. Carry in your arms. No matter how indignant the girl is, arguing that she is supposedly heavy, there is nothing better than picking up her beloved in her arms and carrying her through the puddles.

How to please a girl: 5 nice things to do

Girls appreciate what guys do. It is deeds that make it clear how dear and important one person is in the life of another.

  • 1. Say goodbye to a bad habit. Quit smoking, play computer games etc. It can be difficult for guys. But in order to please the girl you love, you can say goodbye to bad habits. Especially if she asks for it.
  • 2. Read her favorite book. This will not only make it clear that the girl is not indifferent, but will also help the couple.
  • 3. Protect her when the opportunity arises. You need to be prepared for the fact that you can protect a girl not only from bullies, but sometimes even from your friends or relatives.
  • 4. Arrange romantic dinner. It's simple and some might even think it's trivial. But, at the same time, this is an unshakable classic that should be in the history of every couple in love. The main thing is that the romantic dinner should be a surprise for the girl. It would be great to organize it in a forest clearing, on a roof or on the seashore.
  • 5. Trust your secret. This is a sign Serious relationships, which .

How to give a girl a pleasant surprise: 5 nice gifts

Gifts from a loved one are things that carry the history of a relationship. They are stored for a long time and even become symbols of love. Therefore, their meaning should be symbolic. Then they will carry Nice memories even if your loved one is at a distance.

  • 1. Your own T-shirt. It's no secret how much girls love to wear guys' T-shirts. Especially sleeping in them.
  • 2. Gift for a couple. These can be pendants or keychains, one of which will be for the girl, and the other for the guy.
  • 3. Flowers. This is the most classic, but always a pleasant surprise for your beloved girl. The main thing is to find out which flowers your beloved prefers.
  • 4. Decoration. This is definitely an expensive gift. But even a small ring or bracelet is a thing that a girl will always take with her and remember her lover.
  • 5. Indoor flower. This is not only a gift for her, but also a great test. By the way the girl takes care of the presented indoor plant, you can judge how she treats the guy.

5 pleasant surprises made by yourself

And finally, 5 nice things that you can do with your own hands for your beloved girl.

  • 1. Make an album with shared photos.
  • 2. Write 100 wonderful qualities of the girl you love.
  • 3. Bake a cake or prepare any other signature dessert.
  • 4. Take art lessons and draw her portrait.
  • 5. Write a poem or love letter for her.

It is very important that the girl herself knows how to accept gestures and actions, surprises and gifts from her beloved man. After all, his self-esteem, desire to do pleasant things in the future, and sometimes future relationships will depend on how she appreciates the guy’s efforts.