Perfect World Review of MMORPG online games (PW). Perfect World Review, description, reviews PW, Perfect World, Ideal World

24.07.2019 Health

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Many people dream of a perfect world, of course we cannot achieve it, but you can play the MMO game: Perfect World.

Now we'll talk already about the sensational online game called PW or Perfect World. This game is completely localized into Russian and is distributed completely free of charge.

Briefly about the PW (Perfect World) project

The creators of the game did a pretty good job of customizing the character, I doubt that you will find a character similar to your hero in the world of PW. The choice is so wide that you can make the hero look like yourself or a celebrity. In PW you can fly, and all characters can jump very high without crashing. In other words, an ideal world.

Classes and races in the world of Perfect World

In the online game PW there are 3 races: Seeds, Humans and Zoomorphs. Each race can choose 2 classes, which means there are only 6 classes in the game.

Seeds can become: Archers or Priests, People: Magicians or Warriors, and Zoomorphs can become Werewolves or Druids.

The Perfect World game's movement system is no different from other online games. Movement is done using the keyboard or mouse of your choice. But movement over long distances is carried out using teleports, which are found in almost all settlements.

Characteristics, monsters and production professions Perfect world

With each new level in this online game, your character will receive 5 stat points to be allocated to the characteristics: Endurance, Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence.

Monsters (NPCs) also have their own characteristics, they can be seen under the monster's inscription: Enhanced Defense, Weakness, Acceleration, Enhanced Magic Defense, Enhanced Attack, Enhanced Magic, Improved Health, Berserk. The characteristics of monsters indicate their strengths and weaknesses.

Production quests for a profession become available at level 5, in PW there are no restrictions on professions, you can learn all professions at once.


Skills are learned in the Perfect world game from mentors; money and spirit are spent to learn skills. To learn special skills you need status, status is obtained by completing tasks, mainly such tasks are included in the RESPECT section. Leveling up skills looks like a tree and to unlock new skills you need to learn the previous skill from the skill tree.

Crafting system in Perfect world

There are only 4 types of production in this game: creating weapons, crafting jewelry, creating armor and medicine. To develop your crafting skill you need to create items and this will give you experience in crafting and you will become closer to a new level of production. As soon as the crafting experience line is full, you need to go to the teacher to get a level. All made items can be disassembled and obtained “Fuel”. Fuel is needed to refuel flying animals, swords, and wings.

Perfect World is a classic MMORPG that came to the Russian market in March 2009. This Ideal World is thoroughly saturated with Chinese mythology, and the game's plot takes place in the fantasy world of Pan-Gu. Although this game does not shine with graphics, compared to today’s giants of the gaming industry, it has such a strong atmosphere that within a minute it covers you, and you feel like you are in this ideal world. But let's talk about everything in order.

History of the Perfect World.

First, Pan-Gu laid the foundation of the world, turning the five elements into mountains, air, lands, rivers, seas, and plants. After which he decided to breathe life into it. His first experiment failed: from his shadow he created nameless ones who attacked each other, destroying everything they came across. Pan-Gu saw that this world was not as ideal as it was intended, and then he decided to correct his mistake. Having created a flying city - the City of Tears of Heaven, Pan-Gu placed there all living beings into which darkness had not yet penetrated. After that, he gathered together the power of wind and water and brought down a gigantic flood on the earth, which washed away all living things in its path. Thus the world was cleansed... After this, Pan-Gu decided to create new living beings whose souls were ready to improve themselves. This is how three races appeared: Humans, Seeds and Zoomorphs….

Races and classes in Perfect World.

In total, the game features 6 races and 12 classes. There are both standard classes, such as warriors, magicians, archers, priests, and completely new ones: werewolves, shamans, mystics, reapers, ghosts, etc. Each of them has its own abilities, role in the game, class features, etc. But, for some, unfortunately, and for others not, in an ideal world there is no system of subclasses.

Character Editor.

We can't help but say something about the character editor in Perfect World. Here you can choose either a ready-made appearance or create your own Alter Ego; fortunately, the abundance of various twisters and twirls allows you to achieve this. It’s worth noting that if you are not a professional sculptor, don’t worry! There are many different Internet resources where you can easily find a ready-made appearance for your character, then download it and enjoy the game!

Quests in Perfect World.

And while the character editor can be admired endlessly, the quests leave much to be desired. Most of quests sounds like this: “Go to the clearing, which is located on the other side of the world, kill a couple of dozen monsters, otherwise they spoil my view.” Of course, I allowed myself to exaggerate a little, but this doesn’t make this picture any better.

PVP in Perfect World.

But what do we need your quests for when there is a perfectly balanced PVP system. True, you simply won’t be able to fight other players until level 30. If you kill someone, you receive a PC fine and your nickname turns red for 2 hours. This means that you can be killed and not receive a PC penalty, and also that you can drop items from your inventory.


But if you don't want to be a PC, or a PC hunter, then Perfect World has great amount various dungeons. Each of them is unique in its own way, which means that you will find completely identical dungeons. It is also worth noting that the first dungeon opens at level 19, and the last one at the final level is 105.

Social component.

The craftsmen from Perfect World also took care of the social component of the game. There is a huge amount of emotion present. In addition, boys can pick up girls, kiss them, and also have a wedding! The truth is, this event will cost you a considerable amount, but who cares, it’s romance!

Play Pefect World?

Perfect World, although new, still occupies a very decent place in the top online games. Just think 10’000’000 accounts! This game amazes with its imagination and ingenuity. A couple of dozen guides can be devoted to pets alone, let alone the rest. In general, the verdict is clear! Play, play and play again! A must for old school lovers!

An original project by a Beijing company called Perfect World, which became her debut, quickly gained momentum, and its popularity is growing every day. Already today, more than 30 million people in China play it. At the same time, the project has already entered the international arena. Here he became the main competitor for a real monster in this genre World of Warcraft. We can already say that in terms of popularity Perfect World outplays its eminent competitor. In order to somehow deal with Perfect World, companies Blizzard we need to find more than 15 million more users. Russia is also participating in this epic battle. Nival Online studio opened a server with a Russian-language version of the game. This was done even earlier than in Europe. As a result, we saw constantly crowded servers, which remain so even 6 years after the official debut.

Great customization

Traditionally, it was believed that in the world of online projects there have always been many clones and similar characters. Project Perfect World is going to seriously shake this stereotype. To achieve this, players receive maximum opportunities for customization. Thanks to the many different levers and sliders, you can adjust almost everything, except perhaps the hero’s height. For example, you can change the waist, legs, shape of the head, nose, location of the ears and eyes, hairstyle, and many other parameters. Thanks to this developed system you can create a character that looks exactly like you in real life.

Internal mechanics

The game mechanics are at a quite decent level. The original Chinese graphics engine Angelica 3D is responsible for it in the game. He, of course, gives in Unreal Engine 3, but generally provides pretty decent graphics. The game world, despite its large size, is holistic and is not interrupted by constant loading screens. IN Perfect World there is the possibility of changing the time of day, replacing weather conditions and much more, which is an excellent level for a six-year-old game.

Flight Features

An important component of the game is flying, which has its own characteristics. Anyone who wants to can fly here. Various flights from birds to winged swords can be used for this purpose.

Game classes

Total in Perfect World There are 10 character classes. Zoomorphs are represented by werewolves and druids with the ability to summon. People are traditionally divided into warriors and wizards. The Seeds are represented by healing priests and accurate archers. The Ancients are divided into guardians and mystics. Not long ago, the Shadow class was added to the game. The new race is represented by two classes: Reapers and Ghosts. Both can take the form of a dragon, which enhances some of their characteristics and spells.

In addition, in the game you can master one of 4 peaceful specialties: jeweler, blacksmith, healer and tailor. All heroes who have reached the fifth level can engage in them. As for resources, they are quite easy to obtain by simply collecting what drops from enemies. Although, in the early stages you will still have to mine them a little using a pickaxe, which you can buy in the game store.

Card Features

Game card in Perfect World is divided into many zones, each of which is controlled by certain clans. Today in the project there are territories that differ from each other not only in the strength of the monsters, but also in the level of tribute that the owners receive. In theory, the most powerful clan can completely take over the entire gaming universe.

Bottom line

It turns out that today Perfect World is perhaps the best project created in China. At the same time, he gained popularity not only in his homeland, but also in many countries around the world. Recently, several clones have appeared that are very similar to Perfect World. This once again confirms that Chinese developers have created a really cool game.

Fantasy MMORPG, the game world of which is based on mythology ancient China. Players can expect: a powerful character editor; 5 races and 8 classes; hero development, which is based on completing quests; huge game world; system for capturing territories - cities.

General information

The world of Perfect World dazzles with its beauty. Bright and rich colors, harmonious color combinations, clear lines and variety of shapes evoke deep admiration for the beautiful game landscapes. No wonder the number of fans of the game exceeds one million. What is Perfect World? This is a huge world populated by players and monsters, filled with quests and PvP battles, and of course the liveliest communication.

First steps

Once in the open spaces game world Perfect World, you immediately find yourself in a network of helpful NPCs who, as soon as they see your character, will begin to call for help. By completing fairly primitive tasks, you can easily raise the hero’s level. As a rule, you will be asked to collect the necessary ingredients, which drop out when killing monsters living nearby. Before you know it, this relatively easy process will engross you. Completed it in the back - get experience and money.


Perfect World features 5 races, each of which is divided into two classes.

People: Warriors are a universal class, they wield melee weapons, are able to heal themselves and convert magical protection into physical and vice versa. They have a number of skills that cause massive damage; Mages - have weak health, but having subjugated the elements of fire, earth and water, they represent serious opponents. Amphibians: The Assassin is a master of cloak and dagger, a virtuoso of surprise attacks and instant disappearances; Shaman - uses magic very successfully and is able to inflict colossal damage with it.

Ancients: Guardian - has strong armor and sharpened weapons, can strengthen himself and his allies; Mystic - capable of casting a curse, has powerful attacking skills and the ability to instantly heal. Seeds: Priest - in addition to serious attacking and slowing skills, he is able to resurrect warriors fallen in battle; Archer is a long-range fighter. Zoomorphs: Werewolf - turns into a tiger, significantly increasing its defense and health, but reducing its attack; Druid - can subdue game animals, and impose positive and negative effects.

Game process

Having solidly developed the character in a relatively short term, you believe that there will be no end to this prosperity. But all good things come to an end. You will be able to verify the veracity of these words when you reach level 25. Suddenly, an exciting chain of quests ends, and in front of you is full height The problem of boring grind arises. It will take hours to extract experience and gold from monsters. And if you manage to master the first few levels, then continuing in the same spirit will become quite problematic.


Once you get tired of killing and gutting monsters in Perfect World, you can switch to fighting with real players. However, another problem is revealed here: the game is not designed for PvP. The developers initially planned to unite players into parties so that the classes would complement each other. But the result is an imbalance, with some classes outright dominating others.

Joining a clan will allow you to take part in the battle for territory, control over which brings considerable profit. There are a lot of people in the game, there are even more ambitions, so truly grandiose battles with a large number of participants are far from uncommon here. 80x80 fights for a small piece of land occur almost daily. In total, the game features 44 disputed areas. The clans endlessly quarrel, form alliances, weave intrigues, betray, fight - in this sense, you will not have time to get bored.

The story is that long ago, the Star Monarch and the King of Ten Veils created people to ennoble and beautify the lands of Pangu. And soon these people filled all the lands. The majestic City of Swords became the capital of people.

Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

For a long time, gods, people and demons lived in harmony, but this could not continue and soon all demons and gods disappeared from the lands of Pangu.

Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

A new beautiful race of winged people has appeared. They were called seeds. The capital of the Seeds became the City of Feathers.

Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

The race descended from animals, which is close to the wild world, began to be called - Zoomorphs.

Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

Race amphibians- the rulers of the seas and oceans, who left the mainland many millennia ago, but many attacks on them forced them to return to land. The capital of amphibians has become Tsunami City.

Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

Ancients or Guardians of the Earth- a new race that appeared in the game after humans, seeds, zoomorphs and amphibians. Distinctive feature the ancients is the presence of a magical “third eye” on the forehead. The capital of the Ancients is the City of Unity.

Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World Character Creation


Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

If we look at people, they are no different from us and you, but in the Ideal World all People can fly, they use special swords for flight. You can choose 2 classes of People:

Warriors- strong and strong wrestlers, in general a physical class.

Warriors are divided into 4 subgroups:

brass knuckles (weapon - brass knuckles);

swordsman (weapons - swords); spearman (weapon - spear);

axeman (weapons - axes);

“universal” (wielding all types of weapons).

Mage- can control the elements of fire, water and earth in battle. This makes them serious opponents in battle.


Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

A proud and majestic race (they have angel wings).

Seeds are divided into 2 classes:

Archers- endowed with small wings, so they can fly short distances; in battle they use bows; the art of wielding these weapons has no equal.

Priests- have their own wings, stay in the air for a long time. They can heal comrades and cast spells on enemies.


Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

These are half-humans and half-beasts, so they can change their appearance into a person, then into a beast. To fly they tame wild birds or flying wild animals.

Zoomorphs are divided into 2 classes:

Werewolves- an exclusively male class, they have no equal in close-range battles.

Druids- exclusively female class, attractive and cute creatures, but they can tame other animals (which other races cannot), so do not assume that these cute creatures will not be able to protect themselves.


Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

An ancient race located under water, but constant skirmishes with demons forced them to come to land.

Amphibians are divided into 2 classes:

The killers- warriors in the shadows, masters of stealth. Their weapons are two daggers, with which they inflict deep wounds on the enemy.

Shamans- they can attack the enemy with spells as fiercely as they can heal a teammate.


Review of the game Perfect World

Review of the game Perfect World

A mysterious race, descendants of the gods. How do they fly? - you ask. They use kites that look like animated kites.