Seeing a long scarf in a dream. Dream Interpretation: see or knit a scarf, meaning by color

20.07.2019 Technique

No matter how changeable fashion is, there will always be things in your wardrobe that are relevant at all times. By wearing a warm snood in the cold autumn, we are able to warm not only our vocal cords, but also our soul. We will find out why you dream of a scarf in proven dream books.

A scarf in a dream has several different meanings for the dreamer. This warm accessory can save our throat from the cold, and, therefore, preserve the ability to express our opinion and judgment through our voice. Usually such people are very confident in themselves, and they always have something to say.

A scarf of complex structure and color reflects our desire to hide our true nature, to appear to others, to put on some kind of “mask” to achieve our true goals. Dark colors of the snood indicate a desire to distract attention. This applies to those who are tired of being too popular and are always looking for an opportunity to be alone. Such persons are often afraid of being misunderstood by others; they are vulnerable and touchy.

For those who are sad, delving into memories, a dream stole indicates nostalgia for the past, where it was warm, cozy and safe. This means that at the moment you feel very vulnerable, and you need the support of people near and dear to your heart.

If you dreamed of knitting a warm scarf - in reality you are trying to postpone making a fateful decision. It seems to you that if you had more time, you definitely won’t go wrong with your choice. But this state of discomfort and instability only complicates an already difficult situation.

The color of a scarf in dreams can tell a lot about the emotions of the sleeper and his internal state.

The meaning of the color of a scarf in a dream

  • White - characterizes the dreamer’s usefulness, his freedom for opportunities, a clear understanding of his tasks, goals, and needs. Such people are very fundamental in their actions, actions, capable of inspiring, enlightening, and giving confidence to others;
  • Black - speaks of the mystery and secrecy of the sleeper. You are able to attract people with your mystery, sexuality, meaningfulness, and gift of foresight. But on the other hand, you are carefully trying to hide your tendency to depression, depression, and isolation. You can use strength as a manifestation of weakness and selfishness. For a girl, this color of scarf speaks of loneliness and the desire to close herself off from potential suitors;
  • Gray - this color lives on the border of white and black. For the sleeper, such a shade of snood indicates that he feels alien and unnecessary. He wants stability and harmony. A woman sees a gray scarf in a dream as a sign of her emotional stinginess and restraint. The reason for your loneliness is your inability to reciprocate your feelings. You strive to find an ideal, not noticing simple human happiness;
  • Red - indicates leadership and authoritarianism of the sleeper. You have deservedly received the status of a powerful and influential person. Because they are always energetic, able to work, and determined. In intimacy, such persons are very passionate, open, easily excitable and insatiable. Your activism craves constant reform and transformation. Always strive for justice and prudence towards others;
  • Yellow – reflects the optimism, activity and flexibility of the sleeper. You are able to quickly make decisions, influence the attention span of others, and inspire new achievements. Your resourcefulness and quick wits give you high self-esteem, which is sometimes annoying ordinary people. But the ability to speak beautifully and convincingly makes it possible to rally a loyal team of like-minded people;

  • Orange - the dreamer always keeps himself in good shape and strives for self-realization. Your gentleness, warmth and responsiveness can create a good mood for your loved ones. But you are characterized by superficiality and frivolity. The instability of interests and the constant need for new hobbies affects the attitude of those who love you towards you.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

A scarf in a dream represents masculinity and is a symbol of the phallus. For a woman to wrap herself in a soft and gentle stole in a dream - in reality to have a harmonious relationship with a man. This lover completely satisfies you, striving to fulfill all your erotic fantasies. In this case, the spiritual connection with the partner is of considerable importance. You feel his strength, passion, and are charged with his sexual energy.

A dirty accessory that you hate to wear around your neck speaks of a conflict or contradiction with your other half. The reason for this is treason and betrayal. This will certainly lead to a quick separation.

A man dreamed of taking off a torn and worn-out snood - a sign of your sexual impotence. Decreasing your sexual activity is a clear path to impotence. Take care of men's health urgently, otherwise the bed will only have its intended purpose for you.

Gustov Miller

For a young lady to place a scarf around a friend’s neck is a symbol of imminent separation, which will most likely become the final point in your relationship.

Covering yourself with an expensive and warm stole signifies a life full of joy, prosperity and prosperity. Losing an accessory dear to your heart means loneliness and depression. That moment when reckless actions lead to the desire for complete isolation from others. But if in return for the loss you are given a new snood in a dream, in reality a person will appear who can pull you out of the shadow of your own fears and prejudices.

Knitting a beautiful scarf with your own hands and seeing the end result of your work is a great sign. Thanks to your meticulous work and perseverance, you will achieve great financial success and quickly rise to a new social level.


Feeling the scarf being pulled tightly around your neck is a sign of severe shock or serious illness. During this period you are especially vulnerable. You should be extremely careful. Don't plan big events or new things to do. Avoid risk, even if it promises big returns and easy money.

Knitting a snood as a gift for someone is a sign of a romantic date and meeting with new love. This union promises to be long and strong. Making such a product for yourself is an attempt to postpone an important conversation with a close relative, which could affect the relationship with this person in the future.

Buying a scarf means in reality receiving gratitude from colleagues and co-workers. Authority and respect will grow in proportion to the worthy level wages. Selling a gift means disappointing close environment with his immoral behavior

A dream can be considered help from above, which providence gives us. Thanks to dream books, we understand what should be adjusted and what should be categorically avoided. Correct interpretation small parts in a dream can even become a guide to happy life. For example, a long white scarf symbolizes travel and the beginning of new responsible periods. But the size, color and circumstances under which you came into contact with him will help you analyze the situation and tune in to a favorable outcome in any matter.

Scarf colors

A white thing predicts a carefree vacation. If the scarf in a dream is transparent, light or silk, then you will have to visit warm regions. Miller's dream book warns in such cases against unforeseen expenses and recommends thinking about the traditions and culture of the people of the country you are going to visit, so as not to get into an awkward position there. Anyone who happens to see a bright piece of clothing on their neck should be especially careful.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, knitting a black fluffy scarf or hat means a strong and long-lasting relationship. A woman who dreams of such needlework will soon get married, and her house will be a full cup. The more you like the scarf you made with your own hands in a dream, the more exemplary your family will become.

Blue or cyan color promises danger. If you dreamed of a green boa, you are a little tense and unsure of yourself. It's time to forget about worries and start acting, otherwise your rivals will quickly get ahead in important and fateful matters.

Adventurers and people with increased vital activity dream of wearing red clothes around their necks. Seeing a purple or crimson scarf on someone you know is a sign of love betrayal loved one- this is the interpretation in Freud’s dream book. Did you dream of a yellow accessory? Be prepared for long separations or even a complete break with loved ones.

Buy or Lose

Buying a scarf, muffler, boa or stole in a dream can be a common symbol of changing weather - this is what most say modern dream books. A person subconsciously rushes to warm himself, expecting unpredictable surprises from the weather. A white scarf is dreamed of for the onset of prolonged cold weather; a colored scarf, on the contrary, for the onset of warm days.

Did you dream that you received a silk or lace scarf as a gift? Wait for a new fan! Love adventures promise to captivate you for a long time, especially if the accessory was tied on your head in the dream. Dreaming of a red boa that looks rich? The dream will definitely lead to unforgettable sex and the discovery of new sensual pleasures.

If you dreamed of losing a scarf, be prepared for the fact that family relationships may deteriorate due to some trifle. Try to listen to the dream book: become more attentive to your household, urgently stop finding fault with or without reason, insist on your own, otherwise you risk losing the valuable trust of your loved ones.

Buying a new one or finding a long-lost scarf in a dream means profit. Seeing a found object on the head or neck is an unexpected present. You can receive a gift both from relatives and from strangers.


If you dream that the scarf is suffocating, constantly getting in the way of your neck, pay close attention to your health. This may be a signal of some diseases. The body hints that it is time to go to the doctor for a routine examination and requires immediate intervention in its own problems. Dream books don’t like to joke in such cases - try to quit everything and take care of your health in the coming days.

Unraveling a knitted item in a dream means changes in the material sphere. Did you dream about a holey stole? The Dream Interpretation recommends being on guard with your accounts and cash reserves - someone has long been trying to get close to them for personal mercantile purposes.

A scarf is a universal wardrobe item; everyone wears it. Therefore, both men and women can dream about it. The interpretation of the dream will depend on the circumstances surrounding this item of clothing, as well as its color.

In life, a scarf gives us warmth and care, but it can also play a tragic role.

Let us remember the famous Isadora Duncan and her unexpected death from her own scarf, caught in the wheel of a car. In a dream, this accessory also does not always foreshadow favorable events.

Each color carries its own special energy. In a dream, the color of objects also has its own meaning.

Details such as the appearance of a scarf or its loss can also influence the interpretation.

Gain and Loss

The semantic meaning of the dream depends directly on whether your scarf appears or has disappeared somewhere. A positive coloring of the plot predicts good events in life, a negative one - on the contrary.

Sometimes the plot of a dream is a warning about future losses and troubles in real life. What do dream books say in such cases?

Warning dreams

Dreams in which a scarf becomes the culprit of suffocation may carry a hint about a health condition. There may be problems with the cardiovascular or respiratory system. It's time to go to the doctor and get examined. The body can often give signals about illness when symptoms have not yet manifested themselves clearly.

Did you dream about unraveling a knitted scarf with your own hands? Get ready for the fact that in the near future, money will flow to no one knows where. A bad streak in business and financial difficulties are possible. Make your spending more thoughtful and make your business decisions wisely.

Did you take your stole out of the closet and it turned out to have holes in it? Such a dream speaks of possible theft and intrigues of competitors. Keep track of your accounts carefully and keep your cash hidden away. Do not lend large sums; it is unlikely that you will get it all back in full. Be on guard with your business partners, there may be deception on their part.

Other interpretations

There can be a lot of dream plots. We have selected the most common interpretations of dream books about a scarf.

We analyze the vision in which Snood dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Why do you dream about the Scarf - It is an ambivalent symbol. It denotes affective nostalgia and is called the element of affective fetishism (see clothing).

I had a dream about a Scarf (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

Scarf - Wrapping a long warm scarf around your neck in a dream means bringing yourself pleasure, looking for an opportunity to obtain sexual satisfaction. Taking off a scarf in a dream indicates a desire to fully open up to your partner, to satisfy and prevent all his desires.

Scarf according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Scarf - Conversation.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Scarf – Get the distinction.

Scarf in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Scarf – Warm when it gets cold. Knit Sh. - the weather will be favorable to you at the moment when it is important to you. Thin, airy (decorating) for a trip to warm countries, to the south.

Why do you dream and how to interpret a Scarf according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

Scarf – Get the distinction.

Why do you dream about a Scarf (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Scarf - You saw a scarf in a dream - the dream promises you an entertaining conversation in reality; another interpretation of the dream: you will soon go on a business trip. A woman dreams that she is knitting a scarf for her loved one - the dream urges this woman not to bother her loved one with nagging, unless, of course, she wants to turn his life into a complete nightmare.

The meaning of the dream about Dickey (Jewish dream book)

Scarf - Tearing or staining a scarf means a bad mood and outbursts of unreasonable anger. Wandering the streets with a red scarf means suffering from loneliness and fear.

Meet Scarf in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

I dreamed of a Scarf - The dream promises joy family life, a happy journey in the company of family and friends. Imagine that each of your family has a beautiful, warm fluffy scarf.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a Scarf ( Big dream book Phoebe)

Scarf - to the quiet joys of family life, well-being, prosperity. Imagine a store that sells different warm, fluffy scarves. You choose the most beautiful and expensive ones to buy for yourself and each member of your family. Come home and tie the designated scarf around everyone’s neck and put on your own. Everyone is happy with the gifts, thank you, and look at the beautiful patterns on the scarves. You are also happy, you feel how the scarf warms you, how soft, fluffy and beautiful it is.

What does it mean to sleep with a Scarf, taking into account your date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of a scarf - For passionate love.

In the summer, why did you dream of a scarf - Thoughts about suicide will appear.

In the fall, why did you dream of a scarf - For emotional experience.

In winter, why do you dream of a scarf - Relationships, affection.

A scarf is a strip of fabric or knitwear that is tied around the neck, sometimes on the head. The most common are warm scarves that protect against hypothermia; light decorative scarves are common in women's wardrobes. The symbolism of the scarf is ambiguous.

It can talk about protection, a beautiful image, mark the road, like any narrow and long object, and sometimes warn of danger or illness.

Dream book of Catherine the Great. How to understand the dream “Scarf”?

If you saw this common accessory in a dream, get ready for a business trip or an interesting conversation. If the dreamer saw that she was busy knitting a man's scarf, this is a warning that she should not bother her loved one with nagging and complicate his life over trifles.

Jewish dream book. Interpretation of a dream about a scarf

A dream in which you tore or soiled your scarf is a warning against bad mood and unmotivated outbursts of aggression. If in a dream you walk the streets wearing a red scarf, this indicates possible suffering from your own fears and loneliness.

Dream book of healer Akulina. I dreamed about the scarf - what will happen now?

A scarf in a dream symbolizes family warmth and pleasant communication, as well as a joint trip with friends and family.

Dream Interpretation of Phoebe. How to understand the dream “Scarf”?

A dream about a scarf reflects family warmth and care, home wellbeing and prosperity.


Interpretation of a scarf requires taking into account all the details of what was seen, as well as the circumstances of the dreamer’s real life. Great importance has the color of the scarf, as well as the sensations caused by it. Red or black color, scratchy rough fabric, a feeling of tightness in the neck and difficulty breathing are very bad symbols.

They can warn of conflicts, aggression directed at the dreamer, attempts to harm him and real misfortunes that await him. Often such a dream warns of diseases of the throat and respiratory system.

A tightly wound scarf speaks of the dreamer’s isolation, his attempts to distance himself from something that he considers unacceptable for himself, but such a withdrawal will have the most disastrous results for him, and will actually “cut off the oxygen.”

A warm, fluffy and beautiful scarf, especially in a light shade, is good sign. He can talk about successful outcome affairs, recovery, feeling of security, caring of loved ones.

A beautiful light scarf that complements the dreamer’s outfit speaks of the success of her plans, especially in building friendships or love relationships.

The dream in which she knits a scarf has the same meaning - it’s hers.