What is the purpose of carrying a coffin in a dream? Why do you dream of an open coffin: interpretation from various dream books

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

open - success in business; new - worries will go away; brought into the house - success in business; the dead man rises - a guest from afar; a friend in a coffin - news about his successes; for young people - for a wedding; for family - to profit, financial success; himself in the coffin - completion of affairs; house; housing (especially if you are lying in it); floating on water - wealth; open it - misfortune.

I dreamed of a coffin

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a coffin means bereavement and the early departure of a dear relative. Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. For a peasant, such a dream promises crop failure and livestock illnesses. For business people - failure. For young people - an unhappy marriage. The vision of a moving coffin promises the same thing: such a dream may be followed by illness, and then by marriage, overshadowed by previous events. Quarrels, serious illness, repentance for actions promise you a dream in which you are lying in a coffin or sitting on it.

Why do you have a dream about a coffin?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was being carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this horrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age. An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardship. If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring to a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles. A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses. Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster. A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.

I dreamed about a funeral

according to Miller's dream book

Being at a relative’s funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of your family’s good health; possible and quick lucky fate. But if at the same time it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you attend the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Why do you dream about funerals?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

a successful outcome, for the wedding; you are being buried - long life; dead person alive - invitation to a wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession due to personal reasons).

Why do you dream about a hearse?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

serious illness; big changes; ordering - cash costs.

I dreamed about a hearse

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a hearse in a dream means tense relationships at home and unsuccessful business management. It also predicts sadness. If a hearse stands across your road, you will be able to defeat an enemy who seemed invincible to you.

Why do you dream about a tomb?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

patronage, good luck through patronage; locked in a tomb - disappointment, removal from business; being in it means recognition.

Tomb in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The tomb is a symbol of the connection of times. Seeing yourself at the tomb of the once great and famous person- this means that you are about to receive an inheritance that will make you famous or bring scandal into your life. To stop and prevent the destruction of the tomb - you have to become a person who will be initiated into a secret of vital importance. Looking for a tomb - this portends spiritual formation, renewal, the discovery of truths associated with the past. Finding a tomb where a building stood shortly before - this dream foreshadows a change of residence, a move to another country, or a return to the homeland of the ancestors. Seeing a tomb engulfed in fire is a symbol of a collision with evil spirits, the fight against corruption, an attempt to destroy the black forces that have excessive power over people. Seeing a tomb flooded with water means that secrets related to roots and heredity will be revealed, and a long journey awaits until all the details are clarified.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Seeing a coffin in a dream

  • The coffin can symbolize completion, the outcome of a situation, and possibly the end of a relationship.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Coffin

  • An empty coffin - for longevity;
  • with a deceased person - trouble, especially for those who are going to start some new business (it is better to abandon it - big losses are inevitable)

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Seeing a coffin in a dream

  • Coffin - melancholy, fear (the desire to hide from the outside world), profit from labor / useless troubles / tragic exposure.
  • An open and empty coffin is a danger to the life of a loved one.
  • Making a coffin means a promotion.
  • Carrying a coffin is a profit.
  • Climbing into a coffin is a longing for knowledge.
  • From the outside, seeing yourself in a coffin is an obstacle to the implementation of plans.
  • To lie in a coffin is a sin to empathize / to yearn for childish naivety / the desire to hide from the world / to experience fear of wide space
  • Lying in a coffin and then getting out of it means a revival of strength, a renewal of the soul.
  • Falling into a coffin means harm from good fame.
  • Digging up the coffin means your secret will become clear.
  • Burying a coffin means trying to forget something.
  • Stealing coffin boards is dangerous.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • The coffin is often considered only bad sign, foreshadowing death, failure and illness. But in some dream books, the coffin is a favorable symbol: an open coffin is success in business; a friend in a coffin - news about his successes; for young people - for a wedding; for family - to profit, financial success; seeing yourself in a coffin is the end of things.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Seeing a coffin in a dream

  • The coffin dreams of a bereavement. A coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage.
  • A dream in which you see yourself in a coffin means quarrels and illness.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • Usually this good sign According to the interpretation of the gypsies, seeing someone in a coffin means that you will live to see the time when your children grow up and start their own families. Seeing yourself in a coffin means you will have excellent health all your life.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient French Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Coffin

  • If you dream of a coffin, poverty and humiliation await you. If the coffin is large and heavy, then fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house. Golden coffin - portends success that will come to you from afar. Making coffins in a dream means hard work that will yield great rewards. Buying coffins in a dream means prosperity and harmony in the house.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Dream Interpretation Coffin

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • New grave, new coffin. - Heralds relief from anxiety.
  • A coffin emerges from the grave by itself. - Fortunately.
  • The coffin is brought into the home. - There will be a promotion.
  • The dead man rises from the coffin. - A guest from outside will arrive.
  • You see a dead man in a coffin. - Foretells material gain.
  • You open the coffin and talk to the dead man. - Unfortunately.
  • You see a coffin floating on the water. - Portends great wealth.
  • IN big hall there is a coffin. - Portends joy and peace.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern women's dream book

Seeing a coffin in a dream

  • Seeing your coffin means changes in yourself, in your habits, in your outlook on life. An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardship. Seeing a fallen coffin is a good omen: your guardian angel will help you avoid great danger.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Coffin

  • open - success in business;
  • a friend in a coffin - news about his successes;
  • for young people - for a wedding;
  • for family - to profit, financial success;
  • himself in a coffin - completion of affairs.

Dream Interpretation: Vanga's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • In a dream you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was being carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this terrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age.
  • An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardship.
  • If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.
  • A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses.
  • Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster.
  • A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells misfortune. Such a dream warns business people against incurring large debts, since it will be difficult to repay them. Seeing your own coffin in a dream means that fate is destined for you to fail both in business and in love. If you yourself are lying in a coffin, then your endeavors are not destined to be crowned with success. A dream in which you see a moving hearse, and at the same time you are sitting in a coffin, portends serious illness. A moving coffin is a sign of illness and an unsuccessful marriage.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • Buying a coffin is a dignity; doing it is an honor, a profit.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • Empty, closed - mysterious events.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Dream Interpretation Coffin

  • Primary elements - earth, metal, water.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, cold.
  • Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear.
  • Organs - spleen, stomach, lungs, kidneys.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury.
  • Eat folk sign, that to see someone’s funeral in a dream means a long life for the one who is being buried. Why is this so? A funeral in reality is one thing (always a sad event), but a funeral as a symbol is completely different: grain is thrown/buried in the ground, and something new, fresh grows. In a dream, a funeral is a symbol of the need to get rid of what was, albeit a heavy, but familiar support in life: fear supposedly allowed one to save energy by doing nothing, depression briefly isolated one from the environment, internal anxiety and uncertainty were the reason to entrust others with taking care of oneself. A new understanding allows you to live without these aggravating conditions and means a transition to a state where you solve all the issues yourself. The internal ability to make such a decision confirms readiness for liberation. Getting rid of old restrictions will contribute to a deeper understanding of what is happening. A coffin in a dream is a symbol ready to accept and bury all our mistakes in the ground. To see an open but empty coffin in a dream is a yin-yang state of getting rid of unnecessary things. An open but empty coffin in a dream means an understanding that a certain process that has been going on for some time has been completed, that the time has come to completely get rid of the information that has owned you for a long time. The emotions that arise in a dream at the sight of a coffin are fear of death, depression from hopelessness and anxiety for oneself. They are the ones who need to be buried. The dream does not demonstrate submission to these emotions, but a state of understanding that it is no longer possible to continue to exist with them. The coffin is open, ready to accept what has long been painful and now only gets in the way. The dream is interpreted favorably: success in business and relationships, health without damage at this stage, although in the past buried emotions caused damage to the spleen, lungs and kidneys. They should be taken care of.
  • Seeing a coffin in a dream means sorrow and a quarrel with a loved one. For married couples, such a dream foreshadows a loss of harmony and perhaps even the death of one of the spouses. Seeing a moving coffin means you will experience shame because of your own behavior, as well as complete misunderstanding on the part of your partner.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Dream Interpretation Coffin

  • If a person lies in a coffin in a dream, then this is a symbol of long life; Seeing a coffin buried in the ground is a latent form of a serious illness.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Aesop's dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (short), Vedic dream book Sivananda, Shuvalova's dream book, Mayan dream book, ancient English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), Azar's dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, V. Samokhvalov's psychoanalytic dream book, Italian dream book by Meneghetti, women's dream book, ancient Persian dream book by Taflisi, Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, Russian dream book, fairy tale -mythological dream book, Old Russian dream book, Veles dream book, Shereminskaya’s dream book, dream book of love, oriental women’s dream book, noble dream book N. Grishina, dream book of Tarot symbols, culinary dream book, self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya’s dream book), and others.

After such a dream, everyone begins to panic. However, you should remember about inverted dreams when bad value is replaced by good and vice versa. Why do you dream of an empty open coffin? Death is a symbol of change, the beginning of a new stage. Therefore, do not rush to worry about what you see.

General interpretation

The symbolism of the image of the coffin is unambiguous - the channel in other world. From a mystical point In terms of vision, a dream can warn of magical actions directed towards the dreamer. Either this is a binding of the deceased, or a love spell ritual in a cemetery. A variety of rituals can be performed at graves, aimed at all areas of a person’s life.

In everyday life a vision of an empty coffin can have different interpretations: it all depends on the dreamer’s life situation and on the details of the dream itself. A common interpretation of this plot is a farewell to the obsolete, outdated. The dreamer moves to a new stage of life and must throw away the past and bury it. And what he will fill the coffin with, with what contents, is up to him to decide.

If the vision of the coffin caused negative experiences in a dream This means that the dreamer does not want to say goodbye to the past and move to another level. Understand your feelings: what is stopping you? This could be a fear of change, a reluctance to part with a familiar way of life, or simply laziness. Also, the image of an empty coffin can symbolize a person’s internal devastation, depression and neurosis.

If in a vision the dreamer did not experience negative experiences, there is no reason to worry. Was there indifference when contemplating the picture? A loss is expected in the near future, which will not cause much damage.

For businessmen This picture promises a successful completion of the transaction, as well as a warning not to lend even at favorable interest rates. If you buy an empty coffin, in reality you will face failure in your endeavors.

Should you be scared if in a dream the dreamer lay down in a coffin? This story only bodes well:

  • successful marriage;
  • internal rebirth.

If the dream is empty the coffin served as a refuge, this promises good luck and victory over difficult circumstances. Everything will end well soon.

What did the coffin look like?

The interpretation may depend on the color of the domino, as well as the material of manufacture. Remember what you saw:

  • simple wooden - to disappointment and resentment;
  • zinc coffin - sad news;
  • a beautiful modern coffin - to health and well-being in the home;
  • rotten wooden house - to losses and troubles;
  • a cheap, simple coffin - to low self-esteem;
  • a large heavy house - to harmony in the house;
  • gilded coffin - to success.

See small child's coffin- to minor changes in the dreamer’s life. Many empty houses- to great happiness, wedding and profit.

If in a dream see the personalized coffin, this does not promise death to the dreamer! This picture relates to the soul of the sleeper, to his attitude towards life and himself. You should reconsider your positions in life, undergo spiritual cleansing, and perhaps abandon your usual lifestyle.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's Dream Book portends sorrows, losses and troubles. A dream can predict the sudden death of a young relative. A vision of a coffin in a church warns of an unsuccessful marriage. Businessmen will face failure in deals and ruin.

According to Miller, a vision of an empty coffin in a hearse may foreshadow a disruption of a wedding celebration or a sudden illness. However, if the hearse is located across the road, this prophesies favorable events:

  • resolution of disputes;
  • overcoming enemy pressure;
  • sudden unplanned profit.

Vanga's Dream Book states: a dream reveals a person’s mental trauma and experiences. However, they are not always negative, because the old page of life needs to be turned over. A vision of a coffin can promise dramatic changes in fate:

  • change of place of residence;
  • lifestyle changes;
  • abandonment of old opinions and habits.

Freud's Dream Book emphasizes psychological aspect dreams. Nailing an empty coffin with nails is a struggle against one’s own vices; covering an empty house with earth means a secret enemy. The fall of the empty coffin means help from above - the angel took the trouble away from the dreamer.

Dream book of psychologist Loff sees in this plot a symbol of humiliation and spiritual poverty of a person. However, seeing a gilded coffin promises a quick trip, new experiences and success in life. Making a coffin with your own hands means advancement in your career, spiritual rebirth. The hearse foreshadows unfounded claims.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets the vision as a symbol of life's victories. interprets the vision as a symbol of life victories, well-being in family life, wedding for young people. The dream may also portend business expansion.

Were you scared when you saw an empty coffin in a dream? Calm down, this unpleasant dream does not promise anything terrible. In most dream books it is interpreted as the completion of a certain stage of life. And if you want to know what surprises fate has in store for you, be sure to study all the interpretations that explain what such a gloomy object as a domovina can mean in a dream.

Don't be afraid of change!

First, remember whether the coffin you dreamed of was closed. If there was no lid on it and you noticed that the body of the deceased was missing inside, then know that such a vision tells you an algorithm of actions for the near future. Firstly, the dream book recommends, do not listen to the numerous advice of “well-wishers”. Secondly, do not be afraid, fears are the main obstacle for you on the path to success.

All this is fully true in relation to personal life. Stop dwelling on memories of past relationships. It's time to look around and find a new object worthy of your attention! In one of the dream books there is a very original interpretation of why you dream of an open coffin. It turns out that in reality the dreamer will have the honor of being among those invited to some grandiose celebration.

What does the lid hide?

You dreamed of a coffin covered with a lid, but are you sure that it is empty? The dream book's predictions will intrigue you, as they are associated with mysterious, strange events in the near future. There is another completely pragmatic interpretation - the dreamer will soon acquire real estate. By the way, this same vision occurs to people who can later be called long-livers.

Another meaning of this plot, according to the dream book, anticipates the wedding of a close friend. If in a dream you had a chance to drive nails into the lid of a house, then upon waking up think: isn’t it worth getting rid of bad habits?

Miller's Cautions

Miller explains: why do you dream about an empty coffin? The dream means that there is a chance to improve your well-being and strengthen your financial position in society. Sleep is also good for those who have children. The heirs will achieve great success in life and you will be proud of them. However, if you had to see a broken coffin in a dream, then Miller’s dream book predicts the opposite meaning.

A dream in which you had to lie in a coffin or sleep has a bad meaning. It means a stop in all matters. For a patient to sleep in a coffin, sleep threatens death.

All shades of red

The one who in a dream noticed a red coffin without the body of a deceased person will earn honor and respect. Depending on the shade, the meaning of the dream may change. So, if the house was dark purple, then there is no point in relying on luck and expecting that your plans will come true. But a light red, empty coffin promises happiness and reciprocity in love.

Did it happen that a bright, scarlet coffin in a dream caused you disgust and panic? Then listen to the advice of the dream book: learn to restrain your emotions in real life, and be a little more modest, more restrained.

By quality and material

To accurately interpret the dream, you need to take into account the material from which the coffin was made:

  • Zinc - to unpleasant news.
  • Wooden - for the upcoming work.
  • Heavy and very large - to prosperity and harmony in the house.
  • Beautiful and expensive - to good health and long life.
  • Broken and rotten - to a stop in all matters or to illness.
  • Gold - to success and prosperity.
  • Cheap - to a superficial attitude towards life.

In the interpretation of a dream, one more important point must be taken into account: if in night dreams an empty coffin stood in a church, then although a prosperous future awaits, fate has first prepared trials for the sleeper. But if the house was located in the living room, then the dreamer will have a cheerful, comfortable life.

The bigger, the better!

Why might you dream of many empty coffins? For young people, this plot foretells an early entry into the barque, and for families it predicts profit. This dream precedes a successful hunt, fishing or a trip to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms. If you dreamed of two wooden funeral boxes, then the dreamer and her husband will live happily, and, as they say, they will die one on the same day. But this will not happen very soon - the married couple will still celebrate their golden wedding.

If in a dream you buy three coffins, then in reality expect a good profit, unexpected income, and if you bought three houses at once, then in the future you will be considered a happy long-liver, respected and appreciated.

Own “sarcophagus”

Don’t be alarmed if you notice a child’s tiny coffin in the night phantasmagoria. This vision only warns of possible minor, everyday troubles or that the dreamer will have to adapt to newly emerging circumstances in some matter.

Are you sure that the empty coffin you dreamed about was destined for you? Then there is a reason for introspection, reflection on one’s behavior and actions. Admit mistakes and accept them as inevitable experiences that will help you move forward.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

Next night is important for those interested personal life more than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

Horrible nightmares rarely carry a direct meaning and often only symbolically reflect future events, the dream book reminds. A coffin, for example, means in a dream: you should get rid of memories, old feelings and the past in general. Why else do you dream of such an extraordinary sign, the details of the plot will tell you.

Interpretation from the Enigma dream book

In your dreams, did you find an unknown coffin in your own apartment? If it is empty, you will become depressed and business will decline. If with a corpse, then there will be a major domestic quarrel due to alcohol abuse.

Have you attended someone else's funeral and listened to people speak ill of the unknown deceased? Expect troubles, quarrels with neighbors, a reprimand from your superiors.

In a dream, were you suddenly given such a terrible gift? An inevitable separation from your loved one is coming. Did you make your own coffin? By your own actions you will create unnecessary problems.

What does a coffin mean according to Vanga?

Why is there an empty tomb? Vanga's dream book considers it a harbinger of mental crisis and internal emptiness. Have you seen a funeral and realized with horror that they were burying you? We urgently need to change our usual way of life, otherwise things will get worse.

Did you carry the coffin to the cemetery yourself? Take a rash act and bring your loved ones a lot of suffering. The worst thing, according to Vanga, is to cover the box with earth in a dream. This is a sign of real evil that is invading your destiny.

Why do you dream about the image according to Miller?

Did you dream of a coffin with a dead body? Miller's dream book promises heavy losses and separation from loved ones. Did you lie or sit in it yourself? Get ready for conflicts, serious illness, and repentance for your actions.

If he stood in a church and was strewn with fresh flowers, then the marriage will be unhappy. The same plot prophesies a bad year for farmers, a streak of unsuccessful deals for businessmen, and a scandal with their chosen one for lovers.

Seeing a coffin in a dream according to Freud

Was there a beautiful and very expensive coffin in your night vision? Freud's dream interpreter interprets this as a symbol of fertility and health. A cheap home reflects personal complexes and low self-esteem.

Seeing a rotten and clumsy product means physical and creative infertility and decline. The most worst interpretation has a zinc sarcophagus. IN real world receive bad news and find yourself in a dangerous situation.

I dreamed about different coffins

Did you dream about an open coffin? Enjoy a fun holiday. If it is closed, you will find yourself in a dead end. What does a green coffin mean in a dream? The dream book is sure that it’s time to take a break from business and worries.

If it is blue, feel the coldness in relationships, the detachment of others. This is also a sign of humility and understanding. However, seeing it strewn with flowers is a sign of illness and fatal failure.

There were two boxes at once in the night adventure? Catastrophic changes will occur. The cross standing nearby symbolizes tragic news. A wooden coffin promises the purchase of real estate, a gold one promises great success in the distant future.

Why do you dream about buying a funeral item? In reality, you will incur huge costs. Have you considered an album with funeral products? You will be faced with an ambiguous choice.

Decoding dream actions

Did you have to nail down the lid in your dream? It is necessary to make every effort to get rid of vicious addictions and weakness of will. Did you personally take the box out of the house? Decide to radically change your life and succeed in it.

It is good to see that the sarcophagus, on the contrary, is brought into the house. A promotion is expected soon. Why do you dream about burying a coffin? This is a symbol of a successful marriage, a quick recovery or new worries.

Digging up a grave is much worse. The dream book suspects: you are voluntarily trying to bring back to life a long-forgotten past. If you dug up a still new product, you will return to the business that you recently abandoned. Did you open a tomb in a dream and discover ancient remains? Decide to realize your old dreams.

In your dreams, did you accidentally catch the coffin and it began to fall? The dream book guarantees: you will be able to avoid great danger. Did you manage to turn over the house with the dead man? If you fail to control the situation, you will miss a good opportunity.

Why see a dead person in a coffin?

When interpreting, you need to take into account who exactly lay in the tomb. If an old man, receive good news, money. Baby? The plan is unlikely to be realized. Did Lenin appear in the night in the house? You will lose power or become nostalgic about the past.

  • Friend - success, wedding.
  • Girlfriend - unsuccessful marriage.
  • Daughter - joy, news.
  • Brother - lucky streak.
  • Dad is a moneymaker.
  • Mom - failures.
  • Wife - the business will fail.
  • Husband is profit in the house.

Why do you dream about a dead ex? The dream book is confident: you will finally get rid of the past and be able to move forward without obstacles.