Being wounded in a dream. Why do you dream about a wounded man?

27.06.2019 Business

Did you happen to clean the house in a dream? In real life you will be able to get rid of everyday difficulties, unnecessary relationships, put things in order own soul. Why else do you dream about cleaning? The dream book will suggest various interpretation options.

Where to begin?

It is best to start the interpretation of a dream with a general understanding that any home symbolizes the dreamer himself. Whereas order or disorder in it reflects the emotional state at the current moment.

Did you dream that you decided to clean the house? It's time to seriously reconsider your own worldview and change.

Why do you dream if you only happened to clean one room? In reality, concentrate your thoughts exclusively in one direction.

In a dream, did you start cleaning your new home? The dream book suspects that you will be offered to participate in some kind of endeavor.

According to Miller

If a woman decides to clean the house, then family relationships will soon become noticeably warmer and improve.

What do you want?

Why do you dream about a terribly dirty house? Contrary to worst expectations, in a dream it symbolizes well-being and prosperity. But the dream book insists: only if you are lucky enough to see your own home.

But airing and cleaning the house also means that you are in long-term mental stagnation and long for freedom.

Did you dream of an unimaginably dirty, but clearly unfamiliar shelter? Prepare for general decline, illness, quarrels and humiliation.

Figure it out!

Why do you dream if you decide to clean your house? According to the dream book, the time has come to deal with the accumulated problems in one fell swoop.

A family dreamer can wash his home before a period of well-being and complete understanding with his family.

Did you happen to see that while cleaning your house, you can’t even take a break in your sleep? The plot promises the arrival of uninvited guests and some kind of addition.

Act now!

Did you dream that you had to pick up trash? In reality, you will try to improve bad relationships with others.

If the garbage stank mercilessly in a dream, then this means that the situation has gone very far and it is almost impossible to correct it.

In our dreams we decided to clean the house and found cobwebs in huge quantities? The dream book considers it a sign of serious confusion that occurred in the past, but complicates the situation today.

Life will get better!

In a dream, removing cobwebs literally means justifying oneself or removing accusations from another.

Did you dream that there was a need to clean the house and wash away the dirt? In reality, you have to prove through your actions that you are a decent and reliable person.

In general, cleaning up dirt at night is always a good idea. The dream book promises that circumstances will change for the better.

Wedding or work?

Why do you dream if you had to generalize in someone else’s house? In reality you will have to work hard, trying to realize someone’s promising idea.

Seeing that someone else's home has been cleaned can also be a sign of imminent marriage. Did you dream about cleaning up someone else’s cottage? The dream book suggests that you got into some kind of story, penetrated into the life of another person.

Look around!

It is immediately worth noting the features of the living space in a dream. The dream book offers such decryptions.

  • Rich domina - success, prosperity.
  • With furniture - a big profit, possibly an inheritance.
  • With paintings - indulgence of personal whims.
  • Poor - financial difficulties.
  • Empty - loneliness.
  • Unfinished - unrealized plans, dreams.
  • Gloomy – excessive isolation.
  • Light – spirituality, ideology, new plans.


Why do you dream if you plan to clean the house of a deceased person? Some uncertainty will soon gain a very clear perspective. Putting things in order in the apartment of the deceased also symbolizes an attempt to understand the past.

Why does a woman dream about Cleaning (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

Cleaning – If a woman dreams that she is cleaning the apartment or sweeping the floor, her relationship with her husband will improve significantly in the near future. Children will enjoy health and complaisance. You see that the floor in your apartment is dirty, but for some reason you cannot sweep it, disappointments and troubles await you in the near future.

Interpretation of Cleaning from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

Cleaning – Wet – deterioration of the family atmosphere. See - sweep.

Why do you dream about Cleaning in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Cleaning - If a woman cleans the apartment or sweeps the floor in a dream, her husband’s attitude towards her will soon become better, and the children will be cheerful and obedient. You see that the floor in your apartment is dirty, but for some reason you don’t sweep it - disappointment and trouble await you in the very near future.

If the dreamer dreamed of Cleaning (interpretation by the magician Yuri Longo)

Cleaning - You started cleaning, says that in reality you have accumulated a lot of problems and you are anxiously wondering how you can sort them out. Do not put things off indefinitely and immediately begin to resolve problems, no matter how insoluble they may seem to you. But keep in mind that you should not set yourself impossible tasks, do not try to deal with all the problems at once, try to get out of them gradually, resolving one after another. You have already put things in order and are now admiring your work, which means that in reality the time for calm will soon come and you will be able to do your favorite things and devote more time to your loved ones. However, you should not relax too much, since this calm will not last long; even during this time, you should maintain your form so that the transition from rest to active activity does not take you by surprise. You have acquired assistants who take an active part in cleaning, then in reality you will need allies to implement your ideas and in the near future you will be looking for them. If all your participation in cleaning comes down to only contemplating this process, then in reality you will, as they say, rake in the heat with someone else’s hands, without experiencing the slightest lessons of conscience. Well, it’s convenient when others do all the dirty work for you, but the whole point is that such work needs to be paid for in one way or another, and because of laziness you can lose most condition. Be extremely careful and try to do all the necessary work yourself, and resort to outside help only as a last resort and do not delegate serious matters to anyone else.

Cleaning in night dreams (interpretation Esoteric dream book)

Cleaning - In the house, liberation from life's difficulties and troubles. In a public area at work, you will get rid of people bothering you if you clean with your bare hands; from inconvenience if you use a broom or rag.

How to understand why you dreamed about Cleaning in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

I dreamed of Cleaning - putting my thoughts and affairs in order. The floor in the apartment is dirty, but for some reason you don’t wash it - depression.

Meet Cleaning in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Cleaning - Family relationships will soon improve. Imagine that you have cleaned the entire house, and now it shines with cleanliness and comfort.

Interpretation by psychologist A. Mindell

I dreamed of Cleaning - A woman sees that she is cleaning an apartment - this woman will have an excellent relationship with her husband (after some friction) and children. In a dream, it’s as if you don’t want to clean the house - disaster will follow disappointment.

What does it mean if you dreamed about Cleaning ( Big dream book Phoebe)

Cleaning - all conflicts will be resolved, your relationships with loved ones will improve, peace and quiet will reign in your life. Imagine your own home or personal plot. You are full of strength and enthusiasm to restore order here. You have prepared all the necessary tools for this. Imagine in every detail how you do the cleaning, and then admire the results of your work: you have put things in perfect order, everything shines and sparkles with cleanliness.

The meaning of a dream about putting things in order (Creative dream book)

I dreamed about Cleaning, what is it for. 1. Cleaning up in a dream suggests the opportunity to get rid of all old-fashioned attitudes, emotions, attitudes and beliefs. To sweep means to put everything in order. 2. Cleaning – an ancient image relating to excellent management and cleansing environment. WITH psychological point In terms of cleaning, cleaning involves attention to detail, precision, and cleanliness. In modern technological symbolism, cleaning may involve searching for viruses. 3. The dreamer could receive a lot of spiritual knowledge, which he now reflects in a dream. There may be certain elements of confusion that will go away over time, and the horizon of spiritual knowledge will clear.

Such a dream means that you decide to put things in order both in your own affairs and thoughts, and in personal life.The Dream Interpretation writes that this is a very favorable time to begin to act and bring your plans to life.

However, such dreams do not always bring positive changes. The fact is that cleaning someone else’s house or room means that you yourself will put things in order there, which can lead to troubles and resistance.

To understand why you dream of cleaning in a dream, pay attention to where exactly it happens and what happened next. Here's how it works in different homes and situations.

In your own living space

If in a dream you began to clear the table in a house or apartment, then a moment will come when the dreamer decides to put his affairs in order. This may mean the end of a period of laziness, carelessness, and the habit of going with the flow.

For those who suffer from alcohol addiction, cleaning their home means improving their activities, starting a new life, or trying to get rid of addiction. It is very good if such a person throws away cigarettes, bottles and rubbish with the garbage.

The dream book writes that such a dream predicts favorable changes and joy for you. For those who are experiencing depression, cleaning your apartment or your own room means that you will start minding your own business.

It is possible that the period of prolonged loneliness will end and you will arrive in a normal state. Moreover, this will be associated not only with some external changes, but also with the desire to start activities all over again. The dream book writes that you yourself will contribute to your changes. Or decide that to survive you need to do something, and it’s not easy to worry on the couch.

Why do you dream that you began to remove dust from the table and other objects? The dream book writes that such a dream means the beginning of a new joyful life. Dust is generally dreamed of as a sign that you need to deal with old problems that just need to be paid attention to. And removing it from the table in a dream means that you will go about your business again.

Why do you dream about taking out trash from an apartment or house? Such a dream means that soon you will decide to get rid of what is interfering with your life, be it relationships, habits, or even a job that is unpleasant to you.

Why dream of clearing leftover food or dessert from the table in a dream? The dream book writes that such a dream means poverty, deterioration in activity, losses and troubles.

Dreaming of finding things in your apartment that you don’t need foretells the destruction of old relationships. The dream book writes that you will decide to put things in order in your personal life and get rid of outside influences.

Pay attention to who gave you the things that you threw away - the dream book writes that such a dream means parting with this person.
If someone started cleaning your house in a dream and threw away your things, what is this dream about? Such a dream shows disrespect for you and the dreamer’s opinion.

If he was clearing the table, then such a dream means limiting your material support. In any case, the dreamer has an enemy who can do a lot of harm.

The mysterious and inexplicable kingdom of Morpheus. What can you see here! Talking cactus, mythical creatures, unknown people and countries. All these are not just pictures, but images that can affect life. Even simple cleaning carries a hidden meaning and warns a person about possible changes in his life. Each dream can have many meanings and be interpreted differently, so this is worth paying attention to.

Why do you dream about cleaning?

People have always been interested in dreams. Since ancient times, they have been observed, recorded and tried to understand, finding a correspondence between dreams and reality. Every dream is not a simple set of visual images randomly thrown out by the subconscious, but a message or a warning. Even the most ordinary cleaning, dreamed of in dreams, has its own hidden meaning.

In a broad sense, cleaning is getting rid of the burden of accumulated problems. A dream about cleaning can be a harbinger of strengthening family relations, problem resolution, a successful way out of a conflict, or an unexpected turn in life for which a person has made a lot of effort. However, a lot depends on the dream itself. Depending on where, how and with whom the cleaning takes place, the meaning of the dream may change. Moreover, different dream books interpret such visions in different ways, there is both good and bad value similar dream.


Most often, people wonder why they dream of cleaning the house and what it promises. In a good omen, the dream guarantees a speedy resolution of all problems and troubles, not only in your personal life, but also at work and among friends.

If a woman dreams of cleaning her home, then she has enough strength to forever retain the affection of her children and husband. After such a dream, her relationship with her husband will certainly improve, and the children will become obedient and attentive. But if a girl dreamed that her house had dirty floors and she couldn’t clean them, she should be wary of disappointments and troubles. A catch can be expected among unfinished business and unresolved issues, which long time waiting for attention to be paid to them. When you dream that cleaning does not bring visible results, it means that at the moment it will be difficult to get rid of problems.

Cleaning in white magic

To the question: “Why do you dream about cleaning?” - representatives of white magic also answer. They are sure that cleaning is like an audit of the soul. Such a dream signals that the time has come to start solving accumulated problems, even if it seems that this will be impossible. A dream where the key vision is cleaning the house means that a person cannot move forward because he convinces himself that he does not have the strength to solve current problems.

If a person wakes up and asks the question “why do you dream about cleaning?”, then it’s time for him to act. Such a dream is a sign. It's time to unravel difficult situations. Remove misunderstandings from your life, gradually and slowly, as if erasing dirt. The main thing to remember is that the problem must be solved gradually, and not attack all the accumulated cases at once. Otherwise, a person will face a lack of results and wasted energy.

If a sleeping person admires the results of a successful cleaning, it means a period of blessed calm, peace and tranquility will begin in his life. At a time like this, any decision will bring positive results.

When a person sees in a dream that they are helping him with cleaning, then real world he is not able to cope with problems on his own and needs outside help. Such people most often quickly fall under the influence of others.

In the case when a person only watches the cleaning in a dream, in reality he will have to use someone for his own benefit and not be ashamed of it.

Alien territory

If everything is clear about the meaning of cleaning your own living space, then it’s worth finding out why you dream of cleaning someone else’s house. Such dreams personify a person’s hidden desire to find out what is going on in the soul of someone else.

Often, such dreams are seen by parents whose children have just begun to live independently and they want to know how things are going for them.

If in a dream the dreamer had to sweep the floor in an unfamiliar house, he should be careful, otherwise he may be drawn into a quarrel, or one of his relatives will leave the house. Sometimes such a vision foreshadows preparations for some event, which can be either positive or carry tragic news.

In the case when the dreamer sees clean people, he should prepare for the fact that someone will ask for help. If the question arises “why do you dream of cleaning someone else’s apartment?”, then such dreams are interpreted in exactly the same way.

Non-residential premises

Also, visions such as cleaning the office or non-residential premises. Why do you dream about cleaning in this case?

If the dreamer cleans his own office, he should prepare for a change of job. When you have to clean without using tools, this may mean that a person is able to conduct a constructive dialogue with his superiors or will soon get rid of colleagues who are annoying. If tools were used in cleaning, then a person will be able to avoid uncomfortable situations in the real world.

Cleaning in any other public space means that in real life a person will be left behind by people who constantly cause him problems.


When researching materials on the topic: “Why do you dream about cleaning your apartment?”, you may come across information that such dreams warn of danger.

According to Freud, such dreams promise problems with physical health, in particular with the genitourinary system.

If a woman sees that while cleaning she has started sorting and folding old clothes, she should think about herself and her attitude towards life. After all, such visions mean that she is tormented by doubts about her own attractiveness.

When a man sees him wiping the dust, he is about to marry a girl who will become bad wife and the mistress of the house. And if a man sees that he is removing the cobwebs, it means he will convict his wife of cheating.

If the dreamer sees himself sweeping away cobwebs in the office, it means that a tense atmosphere reigns in the work team, which as a result will become a prerequisite for the emergence of protracted conflicts and insidious intrigues.

good omen

And yet, why do you dream about cleaning? No matter how this dream is interpreted knowledgeable people, and cleaning is always a good thing. For example, if you dream of cleaning the bathroom, it means your well-being will improve. When the dreamer cleans an old hut, then in the real world he will be able to fix it himself own mistakes. If in a dream you had to clean the room with ex-boyfriend or a girl, it means there is a period in life for starting a new relationship.

And if you dream of spring cleaning, then a person can count on the discovery of unexpected talents that will have a better impact on life.

Interpretation of dreams has always been in demand, because a person’s dreams are like a small glimpse into the future, which allows you to avoid danger and prepare for pleasant events.

A dream in which you started cleaning: it says that in real life you have accumulated a lot of problems and you are anxiously wondering how you can sort them out.

Do not put things off indefinitely and immediately begin to resolve problems, no matter how insoluble they may seem to you.

But keep in mind that you should not set yourself impossible tasks, do not try to deal with all the problems at once, try to get out of them gradually, resolving one after another.

If you have already put things in order and are now admiring your work, it means that in reality the time for calm will soon come and you will be able to do your favorite things and devote more time to your loved ones.

However, you should not relax too much, since this calm will not last long, in addition, even during this time you should maintain your form so that the transition from rest to active activity does not take you by surprise.

If you have acquired assistants who take an active part in cleaning: in reality you will need allies to implement your ideas and in the near future you will be looking for them.

If all your participation in cleaning comes down to just contemplating this process: in reality you will, as they say, rake in the heat with someone else’s hands, without experiencing the slightest lessons of conscience.

Well, it’s convenient when others do all the dirty work for you, but the thing is that such work needs to be paid for in one way or another, and because of laziness you can lose most of your fortune.

Be extremely careful and try to do all the necessary work yourself, and resort to outside help only as a last resort and do not delegate serious matters to anyone else.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Seeing Cleaning in a dream

If a woman cleans an apartment or sweeps the floor in a dream, it means that her husband’s attitude towards her will soon become better, and the children will be cheerful and obedient.

If in a dream you see that the floor in your apartment is dirty, but for some reason you do not sweep it, it means that disappointment and trouble await you in the very near future.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Cleaning mean?

Cleaning - In the house - liberation from life's difficulties and troubles. In a public space - at work you will get rid of people bothering you if cleaning is done with bare hands; from inconvenience if you use a broom or rag.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

To see cleaning in a dream

A woman who dreamed of cleaning will be treated by her husband with love and respect, and her children with obedience.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Cleaning

If a woman dreams that she is cleaning an apartment or sweeping the floor, her relationship with her husband will improve significantly in the near future. Children will enjoy health and complaisance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Cleaning mean in a dream?

A woman who dreamed of house cleaning will soon get better family life. The husband will treat her more reverently, and the children will be cheerful and obedient.

But, if in a dream she sees that the floor in the house is dirty, and for some reason she does not sweep it, then in the near future she will be disappointed.

Interpretation of dreams from