Is Socrates’ phrase true: “Be sure to get married; if you get a good wife, you will be an exception; if you have a bad wife, you will become a philosopher.”

27.07.2019 Food and drink

Some young man asked Socrates for advice - should he get married or not? I must say, he knew who to turn to with such a question! However, it was not difficult to guess, because Socrates was terribly unlucky in family life. His wife, Xanthippe, was one of the worst wives in history. She simply tormented Socrates: every now and then she sawed him, kept him under her heel, and threw everyone at him. One day she threw tea in his face, and Socrates was left with a burn mark for the rest of his life. In general, that young man found himself the right person- Socrates certainly knew the answer. And Socrates replied: “Get married, of course. good wife, you will be happy, but if you are unlucky, you will become a philosopher..."

This is how it happens, Socrates did not know this parable. If I had known, I would not have become a “tolerant” of my wife:

A parable about how to choose a wife.

One day the men asked my grandfather, tell me, you and your wife have lived for half a hundred years and don’t fight (everyone in the village knows about everyone). How is this? - You know that young people go to get-togethers in the evenings, and then the guys accompany them on the arm of the girls and walk along the main street. Spent one evening - nothing, two - a reason... and count three as the groom. So I went to see her off, I was walking and saying something, and she suddenly began to slowly pull her hand out from under mine. I didn’t understand, it turns out I was walking straight into a puddle on the road, I didn’t turn around. She ran around the puddle and again grabbed my arm. I walked purposefully towards the next puddle. She also removed her hand. The next evening with another girl I followed the same route. The same picture, running around puddles. The next evening I went with the third one. And again in the middle of the road through puddles. I approach - she holds on to me tightly, listens to me and... walked through the puddle with me. Yeah - I just didn’t see the puddle. Then I'll move on to the next one - deeper. Girlfriend pays zero attention to the puddle. Since then, we’ve been walking side by side and don’t quarrel, we live well. All the men opened their mouths, and the older ones said that your grandfather didn’t tell you how to choose wives before. Maybe we would be happier too.

Philosophy as a way of life Guzman Delia Steinberg

Being a philosopher is not the same as simply studying philosophy

If we don’t feel philosophy, if we don’t love it, if knowledge doesn’t touch us, doesn’t excite us, why is it needed? To engage brain cells? But this is too little.

Yes, we need to give the neurons a job, but we also need to touch the heart. It is important that everything we think about is accompanied by a strong experience.

But it doesn’t end there: you need not only to think and feel, but also to act. And we need to bring into agreement what we think, what we feel and what we do. When these three elements are harmonized, then we are philosophers, because there is a big difference between studying philosophy and being a philosopher.

Anyone can study philosophy. You can like it or not like it, you can understand it or not understand it, but despite this, you can study it. Being a philosopher is something completely different. This is action, this is art. Nevertheless, anyone can also be a philosopher. Strictly speaking, being a philosopher is much easier than studying philosophy, because anyone can be a philosopher who asks questions with genuine interest and sincerity and with the same sincerity begins to look for answers to them. We want to be philosophers, not just study philosophy.

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Recently, more and more people want to understand how to become a philosopher, but lacking sufficient knowledge and experience, they fail and abandon their goal. In fact, philosophers are not only born, but also become. Any person with strong desire will become a philosopher if he acts according to his desires. But the problem remains not only in the lack of desire or motivation, but in the fact that not all people know how to become a philosopher.

Scientists and psychologists have studied this question and in practice many people have proven how effectively it is to become a real philosopher. Applying all the tips given in the article, are you on personal experience make sure they are effective.

Why and why do you need this

Many people want to understand how to become a philosopher , but they don’t realize the main thing, why and why they need all this. Majority famous philosophers They became like this in the process of self-development and lifestyle, they didn’t even have such a goal to become philosophers, they just lived their lives and constantly studied something new. Therefore, you better choose your path in life, be yourself, and live your life. And when you have a desire to start philosophizing, then don’t hold back and start acting. You should never become a philosopher, simply for the purpose of appearing better than others, more famous and more popular; this is a very bad trait for a philosopher. Decide whether you are ready to study all your life and learn more and more new things, and create your own opinions about life.

Be aware of yourself and the people around you

In fact, understanding how to become a philosopher is quite simple, but in order to actually become one, you first need to understand yourself and those around you. Start loving, appreciating and respecting yourself and all people. Since those people who feel malice towards others and themselves will never be able to become philosophers due to lack of love and understanding. A philosopher must love what he does and what he studies. The main thing for every philosopher is to study himself and those around him. Therefore, first you need to realize its nature and begin to appreciate and respect yourself and others. After this, the process of your self-development and studying others will begin to bring you joy and good mood. After all, every philosopher is serious on the outside, because he constantly thinks about something, but is happy on the inside, because he has realized the value of life and enjoys every minute he lives.

Read the sayings and thoughts of philosophers

To become a philosopher, you just need to start reading the thoughts of other philosophers. But not just read, but study and understand every word. The problem is that not everyone can understand the thoughts of philosophers, and until you begin to understand other philosophers, you cannot become one yourself. Find your favorite philosophers, whom you are most interested in reading and studying, start living their lives, and if all this brings you joy, then you will definitely become a philosopher. And if you feel discomfort and bad mood from your new lifestyle, then this is not your destiny and you need to look for your meaning in life in something else. Not a single philosopher in the world has ever done anything he did not like. Philosophers starved, lived on the streets, but never did anything they didn’t like, even when they were sentenced to death, since people did not understand them, and previously it was forbidden to go against the opinion of the majority.

Become confident, believe in yourself

Every philosopher was confident in himself, his abilities and what he was talking about. In order to become philosophers, you need to believe in yourself that you can achieve any goal in life. Each philosopher had many possibilities and could achieve any goal. But philosophers realized that in order to become happy, you don’t need to rush anywhere headlong. You just needed to realize that you are already happy. Believe that you are happy now, at this minute and moment. Don’t give in to your brain’s excuses that this is not true, continue, believe in your happiness, and you will become happy. Anyone who has not achieved happiness without realizing it and the meaning of life will never be able to become a philosopher. Therefore, develop self-confidence. A success journal will help you with this.

Have your own opinion

The main mistake of 98% of people is that they do not have their own opinions. They trust television, the Internet, relatives, friends, acquaintances, but not themselves. The crowd effect has created a single opinion, and an education system where there is only 1 correct answer, and all other answers are incorrect. Our life is created in such a way that if a person is against the opinion of the majority, he is crazy and no longer respected.

Accordingly, because of this, today 1% controls 99% of people, which makes us laugh. Get away from this system and start thinking for yourself, and not having those who are looking for benefits in people’s lack of knowledge and uncertainty think for you. A philosopher has only his own opinion, and can prove his rightness, which no one else can do, even successful man. A philosopher gives his whole life in order to experience life, find his meaning in life, study himself, people and understand everything as clearly, better and more as possible. Those who are accustomed to living by instinct and never think for themselves cannot become philosophers. Fear has filled the life of mankind, so that only strong and courageous people with faith and willpower can get out of it.

Learn from life through experience

Every philosopher appreciates no more knowledge, or success, but experience, since this is the most valuable thing in the world. But every philosopher also knows that the main resource is time, since it cannot be returned, which is why every philosopher appreciates and enjoys every minute he lives. After all, this moment will soon no longer belong to us, just like the past and the future. Only a moment can affect our life. If a person dares to waste even 1 hour, it means he has not yet realized the price of life and the main resource - time. Some people will tell you that today the main resource is money. But if you think about it, the money can disappear and it can be returned and earned again. But once you lose time, it will be impossible to get it back. Life is too short to waste. This wonderful article will help you with all this:

Recently, more and more people want to understand how to become a philosopher, but lacking sufficient knowledge and experience, they fail and abandon their goal. In fact, philosophers are not only born, they are also made. Any person with a strong desire will become a philosopher if he acts according to his desires. But the problem remains not only in the lack of desire or motivation, but in the fact that not all people know how to become a philosopher.

Scientists and psychologists have studied this issue and in practice have proven to many people how to actually effectively become a real philosopher. Applying all the tips given in the article, You will see their effectiveness from personal experience.

Why and why do you need this

Many people want to understand how to become a philosopher , but they don’t realize the main thing, why and why they need all this. Most famous philosophers became like this in the process of self-development and lifestyle, they didn’t even have such a goal to become philosophers, they just lived their lives and constantly studied something new. Therefore, you better choose your path in life, be yourself, and live your life. And when you have a desire to start philosophizing, then don’t hold back and start acting. You should never become a philosopher, simply for the purpose of appearing better than others, more famous and more popular; this is a very bad trait for a philosopher. Decide whether you are ready to study all your life and learn more and more new things, and create your own opinions about life.

Be aware of yourself and the people around you

In fact, understanding how to become a philosopher is quite simple, but in order to actually become one, you first need to understand yourself and those around you. Start loving, appreciating and respecting yourself and all people. Since those people who feel malice towards others and themselves will never be able to become philosophers due to lack of love and understanding. A philosopher must love what he does and what he studies. The main thing for every philosopher is to study himself and those around him. Therefore, first you need to realize the essence of man, his nature and begin to appreciate and respect yourself and others. After this, the process of your self-development and studying others will begin to bring you joy and good mood. After all, every philosopher is serious on the outside, because he constantly thinks about something, but is happy on the inside, because he has realized the value of life and enjoys every minute he lives.

Read the sayings and thoughts of philosophers

To become a philosopher, you just need to start reading the thoughts of other philosophers. But not just read, but study and understand every word. The problem is that not everyone can understand the thoughts of philosophers, and until you begin to understand other philosophers, you cannot become one yourself. Find your favorite philosophers, whom you are most interested in reading and studying, start living their lives, and if all this brings you joy, then you will definitely become a philosopher. And if you feel discomfort and bad mood from your new lifestyle, then this is not your destiny and you need to look for your meaning in life in something else. Not a single philosopher in the world has ever done anything he did not like. Philosophers starved, lived on the streets, but never did anything they didn’t like, even when they were sentenced to death, since people did not understand them, and previously it was forbidden to go against the opinion of the majority.

Become confident, believe in yourself

Every philosopher was confident in himself, his abilities and what he was talking about. In order to become philosophers, you need to believe in yourself that you can achieve any goal in life. Each philosopher had many possibilities and could achieve any goal. But philosophers realized that in order to become happy, you don’t need to rush anywhere headlong. You just needed to realize that you are already happy. Believe that you are happy now, at this minute and moment. Don’t give in to your brain’s excuses that this is not true, continue, believe in your happiness, and you will become happy. Anyone who has not achieved happiness without realizing it and the meaning of life will never be able to become a philosopher. Therefore, develop self-confidence. A success journal will help you with this.

Have your own opinion

The main mistake of 98% of people is that they do not have their own opinions. They trust television, the Internet, relatives, friends, acquaintances, but not themselves. The crowd effect has created a single opinion, and an education system where there is only 1 correct answer, and all other answers are incorrect. Our life is created in such a way that if a person is against the opinion of the majority, he is crazy and no longer respected.

Accordingly, because of this, today 1% controls 99% of people, which makes us laugh. Get away from this system and start thinking for yourself, and not having those who are looking for benefits in people’s lack of knowledge and uncertainty think for you. A philosopher has only his own opinion, and can prove his rightness, which no other person, even a successful person, can do. A philosopher gives his whole life in order to experience life, find his meaning in life, study himself, people and understand everything as clearly, better and more as possible. Those who are accustomed to living by instinct and never think for themselves cannot become philosophers. Fear has filled the life of mankind, so that only strong and courageous people with faith and willpower can get out of it.

Learn from life through experience

Every philosopher appreciates no more knowledge, or success, but experience, since this is the most valuable thing in the world. But every philosopher also knows that the main resource is time, since it cannot be returned, which is why every philosopher appreciates and enjoys every minute he lives. After all, this moment will soon no longer belong to us, just like the past and the future. Only a moment can affect our life. If a person dares to waste even 1 hour, it means he has not yet realized the price of life and the main resource - time. Some people will tell you that today the main resource is money. But if you think about it, the money can disappear and it can be returned and earned again. But once you lose time, it will be impossible to get it back. Life is too short to waste. A wonderful article will help you with all this: how to learn to live, which describes in more detail the main values ​​of life and how an ordinary person can become a great sage and achieve whatever he wants.

If you have questions, write them in the comments.

    Would you recommend? :))
    don't rush girls,
    haste in catching fleas is good :))

    Very little can be said about a person appearance, and a lot of it comes from communicating with a person. Our entire essence is revealed only through communication, and it is enough to talk a little with a person to understand what he is like.

    wow, you can’t write something like that in a chatterbox....

    Not only are Ukrainian women beautiful, they also know how to cook

    Look at me from top to bottom and you will see a fool. Look up at me and you will see Mr. Look me straight in the face - and see yourself!
    Your society is so perverted that normal person he will appear as a madman.
    Do you know what it means to have your own opinion in a world of programmed generic robots? Having your own opinion means total freedom, and this is madness. You go to the doctor and tell him that you are God, he looks at you as if you are crazy. He doesn’t even believe in God, that’s why he’s a psychiatrist.
    In ancient times, being crazy meant something. Everyone's crazy these days
    Charles Manson

    True, Charlie can hardly be called a full-fledged sage and philosopher.

    Sage from

    Kote turns into the highest stage of evolution, and a well-fed person remains the one who was created to clean up after him ***

    Most likely because he considered Socrates a plebeian - and so it really was. Socrates also had no education and was hostile to science and art (especially tragedy). He believed that people engage in science only to satisfy their curiosity. Nietzsche cannot forgive Socrates for teaching a philosophy that was absolutely practical in nature and which was hostile to all knowledge
    (Socrates rejected geometry, astronomy and other sciences).