“Black” transplantologists – myths and reality. Black transplantology on the shelves Approximately how long do people wait for a suitable organ?

The strategy and tactics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are determined by “black transplantologists.” Napoleon once said that “war must feed itself.” Unlike the Corsican nobleman and artillery lieutenant, who became the Emperor of France, the son of a Moldavian guild worker and speculator, Petro Poroshenko and his accomplices are convinced that the war, in addition to self-feeding, should also feed them, and do it very well and abundantly.

A good owner does not waste anything, and everything that can bring at least some profit should do so.

All the leaders and “passions” of revolutionary Ukraine act according to this principle – from the “president” to the last volunteer.
Even the soldier’s offal of the “ATO heroes” who found their end in the Donbass steppes serve the great cause of enriching the generous “Ukrainians”.
French police and customs officers at Paris Orly airport intercepted a large batch of donor organs illegally exported from the territory of Ukraine.

This was not an accident - French law enforcement officers were working on operational information.

According to media reports, suspicion was aroused by the fact that, judging by the shipping documents, the cargo was sent in transit from Ukraine (the sender was the Dnepropetrovsk Clinical Military Hospital) to Saudi Arabia, while the flight was supposed to go through Georgia and Turkey, but instead ended up in France.

It was established that the documents were fake, and the recipient company (indicated as L'abean) was registered in one of the offshore companies, in the Cayman Islands.

The cryogenic container, disguised as a KING KORG synthesizer, contained more than 200 nasal septums and almost as many external (external) anal sphincters immersed in liquid helium.

According to RusNext, this find indicates that at least 200 Ukrainian militants died in a Dnepropetrovsk military hospital.

It must be said that this is not the first report of the trade in human organs removed from the bodies of killed punitive forces and their victims.

During her premiership, Yulia Tymoshenko personally facilitated the return to Israel of the ripper surgeon Michael Zis, detained in Ukraine on charges of illegal transplantation of human organs and human trafficking, saving him from criminal prosecution.

From its first steps, “Euromaidan” opened for “black transplantologists.” Thus, among the objects seized by the Maidan militants first of all was the Kiev morgue on Oranzhereynaya Street.

There is a statement by the OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Persons Madin Dzharbusynov that bodies found in mass graves in Donbass internal organs, most likely, became victims of transplantologists.

This issue was brought to the annual OSCE meeting on the implementation of human rights commitments, however, without any results.

Many representatives of the Ukrainian government and their relatives are involved in this terrible “business” to one degree or another.
In particular, even Saakashvili and his wife Sandra Rulovs were mentioned.

However, Dnepropetrovsk (the sphincters were sent from a hospital located in this city) continues to be “steered” by one of Kolomoisky’s “sixes” - Boris Filatov, who successfully combines the position of mayor of the city and the “supervisor” of local crime.
So even if this organ supply channel is not his own business, he has a share of it.
However, he is not the only one.

Let us recall that one of the post-Maidan health ministers, the “Georgian Varangian” Alexander Kvitashvili, initiated a bill in Ukraine on the “presumption of consent” for transplantation.

His work was continued by the volunteer minister, American citizen Ulyana Suprun, who from the first minutes in her new position began promoting the law on donor transplantation.

Already at the briefing about her appointment, Suprun told a touching story that her good friend in America had been waiting for a transplant for 16 years. She also assured everyone that, as part of state policy, she would lobby for a law on donor transplantation in Ukraine.

The ground has already been prepared for this.

The essence of Suprun’s bill is the presumption of consent: if a citizen during his lifetime did not write a statement prohibiting the taking of organs and/or other anatomical materials, then it is considered that he provided such consent “by default.”

The rapid evacuation of future donors from the battlefield has been practiced. That is, the need to remove organs in the field has disappeared. Everything happens in hospitals, in sterile conditions, without unnecessary witnesses. That is, the possibility of information leakage is minimal. “Business” became regular and well-established.
It is likely that this very circumstance provides the key to understanding the strangeness of Ukrainian tactics and strategy, when units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces rush to seemingly senseless slaughter."

Boris Dzherilievsky.

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Medical meaning of the occupation of Ukraine: “human resource” of the organs of “Ukrainian goyim”?

According to Bloomberg, organ harvesting occurred from “goyim” from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Moldova, Nicaragua, Peru, Romania, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Philippines, South Africa, Ecuador. In 2009, Ukrainian writer Vyacheslav Gudin accused Israel of kidnapping 25 thousand Ukrainian children, and a mass demonstration took place near the Israeli Embassy in Kiev under the slogan: “Ukraine is not the Gaza Strip, you cannot capture us.” In 2015, the head of the Jewish community of Kharkov, Eduard Khodos, said that the main result of the “revolution of dignity” is that “306 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have the right to Israeli citizenship. So are the president, prime minister and speaker.” Against this background, the removal of organs from duped citizens of the former Ukraine has sharply increased.
 On December 3, 2009, a loud accusation of kidnapping Ukrainian children was made in Kyiv. Ukrainian philosopher and

writer Vyacheslav Gudin, at a meeting of the Academy, accused Israel of the fact that over two years, more than 25 thousand Ukrainian children became victims of “organ hunting.”

UKRAINE, 2007. In 2007, a scandal erupted in Ukraine, the culprit of which was Israeli citizen Michael Zis, accused of “black” transplantology. Zis was detained on October 13, 2007 in Donetsk at the request of law enforcement agencies, who accused him of recruiting donors for human organ transplants.

However, this Jewish “businessman” was taken to Israel after the intervention of Yulia Tymoshenko, and after arriving in Tel Aviv, Zis was released.
 It should be noted that by that time the Jewish “black transplantologists” and their accomplices had already “cut their teeth” on the Serbs and Palestinians.

1998-2008, SERBIA, KOSOVO . In Israel, for several decades now, a “widely known in narrow circles” and closed to the public transplant market has been actively operating, where for a good reward and without any queue you can change a “worn-out organ.” This market was especially active in 1998-99. organs were removed from the Serbs, in which the “leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo” Hashim Thaci, who received the nickname “Snake” for his cruelty and then became “Prime Minister,” was personally involved.
 He earned millions of dollars by trading in organs removed from living people. The former judge of the District Court in Pristina, Danica Marinkovic, unsuccessfully tried to testify about this in The Hague at the trial of Slobodan Milosevic. According to her, the UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), which was then headed by the current French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, impeded the investigation of cases of missing and kidnapped people in the region.

According to Del Ponte, she had information about the murders of Serbs and the trade in their organs already in 1999. The “principled prosecutor” del Ponte, who mentioned this only after the separation of Kosovo, was immediately sent as ambassador to Argentina.

According to an investigation opened in 2008, several hundred people were killed in Kosovo as victims of a gang that supplied donor organs to Europe.
 As part of the new transplant case, three former Kosovo Liberation Army militants were also arrested, suspected of kidnapping people from whom organs were removed. The prosecutor's office also issued an arrest warrant for Kshabir Zharku, the head of the Kacanik district administration, who is one of the closest associates of “Premier Thaçi.” These organs were sold through Israeli and Turkish “dealers”.

1990-2009, PALESTINE.

Meanwhile, in Israel, such actions affecting ethical aspects are always carried out after consultation with rabbis. After all, as you know, “the words of the sages of the Talmud are more worthy of respect than written laws” (Talmud of Jerusalem, Mass Ber). But the concept of morality in their interpretation is openly Nazi and is not at all “ancient allegories” or “religious legends”, but is still in effect.

So in the same 2009, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro allowed the killing of goyim and their children. In his book, this head of the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva asked the question: “When is a Jew allowed to kill goyim (non-Jews)?”, and answered it: almost always. Even if we are talking about very young children. The 230-page “murder manual” (as the book was called in the Maariv newspaper) costs 30 shekels. A very symbolic amount.
 Obviously, the global rabbi was "testing public opinion

" before, at a conference on the rabbinical court in late 2009, Israeli Justice Minister Yaakov Ne'eman declared that the country's judicial system should gradually move to the Hebrew laws set out in the Torah: "Step by step we will bring the laws of the Torah to Israel and convert Halakha (Jewish law) into the judicial system of the state." Ne'eman clarified that the country "must return to the heritage of its ancestors, to its roots, to the words of the Torah, which contains the solution to modern problems."
 When the Jewish "nationalists" - the Zionists - claimed their "rights to 'Israel'", they said"The Torah is our mandate" . At the same time, the Torah states how Yahweh orders to deal with neighboring peoples:“And in the cities of these nations, which the Lord God is giving you to possess, you shall not leave a single soul alive, but shall consign them to destruction: the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, as the Lord your God commanded you. ..” (Deut. 20:16-18);“Give him no mercy, but put to death from man to wife, from child to suckling, from ox to sheep, from camel to donkey.” (1 Samuel 15:9);“Blessed is he who takes and dashes your little ones against a stone!” (Ps. 136).

So, unofficially, the “rabbinical court” has long “solved all ethical problems” in modern times.

As stated in an interview with the Algerian newspaper Al-Khabar by prof. Pr. Mustapha Khiati, chairman of the Algerian Committee for Sanitation and Investigations, who claimed that the gang was also involved in kidnapping Algerian children. An Interpol investigation showed that Algerian children were abducted in cities located in the western regions of Algeria. Then they were transported to Morocco, where local “surgeons” removed the babies’ kidneys. After this, the selected “material” was smuggled overseas and to Israel, where it was sold at a price of 20 to 100 thousand dollars per kidney.

As a result, five American rabbis, three city mayors and two members of the New Jersey State Legislative Assembly were arrested by the FBI. The arrests were the result of a two-year “intercontinental” investigation - from the United States to Switzerland and Israel - into numerous cases of corruption, political blackmail, capital laundering and trafficking in human organs, wrote the Israeli portal ZMAN.
 Rabbis are suspected of laundering tens of millions of dollars through charities

in the USA, Switzerland and Israel. Other Jewish suspects traded kidneys from Israeli donors for $160,000 apiece.

The case of a number of rabbis from Brooklyn and the city of New Jersey, the capital of the state of the same name, was brought into separate proceedings. Among them are Sol Kasin (87 years old, from the Shaare Zion synagogue in Brooklyn), Eliyahu Ben-Haim (58 years old, from the Oel Yaakov congregation in Dila), Edmond Nachum (56 years old, from the Dila synagogue), Mordechai Fish ( 56 years old, from the Brooklyn community "Sheves Achim") and Lavelle Schwartz (57 years old, brother of Fish). A total of 45 members of the kosher mafia or rabbi gang were arrested.

The investigation also charged the aforementioned Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Rosenbaum (58, from Brooklyn) with organizing trafficking in human organs. This rabbi himself admitted that he bought kidneys from needy people for $10,000 and sold them for $160,000, and could not accurately indicate how many people had organs removed.
 In 2010, an Israeli medical team was sent to Haiti (a former colony of France), which was hit by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake, killing an estimated 200,000 people, and set up a field hospital in the completely devastated country, receiving praise from Western media as the fact that their American accomplices did not even deign to begin medical assistance.

But in a video posted on YouTube, T. West, a resident of the American city of Seattle, Washington, from the group AfriSynergy Productions, debunked the “professionalism” of the Israelis, accusing them that soldiers from the military delegation who arrived in Haiti in connection with the earthquake could be involved in stealing organs from patients.

He warned that among those working in Haiti, there are people who have no conscience and are members of search and rescue teams, including from the Israeli army. T. West recalled past accusations against the Israeli army in connection with the removal of human organs (which Israel itself admitted to), pointing out that there is no reliable control during such tragedies. He called on the Haitian people to defend their fellow citizens against international medical groups who had come to the country hoping to make money from the tragedy.
 In an interview with the Israeli news site Ynet, T. West said that he had nothing against Israel, but was completely against the “ideology of Zionism”: “We saw what you did in South Africa and with the Palestinians. Because from our history and the suffering of our people, I understand how the Palestinians suffer.”
 WHAT IS “HUMAN CAPITAL” FOR JEWISH TRANSPLANTOLOGISTS? In November 2011, a Bloomberg article, “Organ Trafficking Gangs Force Poor People to Sell Kidneys to Israelis,” was published, which stated: “Investigators on 5 continents say they have found related friend with each other, criminal syndicates led by Israelis and Eastern Europeans (as the almost monoethnic mafia from

According to police reports from across Europe, criminals see the organ trade as an opportunity to make a lot of money, as they can sell a kidney for 15-20 times more than they pay for it when purchasing it. According to Kosovo prosecutor Jonathan Ratel, who has been investigating organ trafficking for two years, “they are aware of the obscene profits that can be made in the expanding black market for organs. This continues to happen because there is a lot of money in this business."

Typically, dealers pay the seller $10,000 for a kidney, and when they sell it to a patient, they receive $150,000.”
 According to Bloomberg information, organ harvesting occurred from “goyim” from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Moldova, Nicaragua, Peru, Romania, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Philippines, South Africa, and Ecuador.
 From the article it is easy to understand that one of the coordinators of the trade in human organs was the Israeli Transplant Center, and the organizers were mainly “Jews” (from Ukraine, Turkey, Israel, etc.), whose gang in the post-Soviet space in

Latin America (!) was covered by “Georgian” bandits, led by a Mountain Jew entrenched in Kyiv - former kickboxer Shimshilashvili (probably, this is where the close friendship of both the Yushchenko regime and the current occupation regime of Kyiv with Saakashvili’s gang stems from).
 One of the leaders of this global gang was New York rabbi Rosenbaum.



Let us recall that literally two days before the exposure of Vyacheslav Gudin mentioned at the beginning of the article, a mass protest demonstration took place near the Israeli Embassy in Kyiv under the slogan “Ukraine is not the Gaza Strip, you cannot capture us.”
 As society and authorities continued to ignore the danger of ideological penetration, an armed coup took place in Kyiv in March 2014. According to the statement of the baptized head of the Jewish community of Kharkov, Eduard Khodos, the main result of this “revolution of dignity” is that “306 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have the right to Israeli citizenship. So are the president, prime minister and speaker.”

In the 90s, the head physician of the Lviv regional clinical hospital, Bogdan Fedak, organized a criminal group that sold children's organs abroad, mainly to America. Mothers in labor were informed about the death of their newborn children, then a false refusal of the mother from the child was registered, and then... Either the children were sent abroad while still alive, or in parts - the investigation was never able to establish the details. But no one else saw these children alive.

According to the investigation, over the course of 2 years, a group of doctors led by Fedak sold at least 130 babies abroad. In 1997, the Ivano-Frankivsk court sentenced Fedak to 2 years. However, after serving only a third of his sentence in a pre-trial detention center, the doctor was released under an amnesty. And when Viktor Yushchenko came to power in Ukraine, Fedak... was invited to work on the parliamentary committee on health care, where he became an assistant to deputy I. Shurma. A man with such a reputation - and in Verkhovna Rada! They say that none other than the nationalist Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman), who now heads the Svoboda parliamentary faction, worked for Fedak.

It is characteristic that in 2006, the Lviv ripper B. Fedak, together with I. Shurma, who became the deputy of the Jewish governor of the Kharkov region V. Dobkin, where he headed the regional emergency hospital and emergency care- “closer to organ resources?”

Why suddenly such a concern? The fact is that in the 90s, Tyagnibok worked in the very hospital that Fedak led, and Shurma headed the Lvov trade union of medical workers.

In 2010, a resonant scandal occurred in the Odessa region, in which two ladies appeared: the head of the department of pathology of newborns and premature infants of the Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital, Larisa Torbinskaya, and the head of the children's department of the Kominternovskaya Central Regional Hospital, Zhanna Ukhova. As the Ukrainian publication Dumskaya.net reported, the criminals allegedly gave away abandoned babies for a reward of $1.5 to $3 thousand. And what happened to the children next is not entirely clear. They were either adopted or sent abroad for completely different purposes.

Here is what the Segodnya newspaper reported on this matter: “The scheme of trade in living goods, as reported in the regional Department of Internal Affairs, was as follows: the mother was informed that her child had died (at the same time, his body was not shown)... 17 cases of illegal transfer of children have already been proven... According According to our source in the Regional Department of Internal Affairs, “the investigation is digging deeper, there is evidence that the trade has been carried out since the early 2000s, and accordingly there are many more episodes.” It is possible that employees of the regional and district morgues were involved in the scheme.”

And again, it is Tyagnibok who is associated with the fact that the investigation into traffickers of children and their organs was closed.

As Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine writes, it was not possible to catch the accomplices Roini Shimshiloshvili and his militants who provided forceful cover for those who arrived with Katsman. Those. we are talking about the same “global gang of rabbis” that Bloomberg wrote about - but not a word was said about it! It is characteristic that Katsman's photograph can only be found in a blurry image - despite the fact that he was nevertheless detained in Ukraine. Those. he continued to be covered up by the security forces of Ukraine.

Cashier Boris Wolfman, in whose hands the main capital from the transplants was accumulated - according to the most conservative estimates, we are talking about $40 million - lives quietly in Israel... Israeli "doctors who helped organize organ transplants abroad remained completely behind the scenes."

2014, UKRAINE. After the victory of the “revolution of dignity”, paid for by State Department employee V. Nuland-Nudelman and the Jewish oligarchs, Tyagnibok-Frotman’s people from the 24 hundred “Jewish Maidan self-defense” went about their usual business. They not only burned “unidentified” corpses in the Kiev morgue on Oranzhereynaya Street. According to the investigation, about fifty people passed through the hands of Ukrainian “black transplantologists”. At the same time, there is information that the dead were previously “eviscerated” by removing their organs. In addition, information has emerged that organs are removed not only from the dead, but also from people who are still alive.
 But the “transplant business” acquired a special “scope” with the beginning of the “counter-terrorism operation.” In July 2014 in in social networks

In an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel “24,” Semenchenko said that “We must become a second Israel, we need their experience as a country that is constantly at war.” As we see, the experience is being adopted - both in terms of genocide and gesheft on the organs of the indigenous population - both Palestinians and Russians.
 (June 4, 2014 to the Prosecutor General's Office Russian Federation

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation O. Mikheev sent a request to recognize a number of armed formations of Eretz-Ukraine, including the Donbass battalion, as terrorist formations).

***A video interview of an American transplantologist who “worked” in Odessa, Donetsk, Slavyansk, and Kramatorsk with chilling details of the mass harvesting of organs in the former Ukraine has leaked online.

Russia and its children will face the same fate of “meat dogs” if society continues to cowardly bury its head in the sand...

Technology "Monsters": trial ball End.
5. Alexander Olimpievich Bukhanovsky.
Chikatilo is an extremely naive person, slightly autistic, confused by all this “pipe” pioneering-komsomol, Bolshevism-communism, jumping over a fire, a strong hand and cool ksivs.
All witnesses note his extreme spinelessness, complete inability to conflict. He was pushed around by his own subordinates, his young son was rude and lightly beat him, and his wife constantly kicked him with a rolling pin.

There is nothing strange in the fact that Chikatilo got a job as a supplier in order to be able to go on business trips more often. Away from his wife, and from everyone who has already found the key to his rudeness and irrepressible assertiveness.
It is easy to break such a person. And it’s even easier, considering that Chikatilo was diagnosed with schizophrenia. And right up to the moment of execution, he remained in the illusion of his safety, inspired by someone.
Although it threw him from “everything is gone, boss” to euphoria and back more than once.

And when the Serbsky Institute declared him sane, and when the court sentenced him to death. And at the time of his arrest (considering that he himself apparently did not suspect any super-mega-hyper-maniac, but took upon himself the murders one at a time, according to the principle
“Oh, once, what’s wrong, many, many more times!” and “seven troubles, one answer”, because the more episodes, the more reliable the legend of insanity),

it should have seemed that such a diagnosis was an impenetrable shield. But bone-crushing investigator Kolesnikov would hardly have been able to persuade even the schizophrenic Chikatilo to make such a confession.

Here a different mind was needed - subtle and insinuating.
(to whom he later lectured on this issue) to create the image of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. A prominent, in general, specialist in maniacs.

Bukhanovsky was investigated back in 1984.
Then a version appeared that a series of murders could belong to illegal transplantologists.

The corpses were missing eyes, genitals (both penises with scrotums and uteruses with appendages), and other parts of the body.
Experts claimed that the criminal had a medical background. We started looking for transplantologists and came to the Rostov Medical Institute
(now Rostov State Medical University, with research departments), including the RGMI clinic.

There, several groups of scientists were involved in illegal transplantology.

One of these scientists was a psychiatrist from the Rostov Medical Institute A. O. Bukhanovsky. Who was interrogated in this case. Well, here it is necessary to make a small biographical digression.

A. O. Bukhanovsky received his surname and patronymic from his stepfather - Olympia Maksimovich Bukhanovsky.
Alexander Olympievich's real father is American businessman Joseph Strassberg, President of Gold Cross Construction Company in New Jersey.
Alexander Olimpievich’s mother, Evelina Aramovna, is a dentist.
Grandfather, Aram Samuilovich Sarkisyants, is considered the creator of the health care system of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Chechnya).
Yes, A. O. Bukhanovsky was born and raised in the mountains. Grozny.

Bukhanovsky, while still in the army (where he was drafted as a doctor), begins to study genetics schizophrenia.
The trail of semi-disgrace and dangerous closeness to eugenics (and thus to Nazism) remained behind genetics until perestroika (the taboo on genetics was only just lifted in 1963-65).

And Alexander Olympievich specialized in the genetics of schizophrenia while still in the army (a Lombrosian topic, frankly speaking!) and defended his Ph.D. thesis on it in 1977.
At the Russian State Medical Institute, where illegal transplantology has flourished no later than 1970
(when Bukhanovsky got a job there after the army as a nurse).

And there, at the RGMI, Bukhanovsky unexpectedly switched to the topic of transsexualism in 1980.
Moreover, he soon began to carry out criminally punishable gender reassignment operations (causing grievous bodily harm, Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, up to 15 years).
In total, 400 transsexuals contacted Bukhanovsky, of whom 150 were operated on. Most are from Soviet times.
For some reason, then the number of applicants fell sharply (perhaps the professional reoriented himself towards foreign clients, who are mainly served by the private medical Center"Phoenix").

But during operations, from time to time, deaths inevitably occur.
How could Bukhanovsky carry out such operations?
Why did the RGMI administration turn a blind eye to this?
Even if the Ministry of Health unofficially sanctioned such experiments, how could they be entrusted to a non-specialist, and even one under the KGB’s hood, as the son of an American capitalist?

There is only one answer to all questions.
The experiments of Bukhanovsky (possibly those of his colleagues) were carried out on the initiative of the KGB itself, or some other Soviet intelligence service.
For example, the GRU (in Rostov the military headquarters and several special GRU facilities, including a special forces brigade).

What interest could the generals who made decisions on this kind of experiment have? And how did they justify this decision in the leadership of the KGB (or GRU) and in the Central Committee?
Although it should be borne in mind that their task was facilitated by the transition of Yu. V. Andropov in 1982 to the position of first Secretary, and then Secretary General Central Committee.
It was probably during this period that Bukhanovsky’s platonic interest in changing people’s gender was embodied in specific surgical operations.

From the moment of its inception (still as the Cheka and the GPU), the KGB had an unhealthy interest in parascience and mysticism. Especially related to human sexuality.
And also to the problems of sectarianism. Which, on the other hand, is quite understandable.

“Gender reassignment” is an operation that directly links science with sectarianism.
First of all, with such a persecuted sect both under the Tsars and under the General Secretaries, like the eunuchs
(a branch of Khlystyism).
It is believed that after the defeat of the Skoptchestvo in 1929, the remnants of the sect survived... in the North Caucasus.
At the same time, the sect transformed into the so-called. “spiritual contempt” (i.e. abstinence without surgical castration).

It is quite possible that the eunuchs were taken as one of the foundations in the Chekists’ modeling of future sects, such as the “White Brotherhood” of Maria Tsvigun or “Aum Senrikyo” of Shoko Asahara.
And “sex change” (fictitious, since it is impossible to truly change gender) could be considered as a promising development in this particular direction.

On the other hand, as part of gender reassignment, experiments were carried out on the transplantation of erogenous zones, attempts were made to implant other people's genital organs
(from men to women and back).
The success of such operations promised fabulous profits and the introduction of the KGB into the circles of the Western elite. The prospects are endless.
You can, for example, transplant a powerful black penis into an old white billionaire...

On the other hand, there is some reason to believe that gender reassignment can help rejuvenate the body. From here there is a direct path to immortalism.
And the immunological problems solved along the way are directly related to the problem of life extension.

And who should do all this if not Bukhanovsky, with his access to the American father-businessman!

Soon after interrogating Bukhanovsky, he suddenly turns from a suspect into an expert on maniacs.
Although I had never dealt with maniacs before. This is not the first change of his interests. Alexander Olimpievich started, let me remind you, as a military doctor in Severomorsk
(where the GRU special forces regiment is stationed), then switched to the genetics of schizophrenia, then illegal sex reassignment, and now maniacs.

In 1984, Bukhanovsky, having gained access to the materials of the criminal case, compiled the first “prospective portrait” of a serial killer, on seven pages,
and two years later - the second, by more than a hundred.
In them, Bukhanovsky allegedly completely foresaw the appearance of Chikatilo. This is the key evidence in the case.

But what if we look at the question a little differently?
Perhaps, back in 1984, Bukhanovsky became preoccupied with searching for a “scapegoat”?
M. b. Was the portrait originally painted “from life”, like Chikatilo?

In any case, at that time, Bukhanovsky himself looked much more suspicious than Chikatilo. And his transfer from suspect to expert (with a range of scientific interests in the form of genetics and genital rupture) looks extremely strange.

One way or another, after his arrest on November 20, 1990, there is no evidence against Chikatilo.
The search in Chikatilo's house did not help either. The only find that the investigation tried to give a “suspicious” character was 23 kitchen and utility knives, in total, found in the house.
(on which no traces of blood or any evidence of their participation in at least one of the murders were found)

A fairly wide range of household items can be considered “suspicious”.
For example, in another house you can find a bottle of concentrated acid. Or a bag of quicklime.
And for some reason, in another house there are as many as a hundred jars of iodine stored. For some reason, in the third there are bags for construction waste, although no repairs are being carried out.
In the fourth, between the parquet floors you can find old stains of someone’s blood
(it does not matter if the blood type matches the blood group of the owners).
The fifth contains a collection of porn and horror films.

It’s strange, but the owner of Chikatilo’s VCR did not even have the “Nightmare on Elm Street” video recorder that was standard in those years for any video library. Let’s imagine what would have happened if the cops had found such a film from Chikatilo! This is where the “indisputable” proof is!

During a search of the database of serial killers, numerous evidence is discovered. Parts of human bodies, belongings of the victims, clothes of the killer with blood stains from the victims, etc.
Absolutely nothing was found in Chikatilo's house!

There were no fingerprints at the scenes of numerous crimes.
Which suggests that the real criminals worked with gloves, possibly rubber ones.
And the group of sperm found on some corpses was classified by several experts (different for different corpses) as group IV (blood).
“On condition,” added all the experts, “that the material belongs to one man.”

And Chikatilo had group II!

The results of the examination so clearly justified Chikatilo that even the anti-scientific theory of “paradoxical isolation” was invented.
The essence of the theory is in the supposedly existing exceptions, in which blood belongs to one group and sperm to another
(which, according to all experts, both domestic and foreign, is complete nonsense).

It was the ninth day of detention, and Chikatilo did not admit to anything.
Well, besides his platonic interest in high school girls, when he was a teacher at school, boarding school and vocational school.
On the tenth day, Chikatilo was supposed to be released, without a chance. again brought to trial on this charge (once again I ask the question: why not at least try to catch Chikatilo at the scene of the crime, for example, “with live bait”?).

And here Bukhanovsky appears on the stage. He talks about something with the suspect.
And lo and behold, Chikatilo calls the investigator and begins to take charge of murder after murder.

Initially, Chikatilo was very confused in his testimony and reported many incredible details that directly contradict the case materials.
But the new arrivals of the good Doctor Lecter solve problem after problem.
Chikatilo (who was described by witnesses as a person unable to retain in his memory the simplest information about work, up to the director’s instructions an hour after a meeting and with the help of a notebook with work notes)
describes crime scenes and the crimes themselves in detail.

Psychologically, Chikatilo's testimony is quite convincing.
How convincing is the testimony of the oligophrenic Kalenik and his friends, whom the investigation split over the same murders a couple of years earlier.
However, the persuasiveness of Chikatilo’s testimony is only for the average person or at the most superficial glance.

Firstly, during all interrogations, Chikatilo, for the most part, answers in monosyllables: “yes”, “no”, “as it is written there, that’s how it all happened.”
Secondly, the motives for the murders and the psychological mechanisms of such insanity remained vague.

In fact, Chikatilo and after him (or vice versa?) Bukhanovsky are stupidly retelling the traditional gopnik “I don’t know what came over me.”

But the worst thing is that Chikatilo’s interrogations did not shed any light on the disappearance of the bodies of those killed.
And this is third.
Chikatilo told the investigation only what the investigation knew without him, and not a single fact more!

Where and how could Chikatilo have disposed of the victims’ organs that he cut out (how if he did not have a medical education?)?
How could he not be covered in blood from head to toe?
How could he not attract the attention of random passers-by, mushroom pickers in the forest belt, etc.?
Well, one victim, well, two, three.

But Bukhanovsky (and after him Kolesnikov, Kostoev and Yandiev) does not ask such questions.

Bukhanovsky (possibly with the assistance of Kolesnikov) retroactively painted a portrait of Chikatilo (and replaced the original document with it), or he initially painted the portrait from life, as part of the first attempt to pin the case on a schizophrenic.
Perhaps he pointed it out to him, as a specialist in schizophrenics (wasn’t Andrei Romanovich treated at the RGMI clinic?).

The extreme diversity of the origins and social roles of A. O. Bukhanovsky causes amazement.
He is a military doctor, a geneticist, a psychiatrist, and a surgeon.

In the Chikatilo case, he is both a suspect, an expert, an unofficial investigator, and the employer of Chikatilo’s lawyer, Marat Zaidovich Khabibulin (now working for Bukhanovsky at Phoenix).
Inevitably, the suspicion creeps in that these are just masks, and Bukhanovsky’s true social role is somewhere at the junction.
A secret agent from the government, an intermediary between the government and American business, a guild worker and a killer doctor.

6. Chikatilo as a victim of the System.

But the facts indicating Chikatilo’s innocence are already known.

1. At the trial of Chikatilo, the prosecution did not present a single piece of direct evidence.
There were no murder weapons, no blood stains from the victims on the defendant’s belongings, no fingerprints at the crime scene (or fingerprints from the victims on Chikatilo’s belongings).

There was no “biological material” of Chikatilo at the crime scenes, on the corpses (on the contrary, the “material” available there completely justified Ch., which is why the anti-scientific theory of “paradoxical isolation” was invented).
There was not a single examination result that unambiguously pointed to Chikatilo. There was not a single witness, not only who escaped from the hands of the “maniac” or who saw him in action (as this quite often happens with a smaller number of victims), but who even confirmed Ch.’s presence directly at the crime scene.
The only exception is the clearly fantasizing witness in the case of Katya Zakotnova (in which a certain Kravchenko had already been shot), but it was in this episode (the only one out of 53) that the court considered Chikatilo’s guilt unproven!

2. The case is full of purely everyday oddities and direct procedural violations. Procedural norms were not invented out of nothing to do. They are needed precisely in order to eliminate errors, forgeries and falsifications.
When, in the absence of direct evidence, the investigation and prosecution use dubious reports, witnesses, experts, examinations, victims, this further strengthens mistrust.
Suffice it to say that several corpses changed gender during the investigation.

When corpses were discovered “close” to the places of residence of A. R. Chikatilo
(one is a hundred km from Chikatilo’s place of business), the investigation was looking for missing women around the days of Ch.’s stay there, and if suitable woman there was no, then at least the missing man.
The corpse “had” a place, but did not “have” time, and to link the corpse to Ch., the missing person was required on certain dates - and then the corpse changed gender.
And since Chikatilo, who worked as a supply worker, traveled around the country a lot, on hundreds of such trips he managed to drag several corpses to his ears.

3. The key participants in the Chikatilo expose gained tangible personal benefit from the case.

Investigator Issa Kostoev immediately became Yeltsin's representative in Ingushetia
(where in those years the topic of Chechen advice was discussed and the ground was prepared for the creation of an Economic Favorable Zone, which turned Ingushetia into an internal Russian offshore in 1994).
Vladimir Kolesnikov became the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.
Alexander Bukhanovsky opened his own medical center, aimed at Russian-speaking residents of non-CIS countries (i.e., the nomenclature operatives who plundered the country), and went to give lectures at the FBI.
Even Chikatilo’s lawyer, who assured the court of his client’s guilt, received the cushy position of chief lawyer at the Bukhanovsky medical center.

4. Chikatilo’s testimony became, in fact, the only evidence against him.

Which directly contradicts the thesis about the special cunning of this alleged serial killer,
13 years of successfully evading responsibility.
Also, Chikatilo’s detailed testimony contradicts the fact noted by all witnesses that Alexander Romanovich has extremely poor memory. Chikatilo's first testimony for each episode contained many contradictions with established facts and was subsequently corrected several times (usually after conversations with Bukhanovsky).

Chikatilo himself, in numerous letters, statements and appeals, claimed that testimony was extracted from him, and investigative experiments were rehearsed for a long time in advance.

5. During personal searches and a search of the apartment, nothing was found to prove Chikatilo’s involvement in the crimes. Whereas in most cases of long-term elusiveness of the criminal, it was achieved by committing crimes at home and hiding evidence in the criminal’s house. Which led to excess evidence after the criminal was caught (i.e., the longer the criminal was not caught, the easier it was then to prove his guilt).

The most “suspicious” were the results of Chikatilo’s personal search, when in his briefcase (or backpack?), among many other items, a penknife, a piece of rope, pieces of ribbon (possibly cut by operatives from the folders in the briefcase) and a standard jar were found Vaseline
(despite the fact that Ch. was declared impotent, imitating sexual intercourse with the movements of an unfound knife).
Which items, given the traveling nature of Chikatilo’s work and the extreme paucity of assortment in Soviet stores of that period, do not look strange at all
(the same Vaseline was used for many things!).

Of course, this “evidence” is completely insufficient to prove guilt
T.b. that they are not directly tied to the corpses, neither by the testimony of witnesses, nor by evidence at crime scenes, nor by the results of examinations.

Chikatilo's pedophilia is much better substantiated, but it is not completely certain. Maybe at the level of platonic interest in sexually developed high school girls (high school students?), but nothing more.
Perhaps Chikatilo’s sexual fears (and the associated guilt complex) served as one of the levers that forced him to take upon himself the crimes of others.
Plus his son’s suspended sentence (for robbery, with the boys, of Vietnamese shuttles).

It didn’t cost the investigators anything to ruin his son’s life. This could prompt Ch. to admit pedophilia, and then - “the claw got stuck, the whole bird was lost.”

The lessons of the Ch. case for the Russian man in the street are that you need to constantly check your every step for suspicion from the viewpoint. circumstantial evidence of the commission of something. crimes, especially such as terrorism, extremism, pedophilia and serial murder.

Thus, the presence in your home video library of a large number of detective stories, thrillers, horror films, and also any films with scenes of sex and/or violence can become evidence of a criminal lifestyle.
But the absence of such films can serve as evidence of infantilism, which is one step away from pedophilia, etc. serial murders.
The absence of a video library at all is sure proof of abnormality.

Having developed a sufficient level of suspicion in yourself, you can begin to denounce others, and as a result, go to the cops and surrender yourself.

The humor is not good, but the herds of domestic self-proclaimed accusers think approximately in this spirit. For whom everything is suspicious and everyone deserves the most severe punishment.

A jar of Vaseline or potassium permanganate in a business traveler’s briefcase is a ticket straight to death row. A soldering iron among household tools is sure proof of banditry (what else can you do with it, with a soldering iron?).
Just like the iron found during the search.

There is one more trump fucking approach.
List all the terrible crimes of which the victim of the alleged slander is allegedly guilty (the entire line of argument regarding the possibility of slander in general and in this particular case in particular is completely ignored, as if it did not exist).
Accuse those who doubt the guilt of the sentenced person as “accomplices” and “enemies of the people.”

And to crown any attempts at discussion with the seal “he was convicted by the court, which means he is guilty.”

7. So who killed?

I will assume that several murders were committed by illegal transplantologists, including Bukhanovsky personally.
The activities of which were protected by the GRU and the Kurdish-Yazidi organized crime group that was affiliated to it.
By the way, Grandfather Hassan, V last years, finally settled in Rostov.

Rostov is a port city, the ancient city of Azov has become a virtual suburb of it.
In Soviet times, he was known as “Rostov-papa”, in tandem with “Odessa-mama”.
These are the two leading Black Sea port cities (since the Sea of ​​Azov is essentially a gulf of the Black Sea).
Through the Volgo-Don canal, Rostov also communicated with Volgograd and further with the Caspian Sea. And the Black Sea was the epicenter of the then Soviet “shadow economy”.

What was the meaning of the Soviet “shadow economy”?
It was a compensation system that cleaned up the flaws of the official planned economy and the official leveling system.

The first secretaries of regional committees needed a “carrot” to reward distinguished directors and their clienteles. Such a “carrot” was the unaccounted for.
And the running “currency” was products Agriculture. That is, goods produced in the south of Russia and Ukraine, and also imported from hot countries through the Black Sea ports.

In connection with this, the special role of the Caucasus and Novorossiya, incl. to the "Caucasus" Rostov region.
And since the centers of the shadow economy were the headquarters of military districts (leftists were driven by military trains to avoid inspections), Rostov was the most important center of the shadow economy also for this reason.

Naturally, the entire shadow economy was supervised by the Soviet intelligence services, and ultimately by party intelligence.
But the interests of the intelligence services extend much beyond economic incentives for frontline workers. And the most important interest is the collection of incriminating evidence. Or the creation of it.

Transplantology is good because it allows you to compromise the recipient of an illegal organ transplant.
The fact is that organs (except kidneys) take root rather poorly. The problem of tissue compatibility even now is very acute. The organ of a deceased person quickly degrades and becomes unsuitable for transplantation. And the circle of people whose organs are suitable for transplantation for a given recipient is narrow. Followed by long time observe, collect tests, etc. So that the donor is healthy.

And if it is possible, in the end, to take one kidney and leave the other to the donor, then with a liver, for example, this is impossible. And it is unlikely that a suitable donor would die at the right time. The only option remains: to take organs from a still living donor (followed by euthanasia).

An elite member who is dying himself, or who sees with pain how his children, parents or beloved woman die, is often ready to do this.
And even if he did not know that the organ was taken at the cost of murder, he is unlikely to be able to prove it later.
And compromising evidence still remains (for a politician, for example) lethal.

From this viewpoint. Transplantology is a super interesting topic for the intelligence services.

A lot of money (except for relatively cheap kidneys, organs are very expensive for the final purchaser) - this is true, a nice bonus for the performers. The stakes here are completely different.
You can recruit members of governments, stock market insiders, prominent scientists, military...

Another means of equally lethal compromise can be pedophilia.

It seems that both topics were being developed in parallel in Rostov.

Myth one: in Russia organs can be bought and sold

Evgenia Lobacheva, administrator of Rusfond groups on social networks, notes that sometimes it feels like people, on the contrary, are not afraid of anything. “We often get comments like this on the website and on social networks: “buy a kidney from me.” Or: “I am willing to become a heart donor for a child in need.” It is unclear whether people understand the consequences for themselves. Or, for example, they write: “I am ready to become a bone marrow donor, my blood type is such and such. How much does it cost?" Many honestly admit that they want to close their loans, they find it difficult to pay off, and therefore are ready to sell their organs.

In fact

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, selling and buying organs is prohibited by law.

In the USA, for example, you can get a 5-year prison sentence for trading them.

It is worth recognizing that in some countries, selling a kidney is one of the options for earning money for the poor, and the state pretends not to see anything - it does not particularly object to this business.

This applies to third world countries, for example, one of the leaders in this direction is India. American doctor Barry Jacobs organized an “international kidney exchange” there in 1983; sales amounted to up to 2,000 organ units per year. And the buyers were citizens of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Oman. By 1995, India had passed a law banning organ trafficking, but not in all states.

Several years ago, the former prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal, Carla del Ponte, published the book “The Hunt”, in which she stated that the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, was guilty of the murders of 300 Serbs - they were allegedly taken to Albania, where they were used as donors in some underground clinics internal organs.

In Russia, donation is carried out exclusively free of charge; the sale of organs is a criminal offense.

Myth two: the donor will be sorted for organs and no one will find the person

“We had a case where a 22-year-old young man from Chelyabinsk was ideal as a bone marrow donor,” says Anastasia Kaflanova, Director of the Charitable Foundation “Fund against Leukemia”. “And when we called him and told him about it, invited him to come to Moscow, he was very happy and inspired. But his parents were against it and forbade him to go, they were afraid that he would become a victim of black transplantologists.

Everything was resolved only thanks to the intervention of his aunt, who lives in the USA and works in medicine. She told the family that bone marrow transplantation and donation are commonplace in the States, and he should definitely go. “This is very important, you will save someone’s life.” And he still went.”

In fact

Contrary to many misconceptions, he explains Konstantin Gubarev, surgeon, head of the National Association in the field of donation and transplantology, head of the surgical department for coordination of organ donation of the State Scientific Center FMBC named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia , Organ collection is not carried out in a morgue or other similar premises, but, like all surgical operations, in an operating room, under sterile conditions.

From the outside, organ explantation looks like a normal operation, with one exception - the patient is already dead, and the “removed” organs are not sent to the pathology department for study, but are specially packaged in sterile sealed bags with a preservative solution and placed in isothermal containers to maintain temperature 2-5 degrees Celsius.

Multi-organ explantation (when three or more organs are removed) involves three to five transplant surgeons. And in general, an ordinary surgeon, even a good and experienced one, will not be able to perform such an operation without appropriate professional training, and transplantologists are second to none, so some kind of underground operation in an underground clinic is impossible.

It is also not possible to perform organ removal and transplantation by a “narrow circle” of specialists. “In addition to the medical operation itself, sometimes up to 100 people are involved in organizational work: transplant doctors of hospitals where recipients awaiting transplantation are treated, general practitioners, nephrologists, hepatologists, cardiologists, who are also involved in maintaining the waiting list and examining (preparing) recipients for emergency transplantation.

Also, there are nurses and department aides, laboratory immunologists, who are involved in immunological examination of the donor and selection of donor-recipient pairs. The administrative staff of the clinics is engaged in registration necessary documents“, Konstantin Gubarev clarifies.

And in cases where donor organs are transported by road and/or air, drivers, airport employees, and aircraft crews are also involved.

“In addition, caring for a patient who has received donor organs is a lifelong matter; it will not be possible to do it underground,” notes Maya Sonina, director of the Oxygen Foundation, most of whose clients require lung transplants.

“There is a proverb: what three know, everyone knows. It is impossible to hide or keep secret information known to so many people from law enforcement. Especially after they were notified by the forensic expert,” emphasizes Konstantin Gubarev.

Myth three: if you consent to the use of your organs after death, you will be found, caught and disemboweled.

Therefore, Russian residents are afraid to give written consent to donation. Olga Demicheva, an endocrinologist, one of the founders of the Moscow Center for Palliative Medicine and the League for the Defense of Doctors' Rights, participated as an expert in the discussion of the bill on organ donation in the State Duma, which was recently adopted.

Nevertheless, we were left with a presumption of consent, because, experts decided, our population is not yet ready to leave a will on their organs; if this is allowed, then transplantation in Russia will stop altogether.

In fact

One of the sensational cases several years ago was the story of Alina Sablina. The student died in an accident; in intensive care, the girl was declared brain dead, after which a number of Alina’s organs were removed for transplantation. The girls' relatives were outraged when they discovered this: no one informed them. The defense reached the European Court of Human Rights. However, everything was done within the law.

The fact is that there are two approaches in the world - the presumption of agreement and disagreement. In some states, there is a presumption of disagreement: if a person during his lifetime did not leave a will with permission to use his organs after death, then they cannot be used. And if he left such a paper, then he will become an organ donor after death (if, of course, his organs are suitable for transplantation). In Russia and a number of other countries, a presumption of consent has been adopted: this means that a priori, in the event of brain death, when the body is still alive, organs can be taken - and this does not require the consent of relatives or the consent of the donor.

“People simply don’t realize how difficult it is to obtain a donor organ. – Olga Demicheva notes. – Firstly, the organ may not be suitable for transplantation. And the fixed idea that you can simply take an organ from someone in the hope that it will suit the millionaire Ivan Ivanovich is a myth.

The body must meet a number of criteria. Even an organ from relatives is not always suitable. It's not like changing a part on a car. In addition, the organ can also later be rejected by the body - it’s a foreign protein. So it won’t be possible to carry out such an operation underground.” Olga Demicheva worked for many years in the 11th city hospital, which was once the first organ donation center in Russia, and knows from the inside how this mechanism works.

But we cannot introduce a presumption of disagreement, Olga Demicheva is convinced. Because people will not care about signing such papers in advance. “You cannot bury something in the ground that can save people’s lives - this should become our principle,” says Olga Demicheva.

Myth four: if I end up in intensive care, I may be specially killed to collect donor organs

Many are afraid of ending up in intensive care: what if, here, where the patient’s relatives can hardly get to, he will be disconnected from vital equipment and used as an organ donor?

In fact

Organs can be removed only if a person is declared brain dead or biological death, that is, breathing and heartbeat have stopped. To diagnose brain death, a special council must meet. Its members study medical history and conduct studies designed to determine the presence or absence of brain activity (this is a computed tomography scan of the brain, a breathing test, and so on). And the decision about brain death cannot be made earlier than after 6 hours of observation of the patient.

By the way, if the patient took sedatives, and this often happens in intensive care units, brain death can be diagnosed later - the wait can reach 20 hours. But during this time, decay processes begin in the body, and organs may no longer be suitable for transplantation.

And one more thing: in those intensive care units where the process of diagnosing brain death and the process of posthumous donation are organized, the mortality rate is lower than in those intensive care units where this is not the case. “It would seem an amazing paradox? However, there is nothing surprising - a patient who has been poorly treated cannot become a donor, explains Konstantin Gubarev. – Why transplant affected organs? On the contrary, a donor is a patient who has been treated very well, but due to a stroke or injury, his brain is permanently damaged. Against the background of these injuries, due to the fact that the patient was carefully treated, despite the fact that brain death occurs, the general condition of the organs and systems remains good. And then he becomes a potential donor.

In those intensive care units where the process of posthumous donation has been established, a “reflex is developed” to approach the treatment of patients carefully and not lose sight of the little things. Thanks to this, overall treatment rates are improved and mortality is reduced.”

Myth five: there is no child donation in Russia, because children are protected from black transplant surgeons

There are also such fears. Many are sure that it is for this reason that in our country it is prohibited to take organs from a child donor. Abroad, it often happens that doctors bow down to a young donor who bequeathed, after his death, to donate his healthy organs to some other child. This doesn't happen with us.

This is not entirely true.

In fact

We do not have a ban on child donation. “The fact is that until recently it was legally impossible to ascertain the death of a patient under 18 years of age based on a diagnosis of brain death,” explains Konstantin Gubarev. – There was simply no protocol approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. But the situation changed for the better, the protocol was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 25, 2014 N 908n “On the Procedure for establishing the diagnosis of human brain death.”

However, it seems that there was no such thing as child donation, and therefore no child transplantation. With the exception of transplantations performed from living related donors, and isolated cases of transplantations performed from posthumous adult donors with suitable anthropometric indicators. Why? The answer is simple. “For a long time, a vicious circle formed - children were not put on the waiting list, because there was no point - there would be no donor anyway, both doctors and parents believed. And now we have the opposite effect. A potential child donor appears, and whose parents themselves insist on organ removal after his death, because they want his death not to be in vain.

But we can’t do anything, since there is no waiting list for children for transplantation, it is impossible to find a suitable child recipient, we tried.

Formally, it turns out that there is no need - after all, there is no one to transplant. We are currently actively working to change the situation for the better.”

Myth six: black transplantologists are hunting for “useless” orphanages

There is a horror story that a child living in an orphanage or a graduate of an orphanage may become the target of a hunt for black transplantologists. Like, no one is watching his fate, why not use such a “donor”?

In fact

This is legally impossible, notes Olga Demicheva. The fact is that only parents can give consent to organ donation in the event of the death of a minor - therefore a child from an orphanage cannot be a donor.

In addition, if a “criminal” (that is, with violent injuries) patient or body is admitted to the hospital, law enforcement agencies are immediately notified. A forensic medical examination is ordered. And this will again become an obstacle. After all, if the donor died as a result of injury or violent death, forensic experts are required to send a notice to the prosecutor’s office that they have given permission to remove organs, explains Konstantin Gubarev.

The prosecutor's office supervising legality is notified of these medical operations.

One more point: if the body is unidentified, that is, it is unknown who the deceased person is, then this is also an obstacle to organ collection. And not only because this person’s illnesses are unknown, but because his citizenship is unknown. And on the territory of the Russian Federation, organ collection is possible only from Russian citizens. Well, if it turns out that this person is the same graduate of the orphanage, then we return to point one - such a person cannot become a donor, since he does not have parents who have the right to authorize or prohibit the taking of organs.

And yet, it is unlikely that the underground client himself, for whose sake all this will be arranged in order to have an organ transplanted without a queue and quickly, will agree to such a risk. Indeed, without a thorough study of the health of a potential donor, there is a danger of incompatibility and subsequent rejection of the transplanted organ and possible death patient.

Myth seventh: in military conflicts, doctors “let the wounded get their organs”

“We are communicating with both sides of the armed confrontation. And the myths are strong that they want to disassemble people for organs. Allegedly, doctors from the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders are doing this, says Ilya Bogomolov, head of the charity organization “International Medical Aid”. – As a result, both sides of the conflict do not believe in the philanthropic work of doctors. By the way, such myths are generally common in wars in different countries.”

The demonization of humanitarian organizations is clearly beneficial for someone, Ilya believes. It is very scary when stereotypes develop in mass society, among ordinary people.

In fact

We return to the same idea again. Too many specialists are involved in the operation of organ collection and subsequent transplantation (and this is done urgently, the clock is ticking, the organs cannot lie somewhere in the refrigerator and wait in the wings). In conditions of military operations, this is simply impossible - neither technically, nor even from the point of view of meeting the time and temperature requirements for storing and delivering a donor organ. And it is also impossible to maintain absolute sterility in war.

Illegal trade in human organs is a global problem that has not spared Ukraine.

In case of severe chronic diseases of vital internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys and others - the only way for a person to regain lost health is transplantation. According to the World Health Organization, every year more and more people around the world are seeking organ transplants, but this need is met on average by only 10% per year. As a result, the illegal trade in organs has increased significantly in recent years - to such an extent that even the WHO cannot estimate the size of the transplant “market”.

"Black" organ bank on a global scale

According to the director world organization Organs Watch, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, according to the results of a study conducted by experts at the University of Berkeley (California, USA), at least 15 thousand human kidneys are sold under the counter every year in the world.

The main countries where organ trafficking is rampant, according to OrgansWatch, include Israel, Egypt, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, India and Iraq.

In these countries, this kind of activity is illegal, but this does not stop “black transplantologists.” The seller of a part of his own body often receives $2-$6 thousand for a kidney, $5 thousand for a cornea. A human liver on the “black market for spare parts” is estimated at $5-$55 thousand, bone marrow at $40 thousand, and a heart at $250 thousand.

Those who allow themselves to be dismantled into “spare parts” for money are often unaware of the risk of remaining weak and bedridden for the rest of their lives after kidney removal or unsuccessful eye surgery.

The dealers in this market own a whole range of psychological techniques- for example, they talk colorfully about themselves or “those guys” who, they say, made good money and are living happily after selling their organs.

Moreover, under the pressure of hopeless poverty, driven by the desire to help their families, some “donors” decide to give their lives for money and sell organs such as hearts, livers or bone marrow.

Many black transplant companies do not hesitate to kidnap and kill people, including children, in order to provide their clients with healthy and not worn-out vital organs. Let us note that the clients of “black transplantologists” are people who are desperate to wait their turn for a transplant. After several years of waiting and daily struggle for life, they are ready to do anything to save themselves or a loved one.

Other countries, other customs

As Lawrence Cohen, a professor of anthropology at the University of Berkeley who conducted the study with Organs Watch, points out, in countries like India and Bangladesh, people use their organs as “collateral” when they borrow money. These organs are then delivered to wealthy clients in Sri Lanka, countries Persian Gulf, UK and USA.

According to Cohen, even though people sell their kidneys to pay off all their debts, they very quickly acquire new debt obligations. When Cohen asked “contract donors” about their plans for the future, many of them answered that if necessary, they would again sell their organs, because the need to support their family will not go away.

In Egypt, which the WHO has recognized as a hot spot for organ trafficking, a very similar situation is observed. For example, all residents of poor neighborhoods in Cairo know that to quickly solve financial problems, you can donate a kidney and get $2 thousand. Intermediaries who buy organs can be easily found in any cheap cafe in the “slum” areas. Many of them are foreigners and work in underground laboratories that select donors individually for each client and help with finding a doctor who would perform the operation without asking unnecessary questions.

For example, in Brazil, cases of exploitation of people by employers were recorded. In particular, many domestic workers (maids, housekeepers) gave up their organs in exchange for a guarantee of long-term employment or payment for housing. As Nancy Scheper-Hughes discovered, in many countries, authorities and officials know about organ trafficking, but do nothing, so it is a “public secret.”

In the United States, where it was believed that there could be no black transplant surgeons, a scandal recently erupted.

In July of this year, police arrested 44 people in New Jersey, including the mayors of Oboken, Sicaucus and Ridgefield, as well as Jewish rabbis. They were charged with accepting bribes, money laundering and trafficking in human organs.

One of the rabbis, Levi Yitzchak Rosenbaum, is accused of speculating in the organ trafficking “industry” for many years. In particular, Rosenbaum convinced people from vulnerable groups to sell a kidney for $10 thousand, and then he himself sold the organ for $160 thousand.

Black transplantology in Ukrainian

In Ukraine, organ trafficking is associated with the recent scandal in Kyiv and Donetsk clinics.

In 2007, the Israeli police, as a result of checking information about organ trafficking and a detailed investigation, followed a trail that led law enforcement officers to a Kyiv clinic, as well as to the Donetsk kidney transplant center.

It was there, as the Israeli police suspected, that “purchase and sale” operations of organs were carried out and the kidneys were transferred to their new owners, who paid a tidy sum.

At the same time, a certain Michael Zis, an Israeli surgeon who provided “brotherly assistance” to surgeons at the Donetsk Kidney Transplant Center, was put on the international wanted list. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, “ In the fall of 2007, the Voroshilovsky court of Donetsk detained Michael Zis and kept him in pre-trial detention center No. 5 of Donetsk. In order to verify the facts of Zis M.’s involvement in committing crimes related to illegal transplantation on the territory of Ukraine, Donetsk law enforcement officers carried out a set of operational measures, as a result of which a number of facts were established of the recruitment of citizens for the purpose of their exploitation. Based on this fact, in October 2007, the Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Donetsk region opened a criminal case under Article 149 Part 2 (trafficking in persons or other illegal agreement in relation to a person) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine" Let us note that this article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 12 years.

Zis's colleagues at the Donetsk kidney transplant center completely refuted the accusations, and at the end of August 2008 the court found Michael Zis not guilty "for lack of evidence of a crime." However, soon the decision to release the surgeon from custody was canceled, and in March 2009 the Court of Appeal overturned the acquittal.

At the end of July this year, it became known that the prosecutor's office of the Donetsk region changed the charges against Michael Zis. Now the surgeon is accused under Article 143 Part 1. (“violation of the procedure established by law for transplantation of human organs or tissues”). If his guilt is proven, the surgeon faces a fine of 850 hryvnia.

“I’m selling a kidney...I lead a healthy lifestyle”

According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, about 2 thousand people need a kidney transplant in our country every year. True, only one lucky person out of 20 has the opportunity to start new life with a new organ: in 2007, 117 kidney transplants were performed, in 2008 - only 103.

Bagnet correspondents, for the sake of an experiment, decided to enter the words “will buy a kidney” and “sell a kidney” into an Internet search - and were horrified. Notice boards are full of offers for the sale of organs of the type “A young guy of 19 years old without bad habits will sell a kidney for 20 thousand euros, part of a liver for 10 thousand euros or bone marrow for 20 thousand euros. Blood group 1-. Phone 8(0……..).” Most “donors for money” are women 30-35 years old or young men under 25 years old.

On moderated message boards, in response to the request “I’ll buy a kidney,” the site kindly issues several dozen offers of organ donation - with photographs and detailed prices.

Anna Valevskaya

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