How to get rid of failure. How to get rid of bad luck

18.08.2019 beauty

People who are very trusting, open-minded by nature may think that all other people around, as well as the world, are basically just as good. It can be very difficult for such a person to face the negative manifestations of people for the first time. And I must say that it is on gullible and open people that it is easiest to bring damage or the evil eye. Therefore, such people especially need to be able to defend themselves against black magic. If the evil eye was brought on you for failure, then how to remove it?

How to notice that the evil eye has been put on you?

Damage to failure can manifest itself in the following signs that you can detect on your own:

  • Damage to failure is found in sudden mood swings. If until some point you considered yourself a balanced and strong personality, and then you began to notice nervousness behind you. Such nervousness may well be an evil eye from the outside.
  • Anyone who wanted to send damage to you could spoil your energy field. As a result, you almost always feel tired. At the same time, you catch yourself thinking that you didn’t work anymore, but you began to get tired.
  • You can suspect yourself as a victim who has been spoiled if lately something has not worked out for you all the time, that is, you are unlucky. Bad luck is manifested in the fact that you constantly do not have time for something, there is not enough time to buy something, and so on. It may be that the desired product ends right on you.
  • The evil eye and damage to failure can manifest itself in the fact that people's relationship with money deteriorates. It is not at all easy to earn an ordinary amount of money, you have to put in much more effort than before. All this also speaks of damage to financial well-being.
  • Of course, personal life can also suffer from damage to bad luck. It becomes difficult to understand another person, even the most beloved one. It’s as if you don’t see the former good qualities in him, but you see only another person with negative qualities. Here, too, damage removal is necessary.

You can get rid of damage and turn your failure into good luck, if you realize that you have been damaged, this is already half the battle. The next step that will help get rid of damage, remove bad luck is, of course, the right magical ritual. After it, you will feel that your life is getting better. You can finally drive away damage from yourself, take energy from it, if after a while you repeat the ritual that you performed earlier. You can also remove the negative with the help of river waters, since the water runs away without a return and the damage floats away forever.

Removing damage with a thread

This slander and damage to good luck is more suitable for those who have been spoiled by black magic and a curse, first of all, personal life. As a result, you may feel that you are surrounded by completely bad people you don't see the other in its true light. But the most important thing is that after the damage, your family relations began to deteriorate, life becomes unbearable. Some wives and husbands during such a period are haunted by thoughts about the betrayal of their spouse, as well as the fact that the time has come to get a divorce. If there are no real reasons for such thoughts, then most likely you have been jinxed. But the good news is that even strong black magic can be dispelled at home with the following conspiracy to help remove bad luck.

The ritual must be done on the day of the waning moon. Buy red thread, a new spool and a church candle. Come home. You need to make sure that people cannot interfere with you. Some magicians believe that during the ritual there should not even be pets in the house, so as not to bring down the energy. Light a candle. Start winding threads around your left index finger and at the same time read this magic word:

“From whom the pain and envy came, let it return to that. By thread, by a thin thread, I fold someone else's from me and give it to the one who gave it to me. I don't need someone else's, give me mine. Thread after thread, spool after spool, all my pain goes away, and my luck returns to me. I say the word, they hear me, everything is done. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise. Your stone is in your garden, and my strength suits me. Amen".

After that, the thread that you wound on your finger must be burned on a candle. Let the candle that participated in the ritual burn out to the very end. The very next day, your view of the people around you and your loved one will change, you will feel that you feel better. After a while, you can repeat this ritual to consolidate the effect.

Rite with a penny

How to remove damage to failure in money? If life situations tell you that you have been damaged in relation to financial well-being, then you can conduct a ritual to return money to your life. To conduct this ceremony, you need to find a penny on the road. It will be easier to do this in a crowded place, for example, in a market. It is desirable that this happens during the period of the waxing moon. So financial luck will be able to attract more reliably into your world. Return home with the found penny. In the evening, when it is already getting dark, you need to go straight to the moonlight with this penny, while showing the penny to the moon and say these magic words:

“I say a slander, I turn to the moon. I did not find a penny, I found my money luck. She is now always with me, she is now always with me. From whom the failure came, let him wake up in a dream, and now I sleep peacefully, because the moon adds money to me. I have good luck in money from the moon, and a low bow from me to her.

It is important to say this with tenderness, carefully, it is important to believe that in this way you really return your luck in money, only in this case the magic ritual will work. Now the penny shown to the moon is yours money talisman. Carry it with you always in your wallet like a baptismal cross on your chest. It is advisable to put the charmed coin in a separate room of the wallet so as not to accidentally spend it with the rest of the little things. This is a very kind ritual, and amulets in the form of a coin help everyone to identify and catch a wave of good luck.

After it, you will notice that money luck really turned to face you. If earlier money could be earned with anguish, with great difficulty, now it will be much easier. People will appear around you who will offer profitable deals. All the time there will be opportunities that bring additional income. It is also convenient that for such a ritual it is absolutely not necessary to know who exactly brought damage to you in money. But still, it’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings now. It is advisable to periodically conduct protective rituals.

Removing the evil eye with salt

It happens that damage to failure was brought to the whole family at once. If you catch yourself that all family members are not doing as well as you would like, minor failures happen all the time, then there may be damage.

In this case, it is better to do a ritual that will help remove the evil eye from the whole house at once, so to speak, from the family nest. The rite with salt will help a lot here. The first thing to do to keep bad luck away from the family is to buy a new pack of salt. Then you need to wait until your family is not at home. Go to the kitchen, fry five tablespoons of salt in a cast-iron pan and at the same time say these magic words:

“I roast salt, I drive out everything bad, everything alien from the house. Who wished, let him return. Like salt in the wounds, what you wished for us. And we have that salt to heal ourselves. I don't curse you, I'm protecting myself. As I spill salt in the corners, so the evil, unknown spells will dissipate. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

Damage to money how to remove the curse of poverty

The very next day you will notice that something has changed in the atmosphere of the house for the better. And in the future, the affairs of all households will improve.

Often in a person’s life it happens that he is haunted by a series of troubles: financial difficulties appear, health worries, there is no personal life. All this accumulates and can turn into a depressive state, when hands drop and there is no desire to change something - all that remains is to go with the flow, often to the bottom.

Signs that you are in a streak of bad luck

There are several psychological and objective signs of bad luck:

  • Aggression towards other people. It can be motivated and unmotivated: a person gets annoyed at any trifles, makes scandals, often finds fault with others.
  • Disappointment in yourself and the world around you. This is due to problems in achieving the goals: either a person does something wrong and needs to change tactics, or they are too unrealistic and do not correspond to his capabilities.
  • Diffidence. This quality is usually formed in childhood, and then even a talented person, seeing great opportunities in front of him, does not use them, believing that he will not succeed.
  • Excessive closure. A person closes in himself and tries to protect himself from the outside world, thereby depriving himself of the support of friends and relatives.
  • Feeling empty. When a series of failures haunts, a person gets used to it, as a result of which he has such a feeling, and he ceases to notice pleasant little things.
  • Presence of detractors. It also happens that out of envy or hostility, people cause damage to others, and then even a strong-willed and talented person notices a discord in business.

Having found two or more signs in oneself, it is worth considering for what reason a losing streak is pursuing, having previously studied the causes of this phenomenon.

Causes of failure in life

WITH psychological point laziness is the main reason for bad luck: a person knows what he needs, but does not want to do anything for this, as a result of which, in the absence of what he wants, he develops a loser syndrome.

It is hard to admit this even to oneself, but it is this reason that is considered the main one. There are also several others:

  • Pessimistic outlook on life. If a person does not know how to notice the beautiful, then even having millions of bank accounts, a family and excellent health, he will consider himself unhappy.
  • Shyness. To achieve what you want, you often need to be less shy and not be afraid to ask other people for help.
  • Badly developed intuition. It most often helps in matters of doing business and helps to avoid rash steps.
  • Disorganization. It interferes everywhere: both in work and in family affairs. Having a lot of free time, a person fails to realize even half of the tasks planned for the day, which is why they accumulate and turn into a big lump.

  • Corruption. It can be brought even to the most beautiful person who does not have open enemies, simply out of a feeling of envy, and then his situation can deteriorate sharply.
  • Self-evil. It is typical for overly emotional people who rejoice at new purchases and achievements.

Also, one of the reasons is bad karmic heredity, which can only be changed with the help of special rituals and conspiracies.

What to do to attract good luck?

To attract good luck, many magicians use various rituals, adhering to the following rules:

  • Faith in the power of magic. Without it, even the most strong conspiracies will not give the desired effect.
  • Complete silence in the room. It is not allowed to find strangers nearby. Cell phones, TV and other equipment should be turned off.
  • To attract good luck, rituals should be performed on the growing moon.
  • Before the ritual, you should put on clothes without belts and buttons, because. they block the flow of energy.

How to get out of financial problems: a strong conspiracy

This ritual appeared several centuries ago, but even now it does not lose its relevance. To carry it out, you need to do the following:

  • We pick up a new gold-colored gold piece, hold it between our palms and say, raising a coin to our lips: “ I blow off everything that interfered with happiness, and I attract money and luck to myself. »;
  • We change the coin by taking another one from the wallet. In total, we repeat the manipulations 3 times.

Conspiracy for good luck and happiness with a candle

The ultimate goal of this ritual depends on what color the candle will be.

  • Red helps to find love.
  • Green - improve financial condition.
  • Yellow - improve health.
  • Violet promotes spiritual development.
  • White gives a person strength for the successful completion of all affairs.

How the ceremony is performed:

  • We imagine our ideal state, at the same time we light a candle;
  • We concentrate on the sensations of emotions, imagining that the desired has already come true;
  • We look at a burning candle and say: “ As the fire quietly winds, so the money (health, success, etc.) will return to me. Amen! »;
  • We extinguish the flame. It is advisable to read the prayer at midnight before going to bed.

Conspiracy to remove damage

Often the cause of failure is precisely the evil eye or damage, which can be identified and removed as follows:

  • Pour holy water into a glass, put it next to us, take a box of matches;
  • We burn 9 matches in turn, throw them into a glass and read: “ Not ninth, not eighth, not seventh, not sixth, not fifth, not fourth, not third, not second, not first ". All matches must be in horizontal position. If at least one of them is vertical, then there is damage, and the more standing matches, the stronger it is.

To remove damage to bad luck, we say " Good at my gate, evil is gone forever ”, after which we draw crosses on the chest, solar plexus, forehead, wrists, and shoulders with a finger dipped in water. Finally, we take 3 sips, and pour out the remaining water.

Rite to attract fortune

There is another way to get out of a series of failures - to conduct this ritual, which is often used by different categories of people, from large entrepreneurs to students.

How it's done:

  • We take a not too deep plate, pour 3 tablespoons of salt into it in a slide, then a similar amount of sugar and rice;
  • We open the pin and stick it into the formed hill, leave everything in this position for the night;
  • In the morning we pin a pin to our clothes from the inside.

Spell for good luck in love

The constant fiasco love relationships depressing and makes you think that luck has turned away for some reason.

To attract her, you should use the following rite:

  • We wait for the new moon, at midnight we light a candle in front of the window;
  • We read the plot;

“From now on, my order, an order for fate.
Find and give me a betrothed,
one destined for me.
My word is strong, sealed with white magic.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

  • We blow out the fire. We carry out the ritual daily until the candle burns out completely.

There is another ritual that helps to attract good luck not only in love, but also in other matters:

  • Immediately after waking up, we say a prayer without getting out of bed;

“The guardian angel of the servant of God (the name given to you at baptism).
I beg you for help.
Give me the opportunity to find love
and know happiness.

  • We read "Our Father" and go about our business.

Talisman for good luck

In addition to reading conspiracies, you can independently make a talisman for yourself that will attract good luck, love and money:

  • We take dense threads of three different colors: blue, red and green;
  • We tie a knot at one end, weave a pigtail out of threads, thinking about what goal we need to achieve as if it had already happened: wealth, marriage, etc .;
  • Having finished weaving, we connect both ends, making a bracelet;
  • We put the bracelet on the ankle of the left leg and wear it until the goal is reached, after which we burn it, thanks to the Universe.

Any talismans need to be recharged. To do this, it is enough to periodically put it next to you on a pillow before going to bed and think about your goals, or leave it overnight on the windowsill while the moon is in the growing phase.

There is another way - a mental reunion with the talisman. Here you need to take it in your hands, concentrate and as if mentally convey to him your positive energy and faith in a good future.

When will the white streak come?

It all depends on whether the person reading the conspiracies followed the rules for conducting rituals, as well as on faith in a good result. Usually, positive changes become noticeable almost the next day: it is possible to achieve an increase in salary, find Good work and even win the lottery.

As for luck in love, it can appear both the next day and a month later. Single people meet a couple, married people strengthen family relationships, and those who are not yet married can push their soul mate to marry.

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Corruption causing failure

In this article:

Damage to bad luck or failure is a negative magical program directed against a person. Under the influence of such rituals, constant failures will haunt their victim, they apply to all spheres of life, work, family, relationships with friends and acquaintances.

Even in the simplest and most advantageous business, the victim of corruption will not be able to achieve a successful result.

Possible consequences of damage

Damage to failure is induced with the help of simple magical rituals. Such magic is often used in conjunction with other types. negative programs. Constant bad luck will greatly annoy any person, it infuriates, drives you crazy. Soon the victim of the rite realizes that all his undertakings are initially doomed to failure.

In this case, if the negative is not removed in time, then the person will eventually independently recognize himself as a failure, accept his inevitable fate and will no longer take any action to improve his situation.

Under the influence of the rite of corruption, a victim with weak willpower can begin to drink, take drugs, break off relations with a loved one, or destroy a strong family with his own hands. Due to constant failures, a person’s psyche will break down, he will find himself in a situation where his actions and decisions do not give any result, and this leads to constant depression, from which it is almost impossible to get out on your own.

There have been cases when, under the influence of bad luck alone, the victims of negativity ended up in an insane asylum and committed suicide. Therefore, do not underestimate this kind of negative magical program, even it can completely destroy a person's life and bring him to the grave.

Types of damage to failure

There are many types of damage to bad luck, but almost all of them are imposed on the victim after interacting with the charmed object. A variety of things can be used as a lining item, from money to feathers of outlandish birds.

Due to the fact that your old acquaintances and close friends can act as performers or customers of negative magic, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from such a phenomenon.

The only way to protect yourself from such negative energy is to build a powerful defense.

How to remove damage to failure

Today, many people consider damage to be ordinary superstition, but even skeptics change their minds after they feel the destructive effects of negative magic on themselves. As already mentioned, even simple spoilage can cause many health problems, can destroy personal life, can cause money problems and much more. That is why negative energy must be removed as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are many rites to counteract negative magic.

In the Russian tradition, there are many conspiracies to remove any negative energy, combining the experience of pagan and Christian beliefs. Our ancestors turned to sorcerers and sorcerers only in the most extreme cases, and they successfully fought against simple troubles on their own. Each family knew rituals for all occasions, including for removing damage to bad luck.

A simple rite against corruption

This simple ritual was used to combat any kind of damage, except for the negative for illness and death. To remove negative energy, you need to independently collect garbage in all corners of the house and tie it in a scarf, into which the tears of the victim of damage have soaked. After that, collect some ashes from the stove (or any ashes from paper or wood burned in your house), tie all the collected items in an old bundle and take them to the crossroads at midnight.

The rite must be performed during the waning moon, which will help get rid of the negative. Under the influence of this ritual, damage soon left the house and tears stopped flowing in it.

Ritual with aspen sticks

This is an ancient and troublesome magical ritual, but even today it shows excellent results in the fight against corruption.

To carry out the ritual of cleansing from negative energy, you will need: two small aspen sticks 120 and 60 centimeters long and 6 coins of any denomination.

Clean the prepared sticks from the bark, but do not immediately throw away the bark, it will also be needed during the ceremony.

Aspen is a great helper in many rituals.

From aspen sticks you need to make a cross, the proportions corresponding to the Christian. Tie the crossbars with any natural rope, but not synthetic. In addition, do not use nails, glue and other materials.

Next Wednesday, at dawn, place the resulting cross in the hallway of your house, put on it inside out any of your clothes that were cheerful in your closet before. The chosen item should also be made of natural material, preferably linen or cotton fabric.

When you put on clothes on the cross, read the words of the conspiracy:

"Cross on me, cross on you, cross on any Orthodox family, two crosses in my destiny. I put on my clothes on this cross, more than I, the servant of God (name), do not cry, I drive out grief, I call for good luck. There will be no misfortune in my fate, there will be no grief. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

These words must be read throughout all the actions performed with the cross. When the improvised stuffed animal is ready, it must be taken out into the street. After sunset, the “dressed” cross must be taken to a deserted place and burned on a fire of seven logs.

In the process of burning, in no case should you spare your clothes, know that all your failures are burned along with it. When the cross is completely burned, read the words.

“Trouble does not come alone” - I think many will agree with this saying. Indeed, it is worth a certain negative event to occur and it started like in a fairy tale: "The farther, the worse." It also happens that it seems that there is nowhere to “fall” lower, but no, an inventive life will come up with such a “juicy slap in the face” that you get into such a mess that the previous one will seem like just a childish failure.

So all the same, why does one grief cling to another, and then, in turn, the next, sometimes turning life into one continuous black streak?

Someone will say that karma is to blame, someone will attribute everything to damage, Zeland's supporters will say that this is all a matter of "pendulums", but a skeptic will say: "This is just an accident." And you know, maybe they are all partly right, no one knows the exact explanation, and all these points really work, especially if you believe in them.

  • Believe me, a wise specialist in “slaps in the face” from life and all kinds of “black stripes” (as well as gray, black speckled, with circles and all other dark shades), and not just a home-grown amateur philosopher, but a practical one.

Well, and I had practice: “a wagon, yes a small cart”, judge for yourself:

Even as a child, I suffered 13 pneumonias (not counting other minor sores and illnesses later), the doctors almost killed me with their “experiments” (without the knowledge of my parents) and made me shy away from all people for a long time. Growing up, my pain went away, but my fears turned into complexes and phobias. Everything around seemed to be painted in dark colors, despite the many possible events, my body dulled not only the pain, but also the emotions.

As a child, carrying a glass of water and stepping over a drunken neighbor sleeping on the landing, I fell (as he began to toss and turn at that time), and I fell so that half broken glass sticking out in the center of my forehead.

So I became even more afraid of drunks

Despite the fact that my mother worked for one and a half rates, she took part-time work at home - there was always a lack of money. And my father often drank and was constantly on various journeys (sometimes for years), in search of either himself or just for fun. It seemed to me then that I live in some kind of constantly dark strip, which simply has no end. Negative events simply changed each other, and I got so used to all this that I began to perceive it all as a matter of course.

It was then that I first began to be interested in self-development, NLP, esotericism, then for the first time I began to think: why do some people succeed in everything, while others, well, nothing at all, despite the many efforts made for this. And you know, then I managed to get out of the series of “darkness” - I became a sociable, cheerful and quite optimistic young man, believing that life consists not only of black stripes, but also of bright joy, anticipation of good and of course love.

But in life everything is cyclical and the second blackening stripe, or rather, I learned my second life lesson after the army, when I was 25 years old. Then I was already married and my first son was already born.

Firstly, I then lost a lot of weight, and secondly, my mother fell ill with cancer and after a few months “burned out” in the disease, she died in my arms. A few months after the death of the mother, the father dies (blood clots in the carotid arteries). Between these events, my cousin's daughter dies (sudden death syndrome). Well, and finally, my wife and I are divorcing, and attacks from my wife begin on me about the parental apartment (she and the child were registered in the parental apartment).

This black streak lasted for several years without a gap, and sometimes it seemed to me that I would just go crazy. At that time I was simply sure that I had some kind of damage on me, and once having accidentally broken a mirror in the bathroom, I seriously thought that everything, probably, was the next one. I start running around grandmothers in the hope that the witching spell will be removed from me and all hardships will pass. As it turned out, nothing helped, and only faith in myself helped me, faith that God would not leave me, faith that everything would be fine and ……., but, STOP - all this deserves a separate story.

Only for the most impatient I will write about mine today:

Everything is fine with me, I have a small family: me, my wife (9 years younger than me) and my great joy is my seven-month-old son, Yaroslav. The eldest son (from his first marriage) will soon be 19 years old, he lives in another city, but he is happy to come to visit me and I love him very much.

At that time, it was not possible to defend the parental apartment in full, but I have my own, however, so far a small apartment (expansion of living space is in the nearest plans).

I work in a small furniture company as a deputy director, there is a lot of work, but I hope that there are even more prospects for the future. Despite all my busyness, sometimes I write to my blogs, with the hope that it may be useful to someone.

  • Departing a little from the topic with a story about my life, I pursued the goal not to boast to you and show myself from the red side - take it away, I just wanted to say and show to all readers of my blog:

“There is nothing impossible in life - everything changes in it, because this is the basic law of physical matter. There is a place for everything in life: joy too, and no matter how hard it is for you today, remember: everything ends and the black streak too, but for how long it will drag on depends primarily on yourself. The world is not against you, it is neutral, but what color to paint it in is up to you. After all, the truth is that it is in your power to choose which thought or emotion you can support, and which one you try to dismiss as unnecessary?

Hell and heaven already exist within you - just choose what you support.

If you liked it, then read on, if not - well, I do not insist, everyone has their own truth, choose a different path - there are many of them.

Before the start of the main story, I will once again emphasize to you that I do not climb into the abstruse jungle of reasoning, I just write about my experience, about the conclusions that I have come to today, I will try to give you a “drop of confidence” in myself and describe to you those "gadgets" that work for me.

Axioms of light and dark stripes or a golden, striped tablet from Oleg Plett :

  • M ir in relation to us is neutral.

He is neither evil nor kind, he absolutely does not give a damn about us, he is exactly the way we accepted him inside ourselves. The world around you is a reflection of your inner state.

  • IN era is a very strong "genie" in our hands.

What to believe is up to you. You believe that everything will be fine - “according to your faith it will be for you”, you believe that life is a cruel “thing” - get your own, the law works in this case too. You sincerely believe that God and all the forces of light stand as a mountain for you - be sure that it is so.

  • Love can do everything.

Love is not a selfish desire for possession, of course not. Love is the highest vibrational energy. Love does not seek or fawn, it is full and self-sufficient, it can turn any hell into a blooming paradise. Love is God loving no matter what. God forgives us not for our actions, he forgives us because he is God (love). The closest energy to true love is maternal love. The more love in your life, the brighter, better and smoother your life.

  • P like attracts like.

Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations, which in turn give rise to new negative emotions - this is like a vicious circle, and if it is not interrupted, this can continue for a lifetime. Conversely, joyful emotions attract good events. The conclusion suggests itself.

  • By changing our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, we change the course of our lives.

Filter every emotion and thought, choose only positive and correct ones, cultivate them in yourself.

  • The feeling of guilt triggers the mechanism of punishment.

This is why confession is so important. Take your mistakes as important life lessons, and therefore, like any lesson, you need to learn it and understand the meaning of what you experienced. As soon as you realized your mistake, you turned the tide, you learned your lesson, and after that, have the strength to forgive yourself and others.

I have talked about this more than once.

  • There are no hopeless situations.

Closing one of the doors, God always opens another.

  • Having made decisions, act.

You have an active always more chances than you have the same passive. So do not lie on the couch - act.

  • Never do evil to another - evil kills.

Doing evil to another - you are doing badly, first of all, to yourself, whoever has come across this will understand me.

  • Any change does not happen instantly - it takes time.

And this is good, otherwise if everything changed instantly, then we would have done something wrong. No need to complain that time goes by, but nothing changes, you just need to believe that happiness is inevitable.

But on this I consider the first part of the post on this topic closed, but on the next one, I propose to go to practical work.

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Troubles happen in people's lives from time to time, unfortunately, no one is immune from all sorts of annoying cases. But it happens when troubles in the literal sense of the word fall on your head one after another, a moment comes when it seems that the black streak will never leave you, what to do with problems? People tend to attribute such a state to mystical bad luck, dark forces, evil karma, curses, corruption, etc. But in fact, in most cases, the reason lies in internal factors, that is, in ourselves.

Energy and pity

The energy resource of a person can change throughout life. At some stage, for various reasons, the energy can weaken, and thereby open the gate for the manifestation of failures. Remember once and for all, if this has affected you, you do not need to make yourself a victim. Yes, without disputes, friends and relatives will hug and pity you, but they will not help to solve the problem.

Remember yourself, for sure, friends have repeatedly turned to you in order to complain about life. What do you do first? Sympathize first - it's natural. But then, when pity is pressed again, there is a slight irritation, then anger, and finally, you lose the desire to communicate with this person.

So that you know, successful people prefer to cross them off the list of their acquaintances as true losers. Quite simply, from them you can catch the virus of bad luck. Yes, you heard right, in our life such a misfortune can also occur. Therefore, do not be surprised when, after several plaintive sessions with acquaintances, other friends began to turn away from you. Even if this happens, do not fall into despair, you can fight the bad luck virus, the main thing is to know how. Here are some actionable tricks.

List of issues

First of all, take a blank white sheet and display on it a complete list of your problems. Moreover, the positions of the list should be written out in a certain order: on top - urgent questions, on the bottom - those that can be postponed until later. Next to each line, put a date indicating the deadline for solving the problem. If possible, keep a lunar calendar near you when compiling the list.

For example, if in the near future you need to find a job and borrow some money, then these tasks are best solved during the waxing moon. If you want to sell or sell something excess weight, then you, on the contrary, need to do this during the period of the killing moon. In other words, adhere to the following principle: when something needs to be added, the moon should be in a waxing phase, if on the contrary, something needs to be taken away, the moon should also be waning. Data about lunar phases can be seen on the Internet, in the summary of morning TV programs, in extreme cases, on the pages of a tear-off calendar. Therefore, coordinate the phases of the moon with your schedule and go ahead.

Simornos ritual, how to get rid of problems and failures

In other words, adhere to the following principle: when something needs to be added, the moon should be in a waxing phase, if on the contrary, something needs to be taken away, the moon must also be waning. Data on the lunar phases can be seen on the Internet, in the summary of morning TV programs, in extreme cases, on the pages of a tear-off calendar. Therefore, coordinate the phases of the moon with your schedule and go ahead.

Panic and despondency - a ban

In no case should you sink "below the plinth", fall into panic and despondency. Even from the most hopeless situation there is always a way out. You simply must find it. Your salvation depends on it. Try to put the task that you set for yourself in a rhymed form, so it is more reliable to “fit” in your mind. Let the rhyme be the most clumsy of clumsy options, such as “I’ll go to the wind and find a job”, it’s absolutely all the same, so you make a personal conspiracy, program your further actions for success.

But if gloomy thoughts do not leave your head, you are simply doomed to defeat, failures will continue to haunt you. Remember, positive thoughts are good, despondency, negative thoughts are bad.

Relaxation is essential

Know how to relax, after difficult working days, find time for a good rest. It is relaxation, and not gatherings somewhere in a cafe accompanied by alcohol and cigarettes. You don’t have to invent anything, just stay alone at home, lie down on the bed or sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and try to hear your heart, its beat. You just do not understand how lucky you really are, you are healthy, you have a home, this is the main thing. The blissful silence around is very expensive, so try to enjoy these moments to the maximum.

Enhance your relaxation with scented lamps, candles, or even soak a cotton ball in essential oil and put next to it. Such seemingly inconspicuous things perfectly cope with a tense state. The following aromas can defeat an unfavorable emotional load:

  • OVERFATIGUE (vervain, frankincense, juniper, orange, geranium, lemon, mint);
  • EMOTIONAL DEPRESSION (cinnamon, cypress, basil, frankincense, geranium);
  • IRRITABILITY (incense, spruce, fir, rose, oregano, lavender);
  • THINNING (citrus aromas, rose, sandalwood, lavender);
  • EXCITABILITY (myrrh, chamomile, sandalwood, vanilla, anise).

If life, then only today

Do not make plans for a month, a year in advance, live for today. Plan tasks only for today, the day has come - you need to solve this and that ... Take a blank sheet and write down the steps that need to be completed in a day, highlight each position differently bright colors. Do not use gloomy colors: blue, black, etc. By the way, one day instead of red (for example) you will want to take green (or any other), to which you were previously indifferent. This can be regarded as a sign from above, green for you is the color of good luck, get yourself a talisman of just this shade and always carry it with you.

If the disease, then only from the nerves

Surely everyone has heard that all diseases are only from nerves. When a person is in a state of prolonged stress, during this period his body is especially susceptible to infections. It is possible that old chronic diseases will again make themselves felt. In order to minimize the likelihood of stress, do not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a walk at night, do not overcool, eat right, do not forget about vitamins, herbal teas. And remember one more thing - movement is life, so down with a sedentary lifestyle.

Help others

If possible, help others, but don't get too carried away. Periodic deepening into other people's problems will allow you to temporarily forget about your own. There will always be someone who is worse off than you. Have you been fired from your job? So what! Imagine how it is now for your neighbor on the site, who has not left the apartment for the second year, due to disability. Would you like to trade places with him? Hardly! Therefore, do not be too lazy to call a neighbor and offer your help.

For example, you can help him get down in a wheelchair to the street, drive him around the neighborhood, show how everything has changed during his absence. If you see a stray cat, why don't you take it home, or at least buy a carton of milk, a sausage, and feed the poor animal. Always remember that the good done will definitely return to you a hundredfold.


Diversify your life with rituals. They can be anything: magical, religious. You can even create your own ritual. According to psychologists, literally every person has personal rituals. Pray in the morning and in the evening, wear a talisman, read conspiracies before leaving the house - these simple things will fill your mind with positive, instill self-confidence, and most importantly - return good luck.

Motivation - How to quickly get rid of failures