Where is the money chakra located? What prevents you from attracting wealth and good luck?

09.09.2019 Education

Manipura is the third of the seven chakras, which is responsible for self-realization and financial well-being. Every person is endowed with chakras from birth, but for some these chakras work at full power, while for others they were never able to activate them, and they exist as if on their own. To correctly reveal manipura and attract wealth into life, you need to learn as much as possible about it.

A little history

For several centuries now, the teaching of chakras has been practiced in many countries. But this teaching found its most significant application among yogis. Each chakra governs certain areas human life, under their control are reason and intuition, creativity and love, money and health. Accordingly, each chakra is assigned its own color. Chakras interact with certain planets and Zodiac Signs.

Many people think that it is very difficult to understand all these connections. In fact, it is simple, very exciting and useful activity, which can bring you closer to harmony with yourself and the world around you.

How to determine how active a chakra is

In practice, it has been proven that a person cannot have absolutely all chakras closed, but only enlightened people have these energy centers completely open. To determine whether your chakra is active, analyze your current state and life path.

Chakras influence our character and luck in one area or another. As a rule, several chakras that are close in spirit are connected with each other, and if you start working on one of the problematic energy centers, the positive effect will be noticeable not only in this chakra, but also in related ones. For example, the lowest chakra, which is responsible for attracting a soul mate, closely interacts with the heart chakra, which is responsible for love. And if there are restrictions in any of them, then this is reflected in personal life. Or you dream of marrying a wealthy man, but on your life’s path you meet not the most promising candidates. Then you should pay attention to the heart and money chakras. Perhaps you are focused only on money and do not think at all about the feelings of a man, and because of this, both energy centers overlap.

To determine if your third chakra needs to be worked on, determine if there is something like this behind you:

  • you have a need to assert yourself (especially in small things),
  • you often feel guilty and angry towards someone,
  • you constantly complain about life and feel like a victim of circumstances,
  • feel the presence of helplessness in your life,
  • Do you notice that you have a greedy attitude towards money?
  • get too jealous
  • your conscience stops tormenting you,
  • you are in constant fear, and in most cases the fear is unreasonable,
  • you stop trusting people and often tell lies,
  • become cruel in your speech and actions towards others.

All these are signs that you need to develop your money chakra, because its non-normalized work affects both self-confidence and the vitality of your body.

Ways to develop manipura

There are many ways to reveal manipura, but we will focus only on the simplest and most effective.

Many are confident that with the help of certain meditations it is possible to achieve full opening of the chakras. But it has already been proven that without constant practice in spiritual development you cannot help yourself with meditation alone. Therefore, a good solution would be to work together with meditation and exercise at the physical level.

The simplest exercise is jumping. Yes, regular jumping can be of great benefit, because it literally breaks all muscle blocks and clamps, and the Earth’s energy begins to flow freely into your body. And without external energy supply, it can be quite difficult to cope with the opening of the chakras. Well, after you have jumped for fun, you can start meditating.

Meditation to attract money

Take a comfortable position. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position - many people find it uncomfortable or even uncomfortable at first. It is enough just to sit in your usual position or lie down on the bed. The main thing is that no one distracts you from the process.

Once you are ready, take a couple of deep breaths in and out. Try to breathe with your stomach, because that’s where money chakra. Believe me, after performing physical activity (such as jumping), it will become much easier for you to breathe this way.

Once you feel as relaxed as possible, imagine a source of positive energy in the solar plexus area. Even a simple yellow light bulb will do. Many masters imagine an opening lotus, but this is not a prerequisite. Not every one of us will be able to open a lotus flower in all its details on the first try. If it’s hard to even imagine a light bulb, mentally focus on a glowing yellow ball. This is your money chakra.

Afterwards, you need to feel how your whole body is filled with light, and the light bulb or ball glows brighter and brighter. When the yellow light fills your entire body, you need to track your sensations. Are you comfortable, or is something bothering you? What emotions does this light evoke in you? If you are in a state of comfort, joy and happiness, then you did everything right. Now it is this light that will attract luck and money to you, and you can open your eyes and go about your daily activities.

Features of Meditation

This meditation is best done at the beginning of the day, immediately after you wake up, to activate money energy and attract success in the morning.

As a rule, one time is not enough for millions to fall on you at once. Opening the chakras is a rather lengthy process. Remember how many years you lived with your feelings and fears - sometimes you can’t deal with it all at once, but you can still make your life much easier. Do not stop there and repeat this simple meditation, since energy centers tend to become polluted.

Another effective way to develop the money chakra is belly dancing. This method is more suitable for women, but it will also be effective for men. It's all about the dance movements, which activate and launch not only the third chakra, but also the first two, which are responsible for attracting good luck to the love sphere. After attending belly dancing, your life will flow smoothly and evenly. cash flow, which will also gradually increase.

Some people have to work tirelessly to earn money. And someone hasn’t lifted a finger, but lives in abundance - money seems to flow to him like a river. What's the secret?

Chakras, the spiritual energy centers of the body, are responsible for attracting money into our lives. If these chakras are “clogged,” then financial energy bypasses the person. To attract her, it is necessary to work on opening the chakras.

Who threatens your energy

There are seven chakras on the human body. But his well-being and position in society depends only on three of them: muladhara, svadhistana and manipura. These chakras are best developed among materialists, but among creative people they are almost completely closed. Therefore, an imbalance arises - a person has high potential, but cannot earn or hold money in his hands, which is why he suffers greatly.

It happens that there is no time successful man suddenly he starts losing everything. Why is this happening? Imagine shaking hands with someone who hasn't had a bath or shower in a year and a half. How will you feel? Disgust? Do you urgently want to wash your hand with soap and disinfect your skin so as not to catch any disease? But the same thing happens to you on an energetic level: when you communicate with people who evoke negative emotions in you, your chakras become clogged and blocked. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly do a “general” cleaning of energy centers and re-open them.

Muladhara: I am confident in myself

Where is it located?: in the perineal area, near the genitals.

What is he responsible for?: for the ability to survive, spiritual and physical strength, endurance and instinct of self-preservation; helps you make the right decisions.

If the chakra is open: feeling of calm, confidence, security.

If the chakra is closed: feelings of fear, danger, uncertainty, lack of support, lack of something, feeling like a victim, envy.

Energy color: red.

How to reveal:

Move more: run, do heel-to-toe rolls, squats, jumps.

Update your wardrobe. Get rid of dark, old and restrictive things. Jeans that fit you five years ago, but now cut into your skin, do not allow you to develop and kill all your endeavors. Black and old things in themselves are powerful absorbers of positive energy. It is better to give preference to red shades. Costume jewelry and jewelry with burgundy stones, especially garnet and ruby, will have an even stronger effect on the chakra.

Include red foods in your diet: beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers, berry desserts, pomegranate juice.

Svadhisthaya: I enjoy life

Where is it located?: 10 cm below the navel.

What is he responsible for?: for receiving pleasure, the ability to enjoy life, the formation of creative energy.

If the chakra is open: enjoying the process, not the result, feeling the joy of life.

If the chakra is closed: anger, search for new sources of pleasure, obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, dependence on another person.

Energy color: orange.

How to reveal:

Don’t push yourself into limits, try to be more relaxed and open to new experiments. Learn to enjoy every moment.

Wear accessories and use orange nail polish.

Get gold jewelry - a massive ring, a large pendant or bulky earrings. Never wear silver, as it absorbs your energy.

Make sure your menu includes citrus fruits, carrot salads, salmon, red caviar, and shrimp. When eating food, do not absorb it in a few minutes, but chew each piece thoroughly.

Manipura: I know what I want

Where is it located?: in the solar plexus area.

What is he responsible for?: for business abilities, self-control, development, resistance to external influence, willpower.

If the chakra is open: understanding of your aspirations and needs, insight, ability to concentrate on achieving a goal and enjoying the results of your work.

If the chakra is closed: the desire to always be right, conflict, feelings of guilt and duty, inability to stand up for oneself, dissatisfaction, helplessness.

Energy color: yellow.

How to reveal:

Regularly pump up your lower and upper abs.

Decorate the interior of the room with bright yellow items. Hang a painting or photograph of a sunflower on the wall.

Choose yellow details that complement your usual clothes, such as wearing a yellow belt or a yellow tie.

Make new acquaintances, attend social events more often. Pay less attention to the opinions of strangers.

Your financial well-being is influenced by your chakras and their work. With closed channels, you shouldn’t even hope for material stability, since the energy of space cannot circulate freely in the human body, which does not allow it to open up to positive financial flows. Fortunately, each of us has the opportunity to improve our finances. well-being through special exercises that give us the opportunity to control our own energy centers.

Those people who are interested in yoga know that the human body can be a source of pleasure and all benefits. All that remains is to understand how to achieve all this from him, how to unlock his potential by influencing special centers and points. It is important to regularly practice meditation, which will allow the chakras to open by influencing the astral body.

Chakra Ajna

That which is responsible for the human mind. Thanks to this chakra, we can quickly react to different situations, accept lightning quickly. correct solution, clearly analyze information coming from outside, which cannot but help us in the financial sector. This chakra is located on the forehead, which is why some people call it the “third eye.”. Due to this center, we receive clues from fate, absorb new data, energy that flows throughout the body along the spine. People with open chakra Ajnas boast a well-developed sixth sense, as well as a sharp mind, which allows them to act correctly in the most critical situations. Thanks to this chakra, you can not only achieve success in all your endeavors, but also improve yourself at an incredible pace.

How to work this chakra? Experts draw attention to the need to wear clothes of blue color and spend time doing breathing exercises. This will all increase your attention to detail and give you the opportunity to concentrate on them faster. For breathing exercises It is advisable to set aside time in the morning.

Chakra Muladhara

This chakra is associated with the beginning of life. It allows us to be wiser and change our worldview for the better. It is this energy center that is associated with our childhood, memories of it and how we once perceived the world. This chakra is related to basic instincts, such as the need to eat and procreate, self-defense... People who have discovered Muladhara can boast of clearly thought-out plans that allow them to reach certain heights much faster, without losing their way and not being influenced by the provocations of others. With such a well-developed center, there is no need to fear any obstacles on the path to financial stability.

Developing this chakra is easier than it seems. It is enough to move a lot so that as much cosmic energy as possible enters the body through this center. The development of Muladhara also depends on social activity, number of business partners, new acquaintances important for professional growth.

Chakra Manipura

This chakra concentrates the inner strength of a person, which allows him to withstand all difficulties and troubles, every blow of fate. Thanks to this center, you can achieve inner harmony and harmonious relationships with the outside world. You can begin to develop this chakra by establishing contacts with other people. This chakra is located in the solar plexus, its roots are deep in the human body. Through this point you can come to self-knowledge through introspection, which takes place due to powerful cosmic energy. By influencing this chakra, a person decides what position he chooses in his financial sphere: he is a leader or he follows the rules of others.

This point is closely related to yellow, the color of striving forward and self-confidence. This is the so-called personal sun of a person, which allows you to enjoy life, from every small victory, from physical impact on your energy points of the body. All physical exercise, which involve the abdominal muscles, allow you to develop this chakra.

All of the above-mentioned energy centers give a person a chance to interact more closely with cosmic energy, and therefore open up to financial flows.

The higher your energy level, the more effectively you solve all issues and tasks in your life, including in the financial sphere.

One way to increase your energy potential is to take steps to harmonize your main energy centers - the chakras.

Let's look at how each chakra's energy contributes to your ability to handle money matters. And for each chakra - what you can do in practice to balance its work.

How to “work” with chakras correctly

I often see the following formulations on the Internet: how to “open” the chakras, how to cleanse them, how to strengthen the energy of the chakras. I want you to understand correctly how things stand with this.

  • There is no need to “open” anything! If your chakras were closed, you would not survive.

  • The chakras are not “littered” to be cleaned. You can simply realize their energy in a disharmonious way, because your unconscious beliefs or fears, resentments, etc. dictate so.

  • There is no need to “strengthen” the chakras at any cost. Is more always good?.. You need balance and free flow of energy in all centers and between them - then you can fully realize yourself.

Chakras and money

As I already said, the question “which chakra to develop so that you have more money” is not entirely correct.

Everything must be tuned, like a musical instrument: every note in the right key. Likewise, the chakra system must be tuned in accordance with certain vibrations.

You can see that there are no primary and secondary chakras. And what to pay attention to first depends on what your difficulties and questions are in the area of ​​making money.

Money and 1 chakra

  • you just can’t escape the feeling of deficiency (lack, insufficiency) in everything

  • feel a total inability to cope with life in general

  • subject to fears from the survival level - being left without money, without a roof over your head

  • “obsessed” with acquiring material assets

  • you don’t feel supported in life and get lost in emergency situations

  • and finally, if you are a “dreamer” who has many plans and ideas, but nothing comes true, work with the energy of the first chakra.

This chakra is primarily responsible for the energy of life, procreation and issues of survival: health, money, automatic reactions like “fight or flight”.

Without this energy it is impossible to achieve higher states - this is the basic energy for transformation.

How can I support her?

  • Simple techniques will be used - grounding, conscious walking; Any comfortable physical activity that increases your energy level.

  • Any Aura-Soma associated with 1 chakra - bottles containing red color, red pomanders, quintessences, tinctures. There are special bottles from the chakra set No. 5 and No. 6, which support and harmonize the energies of 1 chakra.

  • Carry out your daily plans - this will give you a feeling of strength and ability to cope with life.

  • And of course, special techniques for working with survival energy and basic fears, which can be done in energy groups, will help.

Money and 2nd chakra

If the question of money for you is first of all a question:

  • easy and spontaneous self-realization

  • ability to enjoy making money

  • connection with your own center and the ability to distinguish what you like

  • "Abundance" thinking

  • and the ability to enjoy life in general - work with the energies of the second chakra.

The energy of this center is directed towards feelings and emotions. You make decisions based on certain feelings, and take actions accordingly.

If you have a deep sense of your own worth and connection with yourself, if you can afford to have what you want, you will take more harmonious actions in terms of making money.

How to support the work of 2 chakras?

  • Start with simple things - practice deep “breathing into the stomach”, relaxation; dance and express yourself freely.

  • Take up qigong, tai chi or other eastern healing practices - they often nourish the two lower centers well.

  • Use Aura-Soma: Chakra bottle #26 and other bottles, pomanders and quintessences with orange and gold colors.

  • Come to any group where work is being done with the second chakra (its topics are spontaneity, sexuality, pleasure, the ability to enjoy life, close relationships).

  • It is worth working with the second chakra for those who have money issue tightly entangled with difficulties in relationships with a partner.

Money and 3rd chakra

The area of ​​influence of the 3rd chakra is your realization in society. If, when thinking about how to improve your money management, you:

  • doubt your ability to “present yourself,” cooperate and influence people

  • suffer from negative self-esteem and lack of self-confidence

  • shackled by fears associated with evaluation (“what will they think of me,” “will they like me”)

  • constantly remember your past mistakes and blunders and are afraid of new ones

  • fear competition and conflicts

  • If you feel insignificant and weak compared to others, work with the third chakra.

The 3rd chakra is the center of your personal power. He is responsible for what can be called magnetism and charisma, for the opportunity to express his talents in activities useful to others.

The solar plexus is the center of the power that allows us to be influential and make money through social fulfillment and success.

How to support these energies?

  • From the simplest thing - learn to relax your solar plexus. It is the first to “squeeze” in all social situations, in moments of evaluation, comparison, and the need to “stand out.” I once gave a technique for working with anger: exhale, tense your whole body, hold the tension as long as possible, and then let go. This technique will also help you relax if you are tense.

  • Breathing into the belly will come in handy again; it relaxes the diaphragm and allows energy to flow more freely. At the same time, it is good to imagine and feel the sunlight inside - this imbues the center with energy.

  • Act with high intention. Personal power can be used both for the benefit and harm of others. Consciously choose to act in ways that are beneficial and creative.

  • The entire yellow Aura-Soma also works to harmonize this chakra. Bottles No. 4 and No. 42 are very suitable.

  • And we work through various deep facets of solar plexus energy - charisma, personal strength, interaction with society - “through the body” in energy groups.

Money and 4 chakra

How are “heart” and money connected?.. If:

  • It’s easy for you to do everything for free, but it’s hard to set a price for your work

  • you feel that you have stopped “growing” and can’t reach a new level - in work, relationships, finances

  • you are captivated by the grievances and disappointments of the past, and you just can’t let it all go in order to move on in life

  • you are often in a pessimistic mood and lack inspiration

  • and finally, if you find that in your life you are trying to embody the rules and expectations of your parents or the stereotypes of society, but you do not know your own truth and your path, work with the 4th chakra.

The “heart” chakra is a unique center. It is at this level that you can bring awareness to what you usually do unconsciously.

The energy of this center allows you to transform feelings that prevent you from being productive; free yourself from imposed rules and restrictions, from the ideas about yourself that constrain you.

By creating a high intention to act with love “from the heart” and to be useful to other people and the world, you can realize your unique way- including in work, in the profession.

How to support these important processes?

  • Of the techniques that I offered you earlier, Atisha meditation is suitable - it can be used not only to transform any negative feelings, but also as a practice for more high level: “breathing in” everything negative that you see around you, transforming it in your heart and “breathing out” love and light.

  • The entire green Aura-Soma will help not only open and cleanse the heart, but also begin to “breathe deeply,” expand your boundaries and grow. Relevant in terms of money, isn’t it? For example, bottles No. 3, No. 10 and No. 43 are suitable.

  • And I especially love the “heart” group and hold it quite often, because opening the heart, knowing your truth and the ability to act with love are the basis for happiness and well-being in all areas of life.

Money and 5th chakra

  • If you are a person in a “creative” profession

  • if you want to creatively solve your professional problems in any field of activity

  • if you feel tension in situations where you need to “declare yourself”, prove yourself

  • if you find it difficult to negotiate and communicate with people

  • if it is important to learn how to speak (including to a large audience) in such a way as to be heard and influence people

  • and if it is important for you to be the “creator” of your own life and make responsible and effective choices along your path, work with the throat chakra.

At the level of the 5th chakra, a personality is “created” - one who chooses his own path, his actions, reactions and feelings. This is the chakra of creativity and self-realization in the broadest sense - and, naturally, in relation to work and making money.

How can we help this energy manifest freely?

  • The most accessible way to activate it is to work with your voice. Sing, learn to express your thoughts out loud, learn to talk constructively about your feelings, try your hand at speaking in front of an audience.

  • If you feel that everything unspoken has accumulated “to the very throat,” go to a deserted place and “scream out” the accumulated emotions and tension.

  • Work to act in your life from a position of true responsibility - as the author and creator of your life.

  • Use Aura-Soma in blue and blue colors - it will help release and balance the energy of this chakra. From the chakra set, bottles No. 2 and No. 3 are suitable.

  • Come to the groups - at each of them we do techniques that affect all chakras, and work with the voice happens almost always.

Money and 6th chakra

If you don’t have enough money to “swim” safely at sea:

  • the ability to hear the voice of your intuition

  • perspective vision

  • ability to foresee consequences

  • the ability to see connections between different processes and things - work with the sixth chakra, the “third eye” chakra.

If you do not perceive intuition as “following the desires of the left heel” or belief in all sorts of strange theories, magical amulets and the power of a dried rabbit’s foot, then the ability to look deeper and feel the subtle essence of processes and things is very important.

When you perceive the smallest changes in what is happening around you and react to them “intuitively”, while being able to distinguish “cues from the universe” from your own superstitions or illusions, you can act much more effectively.

How to awaken your intuition?

  • The energy of this chakra is fueled by any intuitive and spiritual practices, any work with subtle energies - Aura-Soma, Tarot, healing, shamanic travel and other methods. All processes in which you learn to feel more subtly and perceive what is happening more deeply and intuitively.

  • The entire Royal Blue Aura-Soma will help manifest the energies of this chakra. For example, bottle No. 1 and others.

  • Practice acting from a place of high intention to be useful—expanding your sense of connection to the world and your ability to influence it.

  • In groups we work with this chakra using universal techniques - chakra breathing, etc., and sometimes we also do special techniques “for the third eye”.

Money and 7th chakra

If it's important to you:

  • feel the connection between your decisions and actions in the field of finance with more subtle and “higher” matters - spirituality and the meaning of life

  • and also learn to see in the events of the material world manifestations of deeper processes from the sphere of energies and spirituality - work with the “crown” chakra.

This is the chakra responsible for your “direct connection” with the cosmos and spirituality.

How can I support her?

  • All meditations and spiritual practices will move you along your path.

  • All purple Aura-Soma will help bring spirituality and meaning into your daily actions and support you in receiving “answers” ​​from the Universe. For example, these could be bottles No. 1 and No. 16.

  • Universal techniques and practices in groups that activate your energy and work on all chakras will be useful.

Money and 8th chakra

And finally, if the issue of money is inextricably linked for you:

  • with the realization of your destiny in this world

  • with a high Mission

  • if you feel the need not just to earn money, but to serve people and the world through your activities, work with the energies of the eighth chakra.

This chakra is not connected to the body, it is located in the subtle body above the crown. In its sphere of influence are spiritual moments of a very high level, such as divine love and the implementation of the divine plan in our daily affairs.

This energy gives you a feeling of unity with the world, a feeling of divine love and support from above in everything you do.

How can I support her?

  • Here again, various meditations and spiritual practices will help.

  • Aura-Soma of crimson color (raspberry, magenta, dark magenta) will support you on your Path. Bottles #0 and #20 will work. But the dark crimson pomander, by the way, is very helpful for those who “give all of themselves” to people (from children to work, service), and do not know how to take care of themselves and relax.

  • Attentive and loving attitude towards peace, the desire to act for the benefit of other people and increase the amount of light in the world will bring you closer to realizing your purpose and Mission in this life.

That's all! Don’t forget: “pumping” the chakras and all sorts of subtle things is only half the battle. The main thing is how you realize your energies in practical actions every day.

Energy centers are generators of our subtle bodies and each of these generators is, to one degree or another, responsible for our Material well-being! But there are some chakras that have the greatest impact on the process itself associated with earning, retaining and increasing Money in Our lives. And in my opinion, such chakras are Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura (lower chakras) and of course Ajna chakra!
Now let's look at why these particular chakras?

Muladhara chakra is the most basic chakra and this suggests that Muladhara is responsible for our physical level. Muladhara helps a person accumulate material values! Muladhara is responsible for survival, and it is this very survival that forces a person to find possible sources of income and with the help of them increase his Wealth!

Svadhisthana chakra is, first of all, pleasure! And if a person’s svadhisthana works harmoniously, then thanks to it, he can not only earn money using constantly developed communication skills in society, but also get great pleasure from this process! After all, it is the Swadhisthana chakra that is responsible for receiving Joy and Pleasure!

Manipura chakra is the real level of business! After all, it is on Manipur that such interactions as earning, managing and actually holding money take place, with subsequent increase! It is no coincidence that the level of the Manipura chakra is the level of Businessmen and Politicians!

The Ajna chakra is precisely the chakra that allows you to see the goal, with the help of which you can earn money, as well as concentrate as much as possible on this goal. It is no coincidence that it is the ajna chakra that is responsible for our intuition and vision of all processes in our world, without distortion (Pure perception). Therefore, the accumulated concentration, plus pure perception, gives a colossal effect for achieving goals related to making a profit!
We have analyzed which chakras have the greatest impact on our material Well-being, but we would also like to touch upon our attention and pay it to all our (main) chakras, which are also responsible for our material Well-being!

1. Muladhara chakra- responsible for our physical health, for our body. If something is itching somewhere and is constantly distracting, then, as a rule, such a person does not think much about making money, but thinks about how to improve his health!

2. Svadhisthana chakra– is responsible for communications in society, developing connections, communicating and enjoying both communication and all processes in life. So, in order to have the maximum effect from all this, you need finance, which a person tries to earn!

3. Manipura chakra– gives the ability to manage efficiently, as well as the ability to retain power. Manipura helps to organize between people and direct all efforts accordingly, exactly in the right direction! Manipura allows you not only to hold money and skillfully manage it and, as a result, to increase it.

4. Anahata chakra– allows us to learn to give. It is very important to learn to Give! After all, as one of the Laws of the Universe says: By Giving, We Receive!

5. Vishuddha chakra- is responsible for the creative process itself and the creative approach to the business with which we make money. Without a creative approach and the ability to come up with something new, you won’t earn a lot of money. Creativity is a Very Important Key to Big Money.

6. Ajna chakra- is responsible for our concentration on some business through which we get money. Without the work of this chakra, you will not be able to make good money. After all, it is the skill of concentration on some task that allows Maximum amount give energy to the process itself, get involved in some business and actually earn money from this process! After all, as you know: Where there is attention, there is energy!

7. Sahasrara chakra– is responsible for the Divine manifestation in our lives! For receiving insights with which we can earn money in exactly the way that is closest to our Purpose in life!

Here, Friends, I have shared with you only Basic information about the connection between Money and Energy centers (Chakras). To achieve maximum results in obtaining, retaining and increasing material values, absolutely all chakras must work harmoniously.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that in our courses we pay great attention to the harmonization of our energy centers (chakras), so that the very manifestation of the harmonious work of our chakras gives maximum effect, both in material terms and in Spiritual development!

Good luck and prosperity to you!

– Evgeniy Jim –