2 chakra is responsible for what. How to open chakras yourself at home

10.09.2019 Style and fashion

Svadhisthana Chakra is the human energy center responsible for emotional sphere life and sexual instinct. The work of this chakra determines the ability to enjoy any kind of activity.

The projection of Svadhisthana is the groin area, the area two fingers below the navel. In the human body, the Svadhisthana chakra determines the functioning of the genital organs and glands. When working harmoniously, this center gives a person sexuality, attraction to opposite sex, attractiveness, natural magnetism and charm. In case of violations, there is emotional instability, a destructive mood, going to extremes in relation to any pleasures: either into complete rejection and asceticism, or, on the contrary, into promiscuous relationships, a tendency to indulge one’s thirsts, or life in the name of pleasures alone - hedonism.

Keywords: emotions, sexuality, joy, magnetism, charisma, sensuality, sensitivity, sexual instinct, reproduction, conception, beauty and aesthetics of forms, the physical side of love.


  • Orange color;
  • Note: D
  • Stones: carnelian and amber;
  • Day: Monday;
  • Planet: Moon;
  • Element: water;
  • Feeling: taste;
  • Level: astral;
  • Location: pelvic area;
  • Organs: genitourinary system.

Source of universal energy

The vibrations of the Swadhisthana chakra are akin to the energy of water, whose essence is the principle of life, and the key quality is youth. Therefore, owners of a harmonized sexual center retain fresh, elastic skin, toned physical shape and high energy potential for a long time.

It is the Svadhisthana chakra that is the very accumulator of energy from which its further redistribution occurs in all other spheres of human existence. It is for this reason that spiritual and mystical teachings They strongly encourage moderation in sexual relations, so as not to waste limited energy resources on pleasure alone. Yes, sexual intercourse is an energy-consuming process, although it is also tempting. That is why many people fix their consciousness at the level of this chakra, leaving no energy reserve for its further transformation into the spheres of mental and spiritual development.

  • Developed Svadhisthana chakra gives a person sexual attractiveness, charm, the ability to enjoy life, optimism, sociability, flexibility and gentleness.
  • With low spiritual development: the pursuit of pleasure, idleness, hedonism, promiscuity, hysteria, incontinence, a tendency to bad habits and thirsts.
  • For blocks in the Svadhisthana chakra: intolerance towards the opposite sex, complexes in the sexual sphere, enslavement, uncertainty, despondency, pessimistic attitude, lack of desires and interest in life, depression, diseases of the genitourinary system, infertility.

Svadhisthana chakra - the center of emotions

Emotions and feelings produced by consciousness have direct impact to the work of Sadhisthana. After all, this chakra is directly connected with astral body souls. Frequent stay in negative emotional states depress the work of this center, resulting in the formation of energy blocks and clamps that give rise to despondency, hypochondria and depression.

Being the center of emotions, Svadhisthana chakra represents the most vulnerable place in the energy structure of every human being. After all, it is known that emotional instability not only leads to making wrong decisions and taking hasty actions, but also often becomes the cause of illnesses and ailments of the physical body.

The technique of self-observation will help to avoid the latter, during which a person must monitor the presence of his own negative programs and gradually resolve them:

  • eliminating the causes;
  • repenting or forgiving;
  • accepting yourself and others;
  • accepting the world.

A negative program cannot be destroyed, but it can be transformed into a positive, creative one. Instead of being sad, you can think about future prospects; instead of resentment, think about love; and instead of smoking, overtonal singing will do. Try it! The feeling is amazing! 🙂

Svadhisthana chakra for men and women

The qualities of the energies of Svadhisthana, for the most part, correlate with feminine characteristics: softness, smoothness, sensitivity. The element of water, which controls this chakra, is directly related to the Moon - the planet of emotions, the patroness of motherhood and femininity.

Of course, the fact that the Svadhisthana chakra belongs to the female archetype does not mean that this center is not manifested in any way in the male body. Men are also capable of experiencing emotions and showing soft-heartedness. But in the male archetype, rougher energies predominate, aimed at survival in the conditions of the ruthless natural world. Therefore, competition and the pursuit of material things is easier for men. After all, this fully fits into the fundamental tasks of their gender: to ensure security and nutrition for themselves and their family.

But not only to survive, but also to enjoy life at the same time - these are urges emanating from Svadhisthana, whose energies are more withered in the female incarnation. Therefore, men are more severe and ascetic, women are more emotional and addicted to pleasure. Although, of course, there are exceptions such as effeminate men and masculine women, a common reason for this is violations in the program of the human chakra system.

Disturbances of Svadhisthana - chakras. Harmonization

Dysfunction of Svadhisthana leads to despondency and loss of interest in the world around us, and hyperactivity cultivates thirsts that involve a person in the pursuit of sensual pleasures. In general, both are a matter of the level of spiritual and mental development. But narrower and more specific reasons are outlined below in the article.

The main causes of blocks in the Svadhisthana chakra:

  • suppression of natural desires;
  • non-acceptance of the opposite sex;
  • guilt;
  • reluctance to have children;
  • fear of being judged;
  • low self-esteem;
  • self-rejection;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • stressful situations;
  • renunciation of pleasures.

There is only one cure for all of the above - the eternal search for the golden mean - harmony, avoidance of extremes, acceptance, forgiveness and love. Without resolution, the problem does not go away. And in this case, the protective mechanisms of the psyche periodically “give out” compensation. This is similar to the principle of a pendulum. Suppressing desires will one day lead to a breakdown. And the disruption will be stronger, the greater the force spent on suppressing it. Rejection can result in a surge of aggression, the fear of being judged can result in a desire to condemn. However, such reactions do not solve the problem, but only fuel it more. So it turns out that the more we are afraid, the more our fear grows.

Contributes to the harmonization and development of the Svadhisthana chakra:

  • Positive affirmations that set you in a high emotional mood;
  • Positive experiences: delicious food, going to the theater or cinema, spending time in a fun campaign, traveling, festive events, making love, contemplating beauty;
  • Creativity: singing, drawing, writing, cooking, etc.;
  • Self-improvement and work with the subconscious: resolving old contradictions, forgiving grievances, letting go of attachments, working through karmic knots;
  • Meditations with concentration on the Svadhisthana chakra: directing the healing energy of consciousness to the area of ​​the second energy center;
  • Filling your life orange: for example, in clothing or in the interior;
  • Developing the skill to enjoy the moment “here and now”: the taste of life.

A developed Svadhisthana chakra fills a person with great energy potential. But it is worth remembering that no resource is given in vain. The human energy structure is not at all a reservoir for filling with energy, but its conductor. And therefore, only as much energy will be given as is necessary to achieve our goals. In other words - according to the appropriate lifestyle.

Activity and the desire for self-development are the key to the harmonious flow of energy through the human chakra system. However, passivity and laziness, the production of negative thoughts and the cessation of vigorous activity will again lead to a decline in energy levels and immersion in despondency. Therefore, methods of harmonizing the chakras are not a one-time panacea, but rather eternal rules that, for proper effectiveness, should be accepted into your worldview and consolidated as a way of life.

Chakra location: in the pelvic area, between the pubic bones.

Color: mostly orange, but also yellow with a reddish tint. Optional Color: blue.

Symbol: a circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals. Sometimes another one is placed in this circle, and letters are written in it that convey the sound “you”. A stem extends from this circle, symbolizing the connection of the chakra with the other chakras and with universal power. Sometimes a silver-gray crescent is drawn in a circle.

Keywords: change, sexuality, creativity, understanding others, honesty, inner strength, confidence.

Basic principles: creation, reproduction of life.

Internal aspect: emotions, sex. Energy: creation.

Age period of development: between three and eight years.

Element: water.

Feeling: touch and taste.

Sound:"to you".

Body: etheric body.

Nerve plexus: sacrum.

Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: gonads - ovaries, testicles - prostate and lymphatic system.

Body organs associated with chakra: pelvis, lymphatic system, kidneys, gall bladder, genitals and all fluids present in the body (blood, lymph, digestive juices, seminal fluid).

Problems and diseases arising from an imbalance in the chakra: muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual imbalance and lack of libido, infertility, interference and depression, lack of creativity.

Aroma oils: rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine.

: amber, citrine, topaz, Moonstone, fire agate, orange spinel, fire opal.

Following the acquisition of confidence in the future comes the great joy of being. The journey of life continues. The second chakra - Svadhisthana represents an existence full of joy. And if Muladhara, the beginning of beginnings, represents perseverance and confidence, then Svadhisthana is the next stage: receiving material, earthly pleasures.

To be light and pliable, flexible and fluid, like a stream of water that gently warms with its warm waters, and smoothly bending around all obstacles on its way - that’s philosophy and essence of the second chakra. This energy center also has a second name - jalamandala, which comes from the Sanskrit word "jala" - which means "water".

Warm Orange color warms the soul and makes you smile. The activity of the second chakra encourages a person to seek pleasure in everything: the material world seems to be a platform for one great game, whose name is life. And along this entire stretch of the path, your companion will be an orange six-pointed lotus - the womb for the creative unconscious - a white crescent, which in Hinduism is a symbol of Varuna, the Vedic deity of the world's waters.

The well-known organic mineral amber- is the embodiment of Swadhisthana. Literally emerging from the water, sometimes called a “tear of the sea,” this stone contains the energy of the creative center. It is believed that amber has magical property cleanse the soul and body, just as water washes away all the bad things from a person. By harmonizing with the energy of the second chakra, this mineral will also help increase the creative power of the wearer and sharpen life intuition.

Svadhisthana is located in the human body slightly below the navel, near the genitals. Physiologically, the second chakra is responsible for sexual energy and sensual pleasures, as well as for the metabolism of substances and fluids in the body. Diseases of the genitourinary system, reproductive or hormonal changes are the result of any problems in this chakra.

Svadhisthana chakra: information about the work of the chakra.

One of the main functions of the chakra is awareness of another person. If svadhisthana is harmonized, its owner is attentive to people, he respects people’s feelings, looks closely at them. This becomes possible due to the fact that he feels like a complete independent person. As a rule, chakra harmonization is established in early childhood. If parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts love the child, respect his feelings and thoughts, no problems arise. But if a child grows up without love and affection, the chakra malfunctions. In this case, an adult does not want to take care of his family, he is completely fixated on himself, on what is happening inside him. He doesn't care about people's feelings. Often such a person does not feel the difference between the boundaries of his biofield and other people's biofields. Therefore, he shamelessly invades the lives of other people, inflicting mental wounds on them.

All sexual pleasures are concentrated in the second chakra. These feelings should not be confused with the instinct of procreation, for which the first chakra is responsible. We are talking about sexual desire and receiving true pleasure. It is from the sacral chakra that our perception of sexuality in general depends, how we relate to the gender given to us at birth. Swadhisthana helps us evaluate ourselves as men and women, taking into account social norms, age and more. Submitting to the action of the sexual chakra, we become aware of sexual desire, choose partners for ourselves, and receive a wide variety of emotions during sex. The second chakra is one of the most interesting.

On the one hand, it contains those stereotypes that have developed in us over the years, on the other hand, it absorbs the stereotypes common in society. And often these are two opposing points of view. Already in early childhood, each of us begins to absorb sexual norms. We learn what sensuality, naturalness, physical beauty, forbiddenness and sinfulness are. In addition, we begin to distinguish how a man differs from a woman in terms of sexual activity.

The second chakra is where a person’s ability to create arises., create something new, express your bright individuality. It also brings changes into our lives - through curiosity and adventurism. Thanks to the second chakra, each of us remains a curious child throughout our lives, asking a lot of questions, reaching out to the unknown, trying to master the hitherto unknown.

And of course, svadhisthana is responsible for reproductive functions. With its help it is born new life, a little man is born. Despite the fact that he doesn’t know how to do anything yet, he is already a complete person. Half of him consists of what his parents passed on to him on the genetic and spiritual levels, and half is a bright personality that will reveal itself a little later.

Sex chakra helps inherent in a person creativity come out and develop. It is responsible for activating inner strength and allows you to turn seemingly the most fantastic ideas into reality. The easiest way to see the effect of svadhisthana is on a small child. Initially, the initial potential is taken, from which nothing may come of it - this is an egg and a sperm. Thanks to the action of the chakra in the womb of a woman, an embryo develops from this potential. After nine months he becomes a real person and comes out.

What is inner strength expressed in? The fact that we can calmly express our individuality and potential, without fear of how the people around us will react to it, without expecting approval from them. We simply realize our talent as we see fit.

Often people become dependent on the opinions of society. They are afraid that they may be ridiculed and refused to communicate with them. But a person endowed with inner strength will never allow himself to be manipulated. He remains an individual under any circumstances and does not bring his talent to the slaughter of society.

A person with a developed sexual chakra respects wise mentors, takes on experience with pleasure, and learns from more talented people. But at the same time, he will never blindly obey his teachers and bow to them. He will be able to preserve his talent and will not give up on it, even if the whole world opposes it.

A malfunction in the sexual chakra leads to a person becoming weak in spirit. He cannot defend his point of view, tries to follow other (even less talented) people, and is afraid of self-realization.

By the way, it would not be entirely correct to assume that every person with a healthy chakra is opposed to society. He flows into it and is part of it. But, unlike weak people, he does not allow this society to break him or convince him. Such a person realizes himself as he sees fit - for the benefit of society. He tries to make life easier for the people around him, to make sure that peace and tranquility come to their homes.

The originality of the sexual chakra is that it seems to consist of two opposite directions. On the one hand, svadhisthana personifies the desire to preserve individuality, on the other hand, the desire to be part of society. But it seems so from a superficial approach. If you dig deeper, you can understand that our whole life consists of precisely such contradictions. Each person is a whole person. However, it is part of the Universe around us.

The second chakra is also responsible for honesty. How is this quality expressed? In complete freedom from all fears. If the chakra is healthy, a person is not afraid to conduct an internal dialogue with himself. Imbalance leads to uncertainty in the Universe. As a result, people move away from their inner self. They prefer to close their eyes to many things, live in dreams and illusions, deceiving themselves every minute.

Fears and anxieties appear then when a person does not feel love from the Universe. He is not sure of the future, does not feel like a child of heaven and earth. That is why he cannot be honest even to himself. Such a person is very afraid of offending people, hurting them, or expressing his opinion. If a person feels inner strength, he is confident that no one will harm his soul, honesty and sincerity will always be fundamental in his life.

Disturbances in the second chakra.

Problems at the energy level of Svadhisthana There are two types: stagnation and imbalance. In the first case, it is easy to draw an analogy with a swamp - the energy is stagnant and does not move, something is holding back the flows and preventing new movement. This clamp is often a feeling of guilt - it is precisely this that blocks cheerfulness and openness.

Manifestation of excessive seriousness, dryness, lack of interest in life, impotence, pain in the lower abdomen and creative failure - all these are symptoms of stagnation. Another destructive emotion – jealousy – can also be a pressure and a reason for stagnation. This leads to a state of obsession, stagnation of thoughts and emotions on one person, dependence on him and eventually slowly destroys the relationship.

The second type of violation is imbalance, is fraught with no less serious consequences. This is a state of manic excitability and excessive focus on pleasure and hedonism. A person experiences a constant need to search for ever greater sources of pleasure and is not abstinent in sex, food, alcohol and drugs. The apparent euphoria is followed by a loss of strength, because maintaining excess requires a large number of chakra energy.

Chakra malfunction, as a rule, originates from any unpleasant situations that happen at the time of its formation or during the period of puberty. At this time, a person is not sure of his personal sexual attractiveness. He often engages in self-analysis, tries to understand who he is, why he was born a boy or a girl, and learns the differences between the sexes both in sex and at the everyday level.

This is the period of birth of new sexual energies. The man is rushing about, not understanding what is happening. He turns to teachers and parents with questions, but, alas, they often do not know how to answer the questions he has, how to teach him how to manage sexual energy. Often all this ends in the emergence of unhealthy ideas about sex. A person begins to be ashamed of expressing feelings, considers them harmful both for himself and for others, and is afraid to express sexual energy. As a result, there is a severe suppression of sensitivity, lowering self-esteem.

The situation can be complicated by society. A particularly striking negative comes from growing up in a conservative society, where sexuality stands alongside such concepts as “prohibition” and “sin.” In such societies show your sexuality- means committing a crime for which retribution will inevitably come. It is clear that a person does not want to be punished, so he begins to suppress his sexual energy. As a result, not only sexual desire disappears, but also the feeling of joy from every day lived.

If suppression continues for a long time, the ability to sincerely feel and express oneself is destroyed. It becomes extremely difficult for a person to meet the opposite sex and look for sexual partners. The chakra cannot withstand such torture and fails. This leads to a joyless life, chronic fatigue, reluctance to create and create, imbalance and serious complexes.

Let us note right away that none of the desires suppressed by a person ever goes away. In all subtle layers there is a constant conflict between the desire that has arisen and its suppression. The inability to realize what the body wants leads to dissatisfaction with life. In order to somehow compensate for what he lacks, a person at the subconscious level begins to look for substitutes for feelings. This is how attachment to money arises, the desire to eat delicious food, alcoholism, promiscuity without feelings for a partner.

Unbalanced svadhisthana The chakra brings a person to a constant feeling of anxiety. It becomes difficult for him to realize himself. A person does not know what his life path is, how to get there and achieve everything he wants.

It also happens that a person wants to enjoy a relationship, and we are talking not only about sexual relationships, but also about emotional connections. But, alas, no matter what he tries, he cannot find the proper outlet for his emotions and feelings. Desperate, he refuses to build relationships, leads a secluded lifestyle, and complains that he is completely unable to start a family. At the same time, it doesn’t even occur to him that the problem is himself and the weakened sexual chakra.

Problems we face as adults, often comes from our childhood. Many of us, under the influence of harsh parents, cannot express our feelings and restrain sexual desires during puberty. If this happens, the same signal “I cannot express what I want” is constantly sent from our body to space. And then the mirror effect comes into play.

These problems can and should be dealt with. First you need to work with the subconscious. It must stop sending negative requests to the Universe. Instead, the following message should go: “I am capable of open true relationship. I want family and love in my life.” In this case, the Universe will help you realize your desires. In addition to working with the subconscious, attention should also be paid to the sexual chakra. It needs to be harmonized and balanced.

If you suppress sexual desires(both on the physical and emotional levels), making love will not bring the desired pleasure. A person can begin to look for sexual partners only to relieve sexual desire, without feelings and attachments. Sex will turn into hasty copulation. Other rolls may also occur. For example, stream erotic fantasies, inability to experience pleasure without watching erotic films. Often all this is accompanied by a guilt complex.

One thing is for sure. Unbalanced Sex Chakra leads to tension and uncertainty. This can result in ostentatious bravado, in philandering. So if you meet a man on your way who compiles a list of women fascinated by him, know: his svadhisthana chakra is greatly weakened.

If the chakra is disharmonized, a person begins to engage in lynching. Every mistake he makes is subject to careful analysis. He stays awake at night remembering how one of his actions led to problems. As a result, his life is filled with disappointment and shame for what he has done. These feelings may be temporary. But sometimes it happens that these feelings remain with a person for life. The worst thing is that he then begins to treat other people in exactly the same way, condemning them and subjecting them to criticism. One of the main signs that a person is constantly judging himself is the occurrence of kidney stones.

In order for life to become bright and rich, for the creative unconscious to awaken, it is necessary to open the Swadhistan chakra. Achieving Harmony happens gradually, but is accessible right here and now - allow yourself to enjoy all the delights of this life, but only those that have a beneficial effect on the body. Enjoy every day you live and every little thing, act with good intentions and enjoy the process of doing the work itself, and not at all the result. Staying in the present moment, you cannot help but notice the creative beauty of the world and begin to rejoice.

Svadhisthana and the physical body.

The second chakra influences on the pelvic organs, kidneys, lymph flows. Therefore, disharmony can manifest itself in diseases of one of the above organs or in disorders of entire systems. Most often, circulatory problems, muscle spasms, kidney disease, and impotence begin.

The kidneys are most dependent on the functioning of the chakra. They express feelings such as shame, self-criticism, and disappointment. Let us immediately note that each person has his own understanding of what “success” and “failure” are. Each of us has our own criteria for measuring these concepts. And often these are just misconceptions that complicate our lives. What concerns criticism and self-criticism, then here again everything depends only on us. If we cannot pass by another person without criticizing him (at least mentally), then we are gnawing at ourselves. If a person accepts himself completely, he will treat others with understanding.

A person whose sexual chakra works without failure, has a different attitude towards life. He enjoys every day, does not criticize anyone, and sees life as an exciting adventure. He understands that he shouldn’t get too upset about troubles. Any trouble is just a lesson given by life to accumulate experience and correct karma. Having passed it, we will receive the next lesson, and this will happen throughout our lives.

But this does not mean that the owner of a balanced svadhisthana chakra does not experience disappointment at all and does not know what remorse is. No, he is the same person as everyone else. He simply understands that everything in this world is relative and illusory. There are no concepts of “right” and “wrong”. Every action performed by a person is needed for something. Quite possibly, this is one of life's lessons. Or maybe this is a punishment for what he did in a past life.

Exactly svadhisthana chakra is responsible for awareness ourselves as men and as women. It poses questions such as “What is it to be a man? What is it to be a woman? What is the difference between the sexes? Who has more responsibility? Who suffers more in love.” The associations that we have when considering a person of our own and the opposite sex depend on how developed the chakra is.

If a person misunderstands his purpose in the world, if he does not love himself and his body, then he will not love another person. His sexual partners will never hear words of gratitude from him. Moreover, in relation to them, a person will always only have anger and resentment. Oddly enough, these negative emotions can cause genital infections, itching, and inflammatory processes.

If a person is formed in a society in which sex is condemned, in adulthood he will begin to have problems with potency (in men) and with the menstrual cycle (in women). He will want to satisfy his sexual partner, to give him the pleasure he is waiting for. But at the same time, his subconscious will whisper that this is wrong, that it is shameful to have sex.

If you balance the sexual chakra, problems will disappear on their own.

Sex, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, drugs- all this is svadhisthana chakra, and it’s easy to get used to all this. Addiction to habit consumes a person trapped in this chakra, and the thought of pleasure drives away all other thoughts. When you are in a state conditioned by the action of this center, you strive to recreate the pleasure experienced previously. This does not lead to the fulfillment of desire, since there is no instantaneity, spontaneity.

You are turning from the present to the past.

Trying to break the habit also, as a rule, ends in nothing. The harder you fight, the more stronger desire. Accepting pleasure, being constantly aware of it, is the antidote. While enjoying, you lose your head and cease to be aware of your surroundings. A must remain fully conscious and sane during the process of satisfaction. This is completely different from simply giving up an enjoyable experience.

Giving up something means losing a part of your personality, and the longing for the lost feeling will never leave you, you will simply drive it deep. This is, of course, better than simply giving up pleasure as if it never happened.

But concentrating on pleasure Instead of pursuing pleasure, you will leave many temptations behind thanks to the knowledge that the experience itself is no longer a foretaste of it. This awareness obviously arises from the conscious state during pleasure. Not before the feeling of pleasure and not after pleasure, but precisely during.

Chakra can be balanced by wearing crystals, aromatherapy, color therapy. It’s a good idea to use meditation and self-hypnosis in addition to these methods. Thanks to an integrated approach, even the most chronic sexual problems can be solved.

Svadhisthana chakra and lymph.

The sexual chakra has a significant influence on the activity of the lymphatic system. That, in turn, helps the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins. Through lymph flows, vital protein is delivered to the capillaries. In addition, the lymphatic system is responsible for the regeneration of blood plasma. Lymphatic currents permeate the entire physical body; they are a network of tubes of different diameters. Lymphatic centers that distribute lymph flows are concentrated in the most important organs. Human immunity depends on the state of the lymphatic system. As soon as an unwanted virus or bacteria enters the body, the lymphatic centers retain it, preventing it from passing further into the blood.

Surely you remember from your school anatomy course that lymph is an important transport system of the body. Therefore, if the sexual chakra, which is responsible for the lymphatic system, works perfectly, our organs and tissues receive all the necessary nutrients on time. Immunity is strengthened every day. Neither viruses nor bacteria take root in the body. So if you don’t want to constantly catch a cold, meditate and harmonize your sexual chakra. Remember that your physical health depends on it.

To stimulate this chakra, use stones red and orange shades: amber, red jasper, coral, tourmaline.

Step 3: As you imagine the sun rising, focus on the sensation of sunlight starting to emanate from that point. Inhale and exhale it with this chakra. Until you feel that at this point a small sun has lit up in you, filled with bright, masculine energy. Allow the flow of Planetary Yoga to intensify and build as you inhale and exhale from this point, which turns into a sphere. Of course, while breathing, try to “inhale” all the other described parameters (color, size, properties), and slowly begin to feel this point and the waves that it spreads outside and into your body. Feel the energy of pleasure coming from this chakra.

Svadhisthana. Exercise 1 (for women)

Step 1. Take a calm, comfortable position.

Step 2. Move your attention to a point in the body whose projection will be the sacrum.

Step 3: Imagine the Moon. Moonlight. And everything that is inherent in it, and everything that is reflected in you when you see it, at the level of sensations. Inhale and exhale it until a small moon appears inside you, at this point, as full as possible. feminine energy. Of course, in addition to this, “inhale” all the properties of the chakra we described. Feel the energy of pleasure that comes from the chakra. It will be soft orange, a very pleasant color. If difficulties arise with this, then simply allow the pleasure of breathing from this chakra to come.

Practice for revealing Svadhisthana.

The most effective and simplest means of revealing svadhisthana is the practice of concentrating on the area a couple of centimeters below the navel while simultaneously pronouncing the svadhisthana mantra “VAM”.

1.Sit in any comfortable position. You should not torture yourself with the lotus position if it causes discomfort or interferes with relaxation. You can just sit on a chair. It is permissible to practice in other poses as you like. However, lying down causes excessive relaxation, which reduces concentration and causes sleep. Standing, on the contrary, is a rare person who is able to relax sufficiently.

2. Place your hands so that they do not hang and distract attention. If this is too easy for you, then try holding its mudra (Shivalingam mudra) in parallel with concentration on svadhisthana.
Remember, your main task is to maintain concentration; do not perform mudra to the detriment of it, otherwise it will reduce the effectiveness of the practice.

3.Breathe with your stomach, deeply and slowly. Let go of all your problems, throw away depressing thoughts. Rest like this for five minutes.

4. Bring all your attention to the area of ​​your body below your navel.

5.Inhale and then chant the bija mantra (you can listen to the correct pronunciation in the video meditation).

6. Feel the vibration in svadhisthana, imagine how huge streams of energy from space rush there.

We work in a cycle: inhale -> chanting the mantra “YOU” with visualization -> exhale. Concentration is always on the chakra. When pronouncing the sound “M”, the tongue should be pressed to the palate. Strive to keep your attention under control and learn to keep your mind silent. Every thought takes away your attention and reduces the quality of your concentration. As your skills develop, you will be able to concentrate even during a leisurely walk.

Use the visualization of a glowing orange ball in your lower abdomen. This will improve the effectiveness of the svadhisthana exercises, but the main thing here is concentration. Don't be distracted by this if you have a weak imagination.


Clench your right hand into a fist, and thumb point up. Place your right hand on the firm cup, with the fingers of your left hand clasped together. Both hands should be held at the same level as your stomach, with your elbows pointing outward and slightly forward. Right hand will be like a fist with the thumb pointing up, resting on the bowl with your left hand.

Meditation “Golden Bowl”.

I advise you to start every day with MEDITATIONS of the Golden Bowl. Try to see your heart in the form of a golden bowl in your mind's eye. Now imagine all those you love and those who love you.

Imagine the warm golden energy comes from all these people and fills your golden cup. Mentally take in all the beauty that surrounds you every day: a sunset, a child’s laughter, a magnificent painting or wonderful music.

Imagine how the energy of all this beauty flows into your cup. Go to the angelic, spiritual level of consciousness, feel how Divine love is directed towards you and fills your golden cup. Now you can go out into the world and communicate with people. I am sure that you have never been so attractive in your life!

If there are similar problems in your life and you cannot cope with them on your own, I invite you to, where after just one meeting you will clarify the reasons for your difficulties.

For many, the teaching of chakras is more than a metaphor. Recently, not only adherents of Eastern philosophy and esotericism have been talking about them, but also, among others, psychologists, spa therapists, fitness yoga teachers and homeopaths. Many of my friends have recently been “training their chakras” - actively attending relevant trainings - and are not overjoyed with the results. One fell in love, the other stopped having conflicts at work, the third became pregnant.

The most interesting thing for me is how to communicate with the opposite sex at the chakra level. It is believed that the first chakra, muladhara (the one located just below the tailbone, it is also called the “root chakra” and is associated with the color red, the energy of the earth and the planet Mars) is responsible for our stability, connection with the earth, with our roots, ancestors. This chakra circulates the energy of survival, procreation, the ability to take risks and solve problems. If it is blocked, then the ground under your feet disappears, you feel like a victim of circumstances, your lower back hurts, problems with your legs, joints, and endless injuries begin. Fortunately, it is not so difficult for a woman to unblock this chakra - just learn to let a man take care of you. This chakra is male, the energy in it moves clockwise (this is the yang direction), and in men it should be active, and in women it should be passive. Muladhara is, first of all, the satisfaction of basic material needs, and according to the principle of energy exchange, it is better if the responsibility for this lies with the man. According to the teachings of the chakras, a man's mission is to provide his woman with basic safety, comfort and protection. Then it will be able to be successfully implemented in other areas. And the woman’s task is to charge it with energy at the level of the next, second chakra – svadhisthana. It is located approximately 5 cm below the navel (in women - at the level of the uterus) and, conversely, ideally should be active in girls and passive in boys. This chakra (it is associated with the energy of water, which is the feminine element, and the color orange, and is ruled by Venus) is responsible for pleasure, sensuality and sensitivity, tenderness, the ability to receive pleasure, for beauty, for accepting oneself (primarily one’s body ) and for creativity.

When the second chakra is blocked, we experience guilt, cannot “let go” of ourselves during sex, doubt our own attractiveness and solve endless problems with female organs and kidneys. And if energy flows freely there, a woman is able to endlessly give a man pleasure - through touch, sex, delicious food, warm house, care and tenderness.

At the level of the third chakra - manipura ( yellow, fire energy, Sun) – energy is transformed and returns from man to woman. This center, responsible for social status, money, willpower, control and perseverance in achieving goals, should be active in men and passive in women. For many modern women(and, as it turns out, I have problems too) with this. We want, as they say in America, to have it all - to take an active position in life and control the situation. There is nothing wrong with this if... the desire to control does not go off scale and we know how to switch in time. Back pain, especially in the center of the spine or in the diaphragm area, constipation, gastritis and other problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as anxiety and worry about the future are all signs that the third chakra is blocked. According to energy laws, being afraid of losing money and work is very harmful - especially for a woman. This is how we lose strength and, most likely, sooner or later we may actually be left without funds. Money and status will come - on their own or through your man. You just need to trust the world more.

One of the most important “female” chakras is the fourth, anahata (emerald color, air energy, planet Moon), which is located at the level of the heart. Anahata is responsible for the ability to experience compassion and love - unconditionally and limitlessly, as well as to charge a man with emotions, inspiration, while accepting him for who he is. It is believed that when a relationship is built on the fourth chakra, that is, you are connected not only by sex (this is a union on the first chakra, such relationships are the most fleeting), not by the desire for comfort and pleasure (relationships on the second chakra) and not by social status (connection on the third chakra) - they have a chance to be truly harmonious. It is also believed that this chakra is associated with our relationship with our parents - the left side of the heart is connected with the mother, and the right with the father. If you are able to experience a state of causeless childish joy, regardless of the weather and other circumstances, most likely your heart chakra is open. Dejection, aggression, the desire to please everyone, a feeling of “emptiness” in the heart, the need for self-affirmation, psychological insufficiency, and on the physical level, problems with the lungs and upper parts of the spine are signs that there is not enough energy in this center.

The fifth chakra, “vishuddha” (blue color, etheric energy, planet Mercury) is again masculine. This center controls self-expression, the ability to persuade and lead, generate and implement ideas, and achieve success in society. If this area is blocked, there is a lump in the throat, difficulty expressing an opinion, runny nose, sore throat, problems with teeth, thyroid gland, chronic tension in the shoulders and neck.

Sixth chakra, ajna ( Blue colour, planet Saturn), is another energy center that women first of all need to develop. It is located between the eyebrows, at the level of the “third eye”, and is responsible for intuition, wisdom, insight, the ability to trust yourself, listen to your inner voice, feel other people - first of all, your man, adapting to him and gently controlling him, more precisely , directing. Energy deficiency here includes headaches, vision problems, depression, a feeling of being lost and lacking a purpose in life, or when we live too much in our heads.

Finally, there is the seventh, “genderless” chakra called sarashara. It is located in the crown area and is responsible for communication with the cosmos, highest spiritual realization and unity with God. True, mystics say that most modern people this area is closed.

How to “pump up” chakras?

Natalya Ignatova, presenter of women's trainings

I have my own center where, among other things, I teach classes on the “Orgasm Reflex,” which helps to “pump up” primarily the first and second chakras. This practice was invented by the Austrian psychotherapist, Freud's student Wilhelm Reich, who believed that by unblocking muscle tension in the area intimate organs arising as a result of parental prohibitions, we release orgasmic energy. The more of this energy you have and the more freely it circulates in your body, the more intense the sex, the higher your creativity, and the more successful you are in life. I watch all the time how, after the “Orgasm Reflex,” girls’ gait, gaze, and complexion change; they become a magnet for men. If you don’t like training, try a simple chakra breathing exercise at home. Sit back, close your eyes, tune in to your breathing. Spend two minutes on each chakra. If you find it difficult to mentally “fill” your chakra with its inherent color, it may be weakened or blocked.

  • Sit back, close your eyes, listen to your breathing. Bring your attention to the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Feel your tailbone, sacrum, pelvic floor, relax your perineum and breathe, directing your attention to these areas, filling this space with red color through your breath.
  • Mentally move to the second chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and in the center of the pelvis, begin to breathe into this place, filling it with orange - about two minutes.
  • Bring your attention to the solar plexus area. Concentrate not only on the front of the body, but also listen to the sensations at the back, in the center of the spine, filling this space with the color yellow using your breath.
  • Bring your attention to the chest area, to its center. This is the heart chakra, slowly fill it with green.
  • Go to the throat, the area of ​​the fifth chakra. Feel the back of your neck, while relaxing the cervical vertebrae, filling this area with blue.
  • Bring your attention to the sixth chakra, which is located between the eyebrows. Fill the brain area with blue.
  • Focus on the seventh chakra, it is at the crown and above your head. Fill this area with purple.

Svadhisthana chakra (sexual)
where is it, location

Location. Where is:

2, the second chakra (svadhisthana) is located above the pubic region, 3-4 cm below the navel. The base of the chakra is an oval, which can vary in diameter from 5-7 mm to 10-15 cm.

The second chakra is also called the sexual chakra or the sex chakra, sometimes the orange chakra according to its color. You can also sometimes find the name of this chakra spelled with an additional letter “x” - svadhisthana.

Meaning. What he is responsible for:

  • 2nd chakra - svadhisthana - is responsible for human sexual energy, for the search for pleasure, sensual and sexual activity. From this energy center we send and receive sexual sensations - sexual desire, sexuality. By the ages of 12–15, the center reaches its maximum development.
  • Chakra 2 (sexual, gender) is responsible for contact with the opposite sex, sexual attractiveness, personal magnetism, energy, sociability and a positive attitude, as well as sex and money.
  • The svadhisthana chakra gives energy to the entire physical body; the basic vital energy of a person is born here, which then feeds all human organs and systems through a distributed energy network
  • Svadhisthana chakra is most susceptible to damage and the evil eye. Psychological problems in the family greatly affect the activities of this center.

The energy of the second chakra (sexual, gender) corresponds to the element of Water, therefore it is most actively expressed in women, as natural representatives of this element. Nature has endowed a woman with this energy to a greater extent so that she can become a source of this energy for a man, who in turn is a source of support and stability (the energy of the first chakra) for a woman. Her success in life, her ability to build harmonious relationships with men and create a prosperous family depend on how sexy, feminine and positively emotional a woman is. In accordance with the described natural energy distribution, a woman in a relationship, as a rule, is a source of “energy nutrition” for a man, receiving from him in return another resource - stability.

Svadhisthana chakra.
Orange color

Description and main characteristics of the svadhisthana chakra:

Orange color

Note – RE

Element – ​​Water

Number of petals – 6

A petal is a self-oscillation that occurs in an oscillatory circuit,
if we consider the electromagnetic analogy of chakra activity.

Taste – astringent (analogous to unripe persimmon)

Smell – ylang-ylang

Crystals and minerals – amber, carnelian, fire agate, moonstone, fire opal

Translation from Sanskrit - “own housing”, “receptacle of energy”

Correspondence of the 2nd chakra to the organs and systems of the body:

Body systems: reproductive and excretory systems, coordination and coordinated work of all internal organs, intestinal motility.


  • Liver
  • Right kidney
  • Intestines
  • Reproductive organs

Levels of development of the svadhisthana chakra (sexual):

With low Spiritual development of the sexual (gender) chakra: lust, insatiable desire for sex, drugs, alcohol, food and other stimulating sensations, limited consciousness, lack of compassion, desire for destruction, aggressiveness, incontinence, hysteria, capriciousness, poverty, contempt, suspicion.

Second chakra and emotions:

Fears: fear of a person of the opposite sex, his activity, relationships, fear of his Nature, fear of his sexual activity.

Norm: pleasure from the Natural, bodily, sexual form of communication, taking into account the interests of the incarnate Spirit in sex, soft, balanced sensual enjoyment of life.

Passions: intolerance of gender, intolerance of genetic kind.

Polarization of the svadhisthana chakra in men and women. The problem of cheating:

Differences in the polarization of the sexual chakra (2nd chakra) in men and women

In men 2, the second chakra (sexual, gender) is omnidirectional, that is, it does not have a vector of preferential orientation. A similar energy-information structure of the svadhisthana chakra in men determines their natural polygamy in matters of relationships and sexual interactions. Being omnidirectional, a man's second chakra can easily change from one woman to another without any inertia. Sex for a man is, first of all, a source of energy nutrition - an energy “refueling” and may well occur without a feeling of love for the object of sexual pleasure.

In a woman, the second chakra is polarized. The orientation vector of the svadhisthana chakra in a woman is always directed towards the last sexual partner or the genetic father (until the moment of the first sexual relationship with a man). The “reversal” of the orientation of a woman’s sexual chakra (gender) towards a specific man occurs only after the woman’s sixth (intellectual) and fourth (emotional) chakras have oriented towards him. This is why for most women, sex without a feeling of love (4th chakra) and without interest in the personality of your partner (6th chakra) is unacceptable. For most men, sex is only an act of physical pleasure and energy nutrition, which does not require a mandatory feeling of love and interest in the personality of their partner in order to engage in it, although the presence of these components is also valued by men, but only when building a serious relationship.

The different energy-information structure of the sexual chakra (second chakra) in men and women largely explains the problem of infidelity, namely the different attitude towards male and female infidelity from the point of view of the physics of polarization and reconfiguration of chakras.

You can learn more about the energy-informational aspects of relationships between men and women

Amplitude-frequency characteristic of the second chakra (svadhisthana):

This characteristic reflects the dynamic state of the levels of absorption and emission of energy 2 by the second chakra (sexual, gender) of the person being diagnosed.

You can learn more about this method of energy-information scanning of human chakras (removing the amplitude-frequency response - frequency response)

Offset to "+" area
A shift to the right of the 2nd chakra indicates an excess of sexual energy.

This can lead to hysteria and rapid aging in women, as well as “spermatotoxicosis” in men. Also, a consequence of such a long-term displacement of the sex chakra in the “+” area is ovarian cystosis, premature ejaculation, diarrhea, and hypertension.

Offset to "-" area
A shift in the svadhistana of the chakra “to the minus” indicates a destructive state of the chakra and a lack of sexual energy.

The second chakra is the center of fusion of the energy of the Earth and the energy of the Cosmos in the human body. Therefore, without the normal functioning of the second chakra there is no health. Failures are inherited or appear as a result of stress, primarily sexually motivated, during sex with an energy-insufficient partner, or during multiple sexual relationships. The technique of separation from former sexual partners is presented

A long-term shift in the characteristics of the sex chakra to the negative area causes obstruction fallopian tubes, uterine tumors. Varicocele, phimosis, infertility, painful periods, impotence, frigidity. Chlamydia, thrush, genital herpes, constipation, hypotension.

The second chakra is located in the sacral region, in the bone that connects the lumbar spine to the coccyx and pelvis. She matches reproductive organs, kidneys and adrenal glands. Where the sacral chakra is located, a person’s sexual energy is concentrated. However, this energy flow originates in ( Muladhare).

If it functions well, Swadhisthana is unlikely to malfunction. If there are problems with Muladhara, most likely, it will soon be possible to notice irregularities in work Swadhistans. Muladhara ensures reproductive function and the desire to procreate, and Svadhisthana- guarantees pleasure and direct attraction to the opposite sex. But, despite this, the second chakra is also responsible for the conception of life.

Her element is water, so everything related to flexibility and the ability to go with the flow of life is connected with her. Our children and everything else we create comes from this energy center. The color of Svadhisthana is orange. Orange chakra corresponds to etheric body- one of the seven human bodies, each of which has a correspondence with one of the seven chakras.

One of the fundamental functions of the sexuality chakra- acceptance of yourself, other people and the relationship between you and the world. It determines how a person will perceive his sexuality and how he will feel the gender given to him at birth. By using Swadhistans he will perceive himself as a man or a woman, taking into account social norms, position in society, age and other factors.

Its action influences the choice of sexual partners, awareness of sexual desire and the receipt of emotions during sexual contacts. Sexual norms, the concept of physical beauty, naturalness, forbiddenness and sinfulness - all these concepts are somehow connected with this chakra.

It's interesting that the scope Swadhistans get in and stereotypes- those that a person has accumulated over the years of his life, and those that are common in society without any of its influence. Sometimes these are completely different points of view. Besides, Svadhisthana is responsible for the ability to create and create, expressing one’s individuality .

We owe it to her for the life changes we achieve through curiosity and adventurism. This chakra allows the creative abilities inherent in every person to come out. The activation of energy that is necessary to bring ideas to life also occurs in it.

How to open the sexual chakra and why it is needed

The sexual chakra develops naturally aged 3 to 8 years. If the child's immediate family respects him and treats his feelings and needs with love and understanding, she will develop harmoniously.

Disharmony of the sexual chakra manifests itself when a child grows up without love, and his parents behave too restrained towards each other and towards him.

Disturbances in the flow of sexual energy can also occur during adolescence- this is a time of doubt about one’s sexual attractiveness; it is during adolescence that such complexes are formed. In addition, at this time the child begins to think about the differences between the female and male sexes - both at the everyday level and in relationships.

In adolescence, the role of parents in the correct formation of sexual energy is also important. The child asks questions to teachers and parents - people whom he trusts and initially does not feel embarrassed in communicating with them.

The teenager’s idea of ​​sex, as well as the ability to manage sexual energy, will depend on the behavior of the parents. The wrong line of behavior can cause a decrease in self-esteem, the appearance of complexes and phobias, fear of relationships with the opposite sex, and a misconception about the physical side of love in general.

How does a healthy sexual chakra manifest itself?

A person with a healthy sexual chakra is attentive to other people, respects their feelings and is interested in love and friendships. He feels like a full-fledged person.

A developed second chakra makes a person curious, striving to learn something unknown, to master something that no one has ever thought of before. He always behaves naturally, without experiencing any tension when communicating.

People without sexual chakra blocks easily adapt to any changes. They know how to look for the positive in any situation. Most likely, such a person will react with curiosity and joy to changes in life. Even if they are not too positive, sooner or later changes for this person will become a kind of springboard for further achievements.

He perceives any incident as an exciting adventure. Even everyday activities make him happy. If you know how to enjoy tasty food, emotions and feelings, sex or learning, your sexual chakra is in perfect order.

If the second chakra is in a healthy state, the person is a bright individual. He is not afraid of other people's opinions, he is not afraid to express his opinion and defend his ideas. Such individuals do not expect approval from others; they do what they love exclusively for themselves. Other people's attention can be a pleasant bonus, but not the goal.

This does not mean that the individual is not part of society. She harmoniously blends into her environment, not allowing herself to be broken or re-educated. In addition, a person will strive to realize his talent in such a way as to benefit society. He maintains his individuality by being part of society, caring and supporting loved ones.

People with harmonious Svadhisthana cannot be manipulated. He will always do only what he thinks is right. Such individuals respect talented mentors and are happy to immerse themselves in the learning process. However, they will not blindly obey them. At the same time, a person with healthy Svadhisthana cannot be called an egoist.

People have no problems with Svadhisthana easily meet representatives of the opposite sex. They don't feel awkward or embarrassed. If the acquaintance does not end well, you can easily forget about this trouble without dwelling on it.

Such a person will never use his sexual attractiveness to achieve any goal. She considers her external characteristics and charm to be suitable only for expressing the feelings she feels towards her loved one. Passion for such a person is one of the important components of happiness.

Signs of gender chakra disharmony

Problems with the sex chakra are expressed at the physiological level: infertility, impotence and depression. Muscle spasms and allergic reactions are also possible. In addition, as is the case with Muladhara chakra, chronic constipation is likely. Chronic fatigue is also quite likely, mainly due to problems in relationships with the opposite sex.

A person who would do well to learn about how to develop the sexual chakra is rarely confident in himself, those around him, and the whole world. If disharmony manifested itself in childhood, in adulthood he will not have the desire to take care of his relatives. Such individuals often become fixated only on themselves and their needs.

They don't care about other people's feelings. In addition, such a person may have a tendency to unceremoniously invade the living space of others, without taking seriously the harm that he causes. People with gender chakra disorders do not feel the boundaries between their biofield and the biofield of other people.

Malfunctions of the sex chakra lead to weakness of spirit. A person is afraid of self-realization and strives to follow in the footsteps of other people, even if they turn out to be less talented than himself. He is not able to defend his point of view; such people are easy to control.

With disharmony of the sex chakra, the ability to feel and express emotions gradually disappears. Dating is a big problem for such a person. Finding sexual partners is difficult because he does not know how to express his sexuality. Unsuccessful attempts to fix personal life lead to even greater problems with sacral chakra. Complexes gradually form, negative thinking and disappointment in the opposite sex appear.

Sooner or later, sexual desires that are not satisfied will be suppressed. A person begins to replace them with other pleasures, for example, food, alcohol, attachment to money and luxury. Sometimes the opposite state of affairs occurs - violations Swadhistans push to numerous sexual relations without obligations and feelings. Such personalities like to brag about their exploits on the love front, compile lists of conquered ladies or gentlemen.

There is often a desire to receive emotions and physical pleasure from relationships, but such people are not capable of building a family. Sooner or later, this leads to disappointment in the marriage, and the individual may not understand that the problem lies with himself and his sex chakra.

Other violations that relate to sexual life are also common. If Svadhisthana is not in harmony, the development of sexual deviations becomes likely. For example, the inability to get aroused without watching an erotic film. Deviations are often accompanied by feelings of guilt. They can also be serious, related to violation of the law.

People with Svadhisthana disorders are characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety. They don't understand what their life path should be.

Such individuals do not see ways to achieve their desired goals, and sometimes they do not even understand what specific goals they should pursue. Therefore, it is difficult for a person with a block of the sexual chakra to realize himself.

Svadhisthana is responsible for the ability to attract sexual partners and enjoy relationships with them. However, not only physical pleasures are on the list of its functions; much depends on this energy center of the human subtle body. Its development is accessible to everyone; the opening of the sexuality chakra cannot be called difficult.

Methods for opening the first chakra

  1. Exercises and meditations.
  2. Mantras are one of the ways to develop chakras. However, there is a nuance - you need to develop all seven chakras, and not just one or two, which seem the most promising. The fact is that all chakras are connected to each other. Each of them plays its own role, but together they form a single energy structure of a person. Problems in the functioning of one chakra will inevitably affect the functioning of other energy nodes.
  3. Aromatherapy is a simple way to develop the second chakra of Svadhisthana. It is available to everyone. You can use both oils and incense for their intended purpose. Can " use» scents in their place of origin, somewhere in nature or in the garden, if you have one. The aromas of rosemary, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood and jasmine correspond to the sexual chakra. Aromatherapy, working with mantras, as well as meditation and yoga techniques for developing the chakras are perfectly combined with working with stones and minerals. They also influence the development of the chakras. The sex chakra corresponds to moonstone, as well as all yellow and orange minerals. One should not underestimate yogic teachings; there are special yogic techniques for opening the chakras in general and Swadhistans in particular.
  4. Massage and self-massage are useful in working on the opening or development of the sexual energy center. The main thing is that you have fun and distract yourself from the unpleasant emotions that have accumulated during the day. You can choose any massage technique. Bodily pleasures are extremely important for this chakra. For example, take frequent bubble baths and focus on enjoying the process.
  5. Proper nutrition for development Swadhistans . This chakra seriously depends on a person’s diet. If he gives preference only to junk food, she will tend to disharmony. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon pleasant and tasty surprises. Balance your diet, exclude what you can easily do without. Don't forget about nice looking table settings. Eat and drink mindfully, not automatically, and focus on enjoying your food and drink.
  6. And