What happens after death according to scientists. Is there life after death? Here are eyewitness stories

01.08.2019 Sport

Human nature will never be able to come to terms with the fact that immortality is impossible. Moreover, the immortality of the soul is an indisputable fact for many. And more recently, scientists have discovered evidence that physical death is not the absolute end of human existence and that there is still something beyond the boundaries of life.

One can imagine how such a discovery delighted people. After all, death, like birth, is the most mysterious and unknown state of a person. There are a lot of questions associated with them. For example, why a person is born and starts life from scratch, why he dies, etc.

A person throughout his entire adult life has been trying to deceive fate in order to prolong his existence in this world. Humanity is trying to calculate the formula for immortality in order to understand whether the words “death” and “end” are synonymous.

However, recent research has brought science and religion into one: death is not the end. After all, only beyond life can a person discover new uniform being. Moreover, scientists are sure that every person can remember his past life. And this means that death is not the end, and there, beyond the line, there is another life. Unknown to humanity, but life.

However, if the transmigration of souls exists, it means that a person must remember not only all his previous lives, but also death, while not everyone can survive this experience.

The phenomenon of the transfer of consciousness from one physical shell to another has been exciting the minds of mankind for many centuries. The first mentions of reincarnation are found in the Vedas - the most ancient scriptures x Hinduism.

According to the Vedas, any living being resides in two material bodies - the gross and the subtle. And they function only due to the presence of the soul in them. When the gross body finally wears out and becomes unusable, the soul leaves it in another - the subtle body. This is death. And when the soul finds a new physical body that is suitable for its mentality, the miracle of birth occurs.

The transition from one body to another, moreover, the transfer of the same physical defects from one life to another, was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. He began studying the mysterious experience of reincarnation back in the sixties of the last century. Stevenson analyzed more than two thousand cases of unique reincarnation in different parts of the planet. While conducting research, the scientist came to a sensational conclusion. It turns out that those who have survived reincarnation will have the same defects in their new incarnations as they had in their previous life. These could be scars or moles, stuttering or another defect.

Incredibly, the scientist’s conclusions can only mean one thing: after death, everyone is destined to be born again, but in a different time. Moreover, a third of the children Stevenson studied had birth defects. Thus, a boy with a rough growth on the back of his head, under hypnosis, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death with an ax. Stevenson found a family where a man who had been killed with an ax actually once lived. And the nature of his wound was like a pattern for a scar on the boy’s head.

Another child, who seemed to have been born with chopped off fingers, said that he was injured during field work. And again there were people who confirmed to Stevenson that one day a man died in a field from loss of blood when his fingers got caught in a threshing machine.

Thanks to the research of Professor Stevenson, supporters of the theory of transmigration of souls consider reincarnation to be a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, they claim that almost every person is able to view their past lives even in their sleep.

And the state of déjà vu, when suddenly there is a feeling that somewhere this has already happened to a person, may well be a flash of memory of previous lives.

First scientific explanation Tsiolkovsky gave the idea that life does not end with the physical death of a person. He argued that absolute death is impossible because the Universe is alive. And Tsiolkovsky described the souls that left their corruptible bodies as indivisible atoms wandering throughout the Universe. This was the first scientific theory about the immortality of the soul, according to which the death of the physical body does not mean the complete disappearance of the consciousness of the deceased person.

But modern science Mere belief in the immortality of the soul is, of course, not enough. Humanity still does not agree that physical death is invincible, and is strenuously looking for weapons against it.

Proof of life after death for some scientists is the unique experiment of cryonics, where the human body is frozen and kept in liquid nitrogen until techniques are found to restore any damaged cells and tissues in the body. And recent research by scientists proves that such technologies have already been found, although only a small part of these developments is publicly available. The results of the main studies are kept confidential. One could only dream of such technologies ten years ago.

Today, science can already freeze a person in order to revive him at the right moment, creates a controlled model of a robot-Avatar, but he still has no idea how to resettle a soul. This means that at one point humanity may face a huge problem - the creation of soulless machines that will never be able to replace humans.

Therefore, today, scientists are sure, cryonics is the only method for the revival of the human race.

In Russia, only three people used it. They are frozen and awaiting the future, eighteen more have signed a contract for cryopreservation after death.

Scientists began to think that the death of a living organism can be prevented by freezing several centuries ago. The first scientific experiments on freezing animals were carried out back in the seventeenth century, but only three hundred years later, in 1962, the American physicist Robert Ettinger finally promised people what they had dreamed of throughout human history - immortality.

The professor proposed freezing people immediately after death and storing them in this state until science finds a way to resurrect the dead. Then the frozen ones can be thawed and revived. According to scientists, a person will retain absolutely everything, it will still be the same person who was before death. And the same thing will happen to his soul that happens to it in the hospital when the patient is resuscitated.

All that remains is to decide what age to enter in the new citizen’s passport. After all, resurrection can occur either after twenty or after a hundred or two hundred years.

The famous geneticist Gennady Berdyshev suggests that the development of such technologies will take another fifty years. But the scientist has no doubt that immortality is a reality.

Today Gennady Berdyshev has built a pyramid at his dacha, an exact copy of the Egyptian one, but from logs, in which he is going to lose his years. According to Berdyshev, the pyramid is a unique hospital where time stops. Its proportions are strictly calculated according to the ancient formula. Gennady Dmitrievich assures: it is enough to spend fifteen minutes a day inside such a pyramid, and the years will begin to count down.

But the pyramid is not the only ingredient in this eminent scientist’s recipe for longevity. He knows, if not everything, then almost everything about the secrets of youth. Back in 1977, he became one of the initiators of the opening of the Institute of Juvenology in Moscow. Gennady Dmitrievich led a group of Korean doctors who rejuvenated Kim Il Sung. He was even able to extend the life of the Korean leader to ninety-two years.

Just a few centuries ago, life expectancy on Earth, for example in Europe, did not exceed forty years. Modern man the average lifespan is sixty to seventy years, but even this time is catastrophically short. And recently, the opinions of scientists converge: the biological program for a person is to live at least one hundred and twenty years. In this case, it turns out that humanity simply does not live to reach its true old age.

Some experts are confident that the processes occurring in the body at the age of seventy are premature old age. Russian scientists were the first in the world to develop a unique medicine that prolongs life to one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty years, which means it cures old age. The peptide bioregulators contained in the medicine restore damaged areas of cells, and biological age person increases.

As reincarnation psychologists and therapists say, a person’s life lived is connected with his death. For example, a person who does not believe in God and leads a completely “earthly” life, which means he is afraid of death, most of does not realize that he is dying, and after death he finds himself in a “gray space”.

At the same time, the soul retains the memory of all its past incarnations. And this experience leaves its mark on new life. And training on memories from past lives helps to understand the causes of failures, problems and illnesses that people often cannot cope with on their own. Experts say that after seeing their mistakes in past lives, people in their present lives begin to be more conscious about their decisions.

Visions from a past life prove that there is a huge information field in the Universe. After all, the law of conservation of energy says that nothing in life disappears anywhere or appears from nothing, but only passes from one state to another.

This means that after death, each of us turns into something like a clot of energy, carrying all the information about past incarnations, which is then again embodied in a new form of life.

And it is quite possible that someday we will be born in another time and in another space. And remembering your past life is useful not only to remember past problems, but also to think about your purpose.

Death is still stronger than life, but under the pressure of scientific developments its defenses are weakening. And who knows, the time may come when death will open the way for us to another - eternal life.

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death.

They discovered that consciousness can continue after death.

Read also:Scientists: consciousness remains after death

Although there is a lot of skepticism surrounding this topic, there are testimonies from people who have had this experience that will make you think about it.

Although these conclusions are not definitive, you may begin to doubt that death is, in fact, the end of everything.

Is there life after death?

1. Consciousness continues after death

Dr. Sam Parnia - professor who studied experience clinical death and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive brain death when there is no blood flow to the brain and there is no electrical activity.

Since 2008, he has collected extensive evidence of near-death experiences that occurred when a person's brain was no more active than a loaf of bread.

Judging by the visions conscious awareness lasted up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain usually shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart stops.

2. Out-of-body experience

You may have heard people talk about the feeling of separation from your own body, and they seemed like a fantasy to you. American singer Pam Reynolds spoke about her out-of-body experience during brain surgery, which she experienced at the age of 35.

She was placed in an induced coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and her brain was virtually deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed and headphones were inserted into her ears, drowning out sounds.

Floating above your body she was able to observe her own operation. The description was very clear. She heard someone say: " Her arteries are too small", and the song played in the background " Hotel California"by The Eagles.

The doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pam told about her experience.

3. Meeting with the dead

One of the classic examples of near-death experiences is meeting deceased relatives on the other side.

Researcher Bruce Grayson(Bruce Grayson) believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death is not just vivid hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives far exceeded the number of those who met living people.

Moreover, there have been several cases where people have encountered a dead relative on the other side without knowing that the person had died.

Life after death: facts

4. Borderline Reality

Internationally recognized Belgian neurologist Stephen Laureys(Steven Laureys) does not believe in life after death. He believes that all near-death experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.

Laureys and his team expected that near-death experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and would fade from memory over time.

However, he discovered that Memories of clinical death remain fresh and vivid regardless of the passage of time and sometimes even overshadow memories of real events.

5. Similarity

In one study, researchers asked 344 patients who had experienced cardiac arrest to describe their experiences in the week following resuscitation.

Of all the people surveyed, 18% could hardly remember their experience, and 8-12 % gave a classic example of near-death experiences. This means that from 28 to 41 people
Not related friend with a friend,
from different hospitals recalled almost the same experience.

6. Personality changes

Dutch explorer Pim van Lommel(Pim van Lommel) studied the memories of people who experienced clinical death.

According to the results, many people have lost their fear of death, become happier, more positive and more sociable. Almost everyone spoke of near-death experiences as a positive experience that further impacted their lives over time.

Life after death: evidence

7. First-hand memories

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his mind about near-death experiences. He stated that he saw something that was difficult to believe.

He said that he saw light and a melody emanating from there, he saw something similar to a portal into a magnificent reality, filled with waterfalls of indescribable colors and millions of butterflies flying across this scene. However, his brain was switched off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have had any glimpses of consciousness.

Many have questioned Dr. Eben's words, but if he is telling the truth, perhaps his experiences and those of others should not be ignored.

8. Visions of the Blind

They interviewed 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Moreover, 14 of them were blind from birth.

However, they all described visual image s during your experiences, be it a tunnel of light, deceased relatives, or observing your body from above.

9. Quantum physics

According to the professor Robert Lanza(Robert Lanza) all possibilities in the universe happen at the same time. But when the “observer” decides to look, all these possibilities come down to one, which happens in our world.

Scientists have reached the afterlife.

Scientists have evidence of the existence of life after death. They discovered that consciousness can continue after death.

Although there is a lot of skepticism surrounding this topic, there are testimonies from people who have had this experience that will make you think about it.

Although these conclusions are not definitive, you may begin to doubt that death is, in fact, the end of everything.

Is there life after death?

1. Consciousness continues after death

Dr. Sam Parnia, a professor who has studied near-death experiences and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, believes that a person's consciousness can survive brain death when there is no blood flow to the brain and there is no electrical activity.

Since 2008, he has collected extensive evidence of near-death experiences that occurred when a person's brain was no more active than a loaf of bread.

Based on the visions, conscious awareness persisted for up to three minutes after the heart stopped, although the brain usually shuts down within 20 to 30 seconds after the heart stops.

2. Out-of-body experience

You may have heard people talk about the feeling of separation from your own body, and they seemed like a fantasy to you. American singer Pam Reynolds spoke about her out-of-body experience during brain surgery, which she experienced at the age of 35.

She was placed in an induced coma, her body was cooled to 15 degrees Celsius, and her brain was virtually deprived of blood supply. In addition, her eyes were closed and headphones were inserted into her ears, drowning out sounds.

Hovering above her body, she was able to observe her own operation. The description was very clear. She heard someone say, “Her arteries are too small,” while the song “Hotel California” by The Eagles played in the background.

The doctors themselves were shocked by all the details that Pam told about her experience.

3. Meeting with the dead

One of the classic examples of near-death experiences is meeting deceased relatives on the other side.

Researcher Bruce Grayson believes that what we see when we are in a state of clinical death is not just vivid hallucinations. In 2013, he published a study in which he indicated that the number of patients who met deceased relatives far exceeded the number of those who met living people.
Moreover, there have been several cases where people have encountered a dead relative on the other side without knowing that the person had died.

4. Borderline Reality

Internationally recognized Belgian neurologist Steven Laureys does not believe in life after death. He believes that all near-death experiences can be explained through physical phenomena.

Laureys and his team expected that near-death experiences would be similar to dreams or hallucinations and would fade from memory over time.

However, he discovered that memories of near-death experiences remain fresh and vivid regardless of the passage of time and sometimes even outshine memories of actual events.

5. Similarity

In one study, researchers asked 344 patients who had experienced cardiac arrest to describe their experiences in the week following resuscitation.

Of all the people surveyed, 18% had difficulty remembering their experience, and 8-12% gave the classic example of a near-death experience. This means that between 28 and 41 unrelated people from different hospitals recalled essentially the same experience.

6. Personality changes

Dutch researcher Pim van Lommel studied the memories of people who experienced clinical death.

According to the results, many people lost their fear of death and became happier, more positive and more sociable. Almost everyone spoke of near-death experiences as a positive experience that further impacted their lives over time.

7. First-hand memories

American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma in 2008, which changed his opinion about near-death experiences. He stated that he saw something that was difficult to believe.

He said that he saw light and a melody emanating from there, he saw something similar to a portal into a magnificent reality, filled with waterfalls of indescribable colors and millions of butterflies flying across this scene. However, his brain was switched off during these visions to such an extent that he should not have had any glimpses of consciousness.

Many have questioned Dr. Eben's words, but if he is telling the truth, perhaps his experiences and those of others should not be ignored.

8. Visions of the Blind

They interviewed 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death or out-of-body experiences. Moreover, 14 of them were blind from birth.

However, they all described visual images during their experiences, whether it was a tunnel of light, deceased relatives, or watching their bodies from above.

9. Quantum physics

According to Professor Robert Lanza, all possibilities in the Universe happen simultaneously. But when the “observer” decides to look, all these possibilities come down to one, which happens in our world.

The other world is also called the afterlife and is described as a spiritual state into which the souls of dead people fall. Since no one has ever returned from the other world, there are no facts about what it looks like and what happens there; there are still many different versions.

What does the other world mean?

Two main concepts are used regarding the nature of the other world. In the first case, it is perceived as a kind of spiritual phenomenon that has nothing to do with earthly life. What is important is the moral and ethical transformation of the soul, which gets rid of earthly passions and temptations. The other world in the first case is perceived as a degree of closeness to God, Nirvana, and so on.

When solving the mysteries of the other world, it is worth considering the second concept, according to which it has certain material characteristics. Believed to actually exist perfect place where the soul goes after the death of the body. This option is associated with religions that involve the bodily resurrection of people. In addition, direct messages can be found in many sacred scriptures.

Does the other world exist?

Over the years of history, each world culture has formed its own traditions and beliefs. Can be found great amount messages that the other world exists, and many people have contacted it, for example, in a dream, during clinical death and in other ways. Magicians and psychics speak about it with absolute confidence. This topic could not help but interest scientists, and they regularly conduct research to determine whether there is an other world.

Scientists about the other world

To understand whether there is some way after death, people who experienced and remember what they saw while their heart stopped were chosen as test subjects.

  1. To prove whether belief in the other world has a right to exist, in 2000 two famous European doctors conducted a large-scale study that made it possible to establish that many people saw gates to either Heaven or Hell.
  2. Another study was conducted in 2008, and a third of the people studied said that they could look at themselves from the outside.
  3. Experiments were carried out with placing sheets with drawn symbols near people who had experienced clinical death, and none of the people who claimed to have left their bodies saw them.

The Other World - Evidence

There are stories about connections between people and the souls of dead people. To prove the existence of the other world, it is worth talking about a seance that was held at the National Laboratory for Psychical Research in Great Britain in 1930. Scientists wanted to get in touch with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. To confirm everything, a reporter was present at the session. When the ritual began, air captain Carmichael Irwin, who died in the same year, got in touch and told his story using various technical terms. This became evidence of a possible connection with the other world.

Facts about the other world

Scientists tirelessly conduct research to prove or disprove the existence of other worlds. At the moment, it has not been possible to determine the exact facts, but the connection with the other world is proven by numerous messages from people from different parts of the world, a large number of photographs whose authenticity has been proven, and experiments with hypnosis and other techniques.

How does the other world work?

Since no person has ever been reborn after death, there is no accurate information to describe the place where souls live after death. Many people, when speaking about the afterlife, mean that different nations has its own unique idea:

  1. Egyptian Hell. This place is ruled by Osiris, who weighs the good and bad deeds of souls. The hall where the trial takes place is the entire vault of heaven.
  2. Greek Hell. The entrance to the other world is closed by the black waters of the Styx, which encircle it nine times. You can cross all the streams on Charon's spoon, who takes one coin for his services. Near the entrance to the abode of the dead there is Cerberus.
  3. Christian Hell. It is located in the center of the Earth. Sinners are tormented in a cloud of fire, red-hot benches, a river of fire, and other torments. There are creatures of the other world living around.
  4. Muslim Hell. It has similar features to the previous version. One of the stories in One Thousand and One Nights tells about the seven circles of hell. Sinners here are forever tormented by fire, and they are fed with devil fruits from the tree of Zakkum.

How to contact the other world?

Psychics and parapsychologists assure that it is possible to contact the souls of dead people. There are many options to communicate with the other world, including the use of high technology.

  1. "Electric Voices". For the first time, documentary filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson heard the voices of his deceased relatives on tape, and he decided to explore this topic. As a result, it was possible to establish that voices are clearer when there is background noise, and the researchers concluded that the souls of deceased people can synthesize vibrations into the sounds of their own voices.
  2. Appearance on TV. There is a lot of evidence in the world that people saw images of their deceased relatives while watching various programs. An American electronics engineer went the furthest, who developed a special antenna that allows not only to see his deceased daughter and wife, but also to hear their voices. Many such contacts with the other world were photographed, and the authenticity of some of the photographs was proven.
  3. SMS. Many people, after the death of their relatives, received messages from them, but in most cases they were either empty or contained strange signs. Recently, programmers came up with the “Ghost Stories Box” application, which scans the parameters of the surrounding space and detects interference. For now, it cannot yet claim to be able to obtain 100% information.

How to get to the other world?

There is a simple way to travel to another world. In order for everything to succeed and the portal to the other world to open, it is necessary to use consciousness in an unusual way. As preparation, it is recommended to study your thoughts clearly. It is important to present images as believably as possible. The fact that contact with the other world has been established will be indicated by animal fear and a feeling of discomfort. This is quite normal and there is nothing to be afraid of. There are some instructions on how to see the other world:

  1. Before going to bed, while lying in bed, you need to give your subconscious a clear task to hear a well-known musical composition, which will allow you to see images in colorful colors. Relax as much as possible.
  2. Imagine how the soul leaves through the body, through the chest and arms. At the same time, your breath should freeze and at the same time you should feel a surge of strength. Another important signal that everything is working out is the feeling that the body is burning with heat.
  3. There is only one moment to penetrate into the other world - the period when a person has almost fallen asleep, but at the same time is still aware of himself in reality. It is important to give the order to the subconscious mind to remember all the information and reproduce it during the waking period.

Do children see the other world?

It is believed that children from birth to 40 days can easily communicate with the other world, seeing, feeling and hearing dead people and various entities. This is due to the fact that the child has an etheric shell around his physical body, which is protection and also provides a special fluid. In the future, children see the other world not so well, but contacts are permissible, since the consciousness is still pure and the aura is light. If the child is baptized, then there is no need to be afraid negative impact, since the guardian angel will protect him.

Do cats see the other world?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the cat is a magical animal. Such an animal has a huge aura that can react to both positive and negative energy. Cats see the other world, so they should be used to protect the house from evil spirits. If the owner sees that the animal is looking at one place in the house and at the same time its posture is tense, then he sees spirits. Cats and the other world also interact through the brownie, so a person can use animals to establish contact with him.

One of the most disturbing questions in people’s minds is “is there something there after death or not?” Many religions have been created, each revealing in its own way the secrets of the afterlife. Libraries of books have been written on the topic of life after death.. And, in the end, billions of souls who were once inhabitants of the mortal earth have already gone there, into an unknown reality and distant oblivion. And they are aware of all the secrets, but they won’t tell us. There is a huge gap between the world of the dead and the living . But this is provided that the world of the dead exists.

Various religious teachings, each of which interprets in its own way the further path of a person after leaving the body, generally support the version that there is a soul and it is immortal. Exceptions are religious directions Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, they adhere to the version of the perishability of the soul. And the afterlife, Hell and Heaven, the quintessence of variations of after-life existence, according to most religions, for true worshipers of God will be presented in significantly at its best than that, that is, on earth. Belief in something superior after death, in the highest justice, in the eternal continuation of life is the basis of many religious worldviews.

And although scientists and atheists claim that a person hopes, because it is inherent in his nature at the genetic level, they say, “ he just needs to believe in something, and preferably global, with a saving mission ”, - this does not become an “antidote” to craving for religions. Even if we take into account the genetic craving for God, where did it come from in pure consciousness?

The soul and where it is located

Soul- This is an immortal substance, not tangible and not measured using material standards. Something connecting spirit and body, individual, identifying a person as a person. There are many people who are similar in appearance, twin brothers and sisters are simply copies of each other, and there are also plenty of “doubles” who are not related by blood. But these people will always differ in their inner spiritual filling, and this concerns not the level, quality and scale of thoughts and desires, but above all the abilities, facets, characteristics, and potential of the individual. The soul is something that accompanies us on earth, reviving the mortal shell.

Most people are sure that the soul is in the heart, or somewhere in the solar plexus; there are opinions that it is in the head, the brain. Scientists, in the course of a series of experiments, have established that when animals are electrocuted at a meat processing plant, a certain ethereal substance comes out at the moment of death from the upper part of the head (skull). The soul was measured: during experiments carried out at the beginning of the 20th century by the American physician Duncan McDougall, it was established soul weight - 21 grams

. Six patients lost approximately this much weight at the time of death, which the doctor was able to record using ultra-sensitive bed scales on which the dying people lay. However, later experiments carried out by other doctors established that a person loses similar body weight when falling into sleep.

Is death just a long (eternal) sleep? The Bible says the soul is in the blood

. During the Old Testament, and even to this day, Christians were forbidden to drink or eat processed animal blood. “For the life of every body is its blood, it is the soul of it; Therefore I said to the children of Israel, “You shall not eat the blood of any body, for the life of every body is its blood; whoever eats it will be cut off.”

(Old Testament, Leviticus 17:14) “...and to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food. And it became so"

(Genesis 1:30) That is, living creatures have a soul, but they are deprived of the ability to think, make decisions, and they lack highly organized mental activity. If any soul is immortal, then animals will also be in spiritual embodiment in the afterlife. However, in the same it is said that previously all animals simply ceased to exist after physical death, without any other continuation. The main goal of their life was stated: to be eaten; born to be “captured and exterminated.” The immortality of the human soul was also questioned.

“I spoke in my heart about the sons of men, so that God would test them, and so that they would see that they are animals in themselves; because the fate of the sons of men and the fate of animals is the same fate: as they die, so these die, and everyone has the same breath, and man has no advantage over cattle, because everything is vanity! Everything goes to one place: everything came from dust and everything will return to dust. Who knows whether the spirit of the sons of men ascends upward, and whether the spirit of animals descends down to the earth?” (Ecclesiastes 3:18-21)

But the hope for Christians is that little animals in one of their incorruptible forms remain, because in the New Testament, in particular in the Revelation of John the Theologian, there are lines that there will be many animals in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The New Testament says that accepting Christ's sacrifice gives life to all people who desire salvation. Those who do not accept this, according to the Bible, do not have Eternal Life. Whether this means that they will go to Hell or that they will hang somewhere in a state of “spiritually disabled” is unknown. In Buddhist teachings, reincarnation implies that the soul that previously belonged to a person and accompanied him can settle in an animal in the next life. And man himself in Buddhism takes a dual position, that is, he does not seem to be “pressed” as in Christianity, but he is not the Crown of Creation, the lord over all living things.

And it is located somewhere between the lower entities, “demons” and other evil spirits and the highest, enlightened Buddhas. His path and subsequent reincarnation depend on the degree of enlightenment in today's life. Astrologers talk about the existence of seven human bodies, not just the soul, spirit and body. Etheric, astral, mental, causal, budhial, atmanic and, of course, physical. According to esotericists, six bodies are part of the soul, while according to some esotericists, they accompany the soul on earthly paths.

There are many teachings, treatises and doctrines that in their own way interpret the essence of being, life and death. And, of course, not all are true; truth, as they say, is one. It’s easy to get lost in the wilds of someone else’s worldview; it’s important to stick to the position you’ve once chosen. Because if everything was simple and we knew the answer that there, at the other end of life, there would not be so many guesses, and as a result, global, radically different versions.

Christianity distinguishes the spirit, soul and body of man:

“In His hand is the soul of every living thing and the spirit of all human flesh.” (Job 12:10)

Moreover, there is no doubt that spirit and soul are different phenomena, but what is their difference? Does the spirit (its presence is also mentioned in animals) go after death to another world or the soul? And if the spirit leaves, what happens to the soul?

Termination of life and clinical death

Doctors distinguish biological, clinical and final death. Biological death implies cessation of cardiac activity, respiration, blood circulation, depression with subsequent cessation of central reflexes nervous system. Final - all of the listed signs of biological death, including brain death. Clinical death precedes biological death and is a reversible transitional state from life to death.

After stopping breathing and heartbeat, during resuscitation measures, bringing a person back to life without serious damage to health is possible only in the first few minutes: up to a maximum of 5 minutes, more often within 2-3 minutes after the pulse stops.

Cases of safe return even after 10 minutes of clinical death have been described. Resuscitation is carried out within 30 minutes after cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest or loss of consciousness in the absence of circumstances that make resuming life impossible. Sometimes 3 minutes are enough for the development of irreversible changes in the brain. In cases of death of a person in conditions of low temperature, when metabolism is slowed down, the interval of a successful “return” to life increases and can reach 2 hours after cardiac arrest. Despite the strong opinion, based on medical practice, that after 8 minutes without heartbeat and breathing, the patient is unlikely to be brought back to life without serious consequences for his health in the future, hearts begin to beat, people come to life. And they meet their future life without serious violations of the functions and systems of the body. Sometimes the 31st minute of resuscitation is decisive. However, most people who have experienced prolonged clinical death rarely return to their previous fullness of existence, some go into a vegetative state.

There have been cases where doctors mistakenly recorded biological death, and the patient later came to, scaring morgue workers more than all the horror films they had ever watched. Lethargic dreams, decreased functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems with suppression of consciousness and reflexes, but preservation of life are a reality, and it is possible to confuse an imaginary death with a true one.

And yet here is a paradox: if the soul is in the blood, as the Bible says, then where is it in a person who is in a vegetative state or in an “exorbitant coma”?

Who is artificially kept alive with the help of machines, but doctors have long since established irreversible changes in the brain or brain death? At the same time, denying the fact that when blood circulation stops, life stops is absurd.

See God and not die

But in most descriptions there is the famous mysterious and deadly image of light at the end of the tunnel. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is explained by several theories. According to psychologist Pyell Watson, this is a prototype of the passage through the birth canal, a person at the time of death remembers his birth. According to Russian resuscitator Nikolai Gubin - manifestations of toxic psychosis.

In an experiment conducted by American scientists with laboratory mice, it was found that animals, when experiencing clinical death, see the same tunnel with light at the end. And the reason is much more banal than the approach of the afterlife illuminating the darkness. In the first minutes after the heartbeat and breathing stop, the brain produces powerful impulses, which are received by the dying as the image described above. Moreover, brain activity in these very moments is incredibly high, which contributes to the appearance of vivid visions and hallucinations.

The appearance of pictures from the past is due to the fact that new brain structures begin to fade first, then old ones; when brain activity resumes, the process occurs in the reverse order: first, old, then new areas of the cerebral cortex begin to function. What causes the most significant pictures of the past, then the present, to “emerge” in the emerging consciousness. I don’t want to believe that everything is so simple, right? I really want everything to be entangled in mysticism, implicated in the most bizarre assumptions, shown in bright colors, with feelings, spectacles, and tricks.

The consciousness of many people refuses to believe in an ordinary death without mystery, without continuation . And is it really possible to agree that one day you will no longer exist at all? And there will be no eternity, or at least any continuation... When you look inside yourself, sometimes the worst thing is to feel the hopelessness of the situation, the finitude of existence, the unknown, not knowing what’s next and walking into the abyss blindfolded.

“So many of them have fallen into this abyss, I'll open it up in the distance! The day will come when I too will disappear From the surface of the earth. Everything that sang and fought will freeze, It shone and burst. And the green of my eyes and my gentle voice, And gold hair. And there will be life with its daily bread, With the forgetfulness of the day. And everything will be as if under the sky And I wasn’t there!” M. Tsvetaeva “Monologue”

The lyrics can be endless, since death is the biggest mystery; everyone who, no matter how they avoid thinking about this topic, will have to experience everything firsthand. If the picture were unambiguous, obvious and transparent, we would long ago have been convinced by thousands of discoveries by scientists, stunning results obtained from experiments, versions of various teachings about the absolute mortality of the body and soul. But no one has been able to establish and prove with absolute accuracy what awaits us at the other end of life. Christians are waiting for Heaven, Buddhists are waiting for reincarnation, esotericists are waiting for flight to the astral plane, tourists are continuing their travels, etc.

But recognizing the existence of God is reasonable, since many who during their lifetime denied the highest justice in the Next World often repent of their ardor before death. They remember the One who was so often deprived of a place in their spiritual temple.

Have survivors of clinical death seen God? If you have ever heard or will hear that someone in a state of clinical death saw God, strongly doubt it.

First, God will not meet you at the “gate”, he is not a doorman... Everyone will appear before God's judgment during the Apocalypse, that is, for the majority - after the stage of rigor mortis. By that time, it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to return and talk about that Light. “Seeing God” is not an adventure for the faint of heart. In the Old Testament (in Deuteronomy) there are words that no one has yet seen God and remained alive. God spoke to Moses and the people at Horeb from the midst of the fire, without revealing an image, and even to God in a hidden form people were afraid to come close.

The Bible also states that God is spirit, and spirit is immaterial, therefore, we cannot see him as each other. Although the miracles performed by Christ during His stay on earth in the flesh spoke of the opposite: one can return to the world of the living already during or after the funeral. Let us remember the resurrected Lazarus, who was revived on the 4th day, when it had already begun to stink. And his testimony about another world. But Christianity is more than 2000 years old; during this time, have there been many people (not counting believers) who read the lines about Lazarus in the New Testament and believed in God based on this? Likewise, thousands of testimonies and miracles for those who are convinced in advance of the opposite may be meaningless and in vain.

Sometimes you have to see it for yourself to believe it. But even personal experience tends to be forgotten. There is a moment of replacing the actual with the desired, of excessive impressionability - when people really want to see something, during life they often and a lot picture it in their minds, and during and after clinical death they complete their impressions based on sensations. According to statistics, the majority of people who saw something grandiose after cardiac arrest, Hell, Heaven, God, demons, etc. - were mentally unstable. Resuscitation doctors, who have observed clinical death situations more than once and saved people, say that in the overwhelming majority of cases the patients saw nothing.

It so happened that the author of these lines once visited the Other World. I was 18 years old. A relatively easy operation turned into almost real death due to an overdose of anesthesia by doctors. There is light at the end of the tunnel, a tunnel that looks like an endless hospital corridor. Just a couple of days before I ended up in the hospital, I was thinking about death. I thought that a person should have movement, have a goal of development, in the end, family, children, career, study, and all this should be loved by him. But somehow there was so much “depression” around at that moment that it seemed to me that everything was in vain, life was meaningless, and maybe it would be nice to leave before this “torment” had yet to fully begin. I don't mean suicidal thoughts, but rather fear of the unknown and the future. Difficult family circumstances, work and study.

And now the flight into oblivion. After this tunnel - and after the tunnel I just saw a girl, a doctor looking into whose face, covering her with a blanket, putting a tag on her toe - I heard a question. And this question is perhaps the only thing that I could not find an explanation for, where it came from, who asked it. “I wanted to leave. Will you go?” And it’s as if I’m listening, but I don’t hear anyone, neither the voice, nor what’s happening around me, I’m shocked that death exists. The entire period while she observed everything and then, after returning consciousness, repeated the same question, her own, “So, death is a reality? Can I die? I died? And now I will see God?”

At first I saw myself from the doctors’ side, but not in exact forms, but blurred and chaotic, mixed with other images. I didn’t understand at all that they were saving me. The more manipulations they performed, the more it seemed to me that they were saving someone else. I heard the names of medications, doctors talking, screams, and, as if yawning lazily, I decided to also cheer up the person being rescued and began to say in unison with the alarmists, “Breathe, open your eyes. Come to your senses, etc.” I was sincerely worried about him. I spun around the entire crowd, then it was as if I saw everything that would happen next: a tunnel, a morgue with a tag, some orderlies weighing my sins on Soviet scales...

I become some kind of small grain of rice (these are the associations that arise in my memories). There are no thoughts, only sensations, and my name was not at all like my mother and father’s name, the name was generally a temporary earthly number. And it seemed that I had been alive for only a thousandth of the eternity into which I was going. But I didn’t feel like a person, some small substance, I don’t know, a spirit or a soul, I understand everything, but I just can’t react. I don’t understand like before, but I understand new reality, I just can’t get used to it, I felt very uneasy. My life seemed like a spark that burned for a second, then went out quickly and imperceptibly.

There was a feeling that there was an exam ahead (not a trial, but some kind of selection), for which I had not prepared, but I would not be presented with anything serious, I had not done any evil or good to the extent that it was worth it. But it’s as if she’s frozen in the moment of death, and it’s impossible to change anything, to somehow influence fate. There was no pain, no regrets, but I was haunted by a feeling of discomfort and confusion about how I, so small, the size of a grain, would live. Without thoughts, there were none, everything was at the level of feelings. After being in a room (as I understand it, a morgue), where I stayed for a long time near a body with a tag on my finger and could not leave this place, I begin to look for a way out, because I want to fly further, it’s boring here and I’m not here anymore. I fly through the window and fly towards the light, with speed, suddenly there is a flash, akin to an explosion. Everything is very bright. Apparently at this moment the return begins.

A period of silence and emptiness, and again a room with doctors, manipulating me, but as if with someone else. The last thing I remember is the incredibly strong pain and pain in my eyes from being shone with a flashlight. And the pain in my whole body is hellish, I again wet myself with earthly, and somehow wrongly, it seems that I stuffed my legs into my hands. I felt like I was a cow, square, made of plasticine, I really didn’t want to go back, but they pushed me in. I’ve almost come to terms with the fact that I left, but now I have to go back again. I got in. It still hurt for a long time, I began to go hysterical from what I saw, but I couldn’t speak or even explain the reason for the roar to anyone. During the rest of my life, I endured anesthesia again for several hours, everything was quite well, except for the chills after. There were no visions. A decade has passed since my “flight”, and a lot, of course, has happened in life since then. And I quite rarely told anyone about that long-ago event, but when I did share, most of those listening were very concerned about the answer to the question “did I see God or not?” And although I repeated a hundred times that I did not see God, they sometimes asked me again and with a twist: “What about Hell or Heaven?” Did not see… This does not mean that they are not there, it means that I have not seen them.

Let's return to the article, or rather finish it. By the way, the story “Sliver” by V. Zazubrin, which I read after my clinical death, left a serious imprint on my attitude towards life in general. Maybe the story is depressing, too realistic and bloody, but that’s exactly what it seemed to me: life is a sliver...

But through all the revolutions, executions, wars, deaths, illnesses, we saw something that is eternal: soul. And it’s not scary to end up in the other world, it’s scary to end up and not be able to change anything, while realizing that you failed the test. But life is definitely worth living, at least to pass exams...

What are you living for?..