Where can you find out your biological age? How to quickly and easily find out your biological age.

05.11.2018 Health

That the age in the passport may not correspond to the real biological age. And it’s not just about appearance, but about the functioning of various body systems. For some, at 40 years old, the body functions like it did at 60, while for others, on the contrary, at 50, it functions like it did at 35. How much older or younger is your body than its real age?

1. Tilts

Note the time. Standing straight, quickly bend down, trying to touch your fingers to the floor. Straighten up quickly. Bend over again. How many bends did you do in a minute? 50 - 55 - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person, 49 - 35 - you are 30 years old, 34 - 30 - you are 40 years old, 29 - 25 - you are 50 years old, 24 - 20 - you are 60 years old, 19 - 10 - you are 70 years old years.

Eat some good fats. Good fats such as flax or salmon, omega-3 fatty acids, coconut oil, and avocado lead to smoother, brighter skin. A low-fat diet, on the other hand, will destroy your skin, making it tougher. Don't take collagen. As we age, the skin loses collagen and begins to bleed as a result. A daily dose of high quality collagen or high quality collagen powder restores tissue tone and energy.

Serena Missori, medical surgeon, specialist in endocrinology and replacement diseases, anti-aging medicine, headache, psychobiotyped nutrition, author of, among other things, "Trained, Eat and Smile." Biological age does not always correspond to the actual age of your skin. Today you can find it with simple and quick tests, strictly do it yourself. You can be 30 years old but show it or 50 but prove it nothing more than it all depends on the condition of your skin, how you can take care of it every day, treat it, feed it.

By the way: if, bending over without bending your knees, you can place your palms completely on the floor, your biological age is between 20 and 30 years. If you touch the floor only with your fingers, you are about 40 years old. If you can only reach your shins with your hands, you are about 50 years old. If you can only reach your knees, you are already over 60 years old.

2. Fast response

First, however, it is important that you know external signs aging skin, to be wise to counteract it. There are two types of assessments to discover the age of your skin: science, trusted by scientifically recognized systems, and do-it-yourself, trusted to test and homemade. The first evaluation system, scientific, combines methods such as computer image analysis, optical spectrophotometry and the so-called “pinch”. In addition, there is a sensor capable of measuring the level of hydration of our skin, that is, the amount of water contained in the deeper layer, the dermis.

Your partner holds a 50 cm long ruler at the “50” mark, vertically downwards. Your hand is about 10 cm lower. And as soon as your partner lets go of the ruler, try to grab it with your thumb and forefinger. If you grabbed the ruler at the 20 mark, your biological age is 20 years, at the 25 cm mark - 30 years, at the 35 cm mark - 40 years, at the 45 cm mark - 60 years, if you failed to catch it - 70 years.

The biological age of the skin does not always correspond to the real age. How to understand what the age of our skin is. First of all, you should know about the identifying signs of skin conditions or the signs through which you can make the first comprehensive assessment of the condition of our skin.

In particular, micro wrinkles that form in the contour of the eyes, outside and in the grooves that run from the nose to the mouth. Typically, the skin appears irregular and uncomplicated, the more we experience a noticeable aging process. Another sign of the age of our skin is the presence of blemishes on the skin due to irregular pigmentation. Wrinkles, for example, are an important sign of skin aging. . However, when there is a good sprinkling of blood, the skin color appears uniform. Peak elasticity, compactness, is another indicative element.

3. Vestibular apparatus

With your eyes tightly closed (important!), stand on your right or left leg. Raise your other leg about 10 cm from the floor. Your partner must time the time during which you can resist: 30 seconds or more - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person, 20 seconds - a 40-year-old person, 15 seconds - a 50-year-old person, less than 10 seconds - a 60-year-old person and older.

To do the test, simply apply pressure to the skin and see how long it takes for the redness to disappear. The more time it takes, the more the skin will become younger, regardless of biological age. Finally, the level of hydration of the skin is fundamental, since over the years the hyaluronic acid contained in the dermis is reduced, giving it to the skin. Weather can also cause aging by being harsh on our skin. . The fear and worry that passes through her hand with guilt, the baby's mother probably never goes away.

Perhaps only when their child touches his peers, that is, after two or three years. Of course, this depends on how prematurely the baby was born, how much he weighed, and how he has behaved since his premature onset. Premature babies are born immature, their organs are not yet fully functional, so they are a work in progress for their peers born at the right time. This is why the term "corrected age" is introduced for preterm births, that is, at the age they should have been if they had been born at the right time.

4. Condition of blood vessels

Squeeze the skin on the back of your hand with your thumb and index finger for 5 seconds. The skin will turn slightly white. Time how long it takes for the skin (white spot) to return to its previous appearance: 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old, 8 seconds - about 40 years old, 10 seconds - about 50 years old, 15 seconds - about 60 years old, more than 15 seconds - 70 years old years.

What everyone else

The age adjustment for premature babies is two to three years. The tiny creature grew up after a few months, so parents are not afraid to reach him. At the same time, they can see what is causing him trouble. In the first six months after birth, there are abnormalities in the area of ​​muscle tension, problems with winding, and later with sitting and walking. During the third year, the delay in neuromotor development is compensated, and the unborn experience difficulties in speech.

Premature babies sometimes experience nerve damage such as mild cerebral dysfunction or cerebral palsy. Then there are even less serious problems that usually disappear after the baby's first year. There are problems with adaptation, children are more irritating and are not easy to calm down.

5. Respiratory system

Inhale deeply, exhale. Count how many of these inhalations and exhalations you will take in a minute: 45 - 40 - 20 years, 39 - 35 - 30 years, 34 - 30 - 40 years, 29 - 20 - 50 years, 19 - 15 - 60 years, 14 - 10 - 70 years old. By the way, the condition of the lungs can also be determined by the distance from which it is possible to blow out a candle. If this happens when you are one meter from the candle, you are 20 years old, from 70 - 80 cm - 40 years old, from 50 - 60 cm - 60 years old.

Parents also fear that the child often does not lose weight, and due to the susceptibility to infections and, therefore, frequent health complications of the acquired gain, he loses quickly. Basically, the baby's first birthday is constantly thirsty if he is healthy and does not bring life consequences for the premature arrival of the world.

From doctor to doctor there is a threat of disease

Pediatrics, neurology, eye, hearing, rehabilitation and possibly psychologist. The diary of a newborn parent is filled with medical examinations, often preventive, sometimes unfortunately due to the difficulties that her initial immaturity brought her.

Touch each cell in order from 1 to 25 with a pencil or finger. Record how many seconds it takes.

TOTAL: Now add up all your results and divide by the number of tests you passed. This arithmetic mean will be your biological age.

We know that you cannot judge a person's chronological age by his appearance and physical characteristics. After all, these factors are determined by biological age. Biological age is the age of the body, how strong and healthy it is. Accordingly, the older the body, the less efficient it is. In this article we will look at how to calculate biological age.

These include bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a chronic pulmonary disease associated with the premature birth of a newborn associated with mechanical ventilation because his lungs are not yet mature enough. Parents of a child with this disability must cope with the fact that their children's respiratory illnesses are virtually unavailable during their toddler and childhood years.

A baby who is new to the world may also suffer from serious eye problems. His retinas did not have enough time to develop properly and developed retinopathy, which is abnormal development of the retinal blood vessels. If he had not been stopped in time, the child could even go blind. This is why parents must take up to one year for repeat eye exams.

We calculate the biological age of individual body parts and characteristics


Pinch yourself on the back of your hand for 5 seconds. Next, note how many seconds it takes the skin to straighten. If she straightens up in 6–8 seconds, then she is 30 years old; in 9–12 seconds – 40 years; in 13–15 seconds – 50 years; in 16–19 seconds – 60 years. It is worth seriously thinking about the condition of the skin if it does not straighten for more than 20 seconds: in this case, it is 70 years old.

The "shell" movement is much more recognizable in babies than in a child. Everyone notices that the child turns his head only to the side. Fortunately, the psychomotor development of a premature baby can be properly guided through rehabilitation exercises.

We mainly use the Voight method, which is based on compressing the reflection points in a certain position of the child, which stimulates the body. Vaclav Vojta suggests a session with the child of 5 to 15 minutes of actual time four times a day in order to start rehabilitation as soon as possible and persevere, which is very demanding of the mother. Progress is not long-lasting; on the contrary, the child often cries during training because he does not like it, and the mother is afraid of harming her pet and destroying the emotional connection.

Nervous system

Your assistant should hold a fifty-centimeter ruler vertically in front of you, by the end marked 50. Your hands should be down. The assistant lowers the ruler, and you catch it with your thumb and forefinger. Next, see at what point you managed to do this. If you grab the ruler at a mark less than 20 cm, then your nerves are 20 years old; at around 30 cm – 30 years; 35 cm – 40 years; 40 cm – 50 years; 45 cm – 60 years. And if you didn’t manage to catch it at all, then your age nervous system equals 70 years.

Breastfeeding is a test of patience

So far, no study has shown whether this is true or not. Nurse's milk, although initially in a mini dress, is especially important for a premature baby, an irreplaceable gift in every way. But putting it into a child is hard work.

The baby should feed in small doses and often, in the most upright position, should not swallow too much air and, after feeding, she should be careful to take it straight away. Then he should be calm and should not practice for at least an hour. Babies need to take time to breastfeed, but the baby often tricks the body so he continues to breastfeed without drinking milk. It drains it, so it's good to expect breaks from breastfeeding.

The cardiovascular system

Count your pulse. Then do 20 squats as quickly as possible. Recalculate your pulse. What is the difference between the new pulse and the old one? If it is small (up to 10 beats), then your cardiovascular system is 20 years old. If the difference between pulses is 11–20 beats – 30 years, 21–30 beats – 40 years; 31–40 strokes – 50 years; 41 or more strokes – 60 years; and if you couldn’t sit down all 20 times – 70 years.

Husbands are good sleepers, so you need to wake them up - keep them upright, move with them, wipe their face with a damp washcloth, run your finger over the knuckle. And if they breastfeeding not enough, they need to get a "stem", preferably by spraying the milk, preferably in an alternative way rather than from a bottle.

As we know that breastfeeding is not enough and needs to be supplemented

The baby is suspiciously sleepy, does not report lactation less than 2 - 5 times a day, 6-8 diapers a day, sufficiently saturated with urine, adds to the weight.

They'll enjoy their appetite later

There is no clear answer. This depends on the general condition of the child, as directed by the doctor. As a general rule, it is recommended that babies born after the completed week of pregnancy be given birth as babies who are pregnant, not before the end of the fourth month and no later than the sixth month of the baby's age.


While in a lying position, lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, but so that your lower back remains pressed to the floor. You can help yourself perform the exercise with your hands or feet. The best result is considered to be 40 repetitions of the exercise: in this case, your muscles are 20 years old. And the worst ones are less than 12 times - then the muscles are 70 years old. If the exercise is performed 35 times, then the muscles are 30 years old; 28 times – 40 years; 23 times – 50 years; 15 times – 60 years.

Pedigrees of children should begin five to eight months after their birth, but not before the child's age has been corrected. “We have more or less vaccinated premature babies according to chronological age,” according to pediatric textbooks. Many pediatricians also cite this with reference to similar practices in other European countries.

For the vaccination of premature infants up to the first year of age, this means that the vaccination of four combinations is given up to one month of age and the dose of four plus pneumococcus is given monthly. Vaccination of infants can be risky because it strongly stimulates the immature immune system. It is therefore more than necessary to ensure that the child is not vaccinated soon after an infectious disease, and then to underestimate vaccination if the child cries for a long time or is unusually inert.

Respiratory system

Light a candle and try to extinguish it by exhaling, standing as far away from it as possible. If you did this while being 100 cm from the candle, your lungs are 20 years old; 80–90 cm – 30 years; 70–80 cm – 40 years; 0–70 cm – 50 years; 50–60 cm – 60 years; 49 cm and less – 70 years.

She is very impressive, following the fate of several characters in The Age of Genetics, when reading complete genetic information became commonplace. Already in the maternity hospital, staff predict myopia, manic depression, violent behavior and, above all, a very high probability of death from heart disease before the age of 30. In a world where street laboratories analyze every person's genes, even those pulled from hair, a hero's "hereditary" genetic profile means discrimination in life and condemnation to underemployment.


Close your eyes and stand on one leg, with the other resting on the first shin. Record the time during which you can stand like this. If you can stay in such a stance for more than 30 seconds, your balancing is 20 years old; 25 seconds – 30 years; 20 seconds – 40 years; 15 seconds – 50 years; 10 seconds or less – 60 years; cannot stand on one leg – 70.

The parents lie about their decision to leave their son in the wild, and from their second child they will select the “most perfect” embryo for artificial insemination in collaboration with genetics. The fact that the “age of genetics” is moving so quickly was not even expected by genetics itself.

Genetic methods that make it possible to map the entire human genome with greater or less accuracy have been used since the late 1990s. The first reading of the entire human genome by more original methods took more than ten years and was completed in Competing companies supplying sequencing instruments and chemistry in the next few years knocked on initially astronomical order prices, while simultaneously increasing the number of sections read in the billions. As a result, you can now get full information about all human genes within a week and costing about a thousand dollars.


Take a book or any other object on which the text is written legibly and in normal font. At what distance can you see this text? If at a distance of 10 cm, then your eyes are 20 years old; 15 cm - 35 years; 100 cm - 60 years.

Biological age of the whole organism

Based on the results of the previous paragraph

Add up all the results from the previous paragraph and divide the sum by 7. The resulting number is your approximate biological age.

Find out your biological age using tests

You can also find your approximate age by taking special tests on the Internet. The following sites with tests about biological age are considered the most truthful: http://beehelth-tentorium.ru/category/uznajte-svoj-biologicheskij-vozrast-test/, http://www.kleo.ru/test/0070.shtml.

Always strive to keep your biological age young. Then you will not only be a role model, but also direct proof that you can look fresh without expensive advertised creams.