The fortune teller said that we won't be together. Life stories about the consequences of fortune telling (fortune telling on cards, fortune telling on coffee grounds, etc.)

30.08.2019 Psychology

Question for a psychologist:

Hello, it all started when my sister believes in fortune tellers and went to tell fortunes for her husband. They had problems, and I blurted out that she would guess at me and my boyfriend at the time whether we would be together or not. When she came, she said that they had guessed that I wouldn’t, and that it would be completely different with me, but she also told the truth about the guy. I take everything into my head very much. I really don't want to part with him. I cried a lot about this situation, but then they told me that whatever you think will happen, and I forgot about it. After a while, my boyfriend and I decided to get married, everything was fine, my thoughts did not return. But something happened wrong and they appeared again, these thoughts (maybe because I was sitting at home and not working, I was tired of it, so to speak). Again hysterics, tears. Incomprehensible statements in your head, why do you need him, they told you someone else, you won’t be able to do what you did when you were on your own. I love the guy very much. There is a month left before the painting, and my mother tells me that she doesn’t want me to marry, just not him, she wants to marry me off to a foreigner, and I don’t even allow the thought that I will be with someone else. And then again these thoughts of leaving him appeared, it’s not yours, that he’s not exactly the one. Now we are husband and wife, but my soul does not calm down, it is always in some kind of tension. It all started in June and is still going on. Because of all these incomprehensible thoughts, I look at young people and I like them. And as soon as I do this, it hurts me that I have a husband, it’s like betrayal, but I understand that everyone is looking at others, that you can’t gouge out your eyes. I think it's simple new stage in life, that now I have to think not only about myself, but also about my husband. (I didn’t have a relationship before him, and I didn’t date anyone, but I wasn’t deprived of attention.) Just new worries, a new round in life, so to speak. But that’s why I want to give up everything and start life again, without torturing him and myself. Thanks a lot.

Psychologist Irina Urkhovna Surmenok answers the question.

Hello, Victoria!

No one can know in advance what awaits him in the future. Yes, a person plans, dreams, sets goals. Even if the goal is clearly formulated, specific ways to achieve it are outlined, then in this case, the desired result can be influenced by various factors, life circumstances, opinions of others, and possibly some of their actions. Often people who are not very confident in themselves, as well as, for example, people who are in a difficult life situation, begin to doubt themselves, their strengths, the correctness of their actions, the feasibility of their plans, just because someone expressed their opinion to them. negative opinion, their unfavorable forecasts, doubts, lack of faith in their strength. As for fortune-telling and predictions and unsupported forecasts, they tend to “come true” if a person takes them seriously, begins to think about it for a long time, that is, he is “programmed” by fortune-telling, prediction and begins to behave differently, that is, he changes himself, becomes the initiator of changes in relationships with other people, which inevitably leads to a response. Relationships deteriorate, which may lead to their breakup. In such situations, people who have been told something have been told a fortune, and people privy to the situation tend to think that “the fortune-telling has come true.” Perhaps fortune telling and predictions come true. And who does everything possible to make them come true??? In such cases, a person not only makes things worse for himself, but also at the same time increases the “rating” of the fortune teller, maintaining her reputation as a “seer,” since at the subconscious level, being under the impression of predictions, he begins to involuntarily perform actions that lead him to the predicted result. In the situation you described, the following questions arise: “How was your relationship with the young man before, before the fortune telling?”, “Has your attitude towards him changed after the fortune telling? If it changed, why? Maybe the young man has changed for the worse or you didn’t know him enough before?”, “After the fortune telling, did you begin to be biased towards your young man? Or maybe they began to treat him more demandingly, purposefully “looking out” for shortcomings in him? Perhaps your sincere answers to these questions will help you decide whether you should trust fortune tellers so unconditionally. Every person knows himself better than others know him. If you easily succumb to the influence of others, if someone else’s opinion and prediction is so important to you, then perhaps try not to listen to these opinions and predictions.

“I was 17 years old at that time. Young beautiful girl small in stature, with black curly hair, brown eyes. I worked as a pastry chef in a cafe. I really liked the profession. I worked with great pleasure. I wanted to be a professional in my field. And then I meet a young girl. Her name was Galya Kozlova. She worked there in a cafe, lived with her mother, sister and brother in an apartment. At that time this area was called a port. We were friends with her. Either she will come to me, then I will come to her.

And then one day the newlyweds invited her to a party. They lived nearby. They had a cheerful company - boys and girls. Galya invited me there, I didn’t refuse. It was a holiday on March 8th. Everyone sat at a large table, the guys congratulated and gave gifts to their girls. And then a tall, fair-haired guy comes in. He was very different from all the guys present in his beauty. I saw him and mentally fell in love.

The music was playing, and the song was “Those Eyes Opposite.” He came up to me and asked me to dance. We had fun all evening, danced, talked. I was bewitched by love. He was nineteen, his name was Sasha. He seemed so smart to me, he wrote poetry himself. We wandered the streets all night, and then he unexpectedly kissed me. It was like an electric shock, because it was my first time. It was a romantic night. He confessed to me that he loved me, and I told him the same thing in return. I have never felt as good as I did with him. This feeling is love...

We had meetings at the tank at ChTZ. I’m on my way home from work, and he meets me, we walk around the children’s park. One day a letter arrives at the address, and in it there are poems. Here is one that remains in my memory, although many years have passed:

“We walk quietly along the alleys.

I can’t find words for happiness,

And the heart beats quietly, quietly

And whispers: “I love you, I love you.”

And the brown-eyed girl

She didn’t deceive me and came.

And the heart whispers quietly, quietly:

“Oh, what have you done, spring.”

Sasha invited me to concerts of visiting artists, to cafes. But mostly we walked in the Gagarin Park. And then one day, when he came to see me, he told me some unpleasant news: “I was walking down the street, and a gypsy woman was walking towards me. Looking into my face, she said: “You have great love, but you will not be together.”

When he told me about this, I didn’t believe it. After all, we had one like this strong love, we couldn't live without each other. I cannot explain this feeling, it must be experienced.

After the gypsy’s words, we soon parted. But I remember Sasha all my life. I am grateful to God that I experienced such a feeling as love. This is not given to everyone. Now I have a grandson Sasha. He is 18 years old. They named him after his beloved. I will never forget him. Love lives in my heart."


Today I talked to a fortune teller and regretted it terribly, although I didn’t hear anything tragic, rather the opposite. Her words just don’t leave my head. I will definitely turn to a psychologist to knock her words out of my head, because they are driving me crazy!!!


IceBaby, 22 years old.

Hello! I really regret turning to fortune tellers! When I was young, I had a boyfriend who carried me and my son in his arms. I don’t remember how, I ended up seeing a fortune teller, and suddenly she started telling me things like, if I get married, I’ll remain a widow! Out of my stupidity, I broke off all relationships, but my beloved continued to love me and my son! But out of stupidity, I broke off all relationships. After a while I regret it very much. The loved one grieved, got married, lives happily. But I didn’t find my happiness! And I lost...

Don't go to fortune tellers! The Lord God will always help, forgive, and advise! God is love!

Lyudmila, 44 years old.

There is no need to guess, fortune-telling is like reading a daisy in childhood, whether you love it or not... It’s stupid. I also went to a fortune teller, and she told me that my husband would not live long, and that I would have one child! I’ll start going to church and ASKING, but asking for good things is safer than guessing...

Nata, 27 years old.

Usually, in a critical situation, I turned for help to a woman who knew fortune telling with cards. And I always flew from her as if on wings, she gave me hope, for example, saying: “No, you will not break up with him” - and so on until the next crisis in the relationship. But then one day I found out that this woman died, she died early, she was 45-50 years old.

A friend recommended a psychic who predicts the future. During a difficult period of my life, instead of turning to God, I went to a psychic. I thought that she would help me make the right decision. The psychic spoke very correctly about me and my husband, even voiced my innermost thoughts. But I left her with a broken heart. A year has passed since then, and I couldn’t come to my senses. The fact is that the psychic predicted early widowhood for me - before the age of 45, and even approximately described how my husband would die. I love my husband, we have been together since I was 16, we have three children, we dreamed of a common house and travel. Imagine what it was like for me to hear such a terrible prophecy after much of what the psychic woman said coincided with reality. I believed her. And it poisoned my life. All dreams suddenly became unnecessary. The thought that my husband would die began to haunt me from then on; I even began to perceive it as a fait accompli and think about my life after his death. Slowly going crazy. At first, because of these thoughts, I was depressed, angry with myself for going to a psychic, angry with her for her cruelty. Then I thanked her for the lesson. The lesson is this: NEVER SEEK FOR HELP FROM THIS KIND OF SPECIALISTS. After such predictions, as in my case, a sensitive person may become mentally ill, may fall into deep depression, or may even commit suicide.

After almost a year had passed, and my pain had become less acute, with small but sure steps I began to move towards Orthodox faith, pray to God and the saints - Nicholas the Ugodnik, Matryona, Ksenia of Petersburg for yourself and your husband, for help in this situation. I was heard. The necessary information began to come across my eyes, mostly books, one of them turned out to be the book “Live. Conversation with a suicide,” and in the book there is a link to the website: “” This is how I found out about the sites: Real love,, about this site, etc. And here there are many wonderful letters and articles that help you change your worldview, get closer to FAITH, believe in miracles, learn to control your own destiny.

I paid attention to Brother's articles. His advice, articles by V. Moskalenko, and many, many others helped me a lot.

I want to say to the creators of these sites and all the people who do not remain indifferent to the pain of others: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You give hope! And this hope differs globally from the one that card fortune telling gave me. A one-time ruble win compared to owning a magic wand. There is a difference? Yes.

Elona, ​​32 years old.

I have been going to fortune tellers since I was 16. I was literally sucked into this nightmare. None of what was predicted comes true, or more precisely, it comes true, but with a huge delay and everything is much worse. I want to say right away that I never worked out with men, although I am more or less beautiful, but they literally did not stay next to me for more than a few days. And when I met the man of my dreams (by the way, the description matches the fortune teller), I began to run to different fortune tellers and very often, and the more things didn’t go well, the more I ran, and everything that the fortune teller said was literally accurate to the day, fell apart at the last moment. Some kind of mysticism. She said: on Wednesday you will have a bed, and suddenly at the last moment he left urgently on business in another city, although I know for sure that he did not intend to, etc.

The result is this: he left me - for what reasons, he never explained, I still don’t know, although almost a year has passed, I was left without work (since we worked together) and without money, and still no work I can find it. In short, a nightmare. And the fortune teller still says that we should be together, and she herself doesn’t understand why everything turned out so badly. And I finally understood everything when I came to your site...

Anna, 26 years old.

A friend recommended a very good fortune teller to me. She supposedly once helped them see the problems that worried them, which were quite serious. I decided to make an appointment with her and go and ask her about what worried me most at that moment. But the man worried me. I visited her twice for the same reason. As a result, the relationship with the man ended very badly...

Another appeared on the horizon. I, of course, jumped again to the same fortune teller. She assured me that with this new chosen one of mine there was the prospect of a long, if not “lifelong” romance. I was more than satisfied with this. But as soon as I told my fortune on him, all sorts of “jambs” immediately began in our relationship...

I will never tempt fate again. I'm 26, but I'm not happy. I'm pretty, smart, educated... men are interested in me, but I can't get into something serious with them.

Michelle, 26 years old

Fortune telling is one of the most terrible and serious sins, both for a curious person who wants to know his life in advance, and for someone who enriches himself from other people’s problems, grief and misfortune... The Lord gives us life. We live it, create in this world, improve. We create our own destiny, and at the same time, only the Lord knows everything about us and helps us. In these words, it would seem that one can read the simplicity of thought, but in fact there is a huge meaning that can be understood throughout one’s life. Living your life, changing it, but being loved and submissive to the Lord is amazing and difficult... Personally, I believe that after death another life begins, completely different. Here we learn the basics of the eternal and perfect, we pass the exam. The retake of this exam is taking place, I think many people can guess where... (if everything is not corrected in time) So do not let going to a fortune teller become the reason for retaking the exam.

As for personal life experience, once, after several months of dating a girl, she went to a fortune teller, who told her about the king (meaning a meeting of a person who would stay with her for a long time). She, of course, immediately thought of me. As a result, we broke up 5 months later, irrevocably, unfortunately, even as friends; lost another one loved one, just as irrevocably. What remained between us were only misunderstandings, resentments, omissions and a blank, invisible wall that stood between us and prevented us from seeing each other, even if just to warm the soul with the thought that everything is fine with him...

I was left alone with my feelings, which did not fade away, but changed greatly, so much so that I do not understand their purpose and meaning.

Konstantin, 24 years old.

But for me everything is different. My story is not at all like yours...

In principle, I have never told fortunes, and I have no such desire, but with my mother it’s the other way around, she regularly goes to fortune-tellers, in principle I don’t care, but she tells fortunes for me. And I don't like it at all. Now I have such a good person in my life that I can’t even imagine such a thing, and my mother was told that I would get married twice... unfair!!! And I don’t believe in it at all! It is not true! Everything will be the way I want! How can I convince my mother not to keep guessing at me?

Olya, 18 years old.

I am very glad that I found your site! Thank you very much for your life stories!

My family always used cards to tell fortunes, and so did I. I can’t say anything bad, I probably took it somewhat simply. But I once went to a fortune teller using tea leaves: I was dating a guy, she was already 24, but there were no prospects for marriage or children, so I wanted to find out everything. The fortune teller said that I would break up with this guy, in two years I would marry a man much older than me, and I would have a child from him... I broke up with my boy because I wanted to get married, but he was not ready. A year later, she married a guy a year younger, got pregnant, but didn’t give birth and got divorced, the man turned out to be unbearable!

So, as many girls here said, everything turned out the other way around! Now a friend told me about another fortune teller, so she wanted to go... Thank God I came across your stories! I won't guess anymore! This is my life! And I will never miss mine!

Indeed, these fortune tellers program, and you begin to cheat yourself. I constantly paid attention to older men, although I look very young and all the boys are always younger than me - but the fortune teller said)))))

That's it, nonsense! I put it out of my head and forgot about it!

Sveta, 29 years old.

I want to tell you my story. I am 37 years old, married for the second time. I have two children from my first marriage, but with my current husband it’s impossible to have a child. And so the difficult thing took me to the fortune teller. I can say that I once visited her when I was still in the process of divorcing my first husband, and she predicted to me that my second husband did not love me and would leave me very soon. Well, I’m a confident girl and decided not to dwell on this.

So we lived with our second husband for five years, and then five years later we were faced with the problem of having children. And the devils took me, I can’t even say it any other way, back to this fortune teller. And she says: “Yes, you will have a child, but you don’t need to give birth to him, he will leave you in a year with the baby,” and she said a lot of nasty things about him.

I left her like I was drenched in slop, I came home, I looked at my husband, and the cats were scratching at my soul. And then I think: what a fool, my husband hasn’t done anything yet, and I’m already starting to hate him. I pulled myself together and threw away all thoughts.

A few months later I became pregnant, but my pregnancy did not last long, only two weeks. God only knows what kind of stress I went through, but thank God, this loss did not alienate my husband and me, but only strengthened our relationship.

She swore off going to fortune tellers anymore, but then she decided to change jobs, and one friend says she went to a fortune teller and she helped her. And again the hard times carried me. Well, I think what’s wrong - I’ll go and ask about work. I decided not to ask about personal matters and about the children, so as not to get upset again. Well, I came and said, tell me what will happen with the work.

She told me about work, of course, but unbeknownst to me the topic turned personal. WHY, one wonders, did I need this, I should have stopped her, but no - I’m sitting there like a fool, with my ears hanging open. And she tells me: I don’t see you and your husband in the future, and you won’t have children. I felt like I was electrocuted, I was ready to collapse on the spot. Now every day I wake up with the thought of a child, I pray to God to forgive. I love my husband very much, I want to make him happy and I believe that after all God's help we can do this.

I will never go to fortune tellers again, but I have somehow become closer to the church, I want to go to confession and take communion in the near future. In general, we must live with gratitude to God for every day we live, every morning now, when I wake up and go to bed, I mentally thank God that I have children, I have a beloved man, I have a roof over my head, my health does not fail, I have a job.

But only God sends a child, and no fortune tellers will help here. And I also think that people run to fortune-tellers out of internal unsettlement and dissatisfaction. Therefore, I wish everyone, first of all, to find peace and tranquility in their souls and to love life as it is. And remember that everyone has their own cross.

Galina, 37 years old

Hello. I want to tell my story too. I’ve been wondering this way since I was 14, at first to myself, but it was just an amateur, and my sister advised me to go to the vaunted Oksana. The fortune telling was more than good for both me and my sister, after which some of them began to come true. Gradually, without noticing it, her sister went to her on almost every issue (boyfriend, work, girlfriends, damage, shopping, sales), in general, everything in life was decided by Oksana, and gradually my mother joined her sister.

It's been 11 years since my sister has been going to all sorts of fortune tellers. Since she has entered her 40s and is not yet married, trips to church and to a fortune teller have become more frequent. Oksana has been promising her for 11 years that she is about to get married, but she has no life. I know firsthand that no matter who you turn to, be it a charlatan or a “catcher” who knows his dirty work human consciousness“, this does not lead to anything good. My sister still hasn’t understood this, it’s a pity that I realized it late...

Lena, 26 years old.

I, like everyone else, decided to go to a fortune teller to solve my problems; a lot, of course, she guessed about me and about my family, but she told me one thing that I can’t find peace with, I’m 23 years old and I’ve been living with a very good guy for two years now, we have great relationship. Things are getting closer to the wedding one way or another, and of course we want children, but this fortune teller said that I would be a widow twice, I just went dumb when she told me this, and I don’t know what to do, I cry all day, and simply in despair (but I also understood one thing - that this was the first and last time, now I will go to church and pray to God that nothing that she said will come true - neither good nor bad).

But I really want some kind of support and confidence that this will not happen, I am a very impressionable person and I can’t imagine how long it will take for me to stop thinking about it.

God, help and forgive us sinners.

Victoria, 23 years old.

I was 15 years old when I first went to a gypsy fortune teller. I was in love with a very famous foreign artist, whom I only saw on TV. The gypsy woman offered to make a love spell from a photograph, saying that this was the only way I could meet this artist, and I agreed. I buried the photo in the cemetery. The gypsy woman said that I would see this man next year at the end of autumn. It was the mid-1980s, the USSR, the Iron Curtain, people of my generation remember what that meant. It was difficult to believe in the plausibility of fortune telling. Imagine my surprise when a few months later I found out, again on TV, that my idol would be touring the USSR in November!

Tickets for his concert were not on sale, it was impossible to get them, but I went to the concert hall in Luzhniki, knowing that I would get to the concert. The concert had already begun, the building was cordoned off by the police, there was a crowd of people like me around, when suddenly unknown man, came up to me and said: “Girl, if you want to go to the concert, here is the ticket.” And he handed me a ticket. I went to this concert and saw my idol live. Thus, in a sense, “we have met.” Moreover, usually, when a person is told fortunes, he then consciously or unconsciously does something to fulfill his desire. Here I definitely couldn’t do anything like that. It was like a miracle. The gypsy even guessed the month. I am sure that when she was wondering, this artist himself did not know about the upcoming tour. After that I believed in magic.

That's just where it all ended. I’m 43 years old, not only have I never been married, I’ve never even really dated anyone. Although I beautiful woman Until now, I have fallen in love several times, I have a daughter, I have money, I am famous, and female happiness No. It turns out that the men who fall in love with me didn’t like me, and the ones I fell in love with didn’t like me. As if on purpose, every time it happens. I don't have it any other way. Now I think this is payback for the love spell. If only I knew then how I would have to pay. This concert and this “meeting” were definitely not worth it.

No need to turn to magicians. Neither for fortune telling, nor for “help”. Demons do this, but they only seem to help, they are evil and always end up deceiving. They can neither be outwitted nor pityed. They will harm you anyway, there will be no other way. May the Lord forgive me.

Inna, 43 years old

I'll tell you my story.

My mother and her friend (she became my godmother), out of their youth and ignorance, went to a fortune teller. Everything she told my mother then is still coming true. Moreover, she then told her a lot from beginning to end, even how many coffins there would be in her mother’s life. According to the mother, everything came true. Did she really need to know this?

But now about the payback.

I was born with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, my godmother’s son is also disabled since childhood. My mother’s personal life did not work out - her first marriage was very short, she never loved her second husband - my father. The godmother has several marriages, as many divorces, and as a result, complete loneliness.

A gypsy woman told my father that he would die at 38. At 38, he was in a terrible car accident, but survived. He gets a traumatic brain injury, drinks twice as much as before this accident, and thinks that it was not worth pulling him out of the other world. You can’t say that he lived on—you can’t call it life. After existing for another 5 years, he died of cirrhosis of the liver in terrible agony.

Back then, this fortune teller told my mother that I would get married late (it even affected my life - WHY?). So, on the eve of our wedding, my fiancé died suddenly. Apparently, again I am paying for the sins of my parents. They all wanted to know what would happen...

My mother regrets her actions at that time, but nothing can be changed. I read that fortune tellers give you a program that you follow, and you have no freedom of choice.

People! Be smart. Do not turn to any fortune tellers, turn to God, He gives us freedom of choice! Be happy!

Squaw, 24 years old.

I always wondered why these fortune tellers and others thought they were stronger than God, and who were they anyway?

I also went to see one, and regretted it, she told me what I myself knew, in general, she cleaned me up (I left her my photo), gave me a talisman, after that I felt unwell, physically and emotionally, which It was already bad enough, then my head started to hurt so bad that no painkillers helped. Then I told my classmate everything, she told me that my energy had been spoiled, the next day I got rid of this amulet that the fortune teller gave me, went to church and felt better.

Laura, 21 years old.

Thank you for this site, before visiting it the cats were scratching my soul. And this is my story. Quite recently, an accident happened to my girlfriend, and after the hospital, she and her mother turned to a traditional healer. This “healer” didn’t really help her, but she did predict a wedding and a child for her, but not from me... It really hooked me and didn’t leave me alone! I love my girlfriend very much and I didn’t want to lose her. We've been together for almost 2 years now. In general, I am not a believer in any kind of predictors and healers, but what she told me about the past (everything coincided) made me think. And so I think, like everyone else who found themselves here, I was looking for solutions to these problems. After reading many stories, my soul became much lighter. There is no need to go to them, much less believe in all kinds of predictions! Believe in our Lord God, only He has the right to decide our destinies!!!

And many thanks to the administration of the site, if I had not visited it, I might have broken up with my beloved in the near future, so as not to wait for the “predicted”

Evgeniy, 22 years old.

Maybe this is a topic for the forum, but for now I’ll write here. My grandmother tells fortunes with cards, and it seems like she has been doing this since she was young. My mother and I are believers, and my mother is generally a churchgoer, I’m just taking my first steps. There were a lot of misfortunes in our family - first my parents separated, then my mother got cancer (thank God, she was cured), then my husband left me, then my dad got cancer and died (grandmother’s son), I lost my job, and my personal life wasn’t going well either. Grandma continues to wonder, no matter how much we ask her not to do this. And in our family we have endless quarrels out of the blue. I'm so tired of everything. Mom teaches me patience and prayer for my grandmother. But sometimes such despair from powerlessness comes over me. And I understand that my grandmother will no longer be able to get rid of this addiction to cards (she is soon 85 years old), but I no longer have the strength or patience...

Victoria, 31 years old.

Hello everyone! I want to tell you about my trip to the fortune teller! Stupid fool! There is a family, a child! Things became somehow bad in the family, the husband drank, sometimes went to see friends and lie; there was a coldness between us. Well, they advised me to go to a good fortune teller, so I went! I said it... I can’t get it out of my head! I want to divorce my husband and get married a second time, the fortune teller said that a divorce awaits me, because I have one line of fate! And it's such a shame! I regret a thousand times that I went to her!!!

Oleska, 27 years old.

I hope my bitter experience will help someone cope with something similar or prevent it from happening.

I have always wanted to meet a person who can see more than usual, because I myself have perception. But my naivety almost destroyed me. When the first meeting took place with what I then wanted to think was a seeing person, she correctly described to me the events taking place in my soul, which only higher power. This gained my trust, so later, when she asked me to ask something else, I asked the most important question for myself - about my soulmate. About the one thing I can’t live without. She replied that I would not meet her, that my half was not there. I think you can imagine how traumatic it was. After this meeting, I went crazy for many years and even tried to die. I know that I myself am to blame for succumbing to lies.

I want those who read this to realize that there is a war between dark and light forces. They fight for every person, and even if there are light ones - honest seers (not fortune tellers) who are from God, then they cannot be confused with representatives of dark forces and just keep in mind that everyone can make mistakes. But our Heart, our connection with the highest, will always tell. After all, God is always with us.

Shining, 27 years old.

Firstly, I would like to thank the creators of this website; I think everyone should know and realize that under no circumstances should one even begin to deal with this darkness.

Like many here, I started guessing in early childhood. My friend and I were guessing on plates, then on cards, on just about anything. When I grew up, I started guessing on the Internet.

Several years ago I fell into depression, I felt that I was moving away from God, that I no longer felt Him. I suffered greatly from this, rushed about, tried to understand what was the matter, begged Him to hear me and send me some kind of solution to my incomprehensible suffering.

Then problems began: health, mental state, energy left much to be desired. I was just about to lie down and die. At this time, I began to wonder even more, trying to find the reason for my poor condition. I guessed and guessed, now I understand how disgusting this is... I never received any answers.

8 months passed, I moved to another city, a lot got better, but my health problems continued, mental tossing was still present, I continued to guess on the Internet, I even started reading conspiracies...

Recently I asked a woman living next door to tell my fortune. According to reviews from friends, she supposedly has a gift.

This happened just yesterday.

You have no idea how disgusting I feel after this. In the morning I ran to church headlong. I couldn’t restrain myself at work and went to the toilet to cry.

I am an ungrateful, stupid girl, the Lord gave me everything, and instead of giving thanks, I fell into despondency and moral depravity, I sought answers not from the Lord, not by faith and truth, but through dirt and darkness.

Lord, forgive me, FORGIVE ME, I love you, I always have...

I'm sorry that I didn't understand what I was doing, I didn't know, I was just completely shrouded in darkness... I apologize to all humanity, to all my loved ones for such a sinful deed!!!

Do not open the door into your life and your soul to demons, do not get involved with “gifted” people, only the Lord can save and have mercy on you, only the Lord can lead you to happiness and joy, no one else can do this, everything else is only demonic, only delusion!

Please, Dear people...Listen to me, never get involved with any kind of magic, you have a soul, don’t change it for anything! That's all you have!!! May the Lord forgive us.

Penitent, 23 years old.

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Grandma fortune teller predicted bad things - stories (Part 1)
Fortune Telling Changed Plans - Stories (Part 2)
The gypsy woman's prediction turned out to be difficult to forget - stories (Part 3)
A terrible gift of predicting the future. Confession of a fortune teller ( Natalie, 30 years old)
On the other side of fortune telling ( )
Trying to penetrate the veil ( Galina Kalinina)
The priest's answer to a question about fortune telling
Fortune telling: prayer to Satan ( Hierodeacon Macarius)
This is a voluntary surrender of oneself into the hands of the devil.

It all started when, somewhere in the 8th grade, I found a book at home with all sorts of spells and love spells, and as soon as I started to like someone, I tried to bewitch him. There were 4 people in total. I don't know if this can be called a child's prank. Naturally, I was unable to bewitch any of them... except for one... I'm afraid I still managed to do it. The fact is that we dated for about 4 months, and then he left me. As always, I used some kind of love spell without taking it seriously. He returned, we started dating, but he became disgusting to me, and I left him. But he didn’t stop loving me and still doesn’t give me a pass. We communicate, but I see him only as a friend, and he suffers... It’s scary to even think that I did this. I see that he is suffering...

And that's not the worst thing...

About a year and a half ago, a friend invited me to go with her to a fortune teller for company. I was very afraid, but decided to go. She said a lot of things to both me and my friend... she revealed my entire past, and talked about the future. She said that I would go to university, but not the one I was going to. I thought, what nonsense? But in reality, at the last moment I changed my mind and now I’m studying in a different place than I wanted to go to. The worst thing is that I believed everything that she said about my future, and I sit with folded hands, hoping that everything will be as she predicted (and she guessed that I will work abroad, I will find good man, a rich man who will love me madly) and I stopped making any efforts to achieve anything in life... She told me about the death of a woman close to me (I have a sick grandmother, whom I love madly) and these thoughts did not give me peace...

I left the fortune teller in a state of shock. I was shaking all over. I stopped believing in God, got hooked on heavy music, became an agnostic, my luck stopped, I began to study poorly, I don’t have a loved one, although I’m a pretty and smart girl... But there’s something incomprehensible inside me. When I go to bed, I am scared, sometimes I have to go to bed even with the light on, I often have nightmares... I have become very depressed, I am constantly haunted by some kind of despondency...

After reading all the reviews on the site, I realized that it was all due to fortune telling. Only today I realized how stupid I was... I don’t know how I can make up for all this...

Guest, 19 years old

Hello! My story is as sad as everyone else's. I went to see a friend, she has the gift of clairvoyance. She told me a lot of things, everything came true, but that’s not what I’m talking about. She told me about my betrothed: you’ll meet him and all that. I met... and endured his relationship for 1.5 years, far from the best! And do you know why? He's a betrothed man! If he leaves, there will be no other fate! I'm crazy, stupid! We almost broke up, I’m sitting in depression, crying, the desire to live has faded! I went and saw my betrothed, and now I’ll say more precisely: I BREAKED A PART OF YOUR LIFE! It undermined my psyche, that’s all!

It’s dangerous to look into the future - even if you see it, don’t expect it to come exactly like that! No, he will come completely different! Maybe not the best! May the Lord forgive me for such a grave sin!!!

Svetik, 22 years old.

I never believed in fortune telling. I decided to tell my fortune only once. I was walking home from work and saw a fortune teller on the street. I didn’t believe it at first, but when she said that I would soon change my place of residence, I began to believe. I was just looking for new apartment. She predicted to me that I would soon meet a person who would love me much, more than I love him. But she said that I would meet a man who would come between us, and I would suffer, but if I did this, then everything would pass, and I would return to that love.

I believed in everything, and it seemed to be stuck in my head. At this moment I meet a man, I liked him, and then fortune telling comes up. With full confidence, I begin to look for meetings with this man, looking for some advantages in him that actually did not exist. My friends just shout: what do you see in him, but I’m in a fog: no, this is my man. As a result, I make him fall in love with me. An inner voice constantly told me that this is not yours, run away. But the devil whispered in your ear: no, this is your destiny.

Then I accidentally meet a very good person, but I break off relations with him. They predicted to me that someone would come between us. I'm starting to feel terrible depression, then it finally dawned on me. That this fortune telling simply programmed me for this behavior.

Now I understand that I would never have paid attention to this man and would never have left another if it were not for this fortune-telling. And it's too late to fix everything now. This fortune telling cost me a whole year of my life and nerves. Please, girls, don't guess! Even as a joke, even if you don’t believe it. Nothing good will come of this. LIVE BY YOUR MIND, NOT BY SOMEONE ELSE'S WORDS.

Katerina, 23 years old.

I started guessing back in school, a friend started me guessing. And as is typical with teenagers - a period of youthful maximalism, everyone wants love, so I decided to write to a fortune teller. I asked for help, saying that I wanted to meet a guy, my betrothed. And before that, the fortune teller we went to told me about a fair-haired guy. The healer to whom I wrote a letter replied that she helped me, I don’t remember, she asked for a small amount of money at that time. And after a while I met a guy with fair hair, we started dating him, we dated him for 5 years, and he left me so cruelly, my “best” friend helped. After that, I became deeply depressed, and I went back to fortune tellers, left a lot of money with them, they said different things, promised to help - but I felt so bad at heart. Yes, and even before I was a very energetic person, but now after studying I go to sleep, after work I go to sleep, my vital energy has disappeared somewhere. After reading your stories, I want to go to church and ask for forgiveness for my “fortune telling.”

Sveta, 22 years old

When I was 17 years old, my mother and I went to see a fortune teller. Having told my fortune, she told me that at the age of 18 I would get married and by the age of 19 I would have a son. I will live happily ever after. I went to her 10 more times, she said that I needed to remove the damage and put a talisman on it. I believed all this nonsense. But about a month later I met a guy, and he asked me to marry. But I never married him; on the way home I was cut off and ended up in the hospital. My boyfriend never came to see me. After 2 weeks I was discharged, and in 3 weeks there was supposed to be a wedding. The first thing I did was go to him. When he saw me, he said: “I don’t need you with a scar.”

I went to different fortune tellers and magicians, experienced all types of fortune telling, including fortune telling on coffee grounds. But after their predictions things got worse and worse. Everything they said came true, on the contrary, for the worse. I was completely disappointed in life.

At 23, I met my husband without any fortune tellers. But after we lived for some time, our daughter was born, and for some reason everything became very bad. Nothing was going well anywhere, there was no money. I went back to the fortune tellers, they said a lot of good things, but as luck would have it, the opposite came true. It was even worse.

Now I'm very happy. Imagine without any magic. Don't go anywhere, don't guess. Believe in yourself and love!

Guest, 28 years old.

When I was 20, I lost my girlfriend. One day, an acquaintance took me to a fortune teller. I was just curious and had a smoldering hope of hearing something good. I didn't really believe it until she started telling me about my past. I was shocked because she was talking real facts from my life. Precise and specific. And then she told the future.

Bottom line. The sorceress has already died. 15 years have passed. Life... is this life? I have been living with my unloved woman for 4 years. There is no hope. More and more often I think that I need to finish everything earlier. I don’t see a way out, and I know that no one will help... Don’t repeat the mistakes of others!

Finished, 35 years old.

Yes... I’ve heard the phrases many times: “You’ll lose your destiny,” but somehow I couldn’t believe that this was happening to me... it seemed like nothing bad was happening. Yes, that's the point, it's like!

Episode 1. I was always drawn to fortune telling and mysticism, but the beginning of a protracted procession came at the age of 19. Then I seemed to be starting a relationship with a classmate... strong love... I wanted to know what was what. And my friend and I ended up visiting a girl, and a woman who knew how to tell fortunes with cards came to visit her mother. Well, she told me that he loved me. He says: “Why doesn’t he invite you to get married?” And, they say, everything is fine with him and me as a couple. Yes, it was only after a week or two that this guy was replaced. We began to see each other less and less, talk on the phone, and in the end he went to a girl 7 years older, who had irritated him before.

After this, I was completely carried away. Fortune telling with cards, fortune telling with coffee grounds, with a pendulum, Christmastide, sleep, ring, etc. and so on. My friend and I even wanted to somehow summon the spirits with a saucer (thank God, it didn’t work out - there was never an opportunity). I learned quite well how to tell fortunes on cards, both for others and for myself. It came true. But it just didn’t make it any easier. I could ask the same thing five times with a gap of a day or two, but I myself was already confused in my predictions. But my personal life still didn’t work out... Quite attractive, young, impressive, not stupid... Guys are sticky, and then it’s like they’re cut off, as soon as I start guessing about them. At first I didn’t attach any importance to this, but now I understand why this is so...

Episode 2. The second global fortune telling was by hand... We came across this woman and her friend by accident. The woman has already predicted 2 husbands for me... She told me a lot of things that were really true... she also said that I have the ability to foresee, but then she looked into my eyes and, holding my hand, repeated several times: “Don’t think ahead.” . Don't look into the future." This was probably a warning. And I continued and continued to guess on the cards - it’s very addictive.

I first predicted marriage with the ring at 21 - and sat and waited... It didn’t come true. Then at 22... similar. Now it’s already knocking 23... I don’t believe anything anymore. The guy according to the prophecies “my destiny” is still in a serious relationship with the other...

Episode 3. The third time the “fate-bearer” found me himself... out of boredom, while doing my thesis, I registered in the chat and uploaded a couple of my photos. Some guy started writing... Yes, he began to describe my past and my character, my inner world in such a way that I got scared... We switched to communicating in ICQ. He admitted that he had clinical death, after which clairvoyance abilities appeared... I didn’t ask much, but he also told me about two husbands. But the child, they say, will be alone. I asked if I already knew my first husband, he answered YES. I said that among my acquaintances there is only one person who could be my husband. A man from the past. He started telling me that that man was nonsense, etc. and so on. Then this clairvoyant started calling me... I said that I love one person, they say, I want to be with him. He immediately began to program me that I would have nothing at all with him. I began to program myself... to forget about this person. To distance myself, on purpose... And this man himself was the first to show up and wished to meet (it should be noted that at the time he showed up, I didn’t tell fortunes on the cards for him, since I decided that the finish line was already with him ). But for some reason this “clairvoyant” didn’t know that I had an intimate relationship with him, and after he told me that we wouldn’t even sleep together, we had a relationship more than once. But he only tried to program me, because he himself became interested in me and either shouted or asked for a meeting. After that, I realized that fortune telling is self-programming... There is some truth and fate, but you can change it! Or at least try...

In any case, you should never sit back and wait for a miracle, but live, believing in yourself and in the fact that fate can be changed, at least in spite of these fortune-telling.

After reading on the site, I decided not to guess anymore. I know that it will be hard, because I’m very used to it and got involved. But being punished for this is much more terrible and difficult. I do not want any more. An unhappy personal life with opportunities much wider than others is not worth a moment of rejoicing about a bright future.

And now I don’t care how many husbands they told me... I believe in one and set myself up to the fact that as much as I want, it will happen!!! I don't want to guess anymore.

I hope I still have time to atone for this sin and improve my life.

AliSSa, 22 years old.

Hello everyone who believes in fortune telling and goes to fortune tellers.

I want to appeal to all young and not so young girls, their mothers, grandmothers and friends. Stop guessing! Unless you want to end your life in a disgusting, disgusting society of reptiles and fortune tellers!

I used to tell fortunes with cards, my mother constantly runs to fortune tellers, and not a single fortune telling ended well for us!

At 30 years old, I have neither a family nor a boyfriend. Everything that was sent from above by fate was cruelly and harshly destroyed by fortune-telling and fortune-telling.

We are always curious to know what will happen, so this: I want to tell you all what will happen if you turn to a fortune teller or tell fortunes for yourself and your loved ones. Only bad things will happen!

Stop wasting money, effort and energy on nasty things and just trust the Lord God! Let it go Holy Virgin will save you all from the dirt and impurity of fortune telling and from fortune tellers!

Fortune telling - from the word “muck”. Take care of yourself!

Sofia, 30 years old.

I started guessing when I was 13 years old. That was the time - the 90s. Solid astrologers, predictions, magic, schools of extrasensory perception. The presence of something unusual, otherworldly in life shrouded reality in a romantic veil. My paternal relative was a witch, my grandmother practiced fortune telling and spiritualism, my father was a doctor, a professional hypnotist who cured hundreds of people through hypnosis. I learned to tell fortunes with cards, professionally, predicting not only love and relationships, but also serious events. My predictions came true with amazing accuracy. Once my mother went to a famous psychic, who, seeing my photo, said that I was the strongest programmer, just like my father, able to program any person for any result. These words flattered my pride. I just noticed that the young people I am wondering about are gradually leaving my life. And the ones that remain nearby are the ones that I have never guessed at.

At the age of 16, my friends and I took up spiritualistic seances. Everyone wanted to know the future. Of course, the “spirits” (or rather, demons) did not tell us anything useful. I was promised 6 husbands and a career as a prostitute. It wasn't scary, but rather funny. So we had fun for six months. True, after each session I began to have a severe migraine. And then the troubles started. We, who had been friends since we were 7 years old, began to grow apart. Why? Yes, as soon as we got together, troubles immediately happened. As a result, we separated. Nevertheless, we never lose touch and call each other and meet. After 10 years, I can say that the life of each of us cannot be called simple. Is spiritualism to blame here? Don't know.

I continued to imagine myself as something of a household oracle. I was asked to tell fortunes by friends, acquaintances of acquaintances, boys, my mother's friends, neighbors in a train compartment, work colleagues... an endless string of people who then called and said that the prediction had come true. I met a guy. Fell in love. As a joke, I scattered cards on him. The wedding happened a year later. Yes, he became my husband exactly a year later. I chose the date for the wedding myself, checking numerology data and all sorts of astrological tables.

After the wedding, I stopped guessing. However, without realizing that this was a sin, rather out of fear of destroying something... everything was fine. My husband loved me very much, I reciprocated.

Then one day at work we came across online fortune telling (daisies, books of fate, runes, etc.), and I started looking there often for fun. Then astrological sites, with a detailed forecast for the year based on the date and time of birth. While visiting, I made a forecast for myself for the year as a joke. Reading with my husband, I laughed: things will go badly at work, my husband will divorce, I will go abroad with another man, and then run away from him back. The stars also promised my husband a lot of troubles, risky incidents and a difficult period of life. Who among us guessed that this would happen?

Then no one else, but I began to guess on cards again. Colleagues, girlfriends. The most difficult thing about this is to understand that in this way the harm was caused not only to me, but also to them. Out of stupidity, out of thoughtlessness, I was, as it were, a conductor of those troubles that fortune-telling undoubtedly brought upon them.

Now is a rather difficult period in life. My husband and I really separated, painfully and senselessly crossing out everything that was between us. I really went abroad and almost got married, but still common sense suggested that it was not necessary. I came back and found a wonderful job. Now everything has gradually improved, and I again began to climb fortune-telling sites. I saw the link and ended up on this page. After reading the letters, I understood why troubles, still minor ones, began to pour in again... Thank you!

Alisa, 28 years old.

I started believing fortune telling after I was given a terrible diagnosis of a serious illness. The fortune teller said that this was 100% a mistake and that I was healthy. And so it turned out. The astrologer told my sister that she would get married at 35, and she did. I'm almost 34 and have never been married. The last four years have been a state of panic. I periodically went to fortune tellers with professional fortune tellers, very expensive ones, with recommendations, with records for several months, and I also turned to astrologers. NOTHING comes true at all. But if I guess about a certain man, he disappears from my life immediately after that. Always.

It’s true, you can’t guess at anyone at all. After fortune telling - a state of devastation and depression. I came to the conclusion that I had to quit. This won't help matters. It’s better to go to church, turn to the saints, work on yourself. All problems are within us. “Our character is our destiny, a change in character leads to a change in destiny.” This is not very easy to do. I’m working on myself, I’ve already achieved success, which I wish for everyone! The main thing is not to give up!

Elena, 33 years old.

I am against fortune telling. Once upon a time I got really carried away. My mother was once told that she would die at 42. Programmed. And the program was completed: in terrible agony: before my eyes, my mother left. The doctors never really explained why. I think it's cancer. Although no one gave her such a diagnosis.

From her conversations, I heard that someone had damaged her long ago. I think it's true. There lived one grandmother in our village, she treated with prayers. She treated my mother’s eyes, these were the consequences of the damage that was done to our yard, my mother was the first to go out into the yard and take it upon herself. The granny healed her eyes and described two neighbors who did it. She said that one of them would have eye pain, but not for long. And the other one will get sick and will not recover until her death. And so it was. But the granny told her that mom had an old curse on her (mom already knew about this), she couldn’t remove it, it was too strong. And there was no one to film it.

After my mother's death, I learned that you can summon spirits using a needle and thread and letters written on paper. Of course, I really wanted to talk to my mother. And as if she was coming, the eye of the needle ran over the letters. When the first delight from the sessions passed, I already began to understand that perhaps it was not my mother who was coming. I almost fell asleep during the session, I lost great amount strength, I could no longer read what the spirit was telling me. And I asked: “Or maybe it’s not mom, but the devil?” And he replied that yes, it was him. And the needle began to spell out every obscenity. Believe me, I'm not crazy, it was then that I was almost on the verge. And then I decided never to call anyone again.

Evil spirits play on our weakness, on our grief. But everything unknown arouses curiosity. And I went to fortune tellers when I fell in love. Thank God I didn’t go to many people. But one seemed to guess my past, I believed it. But she said that my beloved would not be with me. She pointed to the other one who was caring for me. He says that I’m waiting for an invitation to the wedding. We have been married to this other person for 6 years now. And all this time I am afraid that another of her predictions will not come true. I don’t dare write about him. She was wrong about some things. So perhaps it was just a coincidence. My conclusion: our destinies are in our hands. We must love each other and take care of each other.

Don't follow fortune tellers, better listen to your heart.

Faridka, 31 years old.

And I loved to tell fortunes... but it’s strange, everyone prophesies karmic love for me. And all the fortune tellers I contacted said the same thing: two husbands, both older, one married, a complex relationship and all that. It’s a strange thing, but I divorced my first husband and met a man, only they told me that I would meet the second one much later, but I met him last year, by accident and stupidity. Everything dragged on for a long time, we dated for six months, broke up, and thought it was all over. I went to the fortune tellers again, this time to different ones, but to me the same thing - fate is yours.

But nothing works out, and I feel that fortune-telling is to blame for this, namely fortune-telling.

Thank you! I will no longer guess, and yet I know that this man will return to me.

A year passed after we broke up, and he called me, said that he loved me (and at that time I didn’t tell fortunes at all for six months), and again I went to fortune tellers, but somehow I got tired of it all quickly, I hear the same thing from everyone - about the karmic connection with married man. And I still love him, only with a measured, humble, calm, quiet and unnoticeable love. I don’t call him, I don’t bother him - he needs to - he’ll call himself, he’ll just call. And I don’t need fortune tellers to determine whether he belongs to me; I felt it myself when I first met him.

Don't go to fortune tellers, don't. All this is stupid and unnecessary. We are wasting time and money, and what is destined by fate will happen, and we only hinder it when we go to these witches and charlatans.

Lula, 23 years old.

I felt terrible when I read all these stories. Mine is uninteresting and not heart-warming, but I have to tell it.

In general, I have NEVER been to a fortune teller. It’s not that I didn’t want to, but it just didn’t work out. Not without reason, probably. It should also be added that in personal life I have no luck AT ALL. But this didn’t start after a fortune teller, but just plain bad luck. A long time ago. I think this will always be this kind of bullshit.

OK. It was on this basis that I went to the fortune teller. I think why everyone was talking about it, everything good has come true for everyone, and I’ll go and tell me a bright future, and I’ll calm down. I found myself in such a rented, creepy apartment. A fat aunt of non-Russian appearance put me on the cards, I took them off, and she laid them out. She didn't say anything good or anything bad. He says: you have an empty bed. But I wanted to know if I would be full... You, he says, can get married many times, but you won’t find yours, emptiness will accompany you. We need to clean up this emptiness. Bring, says, 12 stones, 12 handfuls of earth, 12 handfuls of sand and 12 ROOTS OF DIFFERENT PLANTS. And the scarf is square. We, he says, will put it all in a scarf and fill the void. When I heard all this, I thought, I need to get far away from here... “Goodbye,” I tell her. I put in 200 rubles voluntarily, she doesn’t have a clear tariff. And she already began to offer me gold and silver in the corridor. I had silver rings then, she decided that I loved silver. If there were gold - gold, the day is clear.

Of course, I didn't believe her. She spoke abstract nonsense. Of course, she hit the nail on the head, about 30 percent, when she said about a man with a changed fate who will not leave his family. It's like I'm sitting and waiting for him to leave. Indeed, the man alone was jumping near me. Much older, and his fate has changed, because he was in Afghanistan, family. But I don't need it. I'm being honest. He then spoiled a lot of my nerves; apparently, he was eager to leave his family. But the result is the same - I have my own interests, he, I don’t know, probably also has his own.

You cannot, my dears, trust clairaudient fortune tellers. They are psychologists, you know. How you came, how you sat down, how and what you said. He sees your situation by your mood. And then he offers to sell gold and silver. People are just in in this case earn money. How can they? And a person’s unsettlement, loneliness, problems in his PERSONAL life should not be the source of income for a non-Russian woman with a bust size of 8.

Then everyone laughed when I told them about the roots and sands. I won’t say that she completely crushed me with her “optimistic” forecasts, but she definitely didn’t make me happy either.

There is no need to fall for stupid snot like: everything came true for me, everything is true, etc. It didn’t come true for me, and everything is not true, and in general. Fortune telling is not good. But in life there is little that is good, bright and pure. People are drawn to this area to find out what is there? How will it be? I don’t think that by telling your fortune you will get away with something good. You just stay where you are. And by thinking about the forecasts of the soothsayers, you will simply launch this specific program, heard and remembered.

Just don’t expose YOUR experiences to OTHERS’ aunts. It won't get any easier.

Christina, 23 years old.

It's all her own fault. I met a man, what I was looking for and asking from God, but the question tormented me: will we be together or not? And of course, fortune telling from the coffee grounds will tell you everything...

At first he wrote, worried, and then something was wrong, silence...

Yes, and I noticed that as soon as a man appeared, I got hooked on fortune-telling, and immediately, out of the blue, it all ended. But I consciously noticed this only now.

God punished me, I'm losing him. Lord, forgive and help me, a sinner, to return what I so ungratefully accepted...

Olga, 28 years old.

A friend once said that she had been to a fortune teller more than once, and she had predicted the whole truth. I also became interested (six months had already passed since I broke up with my boyfriend, and at that time I had not dated anyone). And, of course, I asked to be taken to her.

An elderly woman, who calls herself a fortune teller, used cards to predict for me a meeting with a “bright guy”, with whom, according to her, we will get married and live happily ever after, everything will be fine with us. And she even told me how and where we would meet. In general, it couldn’t be better! Indeed, after the promised time, exactly as she predicted, I met a young man; On the second day we met, we started dating! Well, everything was spinning in my head - it’s him, the one! Everything came true according to the fortune teller’s predictions. Only not until the end, but only for the first month - that’s how long we met. A month later we broke up.

I now have a different guy, the “promised betrothed” has a different girl. And who knows how it would have turned out if some fortune teller had not intervened in fate.

Believe me, you shouldn’t spoil your future simply out of interest in what awaits you? You will have to go through it anyway, but by wondering, you are changing it, and not for the better.

Natali, 20 years old

Let me tell my story too. I never took fortune telling seriously and did not turn to the services of soothsayers, with the exception of a few times. I visited for the first time out of interest. I heard banal phrases that you can say to everyone, and they will “work.” She laughed and left. Although I believe that there are people who can see the future, etc. But there are only a few of these people on planet Earth, and all our newspapers are full of all sorts of proposals from would-be soothsayers.

The second time I went with a friend, and my son also had problems with stuttering. But the fortune teller, taking me by the hands, said that I had strong protection, and she doesn’t really see anything. What kind of “protection” is there! It’s just that these “fortune tellers” are sometimes quite good psychologists, and they see that they are not believed. And they can’t find out anything. I tried to say something about my personal life, but again I heard cliché phrases that apply to everyone. I tried to open my friend’s eyes, but she fell under the influence of the fortune teller and believed everything she told her. And she said what my friend wanted to hear. In life, everything happened according to a different scenario.

After that, I didn’t go to a fortune teller for about 10 years. And this year, against the backdrop of some personal troubles (at the time it seemed like a disaster), I went with a friend to a fortune teller advertised on television. We were met by a middle-aged woman (as a friend later said, the program was different, but probably for the better). I went first. The fortune teller started to say something, and then fell silent, looked at me and said: “Listen to my advice, baby, don’t go and tell fortunes, there’s no need. Very few people can do this correctly, they can only cause harm. If things get tough for you, it’s better to go to church, or just pray and ask God first for forgiveness, and then for what you want. It will be truer and more reliable.” I was very surprised by her words. What's the point in dissuading me? Or maybe it wasn’t a fortune teller at all?..

Lady S, 43 years old

I, too, have been interested in fortune telling with cards since childhood. You won’t believe it, at the age of 15 I asked God for love on February 14th! On you - the next day I met a guy! What's the point - I followed him for 3.5 years and went to fortune tellers, I know that he still likes me, but there was no real relationship. But in life you come across some married people, including him. There were fortune tellings using coffee grounds, she kept telling me that he loved me and would separate from his wife! I told her to her face that this wouldn’t happen, because if I loved her, I wouldn’t drink so much blood. And a month ago I fell in love with someone else!

I do not know what to do. Thank God, I didn’t go to fortune tellers, I came across your site! After we met, a week later he said how much he needed me, then we had a connection. And then there was no trace of him. Depression overtook me. I’m afraid of losing him, I found him at work 3 weeks later, and he said that he had lost his phone and didn’t have any numbers. Moreover, this did not seem true. I don’t know whether he’ll call or not, I’m tormented by uncertainty.

I don’t want to pay for these fortune-telling, but with the first one it turned out as I said: everything is fine with his wife, but now I found out that I love someone else, and he’s walking around kind of sad. He thought I would suffer for him forever! One fortune teller only told me about him that he was deceiving me. I, a naive fool, didn’t believe it! In short, all that remains is to pray that my current one will return. I love him very much! I feel that he is my destiny, given the strange circumstances of our acquaintance. Girls, believe in your love and pray! Only yours own energy capable of making dreams come true! It will happen as you want, the main thing is to believe!

Malyavka, 19 years old.

I loved telling fortunes with cards since childhood, I bought different books, cards, and often told fortunes. Everything good that happened turned out the other way around, everything bad came true, but I waited for the good for years. 4 years ago I met a guy, went to a fortune teller, she told me that he was my destiny, we would live happily ever after.

I married him, from the first day there was no happiness in our family, I hoped that the birth of a son would change my husband, but scandal after scandal, we did not get along, and in the end we became strangers to each other. My husband has been avoiding me, no matter how much he has told fortunes, removed the damage, tried to save the family, so much money and strength have gone, all the fortune tellers told a different version - and now I am going to get a divorce, the family is destroyed, and all because I often tempted fate, went against the will of God.

Dear girls, believe only in God and pray for mercy before it’s too late.


“I’ve been telling fortunes since...” - this is how all your stories begin, I will not be an exception: I’ve been telling fortunes since early childhood, I can’t remember the exact age. At first they were simple playing cards, then my parents gave me fortune telling cards, they didn’t understand what they were dooming me to. I turned to them for any reason, as soon as a man appeared on the horizon, I immediately began to guess and... as everyone noticed, they seemed to be repelled from me, although I saw that I liked them, but they did not dare to approach, and I I kept guessing, guessing, guessing, the results on the cards were always positive, but nothing good happened.

Then a loved one appeared in my life, I almost stopped guessing, only occasionally. We were a great couple, and we were almost married when I started doing fortune telling again. The cards said that we would separate, I was upset and wondered to see something good, needless to say, nothing good happened, we broke up two years later. I burned all my cards, runes and books.

And then it began: grandmothers... fortune tellers... I seemed to have gone crazy, running around for any reason or without. Everyone promised me another man, I believed, I looked for the traits they described in all people of the opposite sex, I didn’t find them, I ran away again, unfortunately, my financial situation allowed me to do this.

Recently I went to a fortune teller again, she told me fortunes using coffee grounds, she said a lot, I’m tired and don’t want to anymore, I have the feeling that I’m telling fortunes about myself. I understand what I’m doing, but I can’t stop, it’s like an addiction, I really depend on them - and on virtual fortune telling and from fortune telling on a coin, but what’s saddest is that despite the fact that everyone is predicting a bright future and happiness, I’m unhappy, I have no goals, no loved one.

Girls, quit this disastrous business, you see how many examples of the “good” influence of fortune telling there are. Trust yourself and God.

Rina, 20 years old.

I read everything written above, and my heart sank. I, too, began fortune-telling back when school days, and my grandmother taught me. Even more likely, I saw enough of it myself, over the years I began to understand the meaning of the cards that were falling out, then I told fortunes to myself and my friends, and somehow nothing worked out either in my personal life or with my health. Now I understand what was the reason. I didn’t really trust my fortune-telling, I decided to go to a fortune-teller, naturally, she said all sorts of things: supposedly I’ll be at some kind of celebration, I’ll meet my destiny, if I can hold it, it will be with me until the end of my days. And so it happened, a couple of months later they invited me to a wedding, I liked the guy, and he liked me, a conversation began, for my part I did everything possible to meet him (he lived in another city). The fortune teller said “your destiny.” But something was in the way, I took a closer look at him, he drank shamelessly, I realized that there could be nothing in common with this man. Some time passed and I found out that he had become a drug addict and was living his last days.

The second time I went to a fortune teller with a friend, they told me my fortune for the next prince. My classmate came from the army - I honestly can’t stand him at school, but then after fortune-telling my eyes opened, everything was wonderful, we lived in perfect harmony, I couldn’t get enough of him, but at one fine moment, without any reason, he said my dear: “We need a break from each other.” I’m not a stupid girl, I understood what it was all about. 2 months after our breakup, he married someone else. He became henpecked, she lowers him below the plinth, he became gloomy, dimmed, when I see you, he looks into my eyes, but cannot say anything.

The last time they did fortune-telling on coffee grounds, they promised a man older than me, love, children, happiness, etc. I met one, we dated for 5 years, Last year it was hell, the relationship had reached the point of absurdity and they couldn’t be together and something wouldn’t allow them to separate. And there is no happiness, no pure love and no children.

I stopped fortune telling about 2 years ago and I no longer go to fortune tellers. I tried to go to church, but for some reason I always don’t have enough time, something inside me turns over and doesn’t let me in.

I look back, I see that neither I nor those for whom I was fortune-telling are succeeding, some are very sick, some really want children, but the Lord doesn’t give them, and I’m already 25 and have no children, no husband. I believe in God, I hope for His help and I mentally ask for forgiveness...

Yuzik, 25 years old.

Yes, thank you for this site, for these letters! I, too, out of uncertainty, out of stupidity, on the advice of my friends, went to a fortune teller. Now I understand that she just programmed me. Wait for the king with whom I will be happy, and I adjusted every situation to her predictions! The number 18 also appeared in my prediction, and every 18th of every month I tensed up inside and was glad to almost everyone I met. And if the guy’s birthday was on the 18th, then that’s it, he had all the privileges! I paid attention to men who were completely unsuitable for me, which resulted in quarrels, tears, reproaches...

It’s scary to think how much I lost by following this program of some unfamiliar woman - who just needs money, as they say, business, nothing personal. So she said what came to mind. I guessed a lot of things. Only now 6 years have passed! There seem to be men, and there seem to be no men. It’s not possible to start a family (apparently, I was subconsciously waiting for his number 18). In short, nothing from these fortune tellers, except losses, emptiness and spoiled nervous system. Fate is in our hands! You just need to think with your own head, and not rely on other people’s fairy tales!

Somehow I felt sad inside, I decided to go to online fortune telling. And the first site I opened was yours. And these letters!.. I think this is a sign! Thank you, Guardian Angel, for protecting me!

Galina, 27 years old.

Hello. Yesterday, I once again decided to look on the Internet for some new way to check whether a young man loves me or not, and accidentally came across your site... THANK YOU. THANKS A LOT. YOU OPENED MY EYES. I LEARNED A LOT. I understood the most important thing: you shouldn’t guess, why even guess? If you can, pluck up a little courage and ask the person how he feels about you.

I read other letters and compared myself with those unfortunate women who learned the mystery of fortune telling. Yes, I have become hysterical, I can’t sleep, I’m afraid of the dark, I can only sleep in the early morning and during the day, and at night... at night I can sit and wonder. After all this, is it possible to consider yourself a normal, full-fledged person?

I started guessing at the age of 11, for every boy I liked, I saw that they liked me too, but why did they all turn away from me? And now I’m so depressed, it’s so hard for me... While I was still in my first year (now I’m in 4th year), I met a guy, he’s the same age as me, he still liked me, but for some reason I thought that I he only needs it for sex. We met recently, this happened for the first time in 4 years, he said that I had changed a lot, that in my first year I was completely different. He says that even now he is just as modest, not promiscuous, but he cannot understand what is happening to me, I clearly saw interest in me in his eyes, I see that he likes me, after this meeting, day and night I began to wonder . Everything was used: cards, letters, numbers, numerology, horoscopes... but he turned away, and, it seemed, forever. Only now do I understand what kind of person I lost. I don’t know what to do, light a candle in church, go to confession? Will this help now?

Sofia, 20 years old

From a very early age, I was interested in esotericism, mysticism, fortune telling and other nasty things. Being a keen fan of fantasy, I always reacted like a cat to valerian to everything connected with something unusual.

When I was about nine years old, my older sister and I were telling fortunes about her betrothed late at night. They lit a candle, put a mirror and everything was as it should be. I can assure you, no matter how much we looked in this mirror, we did not see anything, and in fact we did not expect it, since it was purely for the sake of adrenaline.

We left my room to the kitchen and decided to drink tea. Less than three minutes had passed when such a crash and noise, the sound of breaking glass, was heard from my room, in which no one was there. From surprise and fright, I was shaking all over with loud trembling, and when we dared to enter the room, we discovered the following. The old sideboard, in which all our family sets, glasses, plates and teapots stood, stood open, the top shelf (it and the next two were glass) was cracked in the middle, and fell on the second, breaking all the dishes on both, and then both of these cracked the shelves collapsed on the third, and finally reaching the fourth, they finished off all the remaining dishes. Only a couple of items survived. The entire floor was glass. The carpet had to be thrown away. They cleaned up all night. It was very scary.

This didn’t teach me anything, I even bought tarot cards, tried to tell fortunes, in principle, they coincided, but in general phrases... until I found out about one woman. She told fortunes to all my friends regular maps, and oddly enough, she told the truth. I decided it was worth checking out.

It turned out that the woman really had talent. My life stories are not very simple, if only because in life I constantly participate in situations that are unusual for a teenager... And it is impossible to guess about this, I assure you. She didn’t say anything super good, nothing bad, just facts: the road, the bustle, the troubles, a quarrel, or a meeting, a conversation, love. She said who was in her heart... and what would happen... and she was never mistaken. I was delighted. She didn’t take money, and generally told fortunes like that only when asked, trying to hide it from people. I believed it. Everything was fine, and I didn’t notice anything bad.

Then I fell in love. I fell madly and unrequitedly in love, and all this because I read a book - you probably heard about Twilight, and main character- became the object of all desires for me, despite the fact that he is a vegetarian vampire. I went to see the film, but of course I was a little disappointed in this film, although the embodiment of Edward was very good. And then I came to that woman again. She told me what was happening in my life, everything was fine. But when it came to the heart, she said that I constantly think about someone, and like I want him, as my most cherished desire... And who he doesn’t see, neither dark nor light. I thought - really, can the cards say that you love a book character... so she doesn’t see anything.

I was offered to tell fortunes for the guy. Without thinking twice, I agreed. And in the end, I wished for this same vampire, but didn’t tell the fortune teller... I think we’ll do an experiment. What will she say? Let's check what it is, talent or coincidence and deception???

I was asked to wish for one of the kings on a guy. For blondes - hearts, for brunettes - crosses. I wanted to be honest, and I asked to wish for the king of spades, since the chosen one in the book was a good vampire, and also a brunette... She was surprised, but agreed. Having spread out the cards, the woman was surprised. It turned out that she did not see his appearance. Only she told me: “he doesn’t know you, he loves another girl very much, and she is with him, and they love each other together (in the book, Edward married the girl Bella, whom he loved madly).

Then she also said: “You will find out what he is thinking about today, and soon you will meet him.” I smiled and thought: “You’re lying, dear, I won’t meet. He's fictional." And I also thought: “what a pity that this is all a hoax.”

Three days later I was invited to go see the Twilight movie for the second time. Of course I agreed. Sitting next to my friend, I was chatting about the film, and then she said to me: “Well, get ready. Meeting Edward #2!”

We met. Great. And now how can you not believe in it?

Of course, all this is interesting and tempting, but you know what... It’s not worth it... neither paid nor free...

If you need to know something, fate will tell you about it itself. That's for sure.

If you know what will happen, then why live? I don’t see any sense, no interest, no mystery or intrigue at all... Stupidly carry out the program? Well, no, excuse me, I know that whatever you want, it will be so, and there is no doubt about it. It depends on you when you get married and to whom. And if you guess about relationships - well, they told you peace and harmony... so what??? And if there is a quarrel, then what??? What will change from this??? If it’s fate, you’ll get together, if it’s not fate, you’ll separate. And absolutely nothing will change!

Every day we make a choice - to put on black or white socks, to go through the center or along the bypass, to be rude to the boss or to restrain ourselves... And from the totality of all this our future is formed.

Want to know when someone will die? FOR WHAT? Will this make it easier for someone?

That's bullshit. It’s not worth it, at the age of 17 I saw and heard a lot and experienced it myself, but thank God I came to understand what is right for me and what is not. I can honestly admit, although I actively hide the fact that I don’t drink alcohol at all, and I’ve never even drank, I’ve never held a cigarette in my hands, and I don’t swear at all, and if you need to beat up someone, you can do it like that, that anyone will fall through the ground, and swearing is not needed. That’s who I am, and I absolutely don’t care what my peers think about it, although in their opinion it’s “nurses, virgins, mother’s daughters.” I don’t care. I made my choice. And here too, if they want to guess, let them guess, I won’t dissuade you. But the main thing is not to be stupid. First you need to think about why, because we were given a brain for a reason.

I decided today - I’ll burn the cards, and I won’t guess anymore, I promise myself. If I need to know something, I will find out one way or another, and fortune telling is wrong... To some extent, it’s not even fair.

I wish everyone to use their brains, honesty and willpower for their intended purpose.

Just-Me, 17 years old

The other day I went with a friend to a fortune teller. Yes, I had such a fortune that it would be better not to go. The worst thing the fortune teller told me was that I was unlikely to have children. I've been in shock for days now, I can't even think about anything else. Everyone convinces me not to pay attention to it. I understand this myself, but in the subconscious it still became a dead weight.

Katya, 28 years old.

Now I’m married, I have a child, my husband and I live normally, we go to church, we even sang together in the choir. And I want to tell you how my God-given first marriage broke up (it was also a married marriage, the first was a man).

We lived like everyone else, fought and made peace, but didn’t go to church until one day our car was stolen. On the advice of a relative, we went to a well-known fortune teller in the city to find out where the car was. I was not yet crowned and had no idea that guessing was a mortal sin. They arrived, and the fortune teller said that only her husband should go into her apartment, and I should wait outside the door. After the fortune-telling, my husband told me about the car, where it was and what would happen to it (later everything came true exactly, even the distance in kilometers was correct). But the most important thing is that the fortune teller predicted a second marriage for the husband, and that he (not us, but him, the first will be a boy), and that he should not marry more than three times, otherwise it will be very bad. And what? Since then, our relationship began to noticeably deteriorate, gradually we even began to live in different apartments, and he once admitted to me that he caught himself thinking that he was looking for that new, predicted wife. Then we separated for a long time, and only six months later I found out the reason for our separation: he had a child, a boy, from his mistress.

After the divorce, I simply didn’t want to live. Only the Lord saved me, I found consolation and hope in faith, I completely became a church member, repented of that trip to the fortune teller, and 3 months after the official divorce I met my second husband, an equally church-going and simply good man, with whom we live to this day.

This is how I understand everything that happened: the fortune teller “laid out” a program for her husband to remarry (by the way, a very unsuccessful one for him), which subsequently happened. As for the exact information about the car, the demons were happy to tell her all this.

By the way, my ex-husband died at the age of 29 - he fell asleep and did not wake up on the bus, may God rest his soul.

Julia, 32 years old.

I came across you by accident and am very glad about it. Lately, I just can’t start the day without reading tarot on the Internet, I don’t know what to do anymore. It started when a friend told fortunes a year ago, and everything came true, but the more she wondered, the worse things got in her life. I want to go to church and take communion before fortune telling, a vile and dangerous swamp, gets sucked in.

Milena, 32 years old.

As far as I remember, my mother always wondered. And she taught me when I was 7 years old. I made dreams white magic I read it. Then, at the age of 14, she gave me cards, and I began to tell fortunes on the cards myself, bought myself a book on numerology. At the age of 16, I threw away my cards, threw away everything, because I began to believe in God stronger, and I realized that this was a sin. Previously, I treated this more as entertainment, useful, it seemed to me, because everything came true. But even then, I continued to guess with cards about my betrothed, and I dreamed of the same guy who I liked for a very long time, and it turned out that we would be together, but not now, but in the future, when we become much older. And all this time, until I was 19, I thought only about him, I kept waiting for us to be together. Stupid! How stupid! At the age of 20, my brains began to appear a little...

I was tired of my loneliness, and what did I do, how did I start looking for a way out? Guess! Fortune telling online! I just got hooked. On cards, on the book of changes, fortune telling, this kind of fortune telling, then I switched to books, not online, but paper ones.

The result? I don't want to live. Because all the good things that happened to me in the cards and books (by solving one question positively my life could have turned into a fairy tale) did not come true! It just fell on me! One day! The cards said yes, but it turned out - no! And now I’ve been sitting like a plant for days, and tears are constantly flowing, because I hoped so much! And life is broken, and I don’t know what to do next! I just do not know!

It was as if they let me get used to it, so that falling onto the sinful earth would be more painful. I'm guessing: there will be a loss of property and a meeting with dear friend. Hop: I lose fifty dollars, unexpectedly meet a friend. Well, I was already one hundred percent sure that fortune telling was not lying, because this is only one example of many. And suddenly... Everything goes down the drain.

Even before all this, I was telling fortunes for the groom during all the Christmastides. I dreamed about one guy. And so: he sent me recently. It’s so rude, and all at once... I gave up English on the advice of cards and other fortune-telling. God, what a fool!

In general, my life is now ruined. I'm terribly depressed. I'm on my knees. What should you do when you are on your knees? That's right, pray. And I hope that everything will return to normal. In the end, if everything weren’t the way it is now, it’s unlikely that I would have turned to God.

And that’s how I approached him. It was yesterday. I sit and literally curse my life, throw out all the pain and resentment in my Word diary, wishing myself death. And I begin: God has turned his back on me, he doesn’t love me anymore, I’m superfluous everywhere, no one loves me... In general, girls, I specifically blamed God for saying that he is angry with me, that I haven’t received anything in life from him, etc. And there is one thought in my head: take off the cross and throw it away. Then I start going through those who don’t love me: again, God, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, I get to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (I really revere this saint) and... I simply prayed! I prayed for him to pull me out of this hell! Everything inside me was screaming: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, help! Then I felt like I was squeezing all over, almost vomited, I coughed, and then... I seemed to wake up.

Everything in life is still unclear. But today I feel a little better. I hope. And I also don’t know how to ask for forgiveness from God, the Guardian Angel and Mother of God for renouncing them.

P. S.: Actually, I went on the Internet to tell my fortune, and suddenly I came across a link to this site. No matter what, God takes care of me. I really hope he forgives me!!!

Elena, 20 years old.

I believed the fortune tellers, and so I decided to check what I would have, 2 times she predicted to me that there would be a fair guy, there would be a government house. On the third, when I met a guy, but he was dark, like a fool I went headlong to her, she told me: run away from him, if you are with him, there will be death. I couldn’t get out of the coma for 2 days, I cried, and nerve-related sores appeared all over my body. I abandoned my studies at the university, then I just realized that she was lying, so the other day I want to go to church to ask God for forgiveness. Because after it I started having problems! Don't trust them!

Irina, 18 years old.

A year ago I separated from my husband. I rushed from corner to corner and didn’t know where to go. One “good” friend advised me to go to my astrologer. The system was something like this: you ask questions that interest you and for a certain amount you get answers. The astrologer, by the way, is not a grandmother on the stove, a rather famous aunt, some of our regional politicians visiting. But that's not the point.

The point is that I stupidly asked the two most important questions for myself:

1. Will I get pregnant this year?

2. Will I live with my husband?

I won’t go into details, but in the end I was given the answer “no” to both questions. I didn’t know how to live with these answers, so I tried with all my might to forget them. But it was impossible to forget, because her forecast came true. In our relationship with my husband, there were breakthroughs precisely in those periods that the astrology indicated as positive, and recessions precisely in those days that were indicated as negative.

From time to time I thought that I had escaped from this schedule of life, but that was not the case. Let me give you one example. One of the “black” stages was ending, but nothing bad happened. Moreover, just after it ended, the two of us were supposed to go on vacation. There was hope for greater mutual understanding. I was happy. But literally the day before the supposed “clearance”, the devil pulled me (there’s no other way to say it) to check my husband’s telephone conversations (the number is registered to me). It turned out that every day he sends 20 SMS to an unknown number. Naturally, a woman’s voice came on the line.

After that, I was baptized, and life, quite unexpectedly, contrary to all forecasts, turned around for the better. A month after that, my husband and I moved in together and began to live together. While I was going to church, everything was fine, but then I somehow cooled down and again could not get rid of thoughts about the approaching “dark” period. And this despite the fact that we LIVED TOGETHER.

Everything fell apart again. It became simply terrible. As a result, we separated again. I was never able to get pregnant.

I don’t know how my fate would have turned out without this “forecast,” but for some reason it seems to me that it will be different. And even if everything were exactly like this, then living without a sword hanging over your head would be much easier.

I won’t go to an astrologer for the second time and I don’t recommend it to others. I think astrology, like fortune telling, ruins life.

Lyalya, 26 years old.

Hi all! Never go to fortune tellers! Just believe in Allah alone and in your strength! I `m muslim. The first time I went to a fortune teller at the age of 20, she told me fortunes in Muslim and told me all the good things. I am sick, and this problem has always bothered me. A friend said that there was a woman who was healing, and I, of course, asked her to come with me, I hoped that she would help me. She and I went to see her, at that time a friend was reading with her, they were doing something for her. In short, we went to her, she told me fortunes, on cards, did fortune telling on coffee grounds, she asked questions, and I answered. Based on my answers, she told me fortunes, I gave all the information. She told me, well, not very good things, naturally, I was upset, I even cried. She told me that my boyfriend is not the same, that I will have another, and another, and then I will meet my own. And she also said that this is something that runs in our family, like a curse. That mother should part with hers, and grandmother, although grandfather died a long time ago, and told her friend the same thing. And finally, I asked her if she would help me get better. She told me that she doesn’t deal with such things, she advised me to go to a doctor, she even told me his name, as it turned out, he was a narcologist-psychologist. Then I was shocked. After going to her, I walked like a ZOMBIE, I almost didn’t live. From her words.

I want to say: don’t go to fortune-tellers, they will ruin your Life and your psychology. And we must take care of our health. I myself now read namaz, pray and ask Allah for faith, help and forgiveness. All in our hands. The one who reads the prayer cannot have another or a second one. He will be faithful only to his beloved, and I love my boyfriend.

Seoul, 21 years old.

At a difficult moment in my life, I went to a fortune teller on my mother’s advice. I couldn’t find a job, my personal life wasn’t going well, I was raising my child alone, completely without money. Oksana, as the fortune teller was called, told me many things that coincided, the past, she didn’t ask for money, who would give what. Now I think this is such a move. She said what kind of husband I would meet, age, social profile. position, for a period of about a year. Whole year Like a fool, I was waiting for someone from the army, I didn’t particularly want to meet anyone who didn’t “fit”, so as not to waste time. I haven't met you yet. And I found a job a few days after I went to church and paid the last 30 rubles for a candle. But I didn’t meet my beloved, although there were relationships and a lot of suitors. But everything was unsuccessful, somehow it was rotten.

I read the reviews and am horrified: did I really ruin everything for myself?.. And now I wanted to tell my fortune, I want to know good things about the future. Enough, I guessed it. It’s not for nothing that I came to this site. I’ll go to church and ask the Lord for forgiveness.

Happiness and love to you.

Lorra, 26 years old.

Like many people, I have been interested in fortune telling since school. After fortune telling on cards for a certain man, they disappeared. We lived with my husband for 9 years, he is a cruel and greedy person. But there were also good moments life together. After a joint trip to a psychic and a fortune teller, we separated, my husband was possessed like a demon, he is abandoning our son, he made attempts on my life three times, it is difficult and painful for me to live alone. Now I pray and go to church, the dull despair and thoughts of suicide are gone.

Julia, 31 years old.

I dated a guy for 3 years, almost all this time my mother did not know about our relationship. I was afraid to confess to her because she didn't like him. She constantly told fortunes with cards and ran around a lot. In general, the prediction was unchanged: he will leave you with the child and you will go crazy, start drinking, and end your days in a madhouse, the devil has moved into him, you love the devil... Then I tried not to think about the predictions. Six months ago we broke up, I left. From that moment on, nothing went well in my life, everything went to pieces. There is no point or strength to live further....

Please don't guess, don't listen to this nonsense!!!

Misteria, 21 years old.

The fact that I ended up on this site is God’s providence, nothing less! I have been telling fortunes on cards for a long time and seriously. To myself, to my friends, to my acquaintances... in a word, to everyone who asked. It worked out, and even very well! I can’t say that as a result of this my life collapsed, like many of the authors here, but... probably many who are guessing can say: “I’m fine, even though I’m guessing.” Just don’t forget that retribution may not come immediately. Believe me, the devil never does anything for nothing! There will definitely be retribution anyway! Believe it or not, I saw the devil and communicated with him! After this incident, I threw away everything related to magic and fortune telling. I prayed to God, but there was a feeling of emptiness. I heard the devil laugh as I tried in horror to call on God for protection!..

After this incident, I didn’t guess for five years. But recently I took up this disastrous business again. I have a wonderful, beloved and loving husband. He is an ardent opponent of all magic, fortune telling and other things. One day we were talking to him (at that moment our relationship had become somewhat different), and he said to me: “Don’t you notice that the more you delve into all this magic, the further away I become from you! " I should listen and think! But the devil doesn’t let go so easily, it’s not in his interests. After all, he needed to destroy my life! And I continued to wonder.

Once I guessed that I would soon be getting a divorce because of my husband’s infidelity... I don’t think it’s worth telling what I experienced at that moment! And it began... interrogations with passion from my husband, tears, threats... I got on his and my nerves. Okay, it's my own fault! But why does he need it? Here is a clear example of how our loved ones suffer because of our stupidity! But God is merciful... I was already getting ready to go to my grandmother, to return my husband (who had not yet left and was not even thinking about it!). I went out onto the balcony to smoke, looked at the sky, and how it started to glow! That’s when I started turning to God, saying that no one would help me except Him. And my soul immediately became calm! And these stupid thoughts went away... I never touched the cards again. And she told her husband that she had given up all this. And our relationship returned to normal. Like this! Every day I thank God for not letting me fall to the bottom, and for bringing me to this site!

Dear girls, FORTITUDE IS FROM THE DEVIL! And he will show you on maps all the worst things, just to make you panic and get even more entangled in his network. God exists, He is kind, merciful and loving! Trust Him and He will never leave you! The devil can only destroy. And he does this through magic.

Kalina, 28 years old.

It’s so good that I suddenly and unexpectedly came across this site! I read just a page, I’m sitting there, I can’t move—goosebumps are running down my spine, the blood in my veins is running cold. I believe that it wasn’t just this site that caught my eye. It is the Lord who warns me and makes me think again. I myself am very susceptible to fortune tellers and psychics.

I’ll tell you my story, maybe it will make someone think and save them from taking the wrong step.

For as long as I can remember, I always dreamed of going to a fortune teller. And then one day we started talking to one woman about magic, and she gave me a number, supposedly this fortune teller acts on behalf of all the Saints and Archangels who appear to her in visions. I went and brought her 500 rubles for the appointment. In general, the result is this: the one I love, and not my destiny at all, I will have two marriages, and two sons, but not with him and not from him. And his children will not be happy at all, and he will spend his whole life hanging around with women, and he is under a family curse. And we were getting ready for the wedding.

(Priest Vitaly Bespalko)
Life stories about the consequences of fortune telling (fortune telling online, fortune telling on cards, etc.) Part 2
Life stories about the consequences of a love spell. Part 2

I went to fortune telling. The psychic put her hands in my palms and began to read me, looking somewhere in my chest. . It’s interesting that the psychic’s eyes at that moment became more transparent, as if some small flashes seemed to appear. In general, she told me that I was from the khan’s family, in the family there was a person with my name who did not die a natural death. And my problems in my personal life seem to come from there. Moreover, she said that I have no karma. And she completed all this, completely dumbfounding me - that I have power...... some kind of devilish power, not intended for me. I have a question - what do you think is no karma? And what is this power that is not intended for me?

It was necessary to ask this psychic what she meant by the phrases you specified (no karma and about unintended power). If you don’t have karma, then you deigned to appear here, and the psychic should have grabbed onto you in order to learn intelligence from you and burn her
Can a person without karma manifest himself in our universe? Maybe it does. All the yoga teachers from whom we received the highest knowledge of yoga were precisely those very strange creatures, who outwardly resemble you and me, two arms, two legs, men and women, and outwardly differ little from us, but this is illusory, because these living beings have no karma, i.e. they are free, they are free to do whatever they please, they come to this universe only to teach us, they have no karma to be born. Here you and I, ordinary mortals, have karma, bad or positive, so we were born in a city or somewhere else, according to our karma, we received a place of birth, conditions of birth and will receive life expectancy with all the ensuing conditions, this is in many ways is conditioned by our preliminary karma, so you and I, if we are free beings, are only partly. But there are creatures who used to be the same people as us, but are now absolutely free, they have no karma. And if they appear somewhere, they appear not because of their karma, but because they deigned to appear there, as a rule, they do this out of great compassion for us, they appear in this world to teach us. Therefore, the possibility of creatures without karma appearing in our universe is, in general, an ordinary phenomenon. I hope that in the very near future each of us will become just such a being and rise above the law of karma, and if we look into the city or somewhere else, it will be solely for the purpose of helping all living beings, and the rest of the time you will spend like this , as we please.

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