Dmitry Nikolaevich Kurochkin Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Kurochkin: The potential for accelerated industrial development of the country lies in the implementation of competent regional industrial policy

11.07.2019 Society and culture

Interview with Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin

Not long ago, a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of Russia took place on the issue of development industrial potential regions Russian Federation. Does the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have anything to do with the preparation and holding of this meeting?

Yes, of course, and moreover, the most direct thing.

President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergei Katyrin took part in the meeting of the State Council of Russia and spoke at it. Moreover, the proposals he made were supported by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In addition, an indicative fact is that the participants of the meeting at the production site of Rostselmash were received by the Chairman of the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Industrial Development and Competitiveness of the Russian Economy, President of the Rosspetsmash Association Konstantin Babkin, who also spoke at the meeting of the State Council, however, about his own, painful issues - how additionally support domestic agricultural engineering.

The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry took an active part in preparing materials for the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation. Generalized proposals received from chambers, committees and councils, and member organizations of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry were sent to the working group of the State Council. A dozen and a half chambers of commerce and industry from the industrial regions of Central Russia, the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on industrial development and competitiveness of the Russian economy, the Expert Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on improving tax legislation and law enforcement practice, and the Committees of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on financial markets and credit organizations, on energy strategy and development of the fuel and energy complex, on entrepreneurship in the timber industry, on entrepreneurship in the textile and light industry, on economic integration and foreign economic activity, on promoting vocational and business education, on entrepreneurship in the field of sports, and also member organizations of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, including the National Confederation of Packers, the Laser Association, the Interregional Association of Precious Metals Producers, the Association of International Road Carriers, JSC Russian Railways, PJSC Gazprom Neft, MMC Norilsk Nickel, JSC EUROCEMENT Group.

A large number of the Chamber’s proposals relating to strategic planning, accounting for interregional and intersectoral balances, investment, tax policies, the activities of development institutions, foreign economic activity, that is, almost all areas of economic activity in general, were taken into account in the report of the State Council working group.

What are the most interesting proposals of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry included in the report of the State Council working group?

In the report of the State Council working group, several pages were entirely written by the “collective mind” of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

For example, that it is necessary to develop a long-term (25-30 years) unified state industrial and financial policy for the placement and development of regional productive forces based on modern innovative technologies and products.

That it is necessary to carry out a profound change in the strategy for the development of transport, transport infrastructure, roads and communications, moving from a policy of maximizing budget revenues in the transport industry to a policy of creating favorable transport conditions for the rapid development of other sectors of the economy, and Special attention pay attention to the development of regional small aviation.

That it is necessary to use methods substantiated by economic science and used by the industrialized countries of the world - strategic planning, economic and mathematical modeling, calculation of the optimal development option based on the transport and economic balance, fuel and energy balance, interregional and intersectoral balances.

The Chamber proposed to prepare special state programs industrial development“mono-regions” - individual depressed regions with a significant number of single-industry towns that have ceased the activities of industrial enterprises and do not have their own economic potential for industrial and agro-industrial development.

We believe that only a stable influx of private investment can satisfy Russia's need for infrastructure development. However, most private funds aim to make a profit in the short term, while the payback period for infrastructure projects can reach several decades. World experience in solving this problem points to the use of a project financing model in which a private investor would invest his money in creating the necessary infrastructure for future production, and the state would return this money to the private investor from additional income generated by new enterprises. This model works in many countries and is known as TIF (Tax Increment Financing, a deferred tax payment mechanism) as a method of financing public investment projects through the growth of local tax revenues.

It is necessary to conduct a competent regional policy in terms of providing tax benefits and preferences. Thus, in particular, it is advisable to consider the issue of introducing a regional tax benefit on movable property of taxpayers, since from January 1, 2018, the corresponding federal tax benefit will be canceled, and the right to introduce it will be transferred to the regional authorities. In this part, it is also possible to provide other benefits aimed at the development of industrial production, for example, exemption from property tax on fixed assets that are under conservation and reconstruction, provide benefits for producers and consumers of import-substituting products, etc.

Foreign practice last decades shows that to attract additional funding, maintaining the level of liquidity, accelerating the turnover of financial resources and minimizing risks in financial markets, the use of such an innovative financial instrument as securitization is quite effective.

Representatives of the business community and banks consider it necessary to create a separate guarantee fund and mechanisms to cover gaps in the implementation of projects.

We also propose to create a separate category and establish a separate regulatory procedure for banks financing industrial projects.

We insist on a significant increase in the capitalization of the Industrial Development Fund, scaling the practices and mechanisms of its activities to other development institutions.

In the field of foreign economic activity, we propose to modernize checkpoints using public-private partnership mechanisms in order to speed up the passage of goods across the border, take measures to reduce the list of mandatory documents provided by exporters as part of currency control to one document - an invoice/invoice, as well as to eliminate excess requirements for the return of foreign currency earnings during export activities.

I can hardly list everything; these are our main proposals reflected in the report of the State Council working group.

Industrial policy, as the most important component of state strategy, has been talked about relatively recently. What place does this issue occupy in the activity programs of the RF CCI?

Work on the implementation of industrial policy aimed at innovative development and technological modernization of production is one of the priorities of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

In 2014, the Federal Law “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation” was adopted, which became the legal basis for a new industrial policy that established forms, tools and measures state support industrial development.

It would be appropriate to recall that it was the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry that at one time initiated the concept of the bill. System work its preparation began back in 2004.

Regional industrial policy is a set of legal, economic, organizational and other measures aimed at developing the industrial potential of the region and ensuring the production of competitive industrial products on its territory. The need to formulate a targeted industrial policy in the regions is explained by the strengthening role of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the entire country.

Today, many experts note the fact that there is a need for the region to adopt a law on industrial policy, which would become a kind of foundation, defining the goals, objectives and priorities of regional industrial policy, powers government agencies and local governments in its implementation, the basic principles and forms of state support for industrial entities. This point of view is shared by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Territorial chambers are actively working to implement industrial policy. In May 2016, the Tula Chamber of Commerce and Industry took the initiative to create a center on the basis of the Chamber that would coordinate the joint work of small, medium and large industrial enterprises. The main task of the Center is a qualified assessment of the activities of the region’s production structures, their potential, capacity and ability to work for the future in conjunction with regional and domestic leaders in the priority sectors of specialization for the region - mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemical and others.

In June 2016, the Economic Development Council was created at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Saratov Region - a public structure whose main goal is to assist in the formation of regional strategies in the field of industrial, innovation, and investment policies. The work of the Council began with a discussion of the draft regional law “On Industrial Policy in the Saratov Region”. The comments and proposals developed by the Council were sent to the Committee on Economic Policy, Property and Land Relations of the Saratov Regional Duma.

In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation on the participation of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the preparation of a comprehensive action plan of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2017-2025, the Chamber on the basis of the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on industrial development and competitiveness of the Russian economy with the participation of territorial chambers, industry business associations and scientific organizations was The draft principles of the Russian Economic Development Strategy until 2025 have been prepared.

The principles of the Strategy were supported by leading associations of manufacturers in the real sector of the economy, such as the Rosspetsmash Association, Soyuzlegprom, Oil and Fat Union, the Association of Textile Manufacturers of Russia, the Russian Union of Chemical Enterprises and a number of others.

On May 30, 2017, the draft principles of the Strategy for Economic Development of Russia until 2025 were sent to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

Currently, the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on industrial development and competitiveness of the Russian economy is working on a report “On the state of competitiveness of the Russian economy in 2017,” which will be presented to the collegial governing body - the Council of the Chamber. It is expected that the report will become an annual analytical document of the Chamber.

Which tool for developing the industrial potential of Russian regions do you consider the most effective?

We consider the Industrial Development Fund to be the most effective tool for supporting the industrial development of Russian regions; by the way, it is a fairly young institute, operating only since 2015.

In February 2016, we signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Federal Investment Fund, and it is being successfully implemented. Moreover, every year our cooperation covers more and more new areas.

The Fund's programs allow Russian enterprises to gain access to preferential debt financing necessary to launch the production of unique domestic products, as well as analogues of advanced international developments.

The FRP provides loans at 1% and 5% per annum for up to 7 years in the amount of up to 750 million rubles, stimulating the influx of direct investment into the real sector of the economy.

These conditions can be called unique for our country.

What are the results of interaction between the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federal Investment Fund?

During the work of the Fund, in 2015-2017, 173 projects from 51 regions of Russia were recommended by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and approved for financing by the IDF Expert Council.

The most successful are the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Sverdlovsk Region) - 11 projects each, the South Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chelyabinsk Region) - 9 projects, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Perm and St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry - 8 projects each.

Experts from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry at on a regular basis carry out trips to the regions, meet with entrepreneurs - recipients of support from the Federal Investment Fund and those who are just planning to apply. Chambers in the regions work specifically with the business community, and we constantly inform entrepreneurs about the opportunities that the Foundation offers.

In 2017, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, together with the Industrial Development Fund, regularly held seminars, meetings and round tables in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues of interaction with the Industrial Development Fund. The practice will continue in 2018, for example already in January of this year. Such events took place in the Omsk and Ryazan regions.

In April 2017, a Collection of the best regional industrial projects initiated or supported by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and financed by the Industrial Development Fund was published, which summarizes experience in various industries and regions. This good example that the Foundation's support is real and available.

The publication of a similar collection based on the results of 2017 is currently being prepared.

Separately, it is necessary to note the active work to develop the system of regional industrial development funds. Today, 39 regional funds have been created, and 28 of them have signed agreements with the Federal Investment Fund, which provide the opportunity to participate in co-financing of projects.

Chambers of Commerce and Industry contribute to the organization of regional FRPs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. One of the main difficulties in creating an RFRP is justifying the need to launch an instrument for joint financing of the RFRP and the RFRP. Territorial Chambers of Commerce and Industry create a need on the part of industrial enterprises for a joint financing instrument, conduct an independent examination of applications with the involvement of industry experts, including free of charge for member enterprises of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Heads of chambers of commerce and industry are usually included in governing bodies regional FRP.

I would like to note that among the laureates of the special project “100 projects under the patronage of the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of chambers of commerce and industry in Russia and designed to support the activities of the best enterprises First of all, in the regions of the country, there are enterprises that have received financial support from the Industrial Development Fund. These are JSC Novozybkovsky Machine-Building Plant (Novozybkov, Bryansk region), JSC KEMZ (Kovrov, Vladimir region), JSC Russian Leather (Ryazan), JSC KhBK Shuya Calico (city of . Shuya, Ivanovo region), JSC "KEAZ" (Kursk), JSC "NEVZ-CERAMICS" (Novosibirsk), JSC "Drilling Equipment Plant" (Orenburg).

Can you tell us about specific “success stories” of the joint work of the RF CCI and the FRP?

Yes, and there are many of them.

These are enterprises that have received financial support from the Federal Investment Fund and have already reached the production stage in the implementation of their project, that is, they have actually achieved their goal.

For example, the NEVZ-Ceramics enterprise, with the support of the Novosibirsk City Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Entrepreneurship in Healthcare and Medical Industry, launched in Novosibirsk the production of modern and reliable hip joint endoprostheses, the service life of which is 2 times longer than existing analogues and reaches 20 years.

The project with a total cost of 226.8 million rubles was implemented with the participation of the Industrial Development Fund. The Federal Investment Fund provided the company with 150 million rubles at 5% per annum for a period of 5 years. The funding was provided within the framework of the Foundation’s flagship program “Development Projects”. The organization of Russian production of ceramic prostheses will, in addition to replacing foreign analogues, reduce the number of repeated operations that have to be performed when using metal models of lower quality. Today in Russia the need for endoprostheses with high service life is almost completely covered by imported products. In the coming years, the company plans to occupy up to 20% of the hip replacement market.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tolyatti supported the AKOM battery plant. Currently, the AKOM group of companies is implementing a project for the development and production of rechargeable batteries worth 1.2 billion rubles, of which the IDF loan amount is 500 million rubles.

As part of the project, the company plans to increase its share of the battery market from 18% to 26% by 2018, partially displacing foreign manufacturers, whose share of the Russian market is about 30%. For this purpose, production will be upgraded and production of new types of batteries will be organized. The technical parameters of the future product will significantly exceed imported analogues and the batteries will last up to three times longer than conventional acid batteries, have an increased energy storage density and will charge quickly. In addition, they will provide up to 100 thousand cycles of starting a car engine (today, industry leaders do not exceed 40 thousand cycles). Consumers of the products are car owners, as well as energy, telecommunications, transport and communications enterprises. The company plans to participate in the creation of distributed energy reservation systems and infrastructure projects.

Just recently I visited one of the best enterprises in the industry - Russian Leather JSC. Ryazan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on entrepreneurship in the textile and light industry supported modern production high quality natural leathers for interior decoration cars. The loan amount is 190 million rubles.

The Russian Leather company has opened a high-tech production of environmentally friendly leathers that have no domestic analogues in terms of quality. Competitive advantages include long-lasting color, stretch resistance, wear resistance, and breathability. At the same time, the company's leathers have the ability to restore their original shape after pressure and are resistant to chemical solvents.

Today in Russia there is not a single leather manufacturer that has the experience and technological base for the industrial production of automotive natural leather. The development of the project will allow foreign auto companies producing cars with leather interiors to reach a deeper level of localization.

“Russian Leather” expects to occupy up to 48% of the Russian market of natural automotive leather by 2021.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region supported the company NPO Mekhinstrument, which launched serial production of cabins from Russian components for tractors of the European brand Deutz-Fahr. The cost of the project was 102.7 million rubles, of which 51 million rubles were provided by the Federal Investment Fund in the form of a preferential loan for a period of 5 years.

The new production will allow us to increase the level of localization of the Agrolux series tractor to 60%. Using borrowed funds from the Fund, the company purchased modern equipment, which made it possible to unify technological processes and establish import-substituting production of cabins from Russian components. The cabin provides comfortable working conditions for operators: an air conditioning system, a multimedia system, a comfortable sprung seat, and easy-to-use control systems are installed. Cab strength and operator safety tests were successfully carried out.

Today in Russia there is specialized production of cabins in the tractor segment with an engine power of 80-100 hp. does not exist, which makes the project of the NPO Mekhinstrument company unique for Russia. The tractor cabin is one of the important elements of localizing foreign tractors on the territory of our country. These machines are designed specifically for housing and communal services and farms.

In the same Nizhny Novgorod region, Real-Invest CJSC (Balakhninsky district, Gidrotorf village) entered the production stage - an enterprise for the production of tanks for storing liquefied hydrocarbon gases (gas holders). Gas tanks are necessary to solve problems of gasification in areas where there is no gas pipeline or connecting to it is not economically feasible. The implementation of the project will make it possible to provide consumers with autonomous high-quality Russian-made gas supply systems at an affordable price, thereby completely abandoning the import of these products.

The list of such “success stories” could be continued.

In conclusion, I will say that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, which today unites 181 chambers of commerce and industry and is represented in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, has significant potential and opportunities to participate in the formation and implementation of industrial policy in the regions, the development of regional support infrastructure entrepreneurial activity, which is enshrined in the Priority Areas of Activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020.

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Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin visited KhBK "Shuiskie Chintz"

July 10, 2018

Delegation of the RF CCI consisting of the Vice-President of the RF CCI Dmitry Kurochkin and President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Ivanovo region Leonida Ivanov visited JSC KhBK "Shuiskie chintz" in Shuya (Ivanovo region). Together with the General Director JSC KhBK "Shuiskie chintz", Chairman of the Committee on Home Textiles of Soyuzlegprom Anna Bogadelina members of the delegation to the Government of the Ivanovo Region met with the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region - the head of the Economic Development Complex of the Ivanovo Region Svetlana Davletova. A member of the Government of the Ivanovo Region - Director of the Department of Economic Development and Trade of the Ivanovo Region also took part in the negotiations Lyudmila Badak and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Ivanovo Region - Head of the Project Management Center Lyudmila Dmitrieva.

At the meeting Dmitry Kurochkin stressed that the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is ready to actively promote technical re-equipment and modernization of industrial production. Issues of support and development of industrial enterprises of the Ivanovo region, interaction of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Ivanovo region and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Ivanovo region were also discussed.

In addition, Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin visited the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Ivanovo region, where he met with employees of the chamber and became acquainted with the work of its divisions.

Dmitry Kurochkin And Leonid Ivanov visited the finishing factory JSC KhBK "Shuiskie chintz". With the factory director Evgeniy Blinov implementation issues were discussed investment project, production plans, current activities. It was emphasized that with the assistance of a Federal Investment Fund loan, the enterprise will install new weaving and finishing equipment, which will make it possible to produce thinner, lighter and more durable fabrics for home textiles and special-purpose fabrics to expand the plant’s assortment capabilities. The company plans to export products manufactured on the new equipment to Germany, Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic. Right now we are delivering new equipment for the project, which will significantly increase the competitiveness of our products.

Also Dmitry Kurochkin, Leonid Ivanov and Anna Bogadelina discussed the possibility of implementing a new project for the production of elementalized flax fiber, based on the latest developments of scientists from Ivanovo Polytechnic University and the Institute of Chemical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

For reference:

JSC KhBK "Shuiskie cotton" is the largest textile enterprise in Russia with a rich history (founded in 1820), which combines the traditions of production and latest methods team formation, production process management. The plant produces more than 60,000 km of fabric per year (100% cotton). The company produces fabrics of satin, calico, chintz and towel groups. The plant has a full cycle of cotton processing, as well as its own art workshop for developing designs for printing on fabrics. Sewing garments (bed linen sets, tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, blankets, pillows).

In November 2017, the project of JSC KhBK "Shuiskie Calico" to install a chain of technological equipment for the production of fabrics from high-number yarn and special-purpose fabrics was financed by the Industrial Development Fund in the amount of 250 million rubles. The total cost of the project is 1.35 billion rubles. With the help of a Federal Investment Fund loan, the enterprise will install new weaving and finishing equipment, which will make it possible to produce thinner, lighter and more durable fabrics for home textiles and special-purpose fabrics that correspond to world analogues at a significantly lower cost.

The company is a member

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationVice President

Professional experience

20 years of experience in the banking sector in the Vnesheconombank system and foreign banks in France and Belgium.
10 years of teaching experience at MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Russian-European College at MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Long-term experience in Western Europe and the Middle East (office of the economic adviser at the USSR Embassy in Syria).
At the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he is responsible for the development of entrepreneurship and competition, coordination of the activities of working committees and councils, development of the membership base, assessment of regulatory and actual impact, implementation of industrial policy and regional industrial projects, energy strategy and development of the fuel and energy complex, agro-industrial complex, transport complex and logistics , healthcare and medical industry.
Co-chairman of the Russian-Italian Committee of Entrepreneurs (from the Russian side), member of the board of executive directors of the International Business Congress (Berlin), the expert council of the Industrial Development Fund, the board of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, the Strategic Development Committee of the Supervisory Board of SME Bank.
Author of more than 50 publications on issues of European economic and monetary integration.
Fluent in English and French languages.
Gratitude from the Economic Adviser at the USSR Embassy in the SAR for his great personal contribution to the development and strengthening of Soviet-Syrian economic cooperation (1985).
Gratitude from the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for his great personal contribution to the preparation and holding of the X Anniversary International Investment Forum “Sochi-2011” (2011).
Gratitude from the President of the International Business Congress and Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom for 10 years of impeccable work on the Board of Executive Directors of the International Business Corporation (2011).
Governor's Gratitude Tula region for significant contribution to the organization and conduct of the State Council of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the issues of increasing the investment attractiveness of Russian regions (2013).
Diploma of honor and gratitude from the XVI Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes-2013” ​​for active participation in the organization and conduct of the salon (2013).
Gratitude from the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of industry and active participation in the work of the Expert Council of the Russian Foundation for Technological Development (2015).
Gratitude from the First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Director of the Industrial Development Fund for active participation and great personal contribution to the work of the expert council of the Industrial Development Fund in 2015 (2015).
Gratitude from the General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Rector of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation for their great contribution to the organization and implementation of the educational training program best practices identified as a result of the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the Subjects of the Russian Federation (2015).
Gratitude from the Union of Indian Engineers and the exhibition organizing committee for their active participation in organizing and holding the international industrial exhibition “Innoprom-2016” (2016).
Gratitude from the Governor of the Oryol region for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the Oryol region, active support of entrepreneurial activity (2016).
Gratitude from the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for his great personal contribution to the work of the expert council of the Industrial Development Fund in 2016 (2016).
Honorary diploma of the Presidium of the International Business Congress for his great personal contribution to the activities of the IBC and in connection with the twentieth anniversary of continuous work as a member of the board (2017).

– Dmitry Nikolaevich, at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry you are responsible for the development of entrepreneurship and competition, tell us about the support measures that the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry provided to entrepreneurs this year.

– The key area on which the efforts of the RF CCI system are concentrated is maintaining economic growth, supporting the creation of new industries aimed not only at import substitution, but also at export.

In accordance with the instructions given following the results of the Address of the President of Russia V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, together with other leading associations of entrepreneurs, prepared proposals from the business community for the Comprehensive Action Plan of the Russian Government for 2017–2025. In 2017, a number of the chamber’s proposals were reflected in federal laws and decisions of the Russian Government.

Serious expert materials and proposals of the Chamber are being prepared for meetings of the State Council of Russia, incl. and to the recently held meeting on the issue “On the development of the industrial potential of the regions of the Russian Federation.” The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation sent generalized proposals received from chambers, committees and councils, and member organizations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation to the working group of the State Council. A number of proposals from the Chamber concerning strategic planning, accounting for interregional and intersectoral balances, and investment policy were taken into account in the report of the State Council working group.

Speaking about the assistance of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in supporting industries and specific enterprises, I cannot help but mention the Industrial Development Fund.

Today, the Federal Investment Fund is one of the main mechanisms for supporting manufacturing entrepreneurship. At the moment, out of 268 supported projects, 35 production facilities are already operating. The total investment volume amounted to 250 billion rubles, of which 66 billion came from preferential loans from the Industrial Development Fund. Chambers of Commerce and Industry are certainly interested in the development of the economy and production of their regions, therefore they actively support applications for modernization or the creation of new industries. The Chamber signed a cooperation agreement with the FRP. Based on the results of 2015–2017, 173 projects from 51 regions of Russia were recommended by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and approved for financing by the Expert Council of the Federal Investment Fund. Special attention is paid to the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Our focus is also on the public procurement system - we assess the quality of procurement, monitor the number of procurements carried out in violation of legal requirements, and discuss with representatives of the Russian Ministry of Finance and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia possible measures to reduce the number of violations and improve the quality of procurement procedures.

It is also appropriate to recall a special project implemented by the Federal Chamber: “100 projects under the patronage of the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.” The project is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of chambers of commerce and industry in Russia; the goal is to support the activities of the best enterprises, primarily in the regions of the country. Among the project laureates there are many enterprises that received financial support from the Federal Investment Fund.

– Committees and councils that unite representatives of member organizations of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry actively participate in the legislative and rule-making process. What has been achieved in this direction?

– Participation in the work on draft federal laws and by-laws is one of the priority areas of activity of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Moreover, Article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Chambers of Commerce and Industry” gives us the right to participate in the preparation of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts affecting the interests of entrepreneurs, as well as to send conclusions based on the results of examinations of draft laws to state authorities and local governments and other regulatory legal acts.

An example is cooperation with State Duma. During the spring and autumn sessions of 2017, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry supported more than 100 bills, initiated the introduction of 20 packages of amendments, and developed 15 “own” bills. Now the work on forming a plan for legislative activity for 2018 is coming to an end.

Participation in the preparation and examination of by-laws is carried out largely by members of our industry committees and councils and member organizations of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Our representatives, incl. at the request of ministries, they are included in working groups for project development. Many draft regulatory legal acts are submitted for consideration by committees and councils to determine the position of the Chamber and the business community as a whole. We have examples where, as a result of such a discussion, projects were substantially reworked.

IN last years In Russia, a new tool for business participation in rule-making activities has been introduced - regulatory impact assessment (RIA). We evaluate RIA as a truly effective tool that allows us to eliminate provisions that are burdensome for business at the stage of developing draft regulatory legal acts and at the very early stage when preparing the document, include a “preventive” mechanism. The figures are indicative: in 2011, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry reviewed 429 projects within the framework of RIA, and in 2017 – more than a thousand more (1648 projects).

We highly appreciate the “impact” factor of our work on the rule-making process within the framework of RIA. For example, in 2017, out of 177 comments by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry sent to developers, 100 were taken into account.

– The Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on industrial development and competitiveness of the Russian economy has prepared a draft principles of the Strategy for the Economic Development of Russia until 2025. Please comment on its main points.

– By creating the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on industrial development and competitiveness of the Russian economy, we deliberately went to the formation of a single platform on which it was planned to unite the best experts business community in the field of industrial development and economic competitiveness. This was supposed to give a synergistic effect and increase the effectiveness of the legislative and expert work of the Chamber.

The Council is called upon to organize a systematic search for the necessary solutions, measures and mechanisms of state support, develop effective stabilization measures, and promote structural changes.

Our hopes were generally justified. The Council consistently moved to consider key issues of the Strategy at its meetings, considering issues of foreign economic activity, tax incentives for industrial development, competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex, monetary incentives for industrial development, and, ultimately, proposed the principles of the Strategy for the Economic Development of Russia until 2025.

The main goal of the Strategy is to realize the potential of the Russian population and improve its well-being. This is achieved by changing the paradigm of the country’s socio-economic development, through solving a number of problems:

  • implementation of a coordinated and reasonable industrial policy;
  • equalization of competitive conditions for industrial enterprises and regions;
  • more active and consistent protection of the interests of domestic producers;
  • identification of manufacturing sectors as the main engine of long-term development of the country's economy.

The strategy was widely discussed in chambers of commerce and industry, committees and member organizations of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The final document was sent to the President of Russia.

– Among the members of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry are associations of entrepreneurs from all sectors of the economy. Our magazine is primarily interested in energy-related industries. What work does the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry carry out in these segments of the economy?

– In 2017, the Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on energy strategy and development of the fuel and energy complex, which is headed by the Chairman of the Council of the Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists of Russia Yuri Shafranik, held a number of meetings on problems in the energy industry. In particular, questions about the role of the electric power complex in increasing the pace of development of the country's economy were discussed.

Experts from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry believe that in the conditions of recovery from the crisis, with insignificant production growth rates, the energy sector is too burdensome for the economy, and measures are needed to change the situation. Real production needs to create conditions, including from the electric power complex, which in turn needs to change the principles of its development. Proposals to change the situation following the meeting will be submitted to the Russian Government.

A separate meeting was held at which the problems associated with the significant increase in electricity tariffs were discussed. Based on the results of the meeting, the Committee decided to prepare proposals for adjusting current legislation, an appeal to the FAS of Russia is being prepared.

Pursuant to the instructions of the President of Russia V.V. Putin sent proposals to the Russian Ministry of Energy to develop mechanisms for attracting investments in the modernization of thermal power generation facilities. In these proposals, the emphasis is on increasing attention to market methods of management in the electric power industry, the existence of economic conditions for reducing electricity tariffs, increasing energy efficiency in the energy complex, and improving antimonopoly regulation in relation to generating companies and energy supply organizations.

– In order to develop entrepreneurship in the northern regions, international relations and foreign economic cooperation, the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the northern (subpolar) territories and the Arctic zone was created. Tell us which regions are included? What are the goals and objectives of the Association?

– Considering that the North and the Arctic zone are increasingly involved in international economic turnover, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, including through specialized committees, has been actively working for many years together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, scientific organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian -Norwegian Chamber of Commerce on the issue of ensuring environmental protection and rational management of natural resources for sustainable development Arctic zone Russia.

On December 22, 2010, the leaders of the chambers of commerce and industry of the northern territories of Russia created the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the northern (subpolar) territories and the Arctic zone. At a meeting of the Association, held on May 12, 2017 in Arkhangelsk, a decision was made to elect the President of the Arkhangelsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vasily Sidorovsky as the President of the Association, and the city of Arkhangelsk was determined as the location of the Association’s headquarters.

Currently, the Association includes 12 chambers of commerce and industry operating in the Arctic: Arkhangelsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kamchatka Territory, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Komi Republic, Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Magadan Region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Murmansk Region, St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Tyumen Region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The main objectives of the Association are the socio-economic development of regions, the development of the Northern Sea Route, support scientific research Arctic. One of the areas of activity is active work with Gazprom OJSC, Norilsk Nickel Group of Companies, Rosneft OJSC, LUKOIL PJSC, Vostokugol Management Company, Kolmarproekt Management Company and other subsoil users in terms of placing orders in those regions. where these companies operate.

In 2017, members of the Association took an active part in the VI International Arctic Forum “The Arctic - Territory of Dialogue”, the conference “Northern Delivery - New Ways and Opportunities”, the International Russian-Norwegian Conference on Coastal Fisheries, the V International Forum “Arctic Projects - Today and tomorrow”, VII International Forum “Arctic: Present and Future”.

– What can you tell us about the participation of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in international cooperation in the Arctic?

– Since the very beginning of the 90s, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and territorial chambers have been actively involved in establishing contacts with their foreign partners, including in the countries of Northern Europe and North America. Over the past years, a steady exchange of delegations on the topic of business cooperation in the Arctic has been organized through the chambers, and a significant number of events have been held at the bilateral and multilateral level, including at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Discussions show that both the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Arctic region and their foreign partners are primarily interested in topics of interaction between business and government in the Arctic regions of various countries: subsidies and various types of benefits for Arctic entrepreneurship, government mechanisms for stimulating economic activity in the Arctic, government experience supporting Arctic infrastructure, measures to stimulate employment, etc. This interest is quite justified. After all, the economic development of the Arctic regions in all relevant countries (Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, USA), due to the climate and the significant material costs required for the development of territories, is primarily a matter for governments or companies with serious state participation. The role of private business here is, as a rule, limited.

For businesses, there is also great interest in the accumulated different countries practical experience of entrepreneurs, for example, the exchange of business ideas for creating startups, the specifics of implementing commercial projects in Arctic conditions.

Among the Russian Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Arctic region, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Murmansk Region is most actively involved in international cooperation - in full accordance with its status as a “border” chamber. The Chamber actively interacts with its partners within the Barents/Euro-Arctic region. Constant working contacts are maintained with chambers of commerce in neighboring countries - Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland.

Together with the Administration of the Murmansk Region, the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry actively participates in the organization and conduct of the annual Murmansk International Business Week (MIBU). In 2013, a conference of Arctic business chambers and business associations was held in Murmansk as part of the MIDN. The organizer was the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Murmansk Region, with participation from the Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce of Lapland (Finland), the Chamber of Commerce of Norrbotten (Sweden), the Icelandic structure “Arctic Portal”, and representatives of the Canadian Embassy in Russia.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Murmansk Region also initiated the annual conference in Kirovsk, “Mining Industry of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region: A Look into the Future,” within the framework of the International International Biological Conference. The seventh conference was held in November 2017. With the organizing role of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Murmansk Region, all the largest mining, processing and metallurgical plants of the Murmansk Region, and the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences are involved in the work. The conference annually brings together businessmen and scientists working in the field of mining from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, the Czech Republic, Korea, and other countries.

– To what extent are the Russian North and the Arctic zone involved in international economic turnover?

– The North of Russia produces more than 20% of GDP, 18% of electricity, 25% of forest products, and also produces more than 90% of natural gas, 75% of oil, 80% of gold, 90% of copper and nickel, almost all diamonds, cobalt, platinum group metals, apatite concentrate. All mentioned goods form the basis of Russian exports. Suffice it to note that the share of federal budget revenues from the use of the mineral resource base of the North exceeds 40%, and the share of foreign exchange earnings – 80%. The Russian North and the Arctic zone are not only involved in international trade; this region of the country can perhaps be called key for Russian exports.

Russian companies operating in the Arctic have been actively involved in international cooperation for a long time. It is enough to note the large holdings Norilsk Nickel, Severstal, Phosagro, Eurochem, their products are successfully sold on the world market.

In the oil and gas sector, it is enough to mention the Yamal LNG project, in the implementation of which foreign companies are widely involved.

Speaking about the international aspect of mining in the Russian Arctic, one cannot fail to mention the activities of the Canadian gold mining company KinrossGold, which invested in two mines in Chukotka. KinrossGold has been operating in Russia since 1995, maintaining its status as the largest foreign investor in the country's gold mining industry, the largest Canadian investor in the Russian economy and one of the largest taxpayers in the country. Far East Russia. Since entering the Russian market, the company's investment in the local economy exceeds $3 billion.

– On February 20-21, 2018, the III International Conference “The Arctic: Shelf Projects and Sustainable Development of Regions” will be held at the site and with the support of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. What priority topics do you plan to voice on this platform as one of the key speakers?

– The main leitmotif of my speech will be Russia’s national interests and international cooperation in the Arctic, the challenges that arise and the opportunities that arise.

Considering the rich Natural resources northern territories and the Arctic and their global significance, the goals of interaction should be the formation of the basic potential for sustainable development of the region, basic principles of environmental management, ecology and identification of environmental risks, prospects for cooperation between Russia and the northern countries of Europe and America to attract foreign investment in projects for the comprehensive development of infrastructure, revival the Northern Sea Route, new technologies for hydraulic engineering and road construction, new convergent biological technologies for marine products, the development of aquaculture (mariculture), the development of human potential and active longevity and others.

It is necessary to develop rules for carrying out activities in the Arctic regions of the country so that as a result of the development of these territories, no damage is caused to the nature of the Far North, the Arctic, or the interests of indigenous peoples.

At the same time, an effective monitoring system must be introduced to control the compliance of businesses operating in the Arctic with the norms and requirements of current legislation.

It is necessary to develop programs to stimulate the development of the northern territories and the Arctic, the development of public-private partnerships, improving the investment climate in the region and the implementation of large infrastructure projects, incl. in transport and communication fields.