Troubleshooting computer errors. PC prevention: checking, cleaning and treatment. Applications for working with the system registry

31.08.2018 Computers

Over time, the Windows 10 operating system, like any other, begins to work slower, all sorts of errors arise, and programs take a long time to load. In this case, after manually optimizing the work of the “tens” using tools built into the system itself, it also makes sense check the “top ten” for internal errors and OS integrity.

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Of course, for most of us it would be much more convenient to carry out all such checks with one click, which is why all sorts of optimizer applications are so incredibly popular. However my personal experience suggests that when solving problems with Windows 10 (and other versions), it is best to use built-in utilities and system methods. This method ensures that the operating system will not be damaged, and also protects against all kinds of threats from third-party programs. In general, the work of all kinds of optimization applications reminds me of the behavior of a bull in a china shop: without really understanding the details, they try to speed up the computer at any cost. The result, as a rule, is quite disastrous: the speed of the system first increases and then decreases again, unknown errors appear, services needed by a particular user are disabled, etc. As a result, the integrity of Windows 10 itself is violated, and as a result, the system begins to slow down and “glitch” even more.

Scan your computer for malware

This license must be used by one person on multiple machines, but only one person can use this license. Depending on how you use your computer, a short time the system begins to slow down, program execution is interrupted unexpectedly, and in extreme cases the user may become a victim of virtual plagues.

Although this procedure solves most problems, it is a practice that hides its origins, and the procedure will likely have to be repeated soon enough. In addition to increasing the chance of losing important data and incurring additional costs with service charges. Its interface is presented in Brazilian Portuguese, making interactions with non-English-dominant users more friendly. The optimization process consists of identifying errors in the system registry, imbalances in power management, vulnerabilities in outdated security programs and drivers.

So, in order to check "ten" for errors there is a built-in utility. It is called SFC and works in all versions of the Windows operating system starting from XP. To run it, you first need to open a Command Prompt window. To do this, click on the Start menu with the RIGHT mouse button and select “Command Prompt (Administrator)”.

Next, in the command line that opens, type the command “ sfc /scannow" (without quotes, of course) and press Enter. You don’t have to type this command manually, but copy it from the site, and then paste it directly into the Command Prompt window with one click of the right mouse button. (by the way, you can copy any text from the Command Line itself in almost the same way: first select it, and then just left-click on it). After this, a system scan will begin, which, depending on the performance of the computer, can last from several minutes on fast machines to an hour or more on outdated ones. Progress can be observed in the form of percentage of operation completion.

In most cases, the operation will be completed successfully and a window will appear as in the screenshot below. IN best case scenario damage will not be detected at all. If everything turned out exactly like this for you, then you won’t have to take any further actions.

If the message “ Windows Resource Protection has detected corrupted files, but is unable to repair some of them", then you can continue the recovery operation using the utility DISM, which will try to correct existing errors.

Before you launch it, you need to prepare. First, turn off the computer and disconnect everything unnecessary from it: flash drives, other removable drives, etc. Turn it on and wait for the system to boot. When Windows 10 has fully started, we look at what programs we have launched along with the system and close them. To do this, hold down the Alt key, press Tab and use the mouse to close all active programs. We also close all running applications on the right side of the taskbar (for example, antivirus or Google Chrome, which continues to work in the background even when the window is closed). To do this, hover the cursor over the program logo in the lower right corner, right-click and select “Exit”.

Now you need to make sure that the computer is connected to the network, and also that the power mode does not provide for turning off hard drives from power supply during prolonged user inactivity. The fact is that the recovery process is not very fast (it took me 10-15 minutes), so you need to protect your computer from turning off during work. The Internet connection must remain active, since Windows may use Update during the recovery process.

After all this you can run command line. (I remind you: cmd in the search bar and run as Administrator) Next, copy from here and paste the following command there with the right mouse button:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /ScanHealth

The utility begins scanning the Windows 10 operating system for errors and integrity damage. This process, as I wrote above, took about 10-15 minutes on my computer. Hanging at 20.0% for a certain time is completely normal. Then, as in the image below, a message will appear indicating that the component store is subject to recovery. (If not, then we are unlikely to be able to cope without the help of specialists - perhaps reinstall Windows 10 completely) .

To try to restore damaged parts of our operating system, enter the following command into the Command Prompt and, as always, press Enter:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /RestoreHealth

A process begins that is similar to the previous one both in appearance and in duration. Again about 10-15 minutes, again freezing at 20.0%.

In most cases, the DISM utility manages to fix everything. The message appears: " Restore completed successfully" Finally, you can double-check whether errors in the operating system remain with the utility SFC (about it and how to do it is written at the beginning of the article).

However, it also happens that it is not possible to restore the integrity and fix Windows 10 errors using DISM. This is what happened to me when I wrote this article and did everything described above on my own computer. As a result of the work, the DISM utility gave me a message in the Command Line that it was impossible to find the source files for recovery and, therefore, it did not correct the error.

In this case, of course, you can continue trying to restore the integrity of Windows 10 and fix errors in the system. To do this, as a rule, you need to have a clean image previously saved somewhere, from which the OS was installed. Personally, I decided not to go further into the jungle and just reinstalled "top ten" completely. But if you have the time and desire to figure out how to restore components without a complete reinstallation, then perhaps reading the comments in the corresponding topic on the Microsoft forum.

Does your computer run smoothly and the operating system does not issue error alerts? Even if so, there is no guarantee that there are no unnecessary processes or malicious files. For most owners of laptops or desktop computers, it is enough that everything just works and the system does not “bother” with regular error alerts. But some people are not satisfied with this, and they begin to look for ways to improve the overall performance of their device. Checking your computer for errors can be performed using standard operating system tools. If they do not allow you to get rid of the existing problems, you will have to resort to the help of third-party software.

An initial check of your computer for errors can be performed using standard tools. It is recommended to start by checking the quality of work hard drive. To do this, just do the following:

  1. Go to the section " My computer».
  2. Right-click on the icon of the person being checked hard drive partition.
  3. Go to the " Properties", and then - " Service».
  4. Once in the desired section, run “ Checking the volume for errors».

In most cases, this simple method allows you to cope with all existing problems. But in some situations it is still powerless and you have to use special programs. You can also use the check via the command line, which significantly increases the efficiency of the check.

A full check of your computer for errors necessarily includes disk defragmentation. It is done in the following order. You go to the Start menu, go to the “All Programs” tab, open the “System” section, then “Accessories” and run a program called “Disk Defragmenter”. With this check you can get rid of errors at almost any stage. It is recommended to perform it at least once every six months. If you use your computer intensively, run defragmentation once every 1-2 months. .

You can obtain information about errors in the system Event Log. It's very easy to find. Open the Start menu, go to Control Panel, then open Administrative Tools and click Event Viewer. If there are errors, you can easily recognize them by their designation in the form of a red circle with a white cross. Double-click on the event and review the information provided. The solution is selected separately for each problem.

Checking your computer for errors using special programs

If standard tools for diagnosing and eliminating errors are powerless, use special programs. There are quite a lot of them, the most effective and understandable for the average user are the following products:

  1. Antivirus of your choice.

The first utility in the list allows you to thoroughly check the operating system for errors. Download and install the program. After successful installation, run an error check. The application interface is extremely clear; there will be no problems finding the desired section. The program will analyze the system and provide information about existing errors and potential malfunctions that led to their occurrence (for example, outdated drivers for a particular component, conflicts between different programs, etc.).

To check your computer for errors even more deeply, use a program called Advanced System Care. It allows you to identify most operating system malfunctions and successfully fix them. Download and install the suggested application. After installation, open it and go to the “System Diagnostics” section. Open the program settings tab, and then go to Registry Errors. There, check the box next to “Enable deep scanning.” Double-check the settings and click the “Save” button.

Next, you need to return to the “System Diagnostics” section, select all 4 items there and start the scan by clicking the corresponding button. After the process is completed, review the list of faults. If you want the program to try to fix existing problems on its own, click the Repair button and let the application do its job.

Go to the "Windows Cleanup" section. As in the previous step of the instructions, activate the menu items and enable scanning. In most cases, as a result of such a check, the program finds a number of registry errors. If any are found, activate troubleshooting. The program successfully resolves registry problems without affecting important system files.

Antivirus of your choice

After the basic error checking of your computer has been completed and the required corrections have been made, be sure to check the operating system for viruses and potentially dangerous software. Choose the program to search and destroy them at your discretion. It is better to first study the reviews of each available application and choose the option you like best. Regardless of the program you choose, you will need to do the following. Launch your antivirus and go to the section for selective scanning of hard drive partitions. Specify the desired partition (usually the one on which the operating system files are stored) or all the partitions of your computer’s hard drive at once. After the scan is completed, the program will offer to eliminate the detected threats. Follow the further recommendations. For such checks, I recommend using .

Make it a rule to perform such checks on on a regular basis. For ordinary users, it is usually enough to check once every 3-6 months. For more advanced users, it is recommended to reduce the interval between checks.