Blood and Soul Review, description, reviews Blood and Soul. Hard drive size

24.07.2019 Finance

Dedicated to fans of Korean and Chinese MMORPGs.

B.S. is a game based on PvP and communication between players. It is free and fully translated into Russian.

The graphics in "Blood and Soul" are very nice and meet all the modern requirements. Beautifully animated water, trees, landscapes. Blood & Soul is a fairly well-drawn top-class MMORPG.

The sound design in BS is so unobtrusive and light that after a few minutes you simply stop hearing the music.

At the time of writing this review, the game already has 11 jam-packed servers. Not every popular MMORPG can boast such a number of players. This means that here you will not feel lonely.

In Blood & Soul you can always find a group to go into a dungeon together or to clash in a battle for possession of resources.

The game was translated into Russian in 2011, and since then has gained truly enormous popularity in Russia, thanks to a bright, diverse world in which everyone can do whatever they want.

You can fight in large-scale guild battles for territory and in arena tournaments, create things and trade them freely, fish or mine valuable resources, arrange lavish weddings, and so on. Read more about the merits of this game in the review of Blood and Soul.

Why Blood & Soul?

Hundreds of players join the army of BS fans every day. What is the reason for such success, and what distinguishes this game from the countless sea of ​​​​other MMORPGs?

There are not so many special differences, but the secret of the success of this game lies not in its differences or any special unique features, but in a clearly verified balance, quest system and proven over the years game mechanics, based on grinding and character development - everything that needs no explanation. Simply, “Fornication and Soul” used the developments that already existed in many games, but did it better and more elegantly than most of its competitors.

Let's list the basic advantages of the game:

  • A well-developed system of character emotions, as well as a collection of outfits, allowing you to create a bright and unique image;
  • Nice gifts to players EVERY DAY for simply being in the game.
  • Arena battles and large-scale guild wars;
  • A flexible pet system allows you to grow and develop your faithful animals, which will not only help you in battle, but also facilitate the gameplay, helping, for example, to collect valuable loot for you;
  • The game has all the conditions for the manifestation of emotions and feelings. Your character can, for example, dance and jump;
  • A unique spell creation system makes the game more dynamic;
  • A flexible system for crafting and upgrading equipment gives the gameplay even more variety;
  • The ability to have your own little Elf increases your capabilities in battle;

Game Features

The first entry into the game pleasantly surprises you with its beautiful graphics.

Briefly about the plot. The BS game is a confrontation between hell and heaven, where your character is the protector of earthly inhabitants from hellish creatures. Although if you look closely, there are no scary creatures here. You mainly have to fight with demons, some of which look like very beautiful winged nymphs. However, in the opinion of Koreans, this is normal - just like mobs who wear only thin panties with something like straps. Yes, the game is not for children - that's a fact.

After creating a character, you are transported to some ancient castle or church, from which you will begin your long journey through the world of the game. Here you will immediately meet a quest mob, from whom you take your first task in the “go kill a crowd of monsters” style. Already on the first task you are asked to choose a weapon.

The character runs where you point him with the mouse. You can also run by pressing the W, A, S, D buttons - just like in Counter.

The game has a gift system, but most often you will receive things that you don’t really need. With the exception of the first two - a unicorn and a rabbit. The first one is needed to quickly move around the game world, and the rabbit will run with you and collect all the equipment dropped from mobs for you, which is also very convenient.

If you ask whether it is possible to survive here without donating, then the answer is clear - yes, it is possible. Although, of course, the developers have made efforts to motivate people to invest real money in the game. After all, even small transactions can significantly speed up the pumping and development of a hero.

For all this, in Blood and Soul, as in any conventional free game, there is a store that will delight you with a very extensive selection. There is almost everything here that can speed up and simplify leveling up your hero. Starting from increasing the chance of crafting and ending with cute pets. Be that as it may, pay or play for free - it's up to you to decide.


Luxurious weddings in Blood and Soul.

The pet system in Blood and Soul consists of small winged elves who will always fly next to you and help in the development of your character.

An elf is a character's companion who increases his characteristics. Elves can be sharpened, upgraded, crossed, stones inserted into them and much more. Creating and leveling up elves is, one might say, a separate online game that can greatly enhance the abilities of your hero.

The strength of an elf depends on its color and SP (abilities). The pet affects everything - weapons, equipment, jewelry, and in itself it is quite strong and can help in battle.

Professions and crafting

The classic autorun allows you to run to the quest location without any problems, either on your own two feet or on a mount.

The game has an interesting crafting system, represented by four professions: crafting, blacksmithing, tailoring and dismantling. Blacksmithing allows you to craft (create) certain things with a certain chance. For example, if you have 4 cast irons, you can create a lyre. But what kind of color it will turn out to be - blue, white or even orange - is a matter of randomness (lucky chance).

The rest of the professions are related to each other in one way or another. For example, to obtain cast iron needed for blacksmithing, you need ore. How to mine ore? To do this you need to run around the mine.

In BS you can easily create the necessary equipment. Crafted Items are randomly generated. It should be noted that the crafting level is pumped up, and the higher the crafting level, the better equipment you can create.

There is also equipment improvement in the game. Almost any equipment in Blood and Soul can be upgraded. There are two types of improvement - sharpening and inlay with stones. There is no safe sharpening in the game - there is always a risk of breaking a weapon. Runes of luck increase the chance of sharpening, and guarantee runes protect equipment from damage as a result of unsuccessful sharpening.

Stones are inserted into things with cells. There can be several cells. And there are stones different levels. The higher the level, the more characteristics it will grow. You can create cells yourself, and stones can be removed from the cell if necessary.

When you don't have enough space in your inventory, a mobile warehouse will help you. What is a mobile warehouse? This is a box that is always with you, and it can serve as an additional place for your inventory, which is very convenient.


In Blood & Soul, you cannot select a character class during its creation, but you can only customize the hero. The first profession change (level change) will open for the player at level 20.

Available in BS choice of four classes: Warrior, Shooter, Bard and Mage. To open a class you need to complete a quest chain. At level sixty, the player can choose a second class. From the first level to the twentieth, a player can pump up all the skills in the beginner’s branch without fear of not having enough points, since in order to grant the next profession it is necessary that the skills in the first branch be pumped in. There will not be enough points for the remaining skill branches. So you should think about what to pump in.

Each character has characteristics. And with each new level the hero will receive 5 points, which you can distribute according to your characteristics.

Combat system

The battles in Blood and Soul are so vibrant that sometimes you can’t see the enemy behind the sparkles of the special effects.

The combat in Blood and Soul is quite entertaining. All skills are quite colorfully detailed.

The uniqueness of the BS combat system lies in the massive nature of the battles. All classes have AoE skills (the ability to cause massive damage) that hit enemies in an area. After all, here, unlike most MMORPGs, you will have to fight against dozens of mobs at the same time.

One drawback in the game is the HP and MP cans, which can be used in battles against other players. Using healing and mana potions, two heroes can fight for a very long time.

As for the PvP system (player battles against each other), it is presented in the form of arena battles and battles between guilds.

Guilds in the game are needed to unite players and facilitate character leveling. Any guild can be improved. Maximum level guilds - fifth. Each guild has a building that also needs to be upgraded. The guild is also useful in terms of strengthening heroes.

PvP is completely free, except for one nuance - a player above level 20 can attack another only if his level is also above level 20. There is a penalty for killing players excessively, creating the possibility that if you lose, a valuable item may fall out of your backpack.


There are a lot of tasks in Blood and Soul, and they are very diverse. Quests come in different groups and difficulty levels. The more difficult the task, the greater the reward for it.

Also, tasks are divided into many groups: event, regular, group, random, privilege tasks, guild and so on.

You can receive five privilege tasks every day. The most interesting are the random tasks - they are taken from a special stone and generated randomly depending on the character's level. You can update the list of tasks using a scroll.


The dungeons in Blood & Soul aren't just dark basements filled with monsters. These are unforgettable adventures in mysterious castles, countless treasures and brave trials awaiting brave heroes.

A loner in a dark dungeon faces death. Those who expect to survive should go there in the company of at least three comrades.

In each dungeon sits a local dark lord - a big, damn tenacious boss, who must be killed within a certain time, otherwise the difficult and dangerous path will have to be repeated from the very beginning.

In Blood and Soul, the dungeon does not close after each playthrough. However, each character has a fatigue scale, after which the player will no longer be able to enter the dungeon until the next day, when the rested hero is ready to go again.

Training video for beginners

Blood and Soul – is it worth playing?

Beautiful art is one of the key advantages of the game.

The uniqueness of this MMORPG lies in its non-standard PvE and a huge number of possibilities. There is a system of marriages, mentors, elves, improvements, and so on.

The player can expect interesting and memorable events starting from level 10, as well as very large-scale battles between players, guild wars and unforgettable raids.

The game Blood & Soul is a rather interesting project. The downside of the game is the extensive donation store, which makes the game easier. The advantage is that you can get absolutely everything that is sold in the store yourself in the game, without investing a penny into it.

There aren't many free projects of this quality. So play for your health - it's worth it.

How to play? Everything is very simple, register on the official Blood & Soul website, download the client and enjoy.

This brings us to the end of our review of Blood and Soul. See you at MMGlobus!

Back in the middle of the century before last, Charles Darwin put forward the theory that the entire evolution of life on Earth is based on natural selection and random undirected hereditary changes. But man, in defiance of evolution, made selection not entirely natural, and the changes quite directed and non-random. We came up with selection and learned, by evolutionary standards, to create new forms of living beings in a matter of seconds. Blood and Soul(not to be confused with NCsoft) is one of those MMORPGs in which anyone can feel like Michurin, Vavilov, and if you’re lucky, both at once.

Angels and Demons

In the universe of the game, the destinies of heavenly Heaven, Hell and the mortal world are closely intertwined. The plot tells of a great war in which demons from the underworld almost destroyed humanity. And they would have completed their dirty work if the spirits of Heaven had not come to the aid of people. They began to teach the descendants of Adam how to resist the forces of evil. One of the warriors who is undergoing retraining to fight the fiends of Hell falls under our command.

At the end of August, an update was installed on the game servers " Revival of creators" Its key innovation is the system of gods, thanks to which real The forces of Heaven will finally manifest themselves on the battlefield.

Now, upon reaching level twenty, players can enter the path of godhood. The path is not short - from an ordinary novice to a full-fledged god. The lowest rank in the divine hierarchy is adherent of faith. In order to advance further, you need to complete special daily tasks and thereby earn.

faith points But, having already become adepts, heroes can transform into a divine avatar, significantly improving their combat qualities and gaining access to the most powerful divine skills. Not for long, however, only for thirty seconds and once every half hour. The closer the “Olympus” gets, the more divine abilities the hero gains and the more effort is required to rise higher. At the same time, the number of gods of the highest ranks on the server is limited: sun gods maybe five, but let's say goddess of revenge

- only one. We foresee battles for prestigious status under the highlander motto “Only one can remain alive!”

From the very beginning, Blood and Soul includes a second space one and, as is now in fashion, literally drags the player forward with the pressure and speed of an electric locomotive. When creating a ward, we can only customize his appearance, but you will be allowed to determine the class only after you get used to it and pass dozens of quests. First fork: warrior, shooter, mage or bard. To the sixtieth level - the second round. For example, a sixties bard can become a healer or a blesser, and a warrior can become a melee fighter or an impenetrable “tank.” But we still have to wait until then. You’re even spared the need to run to a trainer for skills - all skills are unlocked on the spot. Gradually, instances that the group can complete for a time become available. Before the treacherous seconds had passed, the final reward was gone.

In defiance of evolution

What is remarkable about the game will become obvious from the secret already at the fifteenth level. After completing the next task you will be given an elf.

More precisely, an elf.

In the world of Blood and Soul, elves are cute, seemingly divine fairies who descended from Heaven to help people fight demons. Celestial creatures gain experience and grow in levels along with the character. They do not participate in battles, but they strengthen the hero with their presence. The main difference between elves is the characteristics that are added to the characteristics of the owner. In addition, messengers of Heaven often have beneficial properties

. For example, they give the hero the opportunity to periodically immobilize enemies or restore health after each attack. The first elf you are given is mediocre and weak. But to become the owner of a real Valkyrie elf, you will have to go against evolution and engage in selection. Having chosen an elf to your taste, you raise her, and then cross her with an elf another player . Please do not ask us about the intricacies of hybridization of elves, and even of the same sex, this happens behind closed doors

, and the press, as well as the players, are not allowed there. But the fact is obvious - as a result, completely viable offspring appear. Please note, offspring with characteristics different from those of the original elves. When crossing, there is always a chance of failure - for example, offspring may not be born at all, or the result may be a hybrid of little use.

When you become the owner of a companion that is ideal from your point of view, the work of obtaining a new “sort of” elves will not end.

Each assistant can and should be strengthened by supplying her with the souls of other elves or enchanting her with stones. And don’t forget about feeding: miniature beasts are very gluttonous and, without receiving the next portion of food on time, they weaken and give noticeably fewer advantages to their parameters.

Otherwise, Blood and Soul is prosaic. PK fishing is developed. Everywhere, except the capital and “protected” territories, you can cut scalps. But killing players is fraught with the loss of morality points (the local analogue of karma from) and can cost the lawbreaker his hard-earned belongings. It is much safer for both sides to sort things out in a duel. There is also an arena with a random selection of participants.

On battlefields (in the spirit of those in) only members of warring guilds can fight. The system works like Soviet bureaucratic institutions - the so-called “battles for territory” take place at a strictly allotted time and last exactly one hour. The rules of the game are reminiscent of the Arathi Highlands and are based on capturing and holding key points.

Significant attention is paid to social contacts of the third type - we are, of course, talking about weddings and other amenities inherited from other MMORPGs.

The situation with the technical implementation of the game is less rosy.

The characters, weapons and armor in Blood and Soul are drawn normally. But the engine was not enough to render the environment; everything here is angular and nondescript. In addition, the game world is almost silent. Birds do not sing, water does not gurgle, only during battle the sounds of spells and the death whimpers of monsters are heard. The silence is diluted by background music, which quickly becomes boring. The Chinese are famous for their ability to reproduce the best examples of other people's creativity with the label “Made in China”. But Blood and Soul is a slightly different case. It's hard to call cloning plagiarism

own intellectual property. In appearance, Blood and Soul turned out to be an almost perfectly crafted copy

Loong Online Combat system- a neighboring online world from the same company. The first thing that catches your eye is the almost identical interface. Identical in everything: from ability panels and menu windows to general design.

The action of the game has been moved to other settings, but the monsters of the “brave new world” are immediately recognizable as almost half of the Loong menagerie.

The management is also not all smooth sailing. To move, you can use the WASD layout or the mouse, but when using the latter, our protégé regularly gets stuck between stones and rocks, after which the game helpfully recommends using the buttons to get out of the trap.

Debt good turn deserves another

When it comes to MMORPGs with a shareware distribution model (and Blood and Soul is one of these), we cannot help but talk about what we will be asked to pay for and whether it is possible to do without cash injections. At first glance, it is possible.

Heroes of Blood and Soul have access to four crafting specialties: resource processing (no professions are needed at all to collect resources), disassembling objects, as well as tailoring and blacksmithing. Virtual artisans make weapons, armor and jewelry. Initially, local crafting is very unstable - you never know what characteristics the manufactured weapon will have. Experiments on enchanting objects are also full of surprises - an enchanted object can break. As is customary in many games, all these troubles can be avoided by purchasing a special rune in the game store. On the other hand, if you are not into crafting, then you can do without it.

In addition to beautiful clothes or temporary mounts, at the local supermarket you can purchase upgrades for armor and weapons (sometimes quite noticeable) and a temporary license to use a legal bot for leveling up. After a little setup, he will conscientiously parse the local fauna for experience and prey, not forgetting to resort to the support of spells and healing chemistry.

In general, good results can be achieved by systematically leveling up your character without visiting the store. This, of course, will take much more time, but the result will not differ much. This is a classic scheme used in every self-respecting free MMORPG.

* * *

Blood and Soul could be called a typical mid-level role-playing game, if not for the opportunity to feel like a real fantasy breeder, breed your own breed of elves, and then test the effectiveness of the newly-minted hybrids directly in battle. Considering that the rest of the game's content looks adequate, plus or minus, this provides enough incentive to take part in the battle between Hell and Heaven.

Created jointly by the Chinese company KongZhong and Korean and American developers. Russian-speaking users received access to open beta testing of this unique project, distributed according to the free-to-play model, back in 2012, just a few months later than gamers from the USA, Canada and European countries. And by the time this article was written, this product had thousands of fans around the world, including several thousand Russian-speaking players.

Among other multi-user role playing games Blood and Soul stands out for several features, including not only unique features and original ideas, but also unusual solutions that set this product apart from other similar projects.

This never-ending struggle between good and evil

From time immemorial, there have been three dimensions in the Blood and Soul universe: Heaven, Earth and Hell. Each of them existed separately from the other two, but only until the hellish creatures managed to find a way to open a passage between their dimension and Heaven. A terrible battle began, in which the inhabitants of heaven defeated their opponents and threw them back to Hell.

But the terrible monsters were in no hurry to give up and accept their defeat. They began to penetrate the Earth, which had been away from the conflict all this time. And now only angels are able to save the human world from complete destruction.

Besides global war angels and demons, in which the inhabitants of the Earth, called Teos, fight on the side of good forces, there are many local conflicts. These can be either large-scale guild wars or head-to-head confrontations between two heroes for the favor of the next beauty. In general, each player decides for himself what to do - trade, craft, play musical instruments, study magic or hone military skills. But in any case, he will one way or another be involved in the war of good and evil.

Game mechanics

As with many other similar projects, it all starts with character creation. At first, all users play as one class and only after completing many interesting tasks and leveling up to the tenth level do they get the opportunity to decide on their further development. The player has a choice of several quite ordinary classes:

Warrior. An experienced and strong character who excels in close combat.

Shooter. An excellent option for anyone who prefers to deal physical damage to enemies from a distance, without getting close to them.

Mage - masters the art of casting a wide variety of spells.

Bard. An excellent option for “support”. He can not only deal with opponents, but also heal and resurrect allies.

Each of them has a range of abilities and skills, thanks to which you can get two completely different heroes belonging to the same class.

After creating a character, the user plunges into a huge open world and chooses an activity to his liking. He can simply complete a great variety of exciting quests, fight with other players (PvP is implemented not only in the form of random battles, but also duels, as well as fights in special arenas) or participate in endless confrontations between guilds.

If you level up your character to level sixty, you can choose an additional specialization, which makes the hero an even more unpredictable fighter. But the game has plenty to do besides constant skirmishes with other users or computer monsters. For example, you can engage in trade, organize your own faction and rebuild an entire city, or simply find a life partner, have a luxurious wedding and enjoy each other’s company.

Project Features

The gameplay in Blood and Soul is very similar to Perfect World, and Loong Online, created by the same KongZhong. But at the same time the product has great amount unique solutions that make it much more difficult to compare this one with others. Among the innovative and well-implemented things, the following should be highlighted:

— the ability to transfer many improvements from one thing to another using a special item called “Soul Catcher.” This feature allows you to choose the ideal equipment for your hero without bothering with multi-day farming;

— the opportunity for each player not only to get married, but also to create their own family consisting of good acquaintances or friends. After creating a family, this group of players will have access to a number of interesting quests;

— the presence of a huge number of dungeons populated by a variety of hellish creatures allows you to have fun cutting out these same enemies;

- thanks to the innovative system of emotions, you can give your character unique character traits that will be unique to him. This significantly enlivens the gameplay and makes the characters more human-like;

— the system of elf assistants will allow you to acquire something between a faithful partner and a devoted pet.


The game Blood and Soul is a high-quality client-side MMORPG that is thought out to the smallest detail, which every fan of multiplayer role-playing projects simply must try. Perhaps some will find the graphics too cheesy and the character animations the same type, but you quickly forget about this when you start completing tasks and exploring the huge number of features of this vast open world.

Screenshots for the game Blood and Soul:

Another Chinese giant has appeared on the MMORPG market . Game Blood and soul review our will help you evaluate.

The main task of the developers was to create a living fantasy world. After all, in addition to PvP battles there are many other vital and romantic moments here. The choice of the player is yours - he can be either a man or a woman. Just keep in mind that during the game you will be looking for a partner and even getting married, so don’t rush to choose your gender, but think carefully! The characters are well developed: emotions are expressed on the face, the costumes are amazing in their variety.

A little more about weddings: they can be registered with a special player. The head of the family is the one who completed this procedure first. Families themselves can consist of 4 people. A special feature of families in the game is the ability to connect to a separate chat, as well as a number of preferences: from a special elf to the ability to get married. Yes, weddings are only possible in one family! And future newlyweds must grow up: players no younger than level 50 can exchange rings. And naturally, they must be of different sexes. This is such romance.

And now about the game itself. The beginning of an exciting story is the war of the demons of Hell against the forces of Heaven. As usual, we won the first battle heavenly powers, and the demons decided to take revenge. Players are faced with a global task: to protect people from the forces of evil. Naturally, you will be asked to stand on the side of good and Heaven. In this game you will find everything you need: from bloody battles to romantic dating. By the way, dating is quite real, because the game is online!

All game characters are divided into Shooters, Warriors, Mages and Bards. Only at the beginning such a choice is not available to you: it is possible only from level 20. At level sixty you will be able to choose one of two specialties. This is understandable: in order to determine the specification, experience is needed. In general, your hero will be able to develop up to level 100. Having a final level helps you figure out when the conditional final is and how long it will take to get to the TOP.

Describing Blood and soul review we cannot do without a detailed description of the elves - the companions of the main character. There are 17 types in total, and they differ from each other in their parameters. There are 2 types of elves available for beginners. Their souls can be caught when completing one of the tasks. There is a daily event in the game - “legacy”. It is for completing this task that you can get the remaining 15 types of elves. It's simple: elf chests appear on the map, in one of them you can find an “elf tear”. This is what serves to call the protagonist’s companion. Elves live their own lives: they have childhood, adolescence and adulthood. And of course, they can be upgraded.

Naturally, these are not all the advantages of the game. You can evaluate PvP battles yourself, and not with the help of a description. We looked at the main points of the game Blood and soul, game review this can be considered complete. And we think you’ll figure it out on the spot with guilds and quests.

The MMORPG market is now in a state of mild euphoria. Despite the constantly expanding abundance of representatives, there is room for all games. Constant debate about which one is better forces players to constantly try new worlds. Sometimes this happens when you get tired of the already familiar universes, and sometimes just out of curiosity. Conditional freeware also contributes to this. That is, you do not need to buy the game itself, and there is no monthly payment. It seems like it's free, but if you want, you can buy it game currency, pumped up gear, all sorts of potions or experience points. All the developers are vying with each other to say that there is no imbalance towards buyers, and players playing for free can achieve exactly the same results. This is not always fair, but it is not fatally important, since developers are people too, and they want to eat. And playing Blood and Soul for free is a completely doable task.

The most important aspect of these types of games is their social component. Going on raids with friends, finding new like-minded acquaintances thousands of kilometers away – that’s what’s important. Therefore, many prefer communication between battles, running around and constant pumping. Exchange of items from inventory or division of jointly acquired stuff is something that is not found in single-player campaigns of more thoughtful games. Even the noticeably weaker graphics and the general lack of plot of the process do not deter fans of online projects. As expected, the plot here is only nominal, and tells about the eternal confrontation between Heaven and Hell. Some want to conquer space, while others want to protect it by bringing with them secret knowledge. Blah blah blah, they explained why everything is exactly like this in this universe, and thank you for that.

The main highlight of the game can safely be considered the elves. No, not those pretentious, long-limbed, pointy-eared and dexterous inhabitants of the forest who believe in something like super kind wisdom. In this world, elves are cute little creatures that buzz around your ear like flies. That is, they are not independent, but serve you like a pumped-up sword or magic gloves. Yes, yes, elves are part of the inventory. More precisely, these are elves, female creatures. Accordingly, they also differ in pumping and characteristics. Frail ones that give weak bonuses can be selected immediately at level fifteen. Those that are stronger can be caught, received as trophies or summoned. But the best results can be achieved with special pumping.

Well, pumping is not entirely correct, although it is standard. Here the developers showed either imagination or a penchant for hentai. You can get a good, fit elf by crossing them. Michurinsky selection, so to speak. So, we take one elf and have a mating with another. So we get a new elf, with new abilities. The idea is great, but the process itself remains behind the scenes, unfortunately. And so, the player can experience a serious increase in various characteristics, such as attack or defense. Fortunately, the set of these bonuses is large, and experiment as you wish. Here you should be glad that the henchmen are female creatures, which is noticeably more pleasant than crossing two unshaven elves. Although, if the creators of this game worked Mass Effect, then... And also, they need to be fed with the souls of other elves and enchanted stones. If she is hungry, then the bonuses she gives drop noticeably.

The game boasts of being beginner-friendly. Firstly, when choosing a character, you can only experiment and appearance. To choose a class, you first need to explore the world and gain experience points. Over time, it will be possible to clarify the choice of class at the next stage of leveling. It will be at level sixty. Also, you don’t have to scour the surrounding area in search of upgrades. The game will constantly throw endless tasks at the newcomer, preventing you from relaxing and getting bored. Only over time, various subtleties will begin to appear that will make the gameplay richer and more exciting. Not to say that all this is new, but it turned out well.

In the “Rebirth of the Creators” update, a rather interesting god system was added to the game. It looks like this. Faith points have appeared, accumulating which, starting from the twentieth level, you can move towards the goal of divine becoming. Starting as an adept of a particular patron, the player advances to the title of deity. There are many stages, and when you receive a new one, your character is given special skills that last for thirty seconds. And you can use them once every half hour. The skills are getting stronger, and it’s getting harder to score points. Plus, the player receives the corresponding divine inventory. It is clear that the number of gods is limited. Moreover, there are several varieties of gods, and each type has its own limited number. This is where we can expect fights for the title. If you play carelessly, you can lose the title. There are so many incentives out of the blue, which is really nice.

To further entertain players, large-scale events are regularly held on the servers. That is, a massacre begins. Each of them takes place at a strictly defined time, so that everyone is always up to date. The most notable among them is totem hunting. The raid takes place on enemy territory, which is hosted on a dedicated server. For participants who have not yet acquired pumped-up trinkets, an attraction of unprecedented generosity is being held. Young characters receive worthy things for the duration of a small war, which are safely confiscated after the raid. But the loot remains in the participant’s inventory. Each server has its own totem, which must be protected. And so on until just one remains. Then the winner receives prizes. However, the losers are not left completely deprived either, and receive crumbs from the festive table.

If the player does not want to get involved in this mess, then they can shoot bots together. Although this is easier, there is always a risk of getting stabbed in the back by a fellow soldier. You can commit murders almost everywhere, since there are not enough safe zones. In order not to turn the game into a series of treacherous murders, karma has been introduced into the game balance. The reserve of this karma for negative actions is very small, so after several victims troubles begin. All things will be lost after death. So you have to think about whether the game is worth the candle. You can clear karma, but it will cost very real monetary units. Those who like to play for free should think twice. To find out what is right, you can organize completely legal duels. There is also a legal arena, with a random selection of opponents.

But let's return to the social component. Since most players love to communicate, here the developers met the consumers halfway. In addition to the standard guilds for role-playing games, there is the concept of family. Of course, you can have weddings, but it is interesting that a family can consist of more than ten people. Not in a Christian way. It's a shame that you can't crossbreed characters like tamed elves. For what? Just because. In addition, to crossbreed your pet, you will also have to communicate with other players. And if you do this regularly, the offspring will not always be worthy of attention. And sometimes it’s not there at all. If you want to take part in a war, then there is also no place for loners - only guilds can take part in the war.

Complaints about graphics can be considered standard for MMORPGs. To begin with, it is worth noting the wretchedness game world. Very few details and nice little things. Everything is flat and primitive. The world doesn’t even have echoes, only during the battle the speakers wake up and fill the sound atmosphere with blows, screams, spells and magical effects. The creators also skimped on the musical accompaniment, which sounds rather dull. Some monsters migrated from another game of the company, taking along animation and special effects. The character models themselves are not poorly designed and do not disappoint. But the elves look just great, and it’s noticeable that the designers approached their creation with a sense of humor.

As with any free-to-play MMORPG, there's a lot to spend your money on. It’s already been mentioned here about clearing karma, it’s time to talk about the store. There are not only upgraded weapons and clothes, but also mounts, for example. You can rent an elf for temporary use. You can buy a bot for legal leveling. But you can do without all this by diligently and regularly leveling up your hero. The only thing that won't come for free is craftsmanship. To use it adequately, you need to buy a special rune. You can, of course, do without it, but then it will not be possible to guess the resulting effect. And the enchanted item breaks right during use in battle.

Verdict. If you like MMORPGs with a deep social component, then you should take a closer look at Blood and Soul. The player will definitely be amused by pampering with the elves. Constant raids and wars will not let you get bored. The graphics are quite up to par. There are a lot of people playing it, and experience shows that most of them are friendly.